General Conditions for international
旅客、行李 国际运输总条件
General Conditions for international
transportation of passenger and baggage
(CCAR-121 部)、《危险品规则》等其他现行有效的相关法律、法规制订。 总条件是四川航空股份有限公司国际旅客运输合同的一部分,是川航公司
2024 年 4 月 22 日
目 录
1.0 定义… 01
2.0 适用范围… 04
3.0 客票… 05
4.0 票价和费用 08
5.0 购票和定座 09
6.0 班期时刻、航班取消及变更 10
7.0 客票变更… 11
8.0 退票… 12
9.0 乘机… 15
10.0 超售… 16
11.0 行李运输… 19
12.0 航空器上的行为… 28
13.0 拒绝运输和限制运输 29
14.0 附加服务安排… 32
15.0 行政手续… 33
16.0 旅客服务… 33
17.0 损失赔偿责任… 35
18.0 生效与修改 37
1 定 义
1.1 四川航空股份有限公司《旅客、行李国际运输总条件》(以下简称“条件”)中的下列用语,除具体条款中有其他要求或另有明确规定外,含义如下: 1.1.1“川航”是四川航空股份有限公司的简称,在客票上,川航的两字代码为 “3U”。
1.1.2“公约”是指根据合同规定适用于该项运输的 1929 年 10 月 12 日在华沙签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》(简称“华沙公约”)、1955 年 9 月 28 日在海牙签订的《修改一九二九年十月十二日在华沙签订的统一国际航
空运输某些规则的公约的议定书》(简称“海牙议定书”)以及 1999 年 5 月
28 在蒙特利尔签订的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》(简称“蒙特利尔公约”)。
1.1.5“承运人”是指使用民用航空器运送旅客、行李的公共航空运输企业。 “实际承运人”是指供实际航空运输及其附带服务的航空公司。
1.1.9“无成人陪伴儿童”是指旅行开始之日年满五周岁但不满十二周岁,无家长或 18 岁以上有完全民事行为能力旅客陪伴,单独乘机的儿童。
1.1.10“婴儿”是指在旅行开始之日,出生满十四天(含)以上,但年龄未满二周岁的人(出生不满 14 天的婴儿不予承运)。
除连续客票外,一个票号对应一本客票,构成一个单一运输合同。 1.1.16“连续客票”是指使用同一承运人的两个或两个以上连续票号为一名旅客填开,并构成一个单一运输合同的客票。
1.1.17 “联程客票”是指列有联程航班的客票。 1.1.18“定期客票”是指列明航班、乘机日期和定妥座位的客票。
1.1.22 “航空运输电子客票行程单”(以下简称“行程单”)是指公共航空运输企业和航空运输销售代理企业在旅客购票时,向旅客提供的付款凭证。用作旅客报销凭证,不作为通过机场安检以及登机的凭证。
1.1.34“计划出港时间”指航班时刻管理部门批准的离港时间。 “计划到港时间” 指航班时刻管理部门批准的到港时间。
1.1.40 “舱位等级”是指按照飞机客舱布局划分的服务等级,包括公务舱、经济舱。
1.1.41 “变更费”是指根据客票使用条件,川航对旅客自愿提出要求更改原订航班计划而收取的费用,包括对航班、日期、舱位等的变更收费。
1.1.43 “出港延误”是指航班实际出港撤轮挡时间晚于计划出港时间超过 15分钟的情况。
1.1.53 本规定以工作日计算的时限均不包括当日,从次日起计算。
2 适用范围
2.1 一般规定
2.1.1 除 2.2、2.3、2.4 中另有规定外,本条件适用于川航以民用航空器运输旅客、行李并收取费用的国际运输。
2.1.2 除免费运输和优惠票价运输条件、合同、票证另有规定外,本条件亦适用于免费和优惠票价运输。在二者不一致的情况下,免费运输和运价、合同、票证的特殊规定优先于本条件。
2.1.3 除政府法规及有关合同、票证另有规定外,内地与香港、澳门特别行政区,以及中国大陆与台湾地区之间特殊管理的国内航空运输依照本条件执行。
2.2 包机运输
2.3 代码共享
2.3.1 乘机登记手续截止办理时间;
2.3.2 拒绝运输与限制运输;
2.3.3 行李运输,包括但不限于免费托运行李、随身携带物品的额度及超限额行李收费标准等;
2.3.4 拒绝登机和航班延误的补偿;
2.3.5 航班禁烟。
2.4 法律的优先适用
3 客 票
3.1 一般规定
3.1.1 川航客票是川航和客票上所列姓名的旅客之间运输凭证。川航只向持有川航或与川航签有联运协议的航空公司票证的旅客提供运输。
3.1.2 旅客购买多本客票,即与川航订立多个相互独立的运输合同。旅客购买一本联程客票,即与川航订立一个单一运输合同。根据相关法律法规及本条件的规定,购买多本客票或购买一本联程客票,将产生不同的法律效果。除另有规定外,本条件约定的川航与旅客的权利义务关系仅适用于一个单一运输合同,不牵连至其他运输合同。旅客应对此有充分认识并根据自身实际情况进行选择
3.1.3 旅客购买的客票,仅适用于客票上所列明的自出发地点、约定的经停地点至目的地点的运输。
3.1.4 客票不得转让。如果客票不是由有权乘机或退票的人出示,而川航按规定向出示该客票的人提供了运输或退款,川航对原客票有权乘机或退票的人,不承担责任。
3.1.5 某些以优惠票价销售的客票,可能适用特殊的退改签政策,包括退票仅能退还部分票款或不予退票、改签等,旅客应选择最适合自身需要的票价进行购买。
3.1.6 每张电子客票应按照其所列明的座位等级和已定妥座位的航班及日期由川航接受运输。对未定妥座位的电子客票,川航或其授权销售代理人应按旅客申请,根据适用票价和所申请航班座位可利用情况为旅客定座。
3.1.7 对于电子客票,如果旅客要求乘坐的航段的电子票联不是未使用的有效客票状态,川航有权拒绝承运。
3.1.8 客票上的旅客信息应与旅客提供的真实身份信息相符,否则川航有权拒绝承运。
3.1.9 旅客应在客票有效期内,完成客票上列明的全部航程。如果购买的优惠客票对旅行日期有特殊规定的,必须在该适用运价的规定时间内完成客票列明的全部航程。
3.1.10 某些优惠票价对旅客在一地的最短停留时间和/或最长停留时间有严格的限制,旅客须在规定的时限内完成旅行。
3.2 客票的有效期
3.2.1 一般规定
3.2.2 客票有效期的计算,自旅行开始或者填开客票之日的次日零时起至有效期满之日的次日零时止。。
3.3 客票有效期的延长
3.3.1 川航由于下列原因之一,造成旅客未能在客票有效期内旅行的,其客票有效期将延长到川航能够按照该客票已付票价的舱位等级提供座位的最早航班为止:
3.4 票联的顺序和使用
3.4.6不定期客票或者含有不定期航段的客票,是指旅客在购票时根据自身需求和运价产品规则,允许整张客票或某一航段的航班号、日期、定座状态中的一项或多项在购买时均可为未定妥状态,但在实际承运前必须确认方可接收运输。 3.4.7如果旅客出具的客票是不定期的,旅客可根据川航的运价通告和航班座位可利用情况申请定座。此类客票在客票使用条件和运输合同允许的范围内,在实际承运前,首次免费确认客票上未定妥的事项可以免去变更费用(即变更手续费),只需补收定妥座位时新航程与原未定妥客票的运价差额。
3.5 电子客票行程单
3.5.1 电子客票行程单最迟应在航班起飞后 26 天内打印。
4 票价和费用
4.1 票价的适用
4.1.1 客票价只适用于旅客由出发地机场至目的地机场的航空运输,不包括同一城市的机场与机场之间或机场与市区之间的地面运输费用和各项附加费。
4.1.2 适用票价是旅客购票时所适用的有效运价,适用于客票上所载明的特定日期和航程等运输内容,是川航与旅客之间运输合同的基本内容。
4.1.3 客票售出后,如票价调整,票款不作变动。如果由于旅客原因提出变更航程或者旅行日期等运输内容,将可能影响其应支付的票价。
4.1.4 使用普通票价及优惠票价的客票,应符合该票价规定的使用条件。
4.2 路线
4.3 税款和费用
4.3.1 政府和其他有关当局或机场经营人,因向旅客提供服务设施而按规定征收的税款或收取的费用,均不包括在适用票价之内。该项税款或费用,应由旅客支付,由航空公司代为收取。
4.3.2 旅客购买机票时,承运人将告知旅客未包括在票价中的税款和费用,税费会在客票上分别列明。对航空旅行征收的税款或费用常有变动,而且有可能在客票售出以后征收。如果客票上列明适用的税费有所增加或在客票售出后新增税费,旅客有义务补交。同样,如果旅客在购买机票时支付的税费因被取消或减少而不再适用于旅客,旅客有权申请退款,航空公司将根据政府相关部门规则进行退还。
4.4 付款方式
5 购票和定座
5.1 一般规定
5.1.1 旅客可在川航官方直销渠道及川航认可的授权销售代理人渠道进行咨询和购票。旅客购票时应提供本人有效身份证件或公安机关出具的其它有效身份证件信息,并提供真实有效的联系方式。
5.1.2 旅客在购票前应自行查阅航班始发地、经停地或者目的地国的出入境相关规定,并确保知晓客票运价及退改签相关规则。
5.1.3 购买儿童票、婴儿票,应提供包含儿童、婴儿出生日期的有效证件或证明。
5.1.4 每位旅客应单独持有客票。
5.1.5 只有在旅客按照川航规定的手续和购票时限交付票款,经川航或其授权代理人认可并填开客票,经出票后才能认为座位已经定妥和有效。
5.1.6 川航可以在必要时暂停接受某一航班的定座。
5.1.7 旅客更改或者取消定座,应当在川航规定的时限内提出。运价有特殊规定
5.1.8 如旅客未按川航规定使用已定妥的座位,或旅客未在川航规定的购票时限内交付票款,川航有权取消其定座。
5.1.9 对于虚假购票、恶意占座的旅客,川航有权视情况限制其定座和购票。
5.1.10 出于运行、安全或安保的需要,需监护人员陪伴同行的旅客(如儿童、婴儿、老人、病残人员、押解人员等)所定服务等级舱位必须与同行监护人员一致。
5.2 个人资料
5.2.1 旅客向川航提供的个人资料旨在用于定座及安排相关运输服务。为此,旅客授权川航保留其个人资料且可将资料传送给川航有关部门、或其他相关承运人、或相关运输服务的提供者、或法律、法规许可的机构。
5.2.2 旅客个人资料的真实性及有效性由旅客本人负责,并承担由于其提供资料不真实或不满足有效期所产生的一切后果。
5.2.3 旅客如拒绝提供个人资料,川航有权不予定座。
5.3 机上座位安排
5.3.1 川航将尽力满足旅客预先申请机上座位的要求。但川航不能保证提供任何指定的座位,只负责按旅客客票的物理舱位等级提供座位。出于运行、安全或安保的需要,承运人始终保留分配或者重新分配机上座位的权利,即使是在登机之后。
5.3.2 根据航空安全要求,飞机应急出口处的座位必须由川航指定安排。
6 班期时刻、航班取消及变更
6.1 班期时刻
6.1.1 川航将尽力按照公布的在旅客旅行之日有效的班期时刻,合理的运送旅客及其行李。
6.1.2 除非损失是由于川航的故意或明知可能造成损失而轻率地作为或不作为所造成的,川航对其班期时刻表或其他公布的航班时刻中的差错或遗漏不承担责任。川航雇员、代理人或川航的代表就始发或到达时间、日期或任何航班飞行所作的解释仅作为参考,xx对此不承担责任。
6.1.3 航班时刻表中载明的航班时刻或机型,在其公布之日与旅客实际开始旅行
6.1.4 川航在接受旅客订票之前,将告知旅客当时有效的预订航班时刻,并在旅客的纸质客票或电子客票联上列明。在客票售出后,川航可能会更改航班时刻。如果旅客给川航提供了有效联系方式,川航将通知旅客航班时刻的变更。在旅客购票之后,如果川航航班计划出港时间/计划到港时间延后超过 15 分钟、计划出港时间提前,可按照本条件非自愿变更或非自愿退票规定办理。办理客票的非自愿变更时,旅客在确认替代航班后,由于旅客原因再次提出变更或退票的,按照自愿变更或退票的相关规定办理。
6.2 航班取消及变更
6.2.1 有下列情况之一的,川航可以不经事先通知,取消、终止、变更、延期或者推迟航班飞行:
6.2.2 由于 6.2.1 原因之一者,造成川航航班取消或延误,因而未能合理按照班期时刻飞行,或未能向旅客提供已定妥的座位(包括舱位等级),或未能在旅客的中途分程地点或目的地点停留,或造成旅客已定妥座位的航班衔接错失,川航将考虑旅客的合理需要并根据本条件非自愿变更或非自愿退票规定办理。
6.2.3 本条件 6.2.2 条所列的补救措施是旅客可选择的全部补救措施。除法律、行政法规和公约另有规定外,川航不再承担其他责任。
6.2.4 川航将采取一切必要的措施来避免旅客以及旅客的行李延误。如川航已经采取了一切必要的措施或不可能采取该措施的,川航不承担责任。
6.3 本条所称“延误”是指航班实际出港撤轮挡时间晚于计划出港时间超过 15分钟的情况,不包括因航班飞行计划调整所致的航班出港时间晚于原计划出港时间的情况。
7 客票变更
7.1 自愿变更
7.1.1 自愿变更客票,是指旅客因其自身原因要求变更客票。
7.1.2 旅客购票后要求自愿变更客票,川航及川航授权代理人可在航班有可利用座位和时间允许的条件下,按照客票使用条件办理,旅客须承担由此造成的票款差额和其它相关费用。
7.1.3 旅客购票后要求自愿变更承运人,按自愿退票的规定办理。
7.1.4 除运价另有规定外,使用儿童运价的儿童和占座婴儿按成人标准扣除变更费用,使用婴儿运价的不占座婴儿不收取变更费。
7.2 非自愿变更
7.2.1 由于非川航原因导致旅客非自愿变更客票的,川航应当考虑旅客的合理需要并采取以下措施之一:
7.2.2 由于川航原因导致旅客非自愿变更客票的,川航应当考虑旅客的合理需要并采取以下措施之一:
7.2.3 旅客非自愿变更,如不接受航空公司统一安排的,允许免费变更一次,变更航班的日期范围可选择原购航班日期提前 15 天(含)或推后 15 天(含)范围内的航班。若以上日期范围内无可利用航班,则允许免费变更至最近的可利用的航班,免费变更次数限一次。超过此范围的,按非自愿退票或自愿变更处理。
8 退 票
8.1 一般规定
8.1.1 由于川航未能按照运输合同提供运输或旅客自愿改变其旅行安排,对旅客未能使用的全部或部分客票,川航将按规定办理退票。
8.1.2 旅客要求退款,最迟应在开始旅行之日起(客票完全未使用的,在填开之日起)十三个月内提出。完全未使用的客票换开后,旅客要求对新客票退款,最迟应在开始旅行之日(换开后第一航段仍未使用的,从换开之日)起十三个月内办理。对于超出上述期限范围的退款申请,川航不予受理。
8.1.3 办理退票时,客票上状态为“OPEN FOR USE”的航段才予以办理退票。
8.1.4 旅客在航班的经停地自动终止旅行,该航班未使用航段的票款不退。
8.1.5 如旅客已打印电子客票行程单,退票时必须提供已打印的行程单。
8.2 退票受款人
8.2.1 川航有权向客票上列明姓名的旅客本人办理退票。
8.2.2 当客票上列明姓名的旅客不是该客票的付款人,并且在客票上已列明了退票限制条件,川航按所列明的限制条件将票款退给付款人或者指定人。
8.2.3 旅客或付款人申请退票应出示本人有效身份证件;如申请退票人不是客票上所列明的旅客本人或付款人本人,应出示申请退票人的有效身份证件及旅客或付款人的有效身份证件及退款授权书。
8.2.4 川航按 8.1 规定将票款退给符合 8.2.1、8.2.2、8.2.3 规定的人,视为正当退票;xxx随即解除责任。
8.3 退票地点
8.3.1 旅客要求退票原则上应在原付款地办理退款,换开过的客票也可在换开地办理退款。旅客非自愿退票,可在原购票地、航班始发地、经停地、终止旅行地的川航售票处或川航直销服务热线办理。
8.3.2 持不定期客票的旅客要求退票,只限在原购票的售票处办理。
8.4 货币
8.5 自愿退票
8.5.1 自愿退票,是指旅客因其自身原因要求退票。
8.5.2 自愿退票,按下列规定办理:
8.6 非自愿退票
8.6.1 非自愿退票,是指因航班取消、出港延误、提前、航程改变、舱位等级变更或者承运人无法运行原航班等情形,导致旅客退票的情形。
8.6.2 非自愿退票,按下列规定办理:
8.7 退款至信用卡或借记卡
8.8 拒绝退票:
8.8.1 除了非自愿退票外,有以下任何一种或一种以上情况的,有关单位应拒绝退票:
8.9 退回税款
8.10 川航在收到旅客有效退款申请(含退款所需票证证明)之日起 7 个工作日内办理完成退款时间(上述时间不含金融机构处理时间)。
9 乘 机
9.1 一般规定
9.1.1 旅客应在川航规定的时限内到达机场,在川航或川航地面服务代理人停止办理乘机手续前,凭与购票时一致的有效身份证件按时办理客票查验、托运行李、获取纸质或者电子登机凭证等乘机手续。
9.1.2 如旅客因非川航原因未能按时到达乘机登记柜台,或未在规定的登机口关闭时间之前到达登机口,或未能出示其有效身份证件及运输凭证,川航为不延误航班可取消旅客已定妥的座位。对旅客因此而产生的损失和费用,川航不承担责任。如果旅客提出退票,按自愿退票规定办理。
9.1.3 川航或川航地面服务代理人应将旅客姓名、航班号、乘机日期、登机时间、登机口、航程等已确定信息准确、清晰地显示在纸质或者电子登机凭证上。登机口、登机时间发生变更的,川航或川航地面服务代理人应及时告知旅客。
9.1.4 各机场的截止办理乘机手续时间并不一致,如旅客对川航航班出港机场截止办理乘机手续时间不了解,应提前向销售人员进行咨询或登录川航官方网站 xxxx:// 查询。旅客应预留充足的时间办理乘机登机手续。如果旅客未在规定的航班截止办理乘机手续时间之前办理乘机手续,川航有权取消旅客的定座。
9.1.5 川航及川航地面服务代理人应按时开放乘机登记柜台,按规定接受旅客出具的客票,快速、准确地办理乘机登记手续。
9.1.6 乘机前,旅客及其行李和免费随身携带物品必须经过安全检查。
9.1.7 在关舱门滑出后,除不可抗力以及旅客突发急病或威胁到生命的情况外,不允许机上旅客中止行程。
9.2 旅客漏乘
9.2.2 由于川航原因造成旅客漏乘,川航应尽早安排旅客乘坐后续航班成行,如旅客要求退票,按非自愿退票的有关规定办理。
9.3 旅客错乘
9.3.1 若旅客发生错乘,川航将尽早安排旅客搭乘后续航班飞往旅客客票上列明的目的地点。如旅客在错乘到达站要求退票,按非自愿退票的规定办理。
9.4 旅客误机
9.4.1 由于旅客原因导致误机后要求客票变更或退票的,川航按自愿变更或自愿退票有关规定办理。
9.4.2 由于川航原因导致旅客误机后要求客票变更,在后续航班有空余座位的情况下,川航将积极予以安排,按照本条件 7.2“非自愿变更”有关规定办理;旅客要求退票的,按本条件 8.6“非自愿退票”有关规定办理。
10 超 售
10.1 超售信息告知
10.1.1 按照国际航空运输行业通行的做法,为减少因部分旅客临时取消出行计划而造成的航班座位虚耗,川航可能在某些航班上进行适当的超售,以满足更多旅客的出行需求。
10.1.2 因川航超售原因导致实际乘机旅客人数超过实际可利用座位数,而造成少数超售旅客不能按原定航班成行的,川航或者其地面服务代理人将根据征集自愿者程序,寻找自愿放弃行程的旅客,并按协商标准进行赔偿和服务。在无法征集到足够自愿者的情况下,xx将使用优先登机规则拒绝部分旅客登机,并提供超售赔偿和后续服务,按旅客需要出具因超售而放弃行程或者被拒绝登机的证明。
10.2 适用范围
10.3 征集自愿者程序
10.3.1 适用旅客
10.3.2 征集程序
10.4 优先登机规则
10.4.1 经济舱旅客座位的优先保障顺序如下:
(11)三人(含)以上同行的散客(同一 PNR 中);
10.4.2 公务舱旅客座位的优先保障顺序如下:
(12)A 舱旅客;
10.5 超售服务及赔偿
10.5.1 因超售导致旅客自愿放弃行程或者被拒绝登机时,川航将优先安排旅客乘坐最早的航班以确保旅客成行,或为旅客按非自愿规定办理非自愿退票并按照 10.5.2 的标准进行额外补偿。
航班类别 | 赔偿标准 |
中国境内 | 300 元 |
中国内地-地区航线 | 800 元 |
中国-亚洲国家、中东区域 | 1500 元 |
中国-美洲、大洋洲、欧洲、 非洲(中东区域除外) | 2500 元 |
10.5.2 旅客可在川航补票窗口或各营业部指定售票处办理退票手续,并且按照以下标准提供额外补偿:
10.5.3 对于根据自愿者征集程序自愿放弃行程的旅客,川航将根据双方协商标
10.5.4 对于因优先登机规则被拒绝登机的旅客,川航将根据超售航班的类别,按以下标准给予赔偿:
航班类别 | 后续航班等待时间 | 赔偿标准 |
中国内地-地区航线 | 当天可签转 | 800 元 |
中国-亚洲国家、中东区域 | 800 元 | |
中国-美洲、大洋洲、欧洲、非洲(中东区域除外) | 800 元 | |
中国内地-地区航线 | 隔天可签转 | 800 元 |
中国-亚洲国家、中东区域 | 2500 元 | |
中国-美洲、大洋洲、欧洲、非洲(中东区域除外) | 2500 元 |
针对无法安排当天航班成行的旅客,川航将免费为旅客提供食宿,并对需要在绕道点过夜的国际/地区航班旅客再按一晚 500 元/人标准提供食宿交通补偿,由旅客在绕道点自行安排食宿交通。
10.5.5 超售服务和赔偿标准如与适用的强制性法律法规不一致,可按相应法律法规执行。
11 行李运输
11.1 一般规定
11.1.1 禁止随身携带和托运的物品
11.1.2 不得作为托运行李的物品
(1)下列物品不得作为托运行李或在托运行李中夹带,对托运行李中放置或夹带下述物品的遗失和损坏,川航按一般托运行李承担责任,损害赔偿责任参见本条件 11.7.4:
a.易碎或易损坏物品; b.易腐物品;
h.样品等贵重物品; i.重要文件和资料;
j.旅行证件、医疗证明、X 光片; k.个人需定时服用的处方药。
(2)如果在旅客的行李中夹带了本条件第 11.1.1 款禁止携带或运输物品,如果由于政府有关部门、机场管理机构、安全检查机构实施的与行李检查有关的行为造成的此类物品的遗失及损坏,对此类物品的任何遗失、损坏或没收,川航不承担责任。
11.1.3 特殊行李/限制运输的物品
11.1.4 拒绝运输权
(1)旅客的非托运行李,如属于或夹带有 11.1.1 所列物品,或者托运行李
内夹带 11.1.2 所列的物品,川航应当拒绝收运或者终止运输,并通知旅客。
11.1.5 检查权
11.2 行李托运
11.2.1 旅客托运行李必须符合下列要求:
a.旅行箱、旅行袋和手提包等必须加锁; b.两件(含)以上的包件,不能捆为一件; c.行李上不能附插其它物品;
a.应明确告知旅客所免除责任的项目; b.应在所免除责任的项目上做标记; c.旅客应在“旅客签字”栏内签字。
11.3 免费行李额
11.3.1 免费行李额
a.不占座位的婴儿旅客可免费托运 1 件行李,重量不超过 10 千克(22 磅),体积(三边之和)不超过 115 厘米(45 英寸)。携带婴儿的旅客可以免费携带在航班上喂食婴儿的食品、婴儿使用的纸尿裤;一辆可带入客舱的便携式可折叠婴儿车。婴儿车折叠后长、宽、高分别不超过 55 厘米(22 英寸)、40 厘米
(16 英寸)、20 厘米(8 英寸),超过上述尺寸的婴儿车可额外免费作为托运行李运输。
a.托运行李的体积限制应遵循当地法律规定,无明确规定的,单件托运行李的三边之和不得超过 300 厘米(118 英寸),且符合当地机场安保要求。
a.对于涉及英国或英联邦国家(例如加拿大、澳大利亚等)航线,单件托运行李的最大重量不得超过 32 千克(70 磅)。
b.其他航线,应遵循当地法律规定,无明确规定的,单件托运行李的最大重量不得超过 45 千克(100 磅)。
11.3.2 非托运行李的限制
a.川航限定手提行李的重量,持公务舱客票的旅客,每人可随身携带两件手提行李;持经济舱客票的旅客,每人只能随身携带一件手提行李。每件手提行李的三边分别不得超过 20×40×55 厘米, 每件手提行李的重量不超过 8 公斤。
如旅客的行李物品不适合作为托运行李装在货舱内运输(如精致的乐器),并且不符合 11.3.2(1)的规定,需事先征得川航的同意并且交付相应费用后,可作为占座行李带入客舱并由旅客自行保管。
11.3.3 旅客的托运行李和非托运行李均应在办理乘机手续时交川航计重或计件,并将重量和件数填入“客票及行李票”的相应栏内。托运行李在运输期间由川航负责照顾,非托运行李在运输期间由旅客自行照管。
11.4 逾重(超限)行李
11.4.1 旅客的托运行李超过其免费行李额的部分,称为逾重(超限)行李,应当支付逾重(超限)行李费。
11.4.2 收取逾重(超限)行李费,应填开逾重(超限)行李票。
11.4.3 逾重(超限)行李的收费,应分别按照超出件数、超出重量、超出尺寸三个方面的标准进行累计收费。
11.4.4 逾重xxx率和计算方法,按照川航在官网上及时更新和公布的标准执行。
11.4.5 收费标准默认货币为人民币,特殊情况下(如旅客无人民币等),收取旅客目的地货币时,参照目的地始发行李收费标准执行。
11.5 行李声明价值
11.5.1 一般规定
(1)旅客的托运行李,每公斤价值超过 30 美元或等值的其他货币时,可办理行李声明价值,并支付行李声明价值附加费。
(2)托运行李的声明价值不能超过行李本身的实际价值。每一旅客的行李声明价值最高限额为 5000 美元( 或等值人民币及其它货币金额)。如川航对声明价值有异议而旅客又拒绝接受检查时,川航有权拒绝收运。
(4)川航按照旅客声明的价值中超过 11.5.1(1)规定限额部分的价值的 5‰收取声明价值附加费。
11.5.2 如果声明价值行李的部分运输由不提供行李声明价值服务的其他承运人承担时,川航有权拒绝提供托运行李的声明价值服务。
11.6 小动物、服务犬
11.6.1 小动物是指旅客托运的小型动物,包括家庭饲养的狗、猫或其他类别的
11.6.2 旅客携带小动物,应符合下列规定:
(3)旅客应在乘机当日,不晚于离站时间前 90 分钟,将活体动物自行运至机场办理托运手续。
(4)宠物需要分开独立包装(一对小鸟可装入同一个笼内),每个独立包装的宠物和宠物箱的合计重量(含宠物箱内的食物和水)不得超过 32kg(含)。最大不能超过 40×60 ×100 厘米,最小不能小于 5×15×20 厘米,超过(或低于)尺寸和重量标准应作为货物运输。
11.6.3 旅客携带的小动物及容器和食物,应当作为托运行李交川航,并按逾重
11.6.4 服务犬运输
(4)旅客携带服务犬乘机,原则上不晚于航班预计起飞时间前 48 小时提出申请,在符合川航运输条件并经川航同意后,可由残疾旅客本人带入客舱运输。服务犬连同其容器和食物可以免费运输,不计算在免费行李额内。
11.6.5 除非川航有过失,川航对运输途中小动物的受伤、丢失、延误、患病或者死亡不承担责任。旅客应对运输上述小动物(包括服务犬)承担全部责任。如小动物因被拒绝入境或者过境而造成的受伤、丢失、延误、患病或者死亡,川航不承担责任。
11.6.6 运输责任
11.7 行李交付
11.7.1 行李交付
(3)若旅客未立即领取行李,川航从行李到达的次日起向旅客收取行李保管费。对于旅客行李中的易腐物品,川航有权在行李到达 24 小时后予以处理。
11.7.2 无人认领的行李
行李自到达的次日起,超过 180 日仍无人认领,川航可按照无法交付行李的有关规定处理。对于旅客行李中的鲜活、易腐物品,不受上述时间限制。
11.7.3 行李不正常运输的处理
11.7.4 行李赔偿
——没有购物发票等充分证据证明的情况下,每名旅客托运行李和非托运行李的最高限额为每公斤 30 美元。
——如证据充分,则每名旅客托运行李和非托运行李的最高限额为 1288特别提款权。
——赔偿限额为:每公斤 17 特别提款权。
——非托运行李的赔偿限额为 332 特别提款权。
(2)索赔和诉讼的时限 a.提出异议时限
a.公务舱旅客临时生活费标准为 100 美元,在此基础上,每多延误一天增
加补偿 50 美元,临时生活费补偿总额以 200 美元为限额。
b.经济舱旅客临时生活费标准为 50 美元,在此基础上,每多延误一天增
加补偿 25 美元,临时生活费补偿总额以 100 美元为限额。
12 航空器上的行为
12.1 如果旅客在飞机上的行为危及到飞机或飞机上任何人或财产的安全,或妨碍机组人员履行职责,或不遵守机组的指示,或有其他旅客有理由反对的行为,川航可以采取其认为必要的措施,以阻止该行为的继续,包括对旅客实施管束。旅客有可能在任何地点被要求下机并被拒绝续运,而且有可能因机舱内的不当行为被起诉。
12.2 便携式电子设备的禁用和限制
12.3 航班禁烟
12.4 酒精饮料限制
12.5 安全带
13 拒绝运输和限制运输
13.1 川航出于安全原因或根据自己合理的判断,认为属下列情形之一的,有权拒绝运输旅客及其行李:
13.1.1 依据始发地、经停地、目的地或者飞越国家的有关规定禁止运输的旅客或者物品;
13.1.2 拒绝接受安全检查的旅客;
13.1.3 未经安全检查的行李;
13.1.4 办理乘机登记手续时未能出示有效身份证件,或出具的身份证件与购票时身份证件不一致的旅客;
13.1.5 国家规定的其他情况;
13.1.6 除前款规定外,旅客的行为有可能危及飞行安全或者公共秩序的,川航有权拒绝运输:
(6)旅客出示的纸质客票是非法获得或不是在出票承运人或其销售代理人处购买的,或属已挂失或被盗的、或是伪造的、或不是由承运人或其销售代理人更改的乘机联或乘机联被涂改的;或旅客无有效的电子客票记录;或其电子客票状态不为“OPEN FOR USE”
b.不能提供川航规定的证明文件的患病旅客; c.各类不适宜乘机旅行的患病旅客等。
13.2 被拒绝运输后的客票处置
旅客因本规定 13.1 被拒绝运输而要求出具书面说明的,除国家另有规定外,川航将及时出具;旅客要求变更客票或者退票的,川航可以按照所适用的运输总条件、客票使用条件办理。
13.3 限制运输
13.3.1 婴儿/儿童的承运
(1)川航承运的婴儿是指旅行之日出生已满 14 天(出生次日开始计算第 14
天),但不满 2 周岁的婴儿和出生不足 90 天的早产婴儿(胎龄满 28 周不满 37周)不予承运。
(2)“儿童”是指在旅行开始之日,年龄满 2 周岁但不满 12 周岁的旅客。
(3)旅行开始之日年满 5 周岁但未满 12 周岁的儿童,如需单独乘机,必须申请无成人陪伴儿童服务。
(4)不满 5 周岁的儿童和婴儿,以及年满 5 周岁却未申请无陪服务的 12 周
岁以下儿童乘机,必须有一位同等物理舱位、年满 18 周岁具有完全民事行为能力及陪护能力的成人陪同,具体要求如下:
a.每位成年旅客可携带的未满 12 周岁儿童及婴儿的总数量不超过 8 名,
其中未满 5 周岁儿童及婴儿总数不得超过 3 名(婴儿不超过 1 名)。如成人需
携带的 5 岁以上儿童超过 8 名的总数量限制时,可按儿童团队向川航进行申请购票。
b.每位成年旅客只可携带 1 名(在紧急撤离时需要协助的)患病或残疾的儿童或婴儿,且不能再携带其他儿童或婴儿。
d.对于涉美航线,应按照当地的法律、法规执行,本条 b、c 款不适用。 e.有成人陪伴儿童原则上应与陪伴的成人旅客同时办理乘机手续,儿童旅
(6)已满 5 周岁,但不满 12 周岁的儿童旅客乘机,如无已满 18 周岁且具有完全民事行为能力的成人陪伴同行,应事先向川航申请办理无成人陪伴儿童服务。每一航班承运的无成人陪伴儿童有数量限制,超出数量川航有权拒绝运输。
13.3.2 青少年的承运
已满 12 周岁不满 18 周岁的青少年旅客单独旅行,可自愿申请无成人陪伴青少年服务。
13.3.3 孕妇的承运
(1)怀孕不足 32 周(含)的孕妇旅客乘机,除医生诊断不适宜乘机者外,川航将作为一般旅客承运。
(2)怀孕超过 32 周但不足 36 周的孕妇乘机,应在乘机前 72 小时内填开诊断证明书,并有县、市级(或相当于这一级)的医疗单位盖章和该院医生签字方能生效,
(3)怀孕超过 36 周(含)的孕妇,或预产期在 4 周(含)以内,或预产期
不确定但已知为多胎分娩或预计有分娩并发症者,或产后不足 7 天者,或有先兆流产反应的孕妇,川航不提供航空运输服务。
13.3.4 受伤或患病旅客的承运
c.要求在空中使用医用氧气者;(川航暂不提供) d.可能在空中有生命危险或要求医疗性护理者; e.已知有传染性疾病但采取措施可以预防者;
c.近期患自发性气胸的病人或近期做过气胸整形手术的患者; d.大纵膈肿瘤、特大疝肿及肠梗阻病人;
e.头部损伤造成颅内压增高及颅骨骨折者; f.下颌骨骨折近期使用过金属线连接者;
g.在过去 30 天内患过脊髓灰质炎的病人,延髓形脊髓灰质炎患者; h.带有严重咳血、吐血或者呕吐症状的病人;
(3)“医疗证明”在航班预计起飞时间前 4 天内填开的方为有效,病情严
重的旅客,则应具备航班预计起飞时间前 2 天内填开的“医疗证明”,具体详见四川航空官网。
14 附加服务安排
14.1 如果我们为您安排由第三方提供的航空运输之外的服务,或者我们为您出具地面运输、旅馆预订或者车辆租赁等由第三方提供的(非航空的)运输或者服务的票证或者收款凭证,在安排上述附加服务时,我们仅作为您的代理,而对于您能否得到此类服务及其服务质量不承担责任。第三方服务提供者的条款和条件适用于该服务。
14.2 如果我们也向您提供地面运输,本条件不适用于该地面运输。
15 行政手续
15.1 旅客须自行查阅并遵守出发地国家、过境国、到达地国家的所有法律、规定、命令、要求、旅行条件以及川航有关规定,若因旅客未遵守有关规定而导致无法乘机或无法到达目的地的,川航不承担因此而造成的损失。对于任何川航的授权代理人或雇员向旅客为获得必要的文件和签证,或为遵守上述法律、规定、命令、要求和条件而提供的任何帮助或信息,川航不承担责任;对于因此导致旅客不能获得此类文件或签证,或因此未能遵守有关法律、规定、命令、要求、条件或规则,川航也不承担任何责任。
15.2 旅客应出示有关国家的法律、规定、命令、要求或条件所要求的出境、入境、健康和其他必要文件,并允许川航持有和保留其副本。对于未遵守国家法律、规定、命令、要求或条件的旅客;或其证件不符合要求的;或不允许川航持有和保留其证件副本的旅客,川航保留拒绝运输的权利。
15.3 川航遵照政府的命令将被拒绝过境或入境的旅客运回至始发地点或其它地点时,该旅客应支付所产生的费用。川航可用已付给川航的未被使用的航段票款,或旅客已支付给川航的任何资金来抵付此费用。已收取用于运送至拒绝入境点或遣返点的费用,川航将不予退还。
15.4 如果由于旅客未能遵守有关国家的法律、规定、命令、要求和旅行条件或未能出具所要求的文件,导致川航被要求支付或抵押罚金或负担任何的开支,旅客应按川航的要求偿还川航已付的费用或抵押金和全部因此而产生的费用。为支付这些费用川航可以使用旅客已支付给川航的未使用航段票款或该旅客已支付给川航的任何资金。
15.5 旅客应接受政府或机场官员或川航的任何安全检查。对于拒绝接受安全检查的旅客,及未经安全检查的行李,川航将拒绝运输。
15.6 为了运输安全,川航有权要求旅客接受对其行李进行安全检查;必要时,也可以在旅客没有到场的情况下对其行李进行检查。如旅客不接受此种检查,川航有权拒绝运输。
15.7 海关和其他政府官员需要检查旅客的行李时,旅客应当到场。对旅客因此而遭受的任何损失,川航不承担责任。
16 旅客服务
16.1 除另有规定外,空中飞行过程中,川航应按其规定向旅客免费提供饮料或餐食,但川航不能保证提供超过规定的品种和数量的餐食服务。
16.2 除非另有规定,川航不为旅客提供机场区域内、机场与机场之间或机场与市区之间等地面运输。对于此项服务提供者的行为,或任何川航代理人或代表为旅客取得此项服务给予的任何的帮助,xx不承担责任。
16.3 旅客在联程航班衔接地点的地面膳宿费用,应由旅客自理。
16.4 在航空运输过程中,旅客发生疾病时,川航应积极采取措施,尽力救护。但是旅客的人身伤亡完全是由于旅客本人的健康状况造成的,费用由旅客承担。
16.5 不正常航班的服务和延误补偿条件及标准。
16.5.1 信息通告
在航班状态发生变化之后的 30 分钟内,川航应通过各种渠道及时、准确地向旅客发布航班出港延误或者取消信息,包括航班出港延误或者取消原因及航班动态。
16.5.2 服务要求
16.5.3 服务标准
16.5.4 机上延误处置
(1)发生机上延误后,应每 30 分钟向旅客通告延误原因、预计延误时间等航班动态信息。
(3)机上延误超过 2 小时(含)的,应当为机上旅客提供饮用水和食品。
(4)机上延误超过 3 个小时(含)且无明确起飞时间的,应在不违反航空安全、安全保卫规定的情况下,安排旅客下飞机等待。
16.5.5 由于机务维护、航班调配、机组等航空公司的原因,造成航班延误,川航将根据为旅客改签、变道及绕道的实际延误时间进行补偿:
(1)承运人原因航班延误、取消补班(包括备降地、经停地),延误 4 小
时(含)以上不超过 8 小时,向旅客补偿人民币 200 元。延误 8 小时(含)以
上,向旅客补偿人民币 400 元。
(2)儿童客票的经济补偿按照成人补偿金计算;婴儿客票的经济补偿按照成人补偿金的 10%计算。
16.6 川航受理旅客投诉的电子邮件和电话
17 损失赔偿责任
17.1 川航对旅客的运输责任受本运输条件约束,与旅客航程有关的其它承运人对旅客的运输责任受其各自的运输条件约束。
17.2 川航办理的运输,属于蒙特利尔公约界定的国际运输,应当适用蒙特利尔公约的责任规则。不属于蒙特利尔公约界定的国际运输,对由于运输造成的旅客和行李的任何损害,川航按照华沙公约的相关规定承担赔偿责任。
17.3 对于公约中适用的国际运输以外的运输:
17.4 在公约适用于该运输的情况下:
17.4.1 川航和其它承运人依据一本客票或者连续客票履行的运输,应当被视为一个单一的运输。但是,对于托运行李,旅客可以向客票或行李票上列明的第一或者最后承运人索赔。在川航承运代码共享航班但不是出票承运人的情况下,川航仅对发生在川航承运的航班上的损失承担责任。对于川航客票上的川航代码共享航班,即使行李由其他承运人承运,川航应对行李索赔承担责任。除上述规定外,xx为其他承运人的航班填开客票或办理行李托运时,只作为该其他承运人的代理人。
17.4.2 除非是由于川航、川航的雇员或代理人的过错所造成的,否则川航对旅客随身携带行李的损失不承担责任。
17.4.3 对于因川航遵守适用的法律、政府规则和规定,或由于旅客不遵守上述法律、政府规则和规定而给旅客造成的损害,川航不承担责任。
17.4.4 除本条件另有规定外,按照适用公约的规定,川航对旅客可补偿的损害仅限于且不高于经证实的实际损失和费用。川航对间接的或随之引发的损失不承担责任
17.4.5 如果损害是由于旅客的过错造成或者促成的,应当按照适用的法律,相应免除或者减轻川航对损失承担的赔偿责任。
17.4.6 川航的运输合同,包括本条件以及免除或限制责任的条款,同样适用于川航的授权代理人和受雇人。在任何情况下,从川航及川航的授权代理人和受雇人获取的赔偿总额不得超过川航的责任限额。
17.4.7 除非有明确规定,本条件不应使川航放弃适用根据公约或适用法律的任何免除或限制川航责任的规定。
17.4.8 川航对因旅客的行李或内装物品导致的任何损害不承担责任。旅客的行李或内装物品对他人、他人的财产包括其它行李或其内装物品和川航的财产造成损害的,旅客应当承担责任。
17.4.9 川航对于根据本条件第 11.1.2 所规定的不允许放在托运行李中的物品,无论其损害如何,均不承担责任。
17.4.10 旅客在运输过程中由于其年龄、精神、或健康状况对本人形成危害和危险,并由此造成或加重其本人的任何疾病、受伤、残疾或死亡,川航不承担责任。
18 生效与修改
18.1 本条件 2024 年 4 月 22 日起生效并实施。
18.2 川航有权依照中国民航局规定的程序,不经预先通知修改本条件中的任何条款。但此修改不适用于修改前已经开始的运输。
18.3 川航的代理人、雇员或代表均无权变更、修改或放弃本条件中的任何条款。
18.4 川航不得将本条件限制旅客权力或者增加旅客义务的修改内容适用于修改前已购票的旅客,但是国家另有规定的除外。
18.5 如需了解本条件未能详尽说明的其他内容,可登录四川航空官网查询。
General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage
Statement of the General Manager
General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage of Sichuan Airlines is developed in accordance with Montreal Convention, Warsaw Convention, Civil Aviation Law of the People’s Republic of China, Management Provisions on Passenger Services of Air Transportation for the Public, Operation Certification: Large Airplanes Air Carrier (CCAR-121), Dangerous Goods Regulations and other current applicable laws, rules and regulations.
General Conditions are one part of the contract of international carriage for passengers of Sichuan Airlines, the regulatory document at company level of Sichuan Airlines, and the described guidelines, policies, provisions and standards of international carriage of passengers and baggage are the tenet and criteria all staff and ground service agent must abide by in ticketing and ground service of international carriage for passengers. Each department and person engaged in international carriage for passengers and baggage, including branch, sales department, representative office and ground agent, must strictly follow and carry out the General Conditions.
The issuance of General Conditions will instruct and improve the standardization, normalization and programming of ticketing, check-in service, and baggage transportation etc. in the international passenger carriage of Sichuan Airlines, and ensure constant improvement of flight operation safety, regularity and service of Sichuan Airlines.
Sichuan Airlines
General Manager:
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Definitions 01
Chapter 2 Applicability 06
Chapter 3 Tickets 08
Chapter 4 Fares, Fees and Charges 12
Chapter 5 Ticketing and Seat Reservation 14
Chapter 6 Schedule Time, Flight Cancellation and Change 16
Chapter 7 Ticket Change 18
Chapter 8 Ticket Refunding 19
Chapter 9 Check-in and Boarding 23
Chapter 10 Over-Booking 25
Chapter 11 Baggage Transport 30
Chapter 12 Conduct aboard Aircraft 43
Chapter 13 Refusal and Limitation of Carriage 44
Chapter 14 Arrangement of Additional Service 49
Chapter 15 Administrative Formalities 49
Chapter 16 Passenger Services 51
Chapter 17 Liability for Damage 54
Chapter 18 Effectiveness and Modification 55
1 Definitions
1.1 The following terms used in General Conditions of International Carriage for Passengers and Baggage of Sichuan Airlines Co., Ltd (hereafter referred to as “the Conditions”) are defined as follows unless otherwise specified:
1.1.1 SCAL refers to Sichuan Airlines Co., Ltd. On the ticket, the word code of Sichuan Airlines is 3U.
1.1.2 Convention refers to whichever of the following instruments that is applicable: The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air (“Warsaw Convention” for short), signed at Warsaw, 12 October 1929; The Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague (“Hague Protocol” for short) on 28 September 1955; and The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air (“Montreal Convention” for short), done at Montreal on 28 May 1999.
1.1.3 International Carriage refers to air carriage in accordance with air carriage contract between SCAL and the passenger, whether there is a break or transfer in the transportation or not, of which the origin, appointed stopover or destination is not located in the People’s Republic of China.
1.1.4 SCAL’s Regulations refers to rules, other than the Conditions, published by SCAL and in effect on date of publication, governing carriage of passengers and/or baggage and shall include any applicable tariffs in force.
1.1.5 Carrier refers to the public air carriage enterprise that operates the civil aircraft to transport the passenger and their baggage.
"Actual Carrier" refers to the airlines that provides actual air transportation and their attached services.
1.1.6 The term "SCAL Sales Agent" or "Authorized Agent" refers to an enterprise that has been authorized by SCAL and represents SCAL to sell air passenger and cargo transportation products and handle related business within the agreed scope of authorization.
Ground Service Agent refers to the enterprise that has been founded in accordance
with the Laws of the People's Republic of China and signs the ground agent agreement with air carrier, and undertakes the ground service agent business of air transportation for the public at the airport of the People's Republic of China.
1.1.7 Passenger refers to all the individuals (except for flight crew members) that are carried or will be carried in the civil aircraft as agreed by air carrier.
1.1.8 Child refers to any person with the age from 2 to 11 years old on the date of commencement of travel.
1.1.9 Child Without Adult Company refers to the child between 5 and 12 years old on the date of commencement of travel, taking the flight alone without the company of the parents or passenger over 18 years old with full capacity for civil conduct.
1.1.10 Infant refers to any person with no less than 14 days after birth, but is under the age of 2 on the date of commencement of travel (do not transport the infant within 14 days after birth).
1.1.11 Flight refers that the aircraft is flown according to required route, date and time.
1.1.12 Connection Flight refers to more than two flights (included) that are specified in the single transportation contract.
1.1.13 Code-Share Flight refers to the flight of one or more airlines that use respective (airlines) code on the flight of another airlines through corresponding agreement.
1.1.14 Reservation refers to the reservation of passenger seat and cabin class or baggage weight and volume pre-defined by the passenger.
Already Bought refers to the state that the air transportation contract has been established according to lawful provision or the agreement by both parties of ticket business.
1.1.15 Ticket refers to a valid document sold or recognized by the carrier or its authorized agent and granting transportation rights and it is a kind of transportation certificate, including the passenger ticket in paper format and in electronic format.
A Paper Ticket refers to the “Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check” issue by the
carrier or on behalf of the carrier, and includes the conditions of contract, statement and notices and the flight and passenger coupons contained therein.
An Electronic Ticket refers to the entitled carriage document issue by the carrier or its authorized agent in electronic data form and grants the transportation right.
Except for conjunction tickets, one ticket number corresponds to one ticket, forming a single transportation contract.
1.1.16 Conjunction Ticket refers to a ticket issued by one carrier in conjunction with two or more successive ticket numbers for one passenger which together constitutes a single contract of carriage.
1.1.17 A 'connecting ticket' refers to a ticket that lists connecting flights.
1.1.18 Regular Ticket refers to the ticket on which the information of flight, flight date, and seat is specified.
1.1.19 Open-Date Ticket refers to the ticket on which the information of flight, flight date, and seat are not specified.
1.1.20 Flight Coupon refers to that portion of the ticket that bears the notation "good for passage", or in the case of an electronic ticket, refers to flight information stored in the airlines database in the form of electronic data, and indicates the particular places between which you are entitled to be carried.
1.1.21 Passenger Coupon refers to the portion of ticket issued by or on behalf of SCAL and which is so marked and ultimately to be retained by the passenger.
1.1.22 The "electronic air transport ticket itinerary" (hereinafter referred to as the "itinerary") refers to the payment voucher provided by public air transport enterprises and air transport sales agents to passengers when they purchase tickets. Used as a passenger reimbursement voucher, not as a proof of passing airport security checks or boarding.
1.1.23 Day refers to calendar days, including all seven days of the week. Provided that, for the purpose of notification, the day upon which notice is dispatched shall not be counted; and provided further that for the purposes of determining duration of validity, the day upon which the ticket is issued, or the day upon which flight
commenced, shall not be counted.
1.1.24 Tariffs mean the fares, charges and relevant carriage rules published by carriers.
1.1.25 Fare refers to the price of air transportation service that air carrier operates the civil aircraft to transport the passengers from the departure airport to the destination airport, and excludes the tariff collected as per applicable national provision.
1.1.26 Normal Fare refers to the highest fare established for a business, premium economy class, and economy class of valid adult fare. Children’s fare and infants’ fare that are established as a percentage of a normal fare are also considered to be normal fares.
1.1.27 Special Fare refers to any fare other than a normal fare.
1.1.28 Ticket Service Condition refers to the rules of ticket fares that the cabin class is designated or the type of ticket fare is applicable.
1.1.29 Stop-Over Location refers to the location that serves as the pre-determined stop-over spot in passenger travel route, which are listed on the ticket or carrier's schedule, in addition to the departure airport and the destination airport.
1.1.30 Mid-Way Travel Termination Airport refers to the case that after prior agreement of air carrier, when the passenger travels between departure airport and destination airport, he/she intentionally arranges at certain location to terminate this travel.
1.1.31 Over-Booking is the action that the number of sold seats in certain flight exceeds actual usable seat number, as taken by air carrier in order to avoid any seat un-occupancy.
1.1.32 Code-Share Flight refers to the flight of one or more airlines that use respective (airlines) code on the flight of another airlines through corresponding agreement.
1.1.33 Deadline Time for Check-In refers to the latest time that is defined by actual air carrier and the passenger shall completely handle the boarding registration formality.
1.1.34 Scheduled Departure Time refers to the departure time approved by flight schedule management authority.
Scheduled Arrival Time refers to the arrival time approved by flight schedule management authority.
1.1.35 Miss flight refers to the case that the passenger fails to properly handle boarding formality as per the deadline time for check-in or fails to board on the aircraft because his/her national citizenship identity card fails to meet relevant provisions.
1.1.36 Mis-Catch refers to the case that the passenger has properly handled the boarding formality or that during the stop-over at the stop-over airport, he/she does not board on the flight specified in his/her ticket.
1.1.37 Wrong Boarding refers to the case that the passenger takes a flight that is not specified in his/her ticket.
1.1.38 Ticket Change refers to such circumstance as the change of ticket date, the change of cabin class, or endorsement, etc.
1.1.39 The Change of Ticket Date refers to the change of flight schedule and flight date of the same air carrier specified in the ticket.
1.1.40 “Class level "refers to the service level divided according to the aircraft cabin layout, including business class and economy class.
1.1.41 The "change fee" refers to the fee charged by SCAL to passengers who voluntarily request to change their original flight plan based on the ticket usage conditions, including fees for changes in flight, date, cabin, etc.
1.1.42 Endorsement refers to the change of air carrier specified in the ticket.
1.1.43 "Departure delay" refers to the situation where the actual departure time of a flight is more than 15 minutes later than the planned departure time.
1.1.44 SCAL Related Reasons refer to the internal management circumstances of SCAL, including the engineer's maintenance, flight re-allocation, and crew re-allocation, etc.
1.1.45 Other Circumstance Than SCAL Related Reasons refers to other reason not
associated with internal management of SCAL, including such circumstance as the weather, contingency event, ATC, security check, and passenger, etc.
1.1.46 Baggage refers to the article that is agreed by air carrier for air transportation and is carried by the passenger in air transportation, and includes the checked baggage and non-checked baggage of the passenger.
1.1.47 Baggage Check refers to those portions of the ticket, which relate to the carriage of the passenger’s check-in baggage.
1.1.48 Checked Baggage refers to the baggage of which carrier takes sole custody from passengers with a baggage check and for which carrier has issued a baggage identification label.
1.1.49 Unchecked Baggage refers to the baggage of the passenger which is under custody of the passenger himself/herself.
1.1.50 Baggage Tag refers to a document issued by carrier solely for identification of checked baggage.
1.1.51 Damage includes death, injury, delay, loss, partial loss or other damage of whatsoever nature arising out of or in connection with carriage or other services incidental thereto performed by carrier.
1.1.52 Force Majeure refers to an unusual and unforeseeable circumstance beyond control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised.
1.1.53 The time limit calculated in working days in this regulation does not include the current day, and it is calculated from the next day.
2.1 General Rules
2 Applicability
2.1.1 Except as provided in 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of this article, these conditions apply to all international transport of passengers and baggage with civil aviation aircraft operated by SCAL for charges.
2.1.2 These conditions also apply to gratuitous and reduced fare carriage except to the
extent that SCAL has provided otherwise in its Regulations or in the relevant contracts, passes or tickets. In the case of discordance between the two mentioned above, gratuitous carriage and the special regulations of tariffs, contracts, passes or tickets shall prevail.
2.1.3 These conditions also apply to the domestic air transport between Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Taiwan region, which are given specific management, except that government has provided applicable regulations, or that SCAL has provided otherwise in the relevant contracts, passes or tickets.
2.2 Charter Flight Transport
If carriage is performed pursuant to SCAL charter agreement, the Conditions apply only to the extent they are incorporated in terms of the charter agreement and the charter ticket into the contract of carriage.
2.3 Code Sharing
SCAL transport general conditions also apply to the code-sharing flight actually operated by other carriers, but the carrier actually operating each code-sharing flight has its own transport general conditions or articles on its flight, of which part of contents may vary from SCAL transport general conditions. In this case, the different articles and conditions of actual carrier shall be considered as a component of SCAL transport general conditions, and shall be preferentially applied in place of the corresponding contents in SCAL transport general conditions on the code-sharing flight operated by the actual carrier. The articles and conditions which may possibly vary between SCAL and the actual carrier of code-sharing flight include but are not limited to:
2.3.1 Deadline time for check in;
2.3.2 Refusal of transport and limitations on transport;
2.3.3 Baggage transport, including but is not limited to the checked baggage free of charge, the limitations of carry-on baggage and over-size baggage charging standards, etc.;
2.3.4 The compensation for refusal of boarding and flight delay;
2.3.5 Non-smoking flight.
2.4 Prior Applicability of Laws
If this condition includes any article that conflicts with applicable international convention, national law, and administrative rule in current stage, corresponding international convention, national law, and administrative rule should be preferentially followed. Except for such conflicting article, other articles in this condition remains valid.
3.1 General Rules
3 Tickets
3.1.1 The ticket constitutes the transport voucher between SCAL and the passenger named on the ticket. SCAL will provide carriage only to the passenger holding such ticket issued by SCAL or the airlines that have signed interline agreement with SCAL. SCAL can request passengers to present corresponding effective identification certificate. The conditions of contract contained in the ticket are a summary of some of the provisions of these conditions of SCAL.
3.1.2 The passenger purchases several tickets, i.e. this passenger has signed several independent transportation contract with SCAL. The passenger purchases one connection flight, i.e. this passenger has signed a single transportation contract with SCAL. According to applicable law and provision and the provisions of this condition, when the passenger purchases one or more tickets, this would generate different lawful efficiency. Unless otherwise specified, those rights and liabilities of SCAL and passengers agreed in this condition are only applicable for one single transportation contract, and are not involved with other transportation contract. The passenger should establish adequate awareness of such characteristics and should select and purchase the ticket as per his/her actual personal circumstances.
3.1.3 The ticket purchased by the passenger is only applicable for the transportation from the departure location, or contracted stop-over location to the destination location, as specified in the ticket.
3.1.4 A ticket is not transferable. If a ticket is presented by someone other than the person entitled to be carried there under or to a refund in connection therewith, SCAL shall not be liable to the person so entitled if in good faith it provides carriage or makes a refund to the person presenting the ticket.
3.1.5 Some tickets are sold at Special fares which may be applicable to special policies of ticket changes, endorsement and refunds, including partially or completely non-refundable or cannot be refunded or endorsed. You shall choose the fare that best suits to your needs.
3.1.6 For each ticket in electronic format, SCAL accepts the air transportation in accordance with the seat class specified in the ticket and the flight and the date that corresponding seat has been properly reserved. For any electronic ticket that the seat has not been properly reserved, SCAL or the sales agent authorized by SCAL should follow the passenger's request, applicable fare, and the information on usable seat of requested flight to reserve the seat for the passenger.
3.1.7 For electronic ticket, if the electronic ticket coupon of flight leg taken as requested by the passenger is not in active ticket status of an unused ticket, SCAL is authorized to reject this carriage.
3.1.8 The passenger information on the ticket should match the true identity information provided by the passenger, otherwise Sichuan Airlines has the right to refuse transportation.
3.1.9 Passengers should complete all the flights listed on the ticket within its validity period. If the discounted ticket purchased has special regulations on the travel date, all the flights listed on the ticket must be completed within the specified time of the applicable fare.
3.1.10 Some discounted fares have strict restrictions on the minimum and/or maximum stay time for passengers in a certain location, and passengers must complete their travel within the specified time limit.
3.2 Period of Validity
3.2.1 General Rules
Unless otherwise specified in tickets, these conditions or applicable tariffs , a ticket is valid for carriage for one year from the date of commencement of travel; if the first segment of ticket has not been used or it is an open-date ticket, the ticket is valid for carriage for one year from the date of issuance thereof.
If the first segment of the ticket has been used, for one year from the date of commencement of travel, it’s valid for the whole series of tickets or consecutive tickets. Its original validity remains the same regardless of changes of flight or tickets afterwards.
If the original ticket has not been used at all, after re-issuance of ticket, the new ticket is valid for carriage for one year from the date of commencement of travel. If the first segment of the new ticket has not been used, or it is an open-date ticket, it’s valid for carriage for one year from the date of issuance thereof.
3.2.2 The calculation of the validity period of a passenger ticket starts from 0:00 on the day following the start of the trip or the day when the ticket is filled out and ends at 0:00 on the day after the expiration of the validity period
3.3 Extension of Ticket Validity
3.3.1 If a passenger is prevented from traveling within the period of validity of the ticket because of one of the following reason by SCAL, the validity of such passengers’ ticket will be extended until SCAL’s first flight on which space is available in the class of service for which the fare has been paid.
(1) SCAL cancels the flight on which the passenger holds a reservation;
(2) SCAL omits a scheduled stop, being the passenger’s place of departure, place of destination or a stopover;
(3) SCAL fails to operate a flight reasonably according to schedule;
(4) SCAL causes the passenger to miss a connection of reserved flight;
(5) SCAL changes the class of service;
(6) SCAL is unable to provide previous reserved seat.
3.4 Sequence and Usage of Coupons
3.4.1 The flight coupon of the ticket shall be used according to the flight sequence
listed in the ticket, and the sequence shall not be reversed, and the first leg of the flight shall be used first, otherwise Sichuan Airlines may not accept the carriage. The first leg of a flight refers to the first leg of the same transport contract sold with one or more consecutive tickets. For the tickets that are not used in sequence, when the passenger proceeds with the formality the ticket refunding for any unused flight leg, this passenger should proceed with this procedure in accordance with that for voluntary ticket refunding.
3.4.2 If the passenger intends to change the information of any item in transportation contract, they should previously contact with SCAL and follow the ticket service condition limitation. Whenever the transportation contract is changed, the ticket fare is re-calculated in accordance with new transportation contract. The passenger can select and accept or keep original transportation specified in the ticket at his/her own discretion. If, due to force majeure, the passenger needs to change the information of any item in the transportation, he should contact with SCAL as early as possible. SCAL would try maximum efforts to transport this passenger to next mid-way travel termination airport or final destination within the rational range.
3.4.3 Some changes on the content of transportation such as the changes of origins or travel dates; many fares are valid only on the dates and for the flights shown on the ticket and may not be changed at all, or only upon payment of an additional fee.
3.4.4 Each ticket coupon should be transported by SCAL according to the specified booking class, flight date, and flight schedule. After the seat is booked, the transportation will be accepted by SCAL.
3.4.5 Regular tickets are only applicable to the tickets of which the flight date and number are listed.
3.4.6 Open-date tickets or the tickets containing open-date segments, refer to the case that when passengers are booking tickets, according to their needs and tariff product rules, the reservation status of the whole ticket or a certain segment is allowed to be OPEN. According to the rules of line tariff product, during ticket booking, one or more item of carrier, flight number, date, reservation status can be OPEN, but
confirmation must be made before acceptance of transportation in actual carriage.
3.4.7 When a ticket issued to the passenger is open-date, the passenger can apply for seat reservation according to SCAL tariff bulletin and seat availability of this flight. For such tickets, within the scope of ticket use conditions and transport contract permissions, before actual carriage, the first confirmation for the uncertain items on the ticket shall be free of change fees (change formalities fees). Only the tariff difference between the original OPEN ticket and the new flight shall be charged when the seat is reserved.
For the second change or the change of checked items of original ticket due to confirmation on uncertain items, it’s required to recalculate the fare of the whole flight according to the requirements of tariff use conditions and shall charge fees of the fare difference and corresponding change fees thereof.
3.4.8 If passenger does not show up for any flight, for which he/she is holding a reservation, without advising SCAL in advance, SCAL may cancel passenger’s return or onward reservations as shown in the ticket.
3.5 E-ticket Itinerary
3.5.1 E-ticket itinerary should be printed no later than 26 days after the departure of the flight.
3.5.2 If E-ticket Itinerary has been lost due to passenger circumstances, follow those provisions specified in "The Management Rules on E-ticket Itinerary for Air Transportation" and no remedial printing is required.
4.1 Application of Fares
4 Fares, Fees and Charges
4.1.1 Fares apply only for carriage from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the point of destination. Fares do not include fees for ground transport service (transport between airports in one city or between airport and downtown) and additional services.
4.1.2 Applicable fare is active tariff when the passenger purchases the ticket, and is
applicable for such transportation information as specific date and range specified on the ticket, etc., and is the basic information of transportation contract between the passenger and SCAL.
4.1.3 Once the ticket is issued, if the fare is adjusted, the payment remains the same. For changes on transport contents of flight or date due to passenger factors, the fare to be charged may be affected.
4.1.4 A normal fare ticket and special fare ticket is subject to the use conditions specified thereof.
4.2 Routing
Fares apply only to routings published in connection therewith. If there is more than one routing at the same fare, the passenger may specify the routing prior to issue of the ticket. If no routing is specified, SCAL or its authorized agent may determine the routing.
4.3 Taxes, Fees and Charges
4.3.1 Any tax, fee or charge imposed by government or other authority, or by the operator of an airport, in respect of a passenger or the use by a passenger of any services or facilities will be in addition to the published fares and charges and shall be paid by the passenger and collected by airlines at the time of ticket issuance. For details, refer to SCAL official website.
4.3.2 On purchasing a ticket, passenger will be advised of taxes, fees and charges not included in the fare, most of which will normally be shown separately on the ticket. The taxes, fees and charges imposed on air travel are constantly changing and can be imposed after the date of ticket issuance. If there is an increase in the applicable tax or a new tax, fee or charge is imposed after ticket issuance, passenger will be obliged to pay it. Similarly, if the taxes, fees and charges paid by passengers when booking tickets are canceled or reduced, which are no longer applicable to passengers, passengers are obliged to apply for refunding. Airlines shall make refunding according to the regulations of relevant government departments.
4.3.3 Fuel surcharge and air insurance surcharge, defined by the carrier, are published
and charged by the carrier according to relevant regulations of the State or region. Infants that do not occupy a seat using infant tariff are exempt from fuel surcharge; infants occupying a seat and children are charged the same amount of fuel surcharge as adults.
4.4 Payment
Fares and charges are payable in any currency acceptable to SCAL. When the currency paid is not the currency of published fare, passenger shall pay according to the exchange rate specified by SCAL. Unless otherwise agreed by SCAL and passenger, fares and charges are all paid in cash.
5.1 General Rules
5 Ticketing and Seat Reservation
5.1.1 Passenger can conduct the consultation and ticket purchase in SCAL official direct sale channel and authorized sale agent channel accepted by SCAL. When the passenger purchases the ticket, he/she should provide his/her personal valid ID card or other valid ID card information issued by public security agent, and provide real and active contact numbers.
5.1.2 Before the passenger purchases the ticket, he should discretionally consult applicable provisions for exit & entry of origin airport, stop-over airport or destination airport of corresponding country, and should ensure that he/she is aware of the ticket tariffs and applicable rules for refunding and endorsement. For details, refer to SCAL official website.
5.1.3 For the purchasing of child ticket or infant ticket, valid pass or certification letter of the birthday of this child or infant should be provided.
5.1.4 Each passenger should individually hold the ticket.
5.1.5 Only when the passenger pays off the fare according to the formality and ticket purchase time limit defined by SCAL, after this passenger has been accepted by SCAL or the agent authorized by SCAL and the passenger ticket has been issued, after the ticket has been delivered, it can be concluded that this seat has been properly
reserved and remains valid.
5.1.6 SCAL can temporarily suspend the seat reservation of certain flight when necessary.
5.1.7 When the passenger changes or cancels the seat reservation, this passenger should propose this request within the time limit defined by SCAL. If special provision for the tariff is available, when the passenger changes or cancels the seat reservation, this should meet relevant provision of such tariff.
5.1.8 If the passenger fails to use the reserved seat as per SCAL provision, or the passenger does not pay off the fare within the time limit of ticket purchase defined by SCAL, SCAL is authorized to cancel his/her seat reservation.
5.1.9 For the passenger who spuriously purchases the ticket in or occupies the seat maliciously, SCAL is authorized to restrict his/her seat reservation and ticket purchase as dictated by current circumstances.
5.1.10 Due to the demand for the operation, safety or security, the service cabin class defined for those passengers who need the supervision personnel (for example, the child, the infant, the senior, the sick or disabled, the escorted personnel, etc.) must be identical to that of accompanying supervision personnel.
5.2 Personal Data
5.2.1 The personal data provided to SCAL by the passenger aims for seat reservation and the scheduling of relevant transport services. Therefore, the passenger authorizes SCAL to retain personal data and can transfer the data to relevant SCAL departments or other relevant carrier, or the provider of relevant transport at services, or the institutions accepted by the laws and the rules.
5.2.2 The passenger is personally responsible for the truth and the validity of personal passenger data, and for bearing all the consequences resulted from the data that is not real as provided by this passenger or fails to satisfy the validity period.
5.2.3 If the passenger rejects to provide personal data, SCAL is authorized not to provide the seat reservation to this passenger.
5.3 On-Board Seat Arrangement
5.3.1 SCAL will try maximum efforts to satisfy the preliminary passenger application for on-board seat. However, SCAL cannot ensure that any designated seat can be provided, and SCAL is only responsible for providing the seat according to physical cabin class of passenger ticket. Due to the demand for the operation, safety or security, even if after the passenger has boarded on the aircraft, air carrier should permanently keep the right to distribute or re-distribute the on-board passenger seats.
5.3.2 According to aviation safety requirement, the seat at the aircraft emergency exit must be designated and arranged by SCAL.
6 Schedule Time, Flight Cancellation and Change
6.1 Scheduled Time
6.1.1 SCAL will try maximum efforts to rationally transport the passengers and their baggage in accordance with valid flight schedule time on the day of passenger travel.
6.1.2 Unless relevant loss or damage is resulted from any intended action taken by SCAL or from any reckless action or no action taken when SCAL knows that such loss or damage may be potentially caused, SCAL does not bear the responsibility for any error or miss in her flight schedule time table or other published flight schedule time. The explanation on departure time or date or the operation of any flight offered by SCAL employee, agent or SCAL representative only serves as the reference, and SCAL does not bear any responsibility for such explanation.
6.1.3 The flight schedule time or aircraft type specified in the flight schedule time table would be possibly changed during the period from the publishing day of such information to the day when the passenger actually starts his/her travel. SCAL does not guarantee such flight schedule or aircraft type, and such flight schedule time or aircraft type would not also constitute any composition of transportation contract between SCAL and the passengers.
6.1.4 Before accepting the passenger ticket booking, SCAL would notify the passenger about current and active flight schedule time for the ticket booking, and specify such time schedule on passenger ticket in paper format or in electronic format.
After this ticket has been sold out, SCAL possibly changes the flight schedule time. If the passenger has provided active contact number to SCAL, SCAL will notify the passenger about the change of his/her flight schedule time. After the passenger has purchased the ticket, if the planned departure/arrival time of Sichuan Airlines flights is delayed by more than 15 minutes or the planned departure time is advanced, they can be processed in accordance with the provisions of these conditions for involuntary changes or involuntary refunds. When handling involuntary changes to a ticket, if the passenger requests a change or refund again due to reasons attributable to the passenger after confirming the replacement flight, the relevant regulations for voluntary changes or refunds shall be followed.
6.2 Flight Cancellation and Change
6.2.1 In the occurrence of following conditions, SCAL can cancel, terminate, change, postpone or delay the scheduled flight without any prior notice:
(1) Follow the national law, government regulation and order;
(2) Guarantee the flight safety;
(3) Other uncontrollable or unpredictable circumstances.
6.2.2 Due to one of the reasons specified in 6.2.1, SCAL flight has been cancelled or delayed so that SCAL cannot follow the flight schedule time for the flight, or SCAL cannot provide the passenger with the passenger seat that has been properly reserved (including the cabin class), or SCAL aircraft cannot park at mid-way travel termination airport or destination airport, or SCAL causes into any miss of connection flights that his/her seat has been properly reserved, SCAL will consider the rational demand of the passenger and proceed with relevant formality in accordance with non-voluntary change or refunding of this condition.
6.2.3 The remedial measures listed in 6.2.2 of this condition are all the remedial measures that can be selected by the passenger. Except for the law, administrative rules and convention otherwise, SCAL does not bear other responsibility.
6.2.4 SCAL will take all the necessary measures to protect from any delay of the passenger and his/her baggage. If SCAL has taken all the necessary measures or
impossibly takes these measures, SCAL would not bear the responsibility.
6.3 The term "delay" referred to in this article refers to the situation that the actual block removal time is 15 minutes later than the planned departure time, excluding situations that the departure time of a flight is later than the original planned departure time due to flight plan adjustments.
The term "cancellation" referred to in this article refers to the cessation of a flight plan due to expected flight delay or the cessation of a flight plan due to actual delay, excluding changes or cessation of a flight plan caused by other reasons.
7.1 Voluntary Ticket Change
7 Ticket Change
7.1.1Voluntary change of ticket refers to a passenger requesting a change of ticket due to their own reasons.
7.1.2 After the passenger purchases the ticket, they request to voluntarily change the ticket. Sichuan Airlines and its authorized agents can handle the ticket according to the ticket usage conditions, provided that there are available seats and time on the flight. The passenger must bear the resulting fare difference and other related expenses.
7.1.3 After the passenger purchases the ticket, he/she requests to voluntarily change the air carrier and to proceed with relevant formality in accordance with voluntary ticket refunding provision.
7.1.4 Unless otherwise specified for the tariffs, for the child and the seat-occupying infant that the child tariff is used, the fee of change is deducted as per the adult standard. For the infant that does not occupy the seat and uses the infant tariff, no fee of change is charged.
7.2 Non-Voluntary Ticket Change
Involuntary ticket change refers to the situation where a passenger changes their ticket due to flight cancellation, departure delay, advance, change in the flight trip, change in cabin class, or inability of the carrier to operate the original flight.
7.2.1 If the passenger does not voluntarily change the ticket due to other circumstance than SCAL circumstance, SCAL should consider the rational demand of the passenger and take one of following actions:
(1)Preferentially arrange subsequent SCAL direct-to flight with usable passenger seat for the passenger;
(2)Change the flight trip specified in original passenger ticket, and schedule the SCAL flight to transport the passenger to the destination airport or mid-way travel termination location.
7.2.2 If the passenger does not voluntarily change the ticket due to SCAL circumstance, SCAL should consider the rational demand of the passenger and take one of following measures:
(1)Preferentially arrange subsequent SCAL direct-to flight with usable passenger seat for the passenger;
(2)Change the flight trip specified in original passenger ticket, and schedule the SCAL flight and/or the flight of other air carrier to transport the passenger to the destination airport or mid-way travel termination location;
(3)After the approvals from the passenger and relevant air carrier have been obtained, the passenger can proceed with the endorsement formality.
7.2.3 Passengers are allowed to make involuntary changes. If they do not accept the unified arrangement of the airline, they are allowed to make one free change. The date range for changing the flight can be selected from flights within the range of 15 days prior to or 15 days later than the original flight date. If there are no available flights within the above date range, free changes are allowed to the nearest available flight, with a limit of one free change. Those exceeding this range will be treated as involuntary refunds or voluntary changes.
8.1 General Rules
8 Ticket Refunding
8.1.1 Because SCAL fails to provide the transportation in accordance with
corresponding transportation contract or the passenger voluntarily changes his/her travel schedule, for all of or partial passenger tickets that cannot be used by the passengers, SCAL would proceed with the ticket refunding as per corresponding provisions.
8.1.2 Passengers requesting a refund should submit their request no later than thirteen months from the date of travel (if the ticket is completely unused, from the date of issuance). After a completely unused ticket is exchanged, the passenger requests a refund for the new ticket, which should be processed no later than thirteen months from the start of the trip (if the first leg is still unused after the exchange). SCAL will not accept refund requests that exceed the above deadline.
8.1.3 When the passenger proceeds with the ticket refunding, the ticket would not be refunded unless the status of the flight on the ticket is “OPEN FOR USE”.
8.1.4 The passenger automatically terminates the travel at the stop-over airport of the flight. The ticket fare of unused flight leg of this flight would not be refunded.
8.1.5 If the passenger has already printed the E-ticket Itinerary, during the ticket refunding, the printed E-ticket Itinerary must be provided.
8.2 The Receiver of Ticket Refunding
8.2.1 SCAL is authorized to proceed with the ticket refunding to this passenger specified in the ticket in person.
8.2.2 If the passenger whose name is specified on the ticket is not the payer of this ticket, and corresponding refunding limitations have been specified in the ticket, SCAL would refund the fare to the payer or the designated person according to those limitation conditions specified on the ticket.
8.2.3 For the application for ticket refunding by the passenger or the payer, this applicant should show his valid personal citizenship identity certificate. If the applicant for ticket refunding is not that person or the payer specified in the ticket, this applicant should show his/her valid personal citizenship identity certificate and the valid personal citizenship identity certificate of this passenger or the payer (specified in the ticket) as well as the authorization letter for the refunding.
8.2.4 As per the provision stated in 8.1, SCAL returns the ticket fare to those who meet the requirements in 8.2.1, 8.2.2, and 8.2.3, and this is concluded as routine refunding. SCAL is also relieved from corresponding responsibility.
8.3 Ticket Refunding Location
8.3.1 In principle, when the passenger requests for the ticket refunding, he should proceed with the refunding at original payment location. For the change of issued ticket, this passenger can also proceed with the refunding at the location of ticket change and issuance. For non-voluntary refunding of the passenger, he can proceed with the formality at SCAL ticket sales office or SCAL direct sales hot-line at original ticket purchase location, originating flight location, stop-over location, and terminating travel location.
8.3.2 When the passenger who holds the non-scheduled flight ticket requests for the refunding, he/she can only proceed with this formality at original booking office.
8.4 Currency
When the passenger requests for the refunding, he/she must meet the law and other relevant provisions of the state of original ticket purchase location and ticket refunding location. SCAL can refund as per the currency of originally-charged fare and can also refund in other currency defined by SCAL.
8.5 Voluntary Refunding
8.5.1 Voluntary refund refers to the case that passengers request a refund due to their own reasons
8.5.2 For the voluntary refunding, proceed with following provisions:
(1)All the tickets are not used so that all the trips must be refunded together. Deduct the refunding commission from the paid ticket fare and then return the remaining amount.
(2)If part of the ticket has been used, during the ticket refunding, all the unused flight legs should be handled at the same time. Deduct the applicable fare, tax and fuel surcharge of used flight leg and refunding commission from the paid fare. If any residual cash amount remains, return such amount to the passenger.
(3)Unless otherwise specified for the tariff, for the child and the seat-occupying infant that the child tariff is used, the fee of refunding is deducted as per the adult standard. For the infant that does not occupy the seat and uses the infant tariff, no fee of refunding is charged.
(4) For some tickets or product tickets that privilege fare is used, special provisions may be available for the refunding, which includes but does not limit to no ticket refunding or no refunding of fuel surcharge, etc. The ticket refunding (formality) should be handled as per corresponding tariff provisions.
8.6 Non-Voluntary Refunding
8.6.1 Involuntary ticket refund refers to the situation where a passenger's ticket is refunded due to flight cancellation, departure delay, advance departure, change in flight, change in cabin class, or inability of the carrier to operate the original flight.
8.6.2 As for the non-voluntary refunding, proceed with following provisions:
(1)If all the flight tickets has not been used, return all the ticket fares that have been paid (including the tax), and the refunding commission would not be charged;
(2)If the ticket has been partially used, deduct the corresponding fare of travelled flight leg from original fare and corresponding tax and fuel surcharge, and remaining cash amount is returned to the passenger, and no ticket refunding commission fee is charged, but the returned cash amount must not exceed that of original fare.
(3) If the flight lands or cancels at a destination other than the one listed on the ticket, and the passenger requests a refund, the corresponding original paid ticket price shall be refunded based on the proportion of the distance from the landing station to the destination to the original ticket distance. The refund amount shall not exceed the original paid ticket price.
(4) After the passenger voluntarily changes the tickets and has paid off the fee of change, in the occurrence of any irregularity from the changed flight, the passenger requests for ticket refunding, no refunding fee is charged, but the fee of change that has been paid would not be returned.
8.7 Refund to Credit Card or Debit Card
If the passenger pays off the fare with credit card or debit card when he purchases the flight ticket, such fare can be only refunded to original card account. SCAL would calculate the refunded amount on the basis of ticket amount and currency originally paid by the passenger. Due to the difference amount resulted from (foreign) currency exchange, the passenger is not authorized to propose any claim to SCAL.
8.8 Reject the Refunding
8.8.1 Except for non-voluntary ticket refunding, in case of one or more than one conditions as shown in the following, relevant entities should reject the ticket refunding:
(1)The passenger does not propose the application for ticket refunding in excess of expiration date;
(2)During the application, the passenger cannot show his/her valid pass or ticket; (3)When the fare of used ticket is at or above the fare of full travel, remaining boarding coupon(s) cannot be refunded.
(4)No Refunding is specified in the ticket.
8.9 Return the Tax
During the ticket refunding, the tax amount that is paid when the passenger purchases the flight ticket but has not been used must be jointly returned to the passenger. For the ticket that no residual amount can be refunded or cannot be refunded, corresponding tax can be also refunded individually, and the commission fee is not deducted, but such refunding needs to be handled within the time period of refunding.
8.10 Sichuan Airlines will complete the refund process within 7 working days from the date of receipt of the passenger's valid refund application (including the ticket certificate required for the refund) (the above time does not include the processing time of the financial institution).
9.1 General Rules
9 Check-in and Boarding
9.1.1 The passenger should reach to the airport within the time limit defined by
SCAL. Before SCAL or SCAL ground service agent stops the handling of boarding formality, this passenger should timely handle the boarding formality of ticket check, checked baggage, or the acquisition of paper or electronic boarding pass, etc. with the same valid personal identity pass as that for the ticket purchase.
9.1.2 If the passenger fails to timely reach to the check-in counter due to other circumstance than SCAL circumstance, or fails to reach to the boarding gate before the closure time at the boarding gate, or fails to show his/her valid personal identity pass and transportation certificate, SCAL can cancel those seats that have been properly reserved by the passengers in order not to delay the flight. For the passenger loss and expense resulted from such condition, SCAL does not bear the responsibility. If the passenger proposes to refund the ticket, SCAL should proceed with this refunding in accordance with the voluntary refunding provision.
9.1.3 SCAL or SCAL ground service agent should accurately and clearly display such determined information as passenger name, flight number, boarding date, boarding time, boarding gate, and flight trip, etc. on the paper or electronic boarding pass. If the boarding gate or boarding time has been changed, SCAL or SCAL ground service agent should timely notify the passenger.
9.1.4 Check-in deadline time varies at every airport; if passengers do not understand the check-in deadline time of SCAL flight departure airport, they shall consult sales staff in advance or search on SCAL official website Passengers shall reserve enough time for check-in formalities. If passenger fails to complete boarding formalities before stipulated flight check-in deadlines, SCAL has the right to cancel passenger’s reservation.
9.1.5 SCAL and SCAL’s ground handling agencies shall open check-in counters in time, accept valid tickets produced by passengers, and process check-in formalities quickly and correctly.
9.1.6 Before boarding, passengers and their baggage and hand-carry items must go through security check.
9.1.7 After closing all the cabin doors and after taxiing out, the flight termination
required by passengers onboard is not allowed except for the conditions of force majeure and sudden illness of passengers or life-threatening conditions.
9.2 Mis-catch
9.2.1 In occurrence of any “mis-catch” due to other circumstance than SCAL circumstance, SCAL would proceed with the formality in accordance with the provision on voluntary change or voluntary refunding.
9.2.2 If mis-catch happens due to reasons of SCAL, SCAL shall arrange passenger to travel on the soonest flight; if passenger requests for refund, it shall be dealt according to rules of involuntary refund.
9.3 Wrong Boarding
9.3.1 In occurrence of “wrong boarding” by the passenger, SCAL will arrange this passenger to board on the subsequent flight as early as possible to reach to the destination airport specified on the passenger ticket . If the passenger requests to refund the ticket when he/she erroneously reaches to the wrong arrival airport, SCAL should proceed with this formality in accordance with non-voluntary refunding provisions.
9.4 Passenger miss flight
9.4.1 If a passenger is required to change the ticket or refund after a missed flight due to his/her reason, Sichuan Airlines shall handle the change or refund in accordance with relevant regulations on voluntary change or voluntary refund.
9.4.2 If a passenger is required to change the ticket after a missed flight due to the reason of Sichuan Airlines, Sichuan Airlines will actively arrange for the change of the ticket if there are vacant seats on the subsequent flight. SCAL should proceed in accordance with the relevant provisions of 7.2 "Involuntary Change" of this Condition. If the passenger requests a refund, the ticket shall be refunded inccordance with 8.6 "Involuntary Refund" in this Condition.
10 Over-Booking
10.1 The Notification on Over-Booking Information
10.1.1 In accordance with common practices in international air transport industry, in order to reduce the vacant seat resulted from temporary removal of his travel plan by a part of passengers, SCAL may possibly conduct appropriate over-booking in certain flights in order to satisfy the travel demand of more passengers.
10.1.2 If the number of actual boarding passengers exceeds the number of actual usable seats due to SCAL over-booking circumstance and this causes into the failure of small amount of over-booking passengers to travel with original flight, SCAL or SCAL ground service agent would follow the volunteer collection procedure to seek for those passengers who voluntarily abandon his/her travel, and conduct the compensation and the service in accordance with corresponding negotiation standard. If adequate amount of volunteers cannot be collected, SCAL will follow the boarding priority rules to reject a part of passengers to board on the aircraft, and then provide the over-booking compensation and subsequent service. The proof of giving up travel or denied boarding due to overbooking shall be issued on the request of the passenger.
10.2 Applicability
SCAL over-booking processing procedure is applicable for the flights actually operated by SCAL
10.3 The Volunteer Collection Procedure
10.3.1 Applicable Passenger
When a part of passengers of certain flight may impossibly travel due to the over-booking, SCAL would collect the volunteer from those passengers that actual over-booking flight has already arisen.
(1)This passenger has already purchased and properly reserved the seat of the flight; (2)Hold a valid ticket;
(3)This passenger meets the boarding conditions that stipulated by Sichuan Airlines; (4)Reach to the ground check-in counter before the end of handling the check-in formality;
(5)Accept relevant SCAL compensation condition, and abandon original seat.
10.3.2 Collection Procedure
(1)SCAL should publish the flight over-booking bulletin on the site of airport and collect those passengers who voluntarily abandon the travel in the over-booking flight;
(2)After obtaining the approval by the volunteer, SCAL will proceed with compensation formality for the passenger.
(3)If the volunteer fails to travel with this due flight, SCAL would provide the compensation and provide subsequent service support according to the negotiation standard of both parties. If vacant seat remains before the departure of original flight, SCAL would handle the boarding formality for the volunteer.
10.4 Boarding Priority Rules
If SCAL cannot collect adequate number of volunteers, SCAL would reject a part of passengers to board on the aircraft. SCAL would offer the boarding priority to following passengers:
10.4.1 The priority of seats for economy-class passengers is as follows:
(1) The passenger on urgent state business;
(2)The human organ procurement organization staff(OPO)bringing human donated organ;
(3)Special passengers such as the elderly, infirm, sick, disabled, pregnant and unaccompanied children/youth who have special service needs as agreed by SCAL and arranged in advance;
(4)Active military, police and fire rescue personnel with valid identity documents; (5)Transit connection passengers who have booked a subsequent connecting flight and cannot connect to a subsequent flight through a change in the preceding flight or have short connecting time at the arrival station;
(6)Passengers who have special difficulties and are in a hurry to make the trip; (7)Other passengers with company VIP card, golden panda lifetime platinum card, platinum card and gold card;
(8)Company Group customers (those with multiple identities are guaranteed as higher
(9)Golden panda and silver card passengers; (10)Group passengers;
(11)Individual passengers (in the same PNR) with more than three (included) peers; (12)Golden Panda common card passengers;
(13)Free ticket holders who have reserved seats.
10.4.2 The priority of seats for business-class passengers is as follows:
(1) The passenger on urgent state business;
(2)The human organ procurement organization staff(OPO)bringing human donated organ;
(3)Special passengers such as the elderly, infirm, sick, disabled, pregnant and unaccompanied children/youth who have special service needs as agreed by SCAL and arranged in advance;
(4)Active military, police and fire rescue personnel with valid identity documents; (5)Transit connection passengers who have booked a subsequent connecting flight and cannot connect to a subsequent flight through a change in the preceding flight or have short connecting time at the arrival station;
(6)Passengers who have special difficulties and are in a hurry to make the trip; (7)Other passengers with company VIP card, golden panda lifetime platinum card, platinum card and gold card;
(8)Class priority (C>I>J>P);
(9)Company Group customers (those with multiple identities are guaranteed as higher identities);
(10)Passengers with Golden Panda Silver Card and Common Card; (11)Passengers with company/business upgrade ticket; (12)Passengers in Class A;
(13)Mixed class passengers.
10.5 Over-booking Service and Compensation
10.5.1 When the passenger voluntarily abandons his/her travel or is rejected for
boarding the aircraft due to the over-booking circumstance, SCAL will preferentially arrange the passenger to board on the earliest flight to guarantee the travel of this passenger, or handle the non-voluntary ticket refunding as per non-voluntary provision and to provide extra compensation in accordance with the standard specified in 10.5.2.
Flight Classification | Compensation Standard |
Inside China | 300 Yuan RMB |
China domestic-regional route | 800 Yuan RMB |
China-Asia country, and middle-east area | 1500 Yuan RMB |
China - America, Oceania, Europe, Africa (except Middle-East area) | 2500 Yuan RMB |
10.5.2 The passenger can proceed with ticket refunding formality at SCAL remedial ticket window or the ticket sales counter designated by each business department, and would receive extra compensation in accordance with following standards:
10.5.3 For those passengers who voluntarily abandon their travels in accordance with volunteer collection procedure, SCAL will provide the compensation according to negotiation standard of both parties and provide corresponding subsequent support services.
10.5.4 For those passengers that are rejected from boarding on the aircraft due to boarding priority rules, SCAL would offer the compensation according to the category of over-booking flight:
International and Regional Flight
Flight Category | Holding Time of Subsequent Flight | Compensation Standard |
China Domestic - Regional Route | which can be endorsed in current day | 800 Yuan RMB |
China-Asia country, and middle-east area | 800 Yuan RMB | |
China - America, Oceania, Europe, Africa (except Middle-East area) | 800 Yuan RMB | |
China Domestic - Regional Route | which can be endorsed in next day | 800 Yuan RMB |
China-Asia country, and middle-east area | 2500 Yuan RMB | |
China - America, Oceania, Europe, Africa (except Middle-East area) | 2500 Yuan RMB |
In purpose for those passengers who cannot be scheduled with current flights for their travels, SCAL will provide these passengers with meals and accommodations, and provide the meal, accommodation, and the transport compensation again as per 500 Yuan/Person/Night for those passengers who need to stay overnight at the de-tour airport, and the passenger should personally arrange their meals, accommodations, and the transports on own discretion at such de-tour airport.
10.5.5 If the over-booking service and compensation standard conflict with applicable mandatory law or provision, corresponding laws and provisions can be followed.
11.1 General Rules
11 Baggage Transport
Baggage carried by SCAL, is divided into checked baggage and un-checked baggage according to the carriage responsibility.
The baggage of passengers taking international/regional flights should comply with the laws and customs regulations of relevant countries or regions.
11.1.1 Items Prohibited to Carry or Check in
For details, please refer to the official website of Sichuan Airlines - Travel Assistance
- baggage Services - Air baggage Transport Restrictions - Items Prohibited to Carry or Check in.
11.1.2 Items Unacceptable As Checked Baggage
(1)Passenger shall not include in checked baggage the following items. If such items included in checked baggage is lost or damaged, SCAL is liable for it only as common checked baggage. For impairment compensation responsibility, refer to
11.7.4 of this Conditions:
a.Fragile or damageable items; b.Perishable items;
c.Cash, negotiable ticket, valuable securities and drafts;
d. Jewelry;
e.Precious metal and articles thereof, gold and silver articles;
f.Precious articles, such as antiques and valuable paintings, out-of-print video, out-of-print printings or manuscripts;
g.And other items that need special care, such as computer and fittings, personal communication device and fittings, personal digital device and fittings;
h.Samples and valuables; i.Important files and documents;
j..Traveling documents, medical certificates, X-ray films;
k.Articles that need to be specially attended and prescribed drug that needs to be taken regularly.
(2)If the items that are prohibited from being carried or transported in Clause 11.1.1 of these conditions are contained in the passenger’s baggage and if such items are lost or damaged due to actions related to baggage inspection excercised by relevant government agencies, airport management agencies, and security inspection agencies, Sichuan Airlines shall not be liable for any loss, damage or confiscation of such items.
11.1.3 Special Baggage/ Carriage Restricted Goods
Special baggage refers to: baggage with special shape, length, weight or special nature of its own. Special baggage includes small animals checked as baggage, various equipment and supplies used in competitive sports competitions, small electrical appliances, instruments and media equipment, fishing gear, musical instruments and aquatic products that cannot be placed in the general package of checked-in baggage and need to be separately packaged and transported.
For special baggage/carriage restricted goods, the following articles may be accepted as checked baggage for transport only in accordance with the limitation conditions, quantity and packing requirements of SCAL and shall be approved by SCAL:
Please refer to the official website of Sichuan Airlines - Travel Assistance - baggage Services - Air baggage Transport Restrictions for details.
11.1.4 Right to Refuse Carriage
In the exercise of SCAL’s discretion, SCAL may refuse to carry passenger or his
baggage after informing the passenger. In this circumstance passenger will be entitled to a refund. SCAL may also refuse to carry passenger or his baggage for any of the following reasons:
(1)For other baggage than the checked baggage of the passenger, if such baggage belongs to or carries those articles listed in 11.1.1, or some articles listed in 11.1.2 are carried in the check-in baggage, SCAL should reject to accept or terminate the transportation of such baggage and notify the passenger.
(2)Unless advance arrangements for its carriage have been made with SCAL, SCAL may carry on later flight baggage that is in excess of the applicable free allowance (oversized baggage).
(3)SCAL may refuse to accept baggage as checked baggage unless it is properly packed or its contents comply with the carriage requirements.
(4)Such action is necessary to prevent a violation of any applicable laws, regulations, or orders of any State to be flown from, to or over.
(5)The carriage of passenger or his baggage may endanger or affect the safety, health, convenience, comfort of other passengers or crew members.
11.1.5 Right of Security Check
For reasons of safety and security, SCAL has the right to request that passenger permit a security check of his/her baggage; if necessary, it may check passenger’s baggage if passenger is not available. If passenger is unwilling to accept the check, SCAL has the right to refuse to carry the passenger.
11.2 Checked Baggage
11.2.1 Checked baggage must meet the following requirements:
(1)Passenger must check baggage with a valid ticket. SCAL shall correctly enter the pieces and/or weight of checked baggage into departure system. Each passenger’s baggage must be recorded on his own record. If passenger holds a paper ticket, baggage content shall be written on the correspondent spot of ticket.
(2)Passenger shall complete the formalities for checked baggage at the location and time designated by the carrier.
(3)SCAL shall attach a baggage tag to each piece of passenger’s checked baggage, and give a baggage identification tag to passenger.
(4)The weight and size of checked baggage shall not exceed SCAL’s restrictions; those checked baggage exceeding such restrictions shall be agreed by SCAL in advance.
(5)Passenger shall attach name or other personal mark to the checked baggage before checking it in.
(6)Checked baggage must be well packed, locked and bound, and must be able endure a certain amount of pressure, and can be safely loaded, unloaded and carried under normal operation conditions. For baggage of which the packaging does not meet the requirements, Sichuan Airlines may refuse to accept it or not be liable for damages. Checked baggage shall meet the following requirements:
a.Suitcase and handbags and so on must be locked;
b.It’s not allowed to bound more than two pieces (included) of baggage into one piece;
c.It’s not allowed to attach other items to baggage;
d.Bamboo baskets, net bags, grass strings, grass bags and so on are not allowed to be used as packing materials;
(7)“EXEMPT OBLIGATION” tag should be attached to the baggage that is fragile or perishable; the baggage with unsatisfied package; the late checked passenger baggage; the baggage with a package exceeds the required size and weight, or the baggage is damaged during receipt of transportation to exempt SCAL from corresponding compensation liability, meanwhile:
a.Items exempted from liability should be notified to the passenger. b.Remarks should be labeled on the items exempted from liability. c.Passenger should sign in the column of “passenger signature”.
(8)Checked baggage will, whenever possible, be carried on the same aircraft with passenger. When the checked baggage could not be carried on the same flight with the passenger (due to safety, security or operational reasons), SCAL shall timely
notify the passenger. Under the preconditions of safety, this check-in baggage could be preferentially carried in a subsequent flight and SCAL will deliver this baggage to passenger, unless applicable law requires passenger to be present for customs clearance.
(9)The baggage of the passenger should conform to the laws and customs rules of associated country or region.
11.3 Free Baggage Allowance
11.3.1 Free Baggage Allowance
(1)The baggage transport rules for all international and regional routes are all subject to piece or weight: details as followed:
The free checked-baggage allowance for the infant that not take a seat is one checked baggage, of which the sum of three sides shall not exceed 115cm (45 inch) and weight shall not exceed 10kg (22 pounds), and one fully folded stroller or baby stroller can be taken into the cabin free of charge. Passengers with infants can bring food and diapers on the flight. A portable foldable stroller that can be taken into the cabin and folded up to be no longer than 55 cm(22 in) long, 40 cm(16 in ) wide and 20 cm(8 in) tall, strollers over the above size can be shipped free of charge as checked baggage.
a.The free allowance baggage standard is same as that for individual passenger.
b.For more than two (included) passengers who take the same flight to the same destination, if they proceed with the baggage check formality at the same time and same location, their free baggage allowances may be calculated as one integrity in accordance with their respective cabin-class standards which they have purchased; c.As for the domestic leg of the international flight, the applicable free-baggage allowance for the passengers shall be handled as per the regulations for the international flight.
d.As for the passenger who buys mixed class ticket, the free-baggage allowance shall be counted as per the rules for each class of the flight.
e.If the passenger is voluntarily to change his/her class level, he/she should enjoy a
free baggage allowance that corresponding to he/her new ticket; If the passenger is unwilling to change the class level, he/she should enjoy the corresponding free-baggage allowance to his/her original level of ticket.
f.When passenger had a stopover during his/her journey, he/she should enjoy the higher free baggage allowance during the whole journey,
g.If the major flight leg is conducted by a flight sharing code with SCAL, then the free baggage allowance shall be carried in accordance with rules of the airlines that conducted the flight.
h.In the event of a mid-journey split, the baggage allowance for the whole journey shall be implmented according to the higher free baggage allowance avaliable.
(2)The free baggage allowance for international/regional routes refers to the standards published on the official website the Sichuan Airlines.
(3)The Size Limits for Checked Baggage
a.The size limits of checked-baggage shall comply with the local laws and regulations, if there are no defined regulations on the size limits, then, the size of each checked-baggage shall not exceed 300cm (the sum of length, width and height) (118 inch) and shall satisfy the security requirements of the local airport.
b.The checked-baggage that exceeds the above size limit shall be transport as a cargo instead of baggage, and shall follow relevant rules of Sichuan Airlines.
c.As for special baggage (such as skiing gear, fishing tackles, etc.), the size limit shall follow the relevant provisions.
(4)The Weight Limits on Checked-Baggage
a.For the flights involved with British or british commonwealth of nations (e.g. Canada, Australia and etc.), the weight for each checked-baggage shall not exceed 32kg (70 pounds)
b.The weight limits of checked-baggage in other airports shall comply with the local laws and regulations, if there are no defined regulations on the weight limits, then, the weight of each checked-baggage shall not exceed 45kg (100 pounds).
c.The checked-baggage that exceeds the above weight limit shall be transport as a
cargo instead of baggage, and shall follow relevant rules of Sichuan Airlines.
11.3.2 Free Hand-Carry Baggage
(1) Non checked baggage (including hand baggage and carry on items)
a.Sichuan Airlines limits the weight of hand baggage, and passengers holding business class tickets are allowed to carry two pieces of hand baggage per person. Passengers holding economy class tickets can only carry one piece of hand baggage with them. The three sides of each hand baggage shall not exceed 20 x 40 x 55 centimeters, and the weight of each hand baggage shall not exceed 8 kilograms.
b.The passengers who take SCAL flights shall not additionally pay for their hand baggage, besides the stipulated amount of free baggage mentioned above. They are allowed to carry the personal articles that are restricted for their own retention and are only used when they embark or disembark from the aircraft or during the flight.(Please refer to the official website of Sichuan Airlines - Travel Assistance - Non Checked baggage for details.)
c.Baggage and items exceeding the weight, quantity, or volume limits mentioned above should be transported as checked baggage
(2)Bulky baggage
Objects not suitable for transport in the cargo compartment (such as delicate musical instrument) and not complying with 11.3.2 (1) will only be accepted for transportation in the passenger cabin as seat-taking baggage and be taken care of by passenger, if due notice has been given in advance and permission granted by SCAL. The transport of such objects may be charged separately.
11.3.3Checked baggage and un-checked baggage shall be weighed or piece-calculated together at the time of check-in and the weight and pieces shall be entered in corresponding column of “passenger ticket and baggage check”. Checked baggage is under custody of SCAL during the journey, while the unchecked baggage shall be taken care of by passenger in the journey.
11.4 Excess (Oversized) Baggage
11.4.1 Excessive (exceed the limit) baggage refers to the part of baggage in excess of the free baggage allowance of weight or in piece, the exceed part of baggage needs extra charges.
11.4.2 When charging for the extra fees for excessive (exceed the limit) baggage excessive (exceed the limit) baggage receipt needs to be filled.
11.4.3 The excessive (exceed the limit) baggage shall be charged in accordance with the number, weight and size in exceeding.
11.4.4 Charging standard for the excessive baggage refers to the standards published on the official website the Sichuan Airlines.
11.4.5 The default currency of above fess is RMB. In some cases (if the passenger has no RMB), the fees will be charged in local currency, which should be referred to the charge standard of the destination for the baggage.
11.5 Baggage Declaration and Charge
11.5.1 General Rules
(1)A passenger may declare a value for checked baggage in excess of USD 30 or its equivalent per kilogram, and shall pay an applicable charge.
(2)The declaration for checked baggage must not exceed the real value of the baggage. The maximum declared value of each passenger is USD 5,000 or its equivalent value in other currencies. If SCAL disagrees with a value declaration and the passenger refuses to be checked, SCAL has the right to refuse carriage.
(3)No declaration value for pet will be accepted.
(4)SCAL will charge an fee of 5‰ of extra declared value exceeding the limitation of
11.5.1 (1).
11.5.2 SCAL will refuse to accept an excess value declaration on checked baggage when a portion of the carriage is to be provided by another Carrier who does not offer the facility.
11.6 Pets and Guide Dogs
11.6.1 Pets mean the little animals checked by the passengers, including domestic
dogs, cats, birds and other types of pets. Any wild and aggressive animal such as snakes, tibet mastiffs, and bulldogs will not be accepted for transportation. Animals which are not suitable for air travel (including cats, dogs and their hybrids with aggressive characteristics, easy to hurt people, easy to have respiratory problems and short nose series, and cats and dogs uncomfortable with high temperature and high altitude environment, etc.) must not be carried as baggage. Animals that are too small (for example: turtles, rodents, ornamental fish, etc.) or too large (cage packaging exceeds the maximum volume limit of the route), shall not be transported as baggage. The carrier has the right to determine whether an animal can be carried and the way of transportation, and has the right to restrict the number of pets on a plane.
11.6.2 Pet may be accepted for carriage subject to following rules:
(1)Passengers consigning small animals shall apply for the tranport at the time of reservation. It shall be loaded in the container whose quality and size meets consignment standards, attached with valid Certification for Animals Quarantine and animal vaccine injection certificate. Approval from Sichuan Airlines shall be obtained.
(2)Have valid certificates necessary for entry, exit and transit permits required by The People’s Republic of China and countries involved in transportation;
(3)The passengers shall take the live animal to the airport to go through consignment procedures themselves no less than 90 minutes before the departure time of the flight on the day of the flight.
(4)Pets need to be packed separately (A pair of small birds can be placed in the same cage). And the total weight of the pet and pet containe, which are packed separately (food and water inside pet container included), must not exceed 32kg (included). The size cannot exceed 40×60×100cm and cannot be less than 5×15×20cm. If it exceeds (or below) size and weight standard, it shall be transported as cargo.
(5)With the advance agreement of SCAL and other Carriers concerned, and formalities required by SCAL and other Carriers concerned.
11.6.3 The animal, together with its container and food carried by passenger shall be
carried as checked baggage and passenger will be obliged to pay the excess (oversized) baggage fee. Except specially approved by SCAL, animals will not be carried in the passenger cabin of the aircraft.
11.6.4 Guide Dog Transport
(1)Guide dog refers to a dog trained to lead the blind or assist the deaf when if accompanies passenger with impaired vision or hearing dependent upon such dog. (2)Sichuan Airlines accepts mental service dogs, and guide dogs as service dogs to enter the cabin, and does not accept emotional assistance dogs as service dogs to enter the cabin. Emotional assistance dogs can be used as pets and should comply with the relevant regulations of Sichuan Airlines for pet transportation.
(3)SCAL observes relevant laws and regulations for air transport of the disabled stipulated by civil aviation authority, and provides transport service for qualified passengers and service dogs.
(4)If the passenger wants to take the service dog into the cabin, in principle, the passenger must submit application no later than 48 hours prior to the estimated take-off time of the flight. If the transport conditions required by SCAL have been satisfied and SCAL approval has been obtained, the service dog can be taken into cabin for transport by the physical-handicapped himself/herself. The service dog as well as its container and food can be transported for free without being accounted into the free baggage allowance.
(5)As for the restrictions and standards for transporting service dog, please refer to the official website of Sichuan Airlines for details.
11.6.5 Acceptance for carriage of animals (include guide dogs) is subject to the conditions that the passenger assumes full responsibility for such animal unless due to SCAL’s faults. SCAL shall not be liable for injury to or loss, delay, sickness or death of such animal in the event that it is refused entry into or passage through any country, state or territory.
11.6.6 Transport Responsibility
(1)The passenger is fully liable for all damages or injuries which a pet might cause to
other passengers or crew members.
(2)SCAL will have no liability in respect of any such animal not having all the necessary exit, entry, health and other documents with respect to the animal's entry into or passage through any country or region. The passenger who carries this pet shall make a compensation for any penalty, fees, losses or debts to SCAL due to lack or incompleteness of documents required.
(3)SCAL may not accept transportation on certain types of aircraft that are not suitable for transporting live animals.
11.7 Delivery of Baggage
11.7.1 Delivery of Baggage
(1)Passenger shall collect his baggage as soon as it is available for collection at places of destination or stopover. At the time of collection, passenger shall show his or her “passenger ticket and baggage check” if SCAL requires.
(2)With SCAL’s consent, passenger can collect his baggage at stopover under the agreement of SCAL, the unused payment of the excess baggage will not be refunded. (3)If the passenger does not collect his baggage in time, SCAL will charge the passenger baggage keeping fee. SCAL has the right to deal with the perishable items in passenger’s baggage 24 hours after the arrival of the baggage.
(4)SCAL is under no obligation to ascertain that the bearer of the baggage identification tag is entitled to delivery of the baggage and SCAL is not liable for any loss, damage, or expense arising out of or in connection with such delivery.
(5)If a person claiming the baggage is unable to identify the baggage by the baggage identification tag, SCAL will deliver the baggage to such person only on condition that he or she establishes to SCAL’s satisfaction his or her right thereto. And if required by SCAL, such person shall furnish adequate security to indemnify SCAL for any loss, damage or expense which may be incurred by SCAL as a result of such delivery.
(6)Acceptance of baggage by the bearer of the baggage check, without complaint at the time of delivery, is prima facie evidence that the baggage has been delivered in
good condition and in accordance with the contract of carriage.
11.7.2 Unclaimed Baggage
If baggage is not collected after 180 days from the next day of baggage’s arrival, SCAL has the right to process it according to the regulations on un-delivered baggage. Fresh and perishable articles (PER) of the passenger baggage are not subject to the above-mentioned time limit.
11.7.3 Processing of Abnormal Carriage of Baggage
(1)In occurrence of any delay, loss or damage during the transportation of checked baggage, it is required for the passenger to issue the baggage transportation accident certificate, SCAL or SCAL ground agent should join with the passenger to fill the “Baggage Transportation Accident Record” to identify the status and the reason as soon as possible, and reply the investigation result to the passenger and relevant entity. In the occurrence of baggage compensation, they can handle this formality at original station, stop-over location or destination airport.
(2)If the check-in baggage of the passenger is delayed for the arrival, air carrier should timely notify the passenger to collect such baggage. Unless otherwise specified by the State, for the delayed arrival caused by other circumstance than passenger circumstance, if the passenger requests for direct delivery, SCAL should directly deliver the checked baggage to the passenger on the basis of free-of-charge or negotiate with the passenger to settle down a solution.
11.7.4 Compensation for Baggage (1)Compensation Limit
a.If the weight of the baggage is not recorded on the baggage check, it is presumed that the total weight of the checked baggage does not exceed the applicable free baggage allowance for the class of service concerned
b.According to the above articles, the checked baggage which has made an declaration should made compensation as per the declared value. If the declared value is beyond the actual value of the baggage, the compensation should be made as per the actual value.
c.The route which applicable for Warsaw Convention
--In case of the absence of purchase invoice and lack of sufficient evidence,the highest compensation price per person should be 30 U.S. dollar per kilogram.
--If there are sufficient evidence, then the highest compensation price for checked baggage and non-checked baggage per person should be 1288 special drawing right d.The compensation price for the route which subject to Warsaw convention is:
--17 special drawing right per kilogram.
--322 special drawing right for the unchecked baggage.
e.Special drawing right refers to SDR specified by International Monetary Fund (IMF), whose price ratio is floating. SCAL will convert the money in line with the exchange rate of the actual transport date.
(2)Time Limitation on Claims and Actions a.Notice of claims
--No action shall lie in the case of damage to checked baggage unless the person entitled to delivery complains to SCAL forthwith after the discovery of the damage, and, at the latest, within seven working days from the date of receipt; and in the case of delay, unless the complaint is made at the latest within twenty-one working days from the date on which the baggage has been placed at his or her disposal. Every complaint must be made in writing and dispatched within the times aforesaid.
--Any claims shall be raised in written form within time limit, or no compensation shall be raised towards SCAL.
b.Any right to damages shall be extinguished if an action is not brought within two years reckoned from the date of arrival at the destination or from the date on which the aircraft ought to have arrived, or from the date on which the carriage stopped. (3)Compensation for temporary living supplies
Due to the reason of Sichuan Airlines, the checked baggage of passengers can not arrive on the same plane, which causes inconvenience to passengers' travel and life, and the transfer/destination station can provide passengers with appropriate temporary living compensation.
a.The standard of temporary living expenses for business-class passengers is $100. On this basis, the compensation will be increased by $50 for each additional day of delay, and the total compensation for temporary living expenses is limited to $200. b.The standard of temporary living expenses for economy class passengers is $50. On this basis, the compensation will be increased by $25 for each additional day of delay, and the total compensation for temporary living expenses is limited to $100.
If the delayed baggage is found and delivered, the temporary living expenses will not be refunded to Sichuan Airlines. If the baggage is not found, the compensation for temporary living expenses shall be included in the amount of compensation for lost baggage.
12 Conduct aboard Aircraft
12.1 If passenger conducts himself or herself aboard the aircraft so as to endanger the aircraft or any person or property on board, or obstructs the crew in the performance of their duties, or fails to comply with any instruction of the crew, or behaves in a manner to which other passengers may reasonably object, SCAL may take such measures as it deems necessary to prevent continuation of such conduct, including restraint of the passenger. Passenger may be disembarked and refused onward carriage at any point and passenger may be prosecuted for offences committed on board the aircraft.
12.2 Prohibition and Restriction on Portable Electronic Device (PED)
Passengers are prohibited from using lithium battery mobile power source (power bank) on board during the whole flight. Prohibition and application restriction on PED refer to SCAL official website.
12.3 Non-Smoking Flights
All SCAL flights are non-smoking flights. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the aircraft. E-cigarette and synthetic steam smoking device are also prohibited.
12.4 Restriction on Alcoholic Drinks
While aboard aircraft, passenger is not allowed to drink any alcoholic drinks other than those provided by SCAL.
12.5 Seat Belts
While in seat on board the aircraft, passenger shall fasten his or her seat belt as required.
13 Refusal and Limitation of Carriage
13.1 SCAL may refuse carriage of any passenger or passenger’s baggage for reasons of safety or if, in the exercise of its reasonable discretion, SCAL determines that:
13.1.1 The passenger or article forbidden from air transportation as per relevant provision of origin airport, stop-over airport or fly-over country;
13.1.2 The passenger who rejects to accept the safety check;
13.1.3 The baggage that has not been taken for safety check;
13.1.4 The passenger who fails to show valid personal identity card, or personal identity card shown is different from that identity card used for ticket purchase;
13.1.5 Other circumstances stipulated by the State;
13.1.6 In addition to those provisions specified in above-mentioned articles, if the passenger behavior may possibly endanger the flight safety or public sequence, SCAL is authorized to reject the air transportation:
(1)The passenger does not follow the national law, policy provision and order, or does not follow SCAL provision.
(2)The passenger carries any baggage or article for the stranger.
(3)The passenger cannot or reject to follow the instruction of flight crew member. (4)The passenger previously took any misconduct in course of air transportation, and SCAL reasonably believes that such misconduct may be potentially arisen again. (5)The passenger does not pay off applicable fare, fee and tax or does not fulfill those credit payments between this passenger and associated air carrier with SCAL.
(6)The flight ticket shown by the passenger in paper format has been illegally obtained or has not been purchased at air carrier in charge of ticket issuance or from sales agent, or has been reported of the loss or theft, or is forged, or the boarding coupon of this flight ticket has not been changed by air carrier or corresponding sale
agent or the boarding coupon is altered; or the passenger has no valid electrical ticket record; or his/her electrical ticket status is not in "OPEN FOR USE".
(7)The individual that shows a flight ticket in paper format or declares that he/she holds an electrical ticket cannot certify that he or she is the person listed in the "Passenger Name" column of flight ticket.
(8)The passenger rejects to follow SCAL orders in terms of safety or security, or disorders the cabin
(9)Specific and serious dishonest individual and the individual subjected to the enforcement that is restricted to take the civil aircraft;
(10)Other passengers rejected from air transportation as defined by SCAL, who includes but does not limit to:
a.The mental or physical condition of the passenger (including the effect of alcohol or medicine), which may cause into the danger or hazard to this passenger, other passenger, air crewmember or their properties, or may endanger or affect the safety, health, convenience or comfort of other passenger or air crewmember;
b.The patient passenger who cannot provide the certification files defined by SCAL; c.Various patient passengers who are not appropriate to travel in the flight, etc.
13.2 Disposal of the ticket after carriage being refused
If the passenger requests SCAL to issue the paper statement when he/she is rejected from air transport due to 13.1 of this provision, SCAL would timely issue this statement unless otherwise instructed by the State. If the passenger requests to change the ticket or refund the ticket, SCAL can proceed with relevant procedure in accordance with applicable general condition of transportation and ticket service condition.
13.3 Limitation on Carriage
Unless otherwise stipulated by government documents or documents or sports meeting for the disabled, infants, ill passengers, pregnant women, handicapped passengers, sick passengers, or escorted criminal suspects, etc. who are in need of special service under judicial and administrative mandatory measures can only be
carried when SCAL’s concerned regulations are met, and when it has been agreed by SCAL and SCAL has made arrangements when necessary.
13.3.1 Transport of Infants/Children
(1)Infants carried by Sichuan Airlines refer to those who have been born 14 days on the date of travel (the 14th day from the day after birth), but are under 2 years old and preemie under 90 days(at least 28weeks but less than 37 weeks)
(2) “Children” refers to the passengers at least 2 years old but less than 12 years old at the date of the beginning of travelling.
(3) Children who are 5 years old or older but not yet 12 years old on the day the trip begins and who need to travel alone must apply for unaccompanied child services.
(4) Children and infants under the age of 5, as well as children under the age of 12 who have reached the age of 5 but have not applied for unaccompanied services, must be accompanied by an adult of the same physical class who has full civil capacity and accompanying capacity at the age of 18. The specific requirements are as follows: a.The total number of children and infants under the age of 12 that can be carried by each adult passenger shall not exceed 8, among which the total number of children and infants under the age of 5 shall not exceed 3 (with no more than 1 infant). If the total number of children aged 5 and above that adults need to carry exceeds the limit of 8, they can apply to the Sichuan Airlines Business Committee for ticket purchase according to the children's team.
b.Each adult passenger can only accompany 1 sick or disabled child or infant (requiring assistance during emergency evacuation) and cannot accompany other children or infants.
c.Adults accompanying children or infants must have the ability to care for them. Adults who have already applied for special services such as stretchers, wheelchairs, or unaccompanied elderly services are not allowed to accompany children or infants. d.For routes involving the United States, local laws and regulations shall be followed, and clauses b and c do not apply.
e.Adults accompanying children should, in principle, complete the check-in
procedure at the same time as the accompanying adult passenger. Child passengers' seats should be arranged either next to the adult passenger accompanying the child or in seats immediately in front of or behind the adult passenger for the convenience of caring for the child.
(5)There is no available seat for the baby with baby flight ticket. If they need individual seat, the children flight ticket shall be bought.
(6) Children who have reached the age of 5 but are under the age of 12 and are not accompanied by adults who have reached the age of 18 and have full civil capacity should apply to Sichuan Airlines for unaccompanied child services in advance. There is a limit on the number of unaccompanied children carried on each flight, and Sichuan Airlines has the right to refuse transportation if the number exceeds the limit.
13.3.2 Transport of Children and Teenagers
(1)Children who have reached the age of 2 but are under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult who has reached the age of 18 and has full capacity for civil conduct. Children should purchase tickets with the same class of service as their companions.
(2)Children who have reached the age of 5 but are under the age of 12 travel without an adult who has reached the age of 18 and has full capacity for civil conduct should apply to Sichuan Airlines for unaccompanied minor services in advance. There is a limit on the number of unaccompanied children carried on each flight, and Sichuan Airlines reserves the right to refuse transportation if the number exceeds the limit. (3)Teenagers who have reached the age of 12 but under the age of 18 travel alone may voluntarily apply for the service of unaccompanied minors.
13.3.3 Transport of Pregnant
(1)For pregnants passengers who are less than 32 weeks pregnant (inclusive), Sichuan Airlines will carry them as general passengers, except for those diagnosed by a doctor as unsuitable to fly.
(2)Passengers who are pregnant for more than 32 weeks but less than 36 weeks should fill in the diagnosis certificate, which will be effective with the seal of the
medical unit at the county or city level (or equivalent) and the signature of the doctor of that hospital, within 72 hours before the flight.
(3)Passengers who are pregnant for more than 36 weeks (included), or the expected date of confinement is within 4 weeks, or the expected date of confinement is undefined but the fact of multiple birth is known, or obstetric labor complications are expected, or women who are less than 7 days postpartum, and pregnant experiencing threatened abortion reactions. Air transportation services will not be provided to them, Sichuan Airlines shall not provide air transport services.
13.3.4 Carriage of injured or sick passengers
(1)For the following passengers, SCAL will require them to show the certificate of diagnosis signed by doctor and fill out "Application of Special Passenger Service": a.Seriously ill passenger; or the disabled or injured passenger who cannot accomplish the flight safely without extra medical assistance;
b.The person in need of premature baby care box;
c.The person in need of oxygen during flight; (Sichuan Airlines does not provide at present)
d.Person having possible life danger or needing medical treatment;
e.Person suffering from infectious disease which can be prevented by effective measure;
f.The stretcher passenger;
g.Passenger with AIDS (without any physical trauma);
h.Other passengers SCAL considers that filling in the “Special Passenger Boarding Application” is required.
(2)The passenger suffering from the following disease is not allowed to board the aircraft unless SCAL has been approved to transport him/her, for life saving:
a.The passenger suffering from very serious heart disease or in a critical condition, ex. heart failure, with cyanotic symptom or myocardial infarction (which occurred six weeks before traveling);
b.The passenger suffering from tympanitis, associated with the blockage of syrinx;
c.Patient with recent spontaneous pneumothorax or patient recent with disease in nervous system symptom;
d.Patient with heruia, mtestinal obstruction
e.Head injury, high cranial pressure and skull fracture. f.Mandible fracture fixed by metal material recently;
g.Passenger suffering from poliomyelitis in the past 30 days and passenger with medulla form poliomyelitis;
h.Patients with serious symptoms of hemoptysis, hematemesis, bleeding, vomiting and moaning;
i.Patient who has serious wound or has major surgical operation but not being healed up recently.
(3)The medical certificate shall be of no effect unless it is filled out within 4 days before scheduled flight take off time; for passenger with serious state of illness, it should be filled out within 2 days before scheduled flight take off time. For details, please refer to the official website of Sichuan Airlines.
14 Arrangement of Additional Service
14.1 If we arrange you the service (except for the air transport) provided by the third party or provide you with the receipt of the service of ground transport; hotel reservation or car rental, which are provided by the third party (which are not the airlines), we will only act as the agency which will not be liable for the case whether you can obtain such services or the quality of such services. The items and conditions of the third party are applicable for this service.
14.2 If we provide you with ground transport, this condition is not applicable for the ground transport.
15 Administrative Formalities
15.1 Passengers are required to consult and comply with all laws, regulations, orders, requirements, travel conditions, and relevant regulations of the country of departure,
transit, and destination, as well as those of SCAL. If passengers fail to comply with relevant regulations and are unable to board or reach their destination, SCAL shall not be liable for any losses caused thereby. SCAL shall not be liable for any aid or information given by any authorized agent or employee of SCAL to any passenger in connection with obtaining necessary documents or visas or complying with such laws, regulations, orders, demands, and requirements; or for the consequences to any passenger resulting from his or her failure to obtain such documents or visas or to comply with such laws, regulations, orders, demands, requirements, rules or instructions.
15.2 The passenger shall present all exits, entry, health and other documents required by laws, regulations, orders, demands or requirements of the countries concerned, and permit SCAL to take and retain copies thereof. SCAL reserves the right to refuse carriage of any passenger who has not complied with applicable laws, regulations, orders, demands or requirements or whose documents do not appear to be in order, or who does not permit SCAL to take and retain copies thereof.
15.3 The passenger agrees to pay the applicable fare whenever SCAL, on Government order, is required to return a passenger to his or her point of origin or elsewhere, owing to the passenger’s inadmissibility into a country, whether of transit or of destination. SCAL may apply to the payment of such fare any funds paid to SCAL for unused carriage, or any funds of the passenger in the possession of SCAL. The fare collected for carriage to the point of refusal of entry or deportation will not be refunded by SCAL.
15.4 If SCAL is required to pay or deposit any fine or penalty or to incur any expenditure by reason of the passenger’s failure to comply with laws, regulations, orders, demands and travel requirements of the countries concerned or to produce the required documents, the passenger shall on demand reimburse to SCAL any amount so paid or deposited and any expenditure so incurred. SCAL may use towards such expenditure any funds paid to SCAL for unused carriage, or any funds of the passenger in the possession of SCAL.
15.5 Passengers should accept any security checks by government or airport officials or SCAL. Sichuan Airlines will refuse to transport passengers who refuse to accept security checks and baggage that has not completed security checks.
15.6 In order to ensure transportation safety, SCAL has the right to require passengers to undergo a security check on their baggage; If necessary, the baggage can also be inspected without passengers being present. If the passenger does not accept such inspection, SCAL has the right to refuse transportation.
15.7 If required, the passenger shall attend inspection of his or her baggage by customs or other government officials. SCAL is not liable to passenger for any loss or damage suffered by the passenger through failure to comply with this requirement.
16 Passenger Services
Based on the principle of ensuring flight safety and flight regularity, and providing good service, Sichuan Airlines earnestly provides various services of air and ground passenger transportation with a civilized, courteous, warm and thoughtful service attitude.
16.1 Unless otherwise specified, during the flight, Sichuan Airlines shall provide passengers with free drinks or meals in accordance with relevant regulations. . However, SCAL may not guarantee services beyond the stipulated varieties and quantity accordingly.
16.2 Except as otherwise specified, SCAL does not provide ground transfer service within airport areas or between airports or between airports and town terminals. SCAL is not liable for liable for the acts of the provider of such ground transfer services or anything done by an agent or representative of SCAL in assisting the passenger to make arrangements for such transfer service.
16.3 Passenger shall pay for expenses of hotel accommodation at the connection point.
16.4 If illness happens to passenger during air carriage, SCAL shall take active measures and do its best to save the passenger. However, the personal injury or death
of the passenger is entirely caused by the passenger's own health, and the expenses shall be borne by the passenger.
16.5 Services for abnormal flights and conditions and standards for delay compensation
16.5.1 Information notice
Within 30 minutes after the flight status changes, Sichuan Airlines shall promptly and accurately release flight delay or cancellation information to passengers through various channels, including the reason for the delay or cancellation and flight status.
16.5.2 Service requirements
When the flight departure is delayed or cancelled, Sichuan Airlines and its air sales agent or ground handling agent shall provide passenger service in accordance with these conditions:
(1)Escort service for passengers including the disable, elder, pregnant and unaccompanied children who need special care whenever flight is delayed or cancelled.
(2)Ticket refund or change for passengers in case of flight delay or cancellation. (3)Provide passengers with written proof of flight delay or cancellation in a timely manner.
16.5.3 Service Standard
(1)If fights are delayed or cancelled at origin due to such reasons as aircraft maintenance, flight readjustment, or flight crew, SCAL shall provide accommodations to passengers according to regulations concerned.
(2)If flights are delayed or cancelled at origin due to non-SCAL reasons including but not limited to weather, accidents, air traffic control, airport, or passengers, SCAL shall assist passengers arrange accommodations on passengers’ own expenses.
(3)If flights are delayed or cancelled at transit point due to any reason, SCAL shall provide accommodations to transit passengers.
(4)When flights are delayed or cancelled, SCAL and SCAL’s ground service agencies shall explain and inform passenger promptly about the latest information of flights’
delay or cancellation.
(5)If a flight diverts to an alternate airport, regardless of the reason, SCAL shall provide meal or accommodation services to the passengers.
16.5.4 Disposal for Delays after Onboard
(1)After passengers getting onboard, if delay occurs, flight crews shall notify the live status, estimated duration and cause of delay to the passengers in every 30 minutes. (2)Onboard lavatory shall remain in service during the delay, pursuant to safety operation requirement.
(3)Cabin crew shall provide water and food to passengers in case of delay longer than 2 hours (inclusive).
(4)Passengers shall be escorted off board for hold in case of delay exceeds 3 hours (inclusive) and the takeoff time is unconfirmed, such hold shall not breach the safety and security rules.
16.5.5 If fights are delayed due to airline company's reasons such as aircraft maintenance, flight readjustment, or the crew, SCAL shall provide compensation based on the actual delay time for passenger ticket changing, route changing, and route detour:
(1)In terms of flight delay and cancelling of supplement flight (including the alternate and stopover) due to carrier's reason, compensation of 200 RMB shall be provided to the passenger for the delay between 4 hours (including 4 hours) to 8 hours, and compensation of 400 RMB shall be provided to the passenger for the delay of over 8 hours (8 hours included).
(2)Financial compensation of child passenger ticket shall be calculated as the adult compensation; financial compensation of enfant passenger ticket shall be calculated as 10% of that of the adult compensation.
16.6 SCAL e-mail and telephone numbers used to accept the passenger complaint E-mail address for accepting the complaint inside China: The telephone number used to accept the complaint inside China: 95378
17 Liability for Damage
17.1 SCAL’s carriage responsibility for passenger is subject to the carriage conditions, and the carriage responsibility of other carriers concerned is subject to their carriage conditions respectively.
17.2 The transportation handled by SCAL belongs to the international transportation defined by the Montreal Convention, and the liability rules of the Montreal Convention shall apply. For any damage to passengers and baggage caused by international transportation not defined in the Montreal Convention, SCAL shall be liable for compensation in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Warsaw Convention.
17.3 For transportation other than international transportation applicable in the Convention:
Unless SCAL intentionally or recklessly acts or fails to act with knowledge that there is a possibility of loss, SCAL' s liability for personal injury to passengers, destruction, loss or damage to baggage and goods, and losses caused by delay shall be conducted in accordance with applicable laws and their prescribed liability limits.
17.4 In the case that the Convention applies to the transport:
17.4.1 The transportation performed by SCAL and other carriers based on a single ticket or a continuous ticket shall be considered as a single transportation. However, for checked baggage, passengers can claim compensation from the first or last carrier listed on the ticket or baggage ticket. In the case that SCAL carries code sharing flights but is not the issuing carrier, SCAL is only responsible for losses incurred on flights carried by SCAL. For the SCAL code sharing flights on the SCAL ticket, even if the baggage is carried by other carriers, SCAL shall be responsible for baggage claims. In addition to the above regulations, SCAL only serves as the agent of other carriers when filling out passenger tickets or handling baggage check-in for their flights.
17.4.2 Unless caused by the fault of SCAL, its employees or agents, SCAL shall not be liable for the loss of passengers' carry-on baggage.
17.4.3 SCAL is not liable for any damage arising from its compliance with any laws or Government regulations, orders or requirements, or from failure of the passenger to comply with the same.
17.4.4 Unless otherwise specified, according to the applicable provisions of the Convention, The damages that SCAL will compensate passengers for are limited to and not higher than the confirmed actual losses and expenses. SCAL shall not be liable for indirect or consequential losses
17.4.5 If the damage is caused or contributed by passenger's fault, SCAL's liability for compensation for losses should be correspondingly exempted or reduced in accordance with applicable laws.
17.4.6 SCAL carriage contract includes the Conditions and articles exempting or limiting liability, and is also applicable to SCAL’s authorized agents and employees. In any case, the sum of compensation from SCAL, SCAL’s authorized agents and employees may not exceed the liability limit of SCAL.
17.4.7 Unless clearly specified, the Conditions will not render SCAL to give up the provisions of the Convention or applicable laws on exemption or limitation of SCAL liability.
17.4.8 SCAL is not liable for damage caused by passenger’s baggage or property contained in such passenger’s baggage. Any passenger whose property causes injury to another person or damage to another person’s property or to the property of SCAL shall indemnify SCAL for all losses and expenses incurred by SCAL as a result thereof.
17.4.9 If items listed in 11.1.2 are carried in checked baggage, SCAL shall not be liable for its damage.
17.4.10 SCAL shall not be responsible for any illness, injury, disability, or death caused or aggravated by a passenger's age, mental state, or health condition during transportation, which poses a danger or danger to them.
18 Effectiveness and Modification
18.1 The Conditions come into effect from 22.Apr, 2024.
18.2 SCAL may modify these Conditions without notice according to the routing procedure of CAAC. This modification will not apply to the carriage that starts before of such modification.
18.3 No agent, employee or representative of SCAL has authority to alter, modify or waive any provision of the Conditions.
18.4 SCAL must not implement the revised contents on the limitation of passenger rights or the addition of passenger liability in this condition to those passengers who have purchased their flight tickets before these revisions were made, unless otherwise specified by the State.
18.5 If you want to know about other contents that are not explained in detail in this condition, you can log into the Sichuan Airlines official website for inquiries.