甲 | 方 | : | ||
乙 | 方 | : | 方圆标志认证集团有限公司 | |
签订地点 | : | |||
签订时间 | : | 年 | 月 | 日 |
1 标的
1.1 认证服务项目见附件 1(在□内划■或√表示适用于该项)
1.2 申请认证范围见《方圆标志管理体系认证申请书》 2 义务
2.1 甲方义务:
1. 始终遵守国家相关法律法规以及认证认可行政规章和管理规定,协助认证 监管部门的监督检查,对有关事项的询问和调查如实提供相关材料和信息。
2. 甲方按乙方认证规则、认证实施方案规定的要求提供申请文件以及真实充分的信息和记录、完成准备工作、配合完成现场检查等活动,并在认证的有效期内,持续有效运行管理体系。
3. 为现场审核组提供必要的交通、食宿、通讯、审核期间办公场所及其他必要的工作条件。
4. 申请管理体系认证应提供满足运行时间要求的有效证据(依据相关管理体系认证实施方案规定)。
5. 按合同的约定按时向乙方支付本合同规定的费用。
6. 如不能在审核结束后的规定时间内按要求关闭不符合并通过乙方验证,乙方将再实施一次审核或不批准认证/暂停认证/撤销认证,由此产生增加的审核费用及后果由甲方承担。
7. 在认证有效期内,管理体系发生变化及异常情况应及时通知乙方,包括但不限于:
a) 客户及相关方有重大投诉;
b) 生产、销售的产品或提供的服务被国家行政主管部门认定不合格,或环境、安全等监测不合格;
c) 被执法监管部门责令停业整顿,或在全国企业信用信息公示系统中被列入“严重违法企业名单”;
d) 发生质量、环境、安全等事故;
e) 基本情况发生变更(包括法律地位、生产经营状况、组织机构或所有权、法定代表人、最高管理者、生产经营或服务场所、管理体系或其重要过程的变更,强制性认证或其他资质证书变更等);
f) 管理体系覆盖的活动范围变更;
g) 出现相关认证实施方案规定的影响管理体系运行等其他重要情况。
8. 产品和服务被国家行政主管部门在监督抽查中被查出不合格,或环境、安全等监测不合格,或发生质量、环境、安全等事故,或发生重大投诉时,应接受乙方实施的特殊审核(提前较短时间通知的审核),由此产生增加的审核费用由甲方承担,否则,认证资格将被暂停或撤销。出现事故、重大投诉、国家行政主管部门监督检查不合格时,应于二十四小时内通告乙方。
9. 甲方如持有乙方所颁发的带有认可标志的认证证书,应当接受认可机构的见证评审和确认审核,如果拒绝将会导致认证资格的暂停或撤销。
10. 当申请的认证范围包括多个子公司和分现场时,甲方应确保各子公司和分现场都应遵守本合同约定。
11. 依据相关认证实施方案和乙方公示的《管理体系认证证书和认证标志、认可标识使用规则》的要求正确使用管理体系认证证书、认证标志、认可标识,不利用管理体系认证证书和相关文字、符号误导公众认为其产品或服务通过认证。
12. 认证被撤销后停止使用认证证书和认证标志并向乙方交还认证证书,立即停止有关认证内容的广告和宣传。
2.2 乙方义务:
1. 根据认证方案在委托的认证范围内公正、客观、科学地开展认证活动,并履行保密承诺。
2. 向甲方及时提交审核计划,按约定时间实施审核。
3. 派遣适宜的审核人员,并征得甲方同意。
4. 通过审核证明满足认证要求后,及时做出颁发认证证书的决定,并允许甲方依据相关认证实施方案和《管理体系认证证书和认证标志、认可标识使用规则》的要求使用认证标志。
5. 及时向社会公布甲方的认证信息(批准、暂停、撤销)。
6. 认证要求发生更改时,通知甲方。
7. 做出暂停、撤销认证证书的决定时,必须书面通知甲方,并说明理由。
8. 认证完成并收到甲方支付的全部认证费用后,向甲方交付纸质版或电子版认证证书。
3 权利
3.1 甲方权利
1. 有权按照乙方公示的《管理体系认证证书和认证标志、认可标识使用规则》正确使用认证证书和认证标志,宣传获准认证的事实。
2. 享有由于获准认证以及使用认证标志取得的经济利益。
3. 甲方对乙方关于认证的暂停和撤销决定有权提出申诉,有权对不规范的认证行为提出投诉。
4. 要求乙方承诺保守认证中获取的甲方的秘密。
3.2 乙方权利
1. 通过审核证明不满足认证要求的,有权不颁发认证证书及不允许使用认证标志,并有权收取已经发生的认证服务费用。
2. 如甲方管理体系、产品发生重大变化或异常情况时(参见本合同 2.1 条款第 7 条内容),乙方有权增加监督审核频次,由此产生增加的审核费用由甲方承担。
3. 甲方获认证后如发生不能持续满足认证要求,乙方有权暂停、撤销甲方的认证证书并要求甲方停止使用并交还相关的认证证书和认证标志。
4. 按认证合同的约定收取认证费用,如甲方不按时支付本合同约定费用,乙方有权暂停、撤销甲方的认证证书并要求甲方停止使用并交还相关的认证证书和认证标志。
5. 有权公布甲方的认证证书信息以及认证状态信息(批准、暂停、撤销)。 4 费用以及支付方式
4.1 甲方向乙方支付如下费用
序 号 | 项 目 | 费 用 |
1 | 申请费 | 元 |
2 | 审核费 | 元 |
3 | 批准与注册费 | 元 |
4 | 年金 | 元 |
5 | 其它 | 元 |
初次认证费合计 (大写) | ¥ 万 仟 佰元整 | |
每次监督审核费 | 元 | |
年金 | 元 | |
每次监督费合计 (大写) | ¥ 万 仟 佰元整 | |
审核组成员差旅费 | 甲方承担 |
4.2 初次认证费付款方式:
□甲方于合同签订后 天支付 元给乙方。
□甲方于现场审核结束后 天支付 元给乙方。
4.3 每次监督审核费付款方式:
监督审核前甲方向乙方支付监督审核费用和年金,甲方应在收到通知单后 15个工作日内付款。
5 合同的生效、变更与终止
6 违约责任
1. 甲方提供的认证申请文件及认证方案要求的信息及记录必须真实,否则将承担一切责任。
2. 若因甲方未能履行本合同规定的义务而造成甲方未能取得认证,乙方对此不负任何责任;甲方上述行为给乙方造成损失的,甲方应在给付合同款项的同时,按照合同标的额 20%向乙方承担违约责任赔偿。
3. 若因乙方未能履行本合同规定的义务而造成甲方未能通过认证,乙方对此应承担责任,乙方应在退还已收合同款项的同时,按照合同标的额 20%向甲方承担违约责任赔偿。
7 争议处理
双方若因履行本合同发生争议,应当通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,按照下列第 种方式处理:
方式壹:向 (合同签订地)仲裁委员会申请仲裁;
方式贰:向对 (合同签订地)有管辖权的法院提起诉讼。
8 附件
附件 1 认证服务项目
附件 2 FSSC 22000 认证补充条款。
甲 方:(盖章) | 乙 方:(盖章) |
负 责 人: | 负 责 人: |
日 期: | 日 期: |
通讯地址: | 通讯地址:北京市海淀区增光路 33 号 |
邮 编: | 邮 编:100048 |
电 话: | 电 话: |
传 真: | 传 真: |
e-mail : | e-mail : |
开户名称: | 开户名称:方圆标志认证集团有限公司 |
帐 号: | 帐 号:110060576012015139463 |
开户银行: | 开户银行:交通银行北京海淀支行 |
附件 1 认证服务项目(在□内划■或√表示适用于该项)
序号 | 认证领域 | 认证依据标准 | 认证类型 | 证书类型 |
□1 | 质量管理体系 (□QMS☑EC9000) | □GB/T 19001-( ) □ISO 9001:( ) □GB/T 50430-( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□2 | 环境管理体系 | □GB/T 24001-( ) □ISO 14001:( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□3 | 职业健康安全管理体系 | □GB/T 45001-( ) □ISO 45001: ( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□4 | 食品安全管理体系 | □GB/T 22000-( ) □ISO 22000:( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□5 | 危害分析与关键控制点 (HACCP)体系 | □危害分析与关键控制点 (HACCP)体系认证要求(V1.0) □CAC 食品卫生通则 CXC1-1969 (2020 修订)(适用时) □ | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□6 | 乳制品 GMP | □GB 12693-( ) □GB 23790-( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□7 | FSSC22000 体系 | □ISO 22000:( )、 ISO/TS 22002-1:( )、 FSSC 22000 附加要求 V( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□8 | 能源管理体系 | □GB/T 23331-( ) □ISO 50001: ( ) | □初次认证, □再认证, □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□9 | 信息技术服务管理体系 | □ISO/IEC 20000-1:( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□10 | 信息安全管理体系 | □GB/T 22080-( ) □ISO/IEC 27001:( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□11 | 业务连续性管理体系 | □GB/T 30146-( ) □ISO 22301: ( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□12 | 供应链安全管理体系 | □ISO 28000:( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□13 | 健康、安全与环境管理体系认证(HSE) | □Q/SY 1002.1-( ) □SY 6276-( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
序号 | 认证领域 | 认证依据标准 | 认证类型 | 证书类型 |
□14 | 知识产权管理体系 | □GB/T 29490-( ) □GB/T 33250-( ) □GB/T 33251-( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□15 | 资产管理体系 | □GB/T 33173-( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□16 | 合规管理体系 | □ISO 37301:( ) □ | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□17 | 社会责任管理体系 | □GB/T 39604-( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□18 | 云服务信息安全管理体系(C-ISMS) | □ISO/IEC 27017:( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□19 | 公有云中个人可识别信息保护(PPII) | □ISO/IEC 27018:( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□20 | 隐私保护管理体系 (PIMS) | □ISO/IEC 27701:( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□21 | 品牌认证 | □GB/T 27925-( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□22 | 企业诚信管理体系 | □GB/T 31950-( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□23 | 医疗器械质量管理体系 | □YY/T 0287-( ) □ISO 13485:( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□24 | 道路交通安全管理体系 | □ISO 39001:( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □IQNet |
□25 | 化妆品良好生产规范 (GMPC)管理体系 | □ISO 27716:( ) | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□26 | 商业秘密保护管理体系 | □T/BDIA 3002-2022 | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
□27 | 其他: | □ | □初次认证 □再认证 □ | □中文 □英文 □ |
附件 2 FSSC 22000 认证补充条款
The Parties, in the principle of mutual benefit and reciprocity, have made the following supplemental provisions on matters not covered in the Management System Certification Service Contract through friendly negotiation:
1、按照 FSSC 基金会的要求,获证组织在初次认证审核后的 3 年内,至少要进行一次不通知审核。甲方应当接受乙方的不通知审核,如果甲方拒绝,将导致认证证书的立即暂停;如果暂停后六个月内,甲方仍拒绝开展不通知审核,乙方将撤销认证证书。
In accordance with the requirements of the FSSC Foundation, for each certified organization at least one unannounced audit is undertaken after the initial certification audit and within each 3-year period thereafter. Party A shall accept Party B's unannounced audit, if Party A refuses to participate in the unannounced audit, the certificate shall be suspended immediately, and Party B shall withdraw the certificate, if the unannounced audit is not conducted within a six-month timeframe.
2、如果发生下列情况下,甲方有义务在 3 个工作日告知乙方:
Communication obligations of certified organizations to the Party B within 3 working days related to the following:
2.1 当发生任何影响方案要求遵从性的重大变化时(如对变化程度存在疑问,应寻求乙方的建议);
2.2 当发生影响 FSMS、合规性和认证完整性的严重事件,包括因不可抗力、自然 | ||
或人为灾难(例如战争、罢工、恐怖主义、犯罪、洪水、地震、恶意计算机黑客 | ||
攻击等)对食品安全、质量、或认证完整性造成重大威胁的情况; | ||
2.2 Serious events that impact the FSMS , | legality and/or the integrity of the | |
certification, including pose a major threat to food safety,-quality, or certification | ||
integrity as a result of force majeure, natural or man-made disasters(e.g, war, strike, |
Any significant changes that affect the compliance with the Scheme requirements and obtain advice of the Party B in cases where there is doubt over the significance of a change;
terrorism, crime.flood, earthquake, malicious computer hacking, etc.);
2.3 当发生认证完整性面临风险和/或基金会声誉受损的严重情况。包括但不限于:
⚫ 公共食品安全事件(例如公开召回、撤回、灾难、爆发食品安全事件等。);
⚫ 因食品安全事件,被监管部门采取加严监管或强制停产行动;
⚫ 法律诉讼、起诉、渎职和疏忽;和
⚫ 欺诈活动和腐败。
2.3 Serious situations where the integrity of the certification is at risk and/or wherethe Foundation can be brought into disrepute. These include, but are not limited to!
⚫ Public food safety events (e.g., public recalls, withdrawals, calamities, food safety outbreaks, etc.);
⚫ Actions imposed by regulatory authorities as a result of a food safety issue(s)where additional monitoring or forced shutdown of production is required;
⚫ Legal proceedings, prosecutions,malpractice, and negligence; and
⚫ Fraudulent activities and corruption.
2.4 当组织名称、联系地址和场所详细信息发生变化时;
Changes to organization name, contact address and site details;
2.5 当组织(例如法律、商业、组织状态或所有权)和管理(例如关键管理、决策或技术人员)发生变化时;
Changes to organization (e.g. legal, commercial, organizational status or ownership) and management (e.g. key managerial, decision-making or technical staff);
2.6 当认证管理体系涵盖的食品安全管理系统、经营范围及产品类别发生重大变化时(如新产品、新生产线等);
Major changes to the food safety management system, scope of operations and product categories covered by the certified management system(e.g. new products, new processing lines, etc.);
2.7 当发生任何其他导致证书所载信息不准确的变化时。
Any other change that renders the information on the certificate inaccurate.
3、甲方应按时向乙方支付 FSSC 22000 证书年费(标准:每张证书每年 250 欧元),该年费已包含在《管理体系认证服务合同书》认证费用中,同当年度认证费用由
乙方一并收取后,交由 FSSC 基金会;
Party A shall pay an annual FSSC 22000 certificate fees (Standard: € 250 per certificate per year) assessed by the Foundation. This annual fee is included in the certification fees for the Management System Certification Service Contract and charged by Party B in conjunction with the annual certification fees;
4、FSSC22000 标志使用:
FSSC22000 logo use:
4.1 甲方获得证书后,仅能够将 FSSC 22000 标志用于营销活动,如组织的印刷品,网站和其他宣传材料。
After Party A obtains the certificate, Party A shall use the FSSC 22000 logo only for marketing activities such as organization's printed matter, website and another promotional material.
4.2 如果使用标志,甲方应遵守以下规范:
In case of using the logo Party A shall comply with the following specifications:
Color 颜色 | PMS | CMYK | RGB | # |
Green 绿 | 348 U | 82/25/76/7 | 33/132/85 | 218455 |
Grey 灰 | 60% black 黑 | 0/0/0/60 | 135/136/138 | 87888a |
Use of the logo in black and white is permitted when all other text and images are in black and white.
4.3 甲方不得在以下方面使用 FSSC 22000 标志、进行声明或提及认证状态: Party A is not allowed to use the FSSC 22000 logo, any statement or make reference to its certified status on:
⮚ 产品;
a product;
⮚ 产品标签;
its labelling;
⮚ 产品包装(初级包装、二次包装或其他形式);
its packaging (primary, secondary or any other form);
⮚ 分析证书或合格证书(CoA's 或 CoC's);
Certificates of analysis or certificates of conformance (CoA's or CoC's):
⮚ 以及任何其他方式暗示某一产品、过程或服务获得 FSSC 22000 批准。
⮚ in any other manner that implies FSSC 22000 approves a product, process or service.
⮚ 认证范围排除情况也适用。
Where exclusions to the scope of certification apply.
4.4 在初次、监督和再认证审核期间,乙方都会对甲方 FSSC 22000 标志的使用情况进行审核。任何与标志使用相关的不符合行为,甲方都应采取补救措施,以符合标准要求。
Party B will audit the use of the FSSC 22000 logo by Party A during every initial,
surveillance and recertification audit. Any nonconformity associated with the use of the logo will require Party A to take remedial action to restore conformity with the criteria described here.
依照 FSSC22000 方案定义,不符合具体分为三个分级水平:
In accordance with the definitions in the FSSC22000 Scheme , there are three nonconformity grading levels:
⮚ 一般不符合;
minor nonconformity;
⮚ 严重不符合;
major nonconformity;
⮚ 关键不符合。
critical nonconformity.
When applicable, in case of non-conformities noticed in Party A Head Office
audit, these are assumed to have impact on the equivalent procedures applicable to all sites of Party A. Corrective actions shall therefore address issues of communication across the Party A certified sites and appropriate actions for impacted sites. Such nonconformities and corrective actions shall be clearly identified in the relevant
section of the site audit report and shall be cleared in accordance with the Party B procedures before issuing the Party A site certificate or completing the certification decision.
5. 1 一般不符合
A minor nonconformity shall be issued when the finding does not affect the capability of the management system to achieve the intended results:
5.1.1 甲方必须向乙方提供纠正的客观证据、对起因及其所引发风险展开调查的客观证据,以及提议的纠正措施计划(CAP);
Party A shall provide the Party B with objective evidence of the correction, evidence
of an investigation into causative factors, exposed risks and the proposed corrective action plan (CAP);
5.1.2 乙方评审纠正措施计划和纠正证据,并在可接受时予以批准。乙方在审核结束后 28 个日历日内完成批准。超过此期限将导致认证证书被暂停,或在初次审核 情况下,应在前一次第 2 阶段审核最后一天后最多 6 个月内重复进行第 2 阶段审核;
Party B shall review the corrective action plan and the evidence of correction and
approve it when acceptable. Party B approval shall be completed within three 28 calendar days after the last day of the audit. Exceeding this timeframe shall result in a suspension of the certificate,or in the case of an initial audit, the Stage 2 audit shall be repeated within maximum 6 months of the last day of the previous Stage 2 audit;
5.1.3 甲方在与乙方商定的时间范围内实施纠正措施(CA);
Corrective action(s) (CA) shall be implemented by Party A within the timeframe agreed with Party B;
5.1.4 乙方至少在下次安排的现场审核中对纠正措施计划的实施有效性进行评审。 Effectiveness of implementation of the corrective action plan shall be reviewed by Party B, at the latest, at the next scheduled on-site audit.
5. 2 严重不符合
如果结果会影响管理体系达到预期结果的能力,或与质量相关的立法不符 合时,则判为严重不符合:
A major nonconformity shall be issued when the finding affects the capability of
the management system to achieve the intended results, or a legislative noncompliance linked to quality:
5.2.1 甲方必须向乙方提供对起因及其所引发风险展开调查的客观证据,以及有效实施纠正措施的证据;
Party A shall provide Party B with objective evidence of an investigation into causative
factors, exposed risks and evidence of effective implementation;
5.2.2 乙方评审纠正措施计划并实施现场跟踪审核,以验证纠正措施的实施情况并关闭严重不符合。如果书面证据足以排除严重不符合,则乙方可决定进行书面材料评审。跟踪审核应在审核结束后 28 日历天内完成;
Party B shall review the corrective action plan and conduct an on-site follow-up audit
to verify the implementation of the CA to close the major nonconformity. In cases where documentary evidence is sufficient to close out the major nonconformity, Party B may decide to perform a desk review. This follow-up shall be done within 28 calendar days from the last day of the audit;
5.2.3 乙方在审核结束后 28 个日历日内关闭严重不符合。如果在此期限内未能关闭严重不符合,则暂停甲方认证证书;
The major nonconformity shall be closed by Party B within 28 calendar days from the
last day of the audit. When the major cannot be closed in this timeframe, Party A certificate shall be suspended;
5.2.4 甲方如果在特定情况下完成纠正措施可能需要更长时间,则纠正措施计划应包含在采取永久性纠正措施之前,为降低风险而需要采取的任何临时措施或控制。临时性措施或控制手段的支持性证据应在审核最后一天起的28 个日历天内提交 给乙方评审和予以接受。
Where completion of corrective actions might take more time in specific instances by
Party A, the CAP shall include any temporary measures or controls necessary to mitigate the risk until the permanent corrective action is implemented. Supporting evidence of the temporary measures or controls shall be submitted to the Part B for review and acceptance within 28calendar days from the last day of the audit.
5.2.5 在第 2 阶段审核中提出的严重不符合项,乙方应在审核最后一天起的 28 个 日历天内关闭该不符合。如果完成纠正措施可能需要更多时间,纠正措施计划 (CAP)应包括必要的临时性措施或控制手段,以降低风险,直到实施永久性纠正措施。这些临时性措施的证据应在审核最后一天起的 28 个日历天内提交并被乙方接受。基于此信息,应做出认证决定。此外,在接受临时性措施的情况下,乙方
应与甲方商定一个合适的时间表,以验证永久性纠正措施的有效实施情况,但不应迟于审核最后一天后的 6 个月。在任何情况下,如果超过审核最后一天后的 28 个日历天,例如,未关闭严重不符合项或临时措施的证据未被接受,则应重复实施完整的第 2 阶段审核。
lf a major non-conformity is raised at the Stage 2 audit, the nonconformity shall be
closed by the Part B within 28 calendar days from the last day of the audit, Where completion of corrective actions might take more time, the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) shall include the temporary measures or controls necessary to mitigate the risk until the permanent corrective action is implemented. Evidence of these temporary measures shall be submitted and accepted by the Part B within 28 calendar days from the last day of the audit. Based on this information, a certification decision shall be taken. in addition, where temporary measures are accepted, the Part B shall agree a suitable time frame with the Part A, to verify the effective implementation of the permanent corrective action.but not later than 6 months after the last day of the audit. In any event , where the 28 calendar days after the last day of the audit is exceeded e.g., not closing the major nonconformity or non-acceptance of the evidence of the temporary measures, the full Stage 2 audit shall be repeated.
5. 3 关键不符合
如果在审核期间发现因甲方管理体系出现重大缺陷、未采取适当措施而直接 对食品安全产生不利影响的情况,或者食品安全合法性和/或认证一致性受到威胁,则判为关键不符合:
A critical nonconformity is issued when there is a significant failure in the
management system , a situation with direct adverse food safety impact and no appropriate action by Party A is being observed during the audit or when food safety legality and/or certification integrity are at stake:
5.3.1 当在甲方认证场所提出关键不符合时,认证证书应在不符合提出后 3 个工作日内暂停且最长六(6)个月;
when a critical nonconformity is raised at a Party A certified site the certificate shall be
suspended within three 3 working days of being issued,for a maximum period of six (6) months;
5.3.2 如果在审核期间被乙方判定为关键不符合,则甲方必须向乙方提供对起因及
核后 14 日历日内提供给乙方;
when a critical nonconformity is issued by Party B during an audit, Party A shall provide Party B with objective evidence of an investigation into causative factors, exposed risks and the proposed CAP. This shall be provided to Party B within 14 calendar days after the audit;
5.3.3 乙方在常规审核后六(6)周至六(6)个月内开展跟踪审核,以验证纠正措施的有效实施情况。跟踪审核是完整的现场审核,至少为一天。跟踪审核顺利完成后,将恢复证书和当前的审核周期,下次审核按原计划进行(跟踪审核属于追加审核,并不能取代年度审核)。
A separate audit shall be conducted by Party B between six (6) weeks to six (6) month
after the regular audit to verify the effective implementation of the corrective actions. This audit shall be a full on-site audit (with a minimum on-site duration of one day). After a successful follow-up audit, the certificate and the current audit cycle will be restored and the next audit shall take place as originally planned (the follow-up audit is additional and does not replace an annual audit).
5.3.4 如果关键不符合在六(6)个月内未得到有效解决,则撤销甲方认证证书; Party A certificate shall be withdrawn when the critical nonconformity is not effectively resolved within the six (6) month timeframe;
5.3.5 如果初次认证审核中出具一个关键不符合项时,则审核应为不通过,则重新进行完整的认证审核。
When a critical NC is raised at an initial certification audit, the audit is failed, and the
full certification audit shall be repeated. 6、其它内容
Other content
6.1 认证证书和审核报告内容的所有权应归认证机构所有;
Ownership of the certificate and the audit report content shall be held by the Party B;
6.2 按照食品安全主管部门要求,允许共享认证和审核过程相关信息;
At the request of food safety authorities, information related to the certification and auditing process shall be shared;
6.3 获证组织允许乙方在需要时与基金会、其认可机构、IAF、GFSI 和政府机构共享与认证和审核过程有关的信息;
The certified organization allows the Party B to share information relating to the
certification and auditing process with the Foundation, their Accreditation Body, the
IAF, GFSI and governmental authorities when required;
6.4 获证组织允许乙方和 FSSC 基金会与外部相关方分享其认证状态的信息; The certified organization allows the Part B and Foundation FSSC to share information regarding their certification status with external parties;
6.5 在 FSSC 22000 网站和门户网站上发布有关组织认证状态的信息;
Inclusion of information on the certified status of Party A on the FSSC 22000 website and in the Portal;
6.6 如有要求,配合认可机构 ANAB 和/或 FSSC22000 基金会开展见证评估; Cooperation in allowing witness assessments by the ANAB ( Accreditation Body ) and/or the FSSC22000 Foundation when requested;
This Agreement are an integral part of the Management System Certification Service Contract and has the same legal effect as the Management System Certification Service Contract and the detailed content of this agreement is the final interpretation.