35048403.4 (CG_1A37)
香港九龍漆咸道北 388 號昇御門
(1)第 1 座 37 樓 A 單位及
(2)地庫 1 樓 R015 號及 R016 號住宅停車位
招標開始日期及時間為 2019 年 5 月 21 日上午 11 時正
而招標截止日期及時間為 2019 年 5 月 21 日中午 12 時正
投標時間為: 2019 年 5 月 21 日上午 11 時至中午 12 時止。投標書須以指定的投標表格填寫並放入普通信封內封密,信封面上清楚註明「昇御門(1)第 1 座 37 樓 A 單位及(2)地庫 1 樓 R015 號及 R016 號住宅停車位」,提交至賣方位於香港九龍漆咸道北 388號昇御商場地下 G05 號舖的售樓處。
Ranex Investments Limited
隆益投資有限公司 xxxxxx 000 xxxxxxx
00 x
遮打道 10 號太子大廈
18 樓
電話號碼 : 0000 0000
傳真號碼 : 2587 7219
電話號碼 : 0000 0000
傳真號碼 : 2103 5482
in respect of
(1) Flat A on 37th Floor, Tower 1, and (2) Residential Parking Spaces Nos. R015 and R016 on Basement Level 0, Xxxxxxx Xxxx, Xx.000 Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx
35045716.4 (CG_1A37)
Tenders are invited for the purchase of the following property:-
(1) Flat A on 37th Floor, Tower 1, and (2) Residential Parking Spaces Nos. R015 and R016 on Basement Level 1, Chatham Gate,No.388 Chatham Road North, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tenders must be submitted on the specified Form of Tender on 21st May 2019 from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon to the Vendor’s sales office at Shop G05, G/F, Chatham Place, 388 Chatham Road North, Kowloon, Hong Kong in a sealed plain envelope and clearly marked “(1) Flat A on 37th Floor, Tower 1, and (2) Residential Parking Spaces Nos. R015 and R016 on Basement Level 1, CHATHAM GATE”.
Vendor Vendor's Solicitors
Ranex Investments Limited隆益投資有限公司 Penthouse, 39th Floor,
West Tower,
Shun Tak Centre, 200 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong
Mayer Brown 18th Floor, Xxxxxx’x Building,
No.10 Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong.
Tel : 0000 0000
Fax : 0000 0000
Mr. Xxxxx Xxxxx Tel : 0000 0000
Fax : 0000 0000
1. Ranex Investments Limited 隆益投資有限公司(以下簡稱「賣方」)現按照本招標公告及本招標公告夾附的附件 A 的投標表格(以下簡稱「投標表格」)和附件 B 的出售條款(以下簡稱「出售條款」)所訂明的條款及條件招標承投購買以下
位於香港九龍漆咸道北 388 號昇御門(1)第 1 座 37 樓 A 單位及(2)
地庫 1 樓 R015 號及 R016 號住宅停車位
2. 賣方根據《一手住宅物業銷售條例(香港法例第 621 章)》(以下簡稱「該條例」)第 68 條提供的資料列於附件 C 的賣方資料表格。
3. (a) 賣方不一定接納出價最高的投標書或任何一份投標書,並保留按其全權酌情決定接納或拒絕任何投標書的權利。
(b) 賣方保留在接受任何投標書之前的任何時候撤回物業不予出售,或將物業或其任何部份以任何方式(包括但不限於私人協約、投標及拍賣)售予任何人的權利。
4. 投標者須注意以下事項:
(a) 中標者可委託其自己的獨立律師代表其就以下事宜行事:(i) 在賣方接納其投標書後將會訂立的正式買賣協議,及(ii) 物業的其後轉讓契;或其可委託賣方的律師既代表賣方又代表其本人行事。請參見本招標公告第 15 段
(b) 賣方律師(即孖士打律師行)在本投標過程中不代表任何投標者。
5. 投 標 書 必 須 :
(a) 採用夾附的投標表格(連同本招標公告及出售條款及其附件),填妥一式兩份;
(b) 放入普通信封內封密,信封面上書明賣方收啓,並清楚註明「昇御門(1)第 1 座 37 樓 A 單位及(2)地庫 1 樓 R015 號及 R016 號住宅停車位」,放入賣方位於香港九龍漆咸道北 388 號昇御商場地下 G05 號舖的售樓處擺放的標示為 「昇御門投標箱」的投標箱内;以及
(c) 從下述招標開始日期及時間起至招標截止日期及時間止:於 2019 年 5 月
21 日上午 11 時至中午 12 時止:
2019 年 5 月 21 日上午 11 時正
2019 年 5 月 21 日中午 12 時正
x在 2019 年 5 月 21 日上午 11 時正至中午 12 時正時期間發出黑色暴雨警告或八號或以上颱風信號,截標日期及時間將延至下一個工作日的中午 12 時正,而該工作日並非為星期六﹑星期日或公眾假期,當天上午 11 時
至中午 12 時正亦沒有黑色暴雨警告或八號或以上颱風信號發出。
6. 賣方保留不考慮或接受在本招標公告第5 段所列時限以外遞交的任何投標書的權利。
7. 投標者遞交投標書時,必須同時附上下列文件:
(a) 金額為買價的 5%作為初步訂金,抬頭寫「孖士打律師行」,其中不少於港幣五百萬元(HK$5,000,000)須由根據《銀行業條例》第 16 條獲妥為發牌的銀行所簽發的銀行本票支付,餘額(如有)可由銀行支票支付。
(b) 經投標者妥當簽署的賣方資料表格(按照附件 C 所列的格式)。
(c) 經投標者妥當簽署的「有關與賣方之關係」的確認書(按照附件 D 所列的格式)。
(d) 經投標者妥當簽署的「對買方的警告」(按照附件 E 所列的格式)。
(e) 經投標者妥當簽署的「個人資料收集聲明」(按照附件 F 所列的格式)。
8. 在賣方對收到的投標書作出決定前,所有銀行本票及支票均不會予以兌現。如某份投標書獲接納,隨投標書附上的銀行本票及支票將視作訂金,以支付買價的部份款項。所有其他銀行本票及支票將於下文第 10(a) 段訂明的承約日期起計 14天內,按投標書所載地址以專人送達、或通過郵遞方式退還落選投標者。
9. (a) 以投標者身份簽署投標表格的人士,將被視作主事人代表自己行事。
(b) 投標者如為法人團體,須於投標表格清楚註明其香港通訊地址、聯絡人姓名、電話及傳真號碼。
10. (a) 鑒於賣方作出招標和下文第 10(b) 段所述的承諾,作爲代價,投標書均不可撤銷,而且構成正式要約,可由賣方在 2019 年 5 月 31 日或之前(以下簡稱「承約日期」)按照本招標公告及本招標公告夾附的投標表格和出售條款所載的條款及條件,隨時接納投標。投標表格一經遞交,投標者即不可撤回投標書,直至承約日期終結之前,投標書都可由賣方隨時接納。
(b) 鑒於上文第 10(a) 段所述的投標與承諾,作爲代價,賣方承諾在收到投標者於遞交投標書前發出的書面要求時向該投標者支付港幣 100 元。
11. 投標如獲接納,中標者即成為物業買方且:
(a) 有關通知信會在承約日期之前按投標表格所載地址以專人送達、或通過郵遞方式寄予中標者。信函在投郵後的第二個工作日視為已經正式收到;及
(b) 在通知信上日期起計 5 個工作日內,買方應:
(i) 以銀行本票支付進一步訂金(金額為投標表格第 2 條中所訂明的金額),銀行本票抬頭寫「孖士打律師行」,並須由根據《銀行業條例》第 16 條獲妥為發牌的銀行所簽發的銀行本票;和
(ii) 須按照賣方指明的方式,簽署出售條款所述的正式買賣合約,不能對其作出任何改動或修訂。
14. 賣方任何人員或代理對有意投標者或確實投標者的查詢所作出的任何口頭或書面xx及所採取的任何行動,均只供指引及參考之用。任何xx不得作爲或視作構成本招標公告的一部份。這些xx或行動並不(而且也不視作)闡述、更改、否定、豁免或在其他方面修改本招標公告、投標表格或出售條款所列出的任何條款或條件。
15. 出售條款第 9 條提及的「對買方的警告」的中英文雙語文本請參見附件 E。
16. 本招標公告、投標表格及出售條款附有中文譯本。倘對本招標公告、投標表格或出售條款的詮釋有任何懷疑或爭議,概以英文文本所表達的賣方意向為準。
日期:2019 年 5 月 18 日
1. Ranex Investments Limited 隆 益 投 資 有 限 公 司 (the “Vendor”) invites tenders for the purchase of the property described in the Particulars of the Property below (the “Property”) on the terms and conditions contained in this Tender Notice, the Form of Tender (the “Form of Tender”) and the Conditions of Sale (the “Conditions of Sale”) annexed hereto as Appendix A and Appendix B respectively.
(1) Flat A on 37th Floor, Tower 1, and (2) Residential Parking Spaces Nos. R015 and R016 on Basement Level 1, Chatham Gate, No.388 Chatham Road North, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
2. The information provided by the Vendor pursuant to Section 68 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (Chapter 621 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “Ordinance”) is set out in the Vendor’s Information Form annexed hereto as Appendix C.
3. (a) The Vendor does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender and reserves the right to accept or reject any tender at its sole discretion.
(b) The Vendor reserves the right, at any time before acceptance of a tender, to withdraw the Property from sale or to sell or dispose of the Property or any part of it to any person by any method (including without limitation private treaty, tender and auction).
4. Tenderers should note the following:-
(a) The successful tenderer may instruct an independent firm of solicitors of his own choice to act for him in respect of (i) the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase to be entered into following acceptance of his tender by the Vendor and (ii) the subsequent Assignment of the Property, or he may instruct the Vendor’s solicitors to act for him as well as for the Vendor. Please refer to the bilingual version of the “Warning to Purchasers” referred to in paragraph 15 of this Tender Notice.
(b) The Vendor’s solicitors, Mayer Brown, does not act for any tenderers in the process of this tender.
5. A tender must be:-
(a) made in DUPLICATE in the Form of Tender (which Form of Tender should be attached to this Tender Notice and the Conditions of Sale and the Appendices thereto);
(b) enclosed in a sealed plain envelope addressed to the Vendor, and
clearly marked on the outside of the envelope “(1) Flat A on 37th Floor, Tower 1, and (2) Residential Parking Spaces Nos. R015 and R016 on Basement Level 1, CHATHAM GATE” and placed in the Tender Box labelled “CHATHAM GATE Tender Box” placed at the Vendor’s sales office at Shop G05, X/X, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx,
Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx; and
(c) the opening time of the tender shall be on 21st May 2019 from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon The commencement date and time of the tender and the closing date and time of the tender are set out below:-
Commencement date and time of the tender:
11:00 a.m. on 21st May 2019;
Closing date and time of the tender:
12:00 noon on 21st May 2019.
In case a black rainstorm warning signal or a typhoon signal no.8 or above is announced between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on 21st May 2019, the tender closing date and time will be extended to 12:00 noon on the next working day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday and in respect of which no black rainstorm warning signal or typhoon signal no.8 or above is announced between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.
6. The Vendor reserves the right not to consider or accept any tender submitted outside the time as set out in paragraph 5 of this Tender Notice.
(a) Preliminary deposit in the sum of 5% of the purchase price, which shall be paid by way of a cashier order in the sum of not less than Hong Kong Dollars Five Million (HK$5,000,000) and a bank cheque for the balance (if any) to constitute a total of 5% of the purchase price, both made payable to “Mayer Brown” and issued by a bank duly licensed under section 16 of the Banking Ordinance.
(b) The Vendor’s Information Form (in the form annexed hereto as
Appendix C) duly signed by the tenderer.
(c) A Confirmation on “Relationship with the Vendor” (in the form annexed hereto as Appendix D) duly signed by the tenderer.
(d) The “Warning to Purchasers” (in the form annexed hereto as Appendix
E) duly signed by the tenderer.
(e) The “Personal Information Collection Statement” (in the form annexed hereto as Appendix F) duly signed by the tenderer.
8. All cashier orders and cheque forwarded by the tenderers will be retained uncashed until the Vendor has made its decision on the tenders submitted. If a
tender is accepted, the cashier order and cheque submitted therewith will be treated as a deposit towards and applied in part payment of the purchase price tendered. All other cashier orders and cheque will be returned by personal delivery, or by post, within a period of fourteen (14) days from the Acceptance Date specified in paragraph 10(a) below, to the unsuccessful tenderers at the address stated in their tenders.
9. (a) The person who signs a Form of Tender as tenderer shall be deemed to be acting as a principal for and on behalf of himself.
(b) A tenderer who is a body corporate should clearly state its correspondence address in Hong Kong, the name of its contact person and its telephone and facsimile numbers in the Form of Tender.
10. (a) In consideration of the invitation of tender by the Vendor and of the promise by the Vendor mentioned in paragraph 10(b) below, every tender shall be irrevocable and shall constitute a formal offer capable of and remain open for acceptance by the Vendor on the terms and conditions contained in this Tender Notice, the Conditions of Sale and the Form of Tender on or before 31st May 2019 (the “Acceptance Date”). After the Form of Tender has been submitted, no tenderer shall be at liberty to withdraw his tender and the same shall be deemed to remain open for acceptance by the Vendor until the end of the Acceptance Date.
(b) In consideration of the provision and undertaking referred to in paragraph 10(a) above, the Vendor promises to pay each tenderer HK$100.00 upon receipt of a written demand from such tenderer prior to his submission of his tender.
(a) he will be notified of the acceptance of his tender by a letter personally delivered to him at or posted to the address stated in his Form of Tender not later than the Acceptance Date. The letter shall be deemed to have been received on the second working day after the day of posting; and
(b) within five (5) working days after the date of the said letter, the Purchaser shall:-
(i) pay a further deposit (being the sum as set out in Clause 2 of the Form of Tender) tendered by way of a cashier order made payable to “Mayer Brown” issued by a bank licensed under section 16 of the Banking Ordinance; and
(ii) sign the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase in the form referred to in the Conditions of Sale and in the manner as specified by the Vendor without any alteration or amendment thereto.
12. Tenderers are advised to note that in the event the successful tenderer fails to pay the further deposit in accordance with paragraph 11(b) above or to pay the balance of the purchase price tendered or to complete the purchase in accordance with the Conditions of Sale and/or the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase, the Vendor shall have such rights and remedies against the successful tenderer as specified in the Form of Tender, the Conditions of Sale and/or the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase.
13. Tenderers are advised to note that the Vendor will only answer questions of a general nature concerning the Property and will not provide legal or other advice in respect of this Tender Notice, the Form of Tender, the Conditions of Sale or statutory provisions affecting the Property. All enquiries should be directed to the Vendor (at Telephone No. 0000 0000; Fax No. 0000 0000).
14. Any statement, whether oral or written, made and any action taken by any officer or agent of the Vendor in response to any enquiry made by a prospective or actual tenderer shall be for guidance and reference purposes only. No such statement shall form or be deemed to form part of this Tender Notice and any such statement or action shall not and shall not be deemed to amplify, alter, negate, waive or otherwise vary any of the terms or conditions as are set out in this Tender Notice, the Form of Tender or the Conditions of Sale.
16. A Chinese translation of this Tender Notice, the Form of Tender and the Conditions of Sale is attached. In the event of any doubt or dispute in the interpretation of this Tender Notice, the Form of Tender or the Conditions of Sale, the Vendor's intention as expressed in the English version shall prevail.
Dated: 18th May 2019
在遵守附於本投標表格的招標公告(以下簡稱「招標公告」)和出售條款(以下簡稱「出售條款」)所載的條款及條件的前提下,玆投標承購位於香港九龍漆咸道北 388 號昇御門(1) 第 1 座 37 樓 A 單位及(2)地庫 1 樓 R015 號及 R016 號住宅停車位。
致: Ranex Investments Limited 隆益投資有限公司(以下簡稱「賣方」)香港干諾道中 200 號
39 樓
1. 本 人 / 我 們 已 閲 讀 招 標 公 告 和 出 售 條 款 , 特 此 不 可 撤 銷 地 提 出 要 約 , 在 受 到 附 於 x 表 格 的 招 標 公 告 和 出 售 條 款 所 列 的 條 款 及 條 件 ( 以 下 簡 稱 「 本 投 標 書 」 ) 約 束 的 前 提 下 , 以 港 幣 元
(HK$ )(以下簡稱「買價」)購買香港九龍漆咸道北 388 號昇御門(1)第 1 座 37 樓A 單位及(2)地庫 1 樓 R015 號及 R016 號住宅停車位(以下統稱「物業」)。
2. 本人/我們選擇 90 天付款計劃。買方將按照下列方式支付買價:
(a) 港 幣 元
(即買價的 5%)
(b) 港 幣 元
(即買價的 5%)
按照招標公告第 11(b)段的規定支付作爲進一步訂金;和
(c) 港 幣 元
(即買價的 90%)
須於買賣物業的交易完成日(即賣方接受本投標書之日起的第 90 日)或之前支付作爲買價餘款。
2. 本人/我們選擇靈活付款計劃。買方將按照下列方式支付買價:
(a) 港 幣 元
(即買價的 5%)
(b) 港 幣 元 按 照 招 標 公 告 第 11(b) 段 的 規 定 支 付 作 爲
進一步訂金; | ||
(c) | 港 幣 元 | 在 年 月 日 或 之 前 支 付 作爲部份買價(如適用); |
(d) | 港 幣 元 | 在 年 月 日 或 之 前 支 付 作爲部份買價餘(如適用); |
(e) | 港 幣 元 | 在 年 月 日 或 之 前 支 付 作爲部份買價(如適用);和 |
(f) | 港 幣 元 (即買價的餘額) | 須於買賣物業的交易完成日(即賣方接受本投標書之日起的第 日)或之前支 |
付作爲買價餘款。 |
3. 倘若本投標書被賣方接納,則在招標公告第 11(b)段所述的正式買賣合約簽署之前,本投標書連同其書面承約構成本人/我們與賣方之間按照招標公告、本投標表格以及出售條款的條款及條件訂立的一份具約束力協議。
4. 本人/我們特此向賣方確認和認可在簽署和提交本投標書之前:-
4.1 賣方已於招標公告的日期後提供物業供本人/我們參觀並且:-本人/我們已於下列日期和時間參觀物業:
5. 下列文件連同本投標書一併附上:
(a) 一張金額為 ( 金額不得少於港幣五百萬元 (HK$5,000,000)) 的銀行本票(本票號碼: )( 銀行:
) , 以 及 ( 如 適 用 ) 一 張 金 額 為 港 幣
(HK$ ) 的 銀 行 支 票 ( 支 票 號 碼 :
)( 銀 行 : ), 兩 者 抬 頭 均 為 “ 孖
士打律師行”,構成買價5%的初步訂金,若本人/我們的投標書獲得接納,該訂金將按招標公告第 8 段規定用以支付物業買價的部份款項。
(b) 經投標者妥當簽署的賣方資料表格(按照招標公告附件 C 所列的格式)。
(c) 經投標者妥當簽署的「有關與賣方之關係」的確認書(按照招標公告附件
D 所列的格式)。
(d) 經投標者妥當簽署的「對買方的警告」(按照招標公告附件 E 所列的格式)。
(e) 經投標者妥當簽署的「個人資料收集聲明」(按照附件 F 所列的格式)。
6. 本人/我們同意如果賣方接納本投標書,本投標書連同賣方的接納將構成賣方與本人/我們之間有關買賣物業的有約束力的合約,且本人/我們將受招標公告和出售條款所約束且應:
(a) 於上述第 2 段規定的時間支付進一步訂金、部份買價(如適用)和買價餘款;
(b) 按照招標公告的第 11(b)(ii) 段簽署正式買賣合約; 及
(c) 按照出售條款和簽署的正式買賣合約進行並完成購買物業。
7. 本人/我們現聲明本表格附表項目中指明的香港住宅地址/通訊地址將被視為本人/我們收取任何文件的地址。
8. 本人/我們同意並接受:
(a) 如果本人/我們沒有或未能簽署正式買賣合約並且沒有或未能於招標公告、本投標表格以及出售條款訂明作簽署及付款的日期或之前支付進一步訂金,則賣方將終止由賣方接納本投標書構成的買賣合約,本人/我們已支付的訂金將被賣方沒收;或
(b) 如果本人/我們沒有或未能支付買價餘款並且沒有或未能按照招標公告、本投標表格、出售條款和已簽署的正式買賣合約完成購買物業,賣方有權撤銷或強制執行物業的出售,若賣方行使撤銷權,所有訂金和買價的部份付款(達購買價格的 10%的款額)全歸賣方沒收,賣方有權再出售物業或其任何部份並向本人/我們追討因上述再出售而引致的任何差額、開支及其它損失及損害。
9. 賣方不牽涉並將不會牽涉買方與其地產代理或中介人(如有)之間的任何爭議。物業的買賣應嚴格按照出售條款所列的條款進行。
日 期 為 2019 年 月 日 。
投 標 者 的 名 稱 :
( 連 同 其 副 本 ) :
香 港 住 宅 地 址 / 通 訊 地 址 :
電 話 號 碼 :
投 標 者 的 聯 絡 人 的 名 稱 :
擁 有 權 種 類 :
投標者委聘的物業代理(如有) :
( 連 同 其 副 本 ) :
見 證 人 簽 名 :
見 證 人 姓 名 :
見 證 人 地 址 :
在符合招標公告和出售條款的前提下,上述要約在 2019 年 月 日獲賣方接受。
Ranex Investments Limited 隆益投資有限公司
Appendix A
Tender for the purchase of (1) Flat A on 37th Floor, Tower 1 and (2) Residential Parking Spaces Nos. R015 and R016 on Basement Level 1, at CHATHAM GATE, No. 388 Chatham Road North, Kowloon, Hong Kong as described below subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Tender Notice (the “Tender Notice”) and the Conditions of Sale (the “Conditions of Sale”) as respectively annexed hereto.
To: Ranex Investments Limited 隆益投資有限公司 (the “Vendor”) Penthouse, 39th Floor,
West Tower,
Shun Tak Centre, 200 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong
1. I/We, having read the Tender Notice and the Conditions of Sale hereby irrevocably offer to purchase (1) Flat A on 37th Floor, Tower 1 and (2) Residential Parking Spaces Nos. R015 and R016 on Basement Level 1, at CHATHAM GATE, No. 388 Chatham Road North, Kowloon, Hong Kong (collectively the “Property”) at a price of Hong Kong Dollars
) (the “Purchase Price”) subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Tender Notice and the Conditions of Sale (“this Tender”).
2. I/We choose 90-Days Payment Plan. The Purchase Price will be paid in the manner as follows :
(a) HK$ (being 5% of the Purchase Price)
as initial deposit paid on signing of this Tender, if accepted;
(b) HK$ (being 5% of the Purchase Price)
as further deposit payable in accordance with paragraph 11(b) of the Tender Notice; and
(c) HK$ (being 90% of the Purchase Price)
as balance of the Purchase Price payable on or before completion of the sale and purchase of the Property which shall take place on a date which is 90 days from the date of the Vendor’s acceptance of this Tender.
OR :
2. I/We choose Flexi-Days Payment Plan. The Purchase Price will be paid in the manner as follows :
- 1 -
(a) HK$ (being 5% of the Purchase Price)
as initial deposit paid on signing of this Tender, if accepted;
(b) | HK$ | as | further | deposit | payable | in |
accordance with paragraph 11(b) of the Tender Notice; | ||||||
(c) | HK$ | as part payment of the Purchase Price (if applicable) payable on or before ; | ||||
(d) | HK$ | as part payment of the Purchase Price (if applicable) payable on or before ; | ||||
(e) | HK$ | as part payment of the Purchase Price (if applicable) payable on or before ; and | ||||
(f) | HK$ (being balance of the Purchase Price) | as balance of the Purchase Price payable on or before completion of the sale and purchase of the Property which shall take place on a date which is days from the date of the Vendor’s acceptance of this Tender. |
[Note : please insert as appropriate and delete the inapplicable paragraph.]
3. If this Tender is accepted, then until the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase referred to in paragraph 11(b) of the Tender Notice is signed, this Tender together with the Vendor’s written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding agreement between me/us and the Vendor on the terms and conditions contained in the Tender Notice, this Form of Tender and the Conditions of Sale.
4. I/We hereby confirm and acknowledge to the Vendor that, before the signing and submission of this Tender: -
4.1 The Vendor has made the Property available for viewing by me/us after the date of the Tender Notice and I/we have viewed the Property at the time and on the date as set out below:-
Viewing Date:
Viewing Time:
5. The following are enclosed with this Tender:-
- 2 -
(a) A Cashier Order (No. ) (Bank : ) in the sum of (not less than Hong Kong Dollars Five Million (HK$5,000,000) and (if applicable) a cheque (No. ) (Bank : ) in the sum of Hong Kong
Dollars (HK$ ), both
made payable to “Mayer Brown”, comprising the initial deposit being 5% of the purchase price, which shall be applied in part payment of the Purchase Price for the Property as per paragraph 8 of the Tender Notice, if my/our Tender is accepted.
(b) The Vendor’s Information Form (in the form annexed to the Tender Notice as Appendix C) duly signed by the tenderer.
(c) A Confirmation on “Relationship with the Vendor” (in the form annexed to the Tender Notice as Appendix D) duly signed by the tenderer.
(d) The “Warning to Purchasers” (in the form annexed to the Tender Notice as Appendix E) duly signed by the tenderer.
(e) The “Personal Information Collection Statement” (in the form annexed hereto as Appendix F) duly signed by the tenderer.
6. I/We agree that in the event that this Tender is accepted by the Vendor, this Tender together with such acceptance by the Vendor shall constitute a binding agreement between the Vendor and me/us for the sale and purchase of the Property and I/we will be bound by the Tender Notice and the Conditions of Sale to:-
(a) pay the further deposit, the part payment(s) of the Purchase Price (if applicable) and the balance of the Purchase Price at the times stipulated in Paragraph 2 above;
(b) sign the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase in accordance with Paragraph 11(b)(ii) of the Tender Notice; and
(c) carry out and complete the purchase of the Property in accordance with the Conditions of Sale and the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase as signed.
7. I/We hereby declare that the residential address / correspondence address as stated in this Form of Tender shall be treated as my/our address for service.
8. I/We agree and accept that:-
(a) in the event of my/our failure or inability to sign the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase and pay the further deposit on or before the date stipulated in the Tender Notice, this Form of Tender and the Conditions of Sale for signing and payment, the agreement for the sale and purchase as constituted by the Vendor’s acceptance of this Tender shall
- 3 -
be terminated by the Vendor whereupon the initial deposit paid by me/us shall be forfeited to the Vendor absolutely; or
(b) in the event of my/our failure or inability to pay the balance of the Purchase Price and complete the purchase of the Property in accordance with terms of the Tender Notice, this Form of Tender and the Conditions of Sale and the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase as signed, the Vendor shall have the right to rescind or to enforce the sale of the Property, and if the Vendor exercises the right of rescission, all payments of deposits and in part payment of the Purchase Price to the extent of 10% of the Purchase Price shall be wholly forfeited to the Vendor who shall have the right to re-sell the Property or any part of it and to recover from me/us any deficiency, expenses and other loss and damages arising from such resale.
9. The Vendor is not and will not be involved in any disputes between the Purchaser and its estate agent or intermediary, if any. The sale and purchase of the Property shall proceed strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions as set out in the Conditions of Sale.
Dated the day of 2019.
Name of Xxxxxxxx(s) | : | |
Signature of Tenderer(s)/ Name(s) and Signature(s) of Authorised Officer(s) of Xxxxxxxx(s) | : | |
Hong Kong Identity Card No(s)./ Business Registration No(s). (with copy(ies) of Hong Kong Identity Card(s) / Business Registration Certificate(s) attached hereto) | : | |
Residential Address/ Correspondence Address in Hong Kong | : | |
Telephone No(s). | : |
- 4 -
Facsimile No(s). | : | |
Name of Contact Person of Tenderer | : | |
Type of Ownership | : | *as Sole Owner / Joint Tenants / Tenants in Common (in equal shares) * Delete where inapplicable and initial against deletion |
Estate Agent appointed by Xxxxxxxx(s) (if any) | : | |
Estate Agent's licence no. (with copy of Estate Agent's licence attached hereto) | : | |
Contact Details of Estate Agent appointed by Xxxxxxxx(s) | : | |
Signature of Witness | : | |
Name of Witness | : | |
Occupation of Witness | : | |
Address of Witness | : |
- 5 -
The above offer is accepted by the Vendor on the day of 2019 subject to the Tender Notice and the Conditions of Sale.
For and on behalf of Ranex Investments Limited 隆益投資有限公司
Authorised Signatory(ies)
- 6 -
附件 B
1. 除非上下文另外准許或規定,在本出售條款中,下列詞語應具有下列含義:
「接受要約」 指賣方透過在投標表格之末表明接受要約並且按照
招標公告第 11(a) 段通知買方的方式,從而接納買方的投標。
「 出 售 條 款 」 指 x 出 售 條 款 。
「發展項目」 指建於九龍地段第 6545 號的xxxxxxxx 000
「投標表格」 指附於出售條款的投標表格。
「正式合約」 指賣方與買方根據出售條款的第 5 條擬簽訂的正式
「本臨時合約」 指買方根據招標公告、投標表格及出售條款遞交投
「 臨 時 訂 金 」 具 有 第 4 段 給 予 該 詞 的 涵 義 。
「 該 物 業 」 指 投 標 表 格 中 所 定 義 的 「 物 業 」 。
「 買 價 」 買 方 於 投 標 表 格 中 提 出 的 購 買 價 格 。
「買方」 指中標者,其對該物業的投標書獲得賣方接納。
「招標公告」 指附於出售條款的招標公告。
「 賣 方 」 指 Ranex Investments Limited 隆 益 投 資 有 限 公 司 。
「 賣 方 律 師 」 指 孖 士 打 律 師 行 。
「賣方律師的辦事處」 指香港中環遮打道 10 號太子大廈 18 樓。
3. 在本臨時合約中:
(a) 「實用面積」具有《一手住宅物業銷售條例》(“該條例”)第 8 條給予該詞的涵義;
(b) 第 6(a) 條項下的項目的樓面面積,按照該條例第 8(3) 條之規定計算;
(c) 第 6(b) 條項下的項目的面積,按照該條例附表 2 第 2 部之規定計算;及
(d) 「工作日」具有該條例第 2(1)條給予該詞的涵義。
4. 根據招標公告的第 8 段,如果投標書獲接納,則連同投標表格(以及所附的招標公告和出售條款)一併遞交的金額合共為買價的 5%的銀行本票及支票(如適用)(其中銀行本票金額不得少於港幣五百萬元,支票用以支付餘額(如有))將作為買方支付的臨時訂金(以下簡稱「臨時訂金」),該臨時訂金應由賣方律師作爲保證金保存人而持有。
5. 如果投標書獲接納:
5.1 則本臨時合約將由買方於接受要約之日後的第5 個工作日或之前簽訂且由賣方於接受要約之日後的第 8 個工作日或之前簽訂的正式合約取代:
5.2 買方應承擔就本臨時合約、正式合約以及隨後的轉讓契徵收的從價印花稅(若有)。
5.3 買方應承擔就本臨時合約、正式合約以及隨後的轉讓契徵收的額外印花稅(若有)。
5.4 買方應承擔就本臨時合約、正式合約以及隨後的轉讓契徵收的買家印花稅(若有)。
5.5 買方應於接受要約之日起的 5 個工作日内(在此方面時間為關鍵元素)擕本臨時合約前往賣方律師的辦事處以:
(a) 簽署正式合約,其格式按賣方律師編製,不作修訂;及
(b) 通過提交(經《銀行業條例》第 16 條妥當許可的銀行簽發的)抬頭為「孖士打律師行」的銀行本票的方式支付額外款項作爲進一步訂金(金額為投標表格第 2 條中所訂明的金額)。
5.6 如果買方未能在接受要約之日後的第 5 個工作日内簽署正式合約:
(a) 則本臨時合約即終止;
(b) 賣方沒收買方支付的臨時訂金;且
(c) 賣方不就買方未能簽署正式合約對其提起任何進一步申索。
5.7 買賣應於投標表格中所訂明之交易完成日或之前於下午4 點半或之前於賣方律師的辦事處完成。
5.8 買方須完成購買該物業,並按投標表格和正式合約規定的時間和方式,在賣方律師辦事處支付投標表格和正式合約規定的部份買價或買價餘款。
6. 該物業的量度尺寸如下:
(a) 該物業的住宅單位, 即第 1 座 37 樓 A 單位的實用面積為 285.419 平方米 (3,072 平方呎),其中:
5.000 平方米 (54 平方呎)為露台的樓面面積;
(b) 其他量度尺寸為:
平台的面積為 111.654 平方米 ( 1,202 平方呎);
天台的面積為 100.137 平方米 ( 1,078 平方呎);
梯屋的面積為 16.480 平方米 (177 平方呎)
(c) 停車位即地庫1樓R015號及R016號住宅停車位的面積每個為12.5平方米
7. 該物業的買賣包括附件 1 所列的裝置、裝修物料及設備。
8. 在不影響《物業轉易及財產條例》第 13 條和第 13A 條的前提下,賣方不得限制買方依據法律提出業權質詢或反對的權利。
9. 買方確認已收到第 10 條所列出的“對買方的警告”的中英雙語文本(列於招標公告的附件 E),並完全明白其內容。
10. 就上述第 9 條而言,「對買方的警告」內容如下:
(a) Before you execute the formal agreement for sale and purchase which you have to sign if you go on with your purchase you should instruct a solicitor to protect your interests and to ensure that your purchase is properly completed.
(b) You can instruct your own independent solicitor to act for you to conduct the purchase or you can instruct the Vendor's solicitor to act for you as well as for the Vendor.
(c) YOU ARE RECOMMENDED TO INSTRUCT YOUR OWN SOLICITOR, who will be able, at every stage of your purchase, to give you independent advice.
(d) If you instruct the solicitor for the Vendor to act for you as well and if a conflict arises between you and the Vendor, the solicitor may not be able to protect your interests and you will then have to instruct your own solicitor anyway, in which case the total fees you will have to pay may be higher than the fees which you would have to pay if you had instructed your own solicitor in the first place.
(e) You are free to choose whichever option you prefer. Please think carefully before deciding whether to instruct your own independent solicitor, or the Vendor’s solicitor, to protect your interests.
11. 買方應按照本臨時合約所列的條款支付買價。所有支付買價的款項應於星期一至星期五的下午 4 時 30 分或之前支付。
12. 賣方在可交出空置管有權的情況下出售該物業且買方應在該種情況下購買該物業。
13. 賣方以該物業現狀及其現有的實際狀況及狀態以及按照本臨時合約出售該物業,且買方以該物業現狀及其現有的實際狀況及狀態以及按照本臨時合約購買該物業。
14. 本臨時合約只適用於買方本身,買方無權要求賣方與任何其他人訂立任何正式合約,亦無權將本協議的利益轉讓予第三方。
15. (a) 倘若買方委託賣方律師就購買該物業代表其行事,賣方須承擔該律師事務所就正式合約及其後轉讓契收取的律師費。
(b) 倘若買方選擇委託其自己的律師就購買該物業之事代表其行事,則賣方和買方應各自支付其自己的律師就正式合約和其後轉讓契收取的律師x。
(c) 擬附於正式合約和其後轉讓契的圖則的所有圖則費用、相關所有業權契據及文件的核証副本的費用(包括該等核証副本的圖則費)、查冊費用、登記費用及其它雜費,均由買方承擔。買方亦應支付並承擔有關該物業的任何按揭契或押記的所有法律費用和雜費。
(d) 買方應支付依據《律師(一般)事務費規則》規定的收費率就擬備、完成並登記包含發展項目的管理協議的公契(“公契”)產生或附帶的費用中其應付的部分(該等費用包括提供一份公契的核証副本的費用和圖則費用)。
16. 買方須在正式合約中向賣方契諾,倘若買方在該物業的買賣完成之前以任何方式轉售該物業或轉讓正式合約的權益,買方須要求每一轉購人、受贈人、代名人、受益人、受權人或其他受讓人:
(a) 在任何其後的買賣轉售合約或其他協議中,披露已經以任何方式購買或出售該物業或其中任何權益的所有確認人、代名人及其他中介方的全部詳情(包括身份證號碼和完整地址),以及全部價款或其他代價,並包括須就購買該物業支付予賣方的代價以外的已經支付或給予任何中間交易的任何佣金、保留金額或代理費用或任何其他金額以及任何《印花稅條例》要求的任何其它資料;且
(b) 促使任何其後的轉購人或其他受讓人或新買家在其後的買賣轉售合約中作出具有以上第 16(a)項條件相同效力的契諾,或在任何其他協議中設定具有以上第 16(a)項條件相同效力的義務。
17. 於完成該物業的買賣的時候:
(a) 在遵守公契的規定且享受公契項下的利益的前提下,買方應接受該物業的轉讓契;且
(b) 買方應向發展項目的管理人支付或向賣方償付(如果賣方已向管理人支付任何相關款項)所有按金及預支款項、對特別基金的供款和清除瓦礫費用、其應承擔的公共水電錶以及向發展項目的共有部分供應公共設施的按金以及公契項下或依據公契就該物業需要支付的其它款項 (包括但不限於就該物業需要支付的管理費用) 。買方應償付賣方其已支付的任何該等款項,無論該等按金、預支款項、供款或其它款項在公契項下是否可作轉讓或可予退還。
18. 時間為本臨時合約的關鍵元素。
19. 買方的通訊地址及電話號碼如有任何更改,須迅速書面通知賣方。
20. 如果本臨時合約的英文文本和中文譯本有任何不一致,則應以英文文本為准。
附件 1
外部裝修物料 | |
窗 | - 窗戶均以鋁質窗框配以氟碳噴塗及雙層中空玻璃組成 |
室內裝修物料 | |
內牆 | - 客飯廳及睡房的內牆均髹上乳膠漆 |
內部地板 | - 客飯廳及睡房的內部地台鋪砌天然石材,複合木地板及木地 腳線 |
天花板 | - 客飯廳及睡房的天花板髹上乳膠漆及部份裝設石膏板假天花 |
浴室 | - 浴室外露牆身鋪砌天然石材至假天花底。浴室外露地台鋪砌天然石材。天花板裝設石膏板假天花 |
廚房 | - 廚房外露牆身鋪砌天然石材至假天花底。浴室外露地台鋪砌天然石材。天花板裝設石膏板假天花配乳膠漆。灶台鋪砌人造xx石 |
室內裝置 | |
門 | - 單位大門: 實心木門配木皮飾面,裝有電子門鎖、防盜眼、門擋及隱蔽式氣鼓。 - 睡房門: 空心木門配木皮飾面,裝有金屬門鎖及門擋 - 主人房浴室門: 金屬框趟門及鑲配玻璃及木手抽 - 浴室門: 空心木門配木皮飾面,裝有金屬門鎖、門擋及百葉 - 儲物房門: 空心木門配木皮飾面,裝有金屬門鎖及門擋。 - 儲物房內廁所門: 摺門以鋁質框及磨沙玻璃組成 - 廚房門: 實心木門配木皮飾面,裝有金屬門手抽、門擋、隱蔽式氣鼓及鑲配玻璃 |
浴室 | - 浴室枱面: 天然石材枱面 - 水龍頭及花灑套裝: 鍍鉻洗手盆水龍頭、鍍鉻浴缸龍頭、花灑龍頭及花灑套裝 |
- 洗手盆及坐廁連水箱: 搪瓷洗手盆及多功能坐廁 - 浴缸: 搪瓷鑄鐵無裙浴缸(1500 毫米長x 700 毫米寬x 430 毫米高) - 其他設備: 鍍鉻毛巾掛捍及鍍鉻廁紙架;木制玻璃鏡櫃及隱蔽式抽氣扇 - 冷水喉採用隱藏式之銅喉及熱水喉採用隱藏式並配有隔熱絕緣保護之銅喉 | |
主人房浴室 | - 浴室枱面: 天然石材枱面 - 水龍頭及花灑套裝: 鍍鉻洗手盆水龍頭、鍍鉻浴缸龍頭、花灑龍頭及花灑套裝 - 洗手盆及坐廁連水箱: 搪瓷洗手盆及多功能坐廁 - 浴缸: 實體面材浴缸 (1800 毫米長 x 800 毫米寬x 570 毫米高) - 其他設備: 鍍鉻毛巾掛捍及鍍鉻廁紙架;木制玻璃鏡櫃及隱蔽式抽氣扇 - 冷水喉採用隱藏式之銅喉及熱水喉採用隱藏式並配有隔熱 絕緣保護之銅喉 |
廚房 | - 廚櫃: 樹脂飾面櫃身,層板,配以木皮高光丙烯酸飾面門板 - 洗滌盆: 不銹鋼洗滌盆 - 冷水喉採用隱藏式之銅喉及熱水喉採用隱藏式並配有隔熱絕緣保護之銅喉 |
睡房 | - 沒 有 裝 置 |
電話 | - 客飯廳及睡房均裝有電話插座 |
天線 | - 客飯廳及睡房均裝有電視/電台天線插座 |
電力裝置 | - 裝有隱蔽導管。提供配有微型斷路器配電箱的三相電源。裝有天花燈位、電插座、燈掣、冷氣開關掣、電熱水爐開關掣及抽氣扇開關掣。全部電線於假天花以下及在入牆櫃外面之電線均藏於隱蔽導管內 |
洗衣機接駁點 | - 洗衣機入水及排水位位於單位廚房內 |
供水 | - 冷水喉採用隱藏式之銅喉及熱水喉採用隱藏式並配有隔熱絕緣保護之銅喉。廚房或浴室裝有電熱水爐。浴室電熱水爐附有水溫遙控器 |
位置 | 設備 | 品牌 | 型號 | 數量 | |
客 廳 / 飯 廳 / 廚房 / 主人房 / 睡房 1 / 睡房 2 / 睡房 3 | 變頻式冷氣機 | Mitsubishi Electric | 室內機 | PEFY-P50VMSI-E | 4 |
PEFY-P63VMSI-E | 6 | ||||
室外機 | PUHY-P300YKA | 2 | |||
廚房 | 嵌入式煤氣煮食爐 | Miele | CS 1013-1 and CS 1018 | 1 | |
嵌入式電磁爐 | Miele | CS 1212-li | 1 | ||
抽油煙機 | Miele | DA424V | 1 | ||
嵌入式微波爐 | Miele | H 6800 BM | 1 | ||
嵌入式焗爐 | Miele | H6860 BP | 1 | ||
嵌入式蒸爐 | Miele | DGC 6800 | 1 | ||
嵌入式洗碗碟機 | Miele | G6770 SCVi | 1 | ||
嵌入式咖啡機 | Miele | CVA 6800 | 1 | ||
嵌入式洗衣乾衣機 | Miele | WT 2796 WPM | 1 | ||
嵌入式雪櫃 | Miele | KFNS37232iD | 2 | ||
嵌入式暖碟機 | Miele | ESW 6214 | 1 | ||
電熱水爐 | Stiebel Eltron | DHM 6 | 1 | ||
主人房浴室 | 電熱水爐 | Stiebel Eltron | DHE 18/21/24 SLi | 1 | |
睡房1, 2, 3 之浴 室 | 電熱水爐 | Stiebel Eltron | DHE 18/21/24 SLi | 3 | |
儲物房之廁所 | 電熱水爐 | Hot Pool | HPU-3.5 | 1 |
Appendix B
1. In these Conditions of Sale, the following expressions shall have the following meanings except where the context otherwise permits or requires:-
“Acceptance of Offer” means the Vendor's acceptance of the Purchaser's
tender by signifying its acceptance in the Acceptance of Offer at the end of the Form of Tender and notifying the Purchaser pursuant to paragraph 11(a) of the Tender Notice.
“these Conditions” mean these Conditions of Sale.
“Development” means CHATHAM GATE, 388 Chatham Road
North, Kowloon, Hong Kong erected on Kowloon Inland Lot No.6545, of which the Property forms part.
“Form of Tender” means the Form of Tender annexed hereto. “Formal Agreement” means the formal Agreement for Sale and
Purchase to be executed by the Vendor and the Purchaser in accordance with Condition 5 of these Conditions.
“this Preliminary Agreement”
means the agreement made hereunder by virtue of the submission of the Form of Tender by the Purchaser and the Acceptance of Offer by the Vendor in accordance with the Tender Notice, the Form of Tender and these Conditions.
“Preliminary Deposit” has the meaning ascribed to it under Condition 4.
“Property” means the Property as defined in the Form of Tender.
“Purchase Price” means the purchase price tendered in the Form of
Tender by the Purchaser.
“Purchaser” means the successful tenderer whose tender in
respect of the Property is accepted by the Vendor. “Tender Notice” means the Tender Notice annexed hereto.
“Vendor” means Ranex Investments Limited 隆 益 投 資 有 限 公 司 .
“Vendor's Solicitors” mean Mayer Brown.
- 1 -
“Vendor's Solicitors' Office”
means 18th Floor, Xxxxxx'x Building, 10 Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong.
2. The Form of Tender (with the Tender Notice and these Conditions of Sale attached hereto) and the Acceptance of Offer shall constitute a binding agreement between the Vendor and the Purchaser for the sale and purchase of the Property. The Vendor shall sell and the Purchaser shall purchase the Property at the Purchase Price and on the terms and conditions contained in this Preliminary Agreement.
3. In this Preliminary Agreement:-
(a) “saleable area” has the meaning given by section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”);
(b) the floor area of an item under Condition 6(a) is calculated in accordance with section 8(3) of the Ordinance;
(c) the area of an item under Condition 6(b) is calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Ordinance; and
(d) “working day” has the meaning given by section 2(1) of the Ordinance.
4. Pursuant to paragraph 8 of the Tender Notice, if a tender is accepted, the cashier order in a sum of not less than HK$5,000,000 and the cheque for the remaining balance (if any), which together constitute a total sum of 5% of the Purchase Price, submitted along with the Form of Tender (with the Tender Notice and these Conditions attached thereto) will be treated as preliminary deposit (“Preliminary Deposit”) payable by the Purchaser and shall be held by the Vendor’s Solicitors as stakeholders.
5. If a tender is accepted:-
5.1 It is intended that this Preliminary Agreement is to be superseded by the Formal Agreement to be executed:-
(a) by the Purchaser on or before a date which is the fifth working day after the date of the Acceptance of Offer;
(b) by the Vendor on or before a date which is the eighth working day after the date of the Acceptance of Offer.
5.2 The ad valorem stamp duty, if any, payable on this Preliminary Agreement, the Formal Agreement and the subsequent Assignment shall be borne by the Purchaser.
5.3 The special stamp duty, if any, payable on this Preliminary Agreement, the Formal Agreement and the subsequent Assignment shall be borne by the Purchaser.
5.4 The buyer’s stamp duty, if any, payable on this Preliminary Agreement, the Formal Agreement and the subsequent Assignment shall be borne by the Purchaser.
5.5 The Purchaser shall attend at the Vendor's Solicitors' Office with this Preliminary Agreement within 5 working days from the date of the Acceptance of Offer (in this respect time shall be of the essence) to:-
(a) sign the Formal Agreement in the standard form prepared by the Vendor's Solicitors without amendment;
(b) pay a further sum by way of a cashier order (issued by a bank which shall be a bank duly licensed under section 16 of the Banking Ordinance) made payable to “Mayer Brown” as further deposit (being the sum as set out in Clause 2 of the Form of Tender).
The standard form of the Formal Agreement is available for inspection at the offices of the Vendor's Agent prior to the closing of the tender. The Purchaser shall be deemed to have inspected the standard form of the Formal Agreement and the Purchaser will accept the same without amendments.
5.6 If the Purchaser fails to sign the Formal Agreement within 5 working days after the date of the Acceptance of Offer:-
(a) this Preliminary Agreement is terminated;
(b) the Preliminary Deposit paid by the Purchaser is forfeited to the Vendor; and
(c) the Vendor does not have any further claim against the Purchaser for the failure.
5.7 Completion of the sale and purchase shall take place at the Vendor's Solicitors' Office at or before 4:30 p.m. on or before the date of completion as specified in the Form of Tender.
5.8 The Purchaser shall complete the purchase of the Property and pay such part and balance of the Purchase Price at the Vendor's Solicitors' Office in such time and manner as provided in the Form of Tender and the Formal Agreement.
6. The measurements of the Property are as follows:-
(a) The saleable area of the flat, i.e. Flat A on 37th Floor in Tower 1 is 285.419 square meters (3,072 square feet) of which-
5.000 square meters (54 square feet) is the floor area of balcony
(b) Other measurements are –
the area of the Flat Roof is 111.654 square meters (1,202 square feet) the area of the Roof is 100.137 square meters (1,078 square feet)
the area of the Stairhood is 16.480 square meters (177 square feet)
(c) Area of the parking spaces, i.e. Residential Parking Spaces Nos. R015 and R016 on Basement Level 1 is 12.5 square metres (134.55 square feet) each.
7. The sale and purchase of the Property includes the fittings, finishes and appliances as set out in Schedule 1.
8. Without prejudice to sections 13 and 13A of the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance, the Vendor shall not restrict the Purchaser’s right under the law to raise requisition or objection in respect of title.
9. The Purchaser acknowledges receipt of a copy of a bilingual version of the “Warning to Purchasers” set out in Condition 10 below (and attached as Appendix E to the Tender Notice) and fully understands its contents.
10. For the purposes of Condition 9 above, the following is the “Warning to Purchasers”:-
(a) Before you execute the formal agreement for sale and purchase which you have to sign if you go on with your purchase you should instruct a solicitor to protect your interests and to ensure that your purchase is properly completed.
(b) You can instruct your own independent solicitor to act for you to conduct the purchase or you can instruct the Vendor's solicitor to act for you as well as for the Vendor.
(c) YOU ARE RECOMMENDED TO INSTRUCT YOUR OWN SOLICITOR, who will be able, at every stage of your purchase, to give you independent advice.
(d) If you instruct the solicitor for the Vendor to act for you as well and if a conflict arises between you and the Vendor, the solicitor may not be able to protect your interests and you will then have to instruct your own solicitor anyway, in which case the total fees you will have to pay may be higher than the fees which you would have to pay if you had instructed your own solicitor in the first place.
(e) You are free to choose whichever option you prefer. Please think carefully before deciding whether to instruct your own independent solicitor, or the Vendor’s solicitor, to protect your interests.
11. The Purchaser shall pay the Purchase Price pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. All such payments of the Purchase Price shall be paid at or before 4.30
p.m. on Mondays to Fridays.
12. The Vendor shall sell and the Purchaser shall purchase the Property with vacant possession.
13. The Vendor shall sell and the Purchaser shall purchase the Property on an “as is” basis and in the physical state and condition as it stands at the Purchase Price and on the terms set out in this Preliminary Agreement.
14. This Preliminary Agreement is personal to the Purchaser, and the Purchaser shall have no right to request the Vendor to enter into the Formal Agreement with any other person and shall have no right to transfer the benefit of this Preliminary Agreement to a third party.
15. (a) If the Purchaser shall also instruct the Vendor's Solicitors to act for him in respect of the purchase of the Property, the Vendor shall bear such solicitors' legal fees in respect of the Formal Agreement and such subsequent Assignment.
(b) If the Purchaser chooses to instruct his own solicitors to act for him in respect of the purchase of the Property, each of the Vendor and the Purchaser shall pay his own solicitors' legal fees in respect of the Formal Agreement and the subsequent Assignment.
(c) All plan fees for the plans to be attached to the Formal Agreement and the subsequent Assignment, the costs of certified copies of the relevant title deeds and documents including plan fees for such certified copies, search fees, registration fees and other disbursements shall be borne by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall also pay and bear all legal costs and disbursements in respect of any mortgage or charge in respect of the Property.
(d) The Purchaser shall pay the respective due proportions of the costs of and incidental to the preparation, completion and registration of the Deed of Mutual Covenant incorporating a Management Agreement in relation to the Development (the “DMC”) in accordance with the scale of costs prescribed in the Solicitors (General) Costs Rules which include the costs for the provision of a certified copy of the DMC and the plan fees thereof.
16. The Purchaser will be required to covenant with the Vendor in the Formal Agreement to the effect that in the event the Purchaser sub-sells the Property or transfers the benefit of the Formal Agreement in any manner whatsoever before the completion of the sale and purchase of the Property, the Purchaser shall require each sub-purchaser, donee, nominee, beneficiary, attorney or other transferee whomsoever:-
(a) to disclose in any subsequent sub-sale Agreement for Sale and Purchase or other agreement full details (including identity card numbers and full address) of all confirmors, nominees and other intermediate parties who had purchased or sold the Property or any interest therein by any means whatsoever and the full monetary price or other consideration and including any commission, reservation or agency fees or any other amount which has been paid or given to any intermediate transaction in addition to the
consideration payable to the Vendor for the purchase of the Property or any other information required under the Stamp Duty Ordinance; and
(b) to procure from any subsequent sub-purchaser or other transferee whomsoever or new purchaser a covenant in the subsequent sub-sale Agreement for Sale and Purchase or impose a binding obligation in any other agreement to the same effect as Condition 16(a) above.
17. On completion of the sale and purchase of the Property:-
(a) The Purchaser shall accept an Assignment of the Property subject to and with the benefit of the DMC; and
(b) The Purchaser shall pay to the Manager of the Development, or reimburse the Vendor (if any of the relevant payments shall have already been paid by the Vendor to the Manager), all deposits and advance payment, contribution to special funds and debris removal, due share of deposits for public water and electricity metres and for supply of utilities to the common parts of the Development and other payments which are payable in respect of the Property (including management fees payable in respect of the Property) under or pursuant to the DMC. The Purchaser shall reimburse the Vendor for any such payment already paid by the Vendor, whether or not such deposit, advance payment, contribution or other payment are transferable or refundable under the DMC.
18. Time is of the essence of this Preliminary Agreement.
20. In the event of any discrepancy between the English version of this Preliminary Agreement and the Chinese translation of this Preliminary Agreement, the English version shall prevail.
Schedule 1
Fittings, Finishes and Appliances
Exterior Finishes | |
Window | - Windows are made up of fluorocarbon aluminum frame with insulated glazing units. |
Interior Finishes | |
Internal Wall | - The internal wall of living room, dining room and bedroom of all residential units are finished with emulsion paint |
Internal floor | - The internal floor of living room, dining room and bedroom is finished with natural stone and engineered timber flooring system with timber skirting |
Ceiling | - The ceiling of living room, dining room and bedroom of all residential units is finished with emulsion paint and partly finished with gypsum board false ceiling |
Bathroom | - The exposed walls of bathroom are finished with natural stone up to false ceiling level, the exposed floor of bathroom is finished with natural stone and the ceiling is finished with gypsum board false ceiling |
Kitchen | - The exposed walls of kitchen are finished with natural stone up to false ceiling level, the exposed floor is finished with natural stone, the ceiling is finished with gypsum board with paint and the cooking bench is finished with Quartz base Recon stone |
Interior Fittings | |
Doors | - Entrance door: Solid core timber door with wood veneer finish, fitted with electric lockset, door viewer, door stopper and concealed over-head door-closer - Bedroom door: Hollow core timber door with wood veneer finish, fitted with metal lockset and door stopper - Master Bathroom door: Sliding door made of metal frame with laminated glass panel and wooden handle - Bathroom door : Hollow core timber door with wood veneer finish, fitted with metal lockset and door stopper and equipped with louvre - Store Room door: Hollow core timber door with wood veneer finish, fitted with metal lockset and door stopper. - Door for toilet inside store room: Folding door made of aluminum frame with frosted glass infill panel - Kitchen door : Solid core timber finished with wood veneer finish, fitted with metal handle, door stopper, concealed over-head door-closer and vision glass panel |
Bathroom | - Countertop: Natural stone finish - Mixer and shower set: Chrome-plated wash basin mixer, bath mixer, shower mixer and shower set - Wash basin and water closet: Vitreous wash basin; Integrated Toilet - Bathtub: Enameled cast iron non-apron bathtub with the size of 1500mm(L) x 700mm(W) x 430mm(H) - Other fittings: Chrome - plated towel bar and paper holder; wooden mirror cabinet and concealed exhaust fan - Concealed copper pipes are used for cold water supply and concealed thermal insulated copper pipes are used for hot water supply |
Master Bathroom | - Countertop: Natural stone finish - Mixer and shower set: Chrome-plated wash basin mixer, bath mixer, shower mixer and shower set - Wash basin and water closet: Vitreous wash basin; Integrated Toilet - Bathtub: Solid Surface Bathtub (1800mm(L) x 800mm(W) x 570mm(H) - Other fittings: Chrome - plated towel bar and paper holder; wooden mirror cabinet and concealed exhaust fan - Concealed copper pipes are used for cold water supply and concealed thermal insulated copper pipes are used for hot water supply |
Kitchen | - Kitchen cabinet: Chipboard carcase and shelves with colored melcomine-resin coated with-wood veneer coated with acrylic lacquer door panel in chipboard - Sink: Stainless steel sink - Concealed copper pipes are used for cold water supply and concealed thermal insulated copper pipes are used for hot water supply |
Bedroom | - No fittings are provided for bedrooms. |
Telephone | - Telephone outlets are provided in living / dining room and bedrooms |
Aerials | - TV/FM outlets are installed in living / dining area and bedrooms |
Electrical installations | - Concealed conduits are provided. Three-phase electricity supply with miniature circuit breaker (MCB) distribution board is provided. Ceiling light points, socket outlets, lighting switches, switches for air-conditioner, electric water heater and exhaust fan are provided. All cables below false ceiling and outside built-in cabinets are laid in concealed conduits |
Gas supply | - Gas meter with gas supply pipe is provided and connected to gas cooker |
Washing machine connection point | - Drain point and water point are provided for washing machine located in the kitchens |
Water supply | - Concealed copper pipes are used for cold water supply and concealed thermal insulated copper pipes are used for hot water supply. Hot water to bathroom and kitchen is provided by electric water heater installed in the bathroom and kitchen. Remote controller for electric water heater is provided in the bathroom |
Appliance Schedule | |||||
Location | Appliance | Brand | Model No. | Nos | |
Living Room / Dining Room / Kitchen / Master Bedroom / Bedroom 1 / Bedroom 2 / Bedroom 3 | VRV type air conditioner | Mitsubishi Electric | Indoor unit | PEFY-P50VMSI-E | 4 |
PEFY-P63VMSI-E | 6 | ||||
Outdoor unit | PUHY-P300YKA | 2 | |||
Kitchen | Built-in gas cooking hob | Miele | CS 1013-1 and CS 1018 | 1 | |
Built-in induction cooking hob | Miele | CS 1212-li | 1 | ||
Miele | DA424V | ||||
Built-in Microwave oven | Miele | H 6800 BM | 1 | ||
Built-in oven | Miele | H6860 BP | 1 | ||
Built-in Steamer | Miele | DGC 6800 | 1 | ||
Built-in Dishwasher | Miele | G6770 SCVi | 1 | ||
Built-in coffee machine | Miele | CVA 6800 | 1 | ||
Built-in washer-dryer machine | Miele | WT 2796 WPM | 1 | ||
Built-in refrigerator | Miele | KFNS37232iD | 2 | ||
Gourmet warming drawer | Miele | ESW 6214 | 1 | ||
Electric water heater | Stiebel Eltron | DHM 6 | 1 | ||
Master Bathroom | Electric water heater | Stiebel Eltron | DHE 18/21/24 SLi | 1 | |
Bathroom of Bedroom 1, 2, 3 | Electric water heater | Stiebel Eltron | DHE 18/21/24 SLi | 3 | |
Store Room | Electric water heater | Hot Pool | HPU-3.5 |
Appendix C
Xx.000 Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx
Vendor’s Information Form
The following information is provided pursuant to section 68 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance
(a) the amount of the management fee that is payable for the specified residential property:
Amount of the management fee per month
Flat A on 37th Floor, Tower 1
Residential Parking Space No.
R015 on Basement Level 1
Residential Parking Space No.
R016 on Basement Level 1
(b) the amount of the Government rent (if any) that is payable for the specified residential property;
指明住宅物業繳付的地稅 (如有的話) 的款額;
- Information not yet available
- 暫時沒有資料
(c) the name of the owners’ incorporation (if any);
業主立案法團 (如有的話) 的名稱;
- Nil
- 沒有
(d) the name of the manager of the development;
- Shun Tak Property Management Limited (信德物業管理有限公司)
(e) any notice received by the vendor from the Government or management office concerning sums required to be contributed by the owners of the residential properties in the development;
- Nil
- 沒有
(f) any notice received by the vendor from the Government or requiring the vendor to demolish or reinstate any part of the development;
- Nil
- 沒有
(g) any pending claim affecting the specified residential property that is known to the vendor.
- 沒有
In the event of any conflict or discrepancy arising from the Chinese and English versions of this Form, the English version shall prevail.
Acknowledged by:
Tenderer(s) 投 標 方 簽 署 Date 日 期
This document is printed on 18th May 2019.
No.388 Chatham Road North, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Appendix D
Relationship with Ranex Investments Limited (the “Vendor”)
有關與隆益投資有限公司 (“賣方”)之關係
(1) Flat A on 37th Floor, Tower 1 and (2) Residential Parking Spaces Nos. R015 and R016 on Basement Level 1, (the “Property”), CHATHAM GATE, No.388 Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx (xxx “Xxxxxxxxxxx”)
I/We, the tenderer(s) of the Property, hereby confirm that I/we am/are not a related party to the Vendor for the purpose of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance.
I/We, the tenderer(s) of the Property, hereby confirm that I/we am/are a related party to the Vendor for the purpose of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance.
* Please check () the appropriate box 請在適合的格內填上剔號()
I/We confirm our understanding that a person is a related party to the Vendor if, where the Vendor is a corporation, that person is:
(i) a director of the Vendor, or a parent, spouse or child of such a director;
(ii) a manager1 of the Vendor;
(iii) a private company2 of which such a director, parent, spouse, child or manager is a director or shareholder;
(iv) an associate corporation3 or holding company4 of the Vendor;
(v) a director of such an associate corporation or holding company, or a parent,
spouse or child of such a director; or
(vi) a manager of such an associate corporation or holding company.
I/We confirm that the I/we have been given specifically requested by the Vendor to seek independent legal advice on the foregoing matters and I/we are fully aware of the legal consequences thereof.
In the event of any conflict or discrepancy arising from the Chinese and English versions of Letter, the English version shall prevail.
Signature(s) of the Tenderer(s)
1. “Manager” has the meaning given by section 2(1) of the Companies Ordinance which, in relation to a company, means a person who performs managerial function in relation to the company under the directors’ immediate authority.
“經理”具有《公司條例》第 2(1)條給予該詞的涵義,即就一間公司而言,指在董事的直接權限下就該公司執行管理職能的人。
2. “Private company” has the meaning given by section 11 of the Companies Ordinance which means a company which by its articles (a) restrict a member’s right to transfer shares; and (b) limit the number of members to 50 not including persons who are in the employment of the company and persons who was a member while being an employee of the company and who continues to be a member after ceasing to be such an employee; and (c) prohibit any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares or debentures of the company.
“私人公司”具有《公司條例》第 11 條給予該詞的涵義,即指一間藉其章程細則作出下列規限的公司: (a) 限制成員轉讓股份的權利;及 (b)將成員最高人數限於 50 人但不包括本身是有關公司僱員的成員,亦不包括曾同時是成員及有關公司僱員,但於不再是
該公司僱員後仍繼續是成員的人;及(c) 禁止邀請公眾人士認購該公司的任何股份或債權證。
3. “Associate corporation” means (a) a subsidiary of the vendor or (b) a subsidiary of a holding company of the Vendor. “Subsidiary” means a subsidiary within the meaning of the Companies Ordinance. Under the Companies Ordinance, a company shall generally be deemed to be a subsidiary of another company, if :-
(a) that other company-
(i) controls the composition of the board of directors of the first-mentioned company; or
(ii) controls more than half of the voting power of the first-mentioned company; or
(iii) holds more than half of the issued share capital of the first-mentioned company (excluding any part of it which carries no right to participate beyond a specified amount in a distribution of profits or capital); or
(b) the first-mentioned company is a subsidiary of any company which is that other company's subsidiary.
“有聯繫法團”指(a)賣方的附屬公司或(b)賣方的控權公司的附屬公司。附屬公司指《公司條例》所指的附屬公司。根據《公司條例》,一間公司一般來說須當作為另一間公司的附屬公司,如 :-
(a) 該另一間公司─
(i) 控制首述的公司董事局的組成;或
(ii) 控制首述的公司過半數的表決權;或
(iii) 持有首述的公司的過半數已發行股本(不包括該股本中在分派利潤或資本時無權分享超過某一指明款額的部分);或
(b) 首述的公司是一間公司的附屬公司,而該間公司是上述另一間公司的附屬公司。
4. “Holding company” means, for the purpose of the Vendor, a company of which the vendor is a subsidiary.
“控權公司”指(就賣方而言) 一家公司而賣方為該公司的附屬公司。
Appendix E
附件 E
對買方的警告 - 買方請小心閱讀
Ranex Investments Limited
(1) Flat A on 37th Floor, Tower 1 and (2) Residential Parking Spaces Nos. R015 and R016 on Basement Level 1 of Chatham Gate (昇御門), Xx.000 Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx ("xxx Xxxxxxxx")
xxxx漆咸道北 388 號昇御門(1)第 1 座 37 樓A 單位及(2)地庫 1 樓 R015 及 R016
B.R. No.身份證/商 業 登記號碼
1) If your tender for the purchase of the Property is accepted by the Vendor, before you execute the formal agreement for sale and purchase which you have to sign if you go on with your purchase you should instruct a solicitor to protect your interests and to ensure that your purchase is properly completed.
2) You can instruct your own independent solicitor to act for you to conduct the purchase or you can instruct the Vendor’s solicitor to act for you as well as for the Vendor.
3) YOU ARE RECOMMENDED TO INSTRUCT YOUR OWN SOLICITOR, who will be able, at every stage of your purchase, to give you independent advice.
4) If you instruct the solicitor for the Vendor to act for you as well and if a conflict arises between you and the Vendor the solicitor may not be able to protect your interests and you will then have to instruct your own solicitor anyway, in which case the total fees you will have to pay may be higher than the fees which you would have had to pay if you had instructed your own solicitor in the first place.
5) You are free to choose whichever option you prefer. Please think carefully before deciding whether to instruct your own independent solicitor, or the Vendor’s solicitor, to protect your interests.
I/We acknowledge receipt of a copy of this warning and fully understand the contents thereof.
Dated this day of 2019
2019 年 月 日
Signature(s) of Tenderer 投標方簽署
Appendix F
Ranex Investments Limited Personal Information Collection Statement
Collection of your personal information
From time to time, it is necessary for you to supply Ranex Investments Limited ("Ranex", "we", "us" or "our") with your personal information and particulars in connection with provision of services and products, including handling your property transaction(s). We may not be able to provide the services and products requested by you without the necessary information and particulars.
We may also generate and compile information about you. Personal information and particulars provided by you or generated and compiled by us about you from time to time is collectively referred to as "Your Information".
This Statement sets out the purposes for which Your Information may be used, what you are agreeing to with respect to our use of Your Information and your rights under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap 486 ("Ordinance").
Purposes for which Your Information may be used
We may use Your Information for one or more of the following purposes from time to time:
(a) handling your property transaction(s) including preparation of documents and making any such necessary arrangements to complete the transaction;
(b) providing you with and administering offers, memberships, rewards, promotions, discounts, privileges, advantages or benefits whether of a financial nature, in the form of gifts or otherwise;
(c) where mortgages, second mortgages, credit facilities or financial accommodation are sought by you, liaising with the mortgagee(s) or provider(s) of credit facilities or financial accommodation to process the same;
(d) handling your applications or requests for services, products, memberships or benefits;
(e) facilitating property management and security;
(f) conducting surveys (which is wholly on voluntary basis) on the quality of services, properties, property developments or products provided by us, and/or any of our subsidiaries and/or associated companies and/or joint venture partners;
(g) marketing services, properties, property developments, products and other subjects (please see further details in "Use of Your Information in direct marketing" section below);
(h) conducting statistical research and analysis (the outcome of which will not reveal your identity);
(i) communicating with you;
(j) investigating and handling complaints;
(k) preventing or detecting illegal or suspicious activities; and
(l) making disclosure when required by any law, court order, direction, code or guideline applicable in or outside Hong Kong.
Transfer of Your Information
To facilitate the purposes set out above, we may disclose or transfer Your Information to the following parties (whether within or outside Hong Kong) except that any transfer of Your Information to another person for it to use in direct marketing will be subject to "Use of Your Information in direct marketing" section below. Your Information may be transferred outside Hong Kong:
(a) any member of our subsidiaries and/or associated companies and/or joint venture partners;
(b) any person from whom you seek mortgages, second mortgages, credit facilities or financial accommodation;
(c) any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer or other services to or support the operation of our business;
(d) any person under a duty of confidentiality to us including our accountants, legal advisers or other professional advisers;
(e) any person involved in your property transaction; and
(f) any person to whom we are required to make disclosure under any law, court order, direction, code or guideline applicable in or outside Hong Kong.
Use of Your Information in direct marketing
We may not (i) use Your Information in direct marketing unless you consent or do not object, or (ii) provide Your Information to another person for its use in direct marketing unless you consent or do not object in writing.
In connection with direct marketing, we intend:
(a) to use your name, contact details, services and products portfolio information, financial background and demographic data collected, generated, compiled or held by us from time to time;
(b) to market the following classes of services and products to you:
(1) properties or property developments offered by member(s) of our subsidiaries and/or associated companies and/or joint venture partners;
(2) services and products offered by us, other members of our our subsidiaries and/or associated companies and/or joint venture partners (including real estate agency services, credit facilities and financial services);
(3) offers, memberships, rewards, promotions, discounts, privileges, advantages or benefits provided by us, other members of our subsidiaries and/or associated companies and/or joint venture partners; and
(4) donations or contributions for charitable or non-profit making purposes, or social corporate responsibility events or activities;
(c) in return for money or other property, to provide Your Information described in (a) above to our subsidiaries and/or associated companies and/or joint venture partners for their use in direct marketing the classes of services and products described in (b) above.
If you do NOT wish us to use Your Information in direct marketing or provide Your Information to other persons for their use in direct marketing as described above, please tick () the appropriate box(es) at the end of this Statement to exercise your opt-out right. You may also write to us at the address set out in "Access to and correction of Your Information" section below to opt out from direct marketing at any time.
Access to and correction of Your Information
You have the right to request access to and correction of Your Information in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance. Any data access request or data correction request may be made by a prescribed form in writing to us at Penthouse House, 39th Floor, West Tower, Shun Tak Centre, 200 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong.
In accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance, we have the right to charge you a reasonable fee for processing and complying with your data access request.
I have read and I understand this Personal Information Collection Statement, including the information about the use and transfer of my personal data for direct marketing. I understand that I have the right to opt out from such use or transfer by ticking () the box(es) below. If I do not tick the relevant box, Ranex Investments Limited may use my personal data in direct marketing or provide my personal data to other persons for their use in direct marketing (as the case may be), as more particularly set out in "Use of Your Information in direct marketing" section above
□ Please do NOT send direct marketing information to me.
□ Please do NOT provide my personal data to other persons for their use in direct marketing.
Name: Date:
附件 F
(486 章)(「條例」)的權利。
(a) 處理閣下的物業交易,包括準備文件和作出任何必要的安排以完成交易;
(b) 向閣下提供及管理優惠、會籍、獎賞、推廣、折扣、特惠、便利或利益(不論屬財務性質或以贈品或其他形式提供);
(c) 如閣下尋求按揭、第二按揭、信貸融資或財務融通,與承按人或信貸融資或財務融通提供者聯絡以處理閣下的申請;
(d) 處理閣下就服務、産品、會籍或利益的申請或要求;
(e) 促進物業管理及保安;
(f) 就我們及/或我們的附屬公司及/或聯繫公司及/或合資夥伴成立的合資公司提供的的服務、物業、物業發展項目或産品的質量進行調查(自願性質參與);
(g) 促銷服務、物業、物業發展項目、産品及其他標的(詳情請參閱以下「在直接促銷中使用閣下資料」部分);
(h) 進行統計研究和分析(統計研究及分析結果將不會揭露閣下的身分);
(i) 與閣下溝通;
(j) 調查及處理投訴;
(k) 預防或偵測非法或可疑活動;及
(l) 在香港境內或境外適用的任何法律、法院命令、指令、守則或指引要求下作出披露。轉移閣下資料
(i) 我們的附屬公司及/或聯繫公司及/或合資夥伴成立的合資公司的任何成員;
(ii) 閣下向其尋求按揭、第二按揭、信貸融資或財務融通的任何人士;
(iii) 任何代理人、承包商或就我們的業務運作向我們提供行政、電訊、電腦或其他服務的第三方服務供應商;
(iv) 對我們有保密責任的任何人士,包括我們的會計師、法律顧問或其他專業顧問;
(v) 閣下物業交易涉及的任何人士;及
(vi) 我們根據香港境內或境外適用的任何法律、法院命令、指令、守則或指引要求需要向其作出披露的任何人士。在直接促銷中使用閣下資料
(i) 除非閣下同意或不反對,我們方可在直接促銷中使用閣下資料,及(ii) 除非閣下書面同意或不反對,我們方可向其他人士提供閣下資料以供其在直接促銷中使用。
(a) 使用我們不時收集、産生、編制或持有的閣下姓名、聯絡詳情、服務及産品組合資料、財務背景及人口數據;
(b) 向閣下促銷以下類別的服務及産品:
(1) 我們的附屬公司及/或聯繫公司及/或合資夥伴成立的合資公司提供的物業或物業發展項目;
(2) 我們的附屬公司及/或聯繫公司及/或合資夥伴成立的合資公司提供的服務及産品(包括地産代理服務、信貸融資及財務服務);
(3) 我們的附屬公司及/或聯繫公司及/或合資夥伴成立的合資公司提供的優惠、會籍、獎賞、推廣、折扣、特惠、便利或利益;及
(4) 爲慈善或非牟利用途的捐款或捐贈,或企業社會責任節目或活動;
(c) 爲換取金錢或其他財産,將以上(a)段所述的閣下資料提供予我們的附屬公司及/或聯繫公司及/或合資夥伴成立的合資公司以供其在直接促銷以上(b)段所述的服務及産品類別中使用。
適當的方格內加上剔號(“ ”)行使閣下選擇不接受直接促銷的權利。閣下亦可在任何時候致函以下「查閱及改正閣下資料」部分所列地址選擇不接受直接促銷。
閣下有權根據條例中的條款要求查閱及更正閣下資料。如有任何查閱或更正資料的要求,可以指定的書面形式向我們提出,其地址爲香港干諾道中 200 號信德中心西座 39 樓。
□ 請不要向我發送直接促銷資訊。
□ 請不要將本人的個人資料提供予其他人士以供其在直接促銷中使用。
香港九龍漆咸道北 388 號投標提交文件清單
✓ 號
項 目 文 件 備 註
1) 經投標者妥當填寫並簽署的投標表格(附件 A)連同下列文件:
(a) 招 標 公 告
(b) 出售條款(附件 B)
2) 經投標者妥當簽署的賣方資料表格(附件 C) 提交一份經簽署的版本
3) 經投標者妥當簽署的「有關與賣方之關係」的確認書
(附件 D)
4) 經投標者妥當簽署的對買方的警告(附件 E) 提交一份經簽署的版本
5) 經投標者妥當簽署的個人資料收集聲明(附件 F) 提交一份經簽署的版本
6) 抬頭寫「孖士打律師行」的銀行本票及支票(以支付投標表格中的買價的 5%)
7) 投標者的香港身份證/商業登記証副本
8) 投標者委聘的物業代理的地產代理牌照副本
No.388 Chatham Road North, Kowloon, Hong Kong TENDER SUBMISSION CHECKLIST
Tick Box
Item Document Remarks
1) Tender Form (Appendix A) duly completed and signed by tenderer(s) and attached with :-
(a) Tender Notice
(b) Conditions of Sale (Appendix B)
2) Vendor’s Information Form (Appendix C) duly signed by the tenderer(s)
Submit one signed version
3) Confirmation on Relationship with the Vendor (Appendix D) duly signed by the tenderer(s)
Submit one signed version
4) Warning to Purchasers (Appendix E duly signed by the tenderer(s)
5) Personal Information Collection Statement (Appendix F) duly signed by the tenderer(s)
6) Cashier Order and Cheque (for 5% of purchase price tendered in the Form of Tender) payable to
Mayer Brown
7) Copy of Hong Kong Identity Card(s) / Business Registration Certificate(s) of tenderer(s)
8) Copy of Estate Agent’s Licence of the estate agent appointed by xxxxxxxx(s)
Submit one signed version Submit one signed version
Dated the day of 2019
All Those 6,652/613,139th parts or shares of and in Kowloon Inland Lot No.6545 (All Those (1) Flat A on the 37th Floor of Tower 1 and (2) Residential Parking Spaces Nos. R015 and R016 on Basement Level 1 of Chatham Gate ( 昇 御 x ), Xx.000 Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx).
Agreement for Sale and Purchase (RPFSO Form B)
THIS AGREEMENT is made the day of
Two thousand and nineteen
BETWEEN the Vendor and the Purchaser whose particulars are set out in Schedule 1.
Recitals (1) The construction of the Development has been completed and the Occupation Permit in respect of the Development was issued by the Building Authority on 10th October 2012.
(2) A Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Director of Lands pursuant to the conditions of the Government Grant.
(3) The land and the Development are notionally divided into such undivided parts or shares as hereinafter provided.
Interpretation | 1. | (1) | In this Agreement - |
(a) | "business day" means a day - | ||
(i) that is not a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday; and | |||
(ii) on which banks are open for business in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; | |||
(b) | "Deed of Mutual Covenant" means the document registered in the Land Registry which defines the rights, interests and obligations of all or any of the co-owners of the land and the Development among themselves and incorporates a Management Agreement (if any); | ||
(c) | "Development" means the development comprising, inter alia, residential units, commercial accommodation and residential parking spaces that has been constructed or in the course of being | ||
constructed on the land known as "Chatham Gate ( 昇 御 x )", | |||
Xx.000 Xxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx; | |||
(d) | "Government Grant" means the Government Grant document specified in Schedule 2; | ||
(e) | "land" means all that piece or parcel of land registered in the Land Registry as Kowloon Inland Lot No.6545; | ||
(f) | "Occupation Permit" means the written permission issued by the Building Authority under the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance for the Development to be occupied and includes a Temporary |
Occupation Permit;
(g) "office hours" means the period beginning at 10 a.m. of a day and ending at 4:30 p.m. of the same day;
(h) "Property" means the property described in Part A of Schedule 3 and in the context of clause 26(3)(b) and Part B of Schedule 3, excludes the parking space constituting separate unit described in Part A of Schedule 3;
(i) "Temporary Occupation Permit" means the temporary permit issued by the Building Authority under the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance for the Development or any part thereof comprising the Property to be occupied; and
(j) "Vendor's Solicitors" means Messrs. Mayer Brown.
(2) In this Agreement -
(a) "saleable area" has the meaning given by section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (Cap. 621);
(b) the floor area of an item under paragraph (a) of Part B of Schedule 3 calculated in accordance with section 8(3) of that Ordinance; and
(c) the area of an item under paragraph (b) of Part B of Schedule 3 is calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 to that Ordinance.
(3) In this Agreement, if the context permits or requires, the singular number shall include the plural and the masculine gender shall include the feminine and the neuter.
Sale and purchase
2. The Vendor shall sell and the Purchaser shall purchase the Property TOGETHER with the right in common with the Vendor or other person or persons claiming through, under or in trust for the Vendor to use for the purpose of access to and egress from the Property the lifts, entrance hall, staircases and landings in the Development and such of the passages in the Development intended for common use and serving the Property and the appurtenances thereto and TOGETHER with all rights of way (if any) and other rights and all privileges, easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining AND all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever of the Vendor in and to the Property EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the Vendor and its successors and assigns other than the Purchaser the right to the exclusive use, occupation and enjoyment of the whole of the Development SAVE AND EXCEPT :-
(a) the Property; and
(b) such areas and facilities (if any) as may be designated as common areas or common parts and common facilities in the Deed of Mutual Covenant or are intended for common use.
Purchase price 3. (1) The purchase price is the sum set out in Schedule 4, payable by the Purchaser to the Vendor's Solicitors in the manner set out in Schedule 4.
(2) The Vendor's Solicitors are the Vendor's agents for the purposes of receiving all moneys payable to the Vendor pursuant to this Agreement including the balance of the purchase price payable upon completion.
(3) The Vendor declares that the payment to such agents of any deposit, instalments of the purchase price (if any) and the balance thereof shall be a full and sufficient discharge of the Purchaser's obligations under this Agreement.
(4) The Vendor may revoke the authority of the agents and appoint other solicitors as agents in their place. No such revocation shall be valid unless it :-
(a) is in writing addressed to the Purchaser; and
(b) is delivered to the Purchaser or his solicitors, at least seven clear days prior to completion; and
(c) specifically identifies this Agreement.
(5) In respect of each payment of the purchase price or any part of the purchase price required to be made under this Agreement, the Purchaser shall deliver to the Vendor's Solicitors on the date on which such payment is required to be made a cashier order issued or a cheque certified good for payment by a licensed bank in Hong Kong in favour of the Vendor's Solicitors for the relevant amount.
(6) Without prejudice to any other remedy under this Agreement, the Vendor is entitled to demand and receive payment of interest on the amount of any part of the purchase price not paid on its due date at the rate of 2% per annum above the prime rate specified by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from time to time calculated from the date on which the same ought to have been paid by the Purchaser to the date of actual payment.
Duty of Solicitors
4. The Vendor's Solicitors, unless the Purchaser exercises the right under clause 12(1)(c) hereof to instruct his own solicitors, shall be the solicitors acting also for the Purchaser and, as evidenced by their preparation of this Agreement and attending the execution thereof by the Purchaser, shall owe to the Purchaser the same duty of care of solicitors as if they had been independently instructed by the Purchaser to act for him in relation to the purchase.
Completion 5. The sale and purchase shall be completed at the office of the Vendor's Solicitors during office hours on or before the [].
Possession 6. On completion of the sale and purchase, the Vendor and all other necessary parties (if any) will execute a proper assurance of the Property to the Purchaser or the Purchaser's nominee or sub-purchaser free from incumbrances but subject to the Government Grant.
Rents, profits, outgoings, etc.
7. The rents and profits shall be received and all outgoings shall be discharged by the Vendor up to and inclusive of the actual day of completion, and as from but exclusive of that day all outgoings shall be discharged by the Purchaser. All such rents, profits and outgoings shall, if necessary, be apportioned between the Vendor and the Purchaser and paid on completion.
Risk 8. (a) Immediately after the signing of this Agreement, the Property shall as between the Vendor and the Purchaser be at the Purchaser's risk. The Purchaser is hereby advised to take out proper insurance coverage on the Property for his own protection and benefit.
(b) As from the date of this Agreement, the Vendor shall hold in trust for the Purchaser the benefit of any existing policy of insurance relating to the Property.
(c) The Vendor does not warrant that any or any adequate policy of insurance exists relating to the Property or, if any such policy exists, that it will be renewed on expiration.
(d) The Vendor shall, if required, and at the expense of the Purchaser obtain or consent to an endorsement of notice of the Purchaser's interest on the policy of insurance relating to the Property and in such case the Vendor (keeping such policy in force) may require the Purchaser to pay on completion a proportionate part of the premium from the date of this Agreement.
Requisition on title
9. (1) Subject to clause 13(2) and without prejudice to Sections 13 and 13A of the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap.219), the Vendor shall not restrict the Purchaser's right under the law to raise requisition or objection in respect of title.
(2) If the Purchaser makes and insists on any objection or requisition in respect of the title or otherwise which the Vendor is unable or (on the ground of difficulty, delay or expense or on any other reasonable ground) unwilling to remove or comply with, the Vendor is, notwithstanding any previous negotiation or litigation, at liberty to cancel the sale on giving to the Purchaser or his Solicitors at least 14 days' notice in writing to that effect, in which case unless the objection or requisition is in the meantime withdrawn, the sale is cancelled on the expiry of such notice and the Purchaser is entitled to a return of the deposit and other sums of money already paid but without interest, costs or compensation.
Government Grant, easements mis- description
10. (1) The Property is sold subject to and with the benefit of the Government Grant, for the term of years created by or absolutely (as the case may be) and with any right of renewal granted by the Government Grant and subject to all easements (if any) subsisting in the Government Grant.
(2) No error, mis-statement or mis-description shall cancel the sale nor shall any compensation be allowed in respect of such error, mis-statement or mis- description save as otherwise provided in this Agreement and except where such error, mis-statement or mis-description relates to a matter materially and adversely affecting the value or user of the Property.
Physical condition
11. The Purchaser purchases with full knowledge of the physical condition of the Property and the fittings and finishes therein and takes them as they stand.
Rights of Purchaser
12. (1) The Purchaser shall at any time before completion of the sale and purchase be at liberty to :-
(a) subject to sub-clause (2) hereof, sub-sell the Property without any interference or charges by the Vendor or anyone claiming under or through the Vendor;
(b) charge, mortgage or assign the benefit of this Agreement Provided Always that notice in writing of any such charge, mortgage or assignment is given to the Vendor or his solicitors;
(c) instruct any firm of solicitors of his choice to act for him in this Agreement and/or the subsequent Assignment to the Purchaser; in which event, each party shall pay its own solicitors' costs of and incidental to this Agreement and/or the subsequent Assignment to the Purchaser (including all legal costs and disbursements of or incidental to the preparation, completion, stamping and registration of this Agreement and the subsequent Assignment).
(2) The Purchaser hereby covenants with the Vendor that in the event that the Purchaser sub-sells the Property or transfers the benefit of this Agreement in any manner whatsoever and whether by written or unwritten agreement before the completion hereof, the Purchaser will procure from the sub-purchaser, donee, nominee, beneficiary, attorney or other transferee whomsoever a covenant in the sub-sale Agreement for Sale and Purchase or impose a binding obligation in such other agreement to the effect that such sub-purchaser or other transferee whomsoever shall (i) disclose, by setting out at length in the sub-sale Agreement for Sale and Purchase or other agreement whatsoever, full details (including identity card or business registration numbers and full addresses) of all confirmors, nominees and other intermediate parties who had purchased or sold the Property or any interest therein by any means whatsoever and the full monetary price or other consideration including any commission, reservation or agents fee or any other amount which any of the parties knows has been paid or given over to any person in addition to the consideration payable to the Vendor for the assignment and (ii) will procure from any subsequent sub-purchaser or other transferee a covenant, in the subsequent sub-sale Agreement for Sale and Purchase or impose a binding obligation in any other agreement, having similar effect as this clause 12(2).
Cancellation of Agreement
(3) In the event of the Purchaser requesting and the Vendor agreeing to execute a Cancellation Agreement or any other means which has the effect of cancelling this Agreement or the obligations of the Purchaser under this Agreement, the Vendor is entitled to retain the sum of 5% of the total purchase price of the Property as consideration for his agreeing to cancel this Agreement and not as a penalty and the Purchaser will in addition pay or reimburse, as the case may be, to the Vendor all legal costs, charges, disbursements (including any stamp duty) in connection with cancellation of this Agreement.
Good title 13. (1) The Vendor shall at his own expense show a good title to the Property and produce to the Purchaser for his perusal such certified or other copies of any deeds or documents of title, wills and matters of public record as may be necessary to complete such title. The costs of verifying the title, including search fees, shall be borne by the Purchaser who shall also, if the Purchaser requires certified copies of any documents in the Vendor's possession relating to other property retained by the Vendor as well as to the Property, pay the cost of such certified copies.
(2) The Purchaser shall raise no objection if the Vendor's interest in the Property is an equitable interest and not a legal estate.
Documents of title
14. (1) Such of the documents of title as relate exclusively to the Property will be delivered to the Purchaser. All other documents of title in the possession of the Vendor will be retained by the Vendor who shall, if so required on the completion of the sale and purchase, give to the Purchaser a covenant for the safe custody of the documents and for production and delivery of copies of those documents at the expense of the Purchaser, such covenant to be prepared by the Purchaser.
(2) The provision of clause 14(1) shall survive completion of the sale and purchase by the Assignment.
Costs and disbursements of Agreement
15. (1) Subject to the provisions of clause 12(1)(c), all legal costs and disbursements of and incidental to the preparation, completion, stamping and registration of this Agreement and the subsequent Assignment to the Purchaser shall be borne and paid by the Purchaser, and in the event that the Purchaser instructs solicitors other than the Vendor's Solicitors to act for him :-
(a) if the Purchaser shall request the Vendor to execute more than one assignment in respect of the Property, the Purchaser shall on completion pay the additional costs charged by the Vendor's Solicitors for their approval, and
(b) if the Purchaser shall request the Vendor to assign the Property to his nominee or sub-purchaser, the Purchaser shall on completion pay the additional costs charged by the Vendor's Solicitors for the perusal of any instrument of Nomination or Sub-Sale Agreement.
(2) All registration fees payable on the preliminary agreement referred to in paragraph (g) of Schedule 5 hereto ("the Preliminary Agreement") or this Agreement (if any) and the Assignment shall be borne and paid by the Purchaser.
Stamp duty, etc.
(3) The ad valorem stamp duty, if any, payable on this Agreement and the Assignment shall be borne and paid by the Purchaser.
(4) The special stamp duty, if any, payable on this Agreement and the Assignment shall be borne and paid by the Purchaser.
(5) The buyer's stamp duty, if any, payable on this Agreement and the Assignment shall be borne and paid by the Purchaser.
(6) The Purchaser shall, within the period prescribed by the Stamp Duty Ordinance (including any subsequent amendments, supplements or substitutions thereto), cause all the said instruments to be stamped with all stamp duty payable thereon, and shall, upon request by the Vendor, also provide the Vendor with certified copies thereof so stamped or endorsed.
(7) The professional fees for the plan(s) to be annexed to this Agreement and the Assignment shall be borne and paid by the Purchaser.
(8) The Purchaser shall indemnify and keep the Vendor indemnified against any loss or damages suffered and expenses fees and charges incurred by the Vendor resulting from any breach of sub-clause (3), (4), (5) and/or (6) of this clause 15 (including without limitation failure of or delay in payment of all and any of the stamp duty) by the Purchaser.
(9) Notwithstanding anything provided herein to the contrary, the provisions of this clause 15 shall survive completion.
Time of the Essence
16. Time is in every respect of the essence of this Agreement.
Default of Purchaser
17. (1) Should the Purchaser fail to observe or comply with any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement or to make the payments in accordance with Schedule 4 or any interest payable under this Agreement within 7 days after the due date, the Vendor may give to the Purchaser notice in writing calling upon the Purchaser to make good his default. If the Purchaser fails within 21 days after the date of service of such notice fully to make good his default, the Vendor may by a further notice in writing forthwith determine this Agreement and in such event :-
(a) all sums paid by the Purchaser up to 10% of the purchase price by way of deposit shall be forfeited to the Vendor; and
(b) where the Purchaser has entered into possession of the Property, the Vendor is entitled to re-enter upon the Property and repossess the same free from any right or interest of the Purchaser in the Property and to receive from the Purchaser as occupation fee a sum equal to interest at the rate of 2% per annum above the prime rate specified by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from time to time on the unpaid balance of the purchase price for the period during which the Purchaser was in occupation.
(2) Upon determination of this Agreement pursuant to sub-clause (1), the Vendor may resell the Property either by public auction or private contract subject to such stipulations as the Vendor may think fit and any increase in price on a resale shall belong to the Vendor. On a resale, any deficiency in price shall be made good and all expenses attending such resale shall be borne by the Purchaser and such deficiency and expenses shall be recoverable by the Vendor as and for liquidated damages Provided That the Purchaser shall not be called upon to bear such deficiency or expenses unless the Property is resold within 6 months after the determination of this Agreement.
(3) On the Vendor exercising its right of rescission to rescind and/or annul the sale and purchase of the Property, the Vendor shall have the right, if this Agreement shall have been registered in the Land Registry, to register in the Land Registry an instrument signed by the Vendor alone to rescind and/or annul the sale and purchase of the Property (which shall be sufficient to rescind and/or annul the sale and purchase of the Property) and to vacate the registration of this Agreement and on the signing of the said instrument by the Vendor, the Purchaser shall be deemed to have been divested of any interest in the Property under this Agreement. Upon registration of such an instrument in the Land Registry, a tenant, purchaser, mortgagee or any other person dealing with the Vendor shall not be bound to see or enquire whether the Vendor was entitled to terminate and/or rescind and/or annul this Agreement and so far as regards the safety and protection of any such tenant, purchaser, mortgagee or any other person this Agreement shall be deemed to have been duly terminated and/or rescinded and/or annulled and the remedy (if any) of the Purchaser against the Vendor shall be in damages only. If the Purchaser shall have entered into possession of the Property, he shall forthwith deliver up possession of the Property to the Vendor.
Default of Vendor
18. In the event of the Vendor failing to complete the sale in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, it shall not be necessary for the Purchaser to tender an Assignment to the Vendor for execution before taking proceedings to enforce specific performance of this Agreement.
Deed of Mutual Covenant
19. The Property is sold subject to and with the benefit of a Deed of Mutual Covenant and a Management Agreement (if any) registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No.13031402520039.
Cost of DMC 20. The Purchaser shall pay to the Vendor's Solicitors a due proportion of the costs of and incidental to the preparation stamping registration and completion of the above mentioned Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement (if any) or the entire costs of a certified copy thereof in accordance with the scale of costs prescribed in the Solicitors (General) Costs Rules.
Vacant Possession and Utility deposits
21. (1) Subject as mentioned in this Agreement, the Purchaser is, on completion of the sale and purchase, entitled to vacant possession of the Property, all outgoings including Government rent, rates and management fees up to and inclusive of the completion date being paid by the Vendor.
(2) Before the Purchaser is entitled to possession of the Property, the Purchaser shall :-
(a) reimburse the Vendor a due proportion of any deposits paid by the Vendor for the supply of water, electricity and gas (if any) to the common areas or common parts of the Development; and
(b) pay to the Vendor or the manager of the Development all the deposits, capital funds and advance payments payable under the Deed of Mutual Covenant and the deposit for the removal of debris left by the Purchaser, his agents or contractors.
Provided That if any of the deposits, capital funds and advance payments mentioned in clause 21(2)(a) and (b) above has already been paid by the Vendor to the manager of the Development, the payment concerned shall be reimbursed by the Purchaser to the Vendor (instead of being paid to the manager) upon completion of the sale and purchase of the Property, whether or not such deposits, capital funds or advance payments are transferable or refundable under the Deed of Mutual Covenant.
Registration 22. This Agreement shall be registered in the Land Registry within 1 month after the date of this Agreement.
No mortgage by Xxxxxx
23. The Vendor shall not after the execution of this Agreement enter into any mortgage or charge of the Property or any other part of the land or the Development.
Release of purchase money
24. If and so long as there is a mortgage of or charge on the Property, any part of the purchase price shall be paid to the Vendor's Solicitors as stakeholders and shall be applied by them only for the purpose of obtaining reassignment/release of the Property unless a sufficient sum is held to obtain such reassignment/release in which case the Vendor's Solicitors may release to the Vendor the amount of excess over and above the sum sufficient to discharge the mortgage or charge.
Notices 25. Any notice required to be given under this Agreement -
(a) is deemed to have been validly given to a party if -
(i) the notice is addressed to the party; and
(ii) the notice is sent by ordinary prepaid post to -
(A) the party's address stated in this Agreement; or
(B) the party's last known address (where a notification of change of address has previously been given to the other party or the other party's solicitors); and
(b) is deemed to have been served on the second business day after the date of posting.
Warranties 26. (1) The Vendor shall incorporate into the Property the fittings, finishes and appliances as follows -
the fittings, finishes and appliances as set out in Schedule 6.
(2) The communal and recreational facilities are as follows -
the communal and recreational facilities as set out in Schedule 7.
(3) The Vendor warrants -
(a) that the fittings, finishes and appliances as set out in clause 26(1) will be incorporated into the Property;
(b) that the Property will be as shown on the plan attached to this Agreement and the measurements of the Property will be those set out in Part B of Schedule 3; and
(c) that the Vendor shall provide the communal and recreational facilities as set out in clause 26(2).
(4) The Vendor also warrants that the parking space constituting separate unit described in Part A of Schedule 3 will be as shown on the plan attached to this Agreement and the area of such parking space to be measured from the centre of its demarcating lines or (if applicable) the interior face of the enclosing walls is as follows –
12.5 square metres/134.55 square feet.
Remedy of Defects
27. The Vendor shall, at its own cost and as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of a written notice served by the Purchaser within 6 months after the date of completion of the sale and purchase under clause 5, remedy any defects to the Property, or the fittings, finishes or appliances as set out in Schedule 6, caused otherwise than by the act or neglect of the Purchaser. The provisions of this clause are without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that the Purchaser may have at common law or otherwise.
Maintenance Obligations
28. The Vendor undertakes with the Purchaser to use its best endeavours to enforce all defects and maintenance obligations under all contracts relating to the construction of the Development in so far as such defects relate to or affect the Property or the common areas or common parts and common facilities of the Development.
Winding up of Vendor
29. In the event of the winding-up (whether voluntary or otherwise) or dissolution of the Vendor, the benefit and rights of and in all warranties and guarantees under all contracts relating to the construction of the Development shall be assigned by the Vendor to the Owners' Corporation incorporated under the
Building Management Ordinance (Cap.344) or if no such corporation exists to the manager of the Development for the time being to be held in trust for the Purchaser and all other purchasers of units in the Development.
Non-business day etc.
31. If any date stipulated for payment in this Agreement or the day on which completion of the sale and purchase is to take place as provided in this Agreement falls on a day that is not a business day or on a day on which Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., such date for payment or completion of the sale and purchase is automatically postponed to the immediately following day that is a business day and on which no Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m..
Marginal Notes
32. The marginal notes to this Agreement shall not be deemed to be part of this Agreement and do not affect the interpretation or construction of this Agreement.
Stamp Duty Ordinance
33. For the purpose of section 29B(1) and 29B(5) of the Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap.117), the matters to be specified are as set out in Schedule 5 hereto.
"(a) The Purchaser hereby expressly covenants with the Vendor to the intent that the burden of the following covenants shall be annexed to the Property and be binding on the Purchaser his executors administrators and assigns or successors in title that the Purchaser and all persons deriving title from the Purchaser shall :-
(i) pay all stamp duty or additional stamp duty or further stamp duty or penalty due and payable on or relating to this sale and purchase as may be now or hereafter assessed by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("the Stamp Duty");
(ii) indemnify and keep the Vendor indemnified against any loss or damage suffered by the Vendor resulting from the delay or default in payment of the Stamp Duty; and
(iii) pay or repay to the Vendor or reimburse the Vendor with the amount of the Stamp Duty paid or advanced by the Vendor on behalf of the Purchaser in the event of default in payment by the Purchaser of the Stamp Duty together with interest thereon at the rate of 3% per annum over and above the prime or best lending rate quoted by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from time to time calculated from the date of payment by the Vendor to the date of payment or repayment or reimbursement by the Purchaser of such amount together with all legal costs, disbursements and fees incurred by the Vendor in securing
recovery of all amounts of the Stamp Duty so paid by the Vendor on behalf of the Purchaser on a full indemnity basis.
(b) The Purchaser covenants with the Vendor for itself and as agent for Ranex Investments Limited ("the Company" which expression shall include its successors assigns (other than the Purchaser) and attorneys) to the intent that such covenants shall run with the Property and bind the Property and the owner or owners thereof for the time being and other person or persons deriving title under the Purchaser (each and all of whom including the Purchaser is and are hereinafter included in the expression "the Covenanting Purchaser") and shall enure for the benefit of the Development (as defined in the said Second Schedule) and be enforceable by the Company and its successors and assigns that :-
(i) the Covenanting Purchaser confirms and acknowledges the covenants, rights, entitlements, exceptions and reservations granted and conferred on the Company under Clause 8 of the Deed of Mutual Covenant and the Covenanting Purchaser shall not do or permit anything to be done which will in any way affect or hinder the exercise of the said rights by the Company;
(ii) the Covenanting Purchaser shall, if required by the Company, do everything necessary, including giving express consents in writing to the exercise of the said rights by the Company, to facilitate the exercise of the said rights by the Company;
(iii) the Covenanting Purchaser hereby expressly and irrevocably appoints the Company to be its attorney and grants unto the Company the full right power and authority to give all consents and to do all acts deeds matters and things and to execute and sign seal and as the acts and deeds of the Covenanting Purchaser deliver such deeds and to sign such documents or instruments as may be necessary for the exercise of or incidental to the exercise of the rights conferred on the Company as aforesaid with the full power of delegation and the Covenanting Purchaser hereby further covenants to do all acts deeds matters and things and to execute sign seal and deliver such deed or deeds and to sign such documents or instruments as may be necessary to give effect to such appointment and xxxxx; and
(iv) in the event of the Covenanting Purchaser selling or otherwise disposing of the Property, the Covenanting Purchaser shall sell or otherwise dispose of the Property upon the condition that the purchaser or assignee thereof shall enter into the same binding covenants on terms similar in scope and extent as the covenants (i), (ii) and (iii) hereinbefore contained
PROVIDED that upon the Covenanting Purchaser complying with and performing the covenant (iv) hereinbefore contained, the Covenanting Purchaser shall not be liable for any breach of the covenants (i), (ii) and (iii) hereinbefore contained which may happen after the Covenanting Purchaser shall have sold or
otherwise disposed of the Property in respect whereof such purchaser or assignee shall have entered into such covenants similar in scope and extent as the covenants (i), (ii) and (iii) hereinbefore contained.
(c) The Purchaser hereby further expressly covenants with the Vendor its successors assigns and attorneys to the intent that this covenant shall run with the Property and be binding on the Covenanting Purchaser and shall enure for the benefit of the Development and be enforceable by the Vendor and its successors and assigns that :-
(i) the Covenanting Purchaser will notify the Manager (as defined in the Deed of Mutual Covenant) in writing of any change of ownership of the Property upon ceasing to be the owner of the Property;
(ii) the Covenanting Purchaser shall abide by the provisions in the Deed of Mutual Covenant as if the same terms and covenants on the part of the First Assignee set out therein are made directly by the Covenanting Purchaser;
(iii) the Covenanting Purchaser will at all times hereafter perform observe and comply with all the covenants by or on the part of the Purchaser contained in this Assignment;
(iv) the Covenanting Purchaser will at all times hereafter indemnify and keep indemnified the Vendor against all actions suits proceedings costs claims demands or expenses for or on account of any breach or the non-performance or non-observance of the covenants on the part of the Purchaser contained in this Assignment; and
(v) in the event of the Covenanting Purchaser selling or otherwise disposing of the Property, the Covenanting Purchaser shall sell or otherwise dispose of the Property upon the condition that the purchaser(s) or assignee(s) thereof shall enter into the same binding covenants on terms similar in scope and extent as the covenants (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) hereinbefore contained
PROVIDED that upon the Covenanting Purchaser complying with and performing the covenant (v) hereinbefore contained the Covenanting Purchaser shall not be liable for any breach of the aforesaid covenants (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) which may happen after the Covenanting Purchaser shall have sold or otherwise disposed of the Property in respect whereof such purchaser(s) or assignee(s) shall have entered into such covenants similar in scope and extent as the covenants (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) as aforesaid. "
(a) Vendor: RANEX INVESTMENTS LIMITED ( 隆 益 投 資 有 限 公 司 ) whose registered office is situate at Penthouse, 39th Floor, West Tower, Shun Tak Centre, 200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong.
(Business Registration No.17362653)
(b) Purchaser: []
(Holder of Hong Kong Identity Card No.: [])
and which for the purposes of this Agreement shall include their executors and administrators.
(a) Government Lease, the particulars of which are as follows -
(b) Parties : Queen Xxxxxxxxx XX of the one part and Hong Kong Civil
Servants' Co-operative Building Society, Limited of the other part
(c) Date : the 14th day of September 1971
(d) Term : 75 years from the 8th day of September 1955 and expiring on
the 7th day of September 2030
(e) User : Non-industrial (excluding godown, hotel and petrol filling
(f) Lot Number : Kowloon Inland Lot No.6545
(g) Modification : As varied or modified by
(i) a Modification Letter dated the 1st day of March 1996 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No.UB6551356; and
(ii) a Modification Letter dated the 8th day of October 2007 and registered in the Land Registry by Memorial No.07101101660171.
ALL THOSE 6,652 equal undivided 613,139th parts or shares of and in the land and of and in the Development TOGETHER with the sole and exclusive right and privilege to hold use occupy and enjoy FIRSTLY ALL THAT FLAT A on the THIRTY SEVEN FLOOR of TOWER 1 and SECONDLY ALL THOSE RESIDENTIAL PARKING SPACES NOS.
R015 AND R016 on BASEMENT LEVEL 1 of the Development (as respectively shown on the Floor Plan and Car Xxxx Plan hereto attached and thereon coloured pink).
The measurements of the Property are as follows -
(a) the saleable area of the Property is 285.419 square metres/3,072 square feet of which-
5.0 square metres/54 square feet is the floor area of the balcony; and
(b) other measurements are –
the area of the flat roof is 111.654 square metres/1,202 square feet the area of the roof is 100.137 square metres/1,078 square feet
the area of the stairhood is 16.480 square metres/177 square feet
The purchase price is HK$[] payable by the Purchaser to the Vendor's Solicitors as follows -
(i) the amount of HK$[] has been paid as deposit on signing of the agreement preliminary to this Agreement;
(ii) the amount of HK$[] as further deposit and part payment of the purchase price which has been paid by the Purchaser on or before the signing of this Agreement;
(iii) [the amount of HK$[] being part payment of the purchase price shall be paid on or before the [];
(iv) the amount of HK$[] being part payment of the purchase price shall be paid on or before the [];
(v) the amount of HK$[] being part payment of the purchase price shall be paid on or before the [];] [Note : include if applicable, otherwise delete.]
(vi) the amount of HK$[] being balance of the purchase price shall be paid upon completion.
Matters required to be specified under Section 29B(5) of the Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap.117) :
(a) (1) Name of the Vendor - See Schedule 1 Registered Office of the Vendor - See Schedule 1
(2) Name of the Purchaser - See Schedule 1 Address/Registered Office of the Purchaser - See Schedule 1
(b) (1) Identification Number of the Vendor - Not applicable
(2) Identification Number of the Purchaser - See Schedule 1
(c) (1) Business Registration Number of the Vendor - See Schedule 1
(2) Business Registration Number of the Purchaser - See Schedule 1
(d) Description and location of the Property - See Schedule 3
(e) The Property [is residential property] / [comprises residential and non-residential property] within the meaning of Section 29A(1) of the Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap.117).
(f) Date of this Agreement - See page 1
(g) This Agreement was preceded by a Preliminary Agreement for Sale and Purchase on the same terms made between the same parties on the [].
(h) The agreed date for the conveyancing on sale or assignment of the Property is set out in Clause 5.
(i) There is an agreed consideration for the conveyancing on sale or assignment that is to, or may, take place pursuant to this Agreement and the amount of the consideration is set out in Schedule 4.
(j) There is no other consideration which the parties signing this Agreement know has been paid or given, or has been agreed to be paid or given, to any person for or in connection with this Agreement or any conveyance on sale or assignment pursuant to this Agreement (excluding legal expenses and estate agents' commission).
Fittings, Finishes and Appliances
[To be inserted]
Communal and Recreational Facilities
Active (Outdoor) Active (Indoor) Passive
- Outdoor Swimming Pool
- Outdoor Children Play Area
- Dancing Room
- Game Area
- Game Room
- Gymnasium
- Children Play Room
- Reading Area / Lounge
- Sauna
- Function Rooms
- Sitting Area
AS WITNESS the hands of the said parties hereto the day and year first above written.
for and on behalf of the Vendor whose )
signature(s) is/are verified by :- )
SIGNED by the Purchaser (Holder of Hong )
Kong Identity Card No. []) in the presence )
of :- )
INTERPRETED to the Purchaser by :-
RECEIVED the day and year first above written of and from the Purchaser the above mentioned deposit of HONG KONG DOLLARS []
) HK$[]
Messrs. Mayer Brown
(港鐵中環站 K 出口)
電話: 0000 0000 傳真:2845 9121
00xx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx'x Xxxxxxxx,
00 Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx. (MTR Central Station Exit K)
Tel: 0000 0000 Fax: 0000 0000
Please make the necessary appointment and call at MAYER BROWN of 18th Floor, Xxxxxx'x Building, No. 10 Chater Road, Central, Hong Kong to sign the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase during office hours as soon as possible after the signing of the Preliminary Agreement for Sale and Purchase.
請於簽署臨時買賣合約後盡早(敬請預約)駕臨 香港中環遮打道 10 號太子大廈 18 樓「孖士打律師行」簽署正式買賣合約。
Please read carefully the "No Money Laundering" leaflet prepared by the Law Society of Hong Kong, which is available at the Sales Office or can be downloaded from the website : xxxx:// and bring the following to the office of MAYER BROWN when signing the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase:-
務 請 首 先 詳 閱 香 港 律 師 公 會 所 發 出 有 關 「 嚴 禁 清 洗 黑 錢 」 之 單 張 , 該 單 張 由 售 樓 處 派 發 或 可 在 互 聯 網 下 載 : xxxx://,並於預約時間內攜帶以下文件駕臨孖士打律師行及親自簽署正式買賣合約:-
1. Preliminary Agreement for Sale and Purchase
2. Hong Kong Identity Card/Valid Identification Document
3. Purchaser’s address proof (eg. latest bank statement, utility bill, etc) and occupation proof (eg. name card, employment letter, etc.)
4. CASHIER ORDER in favour of "MAYER BROWN" for payment of further deposit/part payment of purchase price (if applicable)
銀 行本票抬頭請寫「孖士打律師行」,以支付加付訂金/部份樓價(如適用)
5. CASHIER ORDER in favour of "MAYER BROWN" for payment of stamp duty payable under the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase
銀行本票 抬頭請寫 「孖士打律師行」,以支付有關正式買賣合約的印花稅
6. Cheque in favour of "MAYER BROWN" for advance payment (see Note below), payment of Agreement plan fee and miscellaneous charges (see table below for details)
If Purchaser is a body corporate, please also bring the following documents and signature chop of the Company:
如 買 家 為 法 人 團 體 , 請 同 時 攜 帶 以 下 公 司 文 件 及 印 章 :
1. Memorandum and Articles of Association
4. Business Registration Certificate (certified copy)
商業登記証 (驗證本)
2. Certificate of Incorporation (certified copy)
公司註冊証書 (驗證本)
5. Board Minutes for the purchase of the premises
3. Latest register of directors and annual return (certified copy) (Form NNC1/NAR1/ND2A/ND2B)
最近期之董事名冊驗證副本及公司周年申報表 (驗證本) (表格 NNC1/NAR1/ND2A/ND2B)
6. Company Chop
公司簽署印章 (膠印)
Important Notice 重要的提醒
Further Deposit / Part Payment of Purchase Price and Balance of Purchase Price shall be paid by CASHIER ORDER drawn in favour of “MAYER BROWN”
If payments are made by direct cash deposit or by a third party, then further due diligence may have to be carried out by us on the source of funds as well as on the third party and this might delay the transaction.
TABLE OF CHARGES (for reference only) - subject to final confirmation and adjustment
收 費 表 ( 只 供 參 考 之 用 , 須 作 最 後 確 認 及 調 整 )
Type of Documents 文件種類 | (A ) Legal Costs 律師費 | (B) Fees and disbursements payable by Purchaser 買家須付雜項費用 |
Formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase | [see Note (a)] | (1) Charges for certified copies of title deeds HK$22,059.00 (see Note (b) below) 業權契據認證副本費用 (請參閱備忘録(c)) (2) Registration fee, search fee & misc. expenses HK$610.00 土地註冊處登記費、查冊費及其他雜費 (3) Company search fee (corporate purchaser only) HK$200.00 公司註冊處查冊費 (只適用於公司買家) (4) Plan fee for Agreement (subject to the final HK$300.00 confirmation by the architect) per set HK$900.00 買賣合約圖則費 (以則師最後收費為準) - 每套 (for Duplex) (5) Cost on account $3,000.00 預付律師費 [See Note (a)(ii) 見備忘録(a)(ii)] (6) Ad Valorem Stamp Duty and Buyer’s Stamp Duty see Note on Stamp 從 價 印 花 稅 及 買 家 印 花 稅 Duty in Table 2 請參閱印花稅須知附表 2 (7) Statutory Declaration to Stamp Office (if necessary) $600.00 each 毎 份擬備印花稅署之法定聲明(如需要) |
正式買賣合約 | [見備忘録(a)] | |
Note 1 | ||
Upon signing of the formal Agreement for Sale | ||
and Purchase, the Purchaser shall pay the ad | ||
valorem stamp duty and buyer’s stamp duty (if | ||
applicable) by way of cashier order made | ||
payable to “Mayer Brown” | ||
備註 1 | ||
買 方必須在簽署正式買賣合約時用銀行本票 | ||
支 付從價印花税及買家印花稅(如適用),本 | ||
票抬頭請寫「孖士打律師行」 | ||
Assignment 轉讓契約 | [see Note (a)] [見備忘録(a)] | (1) Registration fee, search fee & misc. expenses HK$850.00 土地註冊處登記費、查冊費及其他雜費 |
(2) Company search fee (corporate purchaser only) HK$200.00 公司註冊處查冊費(只適用於公司買家) | ||
(3) Plan fee for Assignment (subject to the final HK$1,200.00 confirmation by the architect) per set HK$3,600.00 轉讓契約圖則費 (以則師最後收費為準) - 每套 (for Duplex) | ||
(4) Stamp Duty HK$100.00 轉讓契約印花稅 | ||
(5) Levy payable to Property Management Services HK$350.00 Authority 向物業管理業監管局繳付的徴款 | ||
(6) Board Resolution (corporate purchaser only) HK$500.00 公司會議記錄 (只適用於公司買家) |
Type of Documents 文件種類 | (A ) Legal Costs 律師費 | (B) Fees and disbursements payable by Purchaser 買家支出費用 |
Mortgage/ Legal Charge 按揭契 Loan Amount: 貸款額: (i) not exceeding $5,000,000.00 不超過$5,000,000.00 (ii) between $5,000,001.00 and $7,500,000.00 $5,000,001.00 至$7,500,000.00 之間 (iii) between $7,500,001.00 and $10,000,000.00 $7,500,001.00 至$10,000,000.00 之間 (iv) over $10,000,000.00 超過$10,000,000.00 | [see Remark below and Note (d)] [見下開附註及備忘録(d)] (i) HK$7,000.00 (ii) HK$8,000.00 (iii) HK$9,000.00 (iv) 0.1% of loan amount 貸款額之 0.1% | (1) #Registration fee (each) HK$450.00 #土地註冊處登記費 (每份) (2) Bankruptcy/Winding-up search fee (each person/ HK$103.00 each each company) 破產/清盤查冊費 (每人/每間公司) (3) Land search fee & misc. expenses HK$400.00 土地註冊處查冊費及其他雜費 (4) Company search fee (corporate purchaser only) HK$200.00 each (each company) 公司註冊處查冊費(只適用於公司買家) (每間公司) (5) #Filing fee (each) (for corporate purchaser only) HK$340.00 #公司註冊處存檔費(每份) (只適用於公司買家) (6) Board Resolution (for corporate purchaser only) HK$500.00 公司會議記錄 (只適用於公司買家) (7) Companies Registry Particulars of Charge (each) HK$1,500.00 each (for corporate purchaser only) 公司註冊處按揭或押記詳情表 (每份) (只適用於公司買家) |
2nd Legal Mortgage 第二按揭契 | [see Remark below and Note (d)] [見下開附註及備忘録(d)] HK$7,000.00 | (1) #Registration fee (each) HK$450.00 #土地註冊處登記費 (每份) (2) #Adjudication fee (each) HK$50.00 #印花稅裁定費 (每份) (3) #Filing fees (corporate purchaser only) HK$340.00 #公司註冊處存檔費 (只適用於公司買家) (4) Board Resolution (for corporate purchaser only) HK$500.00 公司會議記錄 (只適用於公司買家) (5) Companies Registry Particulars of Charge (each) HK$1,500.00 each (for corporate purchaser only) 公司註冊處按揭或押記詳情表 (每份) (只適用於公司買家) The following expenses will be paid by the Purchaser if the 1st Mortgage is NOT prepared by our firm 如第一按揭契不是由本行辦理,買家必須繳付以下雜費:- (1) Land search fee & misc. expenses HK$400.00* 土地註冊處查冊費及其他雜費 (2) Company search fee (corporate purchaser only) HK$200.00 each * (each company) 公司註冊處查冊費 (只適用於公司買家) (每間公司) (3) Bankruptcy/Winding-up search fee (each person/ HK$103.00 each * each company) 破產/清盤查冊費 (每人/每間公司) |
# The above Registration Fee, Filing fee and Adjudication fee will be subject to the final confirmation by the government # 上述的登記費、公司註冊存檔費及印花稅裁定費以政府最後收費為準。 |
If the bank and/or the 2nd mortgagee require(s) the Purchaser to provide guarantor(s) or borrower(s) for obtaining a mortgage and/or second mortgage, the Purchaser may, depending on the actual requirements of the lender be required to execute additional documents and to pay the following costs :
Legal Costs 律 師 費
1. Guarantee (each) (if prepared by our firm)
銀行擔保書(每份) (如貸款人要求本行代為擬備)
2. Warning Notice and Confirmation Letter (if necessary) relating to Guarantee
(擬備有關銀行擔保書的忠告及確認書(如需要的話)) (每份忠告及確認書)
HK$2,500.00 for each Guarantee
HK$2,000.00 for each Warning Notice and Confirmation Letter
HK$2,000.00 for each Warning Notice and Confirmation Letter
Note :
(a) (i) Joint Legal Representation
If the Purchaser is the 1st purchaser of his unit from the Developer and the Purchaser also instructs the Developer’s solicitors to act for him in the purchase, all legal costs (but exclusive of miscellaneous charges specified in column (B) of the Table of Charges) of and incidental to the preparation and completion of the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase and the Assignment to be borne by the Purchaser will be waived.
如買方為直接由發展商購買有關單位之首名買家及買方同時委托發展商律師作為其購買該單位的代表律師,則買方原先須支付有關準備及完成正式買賣合約及樓契之所有律師費用(但不包括收費表 B 項所列之雜項費用)將獲豁免。
(ii) Change of Legal Representation
If the Purchaser shall instruct his own Solicitors in completing the Assignment and/or Equitable Mortgage / Legal Charge/Mortgage after signing of the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase, the Purchaser shall forthwith pay the Developer’s Solicitors the sum of HK$3,000.00 being the costs of preparing the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase (the cost on account of HK$3,000.00 paid by the Purchaser on signing of the formal Agreement for Sale and Purchase will be applied towards this payment).
(iii) Separate Legal Representation
If the Purchaser elects separate representation, the Purchaser shall bear his/its own legal costs as well as all fees and disbursements.
(b) Property is a redevelopment project, and about 300 nos. of title documents may need to be furnished for proof of title.
(e) In fact, Mayer Brown will only act for the mortgagee including bank (but not the Purchaser, the borrower or the guarantor) in the preparation of the Mortgage and the Guarantee.
For other charges, please refer to Table 1 (其他收費請參閱附表 1)
(1) | Statutory Declaration for claiming for lower rates of AVD and/or exemption of BSD (Only applicable for purchaser who is Hong Kong Permanent Resident and does not own any other residential property in Hong Kong) (each) 法定誓章以作申請按舊稅率徵收從價印花稅及/或豁免徵收買家印花稅之用 (只適用於買家是香港永久性居民及在香港沒有擁有任何其他住宅物業) (每份) | HK$600.00 each (excluding disbursements) 每份$600.00 (不包括雜項費用) |
(2) | Supplemental Agreement (補充合約) | HK$2,500.00 each (excluding disbursements) 每份$2,500.00 (不包括雜項費用) |
(3) | For foreign corporate purchasers :- (i) Obtaining foreign lawyers’ opinion (ii) Obtaining up-to-date confirmation or opinion (Remark : Charges and out-of-pocket expenses payable to foreign lawyers NOT included) (適用於海外公司買家)另加安排海外律師法律意見之費用 (註:須支付海外律師之律師費、其他收費及支出費用等並不包括在內) | HK$6,500.00 (excluding disbursements) ( 不 包 括 雜 項 費 用 ) HK$1,500.00 (excluding disbursements) (不包括雜項費用) |
(4) | Mortgage costs as quoted above are applicable only for preparation of one single simple security deed (2-Party Mortgage / Legal Charge / 2nd Legal Mortgage) for financing the purchase. Preparation of additional security documents e.g. Rental Assignment, Share Mortgage, Sub-Ordination Agreement, Loan Agreement will be charged on time costs basis. Quotation of costs will be supplied upon request. 上述有關按揭之律師費用只適用於準備一份以物業為抵押之簡單按揭文件。若需準備其他抵押文件(包括租金轉讓文件、股票按揭/押記、從屬協議、貸款轉讓文件及貸款協議書等),收費將會按所需時間計算。有關費用之報價可應要求另外提供。 |
Note on Stamp Duty ( 印花稅須知)
Ad valorem stamp duty (從價印花稅)
Pursuant to the Stamp Duty (Amendment) (No.2) Ordinance 2014 gazetted on 25 July 2014, the Government has further amended the Stamp Duty Ordinance to the effect that any agreement for sale for the acquisition of any residential property or non-residential property executed on or after 23 February 2013, either by an individual or a company, will be subject to higher rates (i.e. Scale 1) of ad valorem stamp duty (“AVD”) unless specifically exempted or excepted therein (e.g. Hong Kong Permanent Resident purchaser who does not own any residential property in Hong Kong), and that the charging of AVD on non-residential property transactions shall be advanced from the conveyance on sale to the agreement for sale.
根據於 2014 年 7 月 25 日刊憲的«2014 年印花稅(修訂)(第 2 號)條例»,政府已進一步修訂印花稅條例。任何以個人或公司名義在 2013 年 2
月 23 日或以後就購買住宅物業或非住宅物業所簽立的買賣協議,除非修訂條例有特別豁免(例如買家是香港永久性居民而且在香港沒有擁
有任何其他住宅物業),均須按較高稅率(即第 1 標準)徵收「從價印花稅」,並且推前向非住宅物業交易徵收「從價印花稅」,由向售賣轉易契徵收改為向買賣協議徵收。
Pursuant to the Stamp Duty (Amendment) Ordinance 2018 gazetted on 19 January 2018, any instrument executed on or after 5 November 2016 for the sale and purchase or transfer of residential property, unless specifically exempted or provided otherwise, will be subject to the new AVD rate (calculated at Part 1 of Scale 1, i.e. a flat rate at 15% of the consideration or value of the residential property, whichever is the higher).
根據於 2018 年 1 月 19 日刊憲的«2018 年印花稅(修訂)條例»,任何在 2016 年 11 月 5 日或以後簽立以買賣或轉讓住宅物業的文書,除獲豁
免或另有規定外,均須按新的「從價印花稅」稅率(按第 1 標準第 1 部計算)繳付「從價印花稅」,稅率劃一為物業的售價或價值(以較高者為準)的 15%。
According to the Stamp Duty (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinance 2018, unless specifically exempted or otherwise provided in the law, acquisition of more than one residential property under a single instrument executed on or after 12 April 2017 will be subject to the Flat Rate AVD, even if the purchaser is a HKPR who is acting on his/her own behalf and does not own any other residential property in Hong Kong at the time of acquisition.
根據 2018 年印花稅(修訂)(第 2 號)條例,除獲特定豁免或另有法律規定外,於 2017 年 4 月 12 日或之後簽立以買賣或轉讓住宅物業的文書,即使買方是代表自己行事,且在香港沒有擁有任何其他住宅物業的香港永久性居民,若以一份文書取得多於一個住宅物業,均須繳納劃一從價印花稅。
Calculation of Ad Valorem Stamp Duty at lower rates (Scale 2)
從 價 印 花 稅 按 較 低 稅 率 ( 第 2 標 準 ) 計 算 方 法 如 下
Consideration or value of the property (whichever is the higher) 物業售價或價值 (以較高者為準) | Old AVD rates (with effect from 1st April 2010) 舊稅率 (由 2010年4月1日起生效) |
Up to HK$2,000,000 2,000,000元或以內 | HK$100.00 (100元) |
HK$2,000,001 to HK$2,351,760 2,000,001元至2,351,760元 | HK$100.00 + 10% of excess over HK$2,000,000.00 (100元 + 超出2,000,000元的款額的10%) |
HK$2,351,761 to HK$3,000,000 2,351,761元至3,000,000元 | 1.50% |
HK$3,000,001 to HK$3,290,320 3,000,001元至3,290,320元 | HK$45,000.00 + 10% of excess over HK$3,000,000.00 (45,000元 + 超出3,000,000元的款額的10%) |
HK$3,290,321 to HK$4,000,000 3,290,321元至4,000,000元 | 2.25% |
HK$4,000,001 to HK$4,428,570 4,000,001元至4,428,570元 | HK$90,000.00 + 10% of excess over HK4,000,000.00 (90,000元 + 超出4,000,000元的款額的10%) |
HK$4,428,571 to HK$6,000,000 4,428,571元至6,000,000元 | 3.00% |
HK$6,000,001 to HK$6,720,000 6,000,001元至6,720,000元 | HK$180,000.00 + 10% of excess over HK$6,000,000.00 (180,000元 + 超出6,000,000元的款額的10%) |
HK$6,720,001 to HK$20,000,000 6,720,001元至20,000,000元 | 3.75% |
HK$20,000,001 to HK$21,739,120 20,000,001元至21,739,120元 | HK$750,000.00 + 10% of excess over HK$20,000,000.00 (750,000元 +超出20,000,000元的款額的10%) |
HK$21,739,121 and above 21,739,121元或以上 | 4.25% |
Special Stamp Duty (額外印花稅)
Pursuant to the Stamp Duty (Amendment) Ordinance 2014 gazetted on 28 February 2014, the Government has adjusted the duty rates and extended the coverage period in respect of the Special Stamp Duty (“SSD”). SSD shall be charged on transactions in residential properties of resale if the properties are acquired on or after 27 October 2012 and resold within 36 months after acquisition.
根據於 2014 年 2 月 28 日刊憲的«2014 年印花稅(修訂)條例»,政府已修訂印花稅條例,調整「額外印花稅」的稅率及延長有關的物業持有
期。如住宅物業是於 2012 年 10 月 27 日或以後購入,並在購入後 36 個月內轉售,在轉售該住宅物業交易中,將收取額外之印花稅「額外印花稅」。
B uyer’s Stamp Duty (買家印花稅)
Pursuant to the Stamp Duty (Amendment) Ordinance 2014 gazetted on 28 February 2014, a Buyer’s Stamp Duty (“BSD”) is chargeable at a flat rate of 15% on all residential properties acquired on or after 27 October 2012 by any person or company (regardless of where it is incorporated), except a Hong Kong Permanent Resident.
根據 2014 年 2 月 28 日刊憲的«2014 年印花稅負修訂)條例»,政府已引入「買家印花稅」。香港永久性居民以外的任何人士或公司(不論在
何地註冊) 於 2012 年 10 月 27 日或以後購入住宅物業,均須繳交 15%的「買家印花稅」。
*********************************************************************************************************************** Please consult your solicitors regarding details of the calculation and payment of AVD, SSD and BSD.
有關計算及支付「從價印花稅」,「額外印花稅」及「買家印花稅」之詳情,請向 閣下律師查詢。