北 京首都航空有限公司宠物运输协议书
日期/航班号: / 宠物种类(狗或猫)/品种/颜色: / /
始发地/目的地: / 宠物年龄:
重量(含宠物箱): 宠物昵称:
㈠ 运输限制条件
1. 宠物是指在重量限制范围内,可随主人同机托运的家庭驯养的狗、猫。
2. 每个航班只能托运3只宠物,每个旅客最多可托运2只宠物(国际航班须遵循入境国规定,入境中国限带一只);托运人如需托运,须在航班起飞前24小时向承运人直属售票单位或授权售票代理人进行预约,并签署《宠物运输协议书》,如旅客选乘国际航班,同时还须遵循入境国活体动物运输限制规定。托运人须在乘机当日航班起飞前2小时,携带宠物、宠物托运箱、《宠物运输协议书》与相关证明,前往机场托运人值机柜台办理宠物托运手续。
3. 除导盲犬、助听犬及救助犬等工作犬外,宠物均不能作为客舱行李运输,必须办理托运或货运。
4. 不提供宠物中转联程一站式运输服务。乘坐中转联程航班的旅客如需托运宠物,仅可办理单一直达航段托运,到达中转站后自提宠物并办理中转托运手续。国内中转,中转衔接时间不短于120分钟,国际中转(含国际国内中转),中转衔接时间不短于240分钟。同机直达航班可将宠物办理至目的地。
5. 托运人如托运两只宠物,需要分开独立包装。
6. 宠物作为托运行李运输时,宠物和笼子(含宠物箱内的食物和水)的总重量不得超过32Kg。
7. 对于出现的以下情况,承运人无法办理宠物托运:
⑴ 托运人所托运的活体动物为国家禁运的动物之列。
⑵ 具有传染病征候,或疑似传染病载体的动物(如发生地区禽流感的家禽)。
⑶ 出生不满六个月的宠物。
⑷ 怀孕宠物或是在飞机起飞前48小时之内刚刚分娩过的动物。
⑸ 性格焦躁、娇气、弱小,对高温高空环境敏感或不能长时间呆在宠物箱里的宠物。
⑹ 服用镇静剂或安眠药的宠物。
⑺ 浑身散发恶臭或让人难以忍受的刺鼻气味的宠物。
⑻ 患有耳鼻喉科、心血管系统、脑血管系统、呼吸系统、消化系统疾病,以及48小时内进行过手术的宠物。
⑼ 需要托运人完成的宠物飞行运输准备未完成。
⑽ 所有属于不适合航空旅行的宠物及与其杂交的品种(禁止办理托运):
① 扁平鼻的狗或猫:所有梗犬、所有拳师犬、所有斗牛犬、所有獚犬、所有獒犬、所有巴哥犬、所有马士提夫犬、美洲斯塔xx犬、美洲嚣犬、波斯顿小猎犬、布鲁塞尔xx芬犬、西班牙猎犬、英国玩赏曲卡犬、英国玩具猎鹬犬、xxx王小猎犬、斗牛马士提夫犬、比利时粗毛犬、阿芬平嘉犬、拉萨犬、京巴犬、松狮犬、日本狆犬、日本犬、沙皮犬、西施犬;缅甸猫、喜马拉雅猫、波斯猫、异国短毛猫。
② 斗犬:比特犬、土佐犬、巴西菲勒犬及其杂交品种、阿根廷杜高犬。
③ 对高温高空环境不适的犬种:萨摩耶犬。
⑾ 因航班机型原因,不适于运输活体动物(如货舱无适运舱位)。
⑿ 不符合始发、经停、目的地城市或国家动物运输的相关规定
⒀ 托运人不认可承运人宠物运输条件或对宠物箱的要求、或拒绝填写宠物运输协议书、未准备好托运要求的相关文件。
⒁ 如果在宠物运输途中的任何航点(出发地/经停地点/目的地),预报温度将在摄氏零下12度以下或摄氏30度以上的范围内(具体温度信息以旅客提出申请当日中国气象网公布的旅客乘机当日温度预报信息为准,查询网址:xxxx://,境外始发航班以当地气象机构网站查询本站温度信息为准),不允许将宠物作为行李托运。
㈡ 运输文件要求
1. 乘坐国际航班,旅客应在至少出发前7天为宠物备妥下列文件
⑴ 相关政府(目的地/中转地)核发的有效输出/输入文件。
⑵ 有关当局核发的有效健康声明书及狂犬病疫苗注射证明书。
⑶ 妥善的备齐所有行程中含盖的入境/过境国要求的入境许可、健康声明书及疫苗注射证明。
⑷ 任何行程中含盖的入境/过境国政府要求的额外特殊文件
2. 国内运输所须文件
⑴ 动物卫生监督所出具的《动物检疫合格证明》,其中“运载工具消毒情况”一栏必须填写且单据上需盖有动物卫生监督所检疫专用章。
⑵ 小动物疫苗注射证明。
3. 托运人已阅读并签署的《宠物运输协议书》。
㈢ 宠物箱要求
1. 承运人不提供宠物箱,托运人须自行准备航空专用宠物箱,并确保宠物箱可以锁上、能防止宠物逃出、能防止宠物粪便泄漏。
2. 宠物箱必须由坚固材料制成且顶部固定,至少三面通风,箱门必须由金属制成。所有配件(包括螺母、螺丝以及门)确保安装完整。箱门牢固须有锁闭装置,有固定的把手或凸起边缘。
3. 宠物箱通风口应为牢固安装在宠物箱上的金属格栅,如通风口非金属材质则须为圆型或其它形状透气孔。
4. 宠物箱的空间应足够大(尺寸必须符合国际航空运输协会活体动物条例,具体要求详见以下),可以保证宠物自由站立或坐下、转身和以正常姿势躺卧。宠物箱的底部平稳,能够固定在平整的面上而不滑动。
长度 =A +½B
宽度 =C x 2
高度 = D
5. 带轮子的宠物箱,需要预先将轮子固定或将轮子拆除,保证在运输过程中宠物箱不滑动;宠物箱必须经过打包处理,中号箱顶部及底面每面至少横、竖各捆扎2匝,呈“井”字形;大号箱顶部及底面每面至少横、竖各捆扎3匝,打包带分布均匀;为避免打包时翻转宠物箱惊扰小动物,宠物箱侧面不进行横向打包,侧面的打包带均须呈竖状平行状态。
6. 宠物箱内应铺上吸水性衬垫,例如毛巾、毯子、宠物尿布或者白色的纸,防止宠物排泄物外溢污染其它行李。
7. 以下样式的宠物箱,承运人不允许办理宠物托运:
8. 以下样式的宠物箱极有可能在运输过程中发生意外(如宠物咬破格栅并逃逸造成意外或破坏及污染他人行李),如托运人坚持使用该宠物箱托运宠物,须自愿完全承担运输风险,因此造成的后果均与承运人无关,否则承运不允许办理宠物托运。
或代理人签字: 与托运人关系: (如为代理预约,必须填写)
㈠ 宠物托运费用
1. 宠物重量、其托运宠物箱及携带的食物的总重量,均不计算在免费行李额内,托运人应向承运人交纳逾重行李费用。
2. 承运人计重制航线逾重行李收费:收取费用=每kg收费标准×收费总重量。注:每kg收费标准为单程直达经济舱全票价×1.5%,收费总重量为宠物及宠物箱、食物总重量。
3. 承运人计件制航线逾重行李收费:收费金额=收费倍数(依据宠物及托运箱的重量和体积确定)×一个收费标准。注:“一个收费标准”为计件制航线经济舱旅客行李超额一件,但重量、体积未超的收费标准。
⑴ 承运人中美、中加航线收费收费倍数如下:
运输方式 |
尺寸(CM3) |
重量(宠物+宠物托运箱)用X表示 |
X<32Kg |
X≥32Kg |
托运 |
小号53×38×40 |
1倍 |
不允许作为行李托运。 |
中小号68×50×48 |
2倍 |
中号81×55×58 |
2倍 |
大号91×60×66 |
3倍 |
特大号101×68×76 |
3倍 |
超大号121×81×88 |
3倍 |
⑵ 承运人其它计件制航线(包括欧洲航线、莫斯科、圣彼得堡航线、釜山、泰国、新加坡、阿拉木图航线等)收费倍数如下:
运输方式 |
尺寸(CM3) |
重量(宠物+宠物托运箱)用X表示 |
X≦23KG |
23<X<32Kg |
X≥32Kg |
托运 |
小号53×38×40 |
1倍 |
1倍 |
不允许作为行李托运。 |
中小号68×50×48 |
1倍 |
2倍 |
中号81×55×58 |
1倍 |
2倍 |
大号91×60×66 |
2倍 |
3倍 |
特大号101×68×76 |
2倍 |
3倍 |
超大号121×81×88 |
2倍 |
3倍 |
㈡ 宠物声明价值
1. 承运人宠物声明价值办理规则
⑴ 声明价值办理前提:仅限首航国内航班;托运人如选择为托运的宠物办理声明价值,须能够提供相关证据(如购买宠物的发票等,要求发票单据可证明当前办理托运宠物的价值,且发票开具的时间与旅客托运宠物时间间隔不超过3个月)表明宠物的实际价值超过100元/kg。
⑵ 声明价值办理限额:托运人每次托运的宠物声明价值最高限额为8000元人民币。
⑶ 声明价值仅针对托运的宠物本身,不包括宠物箱。
⑷ 托运人如对声明价值有异议而又拒绝接受承运人检查时,承运人有权拒绝收运。
2. 声明价值附加费
⑴ 托运人办理宠物声明价值,应向承运人支付声明价值附加费,按照托运人声明的每kg价值超过人民币100 元限额部分价值的5‰收取。计算公式:声明价值附加费=(每kg旅客声明价值-100 元/kg)×办理声明价值的宠物重量×5‰。
例:旅客托运宠物重10 kg,办理声明价值。旅客声明宠物价值为750 元/kg,其声明价值附加费应为:(750-100)×10×5‰=32.5(元)。
⑵ 行李声明价值附加费收取金额以人民币元为单位,尾数四舍五入。
或代理人签字: 与托运人关系: (如为代理预约,必须填写)
㈠ 承运人运输宠物过程发生宠物受伤、死亡情况时,承运人退还托运人已缴纳逾重行李费;如托运人已办理宠物声明价值,声明价值附加费不退。
㈡ 托运人未办理宠物声明价值情况下的赔偿标准
1. 如无证据表明宠物伤、亡属于承运人原因造成,承运人不予赔偿;
2. 属于承运人原因造成托运人托运宠物死亡的,承运人按照100元/kg标准赔付托运人。
3. 属于承运人原因造成托运人托运宠物受伤的,承运人按照治疗实际产生的医疗费金额赔付托运人,但赔偿总额不高于100元/kg×宠物重量,办理赔付时托运人须提供宠物医院开具的治疗收费单据。
㈢ 托运人办理宠物声明价值情况下的赔偿标准
1. 此情况下,无论是否属于承运人原因造成托运人托运宠物受伤或死亡,均需给予旅客赔偿。
2. 如造成托运人宠物死亡,按照托运人所办理的声明价值赔偿。
3. 如造成托运人宠物受伤,承运人按照宠物治疗实际产生的医疗费金额赔付托运人,但赔偿总额不高于100元/kg×宠物重量,办理赔付时托运人须提供宠物医院开具的治疗收费单据。
或代理人签字: 与托运人关系: (如为代理预约,必须填写)
㈠ 承运人职责
1. 托运人申请托运宠物时,承运人应提示托运人航空运输宠物存在的风险。
2. 托运人托运宠物与承运人运输规定不符,承运人应向托运人提出并告知存在风险,为保证运输安全,必要时可拒绝收运。
3. 在托运人已完全遵循承运人宠物运输规定的情况下,承运人负责按照托运人机票列明行程,将宠物运抵目的站并交付托运人。
4. 在宠物运输过程中发生伤、亡等意外事故时,承运人应主动联系托运人协商善后或事宜。
㈡ 托运人职责
1. 托运人应仔细阅读本协议书中运输规定并确认了解运输风险。
2. 托运人负责核对承运人运输规定,确认宠物是否符合承运人要求,并如实告知承运人服务人员宠物信息。
3. 托运人负责按照承运人要求提前准备所需运输文件及宠物箱,并按时前往机场办理托运手续,在承运人服务人员检查宠物并提出询问时,托运人应如实答复服务人员。
4. 托运人应按照承运人要求,办理宠物托运前完成宠物箱打包。
5. 托运人应了解并遵循承运人宠物运输收费规定,并在办理宠物托运时缴纳所需费用。
6. 托运人应了解并遵循承运人宠物运输赔偿规定,出现宠物运输伤亡事故后,配合承运人办理善后事宜。
或代理人签字: 与托运人关系: (如为代理预约,必须填写)
㈠ 本协议一式三份,承运人持两份,托运人持一份。
㈡ 托运人托运的 (如:宠物品种、或宠物健康状况、或宠物托运箱、或宠物箱打包方式)不符合承运人运输规定,且托运人坚持要求承运人协助运输,则由托运人自行完全承担本次运输的风险,由此造成宠物被拒绝入境或者运输过程中出现宠物受伤、丢失、逃逸、患病、死亡或者宠物箱破损等后果,与承运人无关。
承运人:北京首都航空有限公司 托运人(或代理人):
日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日
Carrier: Capital Airlines
Pet Information(completed by the consignor when applying for transportation) :
Date/Flight No.: / Pet (Dog or Cat)/Breed/Color: / /
Original/Destination: / Age of Pet:
Weight(including container): Name of Pet:
Notice: The “Weight” shall be pet’s actual weight when it is checked in.
Warm Notice
Pets may feel discomfort caused by the environment factors in the air transportation, such as altitude pressure and confined space, and then they may go through emotion and physiology changes, which may lead to injury or death of pets. Therefore, in consideration of your pet’s safety, we suggest you choose the air transportation with discretion.
Capital Airlines has liability exemption for the pets’ injury or death during transportation if there is no evidence proving that capital Airlines has fault, when accidents happen to pets during transportation. And also capital Airlines has liability exemption and reserves the right to investigate the consignor’s responsibility, if other passengers' baggage on the flight are damaged or contaminated by pets because of its disease, breakage to the container, inadequate package of container or overflowing excreta , or other passengers claim for compensation due to the damage or contamination, .
For the requirements of consignor and safety of pet air transportation, the parties hereby agree as follow based on the principle of equality and integrity through mutual consultation:
1. Transportation Regulations of the Carrier
1). Limitations and Conditions of the Transportation
⑴”Pet” refers to the domesticated dog or cat within weight limitation, which can be transported with its owner on the same flight.
⑵Each flight can transport 3 pets at most, and every passenger can check 2 pets at most. (For international flight, it must comply with the regulations of the entry; for entering China, only one pet can be checked in.) For pet transportation, passenger should apply to the ticket office or authorized ticket agency of Capital Airlines at least 24 hours before departure and sign the <PETS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT OF CAPITAL AIRLINES>. If passenger takes an international flight, the transportation must comply with the live animals regulations of the entry. On the day of travel, consignor should check in the pet at the check-in counter of Capital Airlines 2 hours before departure with the container, <PETS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT OF CAPITAL AIRLINES> and relevant documentation.
⑶Except the service dogs, such as the seeing-eye dogs, hearing-ear dogs and the rescue dogs, all the other pets cannot be transported as cabin baggage and must be checked in or shipped as cargo.
⑷ Carrier does not provide connecting transport service. If the passenger taking connecting flight need to check in the pet, he can only check in the pet on one-way direct flight. After arriving the transfer stop, the passenger should collect the pet and check it in again for transfer. For domestic transfer, the connecting time should not be less than 120 minutes; for international, the connecting time should not be less than 240 minutes.
⑸ If consignor checks two pets, the pets should be packed respectively.
⑹When pet is transported as checked baggage, the total weight of the pets and container (including the food and water in the container) cannot exceed 32Kgs.
⑺The pet transportation will be rejected in the following cases:
①The pet is in the list of animals forbidden transportation in the country.
②The pet with communicable disease symptoms or the one is a suspected communicable carrier, such as the poultry with regional flu.
③The pet under 6 months.
④The pet is pregnant or has just given birth within 48 hours before the departure.
⑤The pet is irritable, emotional, vulnerable, sensitive to high altitude and high temperature, or cannot stay in the container for a long time.
⑥The pet has taken sedative or hypnotics.
⑦The pet is fetid or has pungent smell.
⑧The pet has cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, digestive disease, ENT(ear, nose and throat) disease, or has delivered a baby pet or gotten surgery within 48 hours.
⑨ The preparation for air transportation has not been done.
⑩All the pets and their hybrids unsuitable for air transportation( forbidden to be checked in):
A. Dogs or cats with flat nose: Terriers, Boxers, Bulldogs, Spaniel Dogs, Molosser, Pugs, Mastiff, American Stafforshire Terrier, American Bulldog, Boston Terrier, Brussels Griffon, Spaniel Hound, English Toy Spaniel, Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Bullmastiff, Brussels Griffon, Affenpinscher, Lhasa Apso, Pekingese, Chow, Japanese Chin, Sharpei, Shih Tzu, Burmese, Himalayan, Persian Cat, Exotic Shorthair.
B. Fighting dogs: Pit Bull, Tosa Inu, Fila Brasileiro and its hybrid, Dogo Argentina
C. Dogs have discomfort with high altitude and high temperature: Samoyed
⑪The aircraft type is unsuitable for animal transportation.(e.g. There is no suitable space in the cargo hold.)
⑫The pet does not conform to the relevant regulations of the departure, stopover, destination city or country.
⑬The passenger does not acknowledge the carrier’s condition for pet transportation and container, or reject to fill in the <PETS TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT OF CAPITAL AIRLINES>,or has not get ready all the related documents for transportation.
If the temperature in any spot (departure/ stopover/ destination) is expected to be below minus 12 degrees Celsius or above 30 degrees Celsius (the exact temperature information is subject to the temperature forecast of the travel date issued by xxxx:// on the right day of application. For the international departure, the temperature information is subject to the website of local meteorological agency), pet cannot be checked in as baggage.
Consignor has confirmed that the pet conforms to the above limitations and conditions of transportation: Yes□ No□
Consignor Signature:
2) The Necessary Documents for Pets Transportation
⑴Passengers should prepare the following documents below at least 7 days before the departure for international flight.
①Valid entry or exit documents issued by the relevant government (destination and stopover)
②Valid health certificate and rabies vaccine injection certificate issued by the relevant authorities
③Prepared entry permit, health certificate and vaccine injection certificate required by all the entry or stop country
④Extra special documents required by the entry or exit governments during the whole journey
⑵Documents for the domestic transportation
①Valid "Certification for animals quarantine" issued by the Animal Health Supervision,especially the "Vehicle Disinfection Condition" must be filled and the document must be stamped with the special seal of the supervision.
②Valid animal vaccine injection Certificate.
⑷The documents for service animals
Besides the certificates mentioned above in the item 1 and item 2, the passengers should also carry a valid Qualified Certificate for Pets Training, Employee's Card of The Animals and/or the I.D. card.
3) The Requirements of the Container.
⑴ The carrier will not offer container for the pet. Consignor must prepare special container for air transportation, and ensures that the container can be locked, prevent escape and leakage.
⑵The container must be made of solid materials and its top is fixed. There are 3 sides at least ventilated and its door must be metallic. All the parts (including nuts, screws and door) must be installed completely. The door must be firm with locking device and fixed handle or protuberant edge.
⑶The container’s vents should be metallic grille. If the vents are not metallic, they must be rounded or air holes in other shapes.
⑷The container should the big enough so that the pet can stand, sit down, turn around and lie down freely. The container’s bottom should be smooth and can be fixed but not slide around.
① Measurements:
A: Length from pet’s nose to root of tail
B: Height from knuckle to ground
C: Maximum width of the pet
D: Height from ground to ear or top of head. When it stands, the container roof should not touch pet’s ears.
② Container Dimension
Length =A +½B
Width =C x 2
Height = D
⑸Wheels of container should be fixed or removed so that the container will not slide around during transportation. The container must be packed properly. For medium-sized container, the top and bottom sides should be packed at least 2 circles with "#" shape; for large-sized container, at least 3 circles are needed for the top and bottom sides, and straps should be placed evenly. To avoid the turnover to alarm the animal in the container during packing, the flanks cannot be packed laterally and the straps should be vertical and parallel and will not fall off under normal circumstances during transportation.
⑹The container should be covered with bibulous materials, such as towels, pet diaper or white newspapers to prevent the pet’s excreta from overflowing to contaminate other baggage.
Carrier does not allow pet transportation with following container:
Modular container or folding container
Container made of wire entanglement or wicker
Container with door or vent on the top
④ Container with plastic or fiberglass door
⑻ Accident is very likely to happen to the following container during transportation (e.g. pet may break the grille and then escape. This may lead to accident or contaminate others’ baggage). If the consignor insists on transporting pet with the container, consignor must be willing to undertake risks. And the consequence is irrelevant to carrier. Otherwise, carrier won’t allow the pet transportation.
Vent of container is plastic grille.
I have read and understand the above content, and I confirm it.
Consignor Signature:
Or Agent Signature: Relationship with the consignor:
(If the transportation is applied by agent of the consignor, the agent must fill in the above.)
2. Charges for Pet Transportation
1) Charges for consignment
⑴ The total weight of pet, container and its food shall not be counted within the free baggage allowance. Consignor should pay for the pet as excess baggage.
⑵ Charges for excess baggage in baggage weight concept: Charges = Fees/Kg×Total weight. Notes: Fees/Kg is calculated by 1.5% of the standard ticket fare of economy class of single direct flight. Total weight includes pet, container and its food
⑶ Charges for excess baggage in baggage piece concept: Charges = Charging multiple (determined by weight and bulk of pet and container)×Fees. Notes: Fees refers to one piece of excess baggage of economy class in baggage piece concept with weight and bulk within limitation.
Charging multiple of Sino-US and Sino-CANADA Routes
Mode of Transport |
Size 尺寸(CM3) |
Weight(Pet+Container): X |
X<32Kg |
X≥32Kg |
Consignment |
Small size: 53×38×40 |
1 Charging multiple |
It cannot be checked in as baggage. |
Med-small size: 68×50×48 |
2 Charging multiple |
Medium size: 81×55×58 |
2 Charging multiple |
Large size: 91×60×66 |
3 Charging multiple |
Extra large size:101×68×76 |
3 Charging multiple |
Over size: 121×81×88 |
3 Charging multiple |
② Charging multiple of other routes with baggage piece concept(including European routes, Moscow and St.Petersburg routes, Busan, Thailand, Singapore, Alma-ata routes etc.)
Mode of Transport |
尺寸(CM3) |
Weight(Pet+Container): X |
X≦23KG |
23<X<32Kg |
X≥32Kg |
Consignment |
Small size: 53×38×40 |
1 Charging multiple |
1 Charging multiple |
It cannot be checked in as baggage. |
Med-small size:68×50×48 |
1 Charging multiple |
2 Charging multiple |
Medium size:81×55×58 |
1 Charging multiple |
2 Charging multiple |
Large size: 91×60×66 |
2 Charging multiple |
3 Charging multiple |
Extra large size: 101×68×76 |
2 Charging multiple |
3 Charging multiple |
Over size: 121×81×88 |
2 Charging multiple |
3 Charging multiple |
2) Pet Declared Value
Precondition of Declared Value: Restricted to domestic flight of
Capital Airlines; Consignor, who chooses to declare value of pet,
must provide relevant proof (such as invoice of pet, it is required
that the invoice can prove the checked pet’s value and the interval
between the invoice and the check-in date cannot exceed 3 months) to
prove that pet’s real value is more than 100 Yuan/Kg.
Quota of Declared Value: the maximum quota of declared value is 8,000 RMB for each consignment.
Declared Value is only for the pet but not the container.
④ If consignor disagrees with the declared value and refuse to go through inspection, carrier has the right to reject transportation.
⑵ Surcharge of Declared Value
Consignor should pay surcharge to carrier when declaring value for pet. Surcharge is calculated by 5‰ of the part of declared value exceeding 100yuan/Kg. Calculation Formula: Surcharge of Declared Value=(declared value/Kg – 100/Kg) ×weight of pet ×5‰
For example, a passenger declares value for the checked pet of 10 Kg. He declares the value as 750 Yuan/kg, surcharge =(750-100)×10×5‰=32.5(Yuan)
Surcharge is calculated in RMB with mantissa rounded.
I have read and understand the above content, and I confirm it.
Consignor Signature:
Or Agent Signature: Relationship with the consignor:
(If the transportation is applied by agent of the consignor, the agent must fill in the above.)
3. Indemnity standards of pet injury and death during carrier’s transportation
1) If pet is injured or died during transportation by carrier, carrier will refund the excess baggage charges to consignor. If the consignor has declared value for pet, surcharge of declared value is non-refundable.
2) Indemnity standards in the case of that consignor has not declared value for pet
If there is no evidence proving that xxxxxxx’x reason leads to pet injury or death, xxxxxxx won’t compensate for that.
If pet died due to carrier’s reason, carrier will compensate consignor according to the standard of 100yuan/Kg.
If pet is injured due to carrier’s reason, carrier will compensate consignor according to the medical expense of actually treatment. But the compensation cannot be more than 100 Yuan/Kg×weight of pet. Consignor must provide receipt of treatment issued by pet hospital.
3) Indemnity standards in the case of that consignor has declared value for pet
In this case, no matter whether pet is injured or died due to carrier’s reason or not, carrier will compensate for that.
If pet died, carrier will compensate consignor according to the pet declared value.
If pet is injured, carrier will compensate consignor according to the medical expense of actually treatment. But the compensation cannot be more than 100 Yuan/Kg×weight of pet. Consignor must provide receipt of treatment issued by pet hospital.
I have read and understand the above content, and I confirm it.
Consignor Signature:
Or Agent Signature: Relationship with the consignor:
(If the transportation is applied by agent of the consignor, the agent must fill in the above.)
4. Responsibilities of Parties
1) Responsibilities of Carrier
① When consignor apply for pet transportation, carrier should remind consignor of potential risks during air transportation.
② When consignor has doubt about pet transportation during application or check-in, carrier should answer the question according to regulations.
③ Under the circumstance of that consignor has completely conformed to regulations of pet transportation, carrier has the responsibility to transport the pet to the destination and deliver it to the consignor according to the schedule listed in consignor’s ticket.
When accident, such as injury or death, happens to pet during transportation, carrier should contact the consignor to negotiate about matters concerned and compensation
2) Responsibilities of Consignor
① Consignor should read transport regulations in this agreement and confirm the transport risks.
② Consignor should check the transport regulations of carrier, make sure whether the pet conforms to carrier’s requirements and inform carrier staff of pet information honestly.
Consignor should prepare transportation documents and container in advance according to carrier’s requirements and check in the pet at the airport on time. When carrier staff checks the pet and ask questions, consignor should answer truthfully.
Consignor should pack the container before check-in according to carrier’s requirements.
⑤ Consignor should know and conform to charging regulation of pet transportation and pay all the fees when check-in.
⑥ Consignor should know and conform to indemnity regulations of pet transportation, and cooperate with carrier to deal with matters concerned when there is pet transportation accident.
I have read and understand the above content, and I confirm it.
Consignor Signature:
Or Agent Signature: Relationship with the consignor:
(If the transportation is applied by agent of the consignor, the agent must fill in the above.)
5. Effect and Termination
This agreement shall take effect since the parties have confirmed all the items and signed it. And it shall terminate after carrier transports pet to the destination and deliver it to consignor. In the term of agreement, when either of parties cannot perform the agreement due to force majeure, the party should notify the other party of the reason of non- performance or partial performance and provide valid proof in time. Postponed performance, partial performance or non- performance is allowed with mutual negotiation. The party shall not undertake responsibility for breach.
6. Settlement to Dispute
If the parties dispute over the agreement, the parties shall negotiate based on consideration and friendship. If there is no agreement upon negotiation, carrier shall take a lawsuit in local people’s court.
7. Other agreement
1) This agreement is in duplicate, carrier and consignor holding one copy.
2) (e.g. pet breed, health condition, container, or package) consigned by consignor do not conform to the regulations of carrier and consignor insists on transportation assisted by carrier, consignor shall take all the risks of transportation. If the pet is injured, lost, delayed, or gets sick, or died, or the container is broken during the transportation, or it is rejected to entry due to the above reason, carrier shall not undertake all the responsibilities.
Carrier: Capital Airlines Consignor (or Agent):
Date: Date: