一般银行服务及 Sample Contracts

一般银行服务及 • November 9th, 2022

声明 Declaration i. 一般条款 General Conditions 1. 本人(等)谨此确认及同意,在符合一般声明的第6条及第7条(以适用者为准)规定的前提下,本人(等)应银行的要求所提供有关本人(等)的任何数据,或于本人(等)与银行进行交易过程中被收集的有关本人(等)的任何资料,均可披露予任何信贷资对服务提供商,或由之使用及保存,以达到核证该等数据的目的,或以达到任何上述机构向其他机构提供该等数据。I/We hereby acknowledge and agree that, subject to clause 6 or 7 of General Declaration below (as the case may be) ,any information with respect to me/us which is provided by me/us at the Bank’s request or collected in the course of dealings between me/us and the bank may be disclosed to, or used and retained by any credit reference agent or similar service provider for the purpose of verifying such information or enabling them to provide such information to order institutions:(a)以便其他机构可以对本人/本公司作为信贷额度的申请人或担保人,进行信贷及其他状况调查;及 In order that they may carry out credit and other status checks in respect of me/us in my/our capacity as applicant for, or guarantor of, credit facilities; and(b)以达到在本人/本公司作为借款人或担保人而出现失责之时,对任何债务作出合理监控的目的。 For the purposes of reasonable monitoring of any indebt