Voltooi en stuur na: xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
Debietorder ooreenkoms vir afbetaling van Studiemeester se jaarlikse fooi
Verkorte naam xxxx geregistreer by Bank: STUDIE MEE
KliΓ«nt Informasie:
Naam (Ouer/Voog) | Bankbesonderhede | ||
Van (Ouer/Voog) | Rekening houer naam & van | ||
E-pos adres (Gebruikersnaam) | Bank | ||
ID nommer | Rekeningnommer | ||
Selfoonnommer | Tipe rekening | ||
Adres | Takkode | ||
Kredietkaart besonderhede | |||
Rekening houer naam & van | |||
Skool naam van Kind 1 | Kredietkaart nommer | ||
Skool naam van Kind 2 | Verval datum |
Kies 2024 se grade
π | Graad 4 | π | Graad 5 | π | Graad 6 | π | Graad 7 |
π π | Graad 8 Graad 12 | π | Graad 9 | π | Graad 10 | π | Graad 11 |
PLEASE NOTE: This contract can only be terminated once the outstanding amount of (R1560.00 per year per child) has been paid in full. I
hereby undertake to pay the full Studiemeester package over 12 months.
This agreement will be valid for a minimum of one year 12 months. The contract must be cancelled in month 11 of the initial contract. If no cancellation is received the contract will automatically renew for another 12 months. (Grade12 is the only exception to the rule).
This signed Authority and Mandate refers to our contract as dated as on signature hereof ("the Agreement"). I / We hereby authorise you to issue and deliver payment instructions to the bank for collection against my / our abovementioned account at my / our above mentioned bank (or any other bank or branch to which I / We may transfer my / our account) on condition that the sum of such payment instructions will never exceed my / our obligations as agreed to in the Agreement, and commencing on the commencement date and continuing until this Authority and Mandate is terminated by me / us by giving you notice in writing of no less than 20 ordinary working days, and sent by prepaid registered post or delivered to your address indicated above.
STUDIEMEESTER T/A STUDIEMEESTER The individual payment instructions so authorised to be issued must be issued and delivered as follows Choose one of the following dates for deduction: |
Commencing on the π 15th of each month or the π 30th of each month. In the event that the payment day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or recognized South African public holiday, the payment day will automatically be the previous ordinary business day. Further, if there are insufficient funds in the nominated account to meet the obligation, you are entitled to track my account and re-present the instruction for payment as soon as sufficient funds are available in my account. |
I / We understand that the withdrawals hereby authorised will be processed through a computerized system provided by the South African Banks and I also understand that details of each withdrawal will be printed on my bank statement. Each transaction will contain a number, which must be included in the said payment instruction and if provided to you should enable you to identify the Agreement. A payment reference is added to this form before the issuing of any payment instruction. I / We shall not be entitled to any refund of amounts which you have withdrawn while this authority was in force, if such amounts were legally owing to you. |
I / We acknowledge that all payment instructions issued by you shall be treated by my/our above-mentioned bank as if the instructions had been issued by me/us personally. |
I / We agree that although this Authority and Mandate may be cancelled by me / us, such cancellation will not cancel the Agreement. I / We shall not be entitled to any refund of amounts which you have withdrawn while this authority was in force, if such amounts were legally owing to you. This agreement will be valid for a minimum of one year (12 months). The contract must be cancelled in month 11 of the initial contract. If no cancellation is received the contract will automatically renew for another 12 months. (Grade12 is the only exception to the rule) No notice or cancellation will be accepted within the first 12 months. |
I / We acknowledge that this Authority may be ceded to or assigned to a third party if the agreement is also ceded or assigned to that third party, but in the absence of such assignment of the Agreement, this Authority and Mandate cannot be assigned to any third party. |
Amount: Signed at on this day of 2024 |