مبلغ العقد المقبول بنود العينة

مبلغ العقد المقبول. تعني مبلغ العقد كما تم قبوله في "كتاب الأحالة – خطاب الترسية" مقابل تنفيذ الاشغال واكمالها واصلاح أية عيوب فيها.
مبلغ العقد المقبول. تعني قيمة العقد كما تم قبولها في “كتاب الأحالة – خطاب الترسية”مقابل تنفيذ الاشغال واكمالها واصلاح أية عيوب فيها. 1/1/4/2 - مبلغ العقد (مبلغ العقد الفعلية): تعني قيمة العقد المعرف بموجب الفقرة (14/1) وتشمل أية تعديلات عليه تتم وفقا لاحكام العقد. 1-1-3 Dates, Tests, Terms and Completion: 1-1-3-1 Basic Date Shall mean the date preceding the deadline for depositing the bid by (28) days. 1-1-3-2 Commencement Date: Shall mean the date determined for the commencement of work and notice is given in respect thereof according to paragraph (8-1) 1-1-3-3 Completion Period (period of work implementation): Shall mean the period set for the completion of works or any part thereof (as the case may be) under paragraph (8-2) calculated from the commencement date, as identified in the contract data, with any extension for this period made under paragraph (8-4). 1-1-3-4 Tests on Completion Shall mean those tests stipulated in the contract or agreed between the parties, or which are requested under change orders, that are made under the provisions of "Article Nine" before the receiving of the Works or any part thereof (as the case may be) from the employer. 1-1-3-5 Initial Acceptance Certificate of works: Shall mean the initial acceptance certificate of works that is issued under the provisions of "Article Ten" 1-1-3-6 Post-Completion Tests Shall mean the tests (if any) stipulated in the contracts that are conducted according to the special conditions, after the works or any part thereof (ass the case may be) is received by the employer. 1-1-3-7 Maintenance Period: Shall mean the period that has been determined under paragraph (11-1) to give notice to correct the defects in the works or any part thereof (as the case may be) extended for twelve month unless otherwise stated in the contract data (with any extension thereof made under paragraph (11-3)) calculated from the date of completion of works, or any part thereof, as been specified in the initial acceptance certificate of the works under paragraph (10-1). 1-1-3-8 Final Acceptance Certificate of the works (Performance Certificate) Shall the mean the certificate issued under paragraph (11-9). 1-1-3-9 The day Shall mean a calendar day, and the year shall mean (365) day. 1-1-4 Amounts and Payments 1-1-4-1 Contract amount approved: Shall mean the contract value as approved in the "Award Letter" against implementation, completion of works and the correction of any defects thereto 1-1-4-2 Contract Value (actual contract value): S...