تعريف Contract

Contract. يعني اتفاقية العقد ، وكتاب القبول ، وكتاب عرض المناقصة ، وهذه الشروط ، والمواصفات والمخططات ، والجداول ، وأية وثائق أخرى (إن وجدت) مدرجة في اتفاقية العقد أو في كتاب القبول .

Examples of Contract in a sentence

  • In support of the quality control and inspection program the Contractor shall provide details of quality control and inspection procedures available for use in the execution of the Contract.

  • All materials supplied under this Contract shall be new and of the best quality and of the class most suitable for working under the conditions specified and shall withstand the variations of temperature and atmospheric conditions arising under working conditions without distortion or deterioration in the setting up of undue stresses in any parts and also without affecting the suitability of the various parts of the Works for which they were designed.

  • And that the notification letter identified hereinafter in the Acceptance Letter (Award Letter) in each of the form of contract and the general conditions of the contract shall include the amount payable by the employer to the contractor for the designing, implementing and completing the Works and their maintenance and operation (if so stated) (identified hereinafter in the form of contract and in the general conditions of the contract as Contract Amount).

  • Particulars of spare parts, which may or not form part of the Contract at the Employer’s discretion, shall be agreed.

  • The design shall incorporate every reasonable precaution and provision for the safety of the general public as well as for all those engaged in the operation and maintenance of the Contract Equipment and of associated works supplied under other Contracts.

  • All materials used in the Contract Works may be to inspection by the Project Manager and it is the Contractor’s responsibility to advise the Project Manager when equipment and materials are available for inspection, at least 1 month in advance.

  • Except where the Contract is terminated by reason of a breach by either party, no compensation shall be payable in consequence of a termination or failure to renew the Contract.

  • All expenses incurred by Agent in fulfilling his obligations under this Contract shall be deemed to be covered by the commission provided for in Article 16 hereof.

  • Agent shall also assist in the Contract Territory in securing and performing contracts with customers residing outside his Territory whenever he receives written instructions to this effect form Principal.

  • Contract Price and Payment " تطبق هذه المادة على المشاريع التي ينص في ملحق عرض المناقصة على إعطاء دفعة مقدمة إلى المقاول بخصوصها : تلغى الفقرة الخامسة التي تبدأ بـ " يتم استرداد قيمة الدفعة المقدمة ......