TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. 2.1. Technical requirements concerning Supplies 1 Fire resistant solution „Formula 5P“ or equivalent one in a set with activator/ Огнеупорен разтвор „Formula 5P“ или еквивалентен в комплект с активатор 2 Fire resistant solution „Formula 15R“ or equivalent one in a set with activator/ Огнеупорен разтвор „Formula 15R“ или еквивалентен в комплект с активатор 3 Fire resistant solution „Formula 26P“ or equivalent one in a set with activator/ Огнеупорен разтвор „Formula 26Р“ или еквивалентен в комплект с активатор 4 Fire resistant solution „‘Thermbond 7206’“ or equivalent one in a set with activator/ Огнеупорен разтвор ‘Thermbond 7206’ или еквивалентен в комплект с активатор 5 Fire resistant solution „‘Thermbond 7229’“ or equivalent one in a set with activator/ Огнеупорен разтвор ‘Thermbond 7229’ или еквивалентен в комплект с активатор 6 Fire resistant solution „Formula 6-AL“ or equivalent one in a set with activator/ Огнеупорен разтвор ‘Formula 6-AL’ или еквивалентен в комплект с активатор 7 Fire resistant solution „Formula 12-AL“ or equivalent one in a set with activator/ Огнеупорен разтвор ‘Formula 12-AL’ или еквивалентен в комплект с активатор Note: * Maximum weight of one bag of fire resistant solution – 25 kg. • Technical requirements for fire resistant solution‘Formula 5P’ or equivalent one : According to Appendix 2; • Technical requirements for fire resistant solution‘Formula 15P’ or equivalent one: According to Appendix 3; • Technical requirements for fire resistant solution‘Formula 26P’ or equivalent one: According to Appendix 4; • Technical requirements for activator‘Thermbond’ or equivalent one: According to Appendix 5; • Technical requirements for fire resistant solution‘Thermbond 7206’ or equivalent one: According to Appendix 6; • Technical requirements for fire resistant solution‘Thermbond 7229’ or equivalent one: According to Appendix 7; • Technical requirements for fire resistant solution‘Formula 6-AL’ or equivalent one: According to Appendix 8; • Technical requirements for fire resistant solution‘Formula 12-AL’ or equivalent one: According to Appendix 9; The manufacturer of fire resistant solutions shall maintain an updated plan for taking samples from the ready production (ITP) where the following is clearly indicated: frequency of tests, types of tests, acceptance criteria etc. 2.2. Technical requirements concerning Contractor 2.2.1 The Contractor shall have performed the same supplies or ones similar to the subject of the order for Energy re...
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. 2.1. Technical requirements for the delivery
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. 2.1. Technical requirements for the delivery 2.2. Technical requirements for annual technical inspection and repair services and (or) repair of defective equipment.
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. 4.1 Technical requirements to the service 4.2 Technical requirements to the Delivery 4.3 Technical requirements to the Contractor
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. Delivery from the manufacturer’s product range must be carried out. The list of items is specified in the ME1-MP-TRM-0407-A1-Bill of quantities. The specified quantities are estimated and the contracting authority is not obliged to respect the said volume. Specific deliveries will be formed according to the needs of the contracting authority in the form of a purchase order. All spare parts supplied must be original, new and unused and be accompanied by a quality certificate and/or manufacturer's declaration of conformity.
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. It is necessary to carry out supply of spare parts for limestone chain conveyor LC01 in quantities and according to the material specification in the document ME1-MH-TRM-0471-А1-Bill of quantities. If necessary, the contractor must supply additional types of spare parts as specified in the Bill of quantities - ME1-MH-TRM-0466-A2 which is a part of the Framework agreement. All supplied spare parts must be original, new and unused ones and to be accompanied by Certificate of quality and/or Declaration of conformity from the manufacturer.
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. The list of the spare parts is specified in МЕ1-MP-TRM-0348-А1 – Bill of Quantities. The specified quantities are estimated and the contracting authority is not obliged to observe the stated volume. Specific items and quantities will be further specified for each delivery. The contractor must provide the contracting authority with a complete electronic catalogue of all spare parts for ID fan APJC 3550 and FD fan APJC 2650. The contracting authority reserves the right, where necessary, to purchase spare parts from the nomenclature of the manufacturer and the electronic catalogue, other than those given in the specification. The spare parts supplied must be original, new and not used and must be accompanied by a quality certificate and a manufacturer's declaration of conformity.
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. The list of the spare parts is specified in МЕ1-MP-TRM-0650-А1 – Bill of quantities. The indicated quantities are estimated and the contracting authority is not obliged to observe the stated volume. Specific items and quantities will be further specified for each delivery. The contractor must provide the contracting authority with a complete electronic catalogue of all spare parts for ID fan APJC 3550 and FD fan APJC 2650. The contracting authority reserves the right, where necessary, to purchase spare parts from the nomenclature of the manufacturer and the electronic catalogue, other than those listed in the specification. The spare parts supplied must be original, new and not used and must be accompanied by a Quality certificate and a manufacturer's Declaration of conformity. ⮚ Concerning the reconditioning and maintenance services of spare parts The scope of work includes activities on defect testing, revision, disassembly, cleaning, parts replacement, assembly, adjustment etc. All tasks assigned to the contractor must be coordinated by a representative of the Contracting Authority. All activities carried out by the Contractor must be assigned to him by written notification of the Contracting Authority. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor must provide a Protocol for the work carried out (Service report) and a Technical Report of the activities carried out for each equipment. The contractor must provide the Contracting Authority with a non-destructive testing report for the inspections carried out. The contractor must provide the necessary equipment for the performance the service. The necessary materials for the manufacture of the spare parts subject to the technical specification are the responsibility of the Contractor. The contractor is obliged to provide a quality certificate or a declaration of conformity from the manufacturer of the materials used for the manufacturing of the details. Welding materials used in the manufacturing process of the spare parts also must have a certificate of quality and chemical composition certificate from the manufacturer. The development of welding procedures is the responsibility of the contractor. All manufactured details shall be marked with non-erasable marking indicating the material number of the item according to the Bill of quantities. The reconditioning and maintenance services of the spare parts will be carried out in the maintenance workshop of the Contractor, and the transport to the contractor's ...
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. The scope of delivery includes the items specified in the Bill of quantities МЕ1-MP-TRM-0451-А1, which is an inseparable part of this document. All delivered items must be original, new and unused ones and to be accompanied by Quality certificate and/or Declaration of conformity from the manufacturer.
TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. It necessary to deliver supplies from the manufacturer’s nomenclature. The list of articles is specified in МЕ1-BOP-TRM-0386-А1 – Bill of Quantities. The indicated quantities are tentative as the exact supplies will be delivered as per the Contracting authority’s order in the form of Delivery order. All delivered spare parts must be original, all new and unused ones, and they shall be accompanied by a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Quality and Declaration of Conformity.