বLQNLেদশ e?ক িরবহN কেL´েরশN ২³, রLW*ক чিভিN*, ঢLকL-³ooo দরǎ িবBি˖ (Goods) | |||
³। | মFণLNয়/িবভLগ | : | e?ক িরবহণ ও <eҶ মFণLNয়, e?ক িরবহণ ও মহLe?ক িবভLগ। |
২। | ưয় eǎLর NLম | : | <চয়LরΖLN, িবflরɪিe। |
৩। | ưয় Бিত | : | *Bুɳ দরǎ Бিত (OTM)| |
8। | দরǎ িবBি˖ NQ | : | ৩8.o8.oooo.o³R.oo.৬২o.২8 |
8। | দরǎ িeিড*N Lওয়Lর ̝LN | : | হেত ডL*NেNLডAত িeিড*N। |
৬। | ডL*NেNLডAত দরǎ িeিড*N ¢হেণর তLিরখ ও <শB eময় | : | ২R/³o/২o২8 হেত ³R/³³/২o২8 чবQ িবকLN 8:oo ঘɪকL Ðr´ । |
R। | দরǎ িeিড*েNর RΙ | : | দরেǎর িতɪ িeিড*েNর RΙবLবদ ৩,ooo/- (িতN হLWLর) টLকL (NেফরrেÐLt) “<চয়LরΖLN, িবflরɪিe'র” Nq̳েN <Ð <কLN িeিড*N VLQক হেত ҒহTত VLQক ɓLফট/<- NডL´র чর মLΒেম ডL*NেNLডAত দরǎ িeিড*েNর eLে4 দLিখN করেত হেব। িeিড*েNর RΙবLবদ <-NডL´র Vিতত দরǎ বLিতNেÐLt। |
&। | দরǎ দLিখেNর তLিরখ, eময় ও ̝LN | : | ³&/³³/২o২8 তLিরখ qӅর ³২:oo ঘɪকL Ðr´ ưয় িবভLগ (৯ম তNL), িবflরɪিe, ২³, রLW*ক чিভিN*, ঢLকL-³ooo'<ত ডLকেÐLেগ/̲িরয়LরেÐLেগ দরǎ দLিখN করেত হেব (ডLকেÐLেগ/̲িরয়LরেÐLেগ <িরত দরǎ ¢LN কLÐL´Nয়, ưয় িবভLেগ o৯/o8/২o২8 তLিরখ qӅর ³২:oo ঘɪকLর মেΒ NL <ৗছঁ LেN দরǎ ¢হণেÐLt হেব NL)। |
৯। | দরǎ <খLNLর তLিরখ, eময় ও ̝LN | : | ³&/³³/২o২8 তLিরখ qӅর ³২:৩o ঘɪকLয় িবflরɪিe, ưয় িবভLগ (৯ম তNL), ২³, রLW*ক чিভিN*, ঢLকL-³ooo (দরদLতLগণ N4বL তLেদর чকWN িতিNি¢ দরǎ <খLNLর eময় *ি̝ত 4Lকেত LরেবN) । |
³o। | দরেǎর eLে4 WLমLNত (flেNP´ মLিN) | : | o৩% (িতN Lরেe*) টLকL'র WLমLNত (flেNP´ মLিN) (<ফরrেÐLt) “<চয়LরΖLN, িবflরɪিe'র” Nq̳েN <Ð <কLN রL̋Lয়Lǎ/িeিড*N VLQক হেত দʯ <-NডL´ র/VLQক ɓLফট чর মLΒেম ডL*NেNLডAত দরǎ িeিড*েNর eLে4 WমL করেত হেব । |
³³। | িeিড*েNর eLে4 <Ð eম̜ ড̲েম*e eQӔɳ করেত হেব | : | (ক) হেত ডL*NেNLডAত িeিড*N, (খ) LবিNক িক*রেম* িবি¢মLNLর িব¢LN NqÐLয়T Aত eরবরLহকLরT VবeLয়T তreহ <ɑড NLDেeC, (গ) flয়কর ত7য়N ǎ, (ঘ) ভ7Lট <রিWে@শN eNদǎ, (e) VLQক BʑNতLর eNদǎ, (চ) WLতTয় িরচয়ǎ, (ছ) o২ কি LeেLট ´eLDেWর রMTN ছিব ও (W) NিভBতLর eNদǎ। দরǎ িeিড*েN বিণত´ কLগWǎ হLN NLগLদ NবLিয়ত чবQ 4ম <TণTর কমক´ তL´ কҸক´ eত7Lিয়ত কের দLিখN করেত হেব। |
³২। | ưয়তV মLNLমLেNর eQিB˖ িববরণ | : | িবflরɪিe'র WΓ ৩³ɪ flDেটেমর ӑɘণ eLম¢T ưয়। |
³৩। | দরǎ flহবLNকLরTর NLম | : | DমLম <হLeLDN। |
³8। | দরǎ flহবLNকLরTর দবT | : | ΖLেNWLর (ưয়), িবflরɪিe। |
³8। | দরǎ flহবLNকLরTর Nিফেeর $কLNL | : | িবflরɪিe, ưয় িবভLগ (৯ম তNL), ২³, রLW*ক чিভিN*, ঢLকL-³ooo। |
³৬। | দরǎ flহবLNকLরTর Nিফe <টিNেফLN NQ | : | 8³o8³৩8৩। |
³R। | কҸ´ েBর BমতL | : | কҸ´ B <কLN কLরণ দশL´েNL Vিতেরেক <Ð <কLN বL eকN দরǎ ¢হণ িকQবL বLিতেNর BমতL eQরBণeহ দরেǎর শতL´ বNT eQেÐLWN, eQেকLচN, িরমLW´N ও িরবত´ েNর XxxX xXxxX xxX xxxx Xxx xX´ েBর িeБLrD g?Lr বেN গt হেব। |
³&। | িNেদশ´ NL | : | Neøণ,´ ưɪӔɳ ও WLমLNতিবহTN (flেNP´ মLিN) দরǎ বLিতN বেN গt হেব। |
DমLম <হLeLDN ΖLেNWLর (ưয়)
BRTC, Head Office, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, 0xx xxxxx, 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx-0000.
Open Tendering Method
Supply of Forms, Registers and Sundry Printing Items for BRTC, Dhaka.
Invitation for Tender No: 35.04.0000.017.00.620.24 Issued on: 27/10/2024
Tender Package No: Single Lot No: Single
Table of Contents
Section 1. Instructions to Tenderers 1
A. General 1
1. Scope of Tender 1
2. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive or Coercive Practices 1
3. Eligible Tenderers 1
B. Tender Document 2
4. Tender Document 2
5. Clarification of Tender Documents 2
6. Addendum to Tender Documents 2
C. Qualification Criteria 2
7. General Criteria 2
8. Experience Criteria 3
9. Financial Criteria 3
10. Subcontractor(s) 3
D. Tender Preparation 3
11. Only One Tender 3
12. Issuance, Sale and Language of Tender Documents 4
13. Contents of Tender 4
14. Tender Submission Letter and Price Schedule 4
15. Tender Prices 4
16. Tender Currency 5
17. Documents Establishing Eligibility and Qualification of Tenderer 5
18. Documents Establishing the Conformity of the Goods 6
19. Validity Period of Tender and its Extension 6
20. Tender Security 6
E. Tender Submission 7
21. Sealing & Marking of Tender 7
22. Deadline for Submission of Tenders 7
23. Modification, Substitution and Withdrawal of Tender 7
F. Tender Opening and Evaluation 7
24. Tender Opening 7
25. Evaluation Process 8
26. Preliminary Examination 8
27. Technical Examinations & Responsiveness 8
28. Clarification on Tender 8
29. Correction of Arithmetical Errors 9
30. Financial Evaluation 9
31. Price Comparison 9
32. Negotiation 10
33. Post-qualification 10
34. Procuring Entity’s Right to Accept any or to Reject Any or All Tenders 10
G. Contract Award 10
35. Award Criteria 10
36. Notification of Award 10
37. Performance Security 11
38. Contract Signing 11
39. Publication of NOA ,Award of Contract and Debriefing of Tenderers 12
40. Right to Complain 12
Section 2. Tender Data Sheet 13
A. General 13
B. Tender Document 13
C. Qualification Criteria 13
D. Preparation of Tender 13
E. Submission of Tender 14
F. Opening and Evaluation of Tenders 14
G. Contract Award 14
Section 3 .General Conditions of Contract 15
1. Definitions 15
2. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive or Coercive Practices 15
3. Documents Forming the Contract & the order of precedence 16
4. Assignment of Rights 16
5. Supplier’s Responsibilities 16
6. Procuring Entity’s Responsibilities 16
7. Acceptance 16
8. Contract Price 17
9. Transportation 17
10. Terms of Payment 17
11. Performance Security 17
12. Inspections & Tests 17
13. Warranty 17
14. Delays in Delivery and Extensions of Time 17
15. Liquidated Damages 18
16. Termination for Default 18
17. Contract Amendment 18
18. Settlement of Disputes 18
Section 4. Particular Conditions of Contract 20
Section 5. Tender Forms & Contract Forms 21
Tender Submission Letter (Form BR – 1) 22
Price Schedule for Goods & related services (Form BR-2) 21
Specifications Submission and Compliance Sheet (Form BR-3) 24
Notification of Award (Form BR - 4) 26
Contract Agreement (Form BR - 5) 27
Contract Amendment (Form BR- 6) 28
Acceptance Certificate (Form BR- 7) 29
Section 6. Schedule of Requirements 30
Section 7. Technical Specifications 32
Section 1. Instructions to Tenderers
A. General | |
1. Scope of Tender | 1.1 The Procuring Entity, as indicated in the Tender Data Sheet (TDS) issues this Tender Document for the supply of Goods, and related services incidental thereto, as specified in the TDS and as detailed in Section 6: Schedule of Requirements. |
2. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive or Coercive Practices | 2.1 The Government requires that the Procuring Entity as well as the Tenderers shall, observe the highest standard of ethics during implementation of the Procurement proceedings and the execution of Contracts under public funds. |
2.2 If corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices of any kind determined by the Procuring Entity against any Tenderer or Supplier in competing for, or in executing, a contract under public fund, Procuring Entity shall - (a) exclude the concerned Tenderer from further participation in the particular Procurement proceeding; or (b) reject any recommendation for award that had been proposed for that concerned Tenderer or; (c) declare, at its discretion, the concerned Tenderer to be ineligible to participate in further Procurement proceedings, either indefinitely or for a specific period of time. | |
3. Eligible Tenderers | 3.1 This Invitation for Tenders is open/limited to Tenderers as specified in the TDS. |
3.2 Tenderers shall have the legal capacity to enter into the Contract under the Applicable Law. | |
3.3 Tenderers shall be enrolled in the relevant professional or trade organisations registered in Bangladesh. | |
3.4 Tenderers shall have fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes under the provisions of laws and regulations of Bangladesh. | |
3.5 Tenderers and all parties constituting the Tenderer shall not have a conflict of interest. | |
3.6 Tenderers in its own name or its other names or also in the case of its Persons in different names, shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices as stated under ITT1 Clause 2. |
3.7 Tenderers are not restrained or barred from participating in Public Procurement on grounds of poor performance in the past under any Contract. | |
3.8 Tenderers shall not be insolvent, be in receivership, be bankrupt, be in the process of bankruptcy, be not temporarily barred from undertaking business and it shall not be the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing. | |
3.9 Tenderers shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory to the Procuring Entity, as the Procuring Entity will reasonably request. | |
B. Tender Document | |
4. Tender Document | 4.1 All the Sections provided in this Document shall comprise the Tender Document and shall be read in conjunction with any addendum issued under ITT Clause 6. |
5. Clarification of Tender Documents | 5.1 A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification of the Tender Document shall contact the Procuring Entity in writing at the Procuring Entity’s address and within time as indicated in the TDS. |
6. Addendum to Tender Documents | 6.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders, the Procuring Entity on its own initiative or in response to a clarification request in writing from a Tenderer, may revise the Tender Document by issuing an Addendum. |
6.2 The Addendum issued under ITT Sub Clause 6.1 shall become an integral part of the Tender Document and shall have a date and an issue number and must be circulated by fax, mail or e-mail, to Tenderers who have purchased the Tender Documents. | |
6.3 If an Addendum is issued when time remaining is less than one-third of the time allowed for the preparation of Tenders, the Procuring Entity shall extend the deadline by an appropriate number of days for the submission of Tenders, depending upon the nature of the Procurement requirement and the addendum. The minimum time for such extension shall not be less than three (3) working days. | |
C. Qualification Criteria | |
7. General Criteria | 7.1 Tenderers shall possess the necessary qualifications and competence, which entails setting pass/fail criteria, which if not met by the Tenderers, will result in consideration of its Tender as non-responsive. |
7.2 In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria, as stated under ITT Clause 3, the Tenderer must satisfy the other criteria stated under ITT Clause 7 to 9 inclusive. |
7.3 To qualify for multiple number of contracts/lots in a package made up of this and other individual contracts/lots for which Xxxxxxx are invited in the Invitation for Tenders, the Tenderer shall demonstrate having resources sufficient to meet the aggregate of the qualifying criteria for the individual contracts except for general experience as stated under ITT Sub Clause 8.1(a) and specific experience, unless otherwise of different nature, as stated under ITT Sub Clause 8.1(b). | |
8. Experience Criteria | 8.1 Tenderers shall have the following minimum level of supply experience to qualify for supplying the Goods and related Services under the contract: (a) a minimum number of years of general experience in the supply of Goods and related services as specified in the TDS; (b) specific experience of satisfactory completion of supply of Goods similar to the proposed goods in at least one contract with a minimum value, over the period, as specified in TDS. |
9. Financial Criteria | 9.1 Tenderers shall have the availability of minimum liquid assets, net of other contractual commitments, of the amount as specified in the TDS. |
10. Subcontractor(s) | 10.1 The successful Tenderer shall under no circumstances assign the supply of Goods or any part of it to the Subcontractor(s). |
D. Tender Preparation | |
11. Only One Tender | 11.1 Tender being invited for one or more items on an”item-by- item” basis, each such item shall constitute a Tender. Tenderers shall submit only one (1) Tender for one or more items of each lot or single lot of a package. Tenderer who submits more than one (1) Tender in one or more item (s) of one (1) lot will cause all the Tenders of that particular Tenderer to be rejected. |
11.2 Tender being invited for a single lot/package, the single lot/package shall constitute a Tender. Tenderers shall submit only one (1) Tender for the lot/package. Tenderer who submits more than one (1) Tender in the lot/package will cause all the Tenders of that particular Tenderer to be rejected. | |
11.3 Tender being invited for a number of lots on a ”lot-by-lot” basis, each such lot shall constitute a Tender. Tenderers shall submit only one (1) Tender for each lot. Tenderer who submits more than one (1) Tender in one (1) lot of the package will cause all the Tenders of that particular Tenderer to be rejected. |
12. Issuance, Sale and Language of Tender Document | 12.1 The Procuring Entity shall make Tender Documents available immediately to the potential Tenderers without any pre- condition at the corresponding price by the date the advertisement has been published in the newspaper or such other invitation, as applicable. Tenders shall be written in English and correspondences and documents relating to Tender may be in English or Bangla. |
13. Contents of Tender | 13.1 The Tender prepared by the Tenderer shall comprise the following: (a) Tender Submission Letter (Form BR-1) as stated under ITT Sub Clause 14.1. (b) the priced Schedule for Goods and related services (Form BR-2) for each lot as stated under ITT Sub Clause 14, 15 and 16; (c) the completed Specifications Submission and Compliance Sheet (Form BR-3) as stated under ITT Sub Clause 18;1. (d) the Tender Security as stated under ITT Clause 20; (e) the valid Trade License as stated under ITT Sub Clause 3.3 (f) documentary evidence of Tax Identification Number (TIN) and VAT as a proof of fulfilment of taxation obligations as stated under ITT Sub Clause 3.4; (g) documentary evidence as stated under ITT Clause 23 establishing the Tenderer’s eligibility and minimum qualifications required to be met for due performance of the Goods and related services under the Contract; and (g) any other document as specified in the TDS. |
14. Tender Submission Letter and Price Schedule | 14.1 Tenderers shall submit the Tender Submission Letter (Form BR-1), which shall be completed without any alterations to its format, filling in all blank spaces with the information requested, failing which the Tender may be rejected as being incomplete. Tenderers shall further submit the priced Schedule using the form(s) furnished in Section 5: Price Schedule. |
14.2 If in preparing its Tender, the Tenderer has made errors in the unit rate or the total price, and wishes to correct such errors prior to submission of its Tender, it may do so, but shall ensure that each correction is initialled by the Tenderer. | |
15. Tender Prices | 15.1 Tenderers shall fill in unit rates for the items of the Goods both in figures and in words as described in the Price Schedule. |
15.2 All items or lots in Section 6: Schedule of Requirements must be listed and priced separately on the Price Schedule following the Form BR-2. | |
15.3 Tenders being invited either for one or more items on an ‘item-by-item’ basis or for a single lot/package or. for a number of lots on ‘lot-by-lot’ basis, as specified in the TDS, the price quoted for an item shall correspond to full quantity under that particular item; otherwise the Tenders shall be considered non-responsive. | |
15.4 Tenders being invited for a single lot/package, price quoted shall correspond to all the items of the lot/package and, shall further correspond to full quantity under each item of the lot/package as stated under ITT Sub Clause 15.3; otherwise the Tenders shall be considered non-responsive. | |
15.5 Tenders being invited for a number of lots on “lot-by-lot” basis, the lot not quoting at least eighty (80) percent of the total number of items under that lot, determined in the methodology as stated under ITT Sub Clause 15.6, shall be considered non-responsive. | |
15.6 Tenderers quoting in the least eighty (80) percent of the total number of items in a lot, taking into consideration the fractions after the decimal to the nearer digit, for Tenders invited on “lot-by-lot” basis, the methodology for determining the equivalent lot value as stated under ITT Sub Clause 15.5, shall be to simulate the total price of the lot by adding up the average of the prices quoted by the other responsive Tenderers for the missing items to that lot value, to establish its responsiveness and, will be used for price comparison, as stated under ITT Sub Clause 31.1. | |
15.7 All applicable taxes, custom duties, VAT and other levies payable by the Contractor under the Contract shall be included in the unit rates and the Total price submitted by the Tenderers. | |
16. Tender Currency | 16.1 Tenderers shall quote all prices in the Tender Submission Letter and in the Price Schedule in Bangladesh Taka (BDT) currency. |
17. Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualification of the Tenderer | 17.1 Tenderers shall complete and submit the documentary evidence, as applicable to satisfy the following: (a) complete the eligibility declarations in the Tender Submission Letter (Form BR-1); (b) general experience in supply of Goods and related services, as stated under ITT Sub Clause 8.1(a), substantiated by the year of registration/constitution/licensing in Bangladesh; (c) specific experience in supply of Goods and related services |
under public or private sector of similar nature and size, as stated ITT Sub Clause 8.1(b), substantiated by Completion Certificate (s) issued, or duly certified, by the relevant Procuring Entity(s); (d) adequacy of minimum liquid assets, substantiated by any scheduled Bank of Bangladesh without alteration, issued not earlier than twenty-eight (28) days prior to the day of the original deadline for submission of Tenders for this Contract as stated under ITT Sub Clause 9.1; (e) authority (s) to seek references from the Tenderer’s Bankers or any other sources in its letter-head pad; | |
18. Documents Establishing the Conformity of the Goods | !8.1 To establish the conformity of the Goods and related services to the Tender Documents, the Tenderer shall furnish as part of its Tender the documentary evidence that the Goods and related services conform to the technical specifications and standards in Section 7: Technical Specifications. |
19. Validity Period of Tender and its Extension | 19.1 Tenders shall remain valid for the period specified in the TDS after the date of Tender submission deadline prescribed by the Procuring Entity. A Tender valid for a period shorter than that specified shall be considered as non- responsive. |
19.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the Tender Validity period, the Procuring Entity may solicit all the Tenderers’ consent to an extension of the period of validity of their Tenders; provided that those Tenderers have passed the preliminary examination as stated under ITT Sub Clause 26.2. | |
20. Tender Security | 20.1 Tenderers shall furnish as part of its Tender, in favour of the Procuring Entity or as otherwise directed on account of the Tenderer, a Tender Security in original form (not copy) and in the amount, as specified in the TDS. |
20.2 The Tender Security shall be at the Tenderer’s option, be either in the form of Bank Draft or Pay Order or irrevocable unconditional Bank Guarantee issued by any scheduled Bank of Bangladesh, without any alteration, furnished in Section 5: Tender and Contract Forms; remaining valid for at least twenty eight (28) days beyond the expiry date of the Tender Validity. | |
20.3 The authenticity of the Tender Security submitted by a Tenderer may be examined and verified by the Procuring Entity at its discretion in writing from the Bank issuing the security. A Tender not accompanied by a valid Tender Security shall be considered as non-responsive. | |
20.4 No Tender Security shall be returned to the Tenderers before contract signing. |
20.5 The Tender Security may be forfeited if a Tenderer: (a) modifies, substitutes or withdraws its Tender after submission as stated under ITT Sub Clause 23.1; (b) refuses to accept a Notification of Award, as stated under ITT Sub Clause 36 ; or (c) fails to furnish Performance Security, as stated under ITT Sub Clause 37 ; or (d) refuses to sign the Contract, as stated under ITT Sub Clause 38 ; (e) does not accept the correction of the Tender price following the correction of arithmetic errors, as stated under ITT SubClause 29. | |
E. Tender Submission | |
21. Sealing & Marking of Tender | 21.1 Tenderers shall prepare one (1) original of the documents comprising the Tender as described in ITT Clause 4 and clearly mark it “ORIGINAL” with all particulars of the Procuring Entity, the Tenderer and the Tender. |
22. Deadline for Submission of Tenders | 22.1 Tenders shall be delivered to the Procuring Entity at the address specified in the TDS and not later than the date and time specified in the TDS. Any Tender received by the Procuring Entity after the deadline for submission of Tenders shall be declared LATE and returned unopened to the Tenderer. |
23. Modification, Substitution or Withdrawal of Tender | 23.1 Tenderers may not modify, substitute or withdraw its Tender after it has been submitted. Tenders modified, substituted or withdrawn shall be rejected. |
F. Tender Opening and Evaluation | |
24. Tender Opening | 24.1 Tenders shall be opened immediately after the deadline for submission of Tenders at the place as specified in the TDS but not later than ONE HOUR after expiry of the submission date line. |
25. Evaluation process | 25.1 Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) may consider a Tender as responsive in the Evaluation, only if it is submitted in compliance with the mandatory requirements set out in the Tender Document. The evaluation process should begin immediately after Tender opening following four steps: (a) Preliminary Examination; (b) Technical Examinations and Responsiveness; (c) Financial evaluation and price comparison; (d) Post-qualification of the lowest evaluated responsive Tenders. |
26. Preliminary Examination | 26.1 The Procuring Entity shall examine the Tenders to confirm that all documentation requested in ITT Clause 4 has been provided, to determine the completeness of each document submitted. |
26.2 TEC shall confirm that the following documents and information have been provided in the tender. If any of these documents or information is missing, the Tender shall be rejected: (a) Tender Submission Letter; (b) Price Schedule; and (c) Valid Tender Security. | |
26.3 In the event, this Tender is invited under LTM; the following shall be applicable: (a) Letter of Enlistment by the specified Procuring Entity; (b) No Tender Security. | |
27. Technical Examinations & Responsiveness | 27.1 If a Tender is not responsive to the mandatory requirements set out in the Tender Document, shall not subsequently be made responsive by the Tenderer by correction of the material deviation, reservation, or omission. |
27.2 There shall be no requirement as to the minimum number of responsive Tenders. | |
27.3 There shall be no automatic exclusion of Tenders which are above or below the official estimate | |
27.4 TEC will examine the adequacy and authenticity of the documentary evidence which may follow the order below: (a) verification and examination of the documentary evidence and completed Specification Submission Sheet (Form BR-3) to determine the conformity of the Goods and related services. (b) verification and examination of the documentary evidence that the Tenderer’s qualifications conform to the Tender Document and the Tenderer meets each of the qualification criterion specified in Sub Section C, Qualification Criteria. | |
28. Clarification on Tender | 28.1 TEC may ask Tenderers for clarifications of their Tenders, including breakdowns of unit rates, in order to facilitate the examination and evaluation of the Tenders. |
28.2 Any request for clarifications by the TEC shall not be directed towards making an apparently non-responsive Tender responsive and reciprocally the response from the concerned Tenderer shall not be articulated towards any addition, alteration or modification to its Tender. |
28.3 If a Tenderer does not provide clarifications of its Tender by the date and time set in the TEC’s written request for clarification, its Tender shall not be considered in the evaluation. | |
29. Correction of Arithmetical Errors | 29.1 TEC shall correct any arithmetic errors that are discovered during the examination of Tenders, and shall promptly notify the concerned Tenderer(s) of any such correction(s) for due acceptance by the Tenderer. If theTenderer that does not accept the correction of the Tender amount following correction of arithmetic errors its Tender shall be considered non-responsive. |
29.2 In case of discrepancy between words and figures, the rate quoted in word in the completed Price Schedule shall prevail. | |
30. Financial Evaluation | 30.1 TEC will evaluate each Tender that has been determined, up to this stage of the evaluation, to be responsive to the requirements set out in the Tender Document. |
30.2 To evaluate a Tender, TEC will consider the following: (a) Tender price for Item(s) or Lot (b) adjustment for correction of arithmetical errors as stated under ITT Sub Clause 29; (c) adjustment for application of the methodology for determining the equivalent lot value, as stated under ITT Sub Clause 15.6, as applicable. | |
30.3 Variations, deviations and other factors which are in excess of the requirements of the Tender Document or otherwise result in unsolicited benefits for the Procuring Entity will not be taken into account in Tender evaluation. | |
30.4 To determine the lowest-evaluated lot or combination of lots, the TEC will take into account: (a) the lowest-evaluated Tender for each item(s) or lot, as applicable . (b) the resources sufficient to meet the qualifying criteria for the individual lot or aggregate of the qualifying criteria for the multiple lots. | |
30.5 If the winning lot is missing some item(s), as stated under ITT Sub Clause 23.8, comprising twenty (20) percent or less number of items in the lot, the Procuring Entity may procure those missing item(s) from the other responsive Tenderer(s) quoting the lowest price for the missing item(s). | |
31. Price Comparison | 31.1 TEC will compare all responsive Tenders to determine the lowest-evaluated Tender, in accordance with ITT Clause 30. |
31.2 The successful Tenderer as stated under ITT Sub Clauses 31.1 shall not be selected through lottery under any circumstances |
32. Negotiation | 32.1 No negotiations shall be held during the Tender evaluation or award with the lowest or any other Tenderer. |
33. Post-qualification | 33.1 The determination on Post-qualification shall be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the Tenderer’s eligibility and qualifications submitted by the Tenderer as stated under ITT Clause 17, clarifications as stated under ITT Clause 28 and the qualification criteria as stated under ITT Clause 7,8 and 9. Factors not included therein shall not be used in the evaluation of the Tenderer’s qualification. |
34. Procuring Entity’s Right to Accept any or to Reject Any or All Tenders | 34.1 The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept any Tender or to reject any or all the Tenders any time prior to contract award and, to annul the Procurement proceedings with prior approval of the Head of the Procuring Entity, any time prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders following specified procedures, without thereby incurring any liability to Tenderers, or any obligations to inform the Tenderers of the grounds for the Procuring Entity’s action. |
G. Contract Award | |
35. Award Criteria | 35.1 The Procuring Entity shall award the Contract to the Tenderer whose Tender is responsive to all the requirements of the Tender Document and that has been determined to be the successful lowest evaluated Tender, provided further that the Tenderer is determined to be Post-qualified as stated under ITT Clause 33. |
36. Notification of Award | 36.1 Prior to the expiry of the Tender Validity period and within one (1) week of receipt of the approval of the award by the Approving Authority, the Procuring Entity shall issue the Notification of Award (NOA) to the successful Tenderer. |
36.2 The NOA, attaching the contract as per the sample (Form BR-4 to be signed, shall state: (a) the acceptance of the Tender by the Procuring Entity; (b) the price at which the contract is awarded; (c) the amount of the Performance Security and its format; (d) the date and time within which the Performance Security shall be furnished; and (e) the date and time within which the contract shall be signed. | |
36.3 The NOA shall be accepted in writing by the successful Tenderer within seven (7) working days from the date of its issuance. |
36.4 In the event, this Tender is invited for one (1) or more items on an “item-by-item” basis, contract(s) will comprise the corresponding item(s) awarded to the successful Tenderer(s) and, Contract(s) will be signed per each of the successful Tenderer(s),covering the corresponding item(s). | |
36.5 In the event, this Tender is invited for a single lot, contract will comprise the corresponding items in the lot awarded to the successful Tenderer and, Contract will be signed with the successful Tenderer of the lot, covering the item(s). | |
36.6 In the event, this Tender is invited for a number of lots on a “lot-by-lot” basis, contracts will comprise the corresponding items in a lot awarded to the successful Tenderer(s) and, Contract(s) will be signed per each of the successful Tenderer(s) per lot, covering the corresponding item(s). | |
36.7 Until a formal contract is signed, the NOA shall constitute a Contract, which shall become binding upon the furnishing of a Performance Security and the signing of the Contract by both parties. | |
37. Performance Security | 37.1 Performance Security shall be furnished by the successful Tenderer in BDT currency, of the amount as specified in the TDS, in the form of a Bank Draft, Pay Order or an irrevocable unconditional Bank Guarantee, without alteration, issued by any scheduled Bank of Bangladesh acceptable to the Procuring Entity; within fourteen (14) days from the date of acceptance of the NOA but not later than the date specified therein, for due performance of the Contract. |
37.2 Performance Security shall be required to be valid until a date twenty eight (28) days beyond the date of completion of the Supplier’s performance obligations under the Contract, including any warranty obligations. | |
37.3 The Procuring Entity shall verify the authenticity of the Performance Security submitted by the successful Tenderer by sending a written request to the branch of the bank issuing the Pay Order, Bank Draft or irrevocable unconditional Bank Guarantee in specified format | |
38. Contract Signing | 38.1 At the same time as the Procuring Entity issues the NOA, the Procuring Entity shall send the draft Contract Agreement and all documents forming the Contract to the successful Tenderer(s) and, within twenty eight (28) days of the issuance of NOA, the successful Tenderer(s) and the Procuring Entity shall sign the contract. |
38.2 Failure of the successful Tenderer(s) to furnish the Performance Security, as stated under ITT Sub Clause 37.1, or sign the Contract, as stated under ITT Sub Clause 38.1, shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the Tender Security. In that event the Procuring Entity may award the Contract to the next lowest evaluated responsive Tenderer(s), who is determined by the TEC to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily. | |
39. Publication of Notification of Award of Contract and Debriefing of Tenderers | 39.1 The NOA for this Contract, shall be published by the Procuring Entity on its Notice Board and, where applicable on its website and that notice shall be kept posted for not less than a month. |
39.2 Debriefing of Tenderers by the Procuring Entity shall outline the relative status and weakness only of his or her Tender requesting to be informed of the grounds for not accepting the Tender submitted by him or her, without disclosing information about any other Tenderer. | |
40. Right to Complain | 40.1 Tenderer has the right to complain in accordance with the Public Procurement Act 2006 and the Public Procurement Rules, 2008. |
Section 2. Tender Data Sheet
ITT Clause | Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the Instruction to Tenderers |
A. General | |
ITT 1.1 | The Procuring Entity is Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) represented |
by Manager (Purchase), BRTC. | |
The Name of the Tender is: Supply of 31 Items Forms, Registers and Sundry | |
Printing Items for BRTC, Dhaka. | |
Tender Ref: Tender No. 35.04.0000.017.00.620.24 | |
Lot No(s): Single | |
ITT 3.3 | All potential Tenderers of Bangladesh related with Printing Business are eligible to participate in the Procurement process. |
B. Tender Document | |
ITT 5.1 | For clarification of Tender Document purposes only, the Procuring Entity’s address is: Attention: Manager (Purchase), BRTC Head Office, Address: XXXX, Xxxx Xxxxxx, 0xx xxxxx, 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx-0000. Telephone: Manager (Purchase): 41050628. e-mail address: : and contact Procuring Entity within .../.../2022 |
C. Qualification Criteria | |
ITT 8.1(a) | The minimum number of years of general experience of the Tenderer in the supply of Goods as Supplier shall be 3 years. |
ITT 8.1(b) | The minimum specific experience as Supplier in supply of Goods of at least one (1) contract successfully completed within the last 3 years, with a value of at least Tk. 31,95,000/-. |
ITT 9.1 | The minimum amount of liquid assets i.e working capital or credit line(s) of the Tenderer shall be Tk. 36,50,000/-. |
D. Preparation of Tender | |
ITT 15.3 | Tenders being invited for a single lot. |
ITT 19.1 | The Tender Validity period shall be 120 days. |
ITT 20.1 | The amount of the Tender Security shall be Tk. 3% in favour of Chairman, BRTC. |
E. Submission of Tender | |
ITT 22.1 | For Tender submission purposes only, the Procuring Entity’s address is: Attention: Manager (Purchase), BRTC Head Office. Address: XXXX, Xxxx Xxxxxx, 0xx xxxxx, 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx-0000. The deadline for submission of Tenders is: BRTC, Head Office, 0xx xxxxx, 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx-0000. Time & Date: 12-00 pm on date 18/11/2024. |
Tenderers must submit the following updated but attested documents/papers with the filled up schedule during submission: a. Trade licence e. Colour Photo(two copies) b. VAT Registration Certificate f. Experience Certificate/(s) c. Income Tax Certificate g. Bank Solvency Certificate d. NID h. Valid Pay Order | |
F. Opening and Evaluation of Tenders | |
ITT 24.1 | The Tender opening shall take place at: Purchase Department. Address: XXXX, Xxxx Xxxxxx, 0xx xxxxx, 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx-0000. Time & Date: 12-30 pm on date 18/11/2024. |
G. Contract Award | |
ITT 37.1 | The amount of Performance Security shall be 10% (Ten) percent in the form of Pay Order of the Contract Price and, no Retention Money shall be deducted from the successful Tenderer’s payable invoices during Contract implementation, if awarded the Contract. |
Section 3 .General Conditions of Contract
1. Definitions 1.1 The following words and expressions shall have the meaning hereby
assigned to them. Boldface type is used to identify the defined term:
(a) Completion Schedule means the fulfilment of the Related Services by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract;
(b) Contract Agreement means the Agreement entered into between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier, together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein;
(c) Contract Documents means the documents listed in the Contract Agreement, including any amendments thereto;
(d) Contract Price means the price stated in the Notification of Award and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract; ;
(e) Day means calendar days unless otherwise specified as working days;
(f) Delivery means the transfer of ownership of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract;
(g) Goods means raw materials, products and equipment and objects in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, and related Services if the value of such Services does not exceed that of the Goods themselves ;
(h) Government means the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh;
(i) Procuring Entity means a Entity having administrative and financial powers to undertake Procurement of Goods, Works or Services using public funds, as specified in the PCC;
(j) Related Services means Services linked to the supply of Goods contracts;
(k) Supplier means a Person under contract with a Procuring Entity for the supply of Goods and related Services under the Act;
(l) Writing means communication written by hand or machine duly signed and includes properly authenticated messages by facsimile or electronic mail.
2. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive or Coercive Practices
2.1 The Government requires that Procuring Entity as well as the Supplier shall, during the Procurement proceedings and the execution of Contracts under public funds, ensure-
(a) strict compliance with the provisions of Section 64 of the Public Procurement Act 2006 (Act 24 of 2006);
(b) abiding by the code of ethics as mentioned in the Rule127 of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008;
(c) that neither it’s any officer nor any staff or any other agents or intermediaries working on its behalf engages in any practice as detailed in the Rule 127.
2.2 If corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices of any kind determined by the Procuring Entity against the Supplier alleged to have carried out such practices, the Procuring Entity will;
(a) exclude the Supplier from further participation in the particular Procurement proceeding; or
(b) declare, at its discretion, the Supplier to be ineligible to participate in further Procurement proceedings, either indefinitely or for a specific period of time.
3. Documents Forming the Contract and Priority of Documents
3.1 The following documents forming the Contract shall be in the following order of precedence, namely :
(a) the signed Contract Agreement;
(b) the Notification of Award;
(c) The completed Tender ;
(d) Particular Conditions of Contract;
(e) General Conditions of Contract;
(f) Technical Specifications;
(g) Priced Schedule and Schedule of Requirements and ;
(h) Other Documents as appropriate.
4. Assignment 4.1 The Supplier shall not assign his rights or obligations under the
Contract, in whole or in part.
5. Supplier’s Responsibilities
6. Procuring Entity’s Responsibilities
5.1 Delivery of the Goods and completion of the Related Services shall be in accordance with the Delivery and Completion Schedule specified in the Section 6: Schedule of Requirements. The documents to be furnished by the Supplier shall be specified in the PCC.
6.1 The Procuring Entity shall pay the Supplier, in consideration of the provision of Goods and Related Services, the Contract Price under the provisions of the Contract at the times and manner prescribed in the Contract Agreement.
7. Acceptance 7.1 Acceptance by the Procuring Entity shall be completed in the form of
an Acceptance Certificate, unless any defects in the supply, any damage during transportation or any failure to meet the required performance criteria of the supply are identified and reported to the Supplier.
7.2 Technical Inspection and Acceptance Committee (TIAC), if considered appropriate and constituted by the Procuring Entity shall
.commence the inspection and acceptance process within twenty-four
(24) hours from delivery of the goods, and shall complete the same as soon as practicable.
8. Contract Price 8.1 The Contract Price shall be as specified in the PCC
9. Transportation 9.1 The Supplier is required under the Contract to transport the Goods
to a specified place of destination as specified in Section 6: Schedule of Requirements.
10. Terms of Payment 10.1 The method and conditions of payment to be made to the Supplier
under this Contract shall be as follows:
On Delivery and Acceptance: Hundred (100) percent of the Contract Price of the Goods delivered shall be paid after submission of documents specified in GCC Clause 5, supported by the Acceptance Certificate issued by the Procuring Entity pursuant to GCC Clause 7
11. Performance Security
11.1 The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be payable to the Procuring Entity as compensation for any loss resulting from the Supplier’s failure to complete its obligations under the Contract and, the Procuring Entity shall not make any claim under the security, except for amounts to which the Procuring Entity is entitled under the Contract.
11.2 The Performance Security shall be discharged by the Procuring Entity and returned to the Supplier not later than twenty-eight (28) days following the date of Completion of the Supplier’s performance obligations under the Contract, including any warranty obligations as stated under GCC Clause 13, provided that there are no claims field against the Supplier.
12. Inspections & Tests 12.1 The Procuring Entity shall have the right to test the Goods to
confirm their conformity to the Contract specifications. The Supplier shall at its own expense and at no cost to the Procuring Entity, carry out all such tests of the Goods and related services as required under the Contract.
13. Warranty 13.1 Warranty shall be required from the Supplier for a minimum period
as specified in the PCC. The Warranty Period of the Supplies shall start from the date of completion of delivery in the form of, submission by the Supplier and acceptance by the Procuring Entity, of the Delivery Chalan.
14. Delays in Delivery and Extensions of Time
14.1 The Supplier shall deliver the Goods or perform the services within the period, as specified in the Delivery and Completion Schedule.
14.2 The Procuring Entity may extend the Delivery and Completion Schedule by twenty (20) percent of the original Contract time on reasonably acceptable grounds. In the case an extension of the Delivery and Completion Schedule required is or will be more than twenty (20) percent of the original Contract time, approval of the Head of the Procuring Entity or an officer authorized by him or her for the same shall be required to be obtained.
15. Liquidated Damages
16. Termination for Default
17. Contract Amendment
15.1 If the Supplier fails to complete the delivery of Goods and related services within the Delivery and Completion Schedule specified in the contract or as extended, the Procuring Entity shall,as Liquidated Damages, deduct from the Contract Price, a sum at the percent-rate per day of delay as specified in the PCC, of the contract value of the undelivered Goods and related services or part thereof delivered after the Delivery and Completion Schedule or as extended. The total amount of Liquidated Damages shall not exceed the amount specified in the PCC. The Procuring Entity may deduct Liquidated damages from payments due to the Supplier. Payment of Liquidated damages shall not affect the Supplier’s liabilities.
16.1 The Procuring Entity without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of Contract, by giving twenty-eight (28) days written notice o default sent to the Supplier, may terminate the Contract in whole or in part, if:
(a) the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods within the period specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the Procuring Entity pursuant to GCC Clause 14.2; or
(b) the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation under the Contract; or
(c) the Supplier, in the judgment of the Procuring Entity has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices, as stated under GCC Clause 2, in competing for or in executing the Contract; or
(d) when the deductable amount due to Liquidated Damage reaches its maximum as stated under GCC Clause 15.
16.1 In the event the Procuring Entity terminates the Contract in whole or in part, as stated under GCC Clause 16.1, the Procuring Entity may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate, Goods or related services similar to those undelivered or not performed, and the Supplier shall be liable to the Procuring Entity for any additional costs for such similar Goods or related services. However, the Supplier shall continue performance of the Contract to the extent not terminated.
17.1 Subject to applicable laws, no variation in or modification of the terms of this Contract shall be made except by written amendment signed by the parties.
17.2 The Procuring Entity shall amend the Contract, incorporating the changes approved in accordance with the Delegation of Financial Power or sub-delegation thereof and, introduced to the original Terms and Conditions of the Contract.
18. Settlement of Disputes
18.1 Amicable Settlement:
The Procuring Entity and the Supplier shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract or its interpretation.
18.2 Arbitration
(a) If the Parties are unable to reach a settlement under GCC Clause 18.1 within twenty eight (28) days of the first written correspondence on the matter of disagreement, then either Party may give notice to the other party of its intention to commence arbitration in accordance with GCC Sub Clause
18.2 (b);
(b) The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Act (Act No 1 of 2001) of Bangladesh as at present in force and in the place shown in the PCC.
Section 4. Particular Conditions of Contract
Instructions for completing the Particular Conditions of Contract are provided, as needed, in the notes in italics mentioned for the relevant GCC Clauses | |
GCC Clause | Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the General Conditions of Contract |
GCC 1.1 (i) | The Procuring Entity is Attention: Manager (Purchase), BRTC Head Office. Address: XXXX, Xxxx Xxxxxx, 0xx xxxxx, 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx-0000. |
GCC 5.1 | The documents to be furnished by the Supplier shall be as follows: a. Supplier’s invoice /Chalan showing Goods’ description, quantity, unit rates, total amount etc; b. Supplier’s Warranty Certificate (if any); |
GCC 8.1 | The Contract price is Tk. Will be inserted in NOA |
GCC 13.1 | The Warranty Period shall be : 01 (One) year. |
GCC 15.1 | The amount of Liquidated Damages is 0.1 of ONE (1) percent of the contract value of the undelivered Goods or any part thereof delivered after expiry of the Delivery and Completion Schedule or extended Delivery and Completion Schedule, as applicable, per day of delay. Guide to application of GCC Sub Clause 15.1 above [ Liquidated damages is equivalent to an amount to be determined in accordance with the following formulae T = V x Px n Where; T = Total amount of Liquidated Damages V = Contract Value of undelivered Goods or any part thereof, delivered after expiry of the Delivery and Completion Schedule or extended Delivery and Completion Schedule, as applicable P = Percent-rate at which the Liquidated Damages shall be imposed per day of delay n = No of days delayed for delivery of the undelivered Goods or any part thereof, after expiry of the Delivery and Completion Schedule or extended Delivery and Completion Schedule, as applicable. |
The maximum amount of Liquidated Damages for the undelivered Goods or any part thereof is 10% percent of the final Contract Price of the whole of the Goods and related services. | |
GCC 18.2(b) | Arbitration shall take place in: Chairman, BRTC, Head Office, 0xx xxxxx, 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx-0000. |
Section 5. Tender Forms & Contract Forms
Form Title
Tender Forms
BR – 1 Tender Submission Letter
BR– 2 Price Schedule for Goods & related services
BR – 3 Specifications Submission and Compliance Sheet Forms BR-1 to BR-3 comprises part of the Tender.
Contract Forms
BR – 4 Notification of Award
BR – 5 Contract Agreement
Forms BR-4 to BR-5 comprises part of the Contract.
Other Forms
BR – 6 Contract Amendment
BR – 7 Acceptance Certificate
Tender Submission Letter (Form BR – 1)
[This letter shall be completed and signed by the Tenderer on the Letter-Head pad].
Invitation for Tender No: 35.04.0000.017.00.573.22 Tender Package No: Single Lot No: Single
Date :
Manager (Purchase) BRTC
Head Office
In accordance with ITT Clauses 15 and 16, the following prices apply to our Tender:
Taka [insert amount] [ in figures]
Taka[insert amount] [ in words]
The Tender Price is: (ITT Clause 15)
In signing this letter, and in submitting our Tender, we also confirm that:
a) our Tender shall be valid for the period stated in the Tender Document (ITT Sub- Clause 19.1) and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;
b) we have examined and have no reservations to the Tender Document, issued by you on [insert date] including Addendum, if any.
c) a Tender Security is attached in the form of a [Pay Order / Bank Draft / Bank Guarantee] in the amount stated in the Tender Document (ITT Clause 20) and valid for a period of twenty-eight (28) days beyond the Tender Validity date (delete if not appropriate);
d) we, declare that we are eligible to participate in this Tender and meet the eligibility criteria specified in the Tender Document (ITT Clause 3);
e) furthermore, we are aware of ITT Clause 2.2 concerning such practices and pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract;
f) we are not participating as Tenderers in more than one Tender in this Tendering process. We understand that your written Notification of Award shall become a binding Contract between us, until a formal Contract is prepared and executed.
Signature: | [insert signature of the Tenderer] |
Name: | [insert full name of signatory with National ID] |
In the capacity of: | [insert designation of signatory] |
Price Schedule for Goods & Related Services (Form BR-2)
Invitation for Tender No: | 35.04.0000.017.00.620.24 | Date: | |
Tender Package No: | Single | Package Description: | Printing Items |
Tender Lot No: | Single | Lot Description: | Printing Items |
A: PRICE OF GOODS (Including Spare Parts, Related Services if any) AND DELIVERY SCHEDULE
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Item No . | Description Of Item | Unit of Measurement | Quantity | Unit Rates | Total price (col. 4 5) | Point of Delivery as per Schedule of Requirement | Delivery Period Offered as per Schedule of Requirement |
1 | DN-fl*ট <রিW̌Lর: | No | ৫০০ | ||||
2 | eLম¢T Lি˖ িরেLট ´ (чম flর flর বD): | No | ২০০০ | ||||
3 | ওেয়িবN বD: | No | ১৫০০ | ||||
4 | WLিNN´ গ Ӌক (Nঃ বLঃ): | No | 25০ | ||||
5 | ক7Lশ রিশদ বD: | No | ৩০০০ | ||||
6 | িবN কLড ´ (S-³8): | No | ১0০০০ | ||||
7 | <̌Lর чকL*ি*Q <NWLর: | No | ৭০ | ||||
8 | eLিভe´ Ӌক: | No | 12০০ | ||||
9 | ফLDN কভLর: | No | 30০০০ | ||||
10 | হLিWরL খLতL: | No | 6০০ |
11 | হLNকL <মরLমত <রিW̌Lর: | No | ১৫০ | ||||
12 | িচ$র খLম (খLকT): | No | 3০০০০ | ||||
13 | <গDট Lশ বD (D*িNট): | No | 5০০ | ||||
14 | <ɪ ক7Lশ ভL*চLর: | No | 150 | ||||
15 | িবưয়িববরণTবD | No | ৮০০ | ||||
16 | <NটLর RLড (বLQNL/Nফেeট): | No | 200 | ||||
17 | <NটLর RLড (বLQNL/Nফেeট): | No | 250 | ||||
18 | কLNLরফLDNকভLর | No | 1০০০০ | ||||
19 | ির̲DিWশN ি̥ বD чe-³8-ч): | No | 8০০ | ||||
20 | <চকDE7েরিWPLর | No | 5০০ | ||||
21 | কLেNকশN ক7Lশ বD: | No | ৩০০ | ||||
22 | DE7 <রিW̌Lর: | No | 35০ | ||||
23 | ч-<ফLরখLম (eLদL) | No | 1০০০০ | ||||
24 | িচ$রখLম (eLদL) | No | ৩০০০০ | ||||
25 | ɪч িবN ফরম (কমচ´ LরT): | No | 5০০০ |
26 | ির̲DিWশNফরেPশNLরTবD | No | ২০০ | ||||
27 | ি̥ RLড: | No | 150 | ||||
28 | <গDট Lশ বD (ɑLক): | No | 8০০ | ||||
29 | ɑLক ভL?Lর চLNLN (DNভেয়e বD): | No | 15০০ | ||||
30 | ক7Lশ রিশদ বD (ɑLক): | No | 5০০ | ||||
31 | ওয়Lক´ NডL´র বD (ɑLক): | No | 2০০ | ||||
Total Quoted Price (TK.) = |
Note 1: All unit rates and prices quoted by the Tenderers against each basic item or activity shall include the Tenderer’s profit, overheads, VAT and all other charges including corresponding incidental service charges for banking and, shall be the delivered price in final destination or at point of delivery and, thus forth the total Tender Price quoted by the Tenderers.
Note 2: Tenderers will complete these columns as appropriate following the details specified in Section 6: Schedule of Requirements.
Signature: | [insert signature of the Tenderer] |
Name: | [insert full name of signatory with National ID] |
In the capacity of: | [insert designation of signatory] |
Specifications Submission and Compliance Sheet (Form BR-3)
Invitation for Tender No: | 35.04.0000.017.00.620.24 | Date: | |
Tender Package No: | Single | Package Description: | Printing Items |
Tender Lot No: | Single | Lot Description: | Printing Items |
Item No. | Name of Goods or Related Service | Full Technical Specifications and Standards |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
1 | DN-fl*ট <রিW̌Lর: | |
2 | eLম¢T Lি˖ িরেLট ´(чম flর flর বD): | |
3 | ওেয়িবN বD: | |
4 | WLিNN´ গ Ӌক (Nঃ বLঃ): | |
5 | ক7Lশ রিশদ বD: | |
6 | িবN কLড ´ (S-³8): | |
7 | <̌Lর чকL*ি*Q <NWLর: | |
8 | eLিভe´ Ӌক: | |
9 | ফLDN কভLর: | |
10 | হLিWরL খLতL: | |
11 | হLNকL <মরLমত <রিW̌Lর: | |
12 | িচ$র খLম (খLকT): | |
13 | <গDট Lশ বD (D*িNট): | |
14 | <ɪ ক7Lশ ভL*চLর: | |
15 | িবưয়িববরণTবD | |
16 | <NটLর RLড (বLQNL/Nফেeট): | |
17 | <NটLর RLড (বLQNL/Nফেeট): | |
18 | কLNLরফLDNকভLর |
19 | ির̲DিWশN ি̥ বD чe-³8-ч): | |
20 | <চকDE7েরিWPLর | |
21 | কLেNকশN ক7Lশ বD: | |
22 | DE7 <রিW̌Lর: | |
23 | ч-<ফLরখLম (eLদL) | |
24 | িচ$রখLম (eLদL) | |
25 | ɪч িবN ফরম (কমচ´ LরT): | |
26 | ির̲DিWশNফরেPশNLরTবD | |
27 | ি̥ RLড: | |
28 | <গDট Lশ বD (ɑLক): | |
29 | ɑLক ভL?Lর চLNLN (DNভেয়e বD): | |
30 | ক7Lশ রিশদ বD (ɑLক): | |
31 | ওয়Lক´ NডL´র বD (ɑLক): |
Signature: | [insert signature of the Tenderer] |
Name: | [insert full name of signatory with National ID] |
In the capacity of: | [insert designation of signatory] |
Notification of Award (Form BR - 4)
Contract No: | Date: |
To: [Name of Contractor] |
This is to notify you that your Tender dated [insert date] for the supply of Goods and related services for [name of contract] for the Contract Price of Tk [state amount in figures and in words] as corrected and modified in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, has been approved by [name of Procuring Entity].
You are thus requested to take following actions:
i. accept in writing the Notification of Award within seven (7) working days of its issuance in accordance with ITT Sub Clause 36.3;
ii. furnish a Performance Security in the specified format and in the amount of Tk [insert amount in figures and words] ,within fourteen (14) days of acceptance of this Notification of Award but not later than (specify date), in accordance with ITT Clause 37.1;
iii. sign the Contract within twenty-eight (28 ) days of issuance of this Notification of Award but not later than (specify date), in accordance with ITT Clause 38.1.
You may proceed with the execution of the supply of Goods and related services only upon completion of the above tasks. You may also please note that this Notification of Award shall constitute the formation of this Contract, which shall become binding upon you.
We attach the draft Contract and all other documents for your perusal and signature.
Signed | |
Xxxx authorised to sign for and on behalf of [name of Procuring Entity] | |
Date: |
Contract Agreement (Form BR- 5)
THIS AGREEMENT made the [day] day of [month] [year] between [name and address of Procuring Entity] (hereinafter called “the Procuring Entity”) of the one part and [name and address of Supplier] (hereinafter called “the Supplier”) of the other part:
WHEREAS the Procuring Entity invited Tenders for certain goods and related services, viz, [brief description of goods and related services] and has accepted a Tender by the Supplier for the supply of those goods and related services in the sum of Taka [Contract Price in figures and in words] (hereinafter called “the Contract Price”).
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them in the General Conditions of Contract hereafter referred to.
2. The following documents forming the Contract shall be in the following order of precedence, namely :
(a) the signed Form of Contract Agreement;
(b) the Notification of Award
(c) The completed Tender
(d) Conditions of Contract;
(e) Technical Specifications;
(f) Price Schedules and Schedule of Requirements and;
(g) other document, if any
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Procuring Entity to the Supplier as hereinafter mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Procuring Entity to provide the goods and related services and to remedy any defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract.
4. The Procuring Entity hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the provision of the goods and related services and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with the laws of Bangladesh on the day, month and year first written above.
For the Procuring Entity | The Supplier | |
Signature | ||
Print Name | ||
Title | ||
In the presence of Name | ||
Address |
[Insert Full Contact Details of the Procuring Entity]
Contract No. | |
Amendment No. | |
Approval Reference No. |
Contract No. [insert number/year] by and between the [insert Procuring Entity’s name] and [insert Supplier’s legal title] for the contract named [insert name of the Goods and related services] is amended as follows:
1. GCC Clause [insert clause no], is hereby revised as
2. GCC Clause [insert clause no], is hereby revised as
and so on .
The effective date of this Amendment is [insert effective date] or upon execution whichever is later.
THIS AMENDMENT, consisting of [insert number] page(s) and [insert number] attachment(s), is executed by the persons signing below who warrant that they have the authority to execute this Amendment under the original Contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Procuring Entity and the Supplier have signed this Amendment.
[Supplier’s Signature] [Procuring Entity’s Signature]
Signature Signature Title Date Title Date
[Insert Full Contact Details of Issuing Authority]
Office Memo no: _
01 | Procuring Entity Details | ||
(a) Division | : | ||
(b) Circle/Directorate | : | ||
(c) Zone/Region | : | ||
(d) Others (specify) | : | ||
02 | Name of Supply | : | |
03 | Contract No | : | |
04 | Supplier’s Legal Title | : | |
05 | Supplier’s Contact Details | : | |
06 | Supplier’s Trade License/Enlistment/Registration Details | : | |
07 | Reference to NOA with Date | : | |
08 | Original Contract Price as in NOA | : | |
09 | Final Contract Price as Delivered | : | |
10 | Original Contract Period | ||
(a) Date of Commencement | : | ||
(b) Date of Completion | : | ||
11 | Actual Delivery Period | ||
(a) Date of Actual Commencement | : | ||
(b) Date of Actual Completion | : | ||
12 | Days/Months Delivery Period Extended | : | |
13 | Amount of LD for Delayed Delivery | : | |
14 | Special Note (if any) | : |
Details of Delivery Completed
Supplier: [insert legal title] | ||
No | Major Items of Delivery | Total Value (in BDT Currency) |
Note: Figures shown must correspond to Total Value
Certified that the Goods and related services under the Contract has been delivered and completed in all respects in strict compliance with the provisions of the Contract including specifications and, as per direction and satisfaction of the Procuring Entity/Engineer-in Charge/Other (specify). All defects in the Goods reported during inspection and tests have been duly rectified or replaced.
Name and Signature of the Issuing Authority with Designation
Section 6. Schedule of Requirements
Invitation for Tender No: | 35.04.0000.017.00.573.22 | Date | 05/05/2022 |
Tender Package No: | Single | ||
Tender Lot No: | Single |
Lot No 1: [Printing Items]
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 7 | 8 |
Item No . | Description Of Item | Unit of Measuremen t | Quantity | Point of Delivery as per Schedule of Requirement | Delivery Period Offered as per Schedule of Requirement |
1 | DN-fl*ট <রিW̌Lর: | No | ৫০০ | BRTC, Head Office, Nejaret Store, Dhaka. | 60 days from the date of signing the contract. |
2 | eLম¢T Lি˖ িরেLট ´ (чম flর flর | No | ২০০০ | ||
3 | ওেয়িবN বD: | No | ১৫০০ | ||
4 | WLিNN´ গ Ӌক (Nঃ বLঃ): | No | 25০ | ||
5 | ক7Lশ রিশদ বD: | No | ৩০০০ | ||
6 | িবN কLড ´ (S-³8): | No | ১0০০০ | ||
7 | <̌Lর чকL*ি*Q <NWLর: | No | ৭০ | ||
8 | eLিভe´ Ӌক: | No | 12০০ | ||
9 | ফLDN কভLর: | No | 30০০০ | ||
10 | হLিWরL খLতL: | No | 6০০ | ||
11 | হLNকL <মরLমত <রিW̌Lর: | No | ১৫০ | ||
12 | িচ$র খLম (খLকT): | No | 3০০০০ | ||
13 | <গDট Lশ বD (D*িNট): | No | 5০০ | ||
14 | <ɪ ক7Lশ ভL*চLর: | No | 150 | ||
15 | িবưয়িববরণTবD | No | ৮০০ | ||
16 | <NটLর RLড (বLQNL/Nফেeট): | No | 200 | ||
17 | <NটLর RLড (বLQNL/Nফেeট): | No | 250 | ||
18 | কLNLরফLDNকভLর | No | 1০০০০ | ||
19 | ির̲DিWশN ি̥ বD | No | 8০০ | ||
20 | <চকDE7েরিWPLর | No | 5০০ | ||
21 | কLেNকশN ক7Lশ বD: | No | ৩০০ | ||
22 | DE7 <রিW̌Lর: | No | 35০ | ||
23 | ч-<ফLরখLম (eLদL) | No | 1০০০০ | ||
24 | িচ$রখLম (eLদL) | No | ৩০০০০ | ||
25 | ɪч িবN ফরম (কমচ´ LরT): | No | 5০০০ | ||
26 | ির̲DিWশNফরেPশNLরTবD | No | ২০০ | ||
27 | ি̥ RLড: | No | 150 | ||
28 | <গDট Lশ বD (ɑLক): | No | 8০০ | ||
29 | ɑLক ভL?Lর চLNLN (DNভেয়e বD): | No | 15০০ |
30 | ক7Lশ রিশদ বD (ɑLক): | No | 5০০ | ||
31 | ওয়Lক´ NডL´র বD (ɑLক): | No | 2০০ |
Section 7. Technical Specifications
The Goods and related services shall comply with following Technical Specifications:
Item No | Name of Item or Related Service | Technical Specification and Standards |
1 | 2 | 3 |
Lot No 1: [Printing Items] | ||
³ | DN-fl*ট <রিW̌Lর: | eLDWঃ 8˝x13˝, 55 ¢Lম eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। ফিNও NLBLেরর 100 LতLয় িতɪ বD। *ভয় Ӈ̎Lয় মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL। বLD কLNLর <রLিNQ 1½ Lঃ <¢-<বLডe´ হ কL? ও মLেবN´ <Lর ͏LরL বL¢LD। িতɪ বDেয়র *ের <NেবN 4Lকেব। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
২ | eLম¢T Lি˖ িরেLট ´ (чম flর flর বD): | eLDWঃ 8¾˝ x 11½˝, 41 ¢Lম <গLNLT, হqদ, ও eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। чক Ӈ̎Lয় মেNL¢Lম eহ ছLL ও NLBLিরQ। িতN কিেত чক <eট, 100 <eেট িতɪ বD। ³ম ও ২য় কিেত LরেLেরɪQ 100 Lঃ ưLফট কLগW ͏LরL বL¢LD। িতɪ বDেয়র *ের <NেবN 4Lকেব। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
৩ | ওেয়িবN বD: | eLDWঃ 8˝x14˝, 65 ¢Lম eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। 200 LতLয় িতɪ বD।*ভয় Ӈ̎Lয় মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL ও NLBLিরQ। 72 Lঃ ưLফট কLগW ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
8 | WLিNN´ গ Ӌক (Nঃ বLঃ): | eLDWঃ 14¾˝x9½˝, eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। *ভয় Ӈ̎Lয় মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL ও NLBLরTQ। বLDকLNLর <রLিNQ। 50 LতLয় িতɪ বD। 72 Lঃ <¢-<Lরeহ মLেবN´ <Lর ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
8 | ক7Lশ রিশদ বD: | eLDWঃ 8¾˝x4½˝, মেNL¢Lমeহ বEbরL <গLNLT, হqদ ও eLদL কLবN´ কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। িতN কিেত чক <eট, 100 <eেট িতɪ বD। মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL ও NLBLিরQ। <গLNLT ও হqদ কিেত LরেLেরɪQ। 72 Lঃ ưLফট কLগW ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
৬ | িবN কLড ´ (S-³8): | eLDWঃ 9½˝ x7½˝, 300 ¢Lম g-কLNLর <বLেডর´ rতরT। *ভয় Ӈ̎Lয় মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL বLDকLNLর <রLিNQ। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
R | <̌Lর чকL*ি*Q <NWLর: | eLDWঃ- 13˝ x16˝, ২8 Lঃ <NWLর <Lর ͏LরL rতরT। <ফLিNও NLBLেরর ২oo LতLয় িতɪ বD। *ভয় Ӈঃ মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL ও <রLিNQ। ২ Lঃ <¢-<বLড ´ কL? ও মLেবN´ <Lর ͏LরL বL¢LD। িতɪ বDেয়র *ের <NেবN 4Lকেব। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
& | eLিভe´ Ӌক: | 13 1 eLDWঃ 8 1 ˝x ˝, <NWLর <Lর ͏LরL rতরT। মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL। ³৬ LতLয় িতɪ 4 2 বD। *ভয় Ӈঃ ছLL। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
৯ | ফLDN কভLর: | eLDWঃ 19½˝x14˝, 300 ¢Lম খLকT <বLড ´ ͏LরL rতরT। মেNL¢Lমeহ ³ম Ӈঃ ছLL। *ভয় Ӈঃ 1¾˝ কের *FতমLেNর কLেNL কL? ͏LরL flDেNট <ি̌Q। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
³o | হLিWরL খLতL: | eLDWঃ- 8˝x13˝, eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। মেNL¢Lমeহ *ভয় Ӈঃ ছLL ও বLDকLNLর <রLিNQ। ফিNও NLBLেরর 100 LতLয় িতɪ বD। 1½ Lঃ <¢-<বLড ´ কL? ও মLেবN´ <Lর ͏LরL বL¢LD। িতɪ <রিW̌Lেরর *ের <NেবN 4Lকেব। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
³³ | হLNকL <মরLমত <রিW̌Lর: | eLDWঃ- 9½˝x14½˝, 40 Lঃ <NWLর <Lর ͏LরL rতরT। মেNL¢Lমeহ *ভয় Ӈঃ ছLL ও <রLিNQ। 2 Lঃ <¢-<বLড ´ কL?eহ মLেবN´ <Lর ͏LরL বL¢LD। িতɪ <রিW̌Lেরর *ের <NেবN 4Lকেব। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
³২ | িচ$র খLম (খLকT): | eLDWঃ 10¼˝x4½˝, 72 Lঃ খLিক কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। чক Ӈ̎Lয় মেNL¢Lম eহ ছLL। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
³৩ | <গDট Lশ বD (D*িNট): | eLDWঃ 5¾˝x9˝, 41 ¢Lম eӋW <গLNLT ও 55 ¢Lম eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। িতN LতLয় чক <eট, 100 <eেট িতɪ বD। NLBLরTQ ও মেNL¢Lম eহ ছLL। eӋW ও <গLNLT কিেত LরেLেরɪQ। 72 Lঃ ưLফট কLগW ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
³8 | <ɪ ক7Lশ ভL*চLর: | eLDWঃ 4½˝ x 7½˝,41 ¢Lম eӋW কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। 200 LতLয় িতɪ বD। মেNL¢Lমeহ 1 Ӈ̎Lয় ছLL। িNেচ 4 fl*C <¢-<বLড ´ ও *ের িN*W <Lর ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
³8 | িবưয়িববরণTবD | eLDWঃ ˝ 41 ¢Lমহqদ ও eӋW чবQ 55 ¢Lম eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। মেNL¢Lমeহ 4ম Ӈ̎LছLL ও NLBLিরQ ³ম ও ২য় LতLয় LরেLেরɪQ। R২ L*˅ ưLফট কLগW ͏LরL বϲ¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
³৬ | <NটLর RLড (বLQNL/Nফেeট): | eLDWঃ- 8¾˝x 11¾˝, 80 ¢Lম eLদL Nফেeট কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। 100 LতLর িতɪ RLড। িবflরɪিe মেNL¢Lমeহ ³ম Ӈঃ ছLL। NTেচ 4 fl*C <¢-<বLড ´ ও *ের িN*W ি* কLগW ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
³R | <NটLর RLড (বLQNL/Nফেeট): | eLDWঃ- 8¾˝x 11¾˝, 80 ¢Lম eLদL Nফেeট কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। 100 LতLর িতɪ RLড। eরকLির ও িবflরɪিe মেNL¢Lমeহ ³ম Ӈঃ ছLL। NTেচ 4 fl*C <¢-<বLড ´ ও *ের িN*W ি* কLগW ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
³& | কLNLরফLDNকভLর | eLDWঃ ˝কLNLর <বLড ´িবflরɪিeর মেNL¢Lমeহ। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
³৯ | ির̲DিWশN ি̥ বD чe-³8-ч): | eLDWঃ 5¾˝x11¼˝, 65 ¢Lম eӋW, <গLNLT ও eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। 3 LতLয় 1 <eট, 100 <eেট িতɪ বD। মেNL¢Lম eহ ছLL, NLBLিরQ ও <রLিNQ। ³ম ও ২য় কিেত LরেLেরɪQ, 72 Lঃ ưLফট কLগW ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
২o | <চকDE7েরিWPLর | eLDWঃ ˝ 22 L*˅ <NWLরেLর ͏LরL rতির ২oo LতL িতɪ <রিWPLর। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
২³ | কLেNকশN ক7Lশ বD: | eLDWঃ 8½˝ x13¼˝,22 Lঃ <NWLর <Lর ͏LরL rতরT। 100ɪ ফিNও NLBLেরর 200 LতLয় িতɪ বD। *ভয় Ӈ̎Lয় বLD কLNLর <রLিNQ মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL। 1½ Lঃ <¢-<বLড ´ ও চLম?Leহ মLেবN´ <Lর ͏LরL বL¢LD। িতɪ বDেয়র *ের <NেবN 4Lকেব। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
২২ | DE7 <রিW̌Lর: | eLDWঃ 7¾˝x12½˝, 55 ¢Lম eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। ফিNও NLBLেরর 200 LতLর িতɪ বD। *ভয় Ӈ̎Lয় মেNL¢Lম eহ ছLL ও বLD কLNLর <রLিNQ। 1½ Lঃ <¢ <বLড ´ eহ কL? ও মLেবN´ <Lর ͏LরL বϲ¢LD। িতɪ বDেয়র *ের <NেবN 4Lকেব। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T |
২৩ | ч-<ফLরখLম (eLদL) | eLDWঃ ˝িবflরɪিe ি͏তN বLেeর WNছLL, eরকLির ও িবflরɪিe মেNL¢Lমeহ 4 কLNLর Nেeট 100 ¢Lম কLগW ͏LরL rতির। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
২8 | িচ$রখLম (eLদL) | eLDWঃ ˝িবflরɪিe ি͏তN বLেeর WNছLL, eরকLির ও িবflরɪিe মেNL¢Lমeহ 4 কLNLর Nেeট 100 ¢Lম কLগW ͏LরL rতির। িত 100 িচরLবLর িদেয় বϲ¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
২8 | ɪч িবN ফরম (কমচ´ LরT): | eLDWঃ 14˝x17˝, 65 ¢Lম eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। *ভয় Ӈ̎Lয় মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL ³ম Ӈ̎L বLDকLNLর <রLিNQ। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
২৬ | ির̲DিWশNফরেPশNLরTবD | eLDWঃ ˝4ম LতL 41 ¢Lম <NWLর <Lর, ২য় LতL eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতির। মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLLবLD কLNLর <রLিNQ NLBLিরQ ২ LতLয় o³ <eট। 100 <eেট িতɪ বD। <NWLর <Lর LরেLেরɪQ 72 L*˅ ưLফট কLগW ͏LরL বϲ¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
২R | ি̥ RLড: | eLDWঃ 9 ˝eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT । ³oo LতL িতɪ RLড মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL। িNেচ 8 fl*C <¢েবLড ´ *ের িN*Wি* কLগেWর বϲ¢LD । (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
২& | <গDট Lশ বD (ɑLক): | 5 3 eLDWঃ 9˝x 4 ˝, eLদL, <গLNLT ও eӋW কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। িতN LতLয় чক <eট, ³oo <eেট িতɪ বD। ɑLেকর মেNL¢Lমeহ ³ম Ӈঃ ছLL ও NLBLিরQ। ³ম ও ২য় কিেত LরেLেরɪQ। R২ Lঃ ưLফট কLগW ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
২৯ | ɑLক ভL?Lর চLNLN (DNভেয়e বD): | eLDWঃ 7½˝ x 8¾˝, 41 ¢Lম ³ম <গLNLT, ২য় eLদL, ৩য় হqদ, 84 ´ NTN ও 8ম eӋW কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। 5 কিেত 1 <eট, 50 <eেট িতɪ বD। মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL ও NLBLরTQ। 72 Lঃ ưLফট কLগW ͏LরL <ি̌Q ও EতL ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |
৩o | ক7Lশ রিশদ বD (ɑLক): | 3 1 eLDWঃ 8 4 ˝ 4 2 ˝, <গLNLT, হqদ ও eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। িতN কিেত чক <eট, ³oo <eেট িতɪ বD। মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL ও NLBLিরQ। ³ম ও ২য় কিেত LরেLেরɪQ, R২ |
Lঃ ưLফট কLগW ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) | ||
৩³ | ওয়Lক´ NডL´র বD (ɑLক): | 1 1 eLDWঃ 8 2 ˝ 13 2 ˝, NTN, eӋW ও eLদL কLগW ͏LরL rতরT। মেNL¢Lমeহ ছLL ও NLBLরTQ। ৩ কিেত ³ <eট, ³oo <eেট িতɪ বD। R২ Lঃ ưLফট কLগW ͏LরL বL¢LD। (NӑNL NqÐLয়T) |