ACCOUNT ACCESS AUTHORIZATION. If you would like to authorize an individual(s) to be able to receive information on your account, please indicate their name(s) below. With your authorization, we will be able to provide information such as account balances, transaction information, and copies of statements and tax reports. *Note: Naming an individual below does not authorize the individual to transact on your behalf or make changes to your account. Authorized Individual(s): Relationship to you:
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Individual Retirement Account (Ira) Application and Adoption Agreement, Inherited Ira Application and Adoption Agreement, Simple Individual Retirement Account (Ira) Application and Adoption Agreement
ACCOUNT ACCESS AUTHORIZATION. If you would like to authorize an individual(s) to be able to receive information on your account, please indicate their name(s) below. With your authorization, we will be able to provide information such as account balances, transaction information, and copies of statements and tax reports. *Note: Naming an individual below does not authorize the individual to transact on your behalf or make changes to your account. Authorized Individual(s): Relationship to you:
1. 2.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Simple Individual Retirement Account (Ira) Application and Adoption Agreement, Coverdell Education Savings Account Application & Adoption Agreement, Ira Application and Adoption Agreement