Account Aggregation Service Terms of Use. These Account Aggregation Service Terms of Use (Terms) will govern your use of the account aggregation service made available to you by Ally Bank. These Terms are a supplement to any existing Online Services Agreement you have with Ally Bank, its subsidiaries or affiliates. The ACCOUNT AGGREGATION SERVICE is provided as a convenience and should not be considered a substitute or replacement for account statements or other documentation provided by Ally or OTHER THIRD-PARTY account providers. Please consult your official account statements for information regarding your account balances, transactions or investments.
Account Aggregation Service Terms of Use. These Account Aggregation Service Terms of Use (“AAS Terms”) will govern your use of the account aggregation service made available to you by the Bank. These AAS Terms are a supplement to the other sections of this Agreement and to any other existing agreement that you have with the Bank, its subsidiaries, or its affiliates. The account aggregation service is provided as a convenience and should not be considered a substitute or replacement for account statements or other documentation provided by the Bank or other third-party account providers. Please consult your official account statements for information regarding your account balances, transactions or investments.