Common use of ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Clause in Contracts

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS. The following acronyms are used for the purpose of this agreement. A ACCS Army Command and Control System (US)/Air Command and Control System (NATO) Accel Acceleration ACK Acknowledge ACM Airspace Control Means ACO Airspace Control Order ADatP-3 Allied Data Publication – 3 ADT Air Data Terminal AGL Above Ground Level AMPS Aviation Mission Planning System ANSI American National Standards Institute AOA Angle Of Attack AOI Area Of Interest AP Allied Publication/Alliance Publication API Application Program(ming) Interface ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASM Air Space Management ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare ATC Air Traffic Control ATP Allied Tactical Publication ATR Automatic Target Recognition ATS Air Traffic Services AV Air Vehicle AVC Air Vehicle Control B BDA Battle Damage Assessment BER Bit Error Rate BIT Built-in-Test BITE Built-in-Test Equipment BLOS Beyond Line of Sight BOM Bit-Oriented Message C C2 Command and Control C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence CBIT Continuous Built-in-Test CCI Command & Control Interface CCISM Command and Control Interface Specific Module CDL Common Data Link CEN European Standardisation Organisation CEP Circular Error Probability CFOV Centre Field of View CG Centre of Gravity CGS Common Ground Segment/Common Ground Station/Common Ground System CIRC Circular CJTF Combined Joint Task Force CL Connectionless Cm Centimetres CO Connection Oriented XXX Common Operating Environment CONOPS Concept of Operations COP Common Operational Picture CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf CR Communications Relay CRD Common Route Definition CRT Cathode Ray Tube CUCS Core UAV Control System D DC Direct Current DCE Distributed Computing Environment DCM Data Link Control Module DIGEST Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard DII Defence Information Infrastructure DII/XXX Defence Information Infrastructure/Common Operating Environment DIN Deutsche Institut fur Normung DL Data Link DLI Data Link Interface DoD Department of Defence DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data E ECM Electronic Counter Measures EIA Electronic Industries Association EIA/IS EIA Interim Standard ELINT Electronic Intelligence EMCON Emission Control EO Electro-Optical EO/IR Electro Optical/Infrared EP External pilot ERF Ego-Referenced Frame ERS Emergency Recovery System ESM Electronic Support Measures ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute EW Electronic Warfare FLIR Forward Looking Infrared FOB Forward Operations Base FOV Field of View FT Flight Termination FTP File Transfer Protocol G GDT Ground Data Terminal GMT Greenwich Mean Time GMTI Ground Moving Target Indicator GOTS Government Off-The-Shelf GPS Global Positioning System GUI Graphical User Interface H XXXX High Altitude, Long Endurance HCI Human Computer Interface HF High Frequency HSI Hyperspectral Imagery HL Hand Launched HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol Hz Hertz, cycles per second I I/O Input/Output IA International Agreement ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation ID Identification IDD Interface Design Description/Interface Definition Document IEA Information Exchange Agreements IEC International Enterprise Committee/International Electro technical Commission IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IER Information Exchange Requirements IES Imagery Exploitation System IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IFF Identification Friend or Foe IL Image Library INS Inertial Navigation System IP Internet Protocol/Internal Pilot IPS Image Print Services IPX NetWare Transport Protocol IR Infrared IRS Interface Requirements Specifications ISAR Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISG Industry Support Group ISO International Organisation for Standardisation ISO/CD Committee Draft of ISO ISO/DIS Draft International Standard of ISO ISR Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance ISTAR Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance ITDP International Technology Demonstration Program ITU International Telecommunication Union ITU-T(SB) International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications (Standardisation Bureau) J JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander JFC Joint Force Commander JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group JSH JASA Standards Handbook JSWG JASA Standards Working Group JTA Joint Technical Architecture JTF Joint Task Force JTFC Joint Task Force Commander K Kilo 1,000 Km Kilometres L L&R Launch and Recovery L-16 Link-16 (TADIL-J message standard) LIDAR Light Detection And Ranging LAN Local Area Network LAS Local Access Subsystem LB Land-Based LCD Liquid Crystal Display LOI Level of Interoperability LOS Line of Sight LRF Laser Range Finder M MAV Micro Air Vehicle Mb Megabit MB Megabyte Mb/s Megabits per second MB/s Megabytes per second Met Meteorological MGRS Military Grid Reference System MIJI Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference MIL Military MIL-STD Military Standard MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension MIN Minimum MMP Modular Mission Payload MMS Manufacturing Messaging Specification MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOTS Military Off-The-Shelf MOU Memorandum of Understanding MP Mission Planning/Mission Planner MPEG Motion Pictures Experts Group MPO Mission Planning Operator/Mission /Payload Operator MPS Metres per second MSE Mobile Subscriber Equipment Msg Message MSI Multi-Spectral Imagery MSK Minimum Shift Keying MSL Mean Sea Level MTF Message Text Formats MTI Moving Target Indicator N N/A Not Applicable NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NBC Nuclear, Biological and Chemical NC3TA NATO C3 Technical Architecture NCIS NATO Common Interoperability Standards NCOE NATO Common Operating Environment NCSP NC3 Common Standards Profile Near RT Near Real Time NED NATO Effective Date NIIA NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture NIMP NATO Interoperability Management Plan NIIRS National Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale NIPD NATO Interoperability Planning Document NITF National Imagery Transmission Format NITFS National Imagery Transmission Format Standard Nm Nanometre NNAG NATO Naval Armaments Group NOSIP NATO Open System Interconnection Profile NOTS NATO Off-The-Shelf NRBC Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical NRT Non-Real Time NSA NATO Standardisation Agency NSE Non Standard Equipment NSIF NATO Secondary Imagery Format NSIL NATO Standard Image Library NSILI NATO Standard Image Library Interface NSR NATO Staff Requirements NTF Network File Server NTIS NATO Technical Interoperability Standards NTSC National Transmission Standards Committee O OPFOR Opposing Force OPS Operations OSE Open System Environment OSI Open System Interconnection (model) OTH Over The Horizon OTH-T Over The Horizon – Targeting PDF Portable Document Format PDU Power Distribution Unit PG/35 Project Group 35 PO Payload Operator Pyld Payload QoS Quality of Service R Rad Radians RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Disks RECCEXRE Reconnaissance Exploitation Report RF Radio Frequency RFC Request for Comment ROS Relief on Station/Rules of Safety RP Route Plan Rpt Report RT Real Time RTP Real Time Protocol/ Real Time Processor Rx Receive S SA Situational Awareness SALUTE Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar/Search And Rescue SATCOM Satellite Communications SB Sea-based SEC Seconds SED Signal External Descriptor SIGINT Signals Intelligence SINCGARS Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNR Signal to Noise Ratio ST Specialist Team STANAG (NATO) Standardisation Agreement T TBD To Be Defined TCDL Tactical Common Data Link TCP/IP Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Tgt Target TV Television TX Transmit U UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle UB Unified Build UCAV Unmanned/ Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle UCT Universal Coordinated Time UDP User Datagram Protocol UES UAV Exploitation System UHF Ultra High Frequency UI User Interface UJTL Universal Joint Task List UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply URL Uniform Resource Locator USIS United States Imagery Standards USMTF United States Message Text Formatting UTC Universal Time Coordinated UTM Universal Transverse Mercator VCR Video Cassette Recorder VDL VHF Data Link VDU Visual Display Unit VHF Very High Frequency VISP Video Imagery Standards Profile VMAP Vector Map VMF Variable Message Format VSM Vehicle Specific Module W WAN Wide Area Network WAS Wide Area Subsystem WGS-84 World Geodetic System – 84 WIMP Windows, Icons, Mouse and Pull-down/pop-up (menus) WP Waypoint WRF World-Referenced Frame X XML Extended Mark-up Language Y Z

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Samples: Record of Amendments

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ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS. The following acronyms are used for the purpose of this agreement. A ACCS Army Command and Control System (US)/Air Command and Control System (NATO) Accel Acceleration ACK Acknowledge ACM Airspace Control Means ACO Airspace Control Order ADatP-3 Allied A- AOT Aerosol Optical Thickness APID Application Process Identifiers ARM Atmospheric Radiation Measurement ASDC Atmospheric Science Data Publication – 3 ADT Air Data Terminal AGL Above Ground Level AMPS Aviation Mission Planning System ANSI American National Standards Institute AOA Angle Of Attack AOI Area Of Interest AP Allied Publication/Alliance Publication API Application Program(ming) Interface ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASM Air Space Management ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare ATC Air Traffic Control ATP Allied Tactical Publication ATR Automatic Target Recognition ATS Air Traffic Services AV Air Vehicle AVC Air Vehicle Control B BDA Battle Damage Assessment BER Bit Error Rate BIT Built-in-Test BITE Built-in-Test Equipment BLOS Beyond Line of Sight BOM Bit-Oriented Message C C2 Command and Control C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence CBIT Continuous Built-in-Test CCI Command & Control Interface CCISM Command and Control Interface Specific Module CDL Center ATBD Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document -B- BSRN Baseline Surface Radiation Network -C- CDFCB Common Data Link CEN European Standardisation Organisation CEP Circular Error Probability CFOV Centre Field of View CG Centre of Gravity CGS Common Ground Segment/Common Ground Station/Common Ground Format Control Book CDR Climate Data Record CERES Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System CIRC Circular CJTF Combined Joint Task Force CL Connectionless Cm Centimetres CO Connection Oriented XXX Common Operating Environment CONOPS Concept of Operations COP Common Operational Picture CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture COTS CommercialCLASS Comprehensive Large Array-Off-The-Shelf CR Communications Relay CRD Common Route Definition CRT Cathode Ray Tube CUCS Core UAV Control Data Stewardship System D DC Direct Current DCE DAAC Distributed Computing Environment DCM Active Archive Center DMT Data Link Control Module DIGEST Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard DII Defence Information Infrastructure DII/XXX Defence Information Infrastructure/Common Operating Environment DIN Deutsche Institut fur Normung DL Data Link DLI Data Link Interface DoD Management Team DOE Department of Defence DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Energy -E- ECS EOSDIS Core System EOS Earth Observing System EOSDIS Earth Observing System Data E ECM Electronic Counter Measures EIA Electronic Industries Association EIA/IS EIA Interim Standard ELINT Electronic Intelligence EMCON Emission and Information System ERBCARS Earth Radiation Budget Climate Analysis Research System -F- FM5 Flight Model 5 FRR Flight Readiness Review -G- GSFC Xxxxxxx Space Flight Center -I- ICD Interface Control EO Electro-Optical EO/IR Electro Optical/Infrared EP External pilot ERF Ego-Referenced Frame ERS Emergency Recovery System ESM Electronic Support Measures ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute EW Electronic Warfare FLIR Forward Looking Infrared FOB Forward Document IDPS Interface Data Processing Segment IOT Instrument Operations Base FOV Field of View FT Flight Termination FTP File Transfer Protocol G GDT Ground Data Terminal GMT Greenwich Mean Time GMTI Ground Moving Target Indicator GOTS Government Off-The-Shelf GPS Global Positioning System GUI Graphical User Interface H XXXX High Altitude, Long Endurance HCI Human Computer Interface HF High Frequency HSI Hyperspectral Imagery HL Hand Launched HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol Hz Hertz, cycles per second I I/O Input/Output IA International Agreement ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation ID Identification IDD Interface Design Description/Interface Definition Document IEA Information Exchange Agreements IEC International Enterprise Committee/International Electro technical Commission IEEE Institute of Electrical Team IT Investigation Team I&T Integration and Electronics Engineers IER Information Exchange Requirements IES Imagery Exploitation System IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IFF Identification Friend or Foe IL Image Library INS Inertial Navigation System IP Internet Protocol/Internal Pilot IPS Image Print Services IPX NetWare Transport Protocol IR Infrared IRS Test IRD Interface Requirements Specifications ISAR Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar ISDN Document -L- LaRC Xxxxxxx Research Center LRR Launch Readiness Review -M- MMC Mission Management Center MODAPS MODIS Adaptive Processing System MODIS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MOR Mission Operations Review MOT Mission Operations Team MOWG Mission Operations Working Group MRFG Mission Rehearsal Focus Group MTRR Mission Test Readiness Review -N- NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NESDIS National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service NICST NPP Instrument Calibration and Support Team NISN NASA Integrated Services Digital Network ISG Industry Support Group ISO International Organisation NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NPOESS National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System NPP NPOESS Preparatory Project NSOF NOAA Satellite Operations Facility NVCD NPP VIIRS for Standardisation ISO/CD Committee Draft of ISO ISO/DIS Draft International Standard of ISO ISR Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance ISTAR Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition CERES Data -X- XXX Operational Handover Review XXX Operations Readiness Review ORT Operations Readiness Test -P- PEATE Product Evaluation and Reconnaissance ITDP International Technology Demonstration Program ITU International Telecommunication Union ITU-T(SB) International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications (Standardisation Bureau) J JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander JFC Joint Force Commander JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group JSH JASA Standards Handbook JSWG JASA Standards Working Group JTA Joint Technical Architecture JTF Joint Task Force JTFC Joint Task Force Commander K Kilo 1,000 Km Kilometres L L&R Launch Algorithm Tool Element PGE Product Generation Executive -R- RDR Raw Data Record -S- SCA Satellite Control Authority SCF Science Computing Facility SDS Science Data Segment SD3E SDS Data Depository and Recovery L-16 Link-16 (TADIL-J message standard) LIDAR Light Detection And Ranging LAN Local Area Network LAS Local Access Subsystem LB Land-Based LCD Liquid Crystal Display LOI Level of Interoperability LOS Line of Sight LRF Laser Range Finder M MAV Micro Air Vehicle Mb Megabit MB Megabyte Mb/s Megabits per second MB/s Megabytes per second Met Meteorological MGRS Military Grid Reference Distribution Element SEMP System MIJI Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference MIL Military MIL-STD Military Standard MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension MIN Minimum MMP Modular Mission Payload MMS Manufacturing Messaging Specification MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOTS Military Off-The-Shelf MOU Memorandum of Understanding MP Mission Planning/Mission Planner MPEG Motion Pictures Experts Group MPO Mission Planning Operator/Mission /Payload Operator MPS Metres per second MSE Mobile Subscriber Equipment Msg Message MSI Multi-Spectral Imagery MSK Minimum Shift Keying MSL Mean Sea Level MTF Message Text Formats MTI Moving Target Indicator N N/A Not Applicable NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NBC Nuclear, Biological and Chemical NC3TA NATO C3 Technical Architecture NCIS NATO Common Interoperability Standards NCOE NATO Common Operating Environment NCSP NC3 Common Standards Profile Near RT Near Real Time NED NATO Effective Date NIIA NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture NIMP NATO Interoperability Engineering Management Plan NIIRS National Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale NIPD NATO Interoperability Planning Document NITF National Imagery Transmission Format NITFS National Imagery Transmission Format Standard Nm Nanometre NNAG NATO Naval Armaments Group NOSIP NATO Open SIPS Science Investigator-led Processing System Interconnection Profile NOTS NATO Off-The-Shelf NRBC Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical NRT Non-Real Time NSA NATO Standardisation Agency NSE Non Standard Equipment NSIF NATO Secondary Imagery Format NSIL NATO Standard Image Library NSILI NATO Standard Image Library Interface NSR NATO Staff Requirements NTF Network File Server NTIS NATO Technical Interoperability Standards NTSC National Transmission Standards Committee O OPFOR Opposing Force OPS Operations OSE Open System Environment OSI Open System Interconnection (model) OTH Over The Horizon OTH-T Over The Horizon – Targeting PDF Portable Document Format PDU Power Distribution Unit PG/35 Project Group 35 PO Payload Operator Pyld Payload QoS Quality of Service R Rad Radians RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Disks RECCEXRE Reconnaissance Exploitation Report RF Radio Frequency RFC Request for Comment ROS Relief on Station/Rules of Safety RP Route Plan Rpt Report RT Real Time RTP Real Time Protocol/ Real Time Processor Rx Receive S SA Situational Awareness SALUTE Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar/Search And Rescue SATCOM Satellite Communications SB Sea-based SEC Seconds SED Signal External Descriptor SIGINT Signals Intelligence SINCGARS Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNR Signal to Noise Ratio ST Specialist Team STANAG (NATO) Standardisation Agreement T TBD To Be Defined TCDL Tactical Common Data Link TCP/IP Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Tgt Target TV Television TX Transmit U UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle UB Unified Build UCAV Unmanned/ Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle UCT Universal Coordinated Time UDP User Datagram Protocol UES UAV Exploitation System UHF Ultra High Frequency UI User Interface UJTL Universal Joint Task List UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply URL Uniform Resource Locator USIS United States Imagery Standards USMTF United States Message Text Formatting UTC Universal Time Coordinated UTM Universal Transverse Mercator VCR Video Cassette Recorder VDL VHF Data Link VDU Visual Display Unit VHF Very High Frequency VISP Video Imagery Standards Profile VMAP Vector Map VMF Variable Message Format VSM Vehicle Specific Module W WAN Wide Area Network WAS Wide Area Subsystem WGS-84 World Geodetic System – 84 WIMP Windows, Icons, Mouse and Pull-down/pop-up (menus) WP Waypoint WRF World-Referenced Frame X XML Extended Mark-up Language Y Z-T- TRMM Tropical Rain Measuring Mission

Appears in 1 contract


ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS. The following acronyms are used for the purpose of this agreement. A ACCS Army Command and Control System (US)/Air Command and Control System (NATO) Accel Acceleration ACK Acknowledge ACM Airspace Control Means ACO Airspace Control Order ADatP-3 Allied Data Publication – 3 ADT Air Data Terminal AGL Above Ground Level AMPS Aviation Mission Planning System ANSI American National Standards Institute AOA Angle Of Attack AOI Area Of Interest AP Allied Publication/Alliance Publication API Application Program(ming) Interface ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASM Air Space Management ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare ATC Air Traffic Control ATP Allied Tactical Publication ATR Automatic Target Recognition ATS Air Traffic Services AV Air Vehicle AVC Air Vehicle Control B BDA Battle Damage Assessment BER Bit Error Rate BIT Built-in-Test BITE Built-in-Test Equipment BLOS Beyond Line of Sight BOM Bit-Oriented Message C C2 Command and Control C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence CBIT Continuous Built-in-Test CCI Command & Control Interface CCISM Command and Control Interface Specific Module CDL Common Data Link CEN European Standardisation Organisation CEP Circular Error Probability CFOV Centre Field of View CG Centre of Gravity CGS Common Ground Segment/Common Ground Station/Common Ground System CIRC Circular CJTF Combined Joint Task Force CL Connectionless Cm Centimetres CO Connection Oriented XXX Common Operating Environment CONOPS Concept of Operations COP Common Operational Picture CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf CR Communications Relay CRD Common Route Definition CRT Cathode Ray Tube CUCS Core UAV Control System D DC Direct Current DCE Distributed Computing Environment DCM Data Link Control Module DIGEST Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard DII Defence Information Infrastructure DII/XXX Defence Information Infrastructure/Common Operating Environment DIN Deutsche Institut fur Normung DL Data Link DLI Data Link Interface DoD Department of Defence DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data E ECM Electronic Counter Measures EIA Electronic Industries Association EIA/IS EIA Interim Standard ELINT Electronic Intelligence EMCON Emission Control EO Electro-Optical EO/IR Electro Optical/Infrared EP External pilot ERF Ego-Referenced Frame ERS Emergency Recovery System ESM Electronic Support Measures ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute EW Electronic Warfare F FLIR Forward Looking Infrared FOB Forward Operations Base FOV Field of View FT Flight Termination FTP File Transfer Protocol G GDT Ground Data Terminal GMT Greenwich Mean Time GMTI Ground Moving Target Indicator GOTS Government Off-The-Shelf GPS Global Positioning System GUI Graphical User Interface H XXXX High Altitude, Long Endurance HCI Human Computer Interface HF High Frequency HSI Hyperspectral Imagery HL Hand Launched HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol Hz Hertz, cycles per second I I/O Input/Output IA International Agreement ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation ID Identification IDD Interface Design Description/Interface Definition Document IEA Information Exchange Agreements IEC International Enterprise Committee/International Electro technical Commission IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IER Information Exchange Requirements IES Imagery Exploitation System IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IFF Identification Friend or Foe IL Image Library INS Inertial Navigation System IP Internet Protocol/Internal Pilot IPS Image Print Services IPX NetWare Transport Protocol IR Infrared IRS Interface Requirements Specifications ISAR Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISG Industry Support Group ISO International Organisation for Standardisation ISO/CD Committee Draft of ISO ISO/DIS Draft International Standard of ISO ISR Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance ISTAR Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance ITDP International Technology Demonstration Program ITU International Telecommunication Union ITU-T(SB) International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications (Standardisation Bureau) J JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander JFC Joint Force Commander JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group JSH JASA Standards Handbook JSWG JASA Standards Working Group JTA Joint Technical Architecture JTF Joint Task Force JTFC Joint Task Force Commander K Kilo 1,000 Km Kilometres L L&R Launch and Recovery L-16 Link-16 (TADIL-J message standard) LIDAR Light Detection And Ranging LAN Local Area Network LAS Local Access Subsystem LB Land-Based LCD Liquid Crystal Display LOI Level of Interoperability LOS Line of Sight LRF Laser Range Finder M MAV Micro Air Vehicle Mb Megabit MB Megabyte Mb/s Megabits per second MB/s Megabytes per second Met Meteorological MGRS Military Grid Reference System MIJI Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference MIL Military MIL-STD Military Standard MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension MIN Minimum MMP Modular Mission Payload MMS Manufacturing Messaging Specification MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOTS Military Off-The-Shelf MOU Memorandum of Understanding MP Mission Planning/Mission Planner MPEG Motion Pictures Experts Group MPO Mission Planning Operator/Mission /Payload Operator MPS Metres per second MSE Mobile Subscriber Equipment Msg Message MSI Multi-Spectral Imagery MSK Minimum Shift Keying MSL Mean Sea Level MTF Message Text Formats MTI Moving Target Indicator N N/A Not Applicable NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NBC Nuclear, Biological and Chemical NC3TA NATO C3 Technical Architecture NCIS NATO Common Interoperability Standards NCOE NATO Common Operating Environment NCSP NC3 Common Standards Profile Near RT Near Real Time NED NATO Effective Date NIIA NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture NIMP NATO Interoperability Management Plan NIIRS National Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale NIPD NATO Interoperability Planning Document NITF National Imagery Transmission Format NITFS National Imagery Transmission Format Standard Nm Nanometre NNAG NATO Naval Armaments Group NOSIP NATO Open System Interconnection Profile NOTS NATO Off-The-Shelf NRBC Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical NRT Non-Real Time NSA NATO Standardisation Agency NSE Non Standard Equipment NSIF NATO Secondary Imagery Format NSIL NATO Standard Image Library NSILI NATO Standard Image Library Interface NSR NATO Staff Requirements NTF Network File Server NTIS NATO Technical Interoperability Standards NTSC National Transmission Standards Committee O OPFOR Opposing Force OPS Operations OSE Open System Environment OSI Open System Interconnection (model) OTH Over The Horizon OTH-T Over The Horizon – Targeting PDF Portable Document Format PDU Power Distribution Unit PG/35 Project Group 35 PO Payload Operator Pyld Payload QoS Quality of Service R Rad Radians RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Disks RECCEXRE Reconnaissance Exploitation Report RF Radio Frequency RFC Request for Comment ROS Relief on Station/Rules of Safety RP Route Plan Rpt Report RT Real Time RTP Real Time Protocol/ Real Time Processor Rx Receive S SA Situational Awareness SALUTE Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar/Search And Rescue SATCOM Satellite Communications SB Sea-based SEC Seconds SED Signal External Descriptor SIGINT Signals Intelligence SINCGARS Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNR Signal to Noise Ratio ST Specialist Team STANAG (NATO) Standardisation Agreement T TBD To Be Defined TCDL Tactical Common Data Link TCP/IP Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Tgt Target TV Television TX Transmit U UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle UB Unified Build UCAV Unmanned/ Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle UCT Universal Coordinated Time UDP User Datagram Protocol UES UAV Exploitation System UHF Ultra High Frequency UI User Interface UJTL Universal Joint Task List UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply URL Uniform Resource Locator USIS United States Imagery Standards USMTF United States Message Text Formatting UTC Universal Time Coordinated UTM Universal Transverse Mercator VCR Video Cassette Recorder VDL VHF Data Link VDU Visual Display Unit VHF Very High Frequency VISP Video Imagery Standards Profile VMAP Vector Map VMF Variable Message Format VSM Vehicle Specific Module W WAN Wide Area Network WAS Wide Area Subsystem WGS-84 World Geodetic System – 84 WIMP Windows, Icons, Mouse and Pull-down/pop-up (menus) WP Waypoint WRF World-Referenced Frame X XML Extended Mark-up Language Y ZY

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ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS. The following A list of acronyms are and abbreviations used in this document follows in the table below. Abbreviation or Acronym Description ACK Acknowledgment AEO Authorised Economic Operator AG Assignment Group (in SYNERGIA SMT) BPMN Business Process Modelling Notation CCN/CSI Common Communication Network/Common Systems Interface CCN2 Common Communications Network 2 (middleware) CDCO Centrally Developed Centrally Operated CDMS Customs Decisions Management System CET Central European Time CI Configuration Item Abbreviation or Acronym Description CIRCABC Portal of collaborative workspace for partners of the European Institutions COL Customs Office List COPIS anti-COunterfeit and anti-Piracy Information System COTS Commercial Off the Shelf Software CPT Central Project Team CS/MIS Central Services / Management Information System CS/RD Central Services / Reference Data CS/RD2 Central Services / Reference Data 2 CSD Central Service Desk CSDO Central Service Desk Operator CT Conformance Testing CTP Conformance Test Protocol CUST/DEV Contractor DG TAXUD contractor responsible for the purpose production and maintenance of this agreement. A ACCS Army Command technical and security specifications and development and maintenance of the centrally developed applications DBA Database Administrator DDNA Design Document for National Application DIGIT Directorate General Informatics DG TAXUD Directorate General of Taxation and Customs Union DQR Delivery and Qualification Report ECS Export Control System EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport EO Economic Operator EORI Economic Operators Registration and Identification EOS Economic Operator System ESS Employee Self Service (US)/Air Command part of SYNERGIA SMT) (xxxxx://xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx/smt/xxx.xx) EU SW-CVED European Union Single Window - Common Veterinary Entry Document FMB Functional MailBox NIAM National Identity and Access Management System ICS Import Control System (NATO) Accel Acceleration ACK Acknowledge ACM Airspace Control Means ACO Airspace Control Order ADatP-3 Allied Data Publication – 3 ADT Air Data Terminal AGL Above Ground Level AMPS Aviation Mission Planning System ANSI American National Standards Institute AOA Angle Of Attack AOI Area Of Interest AP Allied PublicationAbbreviation or Acronym Description IRF Incident Report Form INC Incident IT Information Technology ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library ITSM IT Service Management ITSM/Alliance Publication API Application Program(ming) Interface ASCII American Standard Code Business Monitoring DG TAXUD contractor responsible for the monitoring of the Business ITSM/CCN-OPS Information Interchange ASM Air Space Management ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare ATC Air Traffic Control ATP Allied Tactical Publication ATR Automatic Target Recognition ATS Air Traffic Technology Service management / Common Communications Network - Operations ITSM Contractor DG TAXUD contractor responsible for among other operating Central Services AV Air Vehicle AVC Air Vehicle Control B BDA Battle Damage Assessment BER Bit Error Rate BIT Built-in-Test BITE Built-in-Test Equipment BLOS Beyond Line of Sight BOM Bit-Oriented Message C C2 Command and Control C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence CBIT Continuous Built-in-Test CCI Command & Control Interface CCISM Command and Control Interface Specific Module CDL Common Data Link CEN European Standardisation Organisation CEP Circular Error Probability CFOV Centre Field of View CG Centre of Gravity CGS Common Ground Segment/Common Ground Station/Common Ground System CIRC Circular CJTF Combined Joint Task Force CL Connectionless Cm Centimetres CO Connection Oriented XXX Common Operating Environment CONOPS Concept of Operations COP Common Operational Picture CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf CR Communications Relay CRD Common Route Definition CRT Cathode Ray Tube CUCS Core UAV Control System D DC Direct Current DCE Distributed Computing Environment DCM Data Link Control Module DIGEST Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard DII Defence Information Infrastructure DII/XXX Defence Information Infrastructure/Common Operating Environment DIN Deutsche Institut fur Normung DL Data Link DLI Data Link Interface DoD Department of Defence DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data E ECM Electronic Counter Measures EIA Electronic Industries Association EIA/IS EIA Interim Standard ELINT Electronic Intelligence EMCON Emission Control EO Electro-Optical EO/IR Electro Optical/Infrared EP External pilot ERF Ego-Referenced Frame ERS Emergency Recovery System ESM Electronic Support Measures ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute EW Electronic Warfare FLIR Forward Looking Infrared FOB Forward Operations Base FOV Field of View FT Flight Termination FTP File Transfer Protocol G GDT Ground Data Terminal GMT Greenwich Mean Time GMTI Ground Moving Target Indicator GOTS Government Off-The-Shelf GPS Global Positioning System GUI Graphical User Interface H XXXX High Altitude, Long Endurance HCI Human Computer Interface HF High Frequency HSI Hyperspectral Imagery HL Hand Launched HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol Hz Hertz, cycles per second I I/O Input/Output IA International Agreement ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation ID Identification IDD Interface Design Description/Interface Definition Document IEA Information Exchange Agreements IEC International Enterprise Committee/International Electro technical Commission IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IER Information Exchange Requirements IES Imagery Exploitation System IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IFF Identification Friend or Foe IL Image Library INS Inertial Navigation System IP Internet Protocol/Internal Pilot IPS Image Print Services IPX NetWare Transport Protocol IR Infrared IRS Interface Requirements Specifications ISAR Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISG Industry Support Group ISO International Organisation for Standardisation ISO/CD Committee Draft of ISO ISO/DIS Draft International Standard of ISO ISR Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance ISTAR Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance ITDP International Technology Demonstration Program ITU International Telecommunication Union ITU-T(SB) International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications (Standardisation Bureau) J JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander JFC Joint Force Commander JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group JSH JASA Standards Handbook JSWG JASA Standards Working Group JTA Joint Technical Architecture JTF Joint Task Force JTFC Joint Task Force Commander K Kilo 1,000 Km Kilometres L L&R Launch and Recovery L-16 Link-16 (TADIL-J message standard) LIDAR Light Detection And Ranging LAN Local Area Network LAS Local Access Subsystem LB Land-Based LCD Liquid Crystal Display LOI Level of Interoperability LOS Line of Sight LRF Laser Range Finder M MAV Micro Air Vehicle Mb Megabit MB Megabyte Mb/s Megabits per second MB/s Megabytes per second Met Meteorological MGRS Military Grid Reference System MIJI Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference MIL Military MIL-STD Military Standard MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension MIN Minimum MMP Modular Mission Payload MMS Manufacturing Messaging Specification MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOTS Military Off-The-Shelf MOU Memorandum of Understanding MP Mission Planning/Mission Planner MPEG Motion Pictures Experts Group MPO Mission Planning Operator/Mission /Payload Operator MPS Metres per second MSE Mobile Subscriber Equipment Msg Message MSI Multi-Spectral Imagery MSK Minimum Shift Keying MSL Mean Sea Level MTF Message Text Formats MTI Moving Target Indicator N testing the centrally developed applications MSA Member State Administration N/A Not Applicable NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NBC Nuclear, Biological and Chemical NC3TA NATO C3 Technical Architecture NCIS NATO Common Interoperability Standards NCOE NATO Common Operating Environment NCSP NC3 Common Standards Profile Near RT Near Real Time NED NATO Effective Date NIIA NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture NIMP NATO Interoperability Management Plan NIIRS NA National Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale NIPD NATO Interoperability Planning Document NITF Administration NCA National Imagery Transmission Format NITFS Customs Application NCTS New Computerised Transit System NPM National Imagery Transmission Format Standard Nm Nanometre NNAG NATO Naval Armaments Group NOSIP NATO Open Project Manager NSD National Service Desk NSDM National Service Desk Manager QA Quality Assurance XXX Registered Exporters System Interconnection Profile NOTS NATO Off-The-Shelf NRBC Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical NRT Non-Real Time NSA NATO Standardisation Agency NSE Non Standard Equipment NSIF NATO Secondary Imagery Format NSIL NATO Standard Image Library NSILI NATO Standard Image Library Interface NSR NATO Staff Requirements NTF Network File Server NTIS NATO Technical Interoperability Standards NTSC National Transmission Standards Committee O OPFOR Opposing Force OPS Operations OSE Open System Environment OSI Open System Interconnection (model) OTH Over The Horizon OTH-T Over The Horizon – Targeting PDF Portable Document Format PDU Power Distribution Unit PG/35 Project Group 35 PO Payload Operator Pyld Payload QoS Quality of Service R Rad Radians RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Disks RECCEXRE Reconnaissance Exploitation Report RF Radio Frequency RFC Request for Comment ROS Relief on Station/Rules Change SAT Site Acceptance Test SDO Service Desk Operator SLA Service Level Agreement STTA Standard Transit Test Application SW Single Window SYNERGIA SMT DG TAXUD Service Desk Management Tool TEMPO Quality Management System of Safety RP Route Plan Rpt Report RT Real Time RTP Real Time Protocol/ Real Time Processor Rx Receive S SA Situational Awareness SALUTE Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar/Search And Rescue SATCOM Satellite Communications SB SeaDG TAXUD IT (TAXUD Electronic Management of Projects On-based SEC Seconds SED Signal External Descriptor SIGINT Signals Intelligence SINCGARS Single Channel Ground line) TES Trans-European Systems Abbreviation or Acronym Description TOC Terms of Collaboration TTA Transit Test Application UUM&DS Uniform User Management and Airborne Radio System SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNR Signal to Noise Ratio ST Specialist Team STANAG (NATO) Standardisation Agreement T TBD To Be Defined TCDL Tactical Common Data Link TCP/IP Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Tgt Target TV Television TX Transmit U UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle UB Unified Build UCAV Unmanned/ Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle UCT Universal Coordinated Time UDP User Datagram Protocol UES UAV Exploitation System UHF Ultra High Frequency UI User Interface UJTL Universal Joint Task List UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply URL Uniform Resource Locator USIS United States Imagery Standards USMTF United States Message Text Formatting UTC Universal Time Coordinated UTM Universal Transverse Mercator VCR Video Cassette Recorder VDL VHF Data Link VDU Visual Display Unit VHF Very High Frequency VISP Video Imagery Standards Profile VMAP Vector Map VMF Variable Message Format VSM Vehicle Specific Module W WAN Wide Area Network WAS Wide Area Subsystem WGS-84 World Geodetic System – 84 WIMP Windows, Icons, Mouse and Pull-down/pop-up (menus) WP Waypoint WRF World-Referenced Frame X Digital Signatures XLS Microsoft Excel™ file type XML Extended Mark-up Language Y ZeXtensible Markup Language

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ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS. ACCOBAMS Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area APENA EU funded project “Support to Ukraine in approximation of the EU environmental acquis” BS Black Sea BS WQD Black Sea Water Quality Database BSC Black Sea Commission (Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution) BSC AG Black Sea Commission Advisory Group BSCBD Black Sea Clean Beach Day BSEC Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation BSIS The following acronyms are used Black Sea Information System BSIMAP Black Sea Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme BSS Black Sea Synergy BSSPs Black Sea Specific Pollutants CBC Cross-border cooperation DCT Data Collection Template DG ENV Directorate-General for Environment DG NEAR Directorate-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations EaP Eastern Partnership EC European Commission xXXX Environmental DNA EEA European Environment Agency EMODNet project ENP European Neighbourhood Policy ENPI European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument EU European Union EUWI European Union Water Initiative FAFA Financial and Administrative Framework Agreement FP Framework Programme FSTP Financial support to third parties GE Georgia GEF Global Environment Facility GES Good Environmental Status GFCM General Fisheries Commission for the purpose Mediterranean HELCOM Helsinki Commission ICES International Counsel for the Exploration of this agreement. A ACCS Army Command the Sea ICPDR International Commission for Protection of Danube River IP Indicative programme (EU) IPCHEM Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management JBSS Joint Black Sea Survey XXXX Joint Open Sea Survey JRC EC Joint Research Centre MENR Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine MEPA (MENRP) Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (former Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection) MISIS MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System project ML Marine Litter MSFD EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive NGO Non-governmental organisation QA/QC Quality Assurance / Quality Control PA Project Activity PCO Project Coordination Office PERSEUS Protecting European Seas and Borders through the Intelligent Use of Surveillance (EU FP) PMA Pollution Monitoring and Assessment RF Russian Federation RIMMEL EC JRC Research Project “RIverine and Marine floating macro litter Monitoring and Modelling of Environmental Loading” RTA Regional Technical Advisor SAP Strategic Action Plan (UN) SC Steering Committee SeaDataNet Pan-European Infrastructure for Ocean and Marine Data Management SEIS Towards a Shared Environmental Information System (US)/Air Command EEA regional programme) SOP Standard Operating Procedure SWMI Significant Water Management Issues UA Ukraine UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDP IRH UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub UNECE United Nations European Economic Commission UNEP United Nations Environment Programme WISE EEA Water Information System for Europe WFD EU Water Framework Directive WQ Water Quality Eutrophication in the Black Sea Region, Impact assessment and Control System (NATO) Accel Acceleration ACK Acknowledge ACM Airspace Control Means ACO Airspace Control Order ADatP-3 Allied Data Publication – 3 ADT Air Data Terminal AGL Above Ground Level AMPS Aviation Mission Planning System ANSI American National Standards Institute AOA Angle Of Attack AOI Area Of Interest AP Allied Publication/Alliance Publication API Application Program(ming) Interface ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASM Air Space Management ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare ATC Air Traffic Control ATP Allied Tactical Publication ATR Automatic Target Recognition ATS Air Traffic Services AV Air Vehicle AVC Air Vehicle Control B BDA Battle Damage Assessment BER Bit Error Rate BIT Built-in-Test BITE Built-in-Test Equipment BLOS Beyond Line of Sight BOM Bit-Oriented Message C C2 Command and Control C4I Commandcausal chain analysis, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence CBIT Continuous Built-in-Test CCI Command & Control Interface CCISM Command and Control Interface Specific Module CDL Common Data Link CEN European Standardisation Organisation CEP Circular Error Probability CFOV Centre Field of View CG Centre of Gravity CGS Common Ground Segment/Common Ground Station/Common Ground System CIRC Circular CJTF Combined Joint Task Force CL Connectionless Cm Centimetres CO Connection Oriented XXX Common Operating Environment CONOPS Concept of Operations COP Common Operational Picture CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf CR Communications Relay CRD Common Route Definition CRT Cathode Ray Tube CUCS Core UAV Control System D DC Direct Current DCE Distributed Computing Environment DCM Data Link Control Module DIGEST Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard DII Defence Information Infrastructure DII/XXX Defence Information Infrastructure/Common Operating Environment DIN Deutsche Institut fur Normung DL Data Link DLI Data Link Interface DoD Department of Defence DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data E ECM Electronic Counter Measures EIA Electronic Industries Association EIA/IS EIA Interim Standard ELINT Electronic Intelligence EMCON Emission Control EO Electro-Optical EO/IR Electro Optical/Infrared EP External pilot ERF Ego-Referenced Frame ERS Emergency Recovery System ESM Electronic Support Measures ETA Estimated Time of Arrival ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute EW Electronic Warfare FLIR Forward Looking Infrared FOB Forward Operations Base FOV Field of View FT Flight Termination FTP File Transfer Protocol G GDT Ground Data Terminal GMT Greenwich Mean Time GMTI Ground Moving Target Indicator GOTS Government Off-The-Shelf GPS Global Positioning System GUI Graphical User Interface H XXXX High Altitude, Long Endurance HCI Human Computer Interface HF High Frequency HSI Hyperspectral Imagery HL Hand Launched HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol Hz Hertz, cycles per second I I/O Input/Output IA International Agreement ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation ID Identification IDD Interface Design Description/Interface Definition Document IEA Information Exchange Agreements IEC International Enterprise Committee/International Electro technical Commission IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IER Information Exchange Requirements IES Imagery Exploitation System IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IFF Identification Friend or Foe IL Image Library INS Inertial Navigation System IP Internet Protocol/Internal Pilot IPS Image Print Services IPX NetWare Transport Protocol IR Infrared IRS Interface Requirements Specifications ISAR Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISG Industry Support Group ISO International Organisation for Standardisation ISO/CD Committee Draft of ISO ISO/DIS Draft International Standard of ISO ISR Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance ISTAR Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance ITDP International Technology Demonstration Program ITU International Telecommunication Union ITU-T(SB) International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications (Standardisation Bureau) J JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander JFC Joint Force Commander JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group JSH JASA Standards Handbook JSWG JASA Standards Working Group JTA Joint Technical Architecture JTF Joint Task Force JTFC Joint Task Force Commander K Kilo 1,000 Km Kilometres L L&R Launch and Recovery L-16 Link-16 (TADIL-J message standard) LIDAR Light Detection And Ranging LAN Local Area Network LAS Local Access Subsystem LB Land-Based LCD Liquid Crystal Display LOI Level of Interoperability LOS Line of Sight LRF Laser Range Finder M MAV Micro Air Vehicle Mb Megabit MB Megabyte Mb/s Megabits per second MB/s Megabytes per second Met Meteorological MGRS Military Grid Reference System MIJI Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference MIL Military MIL-STD Military Standard MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension MIN Minimum MMP Modular Mission Payload MMS Manufacturing Messaging Specification MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOTS Military Off-The-Shelf MOU Memorandum of Understanding MP Mission Planning/Mission Planner MPEG Motion Pictures Experts Group MPO Mission Planning Operator/Mission /Payload Operator MPS Metres per second MSE Mobile Subscriber Equipment Msg Message MSI Multi-Spectral Imagery MSK Minimum Shift Keying MSL Mean Sea Level MTF Message Text Formats MTI Moving Target Indicator N N/A Not Applicable NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation NBC Nuclear, Biological and Chemical NC3TA NATO C3 Technical Architecture NCIS NATO Common Interoperability Standards NCOE NATO Common Operating Environment NCSP NC3 Common Standards Profile Near RT Near Real Time NED NATO Effective Date NIIA NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture NIMP NATO Interoperability Management Plan NIIRS National Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale NIPD NATO Interoperability Planning Document NITF National Imagery Transmission Format NITFS National Imagery Transmission Format Standard Nm Nanometre NNAG NATO Naval Armaments Group NOSIP NATO Open System Interconnection Profile NOTS NATO Off-The-Shelf NRBC Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical NRT Non-Real Time NSA NATO Standardisation Agency NSE Non Standard Equipment NSIF NATO Secondary Imagery Format NSIL NATO Standard Image Library NSILI NATO Standard Image Library Interface NSR NATO Staff Requirements NTF Network File Server NTIS NATO Technical Interoperability Standards NTSC National Transmission Standards Committee O OPFOR Opposing Force OPS Operations OSE Open System Environment OSI Open System Interconnection (model) OTH Over The Horizon OTH-T Over The Horizon – Targeting PDF Portable Document Format PDU Power Distribution Unit PG/35 Project Group 35 PO Payload Operator Pyld Payload QoS Quality of Service R Rad Radians RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Disks RECCEXRE Reconnaissance Exploitation Report RF Radio Frequency RFC Request for Comment ROS Relief on Station/Rules of Safety RP Route Plan Rpt Report RT Real Time RTP Real Time Protocol/ Real Time Processor Rx Receive S SA Situational Awareness SALUTE Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar/Search And Rescue SATCOM Satellite Communications SB Sea-based SEC Seconds SED Signal External Descriptor SIGINT Signals Intelligence SINCGARS Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNR Signal to Noise Ratio ST Specialist Team STANAG (NATO) Standardisation Agreement T TBD To Be Defined TCDL Tactical Common Data Link TCP/IP Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Tgt Target TV Television TX Transmit U UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle UB Unified Build UCAV Unmanned/ Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicle UCT Universal Coordinated Time UDP User Datagram Protocol UES UAV Exploitation System UHF Ultra High Frequency UI User Interface UJTL Universal Joint Task List UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply URL Uniform Resource Locator USIS United States Imagery Standards USMTF United States Message Text Formatting UTC Universal Time Coordinated UTM Universal Transverse Mercator VCR Video Cassette Recorder VDL VHF Data Link VDU Visual Display Unit VHF Very High Frequency VISP Video Imagery Standards Profile VMAP Vector Map VMF Variable Message Format VSM Vehicle Specific Module W WAN Wide Area Network WAS Wide Area Subsystem WGS-84 World Geodetic System – 84 WIMP Windows, Icons, Mouse and Pull-down/pop-up (menus) WP Waypoint WRF World-Referenced Frame X XML Extended Mark-up Language Y Z2005

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