Actual Settlement Date Accounting. With respect to any sale or purchase transaction that is not posted to the Account on the contractual settlement date as referred to in Section 2.5, Bank shall post the transaction on the date on which the cash or Financial Assets received as consideration for the transaction is actually received by Bank.
Actual Settlement Date Accounting. With respect to any settlement of a transaction that is not posted to the Account on the contractual settlement date as referred to in Section 2.5, X.X. Xxxxxx will post such transaction on the date on which the cash or Financial Assets received as consideration for the transaction is actually received and settled by X.X. Xxxxxx.
Actual Settlement Date Accounting. With respect to any sale or purchase transaction that is not posted to the Account on the contractual settlement date as referred to in Section 2.6, Bank will post the transaction on the date on which the cash or Financial Assets received as consideration for the transaction is actually received by Bank.
Actual Settlement Date Accounting. With respect to any sale or purchase transaction involving Senior Loans and with respect to any sale or purchase transaction involving Financial Assets that are not posted to the Account on the contractual settlement date as referred to in Section 1.5, Chase Texas will post the transaction on the date on which the cash or Financial Assets or Senior Loans received as consideration for the transaction are actually received by Chase Texas.
Actual Settlement Date Accounting. With respect to settlement of a transaction that is not posted to the Accounts on the contractual settlement date as referred to in Section 3(c), Escrow Agent will post the transaction on the date on which the cash or Financial Assets received as consideration for the transaction is actually received and settled by Escrow Agent.
Actual Settlement Date Accounting. The default process for accounting services hereunder for transactions not posted on the contractual settlement date shall be actual settlement date accounting. The Custodian will post the transaction on the date on which the cash or Financial Assets received as consideration for the transaction is actually received and cleared by the Custodian, unless the Parties agree to contractual settlement accounting services as set forth in Section V.F.
Actual Settlement Date Accounting. Withrespecttoanysaleorpurchase transactionthatisnotposted tothe Accountonthe contractual settlementdateasreferredtoinSection 2.5,Bank shallpostthe transaction onthedateonwhichthecashor Financial Assets receivedasconsiderationforthetransactionisactuallyreceivedby Bank.