Additional Fees for Asbestos Surveys and Asbestos Filing Fees Sample Clauses

Additional Fees for Asbestos Surveys and Asbestos Filing Fees. Proposer will add $25,000 to bid for additional fees related to asbestos surveys and filing fees.
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Related to Additional Fees for Asbestos Surveys and Asbestos Filing Fees

  • SERVICE FEES AND ASSESSMENTS UCF DHRL reserves the right to charge the Student for various services or as a form of sanction; charges may be found at xxxx://; charge amounts are updated from time to time, the Student is responsible for the charge amount posted on the website on the date the charge is assessed.

  • Taxes and Fees Imposed on Providing Party But Passed On To Purchasing Party 11.4.1 Taxes and fees imposed on the providing Party, which are permitted or required to be passed on by the providing Party to its customer, shall be borne by the purchasing Party.

  • UNION DUES AND ASSESSMENTS (a) The Employer shall, as a condition of employment, deduct from the wages or salary of each employee in the bargaining unit, whether or not the employee is a member of the Union, the amount of the regular dues payable to the Union by a member of the Union.

  • Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments Consultant shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. Consultant shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the Consultant’s performance of the services required by this Agreement, and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, employees or agents of City, against any such fees, assessments, taxes, penalties or interest levied, assessed or imposed against City hereunder.

  • CERTIFICATION OF NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS OR WORK 8.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that no asbestos containing materials or work is included within the scope of the Work. The Contractor shall take whatever measures it deems necessary to insure that all employees, suppliers, fabricators, material men, subcontractors, or their assigns, comply with this requirement.

  • CONTRACT LIMIT, FEES AND EXPENSES changing the not-to-exceed amount of the Contract from ONE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED NINTY THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($1,790,000.00) to TWO MILLION ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($2,100,000.00), as approved by the Executive Director on October 22, 2021.

  • No surcharges You agree that you will not impose a surcharge or any other fee for accepting PayPal as a payment method. You may charge a handling fee in connection with the sale of goods or services as long as the handling fee does not operate as a surcharge and is not higher than the handling fee you charge for non-PayPal transactions. Presentation of PayPal You must treat PayPal payment methods or marks at least on par with any other payment methods offered at your points of sale, wherever PayPal’s branded services are integrated, including your websites or mobile applications. This includes at least equal or better: logo placement, position within any point of sale, and treatment in terms of payment flow, terms, conditions, restrictions, and fees, in each case as compared to other marks and payment methods at your points of sale. Further, you must not present any payment method or xxxx upstream (or at an earlier point in the checkout experience) from the presentment of any of PayPal’s services or marks. In representations to your customers or in public communications, you must not mischaracterize any PayPal service as a payment method or exhibit a preference for other payment methods over any PayPal service. Within all of your points of sale, you agree not to try to dissuade or inhibit your customers from using PayPal or encourage the customer to use an alternate payment method. If you enable your customers to pay you with PayPal, whenever you display or exhibit the payment methods that you accept (either within any point of sale or in your marketing materials, advertising and other customer communications), you agree to display the PayPal services payment marks at least as prominently, and in at least as positive a manner, as you do for all other payment methods. Taxes, information reporting Some of our fees may be subject to applicable taxes, levies, duties or similar governmental assessments, including, for example, value-added tax, sales tax, income tax, use or withholding taxes, assessable by any jurisdiction (collectively, "taxes") and, unless expressly noted, our fees are exclusive of applicable taxes. It is your responsibility to determine what, if any, taxes apply to the payments you make or receive, and it is solely your responsibility to assess, collect, report and remit the correct taxes to the appropriate authority. PayPal is not responsible for determining whether any taxes apply to your transaction, or for calculating, collecting, reporting or remitting taxes arising from any transaction. Your refund policy and privacy policy You must publish a refunds and return policy, as well as a privacy policy, where required by law. Payment review PayPal reviews certain potentially high-risk transactions. If PayPal determines, in its sole discretion, that a transaction is high-risk, we place a hold on the payment and provide notice to you to delay shipping of the item. PayPal will conduct a review and either complete or cancel the payment. If the payment is completed, PayPal will provide notice to you to ship the item. Otherwise, PayPal will cancel the payment and the funds will be returned to the buyer, unless we are legally required to take other action. All payments that complete this payment review will be eligible for PayPal's Seller Protection program if they meet PayPal's Seller Protection program requirements. We will notify you by email and/or through your PayPal account. In-store payments If you accept PayPal payments at your physical store, you must communicate the total amount of the transaction to the customer before it takes place. You may charge your customer's account only for transactions that they have authorized. You must also provide customers with a physical receipt if they request one. You agree that any transaction that you make shall have an accurate and true description of the goods and services being purchased. Marketplace sellers If you're a seller on a marketplace or through a third-party application where PayPal is offered, you must comply with any rules that apply to the marketplace's or the third party application's buyer protection program for sales you make through that forum. Any such protections may require you to take certain actions and may impact how claims are processed. Card not present transactions Whenever a buyer uses a debit or credit card as the payment method for a transaction using their account to buy something from you as a seller, the transaction will be processed as a "card not present" transaction, even if the buyer is at your store location. Accepting preauthorized payments As a seller, you can accept payments from a buyer's account through preauthorized payments either on a one-time, regular or sporadic basis. This type of transaction is sometimes called a "billing agreement," "subscription," "recurring payment," "reference transaction," "preauthorized debit or PAD", "preauthorized transfer, "pre-approved payment " or "automatic payment." If you receive preauthorized payments from buyers: You must: You must not: Get each buyer's prior authorization for the amount, frequency, and duration of any such payment. Restart future payments without the buyer's written authorization, if a buyer has stopped or canceled a preauthorized payment. Provide a simple and easily accessible online cancellation procedure, if buyers sign up for preauthorized payments online. Provide buyers the ability to stop any such payment up to 3 Business Days before the date scheduled for payment. Notify the buyer at least 10 days in advance of the amount and date of each preauthorized payment if the preauthorized payment will vary from the preauthorized amount or (at the buyer's option) any payment that is in an amount that falls outside of the pre-determined range.

  • Inspection Fees The Developer agrees to pay the inspection fees as required by fee schedule established by Teton County for its Planning and Building Department.

  • ADDITIONAL REPORTS Upon ADMINISTRATOR’s request, CONTRACTOR shall make such additional reports as required by ADMINISTRATOR concerning CONTRACTOR's activities as they affect the services hereunder. ADMINISTRATOR shall be specific as to the nature of information requested and allow up to thirty (30) calendar days for CONTRACTOR to respond.

  • Treatment of Unallowable Costs Previously Submitted for Payment Defendants further agree that within 90 days of the Effective Date of this Agreement they shall identify to applicable Medicare and TRICARE fiscal intermediaries, carriers, and/or contractors, and Medicaid and FEHBP fiscal agents, any Unallowable Costs (as defined in this Paragraph) included in payments previously sought from the United States, or any State Medicaid program, including, but not limited to, payments sought in any cost reports, cost statements, information reports, or payment requests already submitted by Defendants or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates, and shall request, and agree, that such cost reports, cost statements, information reports, or payment requests, even if already settled, be adjusted to account for the effect of the inclusion of the Unallowable Costs. Defendants agree that the United States, at a minimum, shall be entitled to recoup from Defendants any overpayment plus applicable interest and penalties as a result of the inclusion of such Unallowable Costs on previously-submitted cost reports, information reports, cost statements, or requests for payment. Any payments due after the adjustments have been made shall be paid to the United States pursuant to the direction of the Department of Justice and/or the affected agencies. The United States reserves its rights to disagree with any calculations submitted by Defendants or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates on the effect of inclusion of Unallowable Costs (as defined in this Paragraph) on Defendants or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates’ cost reports, cost statements, or information reports.

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