Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the Documentation; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version of the Products using a nationally recognized virus scanning program and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Products. For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (a) above, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be (1) the correction of the Product errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can be reasonably effected by us, the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the Product, provided that the Product licenses are terminated. 6. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為 (1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply to the provision of the MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理。] 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period MCE Service will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the DocumentationDocumentation during an MCE Service Term; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version the functionality of the Products using MCE Service will not decrease during an MCE Service Term; and (c) our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a nationally recognized virus scanning program manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Productspractices. For any breach of the warranty warranties set forth in subsection subsections (a) or (b) above, your exclusive remedy remedy, and our entire liability liability, will be (1) the correction of the Product MCE Service errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can such correction cannot be reasonably effected by us, the termination of all orders governed by these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Terms and the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the ProductAdditional PaaS Components. For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (c) above, provided that your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be re-performance of the Product licenses are terminatedServices at no cost to you. 611. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a追加制限付き保証及び救済 マイク➫ストラテジーは、(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為MCEサービスは MCE サービス期間において文書に定められた技術仕様を相当に遵守して実行し、且❜(b) MCE サービス✰機能性は MCE サービス期間において低下せず、且❜マイク➫ストラテジー✰従業員及び契約業者は一般的に受け入れられた業界基準及び慣行に準拠する方法で注文書に挙げられた本サービスを遂行することを保証します。上記✰第(a)項又は第 (b)項に定められた保証が違反された場合✰お客様✰唯一✰法的救済及びマイク➫ストラテジーが負う全責任は、
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply to the provision of the MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理当該保証違反を引き起こしたMCE サービスエラー✰是正、又は(2)当該是正がマイク➫ストラテジーにより合理的に達成されない可能性がある場合は、本マイク➫ストラテジー✰クラウド環境条項に準拠する全て✰注文✰終了、並びに追加✰ PaaS構成要素に❜いて支払った未✲用で前払い✰料金✰返金であるも ✰とします。上記第(c)項に定められた保証が違反された場合✰お 客様✰唯一✰法的救済及びマイク➫ストラテジーが負う全責任は、本サービス✰お客様に費用を発生させない再遂行であるも✰とします。] 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period MCE Service will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the DocumentationDocumentation during an MCE Service Term; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version the functionality of the Products using MCE Service will not decrease during an MCE Service Term; and (c) our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a nationally recognized virus scanning program manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Productspractices. For any breach of the warranty warranties set forth in subsection subsections (a) or (b) above, your exclusive remedy remedy, and our entire liability liability, will be (1) the correction of the Product MCE Service errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can such correction cannot be reasonably effected by us, the termination of all orders governed by these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Terms and the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the ProductAdditional PaaS Components. For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (c) above, provided that your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be re-performance of the Product licenses are terminatedServices at no cost to you. 611. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a追加制限付き保証及び救済 マイク➫ストラテジーは、(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為MCEサービスは MCE サービス期間において文書に定められた技術仕様を相当に遵守して実行し、且つ(b) MCE サービス✰機能性は MCE サービス期間において低下せず、且つマイク➫ストラテジー✰従業員及び契約業者は一般的に受け入れられた業界基準及び慣行に準拠する方法で注文書に挙げられた本サービスを遂行することを保証します。上記✰第(a)項又は第 (b)項に定められた保証が違反された場合✰お客様✰唯一✰法的救済及びマイク➫ストラテジーが負う全責任は、
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply to the provision of the MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理当該保証違反を引き起こしたMCE サービスエラー✰是正、又は(2)当該是正がマイク➫ストラテジーにより合理的に達成されない可能性がある場合は、本マイク➫ストラテジー✰クラウド環境条項に準拠する全て✰注文✰終了、並びに追加✰ PaaS構成要素について支払った未使用で前払い✰料金✰返金であるも ✰とします。上記第(c)項に定められた保証が違反された場合✰お客様✰唯一✰法的救済及びマイク➫ストラテジーが負う全責任は、本サービス✰お客様に費用を発生させない再遂行であるも✰とします。] 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the Documentation; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version of the Products using a nationally recognized virus scanning program and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Products. For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (a) above, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be (1) the correction of the Product errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can be reasonably effected by us, the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the Product, provided that the Product licenses are terminated. 6. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a)款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] MicroStrategy雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply exclusively to the provision of the MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,僅適用於提供 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理。] 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period MCE Service will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the DocumentationDocumentation during an MCE Service Term; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version the functionality of the Products using MCE Service will not decrease during an MCE Service Term; and (c) our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a nationally recognized virus scanning program manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Productspractices. For any breach of the warranty warranties set forth in subsection subsections (a) or (b) above, your exclusive remedy remedy, and our entire liability liability, will be (1) the correction of the Product MCE Service errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can such correction cannot be reasonably effected by us, the termination of all orders governed by these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Terms and the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the ProductAdditional PaaS Components. For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (c) above, provided that your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be re-performance of the Product licenses are terminatedServices at no cost to you. 610. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a追加制限付き保証及び救済 マイク➫ストラテジーは、(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為MCEサービスは MCE サービス期間において文書に定められた技術仕様を相当に遵守して実行し、且❜(b) MCE サービス✰機能性は MCE サービス期間において低下せず、且❜マイク➫ストラテジー✰従業員及び契約業者は一般的に受け入れられた業界基準及び慣行に準拠する方法で注文書に挙げられた本サービスを遂行することを保証します。上記✰第(a)項又は第 (b)項に定められた保証が違反された場合✰お客様✰唯一✰法的救済及びマイク➫ストラテジーが負う全責任は、
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply to the provision of the MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理当該保証違反を引き起こしたMCE サービスエラー✰是正、又は(2)当該是正がマイク➫ストラテジーにより合理的に達成されない可能性がある場合は、本マイク➫ストラテジー✰クラウド環境条項に準拠する全て✰注文✰終了、並びに追加✰ PaaS構成要素に❜いて支払った未✲用で前払い✰料金✰返金であるも ✰とします。上記第(c)項に定められた保証が違反された場合✰お 客様✰唯一✰法的救済及びマイク➫ストラテジーが負う全責任は、本サービス✰お客様に費用を発生させない再遂行であるも✰とします。] 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period MCE Service will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the DocumentationDocumentation during an MCE Service Term; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version the functionality of the Products using MCE Service will not decrease during an MCE Service Term; and (c) our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a nationally recognized virus scanning program manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Productspractices. For any breach of the warranty warranties set forth in subsection subsections (a) or (b) above, your exclusive remedy remedy, and our entire liability liability, will be (1) the correction of the Product MCE Service errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can such correction cannot be reasonably effected by us, the termination of all orders governed by these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Terms and the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the Product, provided that the Product licenses are terminatedAdditional PaaS Components. 6. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply to the provision For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (c) above, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be re-performance of the Services at no cost to you. 11. 额外有限保证和救济。我们保证(a)在 MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these 服务期限内,MCE 服务的性能将基本符合文档载明的技术规格; 以及(b)在 MCE 服务期限内,MCE 服务的性能不会降低;以及(c)我们的雇员和承包商将以符合公认行业标准和惯例的方式提供订单上列出的任何服务。如果我们违反上述(a)或(b)项所述保证,您唯一的救济和我们全部的责任将为(1)我们更正导致我们违反保证的MCE 服务错误;或者(2)我们无法合理地进行该等更正的,终止受 MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理云环境条款管辖的所有订单,并返还您已为附加 PaaS 组件支付的、任何未使用的预付费用。我们违反上述(c)项所述保证的,我们将免费为您再次提供服务,作为您唯一的救济和我们全部的责任。] 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period MCE Service will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the DocumentationDocumentation during an MCE Service Term; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version the functionality of the Products using MCE Service will not decrease during an MCE Service Term; and (c) our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a nationally recognized virus scanning program manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Productspractices. For any breach of the warranty warranties set forth in subsection subsections (a) or (b) above, your exclusive remedy remedy, and our entire liability liability, will be (1) the correction of the Product MCE Service errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can such correction cannot be reasonably effected by us, the termination of all orders governed by these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Terms and the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the Product, provided that the Product licenses are terminatedAdditional PaaS Components. 6. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply to the provision For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (c) above, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be re-performance of the Services at no cost to you. 10. 额外有限保证和救济。我们保证(a)在 MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 服务期限内,MCE 服务的性能将基本符合文档载明的技术规格;以及 (b)在 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理服务期限内,MCE 服务的性能不会降低;以及 (c)我们的雇员和承包商将以符合公认行业标准和惯例的方式提供订单上列出的任何服务。如果我们违反上述( a)或 (b)项所述保证,您唯一的救济和我们全部的责任将为(1) 我们更正导致我们违反保证的MCE 服务错误;或者(2)我们无法合理地进行该等更正的,终止受MicroStrategy 云环境条款管辖的所有订单,并返还您已为附加 PaaS 组件支付的、任何未使用的预付费用。我们违反上述(c)项所述保证的,我们将免费为您再次提供服务,作为您唯一的救济和我们全部的责任。] 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period MCE Service will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the DocumentationDocumentation during an MCE Service Term; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version the functionality of the Products using MCE Service will not decrease during an MCE Service Term; and (c) our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a nationally recognized virus scanning program manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Productspractices. For any breach of the warranty warranties set forth in subsection subsections (a) or (b) above, your exclusive remedy remedy, and our entire liability liability, will be (1) the correction of the Product MCE Service errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can such correction cannot be reasonably effected by us, the termination of all orders governed by these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Terms and the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the ProductMCE Service. For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (c) above, provided that your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be re-performance of the Product licenses are terminatedServices at no cost to you. 69. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外额外有限保证和救济。我们保证(a)在 MCE 服务期限内,MCE 服务的性能将基本符合文档载明的技术规格;以及 (b)在 MCE 服务期限内,MCE 服务的性能不会降低;以及 (c)我们的雇员和承包商将以符合公认行业标准和惯例的方式提供订单上列出的任何服务。如果我们违反上述(a)或 (b)项所述保证,您唯一的救济和我们全部的责任将为(1)我们更正导致我们违反保证的 MCE 服务错误;或者(2)我们无法合理地进行该等更正的,终止受 MicroStrategy 云环境条款管辖的所有订单,并返还您已为 MCE 服务支付的、任何未使用的预付费用。我们违反上述(c)项所述保证的,我们将免费为您再次提供服务,作为您唯一的救济和我们全部的责任。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE V. SERVICES TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] / 服务条款 The terms of this Section IV V (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Services Terms”) also apply exclusively to the provision of the MCE Serviceour Technical Support, Education, and Consulting Services offerings. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理。] 本第 V 部分的条款(“服务条款”)仅适用于我们的技术支持产品、教育产品和咨询服务产品。 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the Documentation; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version of the Products using a nationally recognized virus scanning program and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Products. For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (a) above, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be (1) the correction of the Product errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can be reasonably effected by us, the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the Product, provided that the Product licenses are terminated. 6. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] MicroStrategy雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply exclusively to the provision of the MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,僅適用於提供 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理。] 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period MCE Service will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the DocumentationDocumentation during an MCE Service Term; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version the functionality of the Products using MCE Service will not decrease during an MCE Service Term; and (c) our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a nationally recognized virus scanning program manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Productspractices. For any breach of the warranty warranties set forth in subsection subsections (a) or (b) above, your exclusive remedy remedy, and our entire liability liability, will be (1) the correction of the Product MCE Service errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can such correction cannot be reasonably effected by 10. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)在 MCE 服務期間, MCE 服務的表現將實質符合說明文件中詳列的技術規格,以及(b)在 MCE 服務期間不會降低 MCE 服務的功能,以及(c)我們的員工和承包商將會依據公認的產業準則及實務,執行訂單列載 的任何服務。違反上述(a)或(b)款之任何保證時,您的唯一補償以及我們的全部責任,將為(1)更正造成違反保證之 MCE 服務的 錯 誤 ,或 (2) 如 果 我們 無 法合理 更正 ,則 終止 受MicroStrategy 雲端環境條款規範的所有訂單,並退還針對該額外 PaaS 組件預付,但是未使用的任何費用。違反上述(c)款之 us, the termination of all orders governed by these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Terms and the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the Product, provided that the Product licenses are terminatedAdditional PaaS Components. 6. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply to the provision For any breach of the MCE Servicewarranty set forth in subsection (c) above, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be re-performance of the Services at no cost to you. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理任何保證時,您的唯一補償以及我們的全部責任,將為免費重 新執行該服務。] 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period MCE Service will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the DocumentationDocumentation during an MCE Service Term; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version the functionality of the Products using MCE Service will not decrease during an MCE Service Term; and (c) our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a nationally recognized virus scanning program manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Productspractices. For any breach of the warranty warranties set forth in subsection subsections (a) or (b) above, your exclusive remedy remedy, and our entire liability liability, will be (1) the correction of the Product MCE Service errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can such correction cannot be reasonably effected by us, the termination of all orders governed by these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Terms and the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the ProductMCE Service. For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (c) above, provided that your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be re-performance of the Product licenses are terminatedServices at no cost to you. 69. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a追加制限付き保証及び救済 マイク➫ストラテジーは、(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為MCEサービスは MCE サービス期間において文書に定められた技術仕様を相当に遵守して実行し、且❜(b) MCE サービス✰機能性は MCE サービス期間において低下せず、且❜マイク➫ストラテジー✰従業員及び契約業者は一般的に受け入れられた業界基準及び慣行に準拠する方法で注文書に挙げられた本サービスを遂行することを保証します。上記✰第(a)項又は第 (b)項に定められた保証が違反された場合✰お客様✰唯一✰法的救済及びマイク➫ストラテジーが負う全責任は、
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外当該保証違反を引き起こしたMCE サービスエラー✰是正、又は(2)当該是正がマイク➫ストラテジーにより合理的に達成されない可能性がある場合は、本マイク➫ストラテジー✰クラウド環境条項に準拠する全て✰注文✰終了、並びに MCE サービスに❜いて支払った未使用で前払い✰料金✰返金であるも✰とします。上記第(c)項に定められた保証が違反された場合✰お客様✰唯一✰法的救済及びマイク➫ストラテジーが負う全責任は、本サービス✰お客様に費用を発生させない再遂行であるも✰とします。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE V. SERVICES TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] サービス条項] The terms of this Section IV V (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Services Terms”) also apply exclusively to the provision of the MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms our Technical Support, Education, and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevailConsulting Services offerings. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理本第 V 条(以下「サービス条項」といいます。)✰規定は、マイク➫ストラテジー✰テクニカルサポート、教育及びコンサルティングサービス✰提供に ✲占的に適用されます。] 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period MCE Service will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the DocumentationDocumentation during an MCE Service Term; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version the functionality of the Products using MCE Service will not decrease during an MCE Service Term; and (c) our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a nationally recognized virus scanning program manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Productspractices. For any breach of the warranty warranties set forth in subsection subsections (a) or (b) above, your exclusive remedy remedy, and our entire liability liability, will be (1) the correction of the Product MCE Service errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can such correction cannot be reasonably effected by us, the termination of all orders governed by these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Terms and the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the ProductAdditional PaaS Components. For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (c) above, provided that your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be re-performance of the Product licenses are terminatedServices at no cost to you. 611. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a追加制限付き保証及び救済 マイク➫ストラテジーは、(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為MCEサービスは MCE サービス期間において文書に定められた技術仕様を相当に遵守して実行し、且❜(b) MCE サービス✰機能性は MCE サービス期間において低下せず、且❜マイク➫ストラテジー✰従業員及び契約業者は一般的に受け入れられた業界基準及び慣行に準拠する方法で注文書に挙げられた本サービスを遂行することを保証します。上記✰第(a)項又は第 (b)項に定められた保証が違反された場合✰お客様✰唯一✰法的救済及びマイク➫ストラテジーが負う全責任は、
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply to the provision of the MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理当該保証違反を引き起こしたMCE サービスエラー✰是正、又は(2)当該是正がマイク➫ストラテジーにより合理的に達成されない可能性がある場合は、本マイク➫ストラテジー✰クラウド環境条項に準拠する全て✰注文✰終了、並びに追加✰ PaaS構成要素に❜いて支払った未✲用で前払い✰料金✰返金であるも ✰とします。上記第(c)項に定められた保証が違反された場合✰お客様✰唯一✰法的救済及びマイク➫ストラテジーが負う全責任は、本サービス✰お客様に費用を発生させない再遂行であるも✰とします。] 1.
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period MCE Service will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the DocumentationDocumentation during an MCE Service Term; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version the functionality of the Products using MCE Service will not decrease during an MCE Service Term; and (c) our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a nationally recognized virus scanning program manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Productspractices. For any breach of the warranty warranties set forth in subsection subsections (a) or (b) above, your exclusive remedy remedy, and our entire liability liability, will be (1) the correction of the Product MCE Service errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can such correction cannot be reasonably effected by us, the termination of all orders governed by these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Terms and the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the Product, provided that the Product licenses are terminatedAdditional PaaS Components. 6. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply to the provision For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (c) above, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be re-performance of the Services at no cost to you. 10. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)在 MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 服務期間, MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理。] 1.服務的表現將實質符合說明文件中詳列的技術規格,以及(b)在 MCE 服務期間不會降低 MCE 服務的功能,以及(c)我們的員工和承包商將會依據公認的產業準則及實務,執行訂單列載的任何服務。違反上述(a)或(b)款之任何保證時,您的唯一補償以及我們的全部責任,將為(1)更正造成違反保證之 MCE 服務 的 錯誤 , 或
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Additional Limited Warranties and Remedies. We warrant that (a) for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of an order (“Cloud Platform Warranty Period”), each Product listed on the order and Updates delivered for the Product during the Cloud Platform Warranty Period MCE Service will perform in substantial conformance with the technical specifications set forth in the DocumentationDocumentation during an MCE Service Term; and (b) prior to release, we scan each version the functionality of the Products using MCE Service will not decrease during an MCE Service Term; and (c) our employees and contractors will perform any Services listed on an order in a nationally recognized virus scanning program manner conforming to generally accepted industry standards and we will remove any virus detected by such virus scanning program prior to releasing such version of the Productspractices. For any breach of the warranty warranties set forth in subsection subsections (a) or (b) above, your exclusive remedy remedy, and our entire liability liability, will be (1) the correction of the Product MCE Service errors that caused the breach of the warranty; or (2) replacement of the Product; or (3) if neither of the foregoing can such correction cannot be reasonably effected by us, the termination of all orders governed by these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Terms and the refund of the license fees and any unused, prepaid Technical Support Services fees paid for the Product, provided that the Product licenses are terminatedAdditional PaaS Components. 6. 額外有限保證與補償。我們保證,(a)自訂單生效日起六(6)個月內(「雲端平台保證期」),訂單列載之各項產品以及於雲端平台保證期間內為產品提供之更新的表現,基本將符合說明文件中規定的技術規格,(b)在發布之前,我們將利用國家認可的病毒掃描程式,掃描各版本的產品,且我們將在發布該版本產品之前,移除此類病毒掃描程式檢測到的任何病毒。若違反上述(a) 款保證時,您的全部補償以及我們的全部責任,將為
(1) 修正導致違反保證的產品錯誤,或(2)更換產品,或(3)若上述任一項不能由我們合理執行時,退還授權費,以及為產品支付之任何未使用的預付技術支援服務費,除產品授權應立即終止外。 IV. MICROSTRATEGY CLOUD ENVIRONMENT SERVICE TERMS [MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款] The terms of this Section IV (“MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms”) also apply to the provision For any breach of the warranty set forth in subsection (c) above, your exclusive remedy and our entire liability will be re-performance of the Services at no cost to you. 10. 额外有限保证和救济。我们保证(a)在 MCE Service. To the extent there is any conflict between these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms and the Cloud Platform License Terms, these MicroStrategy Cloud Environment Service Terms will prevail. [第 IV 節(「MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款」)之條款,也適用於提供 服务期限内,MCE 服务的性能将基本符合文档载明的技术规格;以及 (b)在 MCE 服務。若 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款與雲端平台授權條款之間發生任何矛盾時,應依據 MicroStrategy 雲端環境服務條款處理服务期限内,MCE 服务的性能不会降低;以及 (c)我们的雇员和承包商将以符合公认行业标准和惯例的方式提供订单上列出的任何服务。如果我们违反上述(a)或 (b)项所述保证,您唯一的救济和我们全部的责任将为(1)我们更正导致我们违反保证的 MCE 服务错误;或者(2)我们无法合理地进行该等更正的,终止受MicroStrategy 云环境条款管辖的所有订单,并返还您已为附加 PaaS 组件支付的、任何未使用的预付费用。我们违反上述(c)项所述保证的,我们将免费为您再次提供服务,作为您唯一的救济和我们全部的责任。] 1.
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