Instructor-Led Private Classes. For each in-person instructor-led private training class delivered at a non- MicroStrategy location, (a) if the instructor is required to travel to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for the instructor’s reasonable travel expenses and (b) if we are required to rent a facility to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for all reasonable facility rental fees we incur.
Instructor-Led Private Classes. For each in-person instructor-led private training class delivered at a non- MicroStrategy location, (a) if the instructor is required to travel to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for the instructor’s reasonable travel expenses and (b) if we are required to rent a facility to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for all reasonable facility rental fees we incur. If you redeem Education Credits for an instructor-led private training class and you cancel the class prior to commencement, you will reimburse us for any non-cancelable travel expenses and facility rental fees we incur; and if you cancel within fourteen (14) business days prior to commencement, you may only reschedule the class to an alternate available date by redeeming additional Education Credits for the class; if the cancellation is more than fourteen
Instructor-Led Private Classes. For each in-person instructor-led private training class delivered at a non- MicroStrategy location, (a) if the instructor is required to travel to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for the instructor’s reasonable travel expenses and (b) if we are required to rent a facility to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for all reasonable facility rental fees we incur. 育サービスを提供する際に負担する全て✰合理的な費用をマイク➫ストラテジーに払い戻すも✰とします。マイク ➫ストラテジーは、お客様✰社内✰事業運営をサポートして教育サービス契約✰一環として開発する作業生産物を使用するため✰ライセンスを、お客様に許諾するも✰とします。
Instructor-Led Private Classes. For each in-person instructor-led private training class delivered at a non- MicroStrategy location, (a) if the instructor is required to travel to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for the instructor’s reasonable travel expenses and (b) if we are required to rent a facility to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for all reasonable facility rental fees we incur. If you redeem Education Credits for an instructor-led private training class and you cancel the class prior to commencement, you will reimburse us for any non- cancelable travel expenses and facility rental fees we incur; and if you cancel within fourteen (14) business days prior to commencement, you may only reschedule the class to an alternate available date by redeeming additional Education Credits for the class; if the cancellation is more than fourteen (14) business days prior to commencement, you may reschedule the class to an alternate available date at no 日」への言及はオンライン購入を行った日を言及するとみなすものとします。
(a) 教育サービスの種別
(i) 教育パス 教育パスは年間契約ベースで販売され、マイクロストラテジーの研修教材及びコースへの柔軟なアクセスを顧客及びパートナーにご提供します。それぞれの教育パスは個人一人一人(以下「教育パス利用者」といいます。)に対して(仮想の又は対面による)講師による公開研修クラス及び独習型研修コースへ世界的なアクセスを提供し、且つ全ての該当する資格試験の受験料を含みます。教育パスには 2 種類あります。教育パス利用者にアーキテクトに特化したあらゆる実地の又はオンデマンドのコース及び年間資格、並びにインテリジェントセンターの設立へのアクセスを無制限に提供する「アーキテクト用教育パス」、並びに教育パス利用者にアナリストに特化したあらゆる実地の又はオンデマンドのコース及び年間資格へのアクセスを提供する「アナリスト用教育パス」です。マイクロストラテジーは、お客様の教育パスの契約はその時点で有効な期間の満了前 30 日から 90 日の間に満了が予定されていることを通知します。お客様が教育パスの契約更新を希望しない場合は、その時点で有効な期間の満了前に、education@microstrategy.comに電子メールを送信してマイクロストラテジーに通知しなければなりません。通知を行わないと、教育パスの契約は、その時点での時価で、以後 12 か月について自動的に更新がなされます。お客様は教育パスの契約期間において 1 回のみ、契約期間の残りの期間について教育パスの契約を新規の教育パス利用者に対して再譲渡することができます。この場合、現行の教育パス利用者は講師による公開コースに出席する、又は独習型研修コースにアクセスするために教育パスをまだ使用していない、あるいは現行の教育パス利用者がお客様との雇用契約を終了していることが条件となります。
(ii) 教育サービス 教育サービスは時間ベースで販売されます。マイクロストラテジーは、「教育サービス」契約に基づき、コースウェア及び研修クラスのお客様の適用基準、データセット、カスタマイゼーション及び使用事例に合わせたカスタマイズ並び変更を行う上でお客様をサポートします。お客様は、マイクロストラテジーがこれらの教育サービスを提供する際に負担する全ての合理的な費用をマイクロストラテジーに払い戻すものとします。マイクロストラテジーは、お客様の社内の事業運営をサポートして教育サービス契約の一環として開発する作業生産物を使用するためのライセンスを、お客様に許諾するものとします。
(b) 追加の教育条項
(i) 講師による プライベートクラス マイクロストラテジーの拠点以外の拠点で提供された講師による対面のプライベート研修クラスの各自について、(a) 当該講師がクラスを実施するために出張しなければならない場合、お客様は当該講師の合理的な出張費をマイクロストラテジーに払い戻すものとし、且つ(b) 当該クラスを実施するためにマイクロストラテジーが施設を借りなければならない場合、お客様はマイクロストラテジーが負担する合理的な施設賃料をマイクロストラテジーに払い戻すものとします。 additional cost (such date must be within the applicable Education Credit redemption period).
Instructor-Led Private Classes. For each in-person instructor-led private training class delivered at a non- MicroStrategy location, (a) if the instructor is required to travel to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for the instructor’s reasonable travel expenses and (b) if we are required to rent a facility to deliver the class, 育護照的所有利益(包括參加 Xxxxxx.Xxx),但在試用期內,該個人將無法獲得建築師護照,也無法參加認證考試。試用期屆滿後,該個人獲得 “建築師教育護照”利益的權利將終止,❹且僅能通過購買“建築師教育護照”進行延長。
Instructor-Led Private Classes. For each in-person instructor-led private training class delivered at a non- MicroStrategy location, (a) if the instructor is required to travel to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for the instructor's reasonable travel expenses and (b) if we are required to rent a facility to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for all reasonable facility rental fees we incur. If you purchase or redeem Training Units for an instructor- led private training class and you cancel the class prior to commencement, (i) you will reimburse us for any non- cancelable travel expenses and facility rental fees we incur; and (ii) if you cancel within fourteen (14) business days prior to commencement, you may only reschedule the class to an alternate available date by re-purchasing or redeeming additional Training Units for the class; if the cancellation is more than fourteen (14) business days prior to commencement, you may reschedule the class to an alternate available date at no additional cost (if you redeemed Training Units for the class, such date must be within the applicable Training Unit redemption period).
Instructor-Led Private Classes. For each in-person instructor-led private training class delivered at a non- MicroStrategy location, (a) if the instructor is required to travel to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for the instructor’s reasonable travel expenses and (b) if we are required to rent a facility to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for all reasonable facility rental fees we incur. 일환으로 개발한 작업 결과물을 사용할 수 있도록 하는 라이선스를 허여합니다. (b) 추가 교육 조건. (i) 강사주도 개별수업. 마이크로스트레티지 이외의 장소에서 제공되는 직접참가형 강사주도 개별
Instructor-Led Private Classes. For each in-person instructor-led private training class delivered at a non- MicroStrategy location, (a) if the instructor is required to travel to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for the instructor’s reasonable travel expenses and (b) if we are required to rent a facility to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for all reasonable facility rental fees we incur. (ii) Courseware for Instructor-Led Training Classes. For each instructor-led training class (whether public or private, virtual or in-person) we deliver to you, we will make electronic versions of the course content files for the class (“Courseware”) available to you, and you may reproduce and distribute one paper copy of the Courseware to each of your employees (or other individual designated by you) who attends the class. Your use of the Courseware is limited to use only by those individuals who attend the class, solely for their own training purposes. 희망하지 않는 경우, 귀사는 당시 유효기간 만료 이전에 education@microstrategy.com로 이메일을 송부하여 당사에 반드시 통지해야 합니다. 그렇지 않을 경우, 교육수강권 가입은 당시의 정가로 추가 12개월 동안 자동으로 연장됩니다. 교육수강권 가입 기간 동안 1회에 한하여, 기존 교육수강권 사용자가 강사주도 공개수업에 참석하거나 자기주도 교육과정에 접속하기 위해 교육수강권을 사용하지 않았거나 기존 교육수강권 사용자가 귀사에서 퇴사한 경우, 귀사는 교육수강권을 잔여 가입 기간에 대해 새로운 교육수강권 사용자에게 재배정할 수 있습니다. (1) 트라이얼 아키텍트 교육수강권. 회사 이메일 주소를 가진 직원은 등록 날짜부터 30 일 ("트라이얼 기간") 동안 아키텍트 교육수강권를 등록하고 수강권을 받을 수 있습니다. 트라이얼 기간 동안 해당 개인은 아키텍트 및 인증 시험을 제외한 아키텍트 교육수강권(Expert.Now 에 대한 액세스 포함)의 모든 혜택에 액세스할 수는 있습니다. 트라이얼 기간이 만료되면 아키텍트 교육수강권혜택에 대한 액세스 권한이 종료되며 아키텍트 교육수강권을 구입해야만 연장 할 수 있습니다. (ii)교육 서비스. 교육 서비스는 시간제로 판매됩니다. “교육 서비스” 약정에 따라, 당사는 귀사가 당사의 코스웨어와 교육과정을 귀사의 애플리케이션 표준, 데이터 세트, 커스터마이징 및 사용례에 맞춤화 및 조정함에 있어 지원을 제공합니다. 귀사는 관련 교육 서비스를 제공함에 있어 당사가 부담한 모든 합리적인 비용을 당사에 상환합니다. 당사는 귀사로 하여금 당사가 귀사의 내부 업무 운영을 지원함에 있어 교육 서비스의 일환으로 개발한 작업 결과물을 사용할 수 있도록 하는 라이선스를 허여합니다. (b) 추가 교육 조건. (i) 강사주도 개별수업. 마이크로스트레티지 이외의 장소에서 제공되는 직접참가형 강사주도 개별 교육수업의 경우, (a) 수업 제공을 위해 강사의 출장이 필요한 경우, 귀사는 강사의 합리적인 여비를 당사에 상환해야 하며, (b) 수업 제공을 위해 당사가 시설을 대여해야 하는 경우, 귀사는 당사가 부담한 모든 합리적인 시설 임대료를 당사에 상환해야 합니다. (ii) 강사주도 교육수업을 위한 코스웨어. 당사가 귀사에 제공하는 (공개형이나 비공개형 또는 가상형이나 직접참여형 여부를 불문한) 각 강사주도 교육수업과 관련하여, 당사는 수업과정 콘텐츠 파일의 전자적 버전(“코스웨어”)을 제작하여 귀사에 제공하며, 귀사는 수업에 참석하는 귀사의 각 직원들(또는 귀사가 지정한 타인)에게 코스웨어의 출력물을 1부씩 복사하여 배포할 수 있습니다. 귀사의 코스웨어 사용은 수업에 참석하는 개인들이 오로지 자신의 교육 목적으로 사용하기 위한 경우에 한해 사용하는 경우로 제한됩니다. (iii) 지적재산 및 협력업체. (코스웨어를 포함한)모든 교육과정 자료들에 대한 저작권은 당사에 귀속되며 당사의 비밀정보에 해당합니다. 교육 및 훈련 서비스는 당사가 직접 또는 당사의 협력업체들을 통해 제공됩니다. 귀사와 당사 간의 서면 합의(있는 경우)에
Instructor-Led Private Classes. For each in- person instructor-led private training class delivered at a non-MicroStrategy location, (a) if the instructor is required to travel to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for the instructor’s reasonable travel expenses and (b) if we are required to rent a facility to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for all reasonable facility rental fees we incur. If you redeem Education Credits for an instructor-led private training class and you cancel the class prior to commencement, you will reimburse us for any non- cancelable travel expenses and facility rental fees we incur; and if you cancel within fourteen (14) business days prior to commencement, you may only reschedule the class to an alternate available date by redeeming additional Education Credits for the class; if the cancellation is more than fourteen (14) business days prior to commencement, you may reschedule the class to an alternate available date at no additional cost (such date must be within the applicable Education Credit redemption period).
(i) 导师引导型私人课程。对于在非 MicroStrategy 地点提供的每个面对面导师引导型私人培训课程,(a) 如果导师需要前往培训地点提供课程,您将向我们偿还导师的合理差旅费用;以及(b)如果我们需要租用设施来提供课程,您将向我们偿还我们产生的所有合理设施租赁费用。如果您将教育积分兑换为导师引导型私人培训课程并在开课前取消课程的, 您将偿还我们产生的任何不可取消的差旅费用和设施租赁费用;您在开课前十四(14)个营业日内取消课程的,您只能通过兑换课程的额外教育积分来将课程重新安排到其他可用日期;您在开课前超过十四(14)个营业日取消课程的,您可以将课程重新安排到其他可用日期(该日期必须在相关教育积分兑换期限内),无需支付额外费用。
Instructor-Led Private Classes. For each in-person instructor-led private training class delivered at a non- MicroStrategy location, (a) if the instructor is required to travel to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for the instructor’s reasonable travel expenses and (b) if we are required to rent a facility to deliver the class, you will reimburse us for all reasonable facility rental fees we incur. If you redeem Education Credits for an instructor-led private training class and you cancel the class prior to commencement, you will reimburse us for any non-cancelable travel expenses and facility rental fees we incur; and if you cancel within fourteen (14) business days prior to commencement, you may only reschedule the class to an alternate available date by redeeming additional Education Credits for the class; if the cancellation is more than fourteen (14) business days prior to commencement, you may reschedule the class to an alternate available date at no additional cost (such date must be within the applicable Education Credit redemption period).