AGREEMENT TO ASSIST. 3.1 I will, during and after the period of my employment with Mitel, without charge to Mitel, but at its request and expense, assist Mitel and its nominees in every reasonable way to obtain and vest in it or them title to all IPRs arising with respect to all such Inventions in all countries by executing all necessary or desirable documents, including applications for patents, copyrights, topography rights and assignments thereof. I will also co-operate with Mitel and its nominees in the prosecution or defense of any claims, lawsuits or other proceedings arising in connection with any such Inventions, without charge to Mitel, but at its expense and request. 3.2 I hereby unconditionally and irrevocably waive all my moral rights under applicable legislation arising in connection with all Inventions.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Employment Agreement (Mitel Networks Corp), Employment Agreement (Mitel Networks Corp), Employment Agreement (Mitel Networks Corp)
AGREEMENT TO ASSIST. 3.1 I will, during and after the period of my employment with Mitel, without charge to Mitel, but at its request and expense, assist Mitel and its nominees in every reasonable way to obtain and vest in it or them title to all IPRs arising with respect to all such Inventions in all countries by executing all necessary or desirable documents, including applications for patents, copyrights, topography rights and assignments thereof. I will also co-operate with Mitel and its nominees in the prosecution or defense of any claims, lawsuits or other proceedings arising in connection with any such Inventions, without charge to MitelMiteI, but at its expense and request.
3.2 I hereby unconditionally and irrevocably waive all my moral rights under applicable legislation arising in connection with all Inventions.
Appears in 1 contract