Agreement under which the Extension Clause only applies to a particular ba credit agreement Sample Clauses

Agreement under which the Extension Clause only applies to a particular ba credit agreement. The Client is entitled to apply to the Bank within the credit term indicated herein and request its extension (extension of the validity of thaegreement between the Bank and the Client): The Bank will ensure that the term of the aforementioned credit(s) is extend DW WKH &OLHQW¶V UHTXHVW RQO\ E disbursement) for the loan / credit product in question as envisaged 3UHVLGHQW RI 1DWLRQdDerO# 44%/0D4 Qof N13 MRaIrc h 2*02H0 KHUHLQDIWHU WKAHpp ro³va2l oUf GReHguUla´tio ns foRr QLe ndWinKg Hto Individuals. If the credit term is extended, the Bank will be guided by th maximum term(s) envisaged in the Order effective as of the date of execut of this Credit Agreement. Furthermore, if the age limit (70 year s VHW LQ WKH %D prevents extension of a credit by the maximum term envisaged in the Order, the Bank will extend the term of the credit disbursed to the Client in compliance with the terms (maturity) stipulated in the Bank's credit policy, for which period the debt service ratio will be calculated at disbursement, as stipulated in the Order.
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Agreement under which the Extension Clause only applies to a particular ba credit agreement. The Client is entitled to apply to the Bank within the credit term indicated herein and request its extension (extension of the validity of the agreement between the Bank and the Client): The Bank will ensure that the term of the aforementioned credit(s) H[WHQGHG DW WKH &OLHQW¶V UHTXHVW disbursement) for the loan / credit product in question as envisaged 3UHVLGHQW RI 1DWLRQDO %DQN RI *H KHUHLQDIWHU WKAHpp ro³va2l oUf GReHguUla´tio ns foRr QLe ndWinKg Hto Individuals. If the credit term is extended, the Bank will be guided by th maximum term(s) envisaged in the Order effective as of the date of execut of this Credit Agreement.

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  • DURATION OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT 31:01 This Collective Agreement shall remain in force until April 30, 2007 and shall remain in force from year to year thereafter unless either party to this Collective Agreement gives notice in writing to the other party within a period which shall not be more than 120 days or less than 90 days prior to the expiration of each term, of its intention to terminate this Collective Agreement or seek amendments to same.

  • Automatic Renewal Limitation for TIPS Sales No TIPS Sale may incorporate an automatic renewal clause that exceeds month to month terms with which the TIPS Member must comply. All renewal terms incorporated into a TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement shall only be valid and enforceable when Vendor received written confirmation of acceptance of the renewal term from the TIPS Member for the specific renewal term. The purpose of this clause is to avoid a TIPS Member inadvertently renewing an Agreement during a period in which the governing body of the TIPS Member has not properly appropriated and budgeted the funds to satisfy the Agreement renewal. Any TIPS Sale Supplemental Agreement containing an “Automatic Renewal” clause that conflicts with these terms is rendered void and unenforceable.

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