AMDOCS SOFTWARE PACKAGE COMPLIANCE. In addition to the representations, warranties and covenants above, Amdocs represents, warrants and covenants that Amdocs Software Package [**].


  • Required hardware and software The minimum system requirements for using the DocuSign system may change over time. The current system requirements are found here: xxxxx:// signing-system-requirements.

  • Hardware and Software Requirements In order to access and retain Disclosures electronically, you must satisfy the following computer hardware and software requirements: access to the Internet; an email account and related software capable of receiving email through the Internet; a web browser which is SSL-compliant and supports secure sessions, and hardware capable of running this software.

  • Evaluation Software If the Software is an evaluation version or is provided to You for evaluation purposes, then, unless otherwise approved in writing by an authorized representative of Licensor, Your license to use the Software is limited solely for internal evaluation purposes in non-production use and in accordance with the terms of the evaluation offering under which You received the Software, and expires 90 days from installation (or such other period as may be indicated within the Software). Upon expiration of the evaluation period, You must discontinue use of the Software, return to an original state any actions performed by the Software, and delete the Software entirely from Your system and You may not download the Software again unless approved in writing by an authorized representative of Licensor. The Software may contain an automatic disabling mechanism that prevents its use after a certain period of time. RESTRICTIONS

  • Software Updates XXXXX agrees to keep current with software licensed from Skyward and will install new versions on a timeline approved by XXXXX governance. This timeline will be communicated by NWRDC to the Districts.

  • Software Use Case Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite Subscription Services for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Suite are available for Development Purposes only.

  • Open Source Software The Software product may include certain open source components that are subject to open source licenses (“Open Source Software”), in which case, the embedded Open Source Software is owned by a third party. The Open Source Software is not subject to the terms and conditions of this XXXX. Instead, each item of Open Source Software is licensed under its applicable license terms which accompanies such Open Source Software. Nothing in this XXXX limits your rights under, nor grants you rights that supersede, the terms and conditions of any applicable license terms for the Open Source Software. Any fees charged by GC in connection with the SOFTWARE, do not apply to the Open Source Software for which fees may not be charged under the applicable license terms. The terms and conditions of the applicable license for the Open Source Software are available on the LICENSE.txt file, which is provided with the SOFTWARE.

  • ODUF Packing Specifications 6.3.1 A pack will contain a minimum of one message record or a maximum of 99,999 message records plus a pack header record and a pack trailer record. One transmission can contain a maximum of 99 packs and a minimum of one pack.

  • Hardware and Software In order to use the Services, you must obtain and maintain, at your expense, compatible hardware and software as specified by Credit Union from time to time. Credit Union is not responsible for any third party software you may need to use the Services. Any such software is accepted by you as is and is subject to the terms and conditions of the software agreement you enter into directly with the third party software provider at time of download and installation.

  • MSAA Indicator Technical Specification Document This Agreement shall be interpreted with reference to the MSAA Indicator Technical Specifications document.

  • Server Software Subject to the terms and conditions of this XXXX, Vocera grants you the non-exclusive right to (i) install and run (“Use”) the Server Software on computer systems (each, a “Server Computer”) located at End User’s Facilities in the geographic territory designated above (“Territory”); (ii) to Use the Client Software in conjunction with Authorized Client Devices and such Server Computers; and (iii) for pilot licenses for certain Software provided on a trial basis, use such Software for the limited term specified by Vocera in writing. You may Use the standard Server Software on one primary Server Computer (or a primary cluster of computers suitably configured for productive use of the Server Software). You may install backup copies of the Server Software on backup Server Computers to provide redundancy in the event of failure of the primary Server Computer(s) but, unless you have acquired additional licenses or a failover license from Vocera, you may not run such backup or additional copies concurrently with the primary copies. Vocera grants you the right to use the applicable License Key issued by Vocera only to enable Use of the Server Software in conjunction with the licensed Server Computers. Server Software may be licensed for a Subscription Term as specified in the Quote.