Geotechnical Engineer « »« » « » « » « » « »
Site Safety Supervisor 62.1 On every job site, where the Employer is the principal contractor it shall appoint a management representative responsible for safety (Site Safety Supervisor). The Employer will ensure the Site Safety Supervisor has the necessary authority to ensure that all safety laws, procedures or Codes of Practice are observed, and that the following Safety Agreement is applied. 62.2 The Employer when appointing the person appointed as the Site Safety Supervisor must ensure that person has and maintainsthe appropriate experience and knowledge of the safety requirements of the work being performed. Other duties may be assigned by the Employer to a Site Safety Supervisor, provided that such duties shall not prevent him/her from exercising their duties as a Site Safety Supervisor.
Office of Inspector General Investigative Findings Expert Review In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 531.102(m-1)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.
Value Engineering The Supplier may prepare, at its own cost, a value engineering proposal at any time during the performance of the contract. The value engineering proposal shall, at a minimum, include the following; a) the proposed change(s), and a description of the difference to the existing contract requirements; b) a full cost/benefit analysis of the proposed change(s) including a description and estimate of costs (including life cycle costs) the Procuring Entity may incur in implementing the value engineering proposal; and c) a description of any effect(s) of the change on performance/functionality.
Standards for Determining Commercial Reasonableness Borrower and Silicon agree that a sale or other disposition (collectively, "sale") of any Collateral which complies with the following standards will conclusively be deemed to be commercially reasonable: (i) Notice of the sale is given to Borrower at least seven days prior to the sale, and, in the case of a public sale, notice of the sale is published at least seven days before the sale in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the sale is to be conducted; (ii) Notice of the sale describes the collateral in general, non-specific terms; (iii) The sale is conducted at a place designated by Silicon, with or without the Collateral being present; (iv) The sale commences at any time between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m; (v) Payment of the purchase price in cash or by cashier's check or wire transfer is required; (vi) With respect to any sale of any of the Collateral, Silicon may (but is not obligated to) direct any prospective purchaser to ascertain directly from Borrower any and all information concerning the same. Silicon shall be free to employ other methods of noticing and selling the Collateral, in its discretion, if they are commercially reasonable.
Reverse Engineering The Customer must not reverse assemble or reverse compile or directly or indirectly allow or cause a third party to reverse assemble or reverse compile the whole or any part of the software or any products supplied as a part of the Licensed System.
Supervisors Working (a) The Employer agrees that the function of supervisors is the supervision of Employees and not the performance of the work of the employees they supervise. Accordingly, the Employer agrees that supervisors or other employees of the Employer who are not members of the bargaining unit shall not perform any bargaining unit work, except to train employees or demonstrate safety, or as otherwise provided in the applicable Supplement, Rider or Addendum. However, in the case of Acts of God, supervisors shall comply with the procedures in subsections (b) and (c) and may only perform bargaining unit work until bargaining unit employees are available. The Employer shall make every reasonable effort to maintain a sufficient workforce to staff its operations with bargaining unit employees. The Employer also agrees that supervisors or other employees of the Employer who are not members of the bargaining unit shall not perform bargaining unit work in preparing the work areas before the start of the Employer’s hub, preload or reload operation, nor shall the Employer send any bargaining unit employee home and then have such employee’s work performed by a supervisor or other employees of the Employer who are not a member of the bargaining unit. (b) When additional employees are necessary to complete the Employer’s operations on any shift or within any classification, the supervisor shall exhaust all established local practices to first use bargaining unit employees including where applicable, double shifting, early call-in, and overtime. (c) If there is no established local practice, the following shall apply with regard to inside work. Within each building, each operation will maintain appropriate list(s), by seniority, of those part-time employees requesting coverage work. It will be the employees’ responsibility to sign up on the appropriate list. The Company shall post such lists and employees who are interested in adding their names to the lists shall do so on the first working day of each month. It will be the employee’s responsibility to make sure his/her their contact information is correct. Employees who are unavailable to work on three (3) separate occasions within a calendar month shall have their names removed from the coverage list. Those employees shall be eligible to re-sign the list the following month. When coverage work is available, the Company will use the appropriate list to fill the required positions, and such employees will work as assigned. The employee must be qualified for the available work and double shift employees shall have seniority among themselves. No employee is allowed to work more than two (2) shifts in any twenty-four (24) hour period. Local call verification practices and procedures shall remain in place. Nothing contained in this Section shall change existing practices or procedures covering full-time work. (d) If it is determined at any step of the grievance and/or arbitration procedure that this Section, or a “supervisor working” provision in a Supplement, Rider or Addendum, has been violated, the aggrieved employee will be paid as follows: (i) if the actual hours worked by the supervisor amounts to two (2) hours or less, the aggrieved employee will be paid for the actual hours worked by the supervisor at the rate of double time the employee’s rate of pay at the time of the incident; or (ii) if the supervisor works more than two (2) hours, the aggrieved employee shall be paid four (4) hours at straight time or actual hours worked at double time the employee’s rate of pay at the time of the incident, whichever is greater. If no aggrieved employee can be identified, the payment will be made to the grievant. Such remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies sought by the Union in the appropriate grievance procedure. If a Supplement, Rider, or Addendum does not have a provision requiring notice to the xxxxxxx when a supervisor works the following shall be incorporated: “In the event a supervisor does perform bargaining unit work, the Employer shall notify the appropriate shop xxxxxxx as soon as possible.” In the event that any individual supervisor is found to be in violation of the first paragraph of this Subsection three (3) times in any nine (9) month rolling period, the grievance shall be paid at triple quadruple time the employee’s rate of pay for the hours specified in the first paragraph of this subsection.
Architect/Engineer (A/E) means a person registered as an architect pursuant to Tex. Occ. Code Xxx., Chapter 1051, as a landscape architect pursuant to Tex. Occ. Code Xxx., Chapter 1052, a person licensed as a professional engineer pursuant to Tex. Occ. Code Xxx., Chapter 1001 and/or a firm employed by Owner or a design-build contractor to provide professional architectural or engineering services and to exercise overall responsibility for the design of a Project or a significant portion thereof, and to perform the contract administration responsibilities set forth in the Contract.
SCOPE OF ARCHITECT’S BASIC SERVICES 3.1 The Architect’s Basic Services consist of those described in this Article 3 and include usual and customary structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering services. Services not set forth in this Article 3 are Supplemental or Additional Services. § 3.1.1 The Architect shall manage the Architect’s services, research applicable design criteria, attend Project meetings, communicate with members of the Project team, and report progress to the Owner. § 3.1.2 The Architect shall coordinate its services with those services provided by the Owner and the Owner’s consultants. The Architect shall be entitled to rely on, and shall not be responsible for, the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of, services and information furnished by the Owner and the Owner’s consultants. The Architect shall provide prompt written notice to the Owner if the Architect becomes aware of any error, omission, or inconsistency in such services or information. § 3.1.3 As soon as practicable after the date of this Agreement, the Architect shall submit for the Owner’s approval a schedule for the performance of the Architect’s services. The schedule initially shall include anticipated dates for the commencement of construction and for Substantial Completion of the Work as set forth in the Initial Information. The schedule shall include allowances for periods of time required for the Owner’s review, for the performance of the Owner’s consultants, and for approval of submissions by authorities having jurisdiction over the Project. Once approved by the Owner, time limits established by the schedule shall not, except for reasonable cause, be exceeded by the Architect or Owner. With the Owner’s approval, the Architect shall adjust the schedule, if necessary, as the Project proceeds until the commencement of construction. § 3.1.4 The Architect shall not be responsible for an Owner’s directive or substitution, or for the Owner’s acceptance of non-conforming Work, made or given without the Architect’s written approval. § 3.1.5 The Architect shall contact governmental authorities required to approve the Construction Documents and entities providing utility services to the Project. The Architect shall respond to applicable design requirements imposed by those authorities and entities. § 3.1.6 The Architect shall assist the Owner in connection with the Owner’s responsibility for filing documents required for the approval of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the Project.
Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services are not permitted to be provided under this Agreement. Texas statutes prohibit the procurement of Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services through a cooperative agreement.