APPOINTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL PLACING UNDERWRITERS. 3.4.1 The Selling Shareholder hereby appoints the International Placing Underwriters together to be its sole agents in respect of the offer of the International Placing Shares and to arrange for the placing thereof, and the International Placing Underwriters, relying on the representations, warranties, undertakings and indemnities herein contained and subject as hereinafter mentioned, hereby accept the appointment.
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  • Appointment of Underwriter Upon the execution of this Agreement and in consideration of the agreements on your part herein expressed and upon the terms and conditions set forth herein, we hereby appoint you as the exclusive sales agent for our Shares and agree that we will deliver such Shares as you may sell. You agree to use your best efforts to promote the sale of Shares, but are not obligated to sell any specific number of Shares. However, the Fund and each series retain the right to make direct sales of its Shares without sales charges consistent with the terms of the then current prospectus and statement of additional information and applicable law, and to engage in other legally authorized transactions in its Shares which do not involve the sale of Shares to the general public. Such other transactions may include, without limitation, transactions between the Fund or any series or class and its shareholders only, transactions involving the reorganization of the Fund or any series, and transactions involving the merger or combination of the Fund or any series with another corporation or trust.

  • Appointment of the Underwriter The Fund hereby appoints the Underwriter as the principal underwriter and distributor of the Fund to sell to the public shares of its Class A Common Stock (the "Class A shares"), Class B Common Stock (the "Class B shares"), Class C Common Stock (the "Class C shares"), Advisor Class Common Stock (the "Advisor Class shares"), Class R Common Stock (the "Class R shares") and shares of such other class or classes as the Fund and the Underwriter shall from time to time mutually agree in writing shall become subject to this Agreement (the "New shares") (the Class A shares, the Class B shares, the Class C shares, the Advisor Class shares, the Class R shares and the New shares being collectively referred to herein as the "shares") and hereby agrees during the term of this Agreement to sell shares to the Underwriter upon the terms and conditions herein set forth.

  • Selection of Managing Underwriters The managing underwriter or underwriters for any offering of Registrable Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 2 shall be selected by the Holders of a majority of the shares being so registered and shall be reasonably acceptable to the Company.

  • Relationship Among Underwriters and Selected Dealers We shall have full authority to take such actions as we deem advisable in all matters pertaining to any Offering under this Master SDA. You are not authorized to act as an agent for us, any Underwriter or the Issuer or other Seller of any Securities in offering Securities to the public or otherwise. Neither we nor any Underwriter will be under any obligation to you except for obligations assumed hereby or in any Wire from us in connection with any Offering, and no obligations on our part as the Manager will be implied hereby or inferred herefrom. Nothing contained in this Master SDA or any Wire shall constitute the Selected Dealers an association or partners with us or any Underwriter or with one another, and the obligations of you and each of the other Selected Dealers or any of the Underwriters are several and not joint. If the Selected Dealers, among themselves, with us or with the Underwriters, should be deemed to constitute a partnership for federal income tax purposes, then you elect to be excluded from the application of Subchapter K, Chapter 1, Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and agree not to take any position inconsistent with such election. You authorize the Manager, in its discretion, to execute on your behalf such evidence of such election as may be required by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. In connection with any Offering, you will be liable for your proportionate share of the amount of any tax, claim, demand or liability that may be asserted against you alone or against one or more Selected Dealers participating in such Offering, or against us or the Underwriters, based upon the claim that the Selected Dealers, or any of them, constitute an association, an unincorporated business or other entity, including, in each case, your proportionate share of the amount of any expense (including attorneys’ fees and expenses) incurred in defending against any such tax, claim, demand or liability.

  • Appointment of Placement Agent (a) You are hereby appointed exclusive Placement Agent of the Company (subject to your right to have Selected Dealers, as defined in Section 1(c) hereof, participate in the Offering) during the Offering Period herein specified for the purposes of assisting the Company in finding qualified Subscribers pursuant to the offering (the "Offering") described in the

  • Selection of Underwriters and Counsel The underwriters and legal counsel to be retained in connection with any Public Offering will be selected by the Board or, in the case of an offering following a request therefor under Section 7.1.1, the Initiating Investors.

  • Appointment of Manager as Selling Agent; Terms Agreement For purposes of selling the Shares through the Manager, the Company hereby appoints the Manager as exclusive agent of the Company for the purpose of selling the Shares of the Company pursuant to this Agreement and the Manager agrees to use its commercially reasonable efforts to sell the Shares on the terms and subject to the conditions stated herein. The Company agrees that, whenever it determines to sell the Shares directly to the Manager as principal, it will enter into a separate agreement (each, a “Terms Agreement”) in substantially the form of Annex I hereto, relating to such sale in accordance with Section 2 of this Agreement.

  • Request for Underwritten Offering In the event that one or more Holders collectively elect to dispose of at least two million Registrable Securities (subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 3.04) under a Registration Statement pursuant to an Underwritten Offering, the Partnership shall, upon written request by such Holders, retain underwriters in order to permit such Holders to effect such sale through an Underwritten Offering. The obligation of the Partnership to retain underwriters shall include entering into an underwriting agreement in customary form with the Managing Underwriter(s), which shall include, among other provisions, indemnities to the effect and to the extent provided in Section 2.08 and taking all reasonable actions as are requested by the Managing Underwriter(s) to expedite or facilitate the disposition of such Registrable Securities. The Partnership shall, upon request of the Holders, cause its management to participate in a roadshow or similar marketing effort on behalf of the Holders.

  • Designation of Underwriter In the case of any registration initiated by the Company, the Company shall have the right to designate the managing underwriter in any underwritten offering.

  • Representation of the Underwriters The Representatives will act for the several Underwriters in connection with this financing, and any action under this Agreement taken by the Representatives will be binding upon all the Underwriters.

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