ASSESSMENT BASIS FOR THE. QUALITY AWARD CRITERIA In this procurement procedure there are 6 (six) quality award criteria (AW), which are divided in sub-criteria. The maximum total score for all the award criteria is 1000 points. For the criteria and sub-criteria the maximum number of points (maximum score) to be awarded is indicated below. This section describes the assessment basis for each AW and provides instructions for the tenderers to prepare their offers. Tenders scoring less than the following pass mark per award criterion will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure.
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  • INDIVIDUAL CASE BASIS PRICING 42.1. Individual Case Basis (ICB) pricing will be provided by Sprint upon request from the CLEC for customer specific rates or terms for network services and features for UNEs that are not otherwise provided for in this Agreement.

  • SELLER RESPONSIBLE FOR TAXES AND RECORDS Seller shall be liable for any applicable income taxes, levies, duties, costs, charges, withholdings, deductions or any charges of equivalent effect imposed on, or in respect of the Goods or Services provided by Seller to Apple under this Agreement. Where applicable, Seller will charge Apple sales tax, excise tax, use tax, value added tax ("VAT"), goods and services tax ("GST"), consumption tax, or equivalent type charges (hereinafter "Transaction Taxes") that are owed by Apple solely as a result of the Goods or Services provided by Seller to Apple under this Agreement and which are required or permitted to be collected from Apple by Seller under applicable law. If Apple provides Seller with a valid exemption certificate, Seller shall not collect the Transaction Taxes covered by such certificate. All charges will be supported by valid tax invoices provided by Seller to Apple consistent with the relevant jurisdiction. Where any relevant taxation authority imposes any income tax on the payment for Goods or Services by Apple to Seller and requires Apple to withhold such tax ("Withholding Tax"), Apple may deduct such Withholding Tax from the payment to Seller and remit such Withholding Tax to the relevant taxing authority on behalf of Seller. The determination of the applicability of a Withholding Tax is at Apple’s sole discretion. In the event a reduced Withholding Tax rate may apply on payments to Seller, Seller shall furnish to Apple as soon as practicable all documentation necessary to evidence the qualifications for the reduced rate of Withholding Tax. If the necessary documentation is not provided in a timely fashion before payment, the reduced Withholding Tax rate will not apply and any payments to Seller shall be subject to the full rate of Withholding Tax. Upon reasonable request by Seller, Apple shall furnish Seller with tax receipts or other documentation evidencing the payment of such Withholding Tax when available. Seller shall be solely responsible for filing the appropriate tax forms and paying all taxes or fees, including estimated taxes and employment taxes, due with respect to Seller's receipt of payment under this Agreement. Upon request, Seller shall provide Apple with any other necessary tax documentation. Where applicable, a non-U.S. Seller shall note, on each invoice issued to Apple under this Agreement, the amount of Services performed, or Goods provided by Seller within the United States, if any. Seller further agrees to provide Apple with reasonable assistance in the event of a government audit.

  • Measurements and arithmetic conventions All measurements and calculations shall be in the metric system and calculations done to 2 (two) decimal places, with the third digit of 5 (five) or above being rounded up and below 5 (five) being rounded down.

  • Allocations for Tax Purposes (a) Except as otherwise provided herein, for federal income tax purposes, each item of income, gain, loss and deduction shall be allocated among the Partners in the same manner as its correlative item of “book” income, gain, loss or deduction is allocated pursuant to Section 6.1.

  • EQUIPMENT TAX ASSESSMENT 17.1 Any bid for public improvement shall comply with Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 77-1323 and 77-1324. Indicating; every person, partnership, limited liability company, association or corporation furnishing labor or material in the repair, alteration, improvement, erection, or construction of any public improvement shall sign a certified statement which will accompany the contract. The certified statement shall state that all equipment to be used on the project, except that acquired since the assessment date, has been assessed for taxation for the current year, giving the county where assessed.

  • Rate Redetermination for Environmental Modification In the event of a contract modification under B8.33 or partial termination under B8.34, Contracting Officer shall make an appraisal to determine for each species the difference between the appraised unit value of Included Timber remaining immediately prior to the revision and the appraised unit value of Included Timber to be cut under the modification. The appraisal shall consider the estimated cost of any construction work listed in the Schedule of Items that was performed and abandoned. Tentative Rates and Flat Rates in effect at the time of the revision will be adjusted by said differences to become Current Contract Rates. Accordingly, Base Rates shall be adjusted to correspond to the redetermined rates if redetermined rates are less than the original Base Rates, subject to a new Base Rate limitation of the cost of essential reforestation or 25 cents per hundred cubic feet or equivalent, whichever is larger. However, existing Base Indices shall not be changed under this Subsection. Redetermined rates, or differences for rates subject to B3.2, and Required Deposits shall be considered established under B3.1 for timber Scaled subsequent to the contract revision.

  • ISDA Determination for Floating Rate Notes Where ISDA Determination is specified in the applicable Final Terms as the manner in which the Rate of Interest is to be determined, the Rate of Interest for each Interest Period will be the relevant ISDA Rate plus or minus (as indicated in the applicable Final Terms) the Margin (if any). For the purposes of this sub-paragraph (A), “

  • Basis for Layoff A. The reasons for layoffs include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Rate Redetermination for Market Change In the event of delay or interruption, exceeding 90 days, under B8.33, Contracting Officer shall make an appraisal to determine for each species the difference between the appraised unit value of Included Timber immediately prior to the delay or interruption and the appraised unit value of Included Timber immediately after the delay or interruption. The appraisal shall be done after any rate redetermination done pursuant to B3.31, using remaining volumes. Tentative Rates and Flat Rates in effect at the time of delay or interruption or established pursuant to B3.31 will be reduced, if appraised rates declined during the delay or interruption, to become Current Contract Rates. Increases in rates will not be considered. Accordingly, Base Rates shall be adjusted to correspond to the redetermined rates if redetermined rates are less than the original Base Rates, subject to a new Base Rate limitation of the cost of essential reforestation or 25 cents per hundred cubic feet or equivalent, whichever is larger. However, existing Base Indices shall not be changed under this Subsection. Redetermined rates shall be considered established under B3.1 for timber Scaled subsequent to the delay or interruption.

  • Factual Basis for Guilty Plea The parties agree that the facts constituting the offenses to which the defendant is pleading guilty are as follows:

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