ATTORNMENT TO FORECLOSURE PURCHASERS. Subject to the performance by Lender, any Foreclosure Purchaser, or their respective successor-in-interest of the obligations set forth in Section 3, below, the attornment obligation of Lessee hereunder shall extend to and include the following persons, each of whom is referred to herein as a "Foreclosure Purchaser:" (a) Lender; (b) any person other than Lender who acquires title to the Premises at a judicial or nonjudicial foreclosure sale conducted under or pursuant to the Deed of Trust; and (c) any person acquiring title to the Premises following the acquisition of title to the Premises by foreclosure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise from a person identified in (a) or (b) above.
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  • Subordination Attornment Non Disturbance 30.1 Provided that Tenant is provided with a subordination, non-disturbance and attornment agreement in a commercially reasonable form which (i) does not modify the economic terms of this Lease (or materially modify any other provision hereof) and (ii) recognizes all of Tenant's prospective and accrued rights under this Lease with respect to (A) the Letters of Credit and any matter relating to Capital Items under this Lease and (B) any default occurring before foreclosure (or delivery of a deed in lieu of foreclosure) (collectively, "Foreclosure Transfer") of a security instrument defined below) which continues after such Foreclosure Transfer ("SNDA") duly executed by the holder of any ground leases, deeds of trust, mortgages security interests (collectively, "Security Instruments") affecting the Premises, this Lease is and shall be subject and subordinate at all times to the security interests evidenced by the Security Instruments. Notwithstanding any provision of this Lease to the contrary, (a) Landlord shall not permit any Security Instrument to be recorded against the Premises or otherwise become prior to the lien of this Lease (without providing to Tenant an SNDA) prior to the earlier of the time of recordation of the Memorandum of this Lease described in Paragraph 25 (provided Tenant causes such Memorandum to be executed in recordable form, by Tenant within ten (10) business days after Landlord's request if such Memorandum was not previously recorded) or the date of Tenant's occupancy of the Premises for the conduct of business, and (b) in the event Landlord shall breach its obligations under clause (a), and Landlord shall not cure such breach (by causing such Security Instrument to be subordinate to this Lease or by providing Tenant an SNDA conforming to the requirements of this Paragraph 30) within thirty (30) days following receipt by Landlord of written notice from Tenant of such breach, without prejudice to its other rights and remedies, Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease, exercisable by delivery of written notice to Landlord at any time after such breach and expiration of such thirty (30) day period.

  • Subordination to Mortgages; Estoppel Certificate Tenant accepts this Lease subject and subordinate to any mortgage(s), deed(s) of trust, ground lease(s) or other lien(s) now upon the Premises, the Building or the Property, and to renewals, modifications, refinancings and extensions thereof (collectively referred to as a “Mortgage”) and to any future Mortgage provided that in the case of a future Mortgage the subordination shall be subject to the proposed lender providing the Tenant such lender’s standard form Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement (“SNDA”). The party having the benefit of a Mortgage shall be referred to as a “Mortgagee”. As an alternative, a Mortgagee shall have the right at any time to subordinate its Mortgage to this Lease. Upon request, Tenant, without charge, shall attorn to any successor to Landlord’s interest in this Lease. Landlord and Tenant shall each, within ten (10) days after receipt of a written request from the other, execute and deliver a commercially reasonable estoppel certificate to those parties as are reasonably requested by the other (including a Mortgagee or prospective purchaser). Without limitation, such estoppel certificate may include a certification as to the status of this Lease, the existence of any defaults and the amount of Rent that is due and payable. Upon full execution of this Lease by the Landlord and the Tenant, the Landlord agrees to request an SNDA in such lender’s customary form, from the existing lender holding a mortgage on the Property.

  • SUBORDINATION, NON-DISTURBANCE AND ATTORNMENT AGREEMENT Simultaneously upon Tenant's execution of this Lease, Tenant shall execute a Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT J. Landlord shall return a fully executed Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT J executed by Landlord and the Lender named therein, in recordable form, to Tenant as soon as reasonably possible but not later than ninety (90) days after the date of this Lease. Landlord shall use reasonable efforts (which efforts shall not require the expenditure of funds or the threat (or commencement) of litigation) to obtain a so-called "nondisturbance agreement" from any future Landlord's Mortgagee in the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT J or another form reasonably acceptable to Tenant and such Landlord's Mortgagee or other institutional lenders (either the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT J or such other reasonably acceptable form being herein referred to as the "NON-DISTURBANCE AGREEMENT"). Notwithstanding any other provision of this Lease, the subordination of this Lease to any Mortgage under Section 12.(a) and the Attornment of Tenant to any future Landlord Mortgagee under Section 12.(b) shall be conditioned upon such future Landlord's Mortgagee's execution and delivery of a Non-Disturbance Agreement.

  • Attornment Subject to the non-disturbance provisions of Paragraph 30.3, Lessee agrees to attorn to a Lender or any other party who acquires ownership of the Premises by reason of a foreclosure of a Security Device, and that in the event of such foreclosure, such new owner shall not: (i) be liable for any act or omission of any prior lessor or with respect to events occurring prior to acquisition of ownership, (ii) be subject to any offsets or defenses which Lessee might have against any prior lessor, or (iii) be bound by prepayment of more than one month's rent.

  • Subordination Estoppel Certificate (a) Provided that Tenant’s right of possession of the Premises shall not be disturbed by the Mortgagee so long as there is no Event of Default under this Lease, this Lease shall be subordinate at all times to the lien of any mortgages and deeds of trust now or hereafter placed upon the Premises, Building, and/or Project and land of which they are a part (a “Mortgage”) without the necessity of any further instrument or act on the part of Tenant to effectuate such subordination. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that there is a subordination, non-disturbance, and attornment agreement executed by Tenant and Mortgagee, the terms of the subordination, non-disturbance, and attornment agreement shall control. Tenant further agrees to execute and deliver within twenty (20) days after demand such further instrument evidencing such subordination and attornment as shall be reasonably required by any Mortgagee. If Landlord shall be or is alleged to be in default of any of its obligations owing to Tenant under this Lease, Tenant shall give to the holder (the “Mortgagee”) of any mortgage or deed of trust now or hereafter placed upon the Premises, Building, and/or Project whose name and address has been furnished to Tenant, notice by overnight mail of any such default that Tenant shall have served upon Landlord. Tenant shall not be entitled to exercise any right or remedy as there may be because of any default by Landlord without having given such notice to the Mortgagee. If Landlord shall fail to cure such default, the Mortgagee shall have thirty (30) additional days within which to cure such default or such longer period as may be reasonably necessary to complete the cure provided Mortgagee is proceeding diligently to cure such default. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Mortgagee may at any time subordinate its mortgage to this Lease, without Tenant’s consent, by notice in writing to Tenant, and thereupon this Lease shall be deemed prior to such Mortgage without regard to their respective dates of execution and delivery, and in that event the Mortgagee shall have the same rights with respect to this Lease as though it had been executed prior to the execution and delivery of the Mortgage.

  • Estoppel Certificate Tenant agrees that from time to time, upon not less than seven (7) days' prior written request by Landlord, Tenant will, and Tenant will cause any subtenant, licensee, concessionaire or other occupant of the Premises to, promptly complete, execute and deliver to Landlord or any party or parties designated by Landlord a statement in writing certifying: (i) that this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect (or if there have been modifications that the same are in full force and effect as modified and identifying the modifications); (ii) the dates to which the Rent and other charges have been paid; (iii) that the Premises have been unconditionally accepted by the Tenant (or if not, stating with particularity the reasons why the Premises have not been unconditionally accepted); (iv) the amount of any Security Deposit held hereunder; (v) that, so far as the party making the certificate knows, Landlord is not in default under any provisions of this Lease, if such is the case, and if not, identifying all defaults with particularity; and (vi) any other matter reasonable requested by Landlord. Any purchaser or Mortgagee of any interest in the Building shall be entitled to rely on said statement. Failure to give such a statement within seven (7) days after said written request shall be conclusive evidence, upon which Landlord and any such purchaser or Mortgagee shall be entitled to rely that this Lease is in full force and effect and Landlord is not in default and Tenant shall be estopped from asserting against Landlord or any such purchaser or Mortgagee any defaults of Landlord existing at that time but Tenant shall not thereby be relieved of the affirmative obligation to give such statement. Moreover, if Tenant fails to deliver or cause to be delivered such statement within said seven (7) day period, Landlord shall be entitled to collect from Tenant upon demand, as liquidated damages occasioned by such delay and not as a penalty (the actual damages resulting from such delay being impossible to ascertain), a sum equal to one-fifteenth of the Monthly Base Rent for each day, up to fifteen (15) days, after the expiration of said seven (7) day period that Tenant fails to deliver such statement. If such failure persists after such fifteen (15) day period, Landlord shall be entitled to pursue any and all remedies it may have with respect to such Default, including termination of this Lease or Tenant's right to possession and collection of damages, including consequential damages, arising by reason for such Default.

  • SUBORDINATION, ATTORNMENT AND NON-DISTURBANCE At the request from time to time by one or more holders of an Encumbrance that may hereafter be placed upon the Leased Property or any part thereof, and any and all renewals, replacements, modifications, consolidations, spreaders and extensions thereof, Lessee will subordinate this Lease and all of Lessee's rights and estate hereunder to each such Encumbrance and will attorn to and recognize such holder (or the purchaser at any foreclosure sale or any sale under a power of sale contained in any such Encumbrance or a holder by a deed in lieu of foreclosure, as the case may be) as Lessor under this Lease for the balance of the Term then remaining, subject to all of the terms and provisions of this Lease; provided that each such institutional holder simultaneously with or prior to recording any such Encumbrance executes and delivers a written agreement in recordable form (a) consenting to this Lease and agreeing that, notwithstanding any such other lease, mortgage, deed of trust, right, title or interest, or any default, expiration, termination, foreclosure, sale, entry or other act or omission under, pursuant to or affecting any of the foregoing, Lessee shall not be disturbed in peaceful enjoyment of the Leased Property nor shall this Lease be terminated or canceled at any time, except in the event Lessor shall have the right to terminate this Lease under the terms and provisions expressly set forth herein; (b) agreeing that it will be bound by all the terms of this Lease, perform and observe all of Lessor's obligations set forth herein; and (c) agreeing that all proceeds of the casualty insurance described in Article 13 of this Lease and all Awards described in Article 14 will be made available to Lessor for restoration of the Leased Property as and to the extent required by this Lease, subject only to reasonable regulation regarding the manner of disbursement and application thereof. Lessee agrees to execute and deliver to Lessor or the holder of an Encumbrance any written agreement required by this Article within ten days of written request thereof by Lessor or such holder of an Encumbrance. Lessee agrees to execute from time to time, at the request of Lessor, an institutional investor of Lessor's or a Facility Mortgagee, a certificate setting forth any defaults of Lessor hereunder and the dates through which Rent has been paid and such other matters as may be reasonably requested.

  • SNDA It shall be a condition to Purchaser’s obligation to consummate Closing that Seller obtain and deliver to Purchaser an executed Subordination, Nondisturbance and Attornment Agreement (“SNDA”) in favor of Purchaser’s lender from (a) each Tenant which is not a Major Tenant that has a recorded memorandum of lease appearing on the PTR (provided, however, that Purchaser shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause Purchaser’s lender to waive any requirement for an SNDA with respect to the Bank of America ATM lease as a condition to Closing), and (b) each Major Tenant (each Tenant referenced in (a) and (b), a “Required SNDA Tenant”). Purchaser shall deliver the form of each SNDA (with the applicable Tenant and Tenant Lease information completed) to Seller for submission to the applicable Tenants prior to the expiration of the Property Approval Period; provided that if any Tenant Lease includes a required form of SNDA (such lease, a “Form SNDA Lease”), Purchaser agrees that such form of SNDA may be submitted to such Tenant and will be accepted for Closing. Further, Seller shall have the right to deliver an amendment to the Tenant Lease for any SNDA which confirms that such Tenant Lease is subordinate to the lien of Purchaser’s lender and any such amendment shall be considered an SNDA for all purposes under this Agreement; provided that no such amendment can be delivered for any Tenant with a Tenant Lease that is a Form SNDA Lease. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if requested by Purchaser’s lender and if Purchaser timely provides a completed SNDA for any additional Tenants, Seller shall deliver an SNDA to any such Tenant with a request for its execution and delivery; provided, however, delivery of an SNDA shall not be a condition to Purchaser’s obligation to consummate Closing for any Tenant that is not a Required SNDA Tenant.

  • Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment In the event that Landlord places any Facility Mortgage on the Leased Property, Tenant agrees to promptly enter into, execute and deliver to the requesting party a commercially reasonable subordination, non-disturbance and attornment agreement with any such Facility Mortgagee, which shall acknowledge that this Lease, Tenant's interest hereunder and Tenant's leasehold interest in and to the Leased Property are junior, inferior, subordinate and subject in right, title, interest, lien, encumbrance, priority and all other respects to the lien of any Facility Mortgage or Mortgages now or hereafter in force and effect upon or encumbering Landlord's interest in the Leased Property, or any portion thereof, and to all collateral assignments by Landlord to any third party or parties of any of Landlord's rights under this Lease or the rents, issues and profits thereof or therefrom as security for any liability or indebtedness, direct, indirect or contingent, of Landlord to such third party or parties, and to all future modifications, extensions, renewals, consolidations and replacements of, and all amendments and supplements to any such mortgage, mortgages or assignments; provided such lender agrees not to disturb Tenant's occupancy of the Leased Property or its rights under this Lease as long as there is no existing and continuing Event of Default. If, within fifteen (15) days following Tenant's receipt of a written request by Landlord or the holder or proposed holder of any such Facility Mortgage, Tenant shall fail or refuse or shall have not executed any such subordination, non-disturbance and attornment agreement, Tenant shall be in breach and default of its obligation to do so and of this Lease and Landlord shall be entitled thereupon to exercise any and all remedies available to Landlord pursuant to this Lease or otherwise provided by law.

  • Tenant Estoppel Certificate Please refer to the documents described in Schedule 1 hereto, (the “Lease Documents”) including the “Lease” therein described; all defined terms in this Certificate shall have the same meanings as set forth in the Lease unless otherwise expressly set forth herein. The undersigned Tenant hereby certifies that it is the tenant under the Lease. Tenant hereby further acknowledges that it has been advised that the Lease may be collaterally assigned in connection with a proposed financing secured by the Property and/or may be assigned in connection with a sale of the Property and certifies both to Landlord and to any and all prospective mortgagees and purchasers of the Property, including any trustee on behalf of any holders of notes or other similar instruments, any holders from time to time of such notes or other instruments, and their respective successors and assigns (the “Beneficiaries”) that as of the date hereof:

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