In Section 3. 6(a), the clause “are included in the Disclosure Schedules” at the end of the final sentence is replaced with “have been provided to Holdings.”
In Section 3. 6.3.1, delete everything after the first sentence and substitute the following:
In Section 3. 6.1.1, delete the period after the word “Construction” at the end of the first sentence and insert a comma. After the comma insert the following:
In Section 3. 6.2.5, insert a comma after the word “render” and insert the following after the comma:
In Section 3. 6.4.5, insert the words “detailed, chronological” before the word “record.”
In Section 3. 6.4.1, delete everything after the word “promptness” except the period.
In Section 3. 6.2.2, insert a comma after the word “Documents” at the end of the first sentence and insert the following after the comma and before the period:
In Section 3. 5.2.1, add the following to the end of the sentence:
In Section 3. 6.5.1, delete everything after the first sentence and substitute the following: Add the following Section 3. For Construction Change Directives only, when the Contractor does not provide properly itemized cost information in accordance with Article 7 of the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, the Architect shall, for the Owner's information and as an initial basis for establishing the upper limit of compensation to the Contractor, provide the itemization and shall use the labor, material and equipment unit costs as listed in the most current issue of the ''Means Construction Cost Data'' series of cost guides, adjusted for local cost conditions. The Architect's effort required to prepare the cost itemization shall be considered as an Additional Service.
In Section 3. 6.5.2, insert the words “detailed, chronological” after the work “maintain” and before the word “records.” Add the following Section 3.