AUDIT REPORT SUBMISSION. Audit reports must be submitted no later than 150 days following cancellation, termination or expiration of this Agreement.
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AUDIT REPORT SUBMISSION. Copies of audit reports conducted pursuant to Florida Statute 215.97 and the Florida Rules of the Auditor General Chapter 10.650, must be submitted no later than 150 days following cancellation, termination or expiration of this Agreement. $ &RSLHV RI DXGLW UHSRUWV IRU DXGLWV FRQGXFWHG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH & ) 5 † DQG UHTXLUHG E\ WKLV $JUHHPHQW ZLOO EH VXEPLWWHG ZKHQ UHTXLUHG E\ & ) 5 † E\ RU RQ EHKDOI RI WKH 3URYLGHU directly to the following: 2IILFH RI WKH $WWRUQH\ *HQHUDO Bureau of Advocacy and Grants Management PL-01, The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 % $Q\ UHSRUWV PDQDJHPHQW OHWWHUV RU RWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ UHTXLUHG WR EH VXEPLWWHG WR WKH 2$* SXUVXDQW WR this Agreement will be submitted timely in accordance with federal government-wide grant rules as set IRUWK LQ & ) 5 † HW VHT DV DSSOLFDEOH & 3URYLGHUV VKRXOG LQGLFDWH WKH GDWH WKH ILQDQFLDO UHSRUWLQJ SDFNDJH ZDV GHOLYHUHG LQ FRUUHVSRQGHQFH accompanying the financial reporting package.
AUDIT REPORT SUBMISSION. The full audit report submission will include the following: Comparative financial statements other than audit schedules and reports required for the type of financial audit necessary for the Contractor and resulting audit report and opinion. Consolidated financial statements in a comparative format to support full reporting for the Contractor and all related companies. If the Contractor originates from an out-of-state company the audit report must include a supplemental report that provides a break out of the IRIS financial results versus other operations. A report on the Contractor internal control environment over financial reporting. A report describing the system of cost allocation for shared overhead and direct services between programs or lines of business as required. A supplemental financial report that demonstrates the financial results and segregated reserves of the entity’s business for each state program contract where the organization operates under multiple Medicaid contracts and/or other lines of business. The report shall be in columnar format for the various programs as required. Letter(s) to management as issued or written assurance that a management letter was not issued with the audit report. Management responses/corrective action plan for each audit issue identified in the audit report and/or management letter. The completed CPA audit checklist signed by the Contractor’s designated financial officer. Submission of the final audit results in the IRIS financial reporting template and a signed Financial Statement Certification if the audit resulted in adjustments to preliminary calendar year-end financial reporting. If no adjustments to the preliminary calendar year-end financial reporting were made it should be stated in the email submission of the audit report submission. Submission of the audit reports — the audit report documents should be submitted electronically to and … State of Wisconsin Contractor Department of Health Services Contractor Name: Authorized Representative Authorized Representative Name: Xxxxx X. Xxxxx Name: Title: Wisconsin Medicaid Director Title: Signature: Signature: Date: Date: SUPPLIER DIVERSITY AMENDMENT The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and Contractor agree to the below change to the Agreement. The below Agreement amendment is hereby incorporated by reference into the Agreement and is enforceable as if restated therein in its ...
AUDIT REPORT SUBMISSION a. The full audit report will include the following: …


  • Audit Report Audits will be conducted as provided by the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-133. The Department of Justice and Department of the Treasury reserve the right to conduct periodic random audits. Affidavit - Existing Participant Under penalty of perjury, the undersigned officials certify that they have read and understand their obligations under the Equitable Sharing Agreement and that the information submitted in conjunction with this Document isan accurate accounting of funds received and spent by the Agency under the Justiceand/orTreasuryGuides during the reporting period and that the recipient Agency is in compliance with the National Code of Professional Conduct for Asset Forfeiture. The undersigned certify that the recipient Agency is in compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of the following lawsand their Department of Justice implementing regulations: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq.), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.),Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794), and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. § 6101 et seq.), which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age in any federally assisted program or activity, or on the basis of sex in any federally assisted education program or activity. The Agency agrees that it will comply with all federal statutesand regulations permitting federal investigators access to records and any other sources of information as may be necessary to determine compliance with civil rights and other applicable statutesand regulations. During the past fiscal year: (1) has any court or administrative agency issued any finding, judgment, or determination that the Agency discriminated against any person or group in violation of any of the federal civil rightsstatutes listed above; or (2) has the Agency entered into any settlement agreement with respect to any complaint filed with a court or administrative agency alleging that the Agency discriminated against any person or group in violation of any of the federal civil rightsstatutes listed above? Yes No If you answered yes to the above question, complete Table I Agency Head See ¶ 2 on page Governing Body Head See ¶ 2 on page Signature: Name: Title: Date: Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx 07/13/2010 Signature: Name: Title: Date: Xxxxx X. Xxxxxx Chairman Board of Commissioner 07/13/2010

  • Audit Reports promptly upon receipt thereof, one copy of each other financial report and internal control letter submitted to the Company by independent accountants in connection with any annual, interim or special audit made by them of the books of the Company.

  • Evaluation Reports Where a formal evaluation of an employee's performance is carried out, the employee shall be provided with a copy to read and review. Provision shall be made on the evaluation form for an employee to sign it. The form shall provide for the employee's signature in two (2) places, one indicating that the employee has read and accepts the evaluation, and the other indicating that the employee disagrees with the evaluation. The employee shall sign in one of the places provided within seven (7) calendar days. No employee may initiate a grievance regarding the contents of an evaluation report unless the signature indicates disagreement with the evaluation. The employee shall receive a copy of the evaluation report at the time of signing. An evaluation report shall not be changed after an employee has signed it, without the knowledge of the employee, and any such changes shall be subject to the grievance procedure.

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