Availability of Information To make DHCS PI and PII available to the DHCS and/or 15 COUNTY for purposes of oversight, inspection, amendment, and response to requests for records, 16 injunctions, judgments, and orders for production of DHCS PI and PII. If CONTRACTOR receives 17 DHCS PII, upon request by COUNTY and/or DHCS, CONTRACTOR shall provide COUNTY and/or 18 DHCS with a list of all employees, contractors and agents who have access to DHCS PII, including 19 employees, contractors and agents of its subcontractors and agents.
Availability of Services CBT agrees not to discontinue or refuse to provide any service provided or required hereunder other than in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, or unless required by the Commission.
Availability of Funds The County may terminate this Agreement or a portion of the services referenced in the Attachments and Exhibits based upon unavailability of Federal, State, or County funds, by providing written notice to Contractor as soon as is reasonably possible after the County learns of said unavailability of outside funding.