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CABLED MODE Sample Clauses

CABLED MODE. When being operated in cabled mode (e.g. fiber optic, coaxial, multi-conductor), the maximum amount of cable that can be deployed between the vehicle and the OCS shall be no less than 200 meters. The desired maximum amount of cable is 500 meters. An indication shall be provided to warn the operator when 20 meters of cable or less remains to be payed out. A conspicuous marking of the cable that can be viewed with a vehicle camera is a sufficient indication. THE CABLE SHALL BE STORED ON THE VEHICLE AND BE CAPABLE OF PAYING OUT FREELY FROM THE VEHICLE. A self-reeling mechanism for cable retrieval located on the vehicle that can be controlled from the OCS during a mission is desired. If such a self-reeling mechanism is not provided on the vehicle, then a manual or powered reeling mechanism shall be provided at the OCS to facilitate the retrieval of cable during a mission. A means to facilitate the manual retrieval of cable onto the vehicle after a mission shall be provided. The capability to lower, lift, and drag the vehicle by the cable (without damaging the cable) is desired. To:
CABLED MODE. When being operated in cabled mode (e.g. fiber optic, coaxial, multi-conductor), the maximum amount of cable that can be deployed between the vehicle and the OCS shall be no less than 200 meters. The desired maximum amount of cable is 500 meters. An indication shall be provided to warn the operator when 20 meters of cable or less remains to be payed out. A conspicuous marking of the cable that can be viewed with a vehicle camera is a sufficient indication. The cable shall be stored on the vehicle and be capable of paying out freely from the vehicle. A self-reeling mechanism for cable retrieval located on the vehicle that can be controlled from the OCS during a mission is desired. If such a self-reeling mechanism is not provided on the vehicle, then a manual or powered reeling mechanism shall be provided at the OCS to facilitate the retrieval of cable during NSN 7540-01-152-8057 50336-101 OPTIONAL FORM 336A (4-86) Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110 CONTINUATION SHEET REFERENCE NO. OF DOCUMENT BEING CONTINUED PAGE N00174-03-D-0003 44 OF 51 NAME OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR IROBOT CORP a mission. A means to facilitate the manual retrieval of cable onto the vehicle after a mission shall be provided. The capability to lower, lift, and drag the vehicle by the cable (without damaging the cable) is desired.
CABLED MODE. When being operated in cabled mode (e.g. fiber optic, coaxial, multi-conductor), the maximum amount of cable that can be deployed between the vehicle and the OCS shall be no less than 200 meters. The desired maximum amount of cable is 500 meters. An indication shall be provided to warn the operator when 20 meters of cable or less remains to be payed out. A conspicuous marking of the cable that can be viewed with a vehicle camera is a sufficient indication. NO LESS THAN 150 METERS OF CABLE SHALL BE STORED ON THE VEHICLE AND BE CAPABLE OF PAYING OUT FREELY FROM THE VEHICLE. HAVING ALL OF THE CABLE STORED ON THE VEHICLE IS DESIRED. A self-reeling mechanism for cable retrieval located on the vehicle that can be controlled from the OCS during a mission is desired. If such a self-reeling mechanism is not provided on the vehicle, then a manual or powered reeling mechanism shall be provided at the OCS to facilitate the retrieval of cable during a mission. A means to facilitate the manual retrieval of cable onto the vehicle after a mission shall be provided. The capability to lower, lift, and drag the vehicle by the cable (without damaging the cable) is desired.

Related to CABLED MODE

  • Local Circuit Switching Capability, including Tandem Switching Capability 4.2.1 Local circuit switching capability is defined as: (A) line-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between a loop termination at a main distribution frame and a switch line card; (B) trunk-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a trunk-side cross-connect panel and a switch trunk card; (C) switching provided by remote switching modules; and (D) all features, functions, and capabilities of the switch, which include, but are not limited to: (1) the basic switching function of connecting lines to lines, line to trunks, trunks to lines, and trunks to trunks, as well as the same basic capabilities made available to BellSouth’s customers, such as a telephone number, white page listings, and dial tone; and (2) all other features that the switch is capable of providing, including but not limited to customer calling, customer local area signaling service features, and Centrex, as well as any technically feasible customized routing functions provided by the switch. Any features that are not currently available but are technically feasible through the switch can be requested through the BFR/NBR process. 4.2.2 Notwithstanding BellSouth’s general duty to unbundle local circuit switching, BellSouth shall not be required to unbundle local circuit switching for Louisville Telephone when Louisville Telephone serves an end-user with four (4) or more voice-grade (DS-0) equivalents or lines served by BellSouth in one of the following MSAs: Atlanta, GA; Miami, FL; Orlando, FL; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC; Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, NC; Nashville, TN; and New Orleans, LA, and BellSouth has provided non- discriminatory cost based access to the Enhanced Extended Link (EEL) throughout Density Zone 1 as determined by NECA Tariff No. 4 as in effect on January 1, 1999. 4.2.3 In the event that Louisville Telephone orders local circuit switching for an end user with four (4) or more DS0 equivalent lines within Density Zone 1 in an MSA listed above, BellSouth shall charge Louisville Telephone the market based rates in Exhibit B for use of the local circuit switching functionality for the affected facilities.

  • Single Source Selection Services for tasks in circumstances which meet the requirements of paragraph 3.10 of the Consultant Guidelines for Single Source Selection, may, with the Association's prior agreement, be procured in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.9 through 3.13 of the Consultant Guidelines.

  • Fixed Kilowatt Rate Product If Clearview Energy would like to propose a change to a fixed kilowatt rate product, you will be notified by the process described in Change of Terms. Fixed price products may change due to new or modified federal, state or local laws; or regulatory actions that impose new or modified fees. 2b. Month-to-month Variable Kilowatt Rate Product – Month-to-month variable kilowatt rate products are subject to change without notice at Clearview Energy’s discretion outside of any applicable promotion. If applicable, the Monthly Base Charge may also fluctuate outside of any applicable promotion. All pricing can be viewed at xxx.XxxxxxxxxXxxxxx.xxx.

  • Video Display Terminals ‌ The Employer shall ensure that any new office equipment or facility required for use in conjunction with VDTs shall meet the standards recommended by the Workers' Compensation Board.

  • Switching System Hierarchy and Trunking Requirements For purposes of routing PNG traffic to Verizon, the subtending arrangements between Verizon Tandem Switches and Verizon End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements Verizon maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic (i.e., traffic will be routed to the appropriate Verizon Tandem subtended by the terminating End Office serving the Verizon Customer). For purposes of routing Verizon traffic to PNG, the subtending arrangements between PNG Tandem Switches and PNG End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements that PNG maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic.

  • Tandem Switching 4.5.1 The Tandem Switching capability Network Element is defined as: (i) trunk-connect facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a cross-connect panel and switch trunk card; (ii) the basic switch trunk function of connecting trunks to trunks; and (iii) the functions that are centralized in the Tandem Switches (as distinguished from separate end office switches), including but not limited to call recording, the routing of calls to operator services and signaling conversion features. 4.5.2 Where <<customer_short_name>> utilizes portions of the BellSouth network in originating or terminating traffic, the Tandem Switching rates are applied in call scenarios where the Tandem Switching Network Element has been utilized. Because switch recordings cannot accurately indicate on a per call basis when the Tandem Switching Network Element has been utilized for an interoffice call originating from a UNE port and terminating to a BellSouth, Independent Company or Facility-Based CLEC office, BellSouth has developed, based upon call studies, a melded rate that takes into account the average percentage of calls that utilize Tandem Switching in these scenarios. BellSouth shall apply the melded Tandem Switching rate for every call in these scenarios. BellSouth shall utilize the melded Tandem Switching Rate until BellSouth has the capability to measure actual Tandem Switch usage in each call scenario specifically mentioned above, at which point the rate for the actual Tandem Switch usage shall apply. The UNE Local Call Flows set forth on BellSouth's website, as amended from time to time and incorporated herein by this reference, illustrate when the full or melded Tandem Switching rates apply for specific scenarios.

  • Unbundled Loop Modifications (Line Conditioning 2.5.1 Line Conditioning is defined as routine network modification that BellSouth regularly undertakes to provide xDSL services to its own customers. This may include the removal of any device, from a copper Loop or copper Subloop that may diminish the capability of the Loop or Subloop to deliver high-speed switched wireline telecommunications capability, including xDSL service. Such devices include, load coils, excessive bridged taps, low pass filters, and range extenders. Excessive bridged taps are bridged taps that serves no network design purpose and that are beyond the limits set according to industry standards and/or the BellSouth’s TR 73600 Unbundled Local Loop Technical Specification. 2.5.2 BellSouth will remove load coils only on copper Loops and Subloops that are less than eighteen thousand (18,000) feet in length. 2.5.3 For any copper loop being ordered by NewPhone which has over six thousand (6,000) feet of combined bridged tap will be modified, upon request from NewPhone, so that the loop will have a maximum of six thousand (6,000) feet of bridged tap. This modification will be performed at no additional charge to NewPhone. Loop conditioning orders that require the removal of bridged tap that serves no network design purpose on a copper Loop that will result in a combined total of bridged tap between two thousand five hundred (2,500) and six thousand (6,000) feet will be performed at the rates set forth in Exhibit A. 2.5.4 NewPhone may request removal of any unnecessary and non-excessive bridged tap (bridged tap between zero (0) and two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet which serves no network design purpose), at rates pursuant to BellSouth’s SC Process as mutually agreed to by the Parties. 2.5.5 Rates for ULM are as set forth in Exhibit A. 2.5.6 BellSouth will not modify a Loop in such a way that it no longer meets the technical parameters of the original Loop type (e.g., voice grade, ADSL, etc.) being ordered. 2.5.7 If NewPhone requests ULM on a reserved facility for a new Loop order, BellSouth may perform a pair change and provision a different Loop facility in lieu of the reserved facility with ULM if feasible. The Loop provisioned will meet or exceed specifications of the requested Loop facility as modified. NewPhone will not be charged for ULM if a different Loop is provisioned. For Loops that require a DLR or its equivalent, BellSouth will provide LMU detail of the Loop provisioned. 2.5.8 NewPhone shall request Loop make up information pursuant to this Attachment prior to submitting a service inquiry and/or a LSR for the Loop type that NewPhone desires BellSouth to condition. 2.5.9 When requesting ULM for a Loop that BellSouth has previously provisioned for NewPhone, NewPhone will submit a SI to BellSouth. If a spare Loop facility that meets the Loop modification specifications requested by NewPhone is available at the location for which the ULM was requested, NewPhone will have the option to change the Loop facility to the qualifying spare facility rather than to provide ULM. In the event that BellSouth changes the Loop facility in lieu of providing ULM, NewPhone will not be charged for ULM but will only be charged the service order charges for submitting an order.

  • Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service Any Telecommunications Service that Verizon provides at retail to subscribers that are not Telecommunications Carriers. The term “Verizon Retail Telecommunications Service” does not include any Exchange Access service (as defined in Section 3(16) of the Act, 47 U.S.C. § 153(16)) provided by Verizon.

  • Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.

  • CONDITIONS FOR EMERGENCY/HURRICANE OR DISASTER - TERM CONTRACTS It is hereby made a part of this Invitation for Bids that before, during and after a public emergency, disaster, hurricane, flood, or other acts of God that Orange County shall require a “first priority” basis for goods and services. It is vital and imperative that the majority of citizens are protected from any emergency situation which threatens public health and safety, as determined by the County. Contractor agrees to rent/sell/lease all goods and services to the County or other governmental entities as opposed to a private citizen, on a first priority basis. The County expects to pay contractual prices for all goods or services required during an emergency situation. Contractor shall furnish a twenty-four (24) hour phone number in the event of such an emergency.