Competitive Selection of Contractors. The DEVELOPER shall competitively award a contract for the construction of the S.R. 54 Pipeline Project to an appropriately licensed contractor. The S.R. 54 Pipeline Project contractor must be certified by the FDOT. The term "competitively award" as used in this DA means to award the said contract based upon the submission of sealed bids, in accordance with the procedures set forth herein. The failure of the DEVELOPER to comply substantially and in good faith with any provision of this section may result in the rejection by the COUNTY of any request for impact fee credits related to work that was not competitively bid. Prior to initiating the competitive award process, the DEVELOPER shall provide to the COUNTY Purchasing Director and to the FDOT the bid package, which shall include final and complete design plans, technical specifications, general and special conditions, contracts, required portions of this DA, and all such other project documents and materials the inclusion of which in the bid package may be deemed necessary or advisable by the DEVELOPER, COUNTY, or FDOT. The COUNTY and FDOT shall have fifteen (15) business days to review the documents and materials submitted by the DEVELOPER and provide the DEVELOPER with their comments. Consistent with the COUNTY'S and FDOT's comments, the DEVELOPER shall finalize the bid package, outlining the nature and scope of the project; shall provide the COUNTY and FDOT with a copy of the final bid package; and shall proceed to solicit competitive bids from qualified contractors following the process set forth below. The DEVELOPER shall advertise the bid one (1) day per week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the legal section of a newspaper of general circulation in the COUNTY. The DEVELOPER shall request a vendor database list from the FDOT and COUNTY and shall send bid solicitations to each vendor on the appropriate list no later than when the first advertisement appears. The DEVELOPER shall immediately provide the COUNTY and FDOT with any and all correspondence, addenda, and amendments to the bid package, but in no event later than the closing date for the submission of bids. The closing date for the submission of bids shall be no less than thirty (30) days after the first advertisement. The DEVELOPER is exclusively responsible for fulfilling requests for documentation and responding to questions of bidders. If the DEVELOPER elects to conduct any prebid meetings in connection with the Project, the details of this election shall be specified in the bid package, and the Purchasing Director, or his designee, and any designated FDOT staff shall be afforded an opportunity to attend any such prebid meetings with reasonable notice. All competitive bids shall be sealed and delivered to the DEVELOPER on or before the time specified in the request or invitation issued by the DEVELOPER, and the said bids shall be opened by the DEVELOPER at the specified location in the bid documents in the presence of the Purchasing Director or his designee and any designated FDOT staff who shall be afforded reasonable notice and an opportunity to review and comment on the bids. After the opening, the Purchasing Director or his designee and any designated FDOT staff shall immediately receive an unofficial bid tabulation from the DEVELOPER. Within twenty-four (24) hours of the bid opening, the COUNTY and FDOT shall receive from DEVELOPER full copies of all bids and an official bid tabulation. The DEVELOPER shall evaluate the bids to ascertain the identity of the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. The DEVELOPER shall notify the COUNTY Purchasing Director and the FDOT, in writing, of the identity of the lowest responsive, responsible bidder and shall provide the COUNTY and FDOT with the proposed contract which shall be consistent with the approved bid package and the lowest responsive, responsible bid. The DEVELOPER shall award the Pipeline Project contracts to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder approved by the FDOT and COUNTY. If the DEVELOPER determines that any or all bids should be rejected for any material reason, the above notification shall also identify each defective bid and the basis for the determination as to rejection as applicable, including a general determination that all
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Development Agreement, Development Agreement, Development Agreement
Competitive Selection of Contractors. The DEVELOPER shall competitively award a contract for the construction of the S.R. 54 Pipeline Project pipeline projects to an appropriately licensed contractor. The S.R. 54 Improvement Pipeline Project contractor Projects must be certified by the FDOT. The term "competitively award" as used in this DA means to award the said contract based upon the submission of sealed bids, in accordance with the procedures set forth herein. The failure of the DEVELOPER to comply substantially and in good faith with any provision of this section may result in the rejection by the COUNTY of any request for impact fee TIF credits related to work that was not competitively bid. Prior to initiating the competitive competitive-award process, the DEVELOPER shall provide to the COUNTY Purchasing Director and to the FDOT the bid package, which shall include final and complete design plans, technical specifications, general and special conditions, contracts, required portions of this DA, and all such other project documents and materials the inclusion of which in the bid package may be deemed necessary or advisable by the DEVELOPER, COUNTY, or FDOT. The COUNTY and FDOT shall have fifteen thirty (1530) business days to review the documents and materials submitted by the DEVELOPER and provide the DEVELOPER with their comments. Consistent with the COUNTY'S and FDOT's ’S comments, the DEVELOPER shall finalize the bid package, outlining the nature and scope of the project; shall provide the COUNTY and FDOT with a copy of the final bid package; and shall proceed to solicit competitive bids from qualified contractors following the process set forth below. The DEVELOPER shall advertise the bid one (1) day per week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the legal section of a newspaper of general circulation in the COUNTY. The DEVELOPER shall request a vendor database list from the COUNTY and FDOT and COUNTY and shall send bid solicitations to each vendor on the appropriate list no later than when the first advertisement appears. The DEVELOPER shall immediately provide the COUNTY and FDOT with any and all correspondence, addenda, and amendments to the bid package, but in no event later than the closing date for the submission of bids. The closing date for the submission of bids shall be no less than thirty (30) days after the first advertisement. The DEVELOPER is exclusively responsible for fulfilling requests for documentation and responding to questions of bidders. If the DEVELOPER elects to conduct any prebid meetings in connection with the Project, the details of this election shall be specified in the bid package, and the Purchasing Director, or his designee, and any designated FDOT staff shall be afforded an opportunity to attend any such prebid meetings with reasonable notice. All competitive bids shall be sealed and delivered to the DEVELOPER on or before the time specified in the request or invitation issued by the DEVELOPER, and the said bids shall be opened by the DEVELOPER at the specified location in the bid documents in the presence of the Purchasing Director or his designee and any designated FDOT staff designee, who shall be afforded reasonable notice and an opportunity to review and comment on the bids. After the opening, the Purchasing Director or his designee and any designated FDOT staff shall immediately receive an unofficial bid tabulation from the DEVELOPER. Within twenty-four (24) hours of the bid opening, the COUNTY and FDOT shall receive from DEVELOPER full copies of all bids and an official bid tabulation. The DEVELOPER shall evaluate the bids to ascertain the identity of the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. The DEVELOPER shall notify the COUNTY Purchasing Director and the FDOT, FDOT in writing, of the identity of the lowest responsive, responsible bidder and shall provide the COUNTY and the FDOT with the proposed contract which shall be consistent with the approved bid package and the lowest responsive, responsible bid. The DEVELOPER shall award the Pipeline Project pipeline project contracts to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder approved by the FDOT COUNTY and COUNTYFDOT. If the DEVELOPER determines that any or all bids should be rejected for any material reason, the above notification shall also identify each defective bid and the basis for the determination as to rejection as applicable, including a general determination that allall bids should be rejected and the applicable pipeline project should be rebid. In the event that all bidders are rejected as nonresponsive and/or nonresponsible, the pipeline project may be rebid following the procedures described herein. The COUNTY and FDOT shall have thirty (30) business days to review, comment, and provide a statement of reasonable objections or no objection. If either the COUNTY or FDOT object, the COUNTY and FDOT reserve the right to require the DEVELOPER to award the applicable pipeline project con- tract to the next available, lowest, responsive, responsible bidder or require that all bids be rejected and a rebid performed. Upon the COUNTY'S and FDOT’S statement of no objection, the DEVELOPER may proceed to award to that party the contract for the pipeline project and shall execute a formal written agreement containing the specific terms and conditions of construction, as set forth in the bid package and in the format previously accepted by the COUNTY and FDOT, providing two (2) copies of the final executed agreement to the COUNTY Purchasing Director and FDOT. The DEVELOPER shall promptly furnish to the COUNTY and FDOT two (2) copies of any amendments, supplements to the agreement, or change orders thereafter executed. In addition to the foregoing, the DEVELOPER shall comply with any applicable State competitive- bidding requirements for the pipeline projects.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Development Agreement, Development Agreement, Development Agreement