Completion of the Landlord Work Commencement Date Sample Clauses

Completion of the Landlord Work Commencement Date 
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Related to Completion of the Landlord Work Commencement Date

  • Landlord Work In accordance with the mutually acceptable space plan dated January 4, 2012 prepared by Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx Architects (the “Approved Plan”) attached hereto, Landlord shall perform the following work (collectively, the “Landlord Work”): · Build out 4 offices · Install a door to connect Suites 205 and 230 · Provide appropriate surfaces and air handling · Investigate the addition of an 8’ hood in lab Landlord shall cause the Landlord Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause the Landlord Work to be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner, substantially in accordance with the Approved Plan and in compliance with applicable laws and covenants, conditions and restrictions in effect as of the date of such completion, and in good condition and working order. The Landlord Work shall be performed by Landlord, at Landlord’s sole cost and expense. Tenant shall have the right, on not less than two (2) business days’ advance written notice to Landlord, and, if specified by Landlord at Landlord’s option, accompanied by a representative of Landlord, to inspect the construction of the Landlord Work; provided that no such inspections shall interfere with or otherwise delay Landlord’s completion of the Landlord Work. Tenant shall have the right to submit to Landlord a list of incomplete or defective items within sixty (60) days after Substantial Completion, and Landlord shall diligently repair or replace such items at Landlord’s sole cost and expense. Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause its construction contract for the Landlord Work to contain a minimum one (1) year warranty period. EXHIBIT C ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TERM COMMENCEMENT DATE AND TERM EXPIRATION DATE THIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF TERM COMMENCEMENT DATE AND TERM EXPIRATION DATE is entered into as of [ ], 2012, with reference to that certain Lease dated as of August 24, 2007, as amended by that certain First Amendment to Lease dated as of March 30, 2008, that certain Second Amendment to Lease (“Second Amendment”) dated as of May 11, 2009, which Second Amendment was amended and restated pursuant to that certain Amended and Restated Second Amendment to Lease dated as of September 15, 2009, and that certain Third Amendment to Lease dated as of December [ ], 2011 (“Third Amendment”) (collectively, and as the same may have been further amended, amended and restated, supplemented or modified from time to time, the “Lease”), by RECEPTOS, INC., a Delaware corporation (“Tenant”), in favor of BMR-10835 ROAD TO THE CURE LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Landlord”). All capitalized terms used herein without definition shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Lease. Tenant hereby confirms the following:

  • Landlord’s Work Landlord shall construct the base-building elements of the Building (the "Base Building Work"), the sitework on the Land, and the parking structure and surface parking areas on the Land, all in accordance with the Design Specifications attached hereto as Schedule I (collectively, "Landlord's Work"). All of Landlord's Work shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with plans and specifications ("Landlord's Plans") mutually approved by Landlord and Tenant. Tenant's approval of Landlord's Plans shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and Tenant shall not be entitled to condition its approval of Landlord's Plans upon the inclusion therein of any design specifications that are inconsistent with the Design Specifications attached hereto as Schedule I (including requiring a higher performance standard than any performance standard expressly set forth in Schedule I). Tenant shall respond to any request for approval of Landlord's Plans, or any portion or progress set thereof, or any modifications thereto, as promptly as reasonably possible and in any event within ten (10) business days in the case of the original complete set of Landlord's Plans and any structural modifications thereto and within two (2) business days in the case of any nonstructural modifications to Landlord's Plans, and Tenant's failure to respond within such time periods shall be referred to herein and in the Lease as a "Tenant Delay." In the event Tenant disapproves Landlord's Plans or any portion thereof or any modifications thereto, Tenant's notice of disapproval shall specify in detail the reasonable basis for such disapproval. Landlord shall promptly make such revisions to Landlord's Plans as may be necessary to address Tenant's reasonable objections, and shall resubmit Landlord's Plans to Tenant for Tenant's approval. Tenant shall review such revised plans as promptly as reasonably possible and notify Landlord whether Tenant approves or reasonably disapproves Landlord's Plans as modified. This process shall be repeated, if necessary, until Tenant's reasonable objections to Landlord's Plans have been addressed and Tenant has approved Landlord's Plans. After approval of Landlord's Plans, Tenant shall have the right to initiate changes to Landlord's Plans or Landlord's Work, subject to (i) Landlord's approval of any such proposed change, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and (ii) Landlord's and Tenant's mutual agreement concerning (and execution of a change order or other written confirmation of) (A) any net increase in design or construction costs resulting from such change, all of which increased costs shall be borne solely by Tenant, and (B) any delay such change will cause in the completion of Landlord's Work or the achievement of any milestone date(s), which delay shall not extend the Lease Commencement Date or the commencement of Tenant's rental obligations under the Lease (but shall appropriately extend any affected milestone date(s)) and shall be deemed a "Tenant Delay" for purposes hereof and of the Lease. Landlord shall be responsible for causing Landlord's Work to comply with all applicable legal requirements, including (without limitation) requirements of building codes, environmental laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Landlord shall indemnify Tenant and hold it harmless with respect to any loss, cost, damage or liability resulting from Landlord's breach of this obligation (which indemnification shall survive the expiration or termination of the Lease). In constructing the Base Building Work, Landlord shall perform and install all work and materials designated "Base Building" in Schedule II attached hereto. In performing the Base Building Work, Landlord shall use best efforts to achieve the milestone dates set forth in Schedule III attached hereto. In the event Landlord fails to achieve any of said milestone dates, except to the extent such failure is caused by any Tenant Delay, the December 29, 1995 date set forth in Section 3.2 of the Lease shall be extended by one (1) day for each day of delay in achieving the milestone date; provided, however, that such extension shall not occur if (and then only to the extent) Landlord and Tenant mutually agree and acknowledge in writing that the completion of the Tenant Work (as defined below) was not delayed by reason of the delay in achieving Landlord's milestone date. Tenant agrees to use good faith reasonable efforts to counter the effect of any delay by Landlord in achieving any milestone date; however, Tenant shall not be obligated to expend any additional amounts in such efforts (e.g., by employing overtime labor) unless Landlord agrees in advance to bear any incremental cost associated with such efforts (whether or not such efforts are ultimately successful).

  • Construction of the Tenant Improvements Landlord shall construct the Tenant Improvements in accordance with this exhibit and the construction contract to be executed by Landlord and its contractor(s). The construction contract for constructing the Tenant Improvements and the contractor(s) to perform the work shall be approved and/or selected, as the case may be, by Landlord at its sole and absolute discretion without the consent of Tenant.

  • Tenant Improvements Subject to this Section 4, Tenant shall accept the Suite 110 Premises in its “as is” condition (subject to Landlord's continuing repair and maintenance obligations, as outlined in Section 10 of the Lease (as may be amended)), and Landlord shall have no obligation to make any alterations or improvements thereto whatsoever (provided that Landlord shall deliver same in good and tenantable condition, broom clean, with all systems serving same in good working order). Any alterations that Tenant desires to make in the Suite 110 Premises shall be subject to all the terms and conditions set forth in Section 11 of the Lease. Notwithstanding anything in the Lease to the contrary, Landlord hereby agrees to grant Tenant an allowance in the amount of $10,000 to be applied toward the cost (including architectural and engineering fees) of alterations performed by Tenant in the Suite 110 Premises (the “Granted Allowance”) in conjunction with Tenant’s initial occupancy of Suite 110 Premises. Provided no Event of Default then exists under the Lease, the Granted Allowance (or portions thereof) shall be disbursed to Tenant within thirty (30) days following Tenant's submission to Landlord of paid invoices for work related to alterations performed by Tenant in the Suite 110 Premises, accompanied by waivers of liens executed by all contractors employed by Tenant for the performance of such work. If the cost of Tenant's alterations in the Suite 110 Premises exceeds the amount of the Granted Allowance, the excess shall be paid by Tenant after the Granted Allowance is fully exhausted. Any portion of the Granted Allowance that has not been applied (or contracted to be applied) in the manner set forth above by the date which is twelve (12) months following the Eighth Amendment Commencement Date shall revert to Landlord, and Tenant shall have no further rights with respect thereto.

  • Substantial Completion The Tenant Improvements shall be deemed to be “Substantially Completed” on the date that (i) the Tenant Improvements are essentially and satisfactorily completed in accordance with the Final Plans to the extent that the Leased Premises may be occupied by Tenant for its Approved Use, subject only to completion of minor finishing, adjustment of equipment, and other minor construction aspects (“punch list items”) which do not, in the aggregate, cause interference (other than minor inconvenience) with the use and occupancy of the Leased Premises for the Approved Use, and (ii) a certificate of occupancy, whether conditional or final, has been issued by the proper governmental authority. Landlord shall give Tenant at least 30 days prior notice (written or oral) of Landlord’s reasonable estimate of the date of Substantial Completion of the Tenant Improvements. Tenant shall schedule with Landlord a mutually acceptable date, which will not be later than 3 business days after the date of Substantial Completion (but in no event earlier than the Landlord’s estimated date of Substantial Completion), for a walk-through inspection of the Leased Premises. In such walk-through, Landlord and Tenant will mutually and reasonably agree upon a punch list, and subject to Tenant Delay, Landlord will use reasonable efforts to cause such punch list work to be completed within 30 days after such walk-through. Landlord hereby warrants to Tenant, which warranty shall survive for one year following the date of Substantial Completion of the Tenant Improvements, that (a) the materials and equipment furnished by Landlord and Landlord’s contractors in the completion of the Tenant Improvements will be of good quality and new, and (b) such materials and equipment and the work of such contractors shall be free from defects not inherent in the quality required or permitted hereunder. This warranty shall exclude damages or defects caused by Tenant, its agents, employees or contractors, improper or insufficient maintenance, improper operation or normal wear and tear under normal usage. Landlord shall use diligent and good faith efforts to cause the Tenant Improvements for the Fifth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed by November 1, 2018. Subject only to Force Majeure (as defined in §11 hereof) and Tenant Delay, and provided that Landlord, using good faith efforts, obtains all required construction permits for the Tenant Improvements (the “Construction Permits”) by not later than June 30, 2018, then in the event that Landlord fails to cause the Tenant Improvements for the Fifth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed on or before December 1, 2018, (the “Fifth Floor Substantial Completion Date”), Tenant shall be entitled to a day-for-day credit of Base Rent due as of the Commencement Date, for each day after the Fifth Floor Substantial Completion Date that the Tenant Improvements for the Fifth Floor Premises are not Substantially Completed; provided, however, that, for every day of delay which results from a Tenant Delay or a Force Majeure, the Fifth Floor Substantial Completion Date shall be moved back on a day-for-day basis. Such day-for-day credit of Base Rent shall commence upon the Commencement Date and shall continue until applied in full; provided that at no time may Tenant offset more than 50% of the Base Rent amount due each month until such abatement has been completed. Landlord shall use diligent and good faith efforts to cause the Tenant Improvements for the Fourth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed by February 1, 2019. Subject only to Force Majeure (as defined in §11 hereof) and Tenant Delay, and provided that Landlord, using good faith efforts, obtains all required construction permits for the Tenant Improvements (the “Construction Permits”) by not later than June 30, 2018, then in the event that Landlord fails to cause the Tenant Improvements for the Fourth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed on or before March 1, 2019, (the “Fourth Floor Substantial Completion Date”), Tenant shall be entitled to a day-for-day credit of Base Rent due as of the Commencement Date, for each day after the Fourth Floor Substantial Completion Date that the Tenant Improvements for the Fourth Floor Premises are not Substantially Completed; provided, however, that, for every day of delay which results from a Tenant Delay or a Force Majeure, the Fourth Floor Substantial Completion Date shall be moved back on a day-for-day basis. Such day-for-day credit of Base Rent shall commence upon the June 1, 2019, and shall continue until applied in full; provided that at no time may Tenant offset more than 50% of the Base Rent amount due each month until such abatement has been completed. Subject only to Force Majeure and Tenant Delay, and provided that Landlord, using good faith efforts, obtains all required Construction Permits by not later than June 30, 2018, if the Tenant Improvements for the Leased Premises are not Substantially Completed on or before April 1, 2019 (“Outside Completion Date”), then Tenant shall have the one-time right by not later than 10 days after the Outside Completion Date to terminate this lease by delivering written notice to Landlord, which notice shall be hand delivered to 0000 Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx 00000, Attention: Xxxxxx X. Xxxxx, Xx., and upon hand delivery of such termination notice to said address, this lease shall be deemed null and void and the parties shall have no further rights or obligations hereunder, except those that specifically survive the expiration or earlier termination of this lease. Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and agree that Tenant’s damages as a result of Landlord’s failure to cause the Tenant Improvements for the Fifth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed by not later than the Fifth Floor Substantial Completion Date or the Fourth Floor Premises to be Substantially Completed by not later than the Fourth Floor Substantial Completion Date are difficult to ascertain, that such amounts set forth above are a reasonable pre-estimate of Tenant’s probable loss as a result thereof and that such damages constitute reasonable liquidated damages for Tenant’s loss and not a penalty.

  • Completion of Landlord’s Work Landlord shall substantially complete or cause to be substantially completed Landlord’s Work in a good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the TI Permit subject, in each case, to Minor Variations and normal “punch list” items of a non-material nature that do not interfere with the use of the Premises and shall obtain a certificate or temporary certificate of occupancy (or an equivalent approval) for the Premises permitting lawful occupancy of the Premises during the Term (but specifically excluding any permits, licenses or other governmental approvals required to be obtained in connection with Tenant’s operations in the Premises not relating to Landlord’s Work)(“Substantial Completion” or “Substantially Complete”). Upon Substantial Completion of Landlord’s Work, Landlord shall require the TI Architect and the general contractor to execute and deliver, for the benefit of Tenant and Landlord, a Certificate of Substantial Completion in the form of the American Institute of Architects (“AIA”) document G704. For purposes of this Work Letter, “Minor Variations” shall mean any modifications reasonably required: (i) to comply with all applicable Legal Requirements and/or to obtain or to comply with any required permit (including the TI Permit); (ii) to comply with any request by Tenant for modifications to Landlord’s Work; (iii) to comport with good design, engineering, and construction practices that are not material; or (iv) to make reasonable adjustments in accordance with good design, engineering, and construction practices for field deviations or conditions encountered during the construction of Landlord’s Work.

  • Base Building Work Landlord shall construct the Base Building Work as further set forth on Exhibit 10.03, attached.

  • Delay of the Substantial Completion of the Premises Except as provided in this Section 5.2, the Lease Commencement Date shall occur as set forth in the Lease and Section 5.1, above. If there shall be a delay or there are delays in the Substantial Completion of the Premises or in the occurrence of any of the other conditions precedent to the Lease Commencement Date, as set forth in the Lease, as a direct, indirect, partial, or total result of:

  • Tenant Improvement Plans Any work proposed by Tenant at the Premises or Building (the “Tenant Improvements”) shall be subject to Landlord’s reasonable prior approval and shall be subject to the other terms and conditions of this Exhibit, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed except for good cause shown. All architectural, engineering and other design fees shall be paid by Tenant, provided that, of the total Tenant Improvement Allowance, up to Five and No/100 Dollars (S5.00) per rentable square foot of the Premises of such fees may be subject to reimbursement under the Tenant Improvement Allowance. Tenant shall use its architect, engineers and other design professionals, all of whom shall comply with any applicable licensing or governmental requirements of the City of Santa Xxxxx and the State of California. Tenant shall cause its architect, who shall be subject to Landlord’s prior approval (“Tenant’s Architect”), which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed except for good cause shown, to prepare a draft space plan (the “Space Plan”) for the Tenant Improvements and shall submit the proposed Space Plan to Landlord for the latter’s approval (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) within twenty-one (21) days following mutual execution of the Lease. (If available upon mutual execution of this Lease, a mutually-approved preliminary space plan for the Tenant Improvements has been attached hereto as Exhibit C-1.) Landlord shall deliver to Tenant any written objections, questions or comments of Landlord with regard to the Space Plan, and Tenant shall cause the Space Plan to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said Space Plan to Landlord for approval within five (5) business days thereafter. Such process shall continue until Landlord has approved the Space Plan. Tenant’s Architect shall then prepare working drawings and specifications for the Tenant Improvements, including architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and fire protection drawings as required, suitable for permit application (the “Working Drawings”) and shall submit the proposed Working Drawings to Landlord for the latter’s approval within sixty (60) days following Landlord’s approval of the final Space Plan. The Space Plan and Working Drawings shall be subject to Landlord’s approval, which Landlord agrees shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Landlord shall not be deemed to have acted unreasonably if it withholds its approval thereof because, in Landlord’s reasonable opinion as supported by statement or reports from licensed engineers, the work, as described in any such item: (i) will adversely affect Building systems, the structure of the Building or the safety of the Building and/or their occupants; (ii) will materially impair Landlord’s ability to furnish services to Tenant or other tenants at the Project; (iii) would materially increase the cost of operating the Building; (iv) would violate any governmental laws, rules or ordinances (or interpretations thereof); (v) contains or uses hazardous or toxic materials or substances not permitted under Applicable Laws; (vi) would affect the external appearance of the Building; (vii) would materially and adversely affect another tenant’s premises at the Project: or (viii) is prohibited by any mortgage, trust deed or other instrument encumbering the Building or Project. Landlord shall deliver to Tenant any written objections, questions or comments of Landlord with regard to the Working Drawings, and Tenant shall cause the Working Drawings to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said Working Drawings to Landlord for approval within ten (10) business days thereafter. Such process shall continue until Landlord has approved the Working Drawings. Landlord’s approval of the Space Plan and/or the Working Drawings shall not be deemed any representation or warranty that the same comply with applicable codes.

  • Tenant’s Work During the Term Tenant may not perform any work, alterations, installations, additions, improvements, structural repairs or restorations to the Property (“Tenant’s Work”) without the prior written consent of Landlord which (i) in the case of alterations, additions, installations or improvements of a structural nature or involving the Building systems, may be granted or withheld by Landlord in its sole and absolute discretion and (ii) in the case of alterations or improvements of a non-structural nature or not involving Building systems, shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. In connection with such consent, Tenant shall submit to Landlord such detailed plans, specifications, drawings and other materials reasonably requested by Landlord. Tenant may make such non-structural alterations and perform work of a decorative nature without Xxxxxxxx’s prior written consent. At Tenant’s sole cost, Xxxxxxxx agrees to cooperate with Xxxxxx (including signing applications) in obtaining any necessary permits for any Tenant’s Work that Xxxxxx is permitted to make hereunder. In all cases the Tenant’s Work shall be performed at Tenant’s sole cost and expense and by contractors selected by Xxxxxx. Tenant agrees that the Tenant’s plans and specifications shall be in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, that Tenant shall not commence construction until it obtains (if required) a building permit for Tenant’s Work, and that such Tenant’s Work shall be performed in accordance with the building permit, in compliance with applicable law and in accordance with the Tenant’s plans and specifications. As a condition of approving such Tenant's Work the Landlord may require the Tenant to maintain such additional insurance coverages (in addition to those required in Article 8 hereof) as the Landlord may reasonably require.

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