Conflict in Provisions To the extent that any provisions of this Article VIII shall conflict with the provisions of Articles IV, V and/or VII, the provisions of this Article VIII shall govern.
Conflict with Law If any provision of this Agreement, or any application of the provisions of this Agreement, or any agreement reached under its terms, conflicts with Ohio or federal law, regulation, ruling or order, now or hereafter enacted or issued, such provisions, application or agreement shall be inoperative but the remaining provisions herein shall remain in effect.
Conflict with Regulations In the event that there is a conflict between the contents of this Agreement and any regulation made by the Employer, or on behalf of the Employer, this Agreement shall take precedence over the said regulation.
Conflict of Interests The beneficiary undertakes to take all the necessary measures to prevent any risk of conflicts of interests which could affect the impartial and objective performance of the agreement. Such conflict of interests could arise in particular as a result of economic interest, political or national affinity, family or emotional reasons, or any other shared interest. Any situation constituting or likely to lead to a conflict of interests during the performance of the agreement must be brought to the attention of the Commission, in writing, without delay. The beneficiary shall undertake to take whatever steps are necessary to rectify this situation at once. The Commission reserves the right to check that the measures taken are appropriate and may demand that the beneficiary take additional measures, if necessary, within a certain time.
Conflict Between Documents This Note and, unless otherwise provided in any other Loan Document, the other Loan Documents shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the state named in Bank's address on the first page hereof without regard to that state's conflict of laws principles. If the terms of this Note should conflict with the terms of any loan agreement or any commitment letter that survives closing, the terms of this Note shall control.
Conflict of Terms Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or any of the other Loan Documents by specific reference to the applicable provisions of this Agreement, if any provision contained in this Agreement conflicts with any provision in any of the other Loan Documents, the provision contained in this Agreement shall govern and control.
Conflict Waiver The Pledgor hereby acknowledges that the Escrow Agent is general counsel to the Pledgee, a partner in the general partner of the Pledgee, and counsel to the Pledgee in connection with the transactions contemplated and referred herein. The Pledgor agrees that in the event of any dispute arising in connection with this Agreement or otherwise in connection with any transaction or agreement contemplated and referred herein, the Escrow Agent shall be permitted to continue to represent the Pledgee and the Pledgor will not seek to disqualify such counsel and waives any objection Pledgor might have with respect to the Escrow Agent acting as the Escrow Agent pursuant to this Agreement.
Conflict or Inconsistency In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between the Additional Provisions and the provisions in Schedule “A”, the following rules will apply: (a) the Parties will interpret any Additional Provisions in so far as possible, in a way that preserves the intention of the Parties as expressed in Schedule “A”; and (b) where it is not possible to interpret the Additional Provisions in a way that is consistent with the provisions in Schedule “A”, the Additional Provisions will prevail over the provisions in Schedule “A” to the extent of the inconsistency.
Conflict of Provisions Where there is any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any regulation, direction or other instrument dealing with terms and conditions of employment issued by the Employer, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.
Conflict of Interest – Subrecipient’s Personnel The Subrecipient shall exercise reasonable care and diligence to prevent any actions or conditions that could result in a conflict with the best interests of the County. This obligation shall apply to the Subrecipient; the Subrecipient’s employees, agents, and subcontractors associated with accomplishing work and services hereunder. The Subrecipient’s efforts shall include, but not be limited to establishing precautions to prevent its employees, agents, and subcontractors from providing or offering gifts, entertainment, payments, loans or other considerations which could be deemed to influence or appear to influence County staff or elected officers from acting in the best interests of the County.