Conflict of Interest Policy means the Company’s prevailing policy regarding conflicts of interest which is available at the website;
Personal conflict of interest means a situation in which a covered employee has a financial interest, personal activity, or relationship that could impair the employee’s ability to act impartially and in the best interest of the Government when performing under the contract. (A de minimis interest that would not “impair the employee’s ability to act impartially and in the best interest of the Government” is not covered under this definition.)
Conflict means a situation in which a director has or can have, a direct or indirect interest that conflicts or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the Company;
Conflict of Interest means that because of other activities or relationships with other persons, a person is unable or potentially unable to render impartial assistance or advice to the State, or the person's objectivity in performing the contract work is or might be otherwise impaired, or a person has an unfair competitive advantage.
Organizational Conflict of Interest means that because of other activities or relationships with other persons, a person is unable or potentially unable to render impartial assistance or advice to the Government, or the person's objectivity in performing the contract work is or might be otherwise impaired, or a person has an unfair competitive advantage. "Person" as used herein includes Corporations, Partnerships, Joint Ventures, and other business enterprises.
Potential conflict of interest means any action or any decision or recommendation by a person acting in a capacity as a public official, the effect of which could be to the private pecuniary benefit or detriment of the person or the person’s relative, or a business with which the person or the person’s relative is associated, unless the pecuniary benefit or detriment arises out of the following:
Actual conflict of interest means any action or any decision or recommendation by a person acting in a capacity as a public official, the effect of which would be to the private pecuniary benefit or detriment of the person or the person's relative or any business with which the person or a relative of the person is associated unless the pecuniary benefit or detriment arises out of circumstances described in subsection (7) of this section.”
Conflicting Services means any product, service, or process or the research and development thereof, of any person or organization other than Company that directly competes with a product, service, or process, including the research and development thereof, of Company with which I worked directly or indirectly during my employment by Company or about which I acquired Confidential Information during my employment by Company.
Acceptable Confidentiality Agreement means a confidentiality agreement that contains provisions that are no less favorable in the aggregate to the Company than those contained in the Confidentiality Agreements; provided that such agreement and any related agreements (i) need not contain “standstill” provisions and (ii) shall not include any provision calling for any exclusive right to negotiate with such party or having the effect of prohibiting the Company from satisfying its obligations under this Agreement.
Conflicts of Interest Policy means our policy on potential conflicts of interest that may arise in providing our services and how we manage them.
arbitration agreement means an agreement by the parties to submit to arbitration all or certain disputes which have arisen or which may arise between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not;
Disclosure Undertaking means the Continuing Disclosure Undertaking, dated as of the Dated Date, relating to certain obligations contained in the SEC Rule.
Express Waiver I desire to expressly waive any claim of confidentiality as to any and all information contained within our response to the competitive procurement process (e.g. RFP, CSP, Bid, RFQ, etc.) by completing the following and submitting this sheet with our response to Education Service Center Region 8 and TIPS.
Substantive means comments that contribute something new and hopefully important to the discussion. Thus a message that simply says “I agree” is not substantive. A substantive comment contributes a new idea or perspective, a good follow-up question to a point made, offers a response to a question, provides an example or illustration of a key point, points out an inconsistency in an argument, etc.
substantive provisions , in relation to an old Act, means the provisions of the old Act other than those dealing with matters dealt with in the Taxation Administration Act 2003.
Existing Confidentiality Agreement means, collectively, the Non-Disclosure Agreement between FibroGen and AstraZeneca dated June 21, 2012, as amended February 7, 2013, and May 23, 2013, and the Non-Disclosure Agreement between FibroGen and AstraZeneca dated April 1, 2013.
Business Associate Agreement means an agreement between DSHS and a contractor who is receiving Data covered under the Privacy and Security Rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. The agreement establishes permitted and required uses and disclosures of protected health information (PHI) in accordance with HIPAA requirements and provides obligations for business associates to safeguard the information.
Confidentiality Agreements means the confidentiality agreements between the Company and each Sponsor (or an affiliate thereof), as amended and restated from time to time.
Breach Notification Rule means the HIPAA Regulation that is codified at 45 C.F.R. Parts 160 and 164, Subparts A and D.
Confidentiality Undertaking means a confidentiality undertaking substantially in a recommended form of the LMA or in any other form agreed between the Borrower and the Agent.
Continuing Disclosure Undertaking means the Continuing Disclosure Undertaking of the Issuer, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit 1, dated the Closing Date, for the purpose of providing continuing disclosure information under Rule 15c2-12 adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as may be amended from time to time.
Interlocal Agreement means an agreement entered into under this act.
Terms of the citation means those conditions and options expressly stated upon the citation.
Company Governing Documents means the Company Bylaws and the Company Certificate.
Indemnification Provisions means each of the Debtors’ indemnification provisions currently in place whether in the Debtors’ bylaws, certificates of incorporation, other formation documents, board resolutions, or contracts for the current and former directors, officers, managers, employees, attorneys, other professionals, and agents of the Debtors and such current and former directors’, officers’, and managers’ respective Affiliates.
Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. References