Conflicts with Regular Run Sample Clauses

Conflicts with Regular Run. When a scheduled extra run for a Full time driver conflicts with their regular run, they will drop their morning or afternoon runs as necessary.
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Related to Conflicts with Regular Run

  • Conflicts with RS Means Unit Price Book If the terms of the solicitation referenced RS Means Unit Price Book occur, the RS Means Book shall control if it determines the legality of the solicitation award as it relates to the requisite Means Unit Price Book.

  • Conflicts with Laws This Agreement shall be deemed severable; the invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the balance of this Agreement or of any other term hereof, which shall remain in full force and effect. If any of the provisions hereof are determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible. ICANN and the Working Group will mutually cooperate to develop an ICANN procedure for ICANN’s review and consideration of alleged conflicts between applicable laws and non-WHOIS related provisions of this Agreement. Until such procedure is developed and implemented by ICANN, ICANN will review and consider alleged conflicts between applicable laws and non-WHOIS related provisions of this Agreement in a manner similar to ICANN’s Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law. Court Orders. ICANN will respect any order from a court of competent jurisdiction, including any orders from any jurisdiction where the consent or non-objection of the government was a requirement for the delegation of the TLD. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, ICANN’s implementation of any such order will not be a breach of this Agreement Confidentiality Subject to Section 7.15(c), during the Term and for a period of three (3) years thereafter, each party shall, and shall cause its and its Affiliates’ officers, directors, employees and agents to, keep confidential and not publish or otherwise disclose to any third party, directly or indirectly, any information that is, and the disclosing party has marked as, or has otherwise designated in writing to the receiving party as, “confidential trade secret,” “confidential commercial information” or “confidential financial information” (collectively, “Confidential Information”), except to the extent such disclosure is permitted by the terms of this Agreement. The confidentiality obligations under Section 7.15(a) shall not apply to any Confidential Information that (i) is or hereafter becomes part of the public domain by public use, publication, general knowledge or the like through no fault of the receiving party in breach of this Agreement, (ii) can be demonstrated by documentation or other competent proof to have been in the receiving party’s possession prior to disclosure by the disclosing party without any obligation of confidentiality with respect to such information, (iii) is subsequently received by the receiving party from a third party who is not bound by any obligation of confidentiality with respect to such information, (iv) has been published by a third party or otherwise enters the public domain through no fault of the receiving party, or (v) can be demonstrated by documentation or other competent evidence to have been independently developed by or for the receiving party without reference to the disclosing party’s Confidential Information. Each party shall have the right to disclose Confidential Information to the extent that such disclosure is (i) made in response to a valid order of a court of competent jurisdiction or, if in the reasonable opinion of the receiving party’s legal counsel, such disclosure is otherwise required by applicable law; provided, however, that the receiving party shall first have given notice to the disclosing party and given the disclosing party a reasonable opportunity to quash such order or to obtain a protective order or confidential treatment order requiring that the Confidential Information that is the subject of such order or other applicable law be held in confidence by such court or other third party recipient, unless the receiving party is not permitted to provide such notice under such order or applicable law, or (ii) made by the receiving party or any of its Affiliates to its or their attorneys, auditors, advisors, consultants, contractors or other third parties for use by such person or entity as may be necessary or useful in connection with the performance of the activities under this Agreement, provided that such third party is bound by confidentiality obligations at least as stringent as those set forth herein, either by written agreement or through professional responsibility standards. * * * * *

  • Conflicts Between Terms If an apparent conflict or inconsistency exists between the main body of this Agreement and the Exhibits, the main body of this Agreement shall control. If a conflict exists between an applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, regulation, order, or code and this Agreement, the law, rule, regulation, order, or code shall control. Varying degrees of stringency among the main body of this Agreement, the Exhibits, and laws, rules, regulations, orders, or codes are not deemed conflicts, and the most stringent requirement shall control. Each Party shall notify the other immediately upon the identification of any apparent conflict or inconsistency concerning this Agreement.

  • Choice of Law clauses with TIPS Members If the vendor is awarded a contract with TIPS under this solicitation, the vendor agrees to make any Choice of Law clauses in any contract or agreement entered into between the awarded vendor and with a TIPS member entity to read as follows: "Choice of law shall be the laws of the state where the customer resides" or words to that effect. 3

  • PRICING OF Regular Hours Coefficient What is your regular hours coefficient for the RS Means Price Book? Remember that this is a ceiling price proposed. You can discount lower than your proposed contract coefficient, but not higher. This is one of three pricing questions that are required for consideration for award on this solicitation. Please consider your answer carefully. An explanation of the TIPS scoring of pricing is included in the attachments for your information. The below is an Example of how pricing model works (not intended to influence your proposed coefficient, you should propose a coefficient that you determine is right for your business): To propose the exact pricing as the RS Means Unit Price Book, you would insert a 1.0 and to propose a 5% discount for the RS Means Price Book would be a .95 regular hours coefficient and so on.

  • Severability; Conflicts with Laws This Agreement shall be deemed severable; the invalidity or unenforceability of any term or provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the balance of this Agreement or of any other term hereof, which shall remain in full force and effect. If any of the provisions hereof are determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to modify this Agreement so as to effect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible. ICANN and the Working Group will mutually cooperate to develop an ICANN procedure for ICANN’s review and consideration of alleged conflicts between applicable laws and non-­‐WHOIS related provisions of this Agreement. Until such procedure is developed and implemented by ICANN, ICANN will review and consider alleged conflicts between applicable laws and non-­‐WHOIS related provisions of this Agreement in a manner similar to ICANN’s Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law.

  • REQUIRED FOR PART 2 JOC - PRICING OF Regular Hours Coefficient What is your regular hours coefficient for the RS Means Price Book? (FAILURE TO RESPOND PROHIBITS PART 2 JOC EVALUATION) Remember that this is a ceiling price proposed. You can discount lower than your proposed contract coefficient, but not higher. This is one of three pricing questions that are required for consideration for award on this solicitation. Please consider your answer carefully. An explanation of the TIPS scoring of pricing is included in the attachments for your information. The below is an Example of how pricing model works (not intended to influence your proposed coefficient, you should propose a coefficient that you determine is right for your business): To propose the exact pricing as the RS Means Unit Price Book, you would insert a 1.0 and to propose a 5% discount for the RS Means Price Book would be a .95 regular hours coefficient and so on.

  • JOC - PRICING OF Regular Hours Coefficient What is your regular hours coefficient for the RS Means Price Book? (FAILURE TO RESPOND PROHIBITS PART 2 JOC EVALUATION) Remember that this is a ceiling price proposed. You can discount lower than your proposed contract coefficient, but not higher. This is one of three pricing questions that are required for consideration for award on this solicitation. Please consider your answer carefully. An explanation of the TIPS scoring of pricing is included in the attachments for your information. The below is an Example of how pricing model works (not intended to influence your proposed coefficient, you should propose a coefficient that you determine is right for your business): To propose the exact pricing as the RS Means Unit Price Book, you would insert a 1.0 and to propose a 5% discount for the RS Means Price Book would be a .95 regular hours coefficient and so on.

  • File Management and Record Retention relating to CRF Eligible Persons or Households Grantee must maintain a separate file for every applicant, Eligible Person, or Household, regardless of whether the request was approved or denied.

  • Please see the current Washtenaw Community College catalog for up-to-date program requirements Secondary / Post-Secondary Program Alignment Welding HIGH SCHOOL COURSE SEQUENCE 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade English 9 Algebra I World History/Geography Biology World Language Phys Ed/Health English 10 Geometry U.S. History/Geography Physics or Chemistry World Language Visual/Performing/Applied Arts English 11 Algebra II Civics/Economics Welding English 12 Math Credit Science Credit Welding WASHTENAW COMMUNITY COLLEGE Welding Associate in Applied Science Semester 1 Math Elective(s)* 3 WAF 105 Introduction to Welding Processes 2 WAF 111 Oxy-fuel Welding 4 WAF 112 Shielded Metal Arc Welding 4 Semester Total 13 Semester 2 Speech Elective(s) 3 WAF 106 Blueprint Reading for Welders 3 WAF 123 Advanced Oxy-fuel Welding 4 WAF 124 Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding 4 Semester Total 14 Semester 3 Arts/Human. Elective(s) 3 Computer Lit. Elective(s) 3 WAF 215 Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 4 WAF 288 Gas Metal Arc Welding 4 Semester Total 14 Semester 4 WAF 200 Layout Theory Welding 3 WAF 210 Welding Metallurgy 3 Soc. Sci. Elective(s) 3 WAF 226 Specialized Welding Procedures 4 Semester Total 13 Semester 5 Nat. Sci. Elective(s) 4 WAF 227 Basic Fabrication 3 WAF 229 Shape Cutting Operations 3 Writing Elective(s) 3 Semester Total 13 Program Totals 67

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