RECOGNITION Sample Clauses

RECOGNITION. 1. For the purposes of the fulfillment, in whole or in part, of its standards or criteria for the authorization, licensing or certification of services suppliers, and subject to the requirements of paragraph 3, a Party may recognize the education or experience obtained, requirements met, or licences or certifications granted in the other Party or a non-Party. Such recognition, which may be achieved through harmonization or otherwise, may be based upon an agreement or arrangement with the other Party or a non-Party concerned or may be accorded autonomously. 2. A Party that is a party to an agreement or arrangement of the type referred to in paragraph 1, whether existing or future, shall afford adequate opportunity for the other Party, if the other Party is interested, to negotiate its accession to such an agreement or arrangement or to negotiate comparable ones with it. Where a Party accords recognition autonomously, it shall afford adequate opportunity for the other Party to demonstrate that education, experience, licences or certifications obtained or requirements met in that other Party's territory should be recognized.
RECOGNITION. 2.1 The City recognizes the Union as the “Exclusive Representative” of all employees of the Electric Department of the City who hold a classification listed on Exhibit “A” of this Memorandum of Understanding. The provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding hereinafter set forth shall apply only to those employees of the City of Xxxxxxx for whom Local Union 1245 is the established exclusive representative. 2.2 Official representatives of Union will be permitted access to City property to confer with City employees on matters of employer-employee relations but such representatives shall not interfere with work in progress without agreement of Management. 2.3 The City will provide the Union adequate bulletin board space for the purpose of posting thereon matters relating to official Union business. 2.4 The City will not interfere with, intimidate, restrain, coerce or discriminate against any employee because of the employee’s membership in Union or the employee’s activity on behalf of Union. 2.5 Any employee, at the employee’s request, shall be permitted representation by a Union representative. The foregoing shall apply to reprimands, disciplinary actions, investigations, interviews for promotion and hearings, providing there is no unreasonable delay in obtaining representation. 2.6 Joint Shop Xxxxxxx-Management meetings shall be held at least two (2) times a year in February and August, or more often as agreed upon by Union and Management. The purpose of these meetings shall be to promote harmony and efficiency and to improve communications between employees and all levels of management. The meeting agenda shall be determined by those in attendance and there shall be no restrictions on the subject matter; provided, the meetings shall not substitute for normal grievance procedures or for formal negotiations between the parties. Those in attendance shall consist of Union’s Business Representative and Shop Stewards and the City’s Labor Relations Representative and such other management personnel as determined by the City’s Labor Relations Representative. The meetings shall be summarized in written minutes. Except that the provisions of this Section shall be observed, the meetings shall be self-organizing. 2.7 Whenever any employee is absent from work as a result of a formal request by the Union’s Business Manager and is engaged in official Union business, the City shall pay for all regular time lost and shall be reimbursed therefor by the Union at the rate ...
RECOGNITION. 1.1 EPSCA recognizes the Union as the exclusive bargaining agency for a bargaining unit comprising employees as defined in Article 1.4 and foremen as defined in Article 1.4 engaged in all construction industry work* performed in the Province of Ontario on Ontario Power Generation Inc (OPGI), Xxxxx Power LP and Hydro One property for the bulk power system, save and except the building of commercial-type office facilities at urban locations remote from operating facilities. For the purpose of clarity, the bulk power system comprises generating stations, hydraulic works, heavy water facilities, transmission lines (voltages over 50 kV), transmission stations, microwave and repeater stations. 1.2 The work described in Article 1.1 shall also include work on property acquired by Ontario Power Generation Inc (OPGI), Xxxxx Power LP and Hydro One for: (a) the supply of aggregate and concrete used in the construction of said facilities; and (b) ancillary material yards which are defined as property acquired by Ontario Power Generation Inc (OPGI), Xxxxx Power LP and Hydro One for the storage of materials to be used on a project by Employers. 1.3 The Union recognizes EPSCA as the exclusive bargaining representative for all Employers in respect of work performed by their respective employees in the bargaining unit set forth in Article 1.1. 1.4 The term "employee" shall include all employees of the Employers in classifications as set out in Article 2.2, save and except for: (a) Carpenters employed by an Employer signatory to the National Agreement for Canada, Stacks-Chimneys-Silos, when performing work covered by the scope of that agreement; and The term “employee” shall include all “foremen” of the Employers between the ranks of, but not including, working xxxxxxx and general xxxxxxx, save and except Xxxxxxxxx foremen employed by an Employer signatory to the National Agreement for Canada, Stacks-Chimneys-Silos, when performing work covered by the scope of that agreement. The term “employee” includes foremen in Articles 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00 (x) & (c), 31, 35 and 41
RECOGNITION. A. The Board recognizes the BVCEA as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent as regards wages, rates of pay, hours of employment and other conditions of employment for all employees in Unit C. Unit C consists of all regular (not temporary) employees in the Operations, Maintenance, Food Service, Transportation (including Bus Assistants, Security and all lead workers, but excluding all administration, office, professional and technical employees, call-in substitutes and temporary employees). B. The District shall provide for payroll deduction for membership dues for members of the BVCEA. Deductions for BVCEA dues shall be voluntary. Employees will be required to complete a payroll deduction authorization and file it with the payroll office prior to any payroll deduction being made for this purpose. The District shall forward the aggregate of all such dues collected to the Treasurer of the BVCEA by the fifteenth of the month following the month for which collected. C. BVCEA REPRESENTATIVES 1. The District will recognize members of the negotiating committee as provided for under Article 4 and members of the BVCEA who have been assigned a specific role in the Grievance Procedure under Article 5 of this Agreement. 2. No BVCEA member assigned a role in the above procedures will be recognized under the terms of this Agreement until the President of the BVCEA has notified the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources in writing. 3. Time required by officers and stewards of the BVCEA for meetings called by the Administration on District and/or BVCEA matters during working hours shall be paid for by the District. 4. In the exercise of any function outlined in the Agreement, the BVCEA officer must notify his/her supervisor and the supervisor of the department or school where the official is going for the transaction of valid BVCEA business. 5. For the purpose of the grievance procedure, under Article 5 of this Agreement, BVCEA may designate up to twelve (12) employees to serve as area stewards. The BVCEA will determine its method of selection. The President of BVCEA and one area xxxxxxx shall be designated chief stewards. In the event an area xxxxxxx is unable or unwilling to process a grievance, the chief xxxxxxx may do so. D. MAIL: The BVCEA may make reasonable use of the District’s mail services for communication to employees.
RECOGNITION. 1.1 The Council recognizes the Association as the exclusive bargaining agent for all employees of the Council described in the certificate issued by the former Public Service Staff Relations Board on the nineteenth day of July 1967, covering non-supervisory employees in the Operational Category.
RECOGNITION. A. The Huron Valley Schools Board of Education, hereinafter known as the "Board" hereby recognizes the Huron Valley Education Association, MEA/NEA, hereinafter known as the "association" as the exclusive bargaining representative as defined in Section Eleven (11) of Act 379, Public Acts of 1965 as amended for all K-12 teachers and counselors holding permanent, life, continuing and provisional certificates issued by the Michigan Department of Education, including Librarians, Media Specialists, Music Teachers, Social Workers, Special Education Teachers, Resource Room Teachers, Speech Correction Teachers, School Psychologists, Reading Teachers, Certified Title I Teachers, Certified Student Activities Coordinators, Head Start Teachers, Young Parents Coordinator, full-time Vocational Education Teachers, Career Technical Education Facilitator, Staff Development Program Coordinator, Gifted and Talented Program Coordinator, Student Assistance Coordinator, Facilitator for Staff Development, Young Parents Program Teachers who work fourteen (14) hours or more per week, and Alternative Education Program Teachers who work fourteen (14) hours or more per week; excluding all temporary teachers and others not specifically aforementioned, all Supervisors such as: Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Assistants, Administrative Interns, Director of Educational Projects and all area Community School Personnel while serving in that capacity, Athletic Director, Central Office Administrators, Principals, Assistant Principals as well as other classified administrators. When a new job is created which requires state teacher certification and which is not clearly included within the bargaining unit the association president will be promptly notified. At the request of the association, the parties will discuss the proper classification of the new position. B. The designation of Huron Valley Education Association, MEA/NEA, is understood to be the official name of the Bargaining Agent for the employees listed in Section A. of this Article. Acknowledgment of this organizational name does not indicate, imply or denote recognition by the Board of any teachers not employed by the Board. C. The Board agrees not to negotiate with any other organization other than the association for the duration of this Agreement. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Board and/or administration from hearing and discussing concerns with any member(s) of the bargaining unit provided,...
RECOGNITION. Pursuant to the provisions of the Fresno County Employee Relations Ordinance, the certification of the Fresno County Civil Service Commission, and appropriate state law, the County hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative of all employees whose classifications have been certified for inclusion by the Fresno County Civil Service Commission in Unit 2. Should any classification be certified for inclusion by the Fresno County Civil Service Commission during the term of this MOU, the Employee Relations Ordinance, section 3.12.240 governs.
RECOGNITION. 1.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and/or exclusive bargaining agent for the purpose of establishing salaries, wages, hours, and other conditions of employment for all of its employees in the classifications listed under Appendix A hereto, and by reference made a part of this Agreement, and for such additional classification as the parties may later agree to include.