Cooperation of the Parties The Seller undertakes to notify the Buyer of any obstacles on his part, which may negatively influence proper and timely delivery of the Equipment.
Termination of the Company Upon the voluntary termination of the Company upon the consent of the Members, the sale or other transfer of all or substantially all of the Company's assets or any other termination of the Company in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Company shall wind up its affairs and shall then be liquidated as provided in Article 13.
Duration of the Company The Company shall continue in perpetuity unless terminated sooner by operation of law or by decision of the Member.
Relation of the Parties No Beneficiary. No term, provision or requirement, whether express or implied, of any Loan Document, or actions taken or to be taken by any party thereunder, shall be construed to create a partnership, association, or joint venture between such parties or any of them. No term or provision of any Loan Document shall be construed to confer a benefit upon, or grant a right or privilege to, any Person other than the parties hereto.
PROTECTION OF TEACHERS A. The Board recognizes its responsibility to continue to give administrative backing and support to its teachers, although each teacher bears the primary responsibility for maintaining proper control and discipline in his/her classroom. The teachers recognize that all disciplinary actions and methods invoked by them shall be reasonable and just. The Board further recognizes that teachers cannot maintain the proper classroom atmosphere when, and if, they are charged with the responsibility of serving as custodians for persistently and/or excessively disruptive students. It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to report immediately to his principal the name of any student who, in the opinion of the teacher, needs particular assistance from skilled personnel. The teacher shall, upon request, be advised by the principal of the disposition of the teacher's report that a particular student needs such assistance. B. If criminal or civil proceedings are brought against a teacher arising out of disciplinary action taken by a teacher against a student, the Board, upon request, will provide initial legal counsel to advise the teacher of his/her rights. The Association, after review of the facts of the case, may request the Board to furnish legal counsel to defend the teacher in such proceedings. If the request is denied, a three member committee consisting of a member of the LEA, a member of the Administration, and a member of the Board will review for a final decision on providing counsel. C. Time lost by a teacher in connection with any incident involving assault by a student shall not be charged against the teacher. D. The Board will reimburse employees for any loss, damage or destruction of clothing or glasses of the employee while fulfilling professional duties and assignments. Vehicle reimbursement will be provided subject to these conditions: 1) the vehicle must have been parked in a designated teacher parking area; 2) the damage must have occurred during regular school hours; 3) a police report must be filed; 4) the damage must be judged by the police to have been vandalism rather than the result of an accident; 5) if the guilty parties are tentatively identified the teacher must assist in the prosecution or discipline of the parties; 6) the maximum reimbursement shall be one hundred dollars ($100). The Board and Association agree that there shall be no duplication of benefits and such reimbursement will be determined after the employees personal insurance coverage benefits, if any, are deducted from the amount of the claim. This will not include theft. The Board reserves the right to fully investigate with the cooperation of the teacher, the circumstances surrounding such a claim for the purpose of determining whether students or other individuals may be held liable for any such damage. E. Except in life threatening or emergency situations no teacher shall be expected to perform medical or hygiene procedures for students such as, but not limited to, suctioning, catherization, toileting, diapering, or attending to any personal hygiene or medical needs of students. The Board will endeavor to provide ongoing medical and hygiene procedures for students utilizing staff other than classroom teachers. If extenuating circumstances arise in specific situations, the administration may meet with the teacher and an LEA representative to discuss problems and how they will be solved. Any solutions must be mutually agreeable before enacted. The section is not intended to limit or alter the responsibility of teachers specialized areas such as physical education and athletics. A. Definitions
Formation of the Company The Company was formed as a limited liability company under the Act on April 24, 2008. The Member hereby agrees that the person executing and filing the Certificate of Formation of the Company was and is an “authorized person” within the meaning of the Act, and that the Certificate of Formation filed by such authorized person is the Certificate of Formation of the Company.
Termination of the Contract 1. The Contractor may terminate the contract if the Partner has inadequately discharged or failed to discharge any of the contractual obligations, insofar as this is not due to force majeure, after notification of the Partner by registered letter has remained without effect for one month. 2. The Partner shall immediately notify the Contractor, supplying all relevant information, of any event likely to prejudice the performance of this contract.
Duration of the contract framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system II.2.10) Information about variants II.2.11) Information about options
Organization of the Company The Company is a corporation duly organized and validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Nevada.
Operation of this Agreement This Agreement shall take effect on and from the date of this Agreement. The parties must execute and enter into this Agreement prior to any Construction Certificate issuing for the Development.