Common use of COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE Clause in Contracts

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

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COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. ART 102B His of W Art:Pro-Ren to 19th C transfers as GE ART 362 Hist of Ren to Rococo Art/Arch ART 102C Hist of W Art: 19th C to Cont transfers as GE ART 356 Writ 3: Hist of Mod Art & Arch ART 106 Cross-Cultural Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 108 History of American Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 109 Contemporary Art in World Cult transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 10AB Drawing Fundamentals I transfers as GE ART 145 Drawing I ART 110 Drawing Fundamentals I transfers as GE ART 145 Drawing I ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design I transfers as ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design ART 131 Lettering & Typography I transfers as DSGN 281 Graphic Design I ART 133 Graphic Design transfers as DSGN 281 Graphic Design I ART 141 Digital Art Fundamentals transfers as DSGN 120 Intro to Computer Graphics ART 143 Digital Publishing Fund transfers as DSGN 120 Intro to Computer Graphics ART 160 Three-Dimensional Design transfers as ART 135 Three-Dimensional Design ART 161 Beginning Ceramics transfers as GE ART 105 Ceramics I ART 181 Beginning Sculpture transfers as ART 170 Sculpture I ART 187 Printmaking I -Etch & Relief transfers as ART 210 Printmaking: Relief ART 2 Hist of Western Art-Prehis to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 205A His of As Art- India & SE Asia transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 205B His of As Art- Chin, Kor, Japa transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 207 Art Hist of Mex, Cen, & S. Am transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 208 History of American Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 208H Honors History of American Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 209 History of African Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 210 Drawing Fundamentals II transfers as ART 240 Drawing & Painting II ART 217 Life Drawing I transfers as ART 230 Figurative Lab ART 218 Life Drawing II transfers as Art Elective ART 219 Watercolor Painting I transfers as ART 146 Painting I ART 220 Watercolor Painting II transfers as ART 240 Drawing & Painting II ART 222 Fundamentals of Painting I transfers as ART 146 Painting I ART 223A Fundamentals of Painting II transfers as ART 240 Drawing & Painting II ART 223B Fundamentals of Painting III transfers as ART 341 Painting III ART 224 Life Painting I transfers as Art Elective ART 225A Life Painting II transfers as Art Elective ART 230 Two-Dimensional Design II transfers as Art Elective ART 262 Intermediate Ceramics transfers as ART 206 Ceramics II ART 282 Life Sculpture transfers as ART 270 Sculpture II ART 283 Bronze Casting transfers as ART 270 Sculpture II ART 288 Printmaking II- Etching & Rel transfers as ART 315 Printmaking II ART 289 Lithography transfers as ART 111 Printmaking: Serigraph ART 290 Screen Printing transfers as ART 111 Printmaking: Serigraph ART 3 History of Western Art-Proto-R transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 31ABCD Three-Dimensional Design transfers as ART 135 Three-Dimensional Design ART 37AB Two-Dimensional Design I transfers as ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design ART 4 History of Western Art-19th Ce transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 41AB Lettering & Typography I transfers as DSGN 281 Graphic Design I ART 5A History of Asian Art-India & S transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 5B History of Asian Art-China, Ja transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 6 Cross-Cultural Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 61AB Beginning Ceramics transfers as GE ART 105 Ceramics I ART 62ABCD Intermediate Ceramics transfers as ART 206 Ceramics II ART 7 Art History of Mexico & Centra transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 81AB Beginning Sculpture transfers as ART 170 Sculpture I ART 87AB Beginning Printmaking transfers as ART 210 Printmaking: Relief ART 89ABCD Silkscreen/Lithography transfers as ART 111 Printmaking: Serigraph ART 9 History of African Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ASTR 12 ASTR 20 Astronomy Laboratory The Solar System transfers as GE PHYC 140 Introduction to Astronomy Intro to Astronomy Lab ASTR 12 ASTR 25 Astronomy Laboratory Stars and Galaxies transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIOL 10 Fundamentals of Biology transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society BIOL 101 Principles of Biology I transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 101 BIOL 102 Principles of Biology I Principles of Biology II transfers as GE BIOL 151 BIOL 152 General Biology I General Biology II BIOL 102 Principles of Biology II transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 10H Honors Fundamentals of Biology transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society BIOL 11 Fundamentals of Zoology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 12 Field Zoology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 16 Field Entomology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 17 BIOL 18 Marine Biology Marine Biology Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIOL 8 Biology of Plants transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BUS 17 Personal Finance transfers as BUSI 100 Personal Finance BUS 1A Financial Accounting transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I BUS 1B Managerial Accounting transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II BUS 20 Business Management transfers as MGMT 210 Principles of Management BUS 25 Intro to Business transfers as BUSI 110 Business and Entrepreneurship BUS 54 Microsoft Office-Integrated So transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Information Systems CH 1 Personal & Community Health Is transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) 1A General Chemistry I transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 1B General Chemistry II transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 20 Fundamentals of Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org 21A Survey of General & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors Organic Ch transfers as GE CHEM 151 General 101 Chemistry I and Society CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) 21B Survey of Organic & Biochemist transfers as GE CHEM 151 General 123 GOB Chem for Health Sciences CHEM 4H Honors Beginning Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 152 General 101 Chemistry II and Society CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General 7A Organic Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 7B Organic Chem Chemistry II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 CHIN 1 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) I transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 CHIN 2 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem II transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications 13 Intro to Computers transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIInformation Systems

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H ACC 207 ACC 207A Fin Acctg for Decision Making Fin Acctg for Decision Mkg Act transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I ACC 2070 Fin Acct for Decision Making transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I ACC 208 ACC 208A Mngrl Acctg for Decision Mkg Mngrl Acctg-Decision Making Ac transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II ACC 2080 Managerial Acct for Decision M transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II ART 140A Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) to Drawing transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 ART 145 Drawing I ART 150A Intro Org & Bio Chemto Design transfers as ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design ART 155A Intro to Computer as Medium transfers as DSGN 120 Intro to Computer Graphics ART 213 World Art: AH Maj Euro Romanesque thr transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 312 Visual Arts in 20th transfers as Upper Division Elective BIO 110 BIO 111L Life Science Life Science Laboratory transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIO 1110 BIO 1110L Life Science Majors Life Science Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIO 115 BIO 115L Basic Biology Basic Biology Lab transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society Biology and Society Lab BIO 1150 BIO 1150L Basic Biology Basic Biology Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIO 2060 BIO 2060L Basic Microbiology Basic Microbiology Lab transfers as BIOL 220 General Microbiology General Microbiology Lab BIO 2060 BIO 2060L Basic Microbiology Basic Microbiology Lab transfers as BIOL 240 Biology of Microorganisms Biology of Microorganisms Lab BIO 2340 BIO 2340L Human Anatomy Human Anatomy Lab transfers as BIOL 200 Human Anatomy for Nursing BIO 2340 BIO 2340L Human Anatomy Human Anatomy Lab transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy Human Anatomy Lab BIO 2350 BIO 2350L Human Physiology Human Physiology Lab transfers as BIOL 210 Human Physiology for Nursing BIO 2350 BIO 2350L Human Physiology Human Physiology Lab transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology Human Physiology Lab CHM 103 CHM 103A Fund of Chemistry Fund of Chemistry Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory CHM 121 CHM 121L General Chemistry General Chemistry Lab transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen General Chemistry I Lab CHM 1210 CHM 1210L General Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) I General Chem Lab I transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen General Chemistry I Lab CHM 122 CHM 122L General Chemistry General Chemistry Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory CHM 1220 CHM 1220L General Chem II: Science Majors II General Chem Lab II transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) General Chemistry II - Lab CHM 123 CHM 123L General Chemistry General Chemistry Laboratory transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II General Chemistry II - Lab CHM 141 College Chemistry transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHM 314 CHM 317L Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Lab transfers as CHEM 210 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHM 3140 CHM 3140L Organic Chem I Organic Chem Lab I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 CHM 3150 CHM 3150L Organic Chem II Organic Chem Lab II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev CHM 316 CHM 319L Organic Chemistry Lab Organic Chemsitry transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CIS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications Intro to Personal Computing transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp 1010 Intro Personal Computing transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 310 Management Information Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 3100 Mgmt Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 COM 100 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication COM 1100 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 200 Intro 111 Public Communication CS 128 CS 128 Introduction to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills C++ Introduction to C++ transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar GE GE CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as 120 CS 125 120 ENGR 125 120 ENGR 120 Intro to Computer Science II I Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 I Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Computer Science I Intro to Theatre Computer Science I CS 1280 CS 1280 Intro to C++ Intro to C++ transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction GE GE GE CS 120 CS 120 ENGR 120 ENGR 120 Intro to Theater DRAM 130 Acting Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I EC 201 Principles of Economics transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ 251 Principles of Economics: Macro Microeconomics EC 202 Principles of Economics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ EC 2201 Principles of Economics: Micro Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading EC 2202 Principles of Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ENG 104 Freshman English I transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit ENG 1103 ENG 1103A First Year Comp Activity First Year Composition transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENG 213 Ethnic Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab Humanities: Literature ENG 2330 Intro Multicultural Lit in US transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 GE Humanities: Literature FL 151 Elementary German (First Sem) Spanish I transfers as GE GERM SPAN 101 Elementary German Spanish I GRMN 102 FL 152 Elementary German (Second Sem) Spanish II transfers as GE GERM SPAN 102 Elementary German Spanish II GRMN FL 153 Elementary Spanish III transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German Spanish I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today FN 305 Nutrition, Science and Health transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health FRL 100 Personal Money Management transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness XX XXXX 100 Personal Finance FRL 1001 Personal Money Mgmt transfers as XX XXXX 100 Personal Finance FRL 201 Legal Environment of Bus transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law FRL 2013 Legal Enviro of Bus & Trans transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law FRL 300 Managerial Finance I transfers as FIN 320 Principles Corporate Finance FRL 3000 Managerial Finance transfers as FIN 320 Principles Corporate Finance GSC 120 Intro to Oceanography transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist Natural Sciences GSC 1200 Intro to 1500 Oceanography transfers as GE HIST 120 GE Natural Sciences HST 101 Hist World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa Civ: Ancient Period transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 HST 103 Hist of Civiliz/Modern World transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HST 1101 World Civilizations to 1500 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HST 1102 World Civilizations from 1500 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HST 201 United States History transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HST 202 United States History transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HST 2201 US History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 HST 2202 US History, 1877-Present transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 HST 3370 History of the Americas California transfers as HIST 338 History of California HST 370 History of California transfers as HIST 338 History of California IBM 301 Princ of Marketing Management transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History MKTG 260 Principles of the Americas Marketing IBM 3012 Principles of Marketing Mgmt transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American MKTG 260 Principles of Marketing IBM 414 International Marketing Manage transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American MKTG 373 Global Marketing Management IBM 4141 International Marketing transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness MKTG 373 Global Marketing Management KIN 102A Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning KIN 1100A Basketball Activity transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio KIN 1110A Softball Activity transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini KIN 1120A Soccer Activity transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition KIN 1130A Volleyball Activity transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques KIN 114A Aerobic Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning KIN 115A Step Aerobics transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time PrepGE FFL 117 FFL: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate Cardio Strength Fusion KIN 119A Jogging transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time PrepGE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Walking/Jogging KIN 1210A Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning Activity transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 1220A Swimming Activity transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time PrepGE GE Fitness for Life KIN 1230A Aqua Fitness Activity transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 128A Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 1310A Badminton Activity transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 1320A Tennis Activity transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 1510A Circuit Training Activity transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 1520A Jogging Activity transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Tennis KINE 142 Walking/Jogging KIN 1530A Kickboxing Activity transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 1540A Step Aerobics Activity transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion KIN 1565A Weight Training Activity transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KIN 165A Beginning Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga KIN 184 Intercollegiate Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga KIN 191 Intercollegiate Track & Field transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga KIN 3030 KIN 3030L Physiology of Exercise Physiology of Exercise Lab transfers as KIN 363 Physiology of Exercise KIN 312 Life Span Motor Development transfers as PE 325 Motor Development & Learning KIN 363 Psych Aspects of Phys Activity transfers as KIN 306 Soc/Psyc Aspects-Phys Act&Sprt KIN 380 Consumer Health transfers as KIN 475 Current Topics in Kinesiology KIN 4120 KIN 4120L Movement Anat & Kin Lab Movement Anatomy & Kinesiology transfers as KIN 364 Kinesiology KIN 459 Health/Fitness Instructor transfers as KIN 242 Fund Principles of Fitness MAT 2240 Elem Lin Algebra & Dif Eq transfers as MATH 270 Ordinary Differential Equation MHR 301 Principles of Management transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W MGMT 210 Principles of Management MHR 3010 Principles of Management transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W MGMT 210 Principles of Management MHR 3020 Organizational Behavior transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced MGMT 448 Org & Admin Behavior MHR 311 Human Resources Management transfers as MGMT 445 Human Resource Management MHR 318 Organizational Behavior transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 MGMT 448 Org & Admin Behavior MHR 320 Intro to Literature Entrepreneurship transfers as XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship MHR 3410 Intro to Entrepreneurship transfers as XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship MIC 201 MIC 201L Basic Microbiology Basic Microbiology Lab transfers as BIOL 220 General Microbiology General Microbiology Lab MIC 201 MIC 201L Basic Microbiology Basic Microbiology Lab transfers as BIOL 240 Biology of Microorganisms Biology of Microorganisms Lab MKT 301 Principles of Marketing transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT MKTG 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Principles of Marketing MU 100 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MU 1000 Intro to Music transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MU 101 Music Appreciation transfers as GE MUS 116 A Survey 120 Music Fundamentals MU 1010 Music Appreciation transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MU 103 World of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 MU 1030 World of Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/MU 111A Class Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/MU 113A Class Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MU 120 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 130 Beginning Guitar 120 Music Fundamentals MU 1201 Music Theory I: Diatonic Har transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MU 121 Music Theory II transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MU 1211 Music Theory II: Chromatic Har transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv 122 Music Theory II MU 171 Studio Strings transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III 1S1 Applied Strings MU 1710 Studio Strings transfers as MUS 203 Adv 1S1 Applied Strings MU 172 Studio Trumpet transfers as MUS 1B1 Applied Brass MU 221A Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 133 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I MU 222A Musicianship transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano 134 Practical Musicianship II MU 270 Performance Seminar transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today 210 Performance Forum MU 331 Percussion Fundamentals transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab MUS 334 Percussion Instrmnt Techniques MU 332 String Fundamentals transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro MUS 331 String Instrument Techniques MU 334 Woodwind Fundamentals transfers as MUS 332 Woodwind Instrument Techniques MU 341A Brass Ensemble transfers as MUS 153 Chamber Ensemble: Brass MU 351L Concert Band transfers as MUS 271 Symphony Orchestra MU 352L Concert Band transfers as MUS 142 Symphonic Band MU 353L Wind Ensemble transfers as MUS 187 Wind Ensemble MU 354L Jazz Band transfers as MUS 182 Jazz and Commercial Ensemble PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness PHL 2010 Ultimate Ques: Intro to Xxxx transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 GolfPHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHY 1210 PHY 1210L Physics Motion, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 GolfFluids, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 TennisHeat Physics Motion, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 TennisFluids, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I Heat L transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 PHY 1520 PHY 1520L Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci Lab on Electromag & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II Circ Intro to Electromagnetism & Ci transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction Physics:Sci/Engineering II Lab PLS 201 Intro to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government PLS 2010 Intro to American Gov transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC XX XXXX 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 American Government PSY 201 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General PSY 210 Mind, Brain, & Behavior transfers as GE GE Social Sciences PSY 2201 Intro to Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social PSY 305 Basic Developmental Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family PSY 307 PSY 307A Statistics for Behav Sci Activ Statistics for Behavioral Sci transfers as PSYC 445 GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSY 325 Multicultural Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as Upper Division Elective PSY 3305 Basic Dev Psyc transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati 290 Human Growth and Development PSY 3307 PSY 3307A Stats for Psyc Stats for Psyc Activity transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSY 3325 Multicultural Psyc transfers as PSYC 292 Intro Upper Division Elective SOC 201 Principles of Sociol transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Brain and Behavior Sociology SOC 101 2201 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems SPN 1111 Elementary Spanish I transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPN 1112 Elementary Spanish II transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPN 151 Elementary Spanish I transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPN 2111 Interm Spanish I transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I STA 120 Statistics for Behavioral Scie with Applications transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences STA 1200 STA 1200A Statistics w/ Applications Statistics w/ Applications Act transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family XXX 301 Operations Management transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester MGMT 410 Production Management XXX 3010 Operations Mgmt transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester MGMT 410 Production Management ZOO 234 Human Anatomy transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester BIOL 200 Human Anatomy for Nursing ZOO 234 Human Anatomy transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester BIOL 250 Human Anatomy ZOO 234L Human Anatomy Laboratory transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIHuman Anatomy Lab ZOO 235 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 210 Human Physiology for Nursing ZOO 235 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology ZOO 235L Human Physiology Laboratory transfers as Human Physiology Lab

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) MUSI 78S Jazz Ensemble transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry MUS 182 Jazz and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj Commercial Ensemble MUSI 8 Modulation and Analysis transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors MUS 221 Music Theory III MUSI 84A Popular Guitar, First Level transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods NURS 17 NURS 17 Pharmacology Pharmacology transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD UNRS 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR UNRS 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies Pharmacology Pharmacology NUTR 6 Clinical Nutrition in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today Health C transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health PERS 1 Elementary Persian transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I PERS 2 Elementary Persian II transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II PHIL 1 Knwldg/Reality transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist Philosophy PHOT 1 Intro to 1500 Photo transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 ART 160 Photography I PHYS 3 Human Physiology transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History BIOL 210 Human Physiology for Nursing PHYS 3 Human Physiology transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN BIOL 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Physiology PHYSCS 14 Introductory Physics With Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I PHYSCS 21 Mechanics With Lab transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II PHYSCS 22 Electricity and Magnetism w/La transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government PHYSCS 6 General Physics 1 w/Lab transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYSCS 7 General Physics 2 w/Lab transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYSCS 8 Calculus-Based Gen Phys 1 w/La transfers as GE GE Civic Know. PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology Engineer I PHYSCS 9 Calculus-Based Gen Phys 2 w/La transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats PHYC 162 Physics for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning Sci & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish Engineer II

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) BIO 220 BIO 221 Prin of Mole, Cell, Evol Lab Princ of Molecular,Cellular, E transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIO 230 Princ of Cell, Molecular, Evol transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors BIO 240 Princ of Ecology, Evol, Organi transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) GE Natural Sciences BUS 110 Introduction to Business transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors BUSI 110 Business and Entrepreneurship BUS 120 Financial Accounting transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I BUS 121 Managerial Accounting transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I BUS 125 Business Law transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 BUSI 296 Business Law CD 125 Child & Adol Growth & Dev and Development transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development CHEM 102 Intro to Gen, Organic, Bio Che transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) GE Natural Sciences CHEM 115 Fundamentals of Chemistry transfers as XX XXXX GE CHEM 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Introductory Organic & Biochem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 120 Preparation for General Chem transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 141 General Chemistry I transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 142 General Chemistry II transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry II transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHIN 121 Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App GE GE Foreign Language CHIN 220 Chinese III transfers as GE GE Foreign Language CHIN 221 Chinese IV transfers as GE GE Foreign Language CIS 101 Fund Comp Info 110 Principles Information Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App Information Systems COMM 101 122 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT ECON 120 Fundamentals Principles of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ 121 Principles of Economics: Micro Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 120 College Composition and Reading Readin transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit 122 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 ENGL 202 Intro to Film History as Literature transfers as ENGL 211 Film Analysis and Criticism ENGL 221 British Literature I transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL 222 British Literature II transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGL 231 American Literature I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 232 American Literature II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 270 World Literature I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 271 World Literature II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ES 001 Adapted Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 009 Aerobic Dance Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 009A Beg Aerobic Dance Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 009B Intrmd Aerobic Dance Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 009C Adv Aerobic Dance Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 010 Cardiovascular Fitness and Nut transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 011 Circuit Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 012 Individualized Sports Conditio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 013 Flexibility Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 014A Beginning Body Building transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 014B Intermediate Body Building transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 014C Advanced Body Building transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 015 Strength and Stretch transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 018 Cardio Stretch transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 019A Beginning Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 019B Intermediate Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 019C Advanced Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 020 Adapted Weight Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 028A Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 028B Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 028C Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 035 Adapted Swimming for the Physi transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 076B Intermediate Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 076C Advanced Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 080A Modern Dance I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 080B Modern Dance II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 080C Modern Dance III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 080D Modern Dance IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 084A Jazz Dance I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 084B Jazz Dance II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 084C Jazz Dance III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 084D Jazz Dance IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 088A Ballet I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 088B Ballet II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 088C Ballet III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 088D Ballet IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 150 Adapted Sports Education transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 155A Beginning Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 155B Intermediate Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 155C Advanced Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 170A Beginning Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 170B Intermediate Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 170C Advanced Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 171A Beginning Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 171B Intermediate Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 171C Advanced Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 175B Intermediate Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 175C Advanced Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 200 Conditioning and Injury Preven transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 206 Intercollegiate Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 209 Intercollegiate Cross Country transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 213 Intercollegiate Golf transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 218 Intercollegiate Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ES 224 Intercollegiate Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life FREN 101 Elementary 120 French (First Sem) I transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary 121 French (Second Sem) II transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate 220 French (Third Sem III transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate 221 French (Fourth Se IV transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 106 World Regional Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOG 101L 120 GEOG 121 Elements of Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab Laboratory transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 110 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab 111 Planet Earth Planet Earth Laboratory transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory HED 110 Essentials of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health Personal and Com transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness HED 120 Personal Health & Lifestyles transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HED 251 Health Lifestyles Theory & App transfers as GE GE PE 240 GE Fitness for Life Health Education HIST 100 Early World Hist to 1500 History transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 Modern World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 105 Early Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 106 Modern Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 Early American History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 109 Modern American History transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History 114 Comparative Hist of the Americas Early Amer transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History 115 Comparative Hist of the Americas Modern Ame transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities HUM 110 Principles of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 120 Italian I transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Modern Language I ITAL 121 Italian (First Sem) II transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II MATH 120 Quantitative Reasoning transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem Quantitative Literacy MATH 125 Struct & Concepts Elem Math I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Quantitative Literacy MATH 126 Struct & Concepts Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese Math II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature Quantitative Literacy MATH 103 160 Elementary Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem 170 Analytic Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 175 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry 176 Precalculus: Functions & Graph transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-178 Calculus Math for Busi, Soc, Behavi transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 150 Calculus & 180 Analytic Geo Geometry and Calc I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus 280 Analytic Geometry & Analytic Xxx XX Calc II transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 281 Multivariate Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 284 Linear Algebra transfers as MATH 290 Linear Algebra MATH 285 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy Ordinary Differential Equation MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 001 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 105 Music Fundamentals Theory & Practice I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 115 Intro to 114 Music History in the United States transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of Intro to World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Intro to Music Appreciation History & Lit transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Introduction to Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano 253 Concert Band transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS GE ART 150 Introduction to Art NAKY 120 Kumeyaay I transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I NAKY 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano Kumeyaay II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 112 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography 113 Intro to Oceanography Lab Oceanography Laboratory transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 110 General Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness PHYC 110 Introductory Physics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE Natural Sciences PHYC 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro PHYC 121 General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin PHYC 130 Fundamentals of Physics I transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences PHYC 190 Mechanics and Heat transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II PHYC 200 Electricity and Magnetism transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction POSC 120 Intro to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government & Pol Analys transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 POSC 121 Intro to International Relatio US Govt and Politics transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POSC 124 Intro to Comparative Govt/Poli transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General PSC 110 PSC 111 Intro to Physical Sciences Lab Intro to the Physical Sciences transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory PSY 120 Introductory Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 PSY 138 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych PSY 140 Physiological Psychology transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSY 150 Developmental Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family PSY 165 Developmental Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSY 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H PSY 215 Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family PSY 220 Learning transfers as PSYC 445 405 Psychology of the Learning SOC 120 Introductory Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 125 Marriage, Family and Alt Lifes transfers as SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems SOC 130 Contemporary Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SPAN 101 Elem 120 Spanish First Semester I transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 120B Spanish Second Semester I transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 121 Spanish II transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 220 Spanish Third Semester III transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 221 Spanish 4th Semester IV transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPCH 122 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication THTR 110 Introduction to the Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc ECON 1B Funds of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro Economics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGI 45 Materials Science transfers as ENGR 284 Materials ENGL 100 1A Intro to Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think1B Critical Thinking/Comp/Writing Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History ENGL 24 Reading Lit: Intro to Crit Iss transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 25 African-American Literature transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ENGL 26 Intro to Native American Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ENGL 30A American Lit - Beg-Civil War transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 30B American Lit - Civil War-Pres transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 46A English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL 46B English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGL 47A World Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 47B World Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGR 45 Materials Science transfers as ENGR 284 Materials ESCI 1 Physical Geology transfers as PHYC 125 Earth Science Concepts & Appli ESCI 1 ESCI 1L Physical Geology Physical Geology Lab transfers as GE GE PHYC 130 Earth Science Earth Science Lab ESCI 10 Intro to Earth Science transfers as PHYC 125 Earth Science Concepts & Appli ESCI 10 ESCI 10L Intro to Earth Science Intro to Earth Science Lab transfers as GE GE PHYC 130 Earth Science Earth Science Lab ESCI 15 ESCI 15L Intro to Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory ESCI 3 ESCI 3L Historical Geology Historical Geology Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory FREN 101 1 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 2 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 3 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 4 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 1 GEOG 101L 1L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 2 Cultural Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOG 5 World Regional Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General 1 Physical Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 125 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Concepts & Appli GER 1 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 GER 2 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 GERM 1 Elementary German transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GERM 2 Elementary German transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GERM 3 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 GERM 4 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 HDEV 1 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIDevelopment

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H ACCT 100BF Financial Accounting Principle transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I ACCT 101AF Financial Accounting transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I ACCT 101BF Managerial Accounting transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II AJ 100F Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) to Law Enforcement transfers as GE CHEM CJ 110 Intro to Criminal Xxxxxxx XX 102F Intro to Probation & Parole transfers as CJ 240 Intro to Corrections AJ 110AF Criminal Law transfers as CJ 251 Criminal Law AJ 140 F Juvenile Procedures transfers as CJ 250 Juvenile Xxxxxxx XX 140F Juvenile Procedures transfers as CJ 250 Juvenile Xxxxxxx XX 220F Criminal Procedure transfers as Criminal Justice Elective XX 222F Rules of Evidence transfers as Criminal Justice Elective AJ 223F Criminal Investigation transfers as Criminal Justice Elective AJ 230F Crime Scene Techniques transfers as Criminal Justice Elective ANAT 231F General Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 200 Human Anatomy for Nursing XXXX 231F General Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy ANAT 240F Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 210 Human Physiology for Nursing ANAT 240F Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology ANTH 102F Cultural Anthropology transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ANTH 102HF Honors Cultural Anthropology transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ARAB 101F Elementary Arabic I transfers as XX XXXX 101 Chemistry Modern Language I ARAB 102F Elementary Arabic II transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II ART 112F Art Hist: Ancient to Medieval transfers as GE ART 354 Hist of Ancient Art and Xxxxxx ART 113F Art Hist: Renaissance to Moder transfers as GE ART 362 Hist of Ren to Rococo Art/Arch ART 117F Art History: American Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 121F Three-Dimensional Design transfers as ART 135 Three-Dimensional Design ART 131F Introduction to Printmaking transfers as ART 210 Printmaking: Relief ART 150AF Ceramics, Beg Handbuilding transfers as GE ART 105 Ceramics I ART 150BF Ceramics, Beg Throwing transfers as ART 206 Ceramics II ART 153F Ceramics: Beginning Handbuildi transfers as GE ART 105 Ceramics I ART 160F Fundamentals of Sculpture transfers as ART 170 Sculpture I ART 182F Basic Drawing transfers as GE ART 145 Drawing I ART 186AF Beginning Life Drawing transfers as Art Elective ART 186F Beginning Life Drawing transfers as ART 230 Figurative Lab ART 189F Beginning Painting transfers as ART 146 Painting I ART 212F Art Hist: The Art of Asia transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts BIOL 101F General Biology transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj BIOL 101F BIOL 170F General Biology Organismal Biology transfers as GE BIOL 151 BIOL 152 General Biology I General Biology II BIOL 101HF HONORS General Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors BIOL 101HF BIOL 170F HONORS General Biology Organismal Biology transfers as GE CHEM BIOL 151 BIOL 152 General Chemistry Biology I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) General Biology II BIOL 102F BIOL 102LF Human Biology Human Biology LAB transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - BIOL 101 Biology and Society Biology and Society Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - BIOL 109F BIOL 109LF Biotechnology Lab CHLD 113 Child Techniques Genetics & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies Biotechnology in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab So transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography BIOL 170F Organismal Biology transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L BIOL 152 General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German Biology II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness BIOL 222F Marine Biology transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa Natural Sciences BIOL 266F General Zoology transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas Natural Sciences BIOL 268F General Botany transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas Natural Sciences BIOL 272F Cell & Molecular Biology transfers as BIOL 280 Cell Biology BIOL 274F General Ecology transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American Natural Sciences BUS 100F Introduction to Business transfers as XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship BUS 101F Personal Financial Mgmt transfers as XX XXXX 100 Personal Finance BUS 180F Small Business Management transfers as XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship BUS 240F Legal Env of Business transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law BUS 241AF Business Law transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law BUS 262F Principles of Managament transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American MGMT 210 Principles of Management CDES 261AF CDES 261BF Intro to Elem Classroom Teachi Intro to Elem Classroom Teachi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 EDLS 200 Intro to the Arts Teaching: K-12 CHEM 101F Intro to Chemistry transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art CHEM 101 Chemistry and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory Society CHEM 111AF General Chemistry I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC CHEM 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIChemistry I

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj PLSCI 20L Principles of Plant Science transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors POLSC 1 Intro to American Government transfers as GE CHEM 151 XX XXXX 150 American Government PSYCH 1A General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child 110 General Psychology PSYCH 1B General Psych: Indv & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Soc Proc transfers as GE GE Social Sciences PSYCH 22 Social Psychology transfers as GE GE Social Sciences PSYCH 41 Lifespan Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking SIGN 1 Sign Language Studies 1 transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills ASL 101 American Sign Language I SIGN 2 Sign Language Studies 2 transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC ASL 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Sign Language II SOCIL 1 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOCIL 10 Sociology of Marriage & Family transfers as SOC 102 230 Comparative Family Systems SOCIL 2 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie SOCIL 5 Sociology of Race & Ethnicity transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral GE Social Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem 1 Elementary Spanish First Semester Part 1 transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 2 Elementary Spanish Second Semester Part 2 transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 3 Intermediate Spanish Third Semester Part 1 transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester SPECH 1 Public Speaking transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIGE COMM 111 Public Communication STAT 1 Intro to Statistical Methods transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics XXXXX 11A Intro to Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) ANAT P110 Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy ART P101 Art Studio Fundamentals transfers as GE CHEM ART 150 Introduction to Art ART P102 Art Appreciation transfers as GE ART 150 Introduction to Art ART P103 Basic Drawing transfers as GE ART 145 Drawing I ART P104 Basic Painting transfers as Art Elective ART P105 Mixed Media Sculpture transfers as ART 170 Sculpture I ART P106 Color & Design transfers as ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design ART P110 Ancient Art History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART P111 Renaissance and Baroque Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART P112 Modern Art History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ASL P101 Beg American Sign Language transfers as GE GE Foreign Language ASL P102 Beg American Sign Language transfers as GE GE Foreign Language ASTR 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj Elementary Astronomy transfers as GE PHYC 140 Introduction to Astronomy ASTR P101 Elementary Astronomy transfers as GE PHYC 140 Introduction to Astronomy BIOL P105 Introductory Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL P106 Intro Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL P110 Principles of Biology transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society CHEM 150 P101A Gen Inorganic Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H P101B Gen Inorganic Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen P106 Intro to Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev Principles transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society ECON P101 Principles of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON P102 Principles of Macroeconomics transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics EDUC P101 Col Plan/Success Skills Strategies transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 P101A Expository Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 P101B Argu Writ & Crit Think/Comp/Lit Thinking Thro transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History ENGL P102 Engl Lit:Beowulf/Xxxx/Age of R transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL P104 Engl Lit:Romantics-Present transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 GEOG 101 GEOG 101L P114 Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General P110 Intro to Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 P101 World Hist History to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 P102 World History since 1500 From 1500-Presen transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 P104 History of Western Civilizatio transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST P105 History of Western Civilizatio transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History P117 Hist of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 the US Colonial-1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since P118 History of the US 1877 to Pres transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas HLED P112 Health Education transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr PE 240 Health Education KINE 101L Physical Fitness P103 Beg Weight Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning P105 Adv Weight Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio P106A Shape Up-Aerobic Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini P106B Shape Up-Aerobic/Anaerobic Ex transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 P109 Off Season Intercol Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques P112A Beginning Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, P112B Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga P114 Off-Season Intercol Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/P115 Off Season Intercol Softball-W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W P116 Off Season Intercol Baseball-M transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced P117 Off Season Intercol Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th KINE P122 Varsity Basketball for Men transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Fitness for Life KINE P123 Varsity Basketball for Women transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 Fitness for Life KINE P126 Varsity Basketball transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 Fitness for Life KINE P130 Varsity Basketball for Women transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts Fitness for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry Life KINE P132 Varsity Softball for Women transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math Fitness for Life KINE P143 Intercolleg Team Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 P103 Analytic Geo/Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 P104 Analytic Geo/Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math P122 Intro Probablility/Statistics transfers as GE MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 260 P205 Anayltic Geo/Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations MICR P106 Microbiology transfers as BIOL 220 General Microbiology MUS P100 Fundamentals of Music transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS P101 Musicianship transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra Humanities: Fine Arts MUS P110 Exploring the World through Mu transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 101 P111 Intro to Music transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS P112 Intro to Music transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUSC P100 Fundamentals of Music Theory transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUSC P101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 MUSC P102 Music Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro MUSC P111 Introduction to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 MUSC P112 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation PHED P101B Intermed Volleyball transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Fitness for Life PHED P102A Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P103 Beginning Weight Training transfers as GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory Fitness for Life PHED P105 Adv Weight Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P106 Shape Up transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P109 Adv Basketball-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P112 Health Education transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education PHED P115 Adv Softball-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P116 Advanced Baseball--Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P117 Advanced Basketball- Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P122 Varsity Basketball for Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P123 Varsity Basketball for Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P124 Varsity Soccer for Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P125 Varsity Soccer for Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P126 Varsity Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P127 Varsity Track & Field M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P128 Varsity Tennis M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P130 Varsity Volleyball for Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED P132 Varsity Softball for Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXXX 101 P106 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L PHSC P112 Physical Fitness Science transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life Natural Sciences PHYS 111 Intro P102A Gen College Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish III

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj BIOL 2B Principles of Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors BIOL 31 Intro to College Biology transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) BIOL 101 Biology and Society BIOL 5 Marine Biology transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors GE Natural Sciences BIOL 50 Anatomy and Physiology transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child BIOL 115 Anatomy & Adol Growth Physiology BOTN 10 Plants, Humans & Dev the Environme transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development GE Natural Sciences BUS 10 Business Law transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) BUSI 296 Business Law BUS 12 Intro to Business transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese 110 Business and Entrepreneurship BUS 1A Principles of Accounting I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I BUS 1B Principles of Accounting II CIS 100 transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II BUS 22 Introduction to Management transfers as GE MGMT 210 Principles of Management CAS 8 Computer Applications Literacy transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS CHEM 10 Intro to Chemistry transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 1A General College Chemistry I transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 1B General College Chemistry transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 30A Intro and Applied Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Fund Comp Info Systems Chemistry and Society CHEM 30B Intro and Applied Chemistry transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 31 Intro to College Chemistry transfers as CHEM 103 Prin of Chem for Science Disc CSCI 8 Computer Literacy transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills DANC ZUM1 Beginning Zumba transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre Fitness for Life DANC ZUM2 Advanced Beginning Zumba transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I GE Fitness for Life ECN 1 Principles of Microeconomics transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ 251 Principles of Economics: Macro Microeconomics ECON 1 Prin of Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2 Prin of Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 1A Critical Reading & Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think22 Mexican Amer/Comp/Latino Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab os US transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych Intercultural Competence ENGL 30 Survey of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa US Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IILiterature

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H ACC 207 ACC 207A Fin Acctg for Decision Making Fin Acctg for Decision Mkg Act transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I ACC 2070 Fin Acct for Decision Making transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I ACC 208 ACC 208A Mngrl Acctg for Decision Mkg Mngrl Acctg-Decision Making Ac transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II ACC 2080 Managerial Acct for Decision M transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II ART 140A Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) to Drawing transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 ART 145 Drawing I ART 150A Intro Org & Bio Chemto Design transfers as ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design ART 155A Intro to Computer as Medium transfers as DSGN 120 Intro to Computer Graphics ART 213 World Art: AH Maj Euro Romanesque thr transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ART 312 Visual Arts in 20th transfers as Upper Division Elective BIO 110 BIO 111L Life Science Life Science Laboratory transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIO 1110 BIO 1110L Life Science Majors Life Science Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIO 115 BIO 115L Basic Biology Basic Biology Lab transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society Fundamentals of Biology Lab BIO 1150 BIO 1150L Basic Biology Basic Biology Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIO 2060 BIO 2060L Basic Microbiology Basic Microbiology Lab transfers as BIOL 220 General Microbiology General Microbiology Lab BIO 2060 BIO 2060L Basic Microbiology Basic Microbiology Lab transfers as BIOL 240 Biology of Microorganisms Biology of Microorganisms Lab BIO 2340 BIO 2340L Human Anatomy Human Anatomy Lab transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy Human Anatomy Lab BIO 2350 BIO 2350L Human Physiology Human Physiology Lab transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology Human Physiology Lab CHM 103 CHM 103A Fund of Chemistry Fund of Chemistry Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory CHM 121 CHM 121L General Chemistry General Chemistry Lab transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen General Chemistry I Lab CHM 1210 CHM 1210L General Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) I General Chem Lab I transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen General Chemistry I Lab CHM 122 CHM 122L General Chemistry General Chemistry Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory CHM 1220 CHM 1220L General Chem II: Science Majors II General Chem Lab II transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) General Chemistry II - Lab CHM 123 CHM 123L General Chemistry General Chemistry Laboratory transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II General Chemistry II - Lab CHM 141 College Chemistry transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHM 314 CHM 317L Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Lab transfers as CHEM 210 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHM 3140 CHM 3140L Organic Chem I Organic Chem Lab I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 CHM 3150 CHM 3150L Organic Chem II Organic Chem Lab II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev CHM 316 CHM 319L Organic Chemistry Lab Organic Chemsitry transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CIS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications Intro to Personal Computing transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App Information Systems CIS 101 Fund Comp 1010 Intro Personal Computing transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Information Systems CIS 310 Management Information Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Information Systems CIS 3100 Mgmt Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Information Systems COM 100 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication COM 1100 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 200 Intro 111 Public Communication CS 128 CS 128 Introduction to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills C++ Introduction to C++ transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar GE GE CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as 120 CS 125 120 ENGR 125 120 ENGR 120 Intro to Computer Science II I Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 I Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Computer Science I Intro to Theatre Computer Science I CS 1280 CS 1280 Intro to C++ Intro to C++ transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction GE GE GE CS 120 CS 120 ENGR 120 ENGR 120 Intro to Theater DRAM 130 Acting Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I EC 201 Principles of Economics transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ 251 Principles of Economics: Macro Microeconomics EC 202 Principles of Economics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ EC 2201 Principles of Economics: Micro Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading EC 2202 Principles of Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ENG 104 Freshman English I transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit ENG 1103 ENG 1103A First Year Comp Activity First Year Composition transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENG 213 Ethnic Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab Humanities: Literature ENG 2330 Intro Multicultural Lit in US transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 GE Humanities: Literature FL 151 Elementary German (First Sem) Spanish I transfers as GE GERM SPAN 101 Elementary German Spanish I GRMN 102 FL 152 Elementary German (Second Sem) Spanish II transfers as GE GERM SPAN 102 Elementary German Spanish II GRMN FL 153 Elementary Spanish III transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German Spanish I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today FN 305 Nutrition, Science and Health transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health FRL 100 Personal Money Management transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness BUSI 100 Personal Finance FRL 1001 Personal Money Mgmt transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST BUSI 100 World Hist to 1500 Personal Finance FRL 201 Legal Environment of Bus transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIBUSI 296 Business Law

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org MATH 236 Calculus for Busi & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications Soc Sci transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 240 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 245 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math 260 Intro to Analysis/Precalculus transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & 265 Calc w/ Analytic Geo Geometry I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & 266 Calc w/ Analytic Xxx XX Geometry II transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & 267 Calc w/ Analytic Geo Geometry III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations 270 Linear Alegebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 290 Linear Algebra MATH 275 Ordinary Differential Equation transfers as MATH 270 Linear Algebra Ordinary Differential Equation MICR 020L MICR 020U General Microbiology L General Microbiology U transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I BIOL 220 General Microbiology General Microbiology Lab MICR 20 General Microbiology transfers as GE MUS 121 BIOL 220 General Microbiology MUSI 101 Fundamentals of Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 MUSI 111 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 MUSI 136 Music Appreciation in American Culture transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUSI 200 Intro to Music Theory transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUSI 201 Harmony I transfers as GE MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/121 Music Theory I MUSI 202 Harmony II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUSI 203 Harmony III transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUSI 211 Musicianship I transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUSI 212 Musicianship II transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUSI 213 Musicianship III transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUSI 216A Music Theory 1 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUSI 217A Music Theory 2 transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUSI 217B Musicianship 2 transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUSI 218A Music Theory 3 transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II XXXX 219A Music Theory 4 transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUSI 219B Musicianship 4 transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUSI 321 Elementary Piano I transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/MUSI 322 Elementary Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUSI 323 Elementary Piano III transfers as MUS 130 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUSI 324 Elementary Piano IV transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano MUSI 411 Elementary Voice I transfers as MUS 101 Beginning Voice Class MUSI 412 Elementary Voice II transfers as MUS 102 Intermediate Voice Class MUSI 650 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 1 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography 10 Intro to Oceanography Physical Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge OCEA 12 OCEA 4 Lectures in Marine Biology Marine Biology Lab transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory PE 225 Yoga Skills transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 228 Body Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 229 Body Dynamics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 262 Track and Field Skills transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 301 Team Sports: Baseball Skills transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 304 Team Sports: Basketball Skills transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 310 Team Sports: Football Skills transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 313 Team Sports: Soccer Skills transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 322 Team Sports: Volleyball Skills transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 328 Team Sports: Softball Skills transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 431 Dance Act: Modern Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 437 Dance Act: Jazz Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 469 Dance Act: Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 503 Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 504 Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 506 Cross Country transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 508 Football transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 509 Golf transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 511 Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 512 Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 514 Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 515 Track and Field transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 516 Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 552 Athletic Pre-Season Condition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 553 Strength & Fitness Training Fo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 556 Strength & Fitness Train Baske transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 557 Strength & Fitness Train Baseb transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 558 Strength & Fitness Train Socce transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 642 Adapted Fitness I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 643 Adapted Strength Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 645 Adapted Aerobics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 646 Cardiovascular Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning PE 649 Adapted Sports and Games transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as Life PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 690 Weight Training Skills transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness PE 97 Physical Efficiency transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball PE 98 Scientific Physical Fitness La transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women PERS 17 College Survival Skills Dev transfers as GE GE Fitness 100 First-Year Seminar XXXX 1 Introduction to Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHYS 11 Introductory Physics transfers as PHYC 115 Physical Science for Life Teachers PHYS 111 Intro 11 Introductory Physics transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences PHYS 37 Physics for Engr & Scientist I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 38 Physics for Engr & Sci II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PHYS 6 General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro 7 General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics SC 1 PHYS SC 14 Physical Science I Physical Science Lab transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory PHYSIO 1 Intro to Human Physiology transfers as PHYC 162 Physics BIOL 210 Human Physiology for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction Nursing PHYSIO 1 Intro to Political Scie Human Physiology transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist BIOL 251 Human Physiology POL 1 Government of the US transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government POL 2 Modern World Governments transfers as POLI 180 Intro International Relations POL 30 The Political Process transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIEngagement

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry RT M01 Media and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-SL M01 American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Sign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory ASL 101 American Sign Language I MUS 102 Theory SL M02 American Sign Language II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC ASL 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior Sign Language II SOC 101 M01 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 M01H Honors Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120H Intro to Sociology - Honors SOC M02 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 M04 Intimacy, Relations & Commitme transfers as SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems SOC M05 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 GE GE Social Psychology Sciences SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie M15 Intro to Criminology transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family Criminal Justice Elective SPAN 101 Elem M01 Elementary Spanish First Semester I transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem M01B Elementary Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN M02 Elementary Spanish II transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter M02B Elementary Spanish Third Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN M03 Intermediate Spanish I transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm M03H Honors Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester I transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN M04 Intermediate Spanish II transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPAN M04H Honors Intermediate Spanish II transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPCH M01 Introduction to Speech transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication THA M01 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THA M02A Beg Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals THA M20 Stagecrafts transfers as THTR 222 Theatrical Lighting and Sound ZOO M01 Intro to Zoology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 PHYS 360 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I 370 Intro Physics: Mech & Xxxxxxxx transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci GE Natural Sciences PHYS 411 Mechanics of Solids & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II Fluids transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction GE GE Natural Sciences POLS 301 Intro to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist Government: U.S. transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government POLS 302 Intro to Government: Foreign transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 PS 302 Intro to International Relatio Physical Science transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement Natural Sciences PSYC 101 300 General Psychology Principles transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 320 Social Psychology transfers as GE GE Social Sciences PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 330 Intro Stats for Behavioral Science Sci transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych 354 Marriage, Family, & the Altern transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems RTVF 300 Mass Media and Society transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication XXXX 305 American Sign Language 1 transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology ASL 101 American Sign Language I XXXX 306 American Sign Language 2 transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior ASL 102 American Sign Language II SOC 101 300 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 301 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of 310 Marriage & the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems SPAN 101 Elem 401 Elementary Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 402 Elementary Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 411 Intermediate Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 412 Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPEE 1 Speech Communication transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPORT 300 Baseball, Intercollegiate-Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life SPORT 311 Basketball, Intercollegiate-Me transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life SPORT 312 Basketball, Intercollegiate-Me transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life SPORT 316 Basketball, Intercollegiate-Wo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life SPORT 317 Basketball, Intercollegiate-Wo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life SPORT 350 Soccer, Intercollegiate-Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life SPORT 355 Soccer, Intercollegiate-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life SPORT 365 Softball, Intercollegiate-Wome transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life SPORT 388 Tennis, Intercollegiate-Men/Wo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life SPORT 405 Volleyball, Intercollegiate-Wo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life SPORT 415 Water Polo, Intercollegiate-Wo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life STAT 300 Intro to Probability & Statist transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics TA 300 Intro to the Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater TA 350 Theory & Technique of Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals TMACT 300 Soccer, Indoor transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 301 Indoor Soccer II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 302 Soccer-Outdoor transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 303 Outdoor Soccer II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 304 Outdoor Soccer III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 320 Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 321 Basketball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 323 Basketball IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 330 Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 331 Volleyball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 332 Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 333 Volleyball III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 335 Volleyball IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 352 Softball, Slow Pitch transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life TMACT 370 Water Polo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life VIET 401 Elementary Vietnamese transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I VIET 402 Elementary Vietnamese transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen ChemENGL C145 American Lit: Allied H (Hon) The Short Story transfers as GE CHEM GE Humanities: Literature ENGL C150 American Lit to the Civil War transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL C155 American Lit 1865-Present transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL C270 British Literature to 1800 transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL C275 British Literature Since 1800 transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 FREN C180 Elementary French 1 transfers as GE FREN 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj Elementary French I FREN C185 Elementary French 2 transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN C280 Intermediate French 1 transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN C285 Intermediate French 2 transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II FRENCH 180 Elementary French 1 transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FRENCH 185 Elementary French 2 transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FRENCH 280 Intermediate French 1 transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FRENCH 285 Intermediate French 2 transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 100 World Regional Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOG 185 Cultural Geography transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence GEOG C100 World Regional Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOG C185 Cultural Geography transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence GEOL 110 GEOL 141 Geology Lab Physical Geology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors GEOL 140 GEOL 141 Geology Lab Intro to Geology transfers as GE CHEM 151 GE Natural Sciences GEOL C105 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Geology transfers as PHYC 125 Earth Science Maj (Hon) Concepts & Appli GEOL C105 GEOL C105L General Geology Geology Lab transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOL C185 GEOL C185L Historical Geology Historical Geology Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX C170 Psychology of Aging transfers as PSYC 345 Psyc 355 Psych of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Adult Development XXXX C240 Aging in a Multicultural Soc transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 GE Intercultural Competence GREK 180B Elementary Chinese (First Sem) Greek 2 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I GRMN 180 Elementary Chinese German 1 transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I CHNS GRMN 180B Elementary German 1B transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem German II HEBR 180B Elementary Hebrew 1B transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I HIST 115 Latin American Hist & Culture transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 160 World History to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 165 World History from 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 170 U.S. History to 1876 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 175 U.S. History Since 1876 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 180 Western Civilization to 1550 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 185 West Civilization Since 1550 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST C115 Latin American Hist & Culture transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST C161 World History 1 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST C162 World History 2 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST C170 U.S. History to 1876 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST C175 U.S. History Since 1876 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST C180 Western Civilization 1 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST C185 Western Civilization 2 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HLTH 100 Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HUM 100 Intro to the Humanities transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUM 110 Humanities Through the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUM C100 Introduction to the Humanities transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUM C110 Humanities through the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUM C135 History & Apprec of the Cinema transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film ITAL 180 Elementary Italian 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I ITAL 185 Elementary Italian 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II ITAL C180 Elementary Chinese Italian 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I ITAL C185 Elementary Italian 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II CIS JAPN 180 Elementary Japanese 1 transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 185 Elementary Japanese 2 transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN C180 Elementary Japanese 1 transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN C185 Elementary Japanese 2 transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II KIN C100 Introduction to Kinesiology transfers as PE 138 Intro to Physical Education KORN 180 Elementary Korean 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I KORN 180B Elementary Korean 1B transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I KORN 185 Elementary Korean 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II KORN 185B Elementary Korean 2B transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II MATH 100 Computer Quantitative Reasoning transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 104 Math for Elementary Teachers 1 transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 115 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 120 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 140 Survey of Calculus transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 150 Finite Math with Applications transfers as BUSI 240 GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 160 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking Statistics transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 170 Precalculus Mathematics transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 180 Calculus 1 transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 185 Calculus 2 transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 280 Calculus w/ Analytic Geometry transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 285 Linear Algebra & Diff Equation transfers as MATH 270 Ordinary Differential Equation MATH C030 Intermediate Algebra transfers as MATH 95 Intermediate Algebra MATH C100 Liberal Arts Mathematics transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH C104 Math for Elementary Teachers transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH C115 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH C120 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH C140 Business Calculus transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH C150 Finite Math with Applications transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH C160 Introduction to Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH C170 Precalculus transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH C180 Calculus 1 transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH C185 Calculus 2 transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH C280 Calculus 3 transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH C285 Intro to Linear Algebra & Diff transfers as MATH 270 Ordinary Differential Equation MCOM C100 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE MRSC 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 MRSC 100L Intro to Comp Marine Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Marine Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography MRSC 105 Marine Biology transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology GE GE Natural Sciences MRSC C100 MRSC C100L Intro to Marine Science Marine Sci Oceanography Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory MRSC C105 Marine Biology transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) GE Natural Sciences MUS 100 Hist & Appreciation of Music transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 103 Music Cultures of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health the World transfers as GE MUS 250 Music and Civilization MUS 104 Hist of Pop Music in America transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 151 Theory and Musicianship 1 transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 152 Theory and Musicianship 2 transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS C100 Hist and Appreciation of Music transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS C103 World Music transfers as GE MUS 250 Music and Civilization MUS C139 History of Rock Music transfers as GE MUS 250 Music and Civilization MUS C143 History of Jazz transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical 101 Personal Fitness & Wellness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 102 Lifetime Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST PE 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 105 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga PE 108 Aerobics 1 transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PE 109 Cardiovascular Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga PE 112 Step Aerobics transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PE 114 Cross Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga PE 120 Swimming transfers as GE FFL 112 Fit for Life:Beg Swim & Cond PE 125 Swimnastics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W PE 136 Tennis Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PE 137 Tennis Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W PE 147 Volleyball Beginning transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PE 148 Volleyball Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced PE 150 Ski Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th PE 155 Cross-Country Skiing transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Fitness for Life PE 164 Bicycling transfers as GE FFL 109 Fitness for Life:Cycling PE 174 Cardio-Kickboxing transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 Fitness for Life PE C102 Lifetime Fitness transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 Fitness for Life PE C121A Power Yoga 1 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts Fitness for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry Life PE C121B Power Yoga 2 transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math Fitness for Life XXXX 100 Intro to Philosophy transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHYS 120 Gen Physics: Mechanics/Heat/So transfers as MATH 165 Calculus GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX PHYS 125 Gen Physics: Elect/Magnet/Ligh transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations PHYS 185 Gen Physics: Mech/Sound/Heat transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Natural Sciences PHYS C110 PHYS C110L Conceptual Physics Conceptual Physics Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness PHYS C110 PHYS C111 Conceptual Physics Conceptual Physics Lab transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFLNatural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory PHYS C120 Algebra Based Physics: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I Mech transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II C125 Alg Based Phys: Elec & Magneti transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I C185 Calculus Based Physics: Mechan transfers as GE PHYC 161 GE Natural Sciences PHYS C280 Calc Based Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II 2 transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie GE GE Natural Sciences PRSN 180B Elementary Persian 1B transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I PSCI 100 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 PSCI 130 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio PSCI C101 Survey of Current Issues transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSCI C180 American Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSCI C185 Comparative Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General 100 Intro to Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development 118 Transitions Through Life Span transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in 260 Social Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IISciences

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll ACSK 225 College Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab ANTH 203 Cultural Anthropology transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL Intercultural Competence ART 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts Art Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the WestART 200 Art Appreciation transfers as GE ART 150 Introduction to Art ART 203 Art History: PreOld Stone-Hi Gothic transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the WestFine Arts ART 204 Art History: Renais Renaissance-19th transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN Fine Arts ART 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies History: 20th Century transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies Fine Arts ART 206 Art History: Non-Western Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese Fine Arts ART 207 Survey of Mexican Art Hist I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Fine Arts ART 208 Survey of Mexican Art Hist II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 Fine Arts ART 209 Art Africa/Oceania/Indigenous transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures Fine Arts ART 210 Survey of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music Asian Art History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey ART 220 Fundamentals of World Music 2-D Design transfers as ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design ART 221 Drawing I transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction ART 145 Drawing I ART 244 Photography I transfers as ART 160 Photography I ART 245 Photography II transfers as ART 260 Photography II ART 253 Digital Art transfers as DSGN 120 Intro to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation Computer Graphics ART 268 Digital Typography Art transfers as DSGN 281 Graphic Design I ART 270 Fundamentals of 3-D Design transfers as ART 135 Three-Dimensional Design ART 271 Sculpture I transfers as ART 170 Sculpture I ART 272 Sculpture II transfers as ART 270 Sculpture II ART 280 Intro to Ceramics transfers as GE GE HumanitiesART 105 Ceramics I ART 282 Ceramics: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation Hand Building transfers as ART 206 Ceramics II ASL 201 American Sign Language I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano ASL 101 American Sign Language I ASL 202 American Sign Language II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II ASL 215A Beginning Guitar American Sign Lang transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano GE ASL 101 American Sign Language I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano ASL 215B American Sign Language II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II ASTR 210 ASTR 210L Astronomy Astronomy Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 PHYC 140 Introduction to Astronomy Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness Astronomy Lab ATHL 206 Intercollegiate Track & Field transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness ATHL 208 Track & Field transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll ATHL 221 Off-Season Fall Athletes I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 222 Off-Season Fall Athletes II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 229 Off-Season Spring Athletes I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 230 Off-Season Spring Athletes II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 233 Phys Condition Fall Athletes transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 239 Women's Intercolleg Water Polo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 240 Men's Intercolleg Water Polo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 241 Men's Water Polo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 247 Independent Studies: Athletics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 255 Women's Intercolleg Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 260 Women's Intercollegiate Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 265 Intercollegiate Wrestling transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 270 Men's Fall Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, ATHL 271 Men's Fall Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 275 Women's Fall Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 276 Women's Spring Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ATHL 280 Intercolleg Softball: Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government ATHL 281 Softball Conditioning transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio Fitness for Life ATHL 282 Fast Pitch Softball transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology Fitness for Life ATHL 285 Intercollegiate Baseball: Men transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors GE Fitness for Life ATHL 291 Intercolleg Swimming & Diving transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats GE Fitness for Behavioral Science Life ATHL 293 Swimming & Diving transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development GE Fitness for Life ATHL 294 Advanced Swimming & Diving transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology GE Fitness for Life BIO 201A Biology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati BIOL 151 General Biology I BIO 201B Biology transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish BIOL 152 General Biology II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - A 1 A 1L Descriptive Astronomy Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab Descrptive Astronomy transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych ART 050 Hist of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE HumanitiesWest Art: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 AfricanPrehist-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts Midd transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the WestART 051 West Art Hist: PreRenaissance-Hi Con transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities Fine Arts ART 052 Hist of the WestArt: Renais Modern - Contemp transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Fine Arts ART 10 Introduction to Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies ART 150 Introduction to Art ART 2C History of Modern Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies Fine Arts BI 005 Molecular & Cellular Biology transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) Natural Sciences BI 006 Biology of Organisms transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem Natural Sciences BI 1A General Biology-Principles transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S Natural Sciences BI 1B General Biology-Zoology transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth Natural Sciences BI 1C General Biology-Botany transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness Natural Sciences BI 22 Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 200 Human Anatomy for Nursing BI 22 Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy BI 23 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 210 Human Physiology for Nursing BI 23 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology BI 4 BI 4L Elements of Biology Elements of Biology Laboratory transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society Biology and Society Lab XXXX 20A Business Law transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law CH 1A General Chemistry transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning Natural Sciences CH 1B General Chemistry transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio Natural Sciences CH 3 Introductory General Chemistry transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society ECON 1 Prin of Macroeconomics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2 Prin of Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENG 003A College Composition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENG 011B English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 ENG 10A American Lit: First Contact Th Literature I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American ENG 11A Survey of English Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit Old Eng transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit ENG 1B Composition and Literature transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods Studies in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IILiterature

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) HIST C131 History of the United States transfers as GE CHEM HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST C131H History of the US I-Honors transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST C132 History of the United States transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST C132H History of the US II-Honors transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST C141 History of Americas I transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST C142 History of Americas II transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HSCI C101 Principles of Health Education transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education JRNL C161 Newswriting transfers as JOUR 210 Fndn of Media Report and Writ KINS C117 Fund of Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LATN C101 Elementary Latin I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr LATN C102 Elementary Latin II transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr LATN C201 Intermediate Latin I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr LATN C202 Intermediate Latin II transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr MATH C101 Survey of Mathematical Concept transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH C121 Elem Probability & Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH C121H Elem Probability & Stats-Honor transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH C130 Finite Mathematics transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH C131 Basic Functions & Calc for Bus transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH C141 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH C142 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH C151 Analytic Geom & Calculus I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH C152 Analytic Geom & Calc II transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH C251 Analytic Geom & Calc III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH C255 Ordinary Differential Equation transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH C257 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUSC C101 Music Appreciation transfers as GE MUS 250 Music and Civilization MUSC C101H Music Appreciation-Honors transfers as GE MUS 250H Music and Civilization- Honors MUSC C105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUSC C106 Music Fundamentals II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUSC C111 Beginning Harmony I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUSC C112 Beginning Harmony II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUSC C113 Ear Training I transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUSC C114 Ear Training II transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUSC C121 Piano I transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUSC C122 Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUSC C123 Voice I transfers as MUS 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM Beginning Voice Class MUSC C124 Voice II transfers as MUS 102 Intermediate Voice Class MUSC C126 Guitar I transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUSC C181 Music & Technology I transfers as MUS 296 Intro to Music Technology MUSC C211 Intermediate Theory I transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUSC C212 Intermediate Theory II transfers as MUS 222 Music Theory IV MUSC C221 Piano III transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUSC C222 Piano IV transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano PHED C103 Aerobic Dance I transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHED C104 Aerobic Dance II transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHED C105 Weight Training I transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHED C106 Weight Training II transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHED C107 General Conditioning I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C108 General Conditioning II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C109 Golf I transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHED C110 Golf II transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHED C111 Swimming I transfers as GE FFL 112 Fit for Life:Beg Swim & Cond PHED C112 Swimming II transfers as GE FFL 112 Fit for Life:Beg Swim & Cond PHED C113 Tennis I transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHED C114 Tennis II transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHED C115 Volleyball I transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHED C116 Volleyball II transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHED C121 Badminton I transfers as PE 101 Leisure Time Prep: Badminton PHED C129 Cardiovascular Fitness I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C130 Cardiovascular Fitness II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C131 Wellness Walking I transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Walking/Jogging PHED C132 Wellness Walking II transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Walking/Jogging PHED C151 Intro Org & Bio Chemto Gen Cond or Athletes transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C152 Beg Gen Cond for Athletes transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C161 Intercoll Basketball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C162 Intercoll Basketball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C167 Intercoll Cross-Country I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C168 Intercoll Cross-Country II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C169 Intercoll Tennis I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C170 Intercoll Tennis II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C171 Intercoll Volleyball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C172 Intercoll Volleyball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C173 Intercoll Baseball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C174 Intercoll Baseball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C177 Women's Intercoll Basketball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C178 Women's Intercoll Basketball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C181 Intercoll Softball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C203 Aerobic Dance III transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: AH Maj Cardio Strength Fusion PHED C205 Weight Training III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C207 General Conditioning III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C211 Swimming III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C213 Tennis III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C229 Cardiovascular Fitness III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C231 Wellness Walking III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C251 Interm Gen. Conditioning for C transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C252 Adv Gen Cond for Comp Athletes transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C261 Intercoll Basketball III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C262 Intercoll Basketball IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C277 Women's Intercoll Basktball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C278 Women's Intercoll Basketball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C281 Intercoll Softball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHIL C101 Intro to Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL C101H Intro to Philosophical Problem transfers as GE PHIL 100H Intro to Philosophy - Honors PHSC C101 PHSC C102 Earth Science Laboratory General Earth Sciences transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory PHSC C111 PHSC C112 Concepts of Physical Sci Lab Concepts of Physical Science transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory PHSC C115 Physical Science transfers as PHYC 115 Physical Science for Teachers PHSC C115 Physical Science transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 PHSC C121 PHSC C122 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Astronomy Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Astronomy Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab PHSC C125 Astronomy transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 140 Introduction to Astronomy PHSC C141 PHSC C142 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness PHSC C145 Oceanography transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life Natural Sciences PHYS 111 Intro C101 General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro C102 General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I C111 Mechanics transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II C113 Electricity & Magnestism transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 PHYS 1B General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of 1C General Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie PHYS 1D General Physics transfers as POLI 160 Introduction PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PHYS 2A General Physics transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 2B General Physics transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 31A General Physics transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 31B General Physics transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PHYSC 3 Physical Sciences transfers as PHYC 115 Physical Science for Teachers PHYSC 37 Intro to Politics PLSC 102 Environmental Science transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences PHYSO 1 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology PHYSO 2A Physiology and Anatomy transfers as BIOL 230 Human Anatomy & Physiology I PHYSO 2B Physiology and Anatomy transfers as GE BIOL 231 Human Anat & Physiology II POLS 001 Intro to American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POLS 002 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 POLS 006 The U.S. and World Politics transfers as POLI 180 Intro International Relations POLS 007 Principles of Political Scienc transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics POLS 1 Intro to International Relatio American Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POLS 2 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PORT 001 Elementary Portuguese-Level 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I PORT 002 Elementary Portuguese-Level 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II PORT 1 Elementary Portuguese I transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I PORT 2 Elementary Portuguese II transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II PSYC 101 General 001 Introductory Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General 001H Honors Introductory Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology 002 Elementary Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 320 Social 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSYC 003 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 005 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning 021 Developmental Psych: The Child transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Behavior Modificati Adolescent Dev PSYC 021H Honors Developmental Psych: Th transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev PSYC 022 Developmental Psych: The Adult transfers as PSYC 405 355 Psych of Adult Development PSYC 023 Social Psychology of Learning transfers as PSYC 260 320 Social Psychology PSYC 024 Lifespan Developmental Psychol transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 025 Human Sexuality transfers as Psychology Elective PSYC 1 Introductory Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 2 Elementary Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSYC 21 Developmental Psych: The Child transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev PSYC 22 Developmental Psych: The Adult transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development PSYC 23 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 24 Lifespan Development Psycholog transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 5 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PYSO 001 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology PYSO 002A Physiology & Anatomy transfers as BIOL 230 Human Anatomy & Physiology I PYSO 002B Physiology & Anatomy transfers as GE BIOL 231 Human Anat & Physiology II XXXX 001 Elementary Russian transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I XXXX 002 Elementary Russian transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II XXXX 1 Elementary Russian transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I XXXX 2 Elementary Russian transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II SOC 101 Intro to 001 Introductory Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 002 Contemporary Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology 014 Introduction to Ethnic Studies transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology Sociology Elective SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie 022 Sociology of Aging transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics Sociology Elective SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of 024 Marriage & the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems SOC 029 Sociology of African- transfers as Sociology Elective SOC 041 Sociology of the Asian America transfers as Sociology Elective SOCI 1 Introductory Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOCI 14 Introduction to Ethnic Studies transfers as Sociology Elective SOCI 2 Contemporary Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOCI 22 Sociology of Aging transfers as Sociology Elective SOCI 24 Marriage and the Family transfers as SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems SOCI 41 Sociology on the Asian America transfers as Sociology Elective SPAN 101 Elem 001 Elementary Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 002 Elementary Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 002A Spanish Third Semester for Spanish Speakers transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 003 Intermediate Spanish transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 004 Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPAN 005 Intro to Spanish Literature transfers as Spanish Elective SPAN 006A Intro to Spanish-American Lit transfers as Spanish Elective SPAN 006B Intro to Spanish-American Lit transfers as Spanish Elective SPAN 012 Spanish literature in Trans transfers as Spanish Elective SPAN 025 Spanish Composition transfers as Spanish Elective

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj MATH 116A MATH 116B Accel Stretch Ideas of Math A Accel Stretch Ideas of Math B transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc Quantitative Literacy MATH 117B MATH 117C Stretch Ideas of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills Math B Stretch Ideas of Math C transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab Quantitative Literacy MATH 211 Basic Calculus transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography Quantitative Literacy MATH 211 MATH 212 Basic Calculus Calculus II transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German MATH 165 Calculus I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German MATH 212 Calculus II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature Quantitative Literacy MATH 103 262 Applied Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts 305 Stat/Hypo Test & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra Estimate transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry Introduction to Statistics MGMT 230 Business Law transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math BUSI 296 Business Law MKTG 416 Marketing Research transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo MKTG 363 Marketing Research MUS 220 Class Piano I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography XXXX 190 Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge Philosophical Issues transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness XXXX 194 Intro to Knowledge & Reality transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life Philosophy PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of 221 General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of 222 General Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 PSCI 203 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 PSYC 100 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General 201 Developmental Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology 210 Psychological Statistics transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SCM 210 App Bus Statistic transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 100 Study of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology Society transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems 340 Soc of Family transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the 230 Comparative Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family Systems SPAN 101 Elem College Spanish First Semester I transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 150 Intermediate Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester TA 260 Intro to Theatre transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater XBIO 421 Genetics transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIGE BIOL 300 Genetics XBIO 422 Genetics Laboratory transfers as Genetics Lab

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro 4A Engineering Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I Mechanics transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of 4B Engr Physics II Elec & Magnet transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 POLIT 1 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POLIT 1HONOR American Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POLIT 2 Comparative Government Governments transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 POLIT 3 Intro to International Relatio Political Science transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics POLIT 3HONOR Intro to Political Science transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics POLIT 5 Amer Ideals & Institutions: Mu transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC PORTG 1A Beg Brazilian Portuguese transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I PORTG 1B Beg Brazilian Portuguese transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II PSYCH 1 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 PSYCH 12 Human Growth Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in PSYCH 17 Intro to Social Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati GE Social Sciences XXXX 1A Beginning Russian transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I XXXX 1B Beginning Russian transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II SL 60A American Sign Language transfers as GE ASL 101 American Sign Language I SL 60B American Sign Language transfers as GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II SOC 101 1 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 2 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 2HONOR Social Psychology Problems transfers as PSYC 320 SOC 225 Contemporary Social Psychology Problems SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie 3 Social Psych: Sociological Per transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics GE Social Sciences SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the 40 Marriage and Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems SPAN 101 Elem 1A Beginning Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 1B Beginning Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 2A Intermediate Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 2B Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII THEA 010 Introduction to Theater transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THEA 010H Honors Intro to Theater transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THEAR 10 Theatre Appreciation transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THEAR 10HONOR Honors Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THEAR 14C Survey of Film transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film THEAR 40A Beginning Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. BIO 202 General Botany transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIO 203 General Zoology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIO 204 Microbiology transfers as BIOL 220 General Microbiology BIO 205 Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy BIO 206 General Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology BIO 212 BIO 212L Human Biology Human Biology Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIO 216 Plants & People transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIO 220 BIO 220L Environmental Biology Environmental Biology Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIO 221 General Ecology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIO 222 BIO 222L Marine Biology Marine Biology Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BUS 201A Financial Accounting transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I BUS 201B Managerial Accounting transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II BUS 218 Business Law transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law BUS 245 Intro to Business transfers as BUSI 110 Business and Entrepreneurship CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) 201A General College Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 201B General College Chemistry transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Introductory Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 210FL Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors Chemistry with Fac Assis transfers as GE CHEM 151 General 101 Chemistry I and Society CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) 211 Intro Organic/Biochemistry transfers as GE CHEM 151 General 123 GOB Chem for Health Sciences CHEM 212A Organic Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 212B Organic Chem II Chemistry transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev CIS 210 Intro to Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Information Systems CJ 202 Intro to Criminal Justice transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc CJ 110 Intro to Criminal Xxxxxxx XX 206 Concepts of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Criminal Law transfers as Criminal Justice Elective CJ 210 Principles of Investigation transfers as Criminal Justice Elective COMM 201 Public Address transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication DANC 255 Ballet transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 256 Jazz Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 260A Beginning Modern Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 260B Intermediate Modern Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 260C Advanced Modern Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 270 Dance Pilates transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DRA 200 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals DRA 201A Principles of Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals DRA 207 Intro to the Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRA 211 Stagecraft transfers as THTR 222 Theatrical Lighting and Sound DRA 211A Stagecraft transfers as THTR 222 Theatrical Lighting and Sound ECON 201A Principles of Macroconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 201B Principles of Microconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 1A English Composition transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 1B Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENGL 201A English Composition transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201B Engl Comp: Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENGL 212A American Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 212B American Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 213 Multicultural Voices in Am Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ENGL 244B European Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 245A Survey of World Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 245B Survey of World Literature II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 246A Survey of British Literature transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL 246B Survey of British Literature transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGR 245 Materials Engineering transfers as ENGR 284 Materials FAMS 12 Human Development Development: Life Span transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS FMST 212 Human Development: Lifespan transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development FMST 214 Family, Relationships & Intima transfers as SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems FR 201 French I transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) French I FR 202 French II transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FR 203 French III transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FR 204 French transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 202 Cultural Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 210 Physical Geology transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science GER 201 German I transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GER 202 German II transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GER 203 German III transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GER 204 German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II GOV 2 Government of US transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking 150 American Government HDHS 212 Human Development: Life Span transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development HEED 2 Health Education transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEED 202 Health Education transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEED 203 Women's Health Issues transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HIST 203A History of World Civilizations transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 203B History of World Civilizations transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 204A History of Western Civilizatio transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 204B History of Western Civilizatio transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 207A History of the United States transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 207B History of the United States transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 208A History of Latin America transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 208B History of Latin America transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 219 History of the Far East transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 235 History of African Civilizatio transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 7A History of the US transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 218 Hist of Visual & Performing Ar transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts JOUR 201A News Writing & Reporting transfers as JOUR 210 News Writing and Reporting JOUR 201B Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills KINA 201 Weight Training transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre Fitness for Life KINA 202 Strength Train Sport Perform transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro GE Fitness for Life KINA 203 Endurance Circuit Weight Train transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading GE Fitness for Life KINA 204 Power Lifting transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit GE Fitness for Life KINA 205 Resistance Training transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM GE Fitness for Life KINA 206 TRX Full Body Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 210 Advanced Weight Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 212 Cardio Step Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 213 Zumba transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 214 Core Fitness with Cardio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 217 Kickboxing for Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 222 Pilates transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 223 Pilates Barre transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 224 Core Pilates transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 225 Ballet Strength/Flexibility transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 227 Indoor Cycling for Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 229 TRX High Intensity Interval T transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 231 Cardio Bootcamp transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 232 Cardio Endurance Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 234 Cross Fitness Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 235 Hiking San Xxxx Obispo Trails transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 237 Racquet Sports Lifetime Fitnes transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 245 Power Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 246 Yoga for Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 251 Distance Running for Success transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 252 Intro to Outdoor Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 256 Volleyball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 261 Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 271 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 272 Fundamentals of Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 278 Basketball Lifetime Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 281 Softball Fundamentals transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 286 Adv Baseball Applications transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 287 Baseball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 292 Swimming & Diving Applications transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 293 Swimming Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINA 294 Lap Swimming transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life MATH 229 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 230 College Math for Humanities transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 231 Trigonometry w/ Geometric Foun transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 232 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 Film College Algebra MATH 236 Intro to Applied Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 242 Precalculus Algebra transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 247 Intro to Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 255 Calculus for Business & Manage transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 265A Analytic Geometry & Calculus transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 265B Analytic Geometry & Calculus transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 283 Calculus transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 287 Ord Diff Equations & Lin Algeb transfers as MATH 290 Linear Algebra MATH 29 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 42 Precalc Algebra transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MUS 201 Fundamentals of Music transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 203A Music Theory transfers as GE MUS 121 MUS 133 Music Theory I Practical Musicianship I MUS 203B Music Theory transfers as MUS 122 MUS 134 Music Theory II Practical Musicianship II MUS 203C Music Theory/Counterpoint transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 220 Elementary Voice transfers as MUS 101 Beginning Voice Class MUS 222 Intermediate Voice transfers as MUS 102 Intermediate Voice Class MUS 230A Music History transfers as GE CINE 285 GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 230B Music History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 233 Jazz Improvisation transfers as MUS 191 Jazz Improvisation Workshop MUS 235 Music Appreciation: Classical transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 237 Music Appreciation: Xxxx Xxxxx transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 239 Fundamentals of Music transfers as FREN 202 GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 258 Elementary Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 259 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Piano transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 270 Elementary Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods NUTR 210 Nutrition transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition NUTR 211 Intro to Nutrition for Health transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEN 210 OCEN 210L Oceanography Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of PEAC 206 Pilates for Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical & Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa PEAC 210 Cardiokickboxing transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 Fitness for Life PEAC 240 Swimming transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas FFL 112 Fit for Life:Beg Swim & Cond PEAC 241 Springboard Diving transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas Fitness for Life PEAC 242 Water Polo transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American Fitness for Life PEAC 250 Wrestling transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American Fitness for Life PEAC 260 Cycling for Cardio Fitness transfers as GE FFL 109 Fitness for Life:Cycling PEAC 262 Yoga transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts Fitness for Life PEAC 264 Step Training transfers as GE GE HumanitiesFFL 117 FFL: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Cardio Strength Fusion PEAC 265 Adult Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio PEAC 266 Endurance Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 PEAC 269 Circuit Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 PEAC 270 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness PEAC 271 Intermediate Weight Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball PEAC 274 Distance Running transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women PEAC 291 Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAC 292 Basketball transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PEAC 295 Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAC 296 Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAD 200 Adapted Aquatics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAD 205 Adapted Fitness: Weight Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 225 Intercollegiate Baseball: Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 226 Intercollegiate Basketball: Me transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 227 Intercollegiate Basketball: Wo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 228 Intercollegiate Cross Country transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 231 Intercollegiate Softball: Wome transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 232 Swimming & Diving transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 233 Intercollegiate Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 234 Intercollegiate Track & Field transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 235 Intercollegiate Volleyball: Wo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 236 Intercollegiate Water Polo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 237 Intercollegiate Wrestling transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 238 Intercollegiate Women's Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAT 239 Intercollegiate Women's Water transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PETH 220 Wellness: Personalized Fitness transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education PETH 221 Water Safety Instructor transfers as PE 114 Water Safety Instr(WSI) Course PETH 222 Lifeguard Training transfers as PE 113 Lifeguard Training XXXX 206 Intro to Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHYS 111 Intro 205A General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro 205B General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin 208A Principles of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 208B Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction POLS 2 US Government & Politics transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POLS 201 Intro to Political Scie Science transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist POLS 202 Government & Politics of US transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POLS 204 World Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement POLS 206 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio PSCI 201A PSCI 201AL Phys Sci: Physics & Chemistry Physical Science Lab transfers as GE GE Civic Know. GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory PSCI 210 Survey of Chemistry & Engagement Physics transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences PSCI 211 Earth Science transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences PSYC 101 General 201 Introductory Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General 201A Introductory Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 206 Intro to Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 GE GE Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior Sciences SOC 101 201A Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 202 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem 201 Spanish First Semester I transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 202 Spanish Second Semester II transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 203 Spanish Third Semester III transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 204 Spanish 4th Semester IV transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPCM 201A Public Address transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. BIOL B18 Essentials of Human Anat & Phy transfers as BIOL 115 Anatomy & Physiology BIOL B20 Human Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL B32 Human Anatomy & Physiology I transfers as BIOL 230 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL B33 Human Anatomy & Physiology II transfers as GE BIOL 231 Human Anat & Physiology II BIOL B3A General Biology I transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL B3A BIOL B3B General Biology I General Biology II transfers as GE BIOL 151 BIOL 152 General Biology I General Biology II BIOL B3B General Biology II transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL B7 BIOL B7L Environmental Biology Environmental Biology Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BSAD B1 Financial Accounting transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I BSAD B18 Business Law transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law BSAD B2 Managerial Accounting transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II BSAD B20 Introduction to Business transfers as BUSI 110 Business and Entrepreneurship BSAD B40 Personal Finance transfers as BUSI 100 Personal Finance BSAD B43 Principles of Management transfers as MGMT 210 Principles of Management CHEM 115H Intro B11 Princ of Inorg, Org & Biochem transfers as GE CHEM 123 GOB Chem for Health Sciences CHEM B1A General Chemistry I transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM B1B Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) Chemistry & Chem Analysis transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM B2A Introductory General Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj B49 Applied Chemistry transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors CHST B30E Art of Latin America transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem IGE Humanities: Science Maj (Hon) Fine Arts CHST B33 History of Latin America transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem IIGE Humanities: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App History COMM 101 B1 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass B5 Argumentation & Debate transfers as COMM 302 Rhetorical Theory COMM B6 Intercultural Communication transfers as GE COMM 260 Intercultural Communication COMM B8 Small Group Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass 230 Small Group Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 COMS B2 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre Information Systems CRPS B10 Plant Biology transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I GE Natural Sciences DANC B6BLB Beginning Ballet transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals GE GE Fitness for Life DANC B6JD Jazz Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC B6MD Modern Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ECON 101 Princ B1 Principles of Economics: -Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON B2 Principles of Economics-Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 B1A Expository Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit ThinkB1AL Expository Comp w/Comp/Lit Supplemental transfers as GE GE Writing 1 ENGL B1B Intro to Types of Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History ENGL B20A Survey of World Literature transfers as GE CINE 285 History GE Humanities: Literature ENGL B21 African-American Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL B30A Survey of Film American Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL B30B Survey fo American Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL B5A Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL B5B Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGR B45 Properties of Materials transfers as ENGR 284 Materials ENGR B47 Intro to Engineering & Design transfers as ENGR 101 Introduction to Engineering ERSC B10 Intro to Earth Science transfers as PHYC 125 Earth Science Concepts & Appli ERSC B10 ERSC B10L Earth Science Lab Intro to Earth Science transfers as GE GE PHYC 130 Earth Science Earth Science Lab FREN 101 B1 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 B2 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 B3 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 B4 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 B1 GEOG 101L B1L Physical Elements of Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World B2 Human Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 B10 GEOL 101L General B10L Intro to Geology General Intro to Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GERM B1A GERM B1B Elementary German (First Sem) Elementary German transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 GERM B1AB Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GERM B2 Elementary German transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 B1 World Hist from Orgins to 1500 1600 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 B17A History of the United States transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST B17B History of United States, 1870 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST B2 Hist of the World History since Since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History B20A African-American Hist of US transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 B20B African-American Hist of US transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 103 Western B25 Intro to Women in American His transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST B4A European Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western B4B European Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History HLED B1 Principles of Africa Health Education transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 PE 240 Health Education JAPN B1 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem B2 Elementary Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S JRNL B1 Media & Society transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication JRNL B2 Beginning Reporting transfers as JOUR 210 News Writing and Reporting MATH B16 Liberal Arts Mathematics transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth Quantitative Literacy MATH B1A Pre-Calculus I transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH B1AL Precalculus I with Lab transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH B1B Pre-Calculus II transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH B2 Basic Functions & Calc for Bus transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH B22 Elem Probability & Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH B22L Elem Prob & Stats w/Lab transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH B23 Finite Mathematics transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Quantitative Literacy MATH B4A Math for Elementary Teaching I transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH B4B Math for Elem Teaching II transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH B6A Analytic Geometry & Calculus I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH B6B Analytic Geometry/Calculus II transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH B6C Calculus III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH B6D Ordinary Differential Equation transfers as MATH 270 Ordinary Differential Equation MATH B6E Elementary Linear Algebra transfers as MATH 290 Linear Algebra MEDS B35 Life Span Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development MUSC B10A Concert Band transfers as MUS 142 Symphonic Band MUSC B13A Jazz Ensemble transfers as MUS 182 Jazz and Commercial Ensemble MUSC B15A Ear Traning & Sight Singing transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUSC B15B Ear Training & Sight Singing transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUSC B17A Chamber Singers transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUSC B17B Chamber Singers transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUSC B17C Chamber Singers transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUSC B17D Chamber Singers transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUSC B2 Basic Elements of Music transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUSC B21A History of Music transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUSC B21B History of Music transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUSC B22 Music Appreciation transfers as GE MUS 250 Music and Civilization MUSC B24 Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUSC B4A Elementary Theory transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUSC B4B Elementary Theory transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUSC B5A Class Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUSC B5B Class Piano transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUSC B6A Class Voice transfers as MUS 101 Beginning Voice Class MUSC B6B Class Voice transfers as MUS 102 Intermediate Voice Class MUSC B9A Class Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods NURS B22 NURS B22 Pharmacology Pharmacology transfers as UNRS 113 UNRS 113 Pharmacology Pharmacology PHED B10 Intercollegiate Football transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B11 Intercollegiate Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B12 Intercollegiate Track & Field transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B13 Intercollegiate Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B14 Intercollegiate Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B16 Intercollegiate Golf transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B17 Intercollegiate Cross-Country transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B20 Intercollegiate Wrestling transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B22 Intercollegiate Women Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B23 Intercollegiate Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B24 Intercollegiate Golf for Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B25 Intercoll Women's Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B26 Intercoll Women's Track & Fiel transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B27 Intercoll Women's Cross-Countr transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B28 Intercoll Women's Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B29 Intercollegiate Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B2DWR Deep Water Running transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B2SB Beginning Swimming transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B2SSF Aquatics: Swim & Stay Fit transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B2WA Water Aerobics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B30 Dance & Cheer Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B32 Shape Up transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B33 Men's & Women's Intercoll Swim transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B34C Intercollegiate Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B34WT Intercollegiate Weight Trainin transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B3ADF Adaptive PE, Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B3ADP Adaptive Phys Ed transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B3ADS Adaptive Phys Ed Swimming transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B3ADW Adaptive Phys Ed Wheelchair Sp transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B5WSB Team Act for Women-Adv Softbal transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B5WSC Team Act for Women-Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6BB Basketball transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHED B6BLB Beginning Ballet transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6CT Circuit Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHED B6DA Dance Aerobics transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHED B6FCX Fitness Center transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6HEX Health Exercises transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6HX Health Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6JD Jazz Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6KX Cardio Kickboxing Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6MD Modern Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6PF Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning PHED B6PL Pilates transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio PHED B6PY Pilates/Yoga Mat Flow transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini PHED B6SC Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition PHED B6VI Intermediate Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 PHED B6WT Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning PHED B6Y Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga PHED B7B Adv Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga PHED B7FB Adv Football transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W PHED B7W Adv Wrestling transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W PHED B9S Adv Swimming transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced PHED B9T Adv Coed Activity/Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th PHED B9TR Adv Track transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Fitness for Life XXXX B18 History of Ancient Philosophy transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Philosophy XXXX X0X Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L PHSC B12 Physical Fitness Science transfers as PHYC 115 Physical Science for Teachers PHSC B12 Physical Science transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life Natural Sciences PHYS 111 Intro B2A General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro B2B General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I B4A Mechanics & Wave Motion transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II B4B Heat, Electricity, & Magnetism transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 POLS B1 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POLS B12 Contemp Issues in CA Governmen transfers as POLI 220 State and Local Government POLS B2 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 B1A General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General B1B Biological Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSYC 103 B20 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science B33 Personal & Social Adjustment transfers as GE MATH 130 GE Social Sciences PSYC B40 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Lifespan Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 PsychB5 Elementary Stats for Beh/Sociology of the Family Soc S transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology B6 Intro to Beh/Soc Science Resea transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati XXXX B1A XXXX B1B Elementary Russian Elementary Russian transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I XXXX B1AB Elementary Russian transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC XX XXXX 101 Intro Modern Language I SOCI B1 Introduction to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social SOCI B2 Problems of Modern Society transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 SOCI B20 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 GE GE Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem B1A SPAN B1B Elementary Spanish First Semester Elementary Spanish transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem B1AB Elementary Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN B2A SPAN B2B Elementary Spanish Elementary Spanish transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter B2AB Elementary Spanish Third Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN B3 Intermediate Spanish transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm B4 Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPCH B1 Speech Communication transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication THEA B1 Intro to Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals THEA B31 Introduction to Film Studies transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film THEA B35 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THEA B4 Intro to Stagecraft transfers as THTR 222 Theatrical Lighting and Sound

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) PE 86ABC Off-Season Trng for Men Water transfers as GE CHEM GE Fitness for Life PE 87ABC Women's Intercoll Water Polo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHIL 10 Hist of Ancient & Medieval Phi transfers as GE GE Philosophy XXXX 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Introduction to Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 11 Hist of Modern & Contemp Xxxx transfers as GE GE Philosophy PHIL 111 History of Ancient & Med Philo transfers as GE GE Philosophy XXXX 112 History of Modern Philosophy transfers as GE GE Philosophy XXXX 113 Contemporary Philosophy transfers as GE GE Philosophy XXXX 2 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj to Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHOT 1 Basic Photography transfers as GE ART 160 Photography I PHOT 101 Elementary Photography transfers as GE ART 160 Photography I PHOT 102 Basic Photography transfers as GE ART 160 Photography I PHOT 202 Intermediate Photography transfers as Art Elective PHOT 51 Elementary Photography transfers as GE ART 160 Photography I PHY 25 Exploring Physical Science transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 PHYS 11 PHYS 12 Descriptive Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Physics Lab for Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab Physics transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych PHYS 1A Mechanics of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I Solids transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of 1B PHYS 1D Fluids, Heat & Sound Optics & Modern Physics II transfers as PHYC 263 Physics for Sci & Engineer III PHYS 1C Electricity & Magnetism transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie PHYS 2A General Physics transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 2B General Physics transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 3A General Physics w/ Calculus transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 3B General Physics w/ Calculus transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PHYSIO 31 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 210 Human Physiology for Nursing PHYSIO 31 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist 1 Governments of the US & CA transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POLI 10 Intro to International Relatio transfers as POLI 180 Intro International Relations POLI 2 Intro to Comparative Government Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIEngagement

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj PE 150 Ski Conditioning transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills Fitness for Life PE 155 Cross-Country Skiing transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre Fitness for Life PE 164 Bicycling transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro FFL 109 Fitness for Life:Cycling PE 174 Cardio-Kickboxing transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading GE Fitness for Life PE C102 Lifetime Fitness transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing GE Fitness for Life PE C121A Power Yoga 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History GE Fitness for Life PE C121B Power Yoga 2 transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) GE Fitness for Life XXXX 100 Intro to Philosophy transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHYS 111 PHYS C110 Conceptual Physics Conceptual Physics Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab PHYS 120 Gen Physics: Mechanics/Heat/So transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 125 Gen Physics: Elect/Magnet/Ligh transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness PHYS 185 Gen Physics: Mech/Sound/Heat transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Natural Sciences PHYS C110 PHYS C110L Conceptual Physics Conceptual Physics Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to PhilosophyPHYS C120 Algebra Based Physics: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I Mech transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II C125 Alg Based Phys: Elec & Magneti transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I C185 Calculus Based Physics: Mechan transfers as GE PHYC 161 GE Natural Sciences PHYS C280 Calc Based Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II 2 transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie GE GE Natural Sciences PRSN 180B Elementary Persian 1B transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I PSCI 100 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 PSCI 130 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio PSCI C101 Survey of Current Issues transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSCI C180 American Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSCI C185 Comparative Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General 100 Intro to Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development 118 Transitions Through Life Span transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology 260 Social Psychology transfers as GE GE Social Sciences PSYC C100 Introduction to Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC C116 Child Growth and Development transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of the Family Child & Adolescent Dev PSYC C118 Life Span Development Psycholo transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC C170 Psychology of Aging transfers as PSYC 445 355 Psych of Adult Development PSYC C250 Psychobiology transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSYC C255 Abnormal Psychology of the Family transfers as PSYC 205 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC C260 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC C280 Intro to Research Methods Meth in Psychology Psyc transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati RUSN 180 Elementary Russian 1 transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I RUSN 180B Elementary Russian 1B transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I SIGN C180 American Sign Language I transfers as GE ASL 101 American Sign Language I SIGN C185 American Sign Language 2 transfers as GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II SOC 101 100 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems 110 Marriage and Family transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems 230 Comparative Family Systems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie C100 Introduction to Sociology transfers as GE MATH 130 SOC 120 Introduction to Statistics Sociology SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences C110 Introduction to Marriage & Fam transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the 230 Comparative Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family Systems SPAN 101 Elem 180 Elementary Spanish First Semester 1 transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 185 Elementary Spanish Second Semester 2 transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 280 Intermediate Spanish Third Semester 1 transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 285 Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester 2 transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN C180 Elementary Spanish 1 transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN C180A SPAN C180B Elementary Spanish 1A Elementary Spanish 1B transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN C185 Elementary Spanish 2 transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN C185A SPAN C185B Elementary Spanish 2A Elementary Spanish 2B transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN C280 Intermediate Spanish 1 transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN C280A SPAN C280B Intermediate Spanish 1A Intermediate Spanish 1B transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN C285 Intermediate Spanish 2 transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPCH 101 Human Communication transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPCH 110 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPCH 200 Public Communications transfers as GE GE Oral Communication THEA C101 Intro to Hist & Lit of Theater transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts VIET 180 Elementary Vietnamese 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I VIET 185 Elementary Vietnamese 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II VIET C180 Elementary Vietnamese 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I VIET C185 Elementary Vietnamese 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H ACC 1A Principles of Accounting I transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I ACC 1B Principles of Accounting II transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II ADJ 1 Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) to the Admin of Justice transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry CJ 110 Intro to Criminal Justice ADJ 12 Intro to Criminalistics transfers as Criminal Justice Elective ADJ 13 Criminal Investigation transfers as Criminal Justice Elective ADJ 2 Prin & Proc of the Justice Sys transfers as Criminal Justice Elective ADJ 3 Concepts of Criminal Law transfers as CJ 251 Criminal Law ADJ 4 Legal Aspects of Evidence transfers as Criminal Justice Elective ADJ 5 Community Relations transfers as CJ 220 Police and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org ADJ 8 Juv Law & Bio Chem: AH Maj Procedure transfers as CJ 250 Juvenile Justice AML 1 American Sign Language 1 transfers as GE ASL 101 American Sign Language I AML 1B American Sign Language 1B transfers as GE ASL 101 American Sign Language I AML 2 American Sign Language 2 transfers as GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II ANT 2 Cultural Anthropology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors Intercultural Competence ANT 2H Honors Cultural Anthropology transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) Intercultural Competence ARA 1 Arabic 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese Modern Language I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem ARA 2 Arabic 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese Modern Language II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking ART 1 History of Western Art: Prehis transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals ART 354 Hist of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys Ancient Art and Xxxxxx ART 10 Modern & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Contemporary Art Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West ART 12 Asian Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music ART 15 Beginning Ceramics transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation ART 105 Ceramics I ART 16 Intermediate Ceramics transfers as ART 206 Ceramics II ART 17 Beginning Drawing transfers as GE ART 145 Drawing I ART 18 Intermediate Drawing transfers as ART 240 Drawing & Painting II ART 1H Hon His of W Art: Pre, Anc, Me transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation ART 2 History of Western Art: Renais transfers as GE ART 362 Hist of Ren to Rococo Art/Arch ART 20 Beginning Sculpture transfers as ART 170 Sculpture I ART 21 Intermediate Sculpture transfers as ART 270 Sculpture II ART 22 Basic Design transfers as ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design ART 23 Design & Color transfers as ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design ART 24 Three Dimensional Design transfers as ART 135 Three-Dimensional Design ART 26 Beginning Painting transfers as ART 146 Painting I ART 2H Honors Hist of Western Art: Re transfers as GE ART 362 Hist of Ren to Rococo Art/Arch ART 30 Printmaking transfers as ART 210 Printmaking: Relief ART 30A Printmaking- Introduction transfers as ART 210 Printmaking: Relief ART 40A Figure Drawing: Intro transfers as ART 230 Figurative Lab ART 5 History of Non-Western Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano ART 6 Art Appreciation transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II GE ART 150 Introduction to Art ART 6H Honors Art Appreciation transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro GE ART 150 Introduction to Oceanography Lab Art ART 7 Women Artists in History transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to PhilosophyHumanities: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness Fine Arts ART 8 Mexican Art History transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFLHumanities: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIFine Arts

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro 4A Engineering Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I Mechanics transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of 4B Engr Physics II Elec & Magnet transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 POLIT 1 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POLIT 1HONOR American Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POLIT 2 Comparative Government Governments transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 POLIT 3 Intro to International Relatio Political Science transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics POLIT 3HONOR Intro to Political Science transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics POLIT 5 Amer Ideals & Institutions: Mu transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC PORTG 1A Beg Brazilian Portuguese transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I PORTG 1B Beg Brazilian Portuguese transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II PSYCH 1 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 PSYCH 12 Human Growth Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family PSYCH 17 Intro to Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 445 320 Social Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in PSYCH 17 Intro to Social Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in GE Social Sciences PSYCH 25 Intro to Abnormal Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 360 Abnormal Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological PSYCH 2HONOR Experimental Psych w/ Lab transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior 497 Readings XXXX 1A Beginning Russian transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I XXXX 1B Beginning Russian transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II SL 60A American Sign Language transfers as GE ASL 101 American Sign Language I SL 60B American Sign Language transfers as GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II SOC 101 1 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 2 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 2HONOR Social Psychology Problems transfers as PSYC 320 SOC 225 Contemporary Social Psychology Problems SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie 3 Social Psych: Sociological Per transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics GE Social Sciences SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the 40 Marriage and Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems SPAN 101 Elem 1A Beginning Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 1B Beginning Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 2A Intermediate Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 2B Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII THEA 010 Introduction to Theater transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THEA 010H Honors Intro to Theater transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THEAR 10 Theatre Appreciation transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THEAR 10HONOR Honors Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THEAR 14C Survey of Film transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film THEAR 40A Beginning Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS ECON 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro Economics 1 transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro 101 Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition 120 Reading and Reading Compostion I transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit 121 Reading and Composition 2 transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History ENGL 123 Critical Thinking About Litera transfers as GE CINE 285 History GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 213 Survey of Film Brit Lit I transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL 214 Survey of British Lit 2 transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGL 215 Survey of American Lit 1 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 216 Survey of American Lit 2 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 217 Lit of American Ethnic Diversi transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 221 Masterpieces of World Lit 1 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 222 Masterpieces of World Lit 2 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature FREN 101 Elementary 120 First Semester French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary 121 Second Semester French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate 240 Third Semester French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate 241 Fourth Semester French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography Regional Geograph transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 110 Physical Geology transfers as PHYC 125 Earth Science Concepts & Appli GEOL 101L General Geology General 110 GEOL 111 Geology Lab Physical Geology transfers as GE GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Earth Science Lab HELH 106 Personal & Community Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness HIST 120 United States History I transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 121 United States History II transfers as GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 122 World Hist to 1500 History 1 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 123 World History since 1500 2 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa HUMA 100 The American Mind 1 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas HUMA 101 The American Mind 2 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas HUMA 104 Compar Religion transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American Intercultural Competence HUMA 125 Hispanic Civilizations transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-Intercultural Competence HUMA 170 Survey & Appreciation of Theat transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater HUMA 174 Diversity in American Drama transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts Intercultural Competence HUMA 175 Sur & Appre Music transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: HUMA 188 Mass Comm in American Culture transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication ITAL 120 First Semester Italian transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I ITAL 121 Second Semester Italian transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II MATH 106 Pre-Hi Calculus: Elementary Func transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 108 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 115 Applied Calculus transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 120 Calculus 1 transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 121 Calculus 2 transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 221 Calculus 4 transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 232 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 235 Finite Mathematics transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUSI 110 Fundamentals of Music transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUSI 112 Survey/Appreciation of Music transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais Fine Arts MUSI 121 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUSI 122 Music Theory 2 transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II XXXX 120 Introduction to Philosophy I transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy XXXX 121 Intro to Philosophy 2 transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHYE 100 Swimming transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit Fitness for Life PHYE 100B Intermediate Swimming transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies Fitness for Life PHYE 102A Water Exercise-Beginning transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies Fitness for Life PHYE 102B Water Exercise-Deep Water transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian Fitness for Life PHYE 104 Water Polo-Basic Skills transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 105 Water Polo-Tech Skills Analys transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 118 Racquetball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 119 Racquetball (First SemSkills Analysis) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem Fitness for Life PHYE 122 Soccer transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S Fitness for Life PHYE 123 Tennis transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth Fitness for Life PHYE 125 Volleyball transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Fitness for Life PHYE 127 Sand Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 127B Sand Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 129 Spinning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 130 Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 131 Cardio Kickboxing transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 132 Aerobic Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 133 Body Sculpting transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 144 Aquatic Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 145 Fitness Assessment Lab transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 146 Fitnes Flexibility transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 147 Swim for Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 148 Walking for Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYE 149 Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning PHYE 150 Triathlon Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 PHYE 151 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga PHYE 152 Strength Training & Condition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE PHYE 154 Intermediate Yoga Mat Pilates transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga PHYE 154B Intermediate Pilates transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W PHYE 176 TM Sports Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W PHYE 178 Pre-Season Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced PHYE 285 Men's Basketball Team transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th PHYE 286 Women's Basketball Team transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Fitness for Life PHYE 287 Men Baseball Team transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 Fitness for Life PHYE 290 Men's Golf Team transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 Fitness for Life PHYE 291 Soccer Team transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts Fitness for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry Life PHYE 292 Women's Softball Team transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences Fitness for Life PHYE 294 Swim and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations Dive - Women transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra Fitness for Life PHYE 295 Men's Tennis Team transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History Fitness for Life PHYE 296 Women's Tennis Team transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation Fitness for Life PHYE 297 Women's Volleyball Team transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS Fitness for Life PHYS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography PHYS 111 Descriptive Physics Descriptive Physics Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE PHYS 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro General Physics I 1 transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro 121 General Physics II 2 transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of 140 Physics I for Scientists & Engin transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction POLI 120 Intro to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist Government I transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POLI 121 Intro to American Government 2 transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement POLI 125 Intro to Modern Political Ideo transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement POLI 135 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 120 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 123 Social Psychology transfers as GE GE Social Sciences PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 125 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 SOCI 120 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 SOCI 122 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 SOCI 123 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 GE GE Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish 111 First Semester Spanish transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish 116 Second Semester Spanish transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) MUS 51 Men's Ensemble transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUS 54 Community Jazz Ensemble transfers as MUS 182 Jazz and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj Commercial Ensemble MUS 55 Community Concert Band transfers as MUS 142 Symphonic Band MUS 57 Gospel Singers transfers as MUS 248 Gospel Choir MUS 58 Gospel Choir transfers as MUS 249 Gospel Choir MUS 6 Music Theory III transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 68 Community Symphony transfers as MUS 272 Symphony Orchestra MUS 71 College Chorus transfers as MUS 140 University Choir MUS 82 Wind Symphony transfers as MUS 187 Wind Ensemble MUS 83 Advanced Chamber Choir transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUS 89 Music of Multicultural Americ transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem IHumanities: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc Fine Arts MUS 89H Honors Music of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills Multicultural transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 8A Intro to Comp Science II: Java MIDI & Digital Audio transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 MUS 296 Intro to Computer Science II Music Technology MUS 8B Sequencing & Orch w/Digi Audio transfers as Music Elective MUS P44 Jazz Lab Band transfers as MUS 191 Jazz Improvisation Workshop OCE 1 OCE 1L Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Oceanography Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab Oceanography LAB transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab PHI 10 Intro to Philosophy transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHI 10H Honors Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) Philosophy transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHI 20 Hist of West Philosophy I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German GE Philosophy PHI 21 Hist of West Philosophy II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German GE GE Philosophy PHO 12 Photojournalism transfers as GERM 202 Art Elective PHO 8 Intro to Photography transfers as ART 160 Photography I PHO 9 Intermediate German Photography transfers as ART 260 Photography II HEAL 100 PHP 35 Foundations for Fitness & Well transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education PHP 36 Wellness: Lifestyle Choices transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education PHP 4 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 PHP 42 Lifeguard & Water Safety Instu transfers as PE 113 PE 114 Lifeguard Training Water Safety Instr(WSI) Course PHP 43 Personal Training transfers as KIN 242 Fund Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness PHP 47 Hiking & Backpacking transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 PHP 8 Triathlon Techniques transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE HumanitiesFFL 118 Fitness for Life: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness Triathlon PHP A03 Adaptive PE for Students w/Phy transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning PHP A04 Adaptive Water Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio PHP A05 Songleading & Cheerleading transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini PHP A07 Badminton transfers as PE 101 Leisure Time Prep: Badminton PHP A09 Racquetball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition PHP A11 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHP A12 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques PHP A13 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 PHP A20 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 PHP A21 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 TennisPHP A28 Swimming, Beginning transfers as GE FFL 112 Fit for Life:Beg Swim & Cond PHP A29 Swimming, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A30 Swimming, Adv Skills & Conditi transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A31 Water Aerobics & Dep Water Exe transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A33 Track & Field Tech: Running Ev transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A34 Track & Field Tech: Field Even transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A36 Cross Country Skiing transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A46 Hatha Yoga, Beginning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A47 Hatha Yoga, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A57 Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A62 Flag Football transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A64 Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A67 Volleyball, Beginning transfers as PE 104 103 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 TennisVolleyball PHP A68 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time PrepGE GE Fitness for Life PHP A69 Volleyball, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A70 Water Polo Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A74 Hiking & Backpacking Activitie transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A75 Walking for Fitness transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Tennis KINE 142 Walking/Jogging PHP A77 Jogging for Fitness transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Walking/Jogging PHP A78 Long Distance Running transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A80 Triathlon Techniques transfers as GE FFL 118 Fitness for Life: Triathlon PHP A81 Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A82 Speed, Agility, & Quickness Tr transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A83 Kickboxing Aerobics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A85 Bicycling transfers as GE FFL 109 Fitness for Life:Cycling PHP A86 Step Aerobics transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHP A87 Step Aerobics, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A88 Step Aerobics, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A89 Body Sculpting transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A90 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 TennisPHP A92 Weight Training, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th PHP A94 In Season Varsity Sport Xxxxxx transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Fitness for Life PHP A95 Varsity Sport Conditioning transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 Fitness for Life PHP V01 Cross Country Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 Fitness for Life PHP V02 Football Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts Fitness for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry Life PHP V04 Basketball Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations Fitness for Life PHP V05 Baseball Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra Fitness for Life PHP V06 Track & Field Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History Fitness for Life PHP V07 Golf Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation Fitness for Life PHP V08 Tennis Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation Fitness for Life PHP V09 Swimming & Diving Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano Fitness for Life PHP V10 Soccer Varsity Men transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V11 Pep Squad Varsity Men & Women transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V12 Cross Country Varsity Women transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V14 Track & Field Varsity Women transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V18 Tennis Varsity Women transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V19 Swim & Diving Varsity Women transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V20 Basketball Varsity Women transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V21 Volleyball Varsity Women transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V22 Fastpitch Varsity Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V23 Water Polo Varstiy Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V24 Water Polo Varsity Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V25 Soccer Varsity Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHY 10 PHY 11 Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography General Physics Physics Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro PHY 2A General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro PHY 2B General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I PHY 4A Mechanics transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II PHY 4B Electricity & Magnetism transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to PHY 4C PHY 4D Heat, Light, & Waves Modern Physics transfers as PHYC 263 Physics for Sci & Engineer III PHYS C56 Walking For Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life POL 1 American Politics transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POL 11 Political Scie Theory transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 POL 12 State & Local Politics transfers as POLI 220 State and Local Government POL 1H Honors American Institutions and Hist Politics transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POL 2 Comparative Government Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio POL 2H Honors Comparative Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIEngagement

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) 1B General Chemistry transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 30A Elementary Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 CMUN 1A Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success CMUN 5 Funds of Comm Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Oral Communication CSIS 1 Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor Literacy- MS Office transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Information Systems CSIS 2 Comp in Busi- MS Office transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals Information Systems ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro 1 Prin Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ 2 Prin of Economics: Micro Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 1A Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit 1B Composition & Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History ENGL 4A British Lit- 449 to 1798 AD transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL 4B British Lit- 1798 to Present transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGL 5A Survey of American Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 5B Srvy of American Lit- 1865 to transfers as GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory Humanities: Literature ENGR 4 Properties of Materials transfers as ENGR 284 Materials GEOG 104 World 1 Physical Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General 1 Intro to Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of HE 1 Health Education transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness HIST 1 United States History transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 2 United States History transfers as GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 7A History of Western Civilizatio transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World 7B History since 1500 of Western Civilizatio transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History JOUR 10 Mass Media & Society transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication JOUR 16A Writing for Media transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations JOUR 210 News Writing and Reporting KIN 2 Intro to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization Kinesiology transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History KIN 102 Foundations of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 AfricanKinesiology MATH 1A Single-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts Variable Calc & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I Analyti transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus 1B Single-Variable Calc & Analytic Xxx XX Analyti transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 1C Multivariable Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 2 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I MATH 290 Linear Algebra MATH 233 Intermed Algebra transfers as MATH 95 Intermediate Algebra MATH 5 Intro Statistics transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 8 Precalculus transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 9 College Algebra & Trigonometry transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS MATH 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg College Algebra PE 19 Badminton transfers as PE 102 101 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as Badminton PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 24 Indiv Weight Training Train transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness PE 64 Indiv Cardio Fitnes transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball XXXX 1 Intro to Philosophy transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHYS 111 Intro 2A General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro 2B General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American POLS 1 United States Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government POLS 4 Introduction to International transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIEngagement

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) PHY 103H HONORS Engineering Physics transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 Engineer II PHY 105 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro PHY 106 General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC POL 101 Introduction Intro to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POL 102 Modern Comparative Government Governments transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 POL 103 Intro to International Relatio World Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. POLI 180 Intro International Relations POL 106 American State & Engagement PSYC Local Gov transfers as POLI 220 State and Local Government POL 110 Contemporary World Problems transfers as POLI 210 Current Events PSYCH 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC PSYCH 101H Honors General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 110H General Psychology - Honors PSYCH 103 Physiological Psychology transfers as PSYC 103 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSYCH 104 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal PSYCH 106 Developmental Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family PSYCH 115 Abnormal Psychology transfers as PSYC 445 360 Abnormal Psychology of the PSYCH 131 Marriage and Intimate Relation transfers as SOC 230 Comparative Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Systems PSYCH 150 Educational Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in 305 Educational Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems Crises of Today transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology 131 Marriage & Intimate Relationsh transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics 230 Comparative Family Systems SOC S 200 Research Meths for Behavioral Scie the Soc Sci transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 362 Research Methods in Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Beginning Spanish First Semester I transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Beginning Spanish Second Semester II transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 103 Intermediate Spanish Third Semester I transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 104 Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester II transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPCH 100 Interpersonal Communication transfers as COMM 225 Communication & Relationships SPCH 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPCH 103 Group Discussion transfers as COMM 230 Small Group Communication SPCH 107 Business & Professional Speech transfers as COMM 211 Professional Communication SPCH 108 Intercultural Communication transfers as GE COMM 260 Intercultural Communication ST D 100 College Xxxx transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar ST D 101 Freshman Seminar transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar T ART 101 Introduction to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater T ART 102 Theatre History transfers as GE THTR 225 Hist of Thtr to the 19th Cent T ART 103 Acting Fundamentals I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals T ART 104 Acting Fundamentals II transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals T ART 107 Drama Heritage: Play Structure transfers as GE THTR 374 WRIT3: Playwriting T ART 109 Stage Makeup I transfers as THTR 223 Theatrical Makeup T ART 110 Stage Makeup II transfers as THTR 223 Theatrical Makeup T ART 155 Introduction to Playwriting transfers as GE THTR 374 WRIT3: Playwriting T ART 160 Rehearsal and Perf in Musical transfers as THTR 216 Performance Cast T ART 161 Rehearsal and Perf in Classica transfers as THTR 216 Performance Cast T ART 162 Rehearsal and Perf in Modern transfers as THTR 216 Performance Cast T ART 163 Rehearsal and Perf in Contempo transfers as THTR 216 Performance Cast T ART 164 Rehearsal and Perf in New Work transfers as THTR 216 Performance Cast T ART 171 Stagecraft transfers as THTR 221 Theatrical Sets and Properties T ART 172 Introduction to Theatre Design transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater T ART 173 Lighting Design Fundamentals transfers as THTR 222 Theatrical Lighting and Sound T ART 180 Technical Theatre in Musical P transfers as THTR 224 Intro to Stage Management T ART 181 Technical Theatre in Classical transfers as THTR 224 Intro to Stage Management T ART 182 Technical Theatre in Modern Pr transfers as THTR 224 Intro to Stage Management T ART 183 Technical Theatre in Contempor transfers as THTR 224 Intro to Stage Management T ART 184 Technical Theatre in New Works transfers as THTR 224 Intro to Stage Management

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. BIOL C211 BIOL C211L General Microbiology Lab General Microbiology Lecture transfers as BIOL 220 General Microbiology General Microbiology Lab BIOL C220 Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 200 Human Anatomy for Nursing BIOL C220 Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy BIOL C225 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 210 Human Physiology for Nursing BIOL C225 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology BUS 100 Introduction to Business transfers as GE MGMT 210 Principles of Management BUS 110 Legal Environment of Business transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law BUS 150 Introduction to Marketing transfers as GE MKTG 260 Principles of Marketing BUS C100 Intro to Business transfers as GE MGMT 210 Principles of Management BUS C110 Business Law/Legal Env of Busi transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law BUS C120 Personal Finance transfers as XX XXXX 100 Personal Finance BUS C150 Intro to Marketing transfers as GE MKTG 260 Principles of Marketing BUS C170 Entrep & Sm Busn Finances transfers as XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) 110 Introduction to Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj 130 General Chemistry Preparatory transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors 180 CHEM 180L General Chemistry A General Chemistry Lab A transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) 185 CHEM 185L General Chemistry B General Chemistry Lab B transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II General Chemistry II - Lab CHEM C110 Introduction to Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM C130 Preparation for General Chemis transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM C180 CHEM C180L General Chemistry A General Chemistry A Lab transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors C185 CHEM C185L General Chemistry B General Chemistry B Lab transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 C220 CHEM C220L Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 A Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev Chem A L transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory CHEM C225 CHEM C225L Organic Chem B Organic Chem B Lab transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory CHIN 180 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS CHIN 180B Elementary Chinese 1B transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHIN 185 Elementary Chinese 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem II CHIN 185B Elementary Chinese 2B transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CHIN C180 Elementary Chinese 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHIN C185 Elementary Chinese 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications Intro to Information Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info C100 Intro to Information Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CMST C101 Human Communication transfers as GE COMM 101 111 Public Communication CMST C110 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication CMST C140 Small Group Communication transfers as GE GE Oral Communication CMST C150 Intercultural Communication transfers as GE GE Oral Communication CMST C200 Public Communications transfers as GE GE Oral Communication CMST C220 Essentials of Argumentation transfers as GE GE Oral Communication COMM 220 100 Intro to Mass Communication Communications transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll 105 Succeeding in College transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar COUN C105 Strategies for College Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 111 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor Info Sys and Programm transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre DANC 101 Modern Dance transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I GE Fitness for Life DANC 105 Pilates transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 106 Pilates Mat Work transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 107 Intermediate Pilates Mat transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 108 Pilates: Beginning Reformer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 110 Ballet transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 111 Intro to Classical Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 112 Adv Classical Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 114 Classical Turns & Jumps transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 116 Jazz Workshop transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 120 Jazz Technique transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 124 Performance Studies in Jazz transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 125 Tap Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ECON 101 Princ 180 Principles of Economics: Macro Economics MACRO transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ 185 Principles of Economics: Micro Economics MICRO transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON C170 Principles of Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON C175 Principles of Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ENGL 100 Freshman Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Composition & Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro Literature ENGL 140 Introduction to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 ENGL 145 American LitLiterature: First Contact Th Short Sto transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 ENGL 150 American Lit: Mid-1800s Lit to the Civil War transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English ENGL 155 American Lit 1865 to Present transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 290 British Literature to 1800 transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit ENGL 295 British Literature After 1800 transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World ENGL C100 Freshman Composition transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL C102 Crit Reasoning, Read, Writing transfers as GE GE Writing 2 ENGL C111 Composition & Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World ENGL C140 Appreciation of Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE ENGL 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods Studies in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IILiterature

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen ChemMUSI 141 Concert Band transfers as MUS 142 Symphonic Band MUSI 143 Jazz Band transfers as MUS 182 Jazz and Commercial Ensemble MUSI 144 Woodwind Ensemble transfers as MUS 155 Chamber Ensemble: Allied H (Hon) Woodwind MUSI 145 Brass Ensemble transfers as MUS 153 Chamber Ensemble: Brass MUSI 152 String Ensemble transfers as MUS 151 Chamber Ensemble - Strings MUSI 156 Classical Guitar I transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUSI 160 Piano I transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUSI 161 Piano II transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUSI 162 Piano III transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano MUSI 163 Piano Workshop transfers as MUS 107 Advanced - Intermediate Piano MUSI 230 Chorus transfers as MUS 170 Oratorio Choir MUSI 231 College Choir transfers as MUS 170 Oratorio Choir MUSI 233 Chamber Chorale: Festival transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUSI 234 Concert Singers: Xxxxxxxx Feas transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUSIC 101 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUSIC 120 Music Appreciation transfers as GE MUS 250 Music and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj Civilization MUSIC 125 History and Literature transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem IHumanities: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth Fine Arts MUSIC 126 History and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills Literature transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science IIHumanities: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre Fine Arts MUSIC 127 World Music transfers as GE THTR 115 MUS 201 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting World Music MUSIC 135 Voice Training I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON MUS 101 Princ of Economics: Macro Beginning Voice Class MUSIC 136 Voice Training II transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON MUS 102 Princ of Economics: Micro Intermediate Voice Class MUSIC 143 Jazz Band transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition MUS 182 Jazz and Reading Commercial Ensemble MUSIC 144 Woodwind Ensemble transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit MUS 155 Chamber Ensemble: Woodwind MUSIC 145 Brass Ensemble transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History MUS 153 Chamber Ensemble: Brass MUSIC 152 String Ensemble transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) MUS 151 Chamber Ensemble - Strings MUSIC 156 Classical Guitar I transfers as GE FREN 101 MUS 110 Elementary French Guitar Methods MUSIC 160 Piano I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 MUS 104 Elementary French Piano Class MUSIC 161 Piano II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 MUS 105 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se Piano Class MUSIC 162 Piano III transfers as FREN 202 MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab Piano MUSIC 163 Piano Workshop I transfers as MUS 107 Advanced - Intermediate Piano MUSIC 230 Chorus transfers as MUS 170 Oratorio Choir MUSIC 231 College Choir transfers as MUS 170 Oratorio Choir MUSIC 233 Chamber Chorale: Festival transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers NS 206 NS 206 Nursing Pharmacology I Nursing Pharmacology I transfers as UNRS 113 UNRS 113 Pharmacology Pharmacology NS 208 NS 208 Pharmacology for Nursing Pharmacology for Nursing transfers as UNRS 113 UNRS 113 Pharmacology Pharmacology OCEA 115 OCEA 116 Oceanography Oceanography LAB transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN PE 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Cardiovascular Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness FFL 108 Fit for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST Life: Walking/Jogging PE 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Weight Training & Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio PE 104 Intermed Weight Train & Xxxxxx transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini PE 105 Step Aerobics transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PE 106 Adv Step Aerobics transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PE 107 Principles of Lifestyle Fitnes transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education PE 110 Indoor Cycling Fitness transfers as GE FFL 109 Fitness for Life:Cycling PE 129 Strength & Cond-Athletes transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PE 130 Adapted Activities transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition PE 132 Adapted Aquatics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques PE 133 Lifetime Fitness & Wellness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, PE 134 Adapted Wellness & Fitness LAB transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 135 Adapted Indoor Cycling for Fit transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 140 Beginning Badminton transfers as PE 102 101 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate Badminton PE 145 Advanced Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning 148 Intercoll Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, 154 Intermediate Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 104 Leisure Time Prep155 Adv Basketball-Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 156 Adv Basketball-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 157 Intercoll Basketball-Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 160 Intercoll Basketball-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 164 Rhythmic Aerobics transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Tennis KINE 142 Cardio Strength Fusion PE 166 Weight Training for Women transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PE 167 Weight Training & Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PE 168 Intermediate Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga PE 172 Intercoll Cross Country-Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga PE 173 Intercoll Cross Country-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga PE 181 Intermediate Running Aerobics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W PE 182 Advanced Running Aerobics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W PE 198 Intercoll Football transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 PE 202 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg Golf transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate PE 205 Intercoll Golf transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 102 Leisure Time Prep224 Racquetball transfers as GE FFL 111 Fitness for Life:Racquetball PE 226 Running Aerobics transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg Walking/Jogging PE 230 Intercoll Soccer-Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 231 Intercoll Soccer-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 235 Intercoll Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 238 Beginning Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 239 Intermediate Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 243 Intercoll Soccer-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 261 Beginning Tennis transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate PE 263 Advanced Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 266 Intercoll Tennis-Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 267 Intercoll Tennis-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 268 Adv Track & Field-Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 269 Adv Track & Field-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 272 Intercoll Track & Field-Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 273 Intercoll Track & Field-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 274 Beginning Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: 276 Advanced Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 PE 281 Intercoll Basketball Volleyball-Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, PE 282 Intercoll Volleyball-Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics PE 295 Walking for Health & Fitness transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Walking/Jogging XXXX 101 Introduction to Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy XXXX 112 Human Values & Environmental I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II PHIL 301 Practical Ethics PHIL 113 Comparative World Religions: N transfers as PHYC 152 Physics GE RELG 350 Introduction to Judaism PHIL 114 Comparative World Religions: F transfers as GE RELG 352 Intro Hinduism, S. Asia Xxxx XXXX 116 Ethics for Modern Life Sciences transfers as GE PHIL 301 Practical Ethics XXXX 000 Introduction to Logic transfers as GE PHIL 305 Critical Thinking & Civil Disc XXXX 119 History of Philosophy: Ancient transfers as GE HUM 224 Core Texts in Philosophy XXXX 120 History of Philosophy: Modern transfers as GE HUM 224 Core Texts in Philosophy PHIL 121 Islam: A Way of Life transfers as GE RELG 351 Introduction to Islam PHIL 123 Introduction to Symbolic Logic transfers as GE PHIL 305 Critical Thinking & Civil Disc PHOT 103 Intermediate Photography transfers as ART 260 Photography II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics PHOTO 101 Intro to Photography transfers as ART 160 Photography I PHY 101 Phys for Sci & Engineer: A transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of PHY 101H Hnrs Phys for Sci/Engineer:A transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics II for Sci & Engineer I PHY 102 Phys for Sci & Engineer: B transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie PHY 103 Phys for Sci & Engineer: C transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. PHYC 263 Physics for Sci & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIEngineer III

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN PHYS 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography PHYS 110L Descriptive Physics Descriptive Physics Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L PHYS 120 General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro 120H General Colleg Physics II transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 121 General College Physics transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of 121H General College Physics I transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 130 General Physics transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of 230 General Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist POLS 125 Government & the US transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government PSYC 128 Life Span Psychology transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 220 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors 222 Culture and Ethnicity in Xxxxx transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 GE Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Sciences SOCI 220 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem 120 First-Semester Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 121 Second-Semester Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 121A Second-Semester Spanish: Part transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish Third II SPAN 220 Third-Semester Spanish transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 221 Fourth-Semester Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPCH 120 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) HIST C132 History of the United States transfers as GE CHEM HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST C132H History of the US II-Honors transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST C141 History of Americas I transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST C142 History of Americas II transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HSCI C101 Principles of Health Education transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education JRNL C161 Newswriting transfers as JOUR 210 News Writing and Reporting KINS C117 Fund of Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LATN C101 Elementary Latin I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr LATN C102 Elementary Latin II transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr LATN C201 Intermediate Latin I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr LATN C202 Intermediate Latin II transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr MATH C101 Survey of Mathematical Concept transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH C121 Elem Probability & Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH C121H Elem Probability & Stats-Honor transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH C130 Finite Mathematics transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH C131 Basic Functions & Calc for Bus transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH C141 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH C142 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH C151 Analytic Geom & Calculus I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH C152 Analytic Geom & Calc II transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH C251 Analytic Geom & Calc III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH C255 Ordinary Differential Equation transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH C257 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUSC C101 Music Appreciation transfers as GE MUS 250 Music and Civilization MUSC C101H Music Appreciation-Honors transfers as GE MUS 250H Music and Civilization- Honors MUSC C105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUSC C106 Music Fundamentals II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUSC C111 Beginning Harmony I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUSC C112 Beginning Harmony II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUSC C113 Ear Training I transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUSC C114 Ear Training II transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUSC C121 Piano I transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUSC C122 Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUSC C123 Voice I transfers as MUS 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM Beginning Voice Class MUSC C124 Voice II transfers as MUS 102 Intermediate Voice Class MUSC C126 Guitar I transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUSC C181 Music & Technology I transfers as MUS 296 Intro to Music Technology MUSC C211 Intermediate Theory I transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUSC C212 Intermediate Theory II transfers as MUS 222 Music Theory IV MUSC C221 Piano III transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUSC C222 Piano IV transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano PHED C103 Aerobic Dance I transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHED C104 Aerobic Dance II transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHED C105 Weight Training I transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHED C106 Weight Training II transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHED C107 General Conditioning I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C108 General Conditioning II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C109 Golf I transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHED C110 Golf II transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHED C111 Swimming I transfers as GE FFL 112 Fit for Life:Beg Swim & Cond PHED C112 Swimming II transfers as GE FFL 112 Fit for Life:Beg Swim & Cond PHED C113 Tennis I transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHED C114 Tennis II transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHED C115 Volleyball I transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHED C116 Volleyball II transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHED C121 Badminton I transfers as PE 101 Leisure Time Prep: Badminton PHED C129 Cardiovascular Fitness I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C130 Cardiovascular Fitness II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C131 Wellness Walking I transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Walking/Jogging PHED C132 Wellness Walking II transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Walking/Jogging PHED C151 Intro Org & Bio Chemto Gen Cond or Athletes transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C152 Beg Gen Cond for Athletes transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C161 Intercoll Basketball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C162 Intercoll Basketball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C167 Intercoll Cross-Country I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C168 Intercoll Cross-Country II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C169 Intercoll Tennis I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C170 Intercoll Tennis II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C171 Intercoll Volleyball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C172 Intercoll Volleyball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C173 Intercoll Baseball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C174 Intercoll Baseball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C177 Women's Intercoll Basketball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C178 Women's Intercoll Basketball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C181 Intercoll Softball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C203 Aerobic Dance III transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: AH Maj Cardio Strength Fusion PHED C205 Weight Training III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C207 General Conditioning III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C211 Swimming III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C213 Tennis III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C229 Cardiovascular Fitness III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C231 Wellness Walking III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C251 Interm Gen. Conditioning for C transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C252 Adv Gen Cond for Comp Athletes transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C261 Intercoll Basketball III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C262 Intercoll Basketball IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C277 Women's Intercoll Basktball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C278 Women's Intercoll Basketball I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED C281 Intercoll Softball II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHIL C101 Intro to Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL C101H Intro to Philosophical Problem transfers as GE PHIL 100H Intro to Philosophy - Honors PHSC C101 PHSC C102 Earth Science Laboratory General Earth Sciences transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory PHSC C111 PHSC C112 Concepts of Physical Sci Lab Concepts of Physical Science transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory PHSC C115 Physical Science transfers as PHYC 115 Physical Science for Teachers PHSC C115 Physical Science transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 PHSC C121 PHSC C122 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Astronomy Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Astronomy Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab PHSC C125 Astronomy transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 140 Introduction to Astronomy PHSC C141 PHSC C142 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness PHSC C145 Oceanography transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life Natural Sciences PHYS 111 Intro C101 General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro C102 General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I C111 Mechanics transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II C113 Electricity & Magnestism transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie PHYS C211 Wave Motion, Heat, & Optics transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 Physics:Sci/Engineering II Lab POLS C101 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIGovernment

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing FR 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) 1 transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 FR 2 Elementary French (Second Sem) II transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 FR 3 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 FR 4 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 1 World Regional Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOG 101L 1 HIST 1 World History: Pre-Civ to 1500 World Regional Geography transfers as HIST 201 World Civ & Geography to 1648 GEOG 4 GEOG 5 Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General 1 Physical Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 GE Natural Sciences GER 1 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 GER 2 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. GUID 2 Essentials of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness Student Success transfers as GE GE Fitness for 100 First-Year Seminar GUID 3 Career Exploration & Life Plan transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar HIST 100 1 World Hist History: Pre-Civ to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World 17 US History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to through 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 17 HIST 18 US History from 1865 US History through 1877 transfers as HIST 202 United States Hist Since 1877 History to 1930 HIST 18 US History from 1865 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 19 History of the Americas Ethnic Relations US transfers as GE GE HumanitiesIntercultural Competence HIST 2 World History: History HIST 117 History of the Americas 1500 to Present transfers as GE GE Humanities: HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 37 California History transfers as HIST 145 African-American 338 History of California HIST 5 Early Western Civilizations transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 6 Modern Western Civilizations transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HUMAN 5 Arts&Ideas Antiquity to the Arts Rensnc transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi HUMAN 6 Arts&Ideas Rnnsnce to Modern transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais Fine Arts JOUR 10 Newswriting transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art JOUR 210 Fndn of Media Report and Lit Writ JOUR 30 Student Media Practicum I transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies JOUR 119 Conv Jour Workshop: Intro JOUR 31 Student Media Practicum II transfers as GE GE HumanitiesJOUR 319 Conv Jour Workshop: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Interm KINACT 1 Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning Tennis transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. ACCT 116A Principles of Accounting-Xxxxx transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I ACCT 116B Managerial Acct transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II AMSL 115 American Sign Lang Level I transfers as GE ASL 101 American Sign Language I AMSL 116 American Sign Lang Level II transfers as GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II ARAB 101 First Course in Arabic transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I ARAB 102 Second Course in Arabic transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II ARTF 100 Art Orientation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ARTF 109 History of Modern Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ARTF 110 Art History: Prehist To Gothic transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ARTF 111 Art History:Renaissance to Mod transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ARTF 115 African Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts ARTF 150A Design I transfers as ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design ARTF 151 3D Design transfers as ART 135 Three-Dimensional Design ARTF 155A Freehand Drawing I transfers as GE ART 145 Drawing I ARTF 175A Sculpture I transfers as ART 170 Sculpture I ARTF 195A Ceramics I transfers as GE ART 105 Ceramics I ASTR 101 ASTR 111 Astronomy Lab Descriptive Astronomy transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BIOL 101 Issues in Environmental Sci transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 107 General Biology-Lecture & Lab transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society BIOL 109 Prep for Biotechnology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 115 Marine Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 205 General Microbiology transfers as BIOL 220 General Microbiology BIOL 210A Intro to the Biological Scienc transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society BIOL 210B Intro to the Biological Scienc transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 215 Intro to Zoology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 230 Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 200 Human Anatomy for Nursing BIOL 230 Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy BIOL 235 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 210 Human Physiology for Nursing BIOL 235 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology XXXX 110 Afro-American Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts XXXX 145A Intro to African History transfers as GE GE Humanities: History XXXX 145B Intro to African History transfers as GE GE Humanities: History XXXX 155 Afro-American Literature transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence BUSE 100 Introduction to Business transfers as XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship BUSE 119 Business Communications transfers as XX XXXX 120 Business Communications CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) 100 CHEM 100L Fundamentals of Chem Lab Fundamentals of Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic to Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as 111 CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic 111L Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Society Chemistry in Society Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology CHEM 130 CHEM 130L Intro/Organic & Biologicl Chem Intro/Organic/Biologc Chem Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 CHEM 123 GOB Chem for Health Sciences CHEM 152 CHEM 152L Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) General Chem Lab Intro to General Chemistry transfers as GE GERM CHEM 101 Elementary German Chemistry and Society Intro to Chemistry - Lab CHEM 200 CHEM 200L General Chemistry I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) - Lab General Chemistry I - Lecture transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German CHEM 151 General Chemistry I General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 201 CHEM 201L Gen Chem II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem Lab Gen Chem II Lecture transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German CHEM 152 General Chemistry II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of General Chemistry II - Lab CHIL 101 Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health Growth and Development transfers as GE PE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CISC 181 Principes of Information Syste transfers as BUSI 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CISC 187 Data Structures & Object-Orien transfers as CS 260 ENGR 260 Algorithms and Data Structures Algorithms and Data Structures CISC 192 C/C++ Programming transfers as CS 230 Sys Prog & Operating Systems DANC 110 Ballet transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness DANC 115 Tap transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning DANC 120 American Street Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio DANC 135 Jazz Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini DANC 140 Modern Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition DJRN 100 Mass Media in the Digital Age transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication DRAM 103 Acting for Non-Majors transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals DRAM 105 Intro to Dramatic Arts transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 132 Beg Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 120 Principles of Economics I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 121 Principles of Economics II transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGE 200 Statics transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning ENGR 281 Statics ENGE 210 Properties of Materials transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training ENGR 384 Mechanics of Materials ENGL 101 Reading and Composition transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 105 Composition and Literature transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENGL 208 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 ENGL 210 American Lit: First Contact Th Literature I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 ENGL 211 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Literature II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 ENGL 215 English Lit I: 800-1799 transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 ENGL 216 English Lit II: 1800-Present transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 ENGL 220 Masterpieces of World Literature to 1600 Lit I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 ENGL 221 Masterpieces of World Literature Since 1600 Xxx XX transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry EXSC 112 Adapted Swimming transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo Fitness for Life EXSC 113A Swimming I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra Fitness for Life EXSC 113B Swimming II transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory Fitness for Life EXSC 113C Swimming III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life EXSC 113D Swimming IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life EXSC 115A Water Exercise I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory GE Fitness for Life EXSC 115B Water Exercise II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation Fitness for Life EXSC 115C Water Exercise III transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation Fitness for Life EXSC 115D Water Exercise IV transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Fitness for Life EXSC 123 Adapted Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/EXSC 124A Aerobic and Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball EXSC 124B Aerobic and Conditioning II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women EXSC 124C Aerobic and Conditioning III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics EXSC 124D Aerobic and Conditioning IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life EXSC 125A Aerobic Dance I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics GE Fitness for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics EXSC 125B Aerobic Dance II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics GE GE Fitness for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics EXSC 125C Aerobic Dance III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life EXSC 125D Aerobic Dance IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life EXSC 126A Cardio Conditioning I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics GE Fitness for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics Life EXSC 126B Cardio Conditioning II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio Fitness for Life EXSC 126C Cardio Conditioning III transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology Fitness for Life EXSC 126D Cardio Conditioning IV transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors GE Fitness for Life EXSC 127A Cardio Kickboxing I - Fund transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats GE Fitness for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IILife

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 PUNJ 1 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) Punjabi transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese Modern Language I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem PUNJ 2 Intermediate Punjabi transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese Modern Language II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking SIGN 1 Sign Language Studies 1 transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills ASL 101 American Sign Language I SIGN 2 Sign Language Studies 2 transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC ASL 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Sign Language II SOCI 1 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOCI 10 Sociology of Marriage transfers as SOC 102 230 Comparative Family Systems SOCI 2 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie SOCI 5 Sociology of Race & Ethnicity transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family Intercultural Competence SPAN 101 Elem 1 Elementary Spanish First Semester Part 1 transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 10 Intro to Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 2 Elementary Spanish Part 2 transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 20A Spanish Third Semester for Heritage Students transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 20B Spanish for Heritage Students transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 3 Intermediate Spanish Part 1 transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 4 Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester Part 2 transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPEC 1 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPEC 12 Multicultural Communication transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence SPEC 6 Group Communications transfers as GE GE Oral Communication SPEC 7 Interpersonal Communication transfers as GE GE Oral Communication SPEC 8 Intercultural Communications transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence SPEC 9 Fundamentals of Speech Comm transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication

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COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) PHYS C211 Wave Motion, Heat, & Optics transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj Physics:Sci/Engineering II Lab POLS C101 American Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POLS C101H American Government-Honors transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POLS C102 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors Civic Know. & Engagement POLS C103 Introduction to Political Theo transfers as GE CHEM 151 GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC C101 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human 110 General Psychology PSYC C101H General Psychology-Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110H General Psychology - Honors PSYC C181 Lifespan Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS PSYC C211 Lifespan Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC C221 Elem Stats for Beh Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics XXXX C101 Elementary Russian I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr XXXX C102 Elementary Russian II transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr SOCI C101 Introduction to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOCI C151 Perspectives on Race & Ethnici transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence SPAN C101 Elementary Spanish I transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) Spanish I SPAN C101H Elementary Spanish I Honors transfers as XX XXXX GE SPAN 101 Elementary Chinese Spanish I CHNS SPAN C102 Elementary Spanish II transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem Spanish II SPAN C102H Elementary Spanish II Honors transfers as XX XXXX GE SPAN 102 Elementary Chinese Spanish II CIS 100 Computer Applications SPAN C201 Intermediate Spanish I transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN C202 Intermediate Spanish II transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPCH C101 Elements of Speech transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 THEA C101 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 THEA C111 Fundamentals of Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIFundamentals

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COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) HDEV 21 Psych of Int Relationships/Fam transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems HDEV 22 The Family transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems HDEV 9 Child & Adol Growth & Dev Development transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro HIST 0018A African American Exper to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills 1877 transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science IIHumanities: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre History HIST 0018B African Amer Exper Since 1877 transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of EconomicsGE Humanities: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History HIST 0025 Native American History transfers as GE CINE 285 GE Humanities: History HIST 17A History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) the United States transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 17B History of the United States transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 19A Hist of Traditional East Asia transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as Humanities: History HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych 19B History of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness Modern East Asia transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life Humanities: History HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 4A Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 4B Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 50 World History of Africa to 1450 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 51 World History since 1450 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HUM 1 Intro to Humanities I transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History HUM 2 Intro to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas Humanities II transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas HUM 3 Intro to Asian Humanities transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American HUMD 1 Human Development transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development HUMD 21 Psych of Marriage transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems HUMD 22 The Family transfers as SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems ITAL 1 Elementary Italian transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I ITAL 2 Elementary Italian transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II JOUR 20A Intro to the Arts Journalism transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art JOUR 210 News Writing and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Reporting JPN 1 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem JPN 2 Elementary Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S JRNL 20A Intro to Journalism transfers as JOUR 210 News Writing and Reporting KIN 0003A Aerobic Training w/Fitness Equ transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth Fitness for Life KIN 0003B Adv Aerobic Circuit Training transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Fitness for Life KIN 0004 Cross Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0005A Weight Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0005B Strength Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0006 Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 KIN 0007 Aerobic Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0008 Step Aerobic Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0009 Cardio Kickboxing transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0010 Fitness/Weight Mgmt Boot Camp transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0027 Recreational Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0029 Flag Football transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0031A Soccer Level I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0031B Soccer Level II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0032 Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0033 Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0034 Sand Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0035A Futsal - Level I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0035B Futsal - Level II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0040 Aquacise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0041 Fundamental Swimming transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KIN 0042 Swimming Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning KIN 0062 Fundamentals of Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga KIN 0069 Mat Pilates transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga KIN 0071 Adapted Aquatics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W KIN 0072 Adapted Aerobic Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W KIN 0073 Adapted Individual Exercises transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced KIN 0075 Adapted Walk/Jog transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th MATH 0027 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Quantitative Literacy MATH 10 Problem Solving transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit Quantitative Literacy MATH 12 College Algebra transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 110 College Algebra MATH 13 Elementary Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem 15 Discrete Mathematics transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 16A Calculus for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications Social & Life Sci transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra 16B Calculus for Social & Life Sci transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra 152 Applied Calculus II MATH 130 Trigonometry 17 Concepts of Mathematics transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 18 The Nature of Mathematics transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 20 Finite Mathematics transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 29 Pre-Calculus Math Mathematics transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 30 Analytical Geometry & Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 31 Analytical Geometry & Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 32 Analytical Geometry & Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential 33 Diff Equations & Linear Algebr transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra Ordinary Differential Equation MATH 42 Business Calculus transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 8 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 10 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 12A Music History & Lit to 1750 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 12B Music History & Lit from 1750 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 2 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 39 Voice transfers as MUS 101 Beginning Voice Class MUS 3A Ear Training I transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 3B Ear Training II transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 40A Beginning Piano I transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 40B Beginning Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 40C Intermediate Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 40D Intermediate Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano MUS 40E Piano transfers as MUS 107 Advanced - Intermediate Piano MUS 40F Piano transfers as MUS 108 Advanced Piano Class MUS 4A Advanced Ear Training I transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 4B Advanced Ear Training II transfers as MUS 220 Practical Musicianship IV MUS 57A Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 6A Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 6B Music Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 9A Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory III transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship 9B Music Theory IV transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 222 Music Theory IV NUTF 10 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg P.E. 10 Golf transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II

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COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) PSYC C100 Introduction to Psychology transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC C116 Child Growth and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev Development transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human PSYC C118 Life Span Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development Psycholo transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology C170 Psychology of the Family Aging transfers as PSYC 445 355 Psych of Adult Development PSYC C250 Psychobiology transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSYC C255 Abnormal Psychology of the Family transfers as PSYC 205 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC C260 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC C280 Intro to Research Methods Meth in Psychology Psyc transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati RUSN 180 Elementary Russian 1 transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I RUSN 180B Elementary Russian 1B transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I SIGN C180 American Sign Language I transfers as GE ASL 101 American Sign Language I SIGN C185 American Sign Language 2 transfers as GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II SOC 101 100 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems 110 Marriage and Family transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems 230 Comparative Family Systems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie C100 Introduction to Sociology transfers as GE MATH 130 SOC 120 Introduction to Statistics Sociology SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences C110 Introduction to Marriage & Fam transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the 230 Comparative Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family Systems SPAN 101 Elem 180 Elementary Spanish First Semester 1 transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 185 Elementary Spanish Second Semester 2 transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 280 Intermediate Spanish Third Semester 1 transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 285 Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester 2 transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN C180 Elementary Spanish 1 transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN C180A SPAN C180B Elementary Spanish 1A Elementary Spanish 1B transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN C185 Elementary Spanish 2 transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN C185A SPAN C185B Elementary Spanish 2A Elementary Spanish 2B transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN C280 Intermediate Spanish 1 transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN C280A SPAN C280B Intermediate Spanish 1A Intermediate Spanish 1B transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN C285 Intermediate Spanish 2 transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPCH 101 Human Communication transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPCH 110 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPCH 200 Public Communications transfers as GE GE Oral Communication THEA C101 Intro to Hist & Lit of Theater transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts VIET 180 Elementary Vietnamese 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I VIET 185 Elementary Vietnamese 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II VIET C180 Elementary Vietnamese 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I VIET C185 Elementary Vietnamese 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. BOT 1 General Botany transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BUAD 10 Introduction to Business transfers as BUSI 110 Business and Entrepreneurship CHEM 115H 01A General Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 01B General Chem transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 02A Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) to Chem transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 02B Intro Org to Organic & Bio Chem: AH Maj Biochemistr transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors 10 CHEM 11 Chemistry fo Liberal Arts Lab Chemistry for Liberal Arts transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory CHEM 101 Fundamentals of Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 151 General 101 Chemistry I and Society CHEM 150H Gen 2A Intro to Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General 101 Chemistry I and Society CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 2B Intro to Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev Biochemistr transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 GE Natural Sciences CIS 2 Intro to Computer Science transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Information Systems CMST 54 Small Group Communication transfers as GE GE Oral Communication CMST 60 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication ECE 1 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) ECON 01A Principles of Economics-Micro transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals ECON 251 Principles of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals Microeconomics ECON 101 Princ 01B Principles of Economics: -Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 01A College Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit 01B Literature and Composition transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French ENGL 10A World Literature (First Semto 1500) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 10B World Literature (Second Semafter 1500) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 11A Survey of American Literature transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 11B Survey of American Literature transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 13A Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL 13B Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGR 45 Properties of Materials transfers as ENGR 284 Materials ENVR 60 ENVR 61 Environmental Science Environmental Science Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory FREN 1 French 1 transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 2 French 2 transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 3 French 3 transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 4 French 4 transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II FSS 25 Nutrition transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition GEOG 104 World 01A Environmental Phys Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General 1 Physical Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 GERM 1 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 GERM 2 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 GERM 3 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 GERM 4 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 17A US History/Government transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 17B US History/Government transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas 2 World Civ to 1500 CE transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro 120 World Civilizations to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II1648

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COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj MAT 4 Finite Mathematics transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors Quantitative Literacy MAT 5 Calculus for Bus & Life Scienc transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MIC 1 Microbiology transfers as BIOL 220 General Microbiology MIC 1 Microbiology transfers as BIOL 240 Biology of Microorganisms MUS 11 Sound Recording & Reinforcemen transfers as Music Elective MUS 12 Applied Piano II transfers as MUS 113 Applied Piano MUS 13 Advanced Applied Woodwinds transfers as MUS 1W1 Applied Woodwinds MUS 14 Advanced Applied Brass transfers as MUS 1B1 Applied Brass MUS 15 Advanced Applied Percussion transfers as MUS 1D1 Applied Percussion MUS 19 Music Appreciation transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child MUS 250 Music and Civilization MUS 20 Great Composers & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts Music Master transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi MUS 21 Great Composers & Music Master transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities Fine Arts MUS 22 Survey of the West: Renais Music Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit Fine Arts MUS 24 Secondary Applied Voice transfers as MUS 102 Intermediate Voice Class MUS 29 Concert Choir transfers as MUS 170 Oratorio Choir MUS 3 Fundamentals of Music transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 30 Class Voice transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies MUS 101 Beginning Voice Class MUS 31 College Choir transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) MUS 170 Oratorio Choir MUS 32 Class Piano transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 MUS 104 Elementary Italian (Second Sem Piano Class MUS 32A Class Piano I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 32B Class Piano II transfers as GE JAPA 101 MUS 104 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) Piano Class MUS 36 Instrumental Chamber Ensemble transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S MUS 151 Chamber Ensemble - Strings MUS 37 Class Guitar transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 38 Beg Applied Music Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 MUS 1B2 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo Brass MUS 39 Applied Music I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 1S2 Applied Strings MUS 4 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 41 Chamber Singers transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUS 42 Wind Ensemble transfers as MUS 187 Wind Ensemble MUS 43 Jazz Improvisation & Theory transfers as MUS 191 Jazz Improvisation Workshop MUS 43A Jazz Improvisation & Theory I transfers as MUS 191 Jazz Improvisation Workshop MUS 44 Jazz Ensemble transfers as MUS 182 Jazz and Commercial Ensemble MUS 48 Marching Band transfers as MUS 297 Marching Band MUS 49 Percussion Ensemble transfers as MUS 157 Chamber Ensemble - Percussion MUS 5 Music Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship 50 Master Chorale transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II170 Oratorio Choir

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj MAT 4 Finite Mathematics transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors Quantitative Literacy MAT 5 Calculus for Bus & Life Scienc transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MIC 1 Microbiology transfers as BIOL 220 General Microbiology MIC 1 Microbiology transfers as BIOL 240 Biology of Microorganisms MUS 11 Sound Recording & Reinforcemen transfers as Music Elective MUS 12 Applied Piano II transfers as MUS 113 Applied Piano MUS 13 Advanced Applied Woodwinds transfers as MUS 1W1 Applied Woodwinds MUS 14 Advanced Applied Brass transfers as MUS 1B1 Applied Brass MUS 15 Advanced Applied Percussion transfers as MUS 1D1 Applied Percussion MUS 19 Music Appreciation transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child MUS 250 Music and Civilization MUS 20 Great Composers & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills Music Master transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science IIHumanities: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys Fine Arts MUS 21 Great Composers & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre Music Master transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 22 Survey of Music Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 24 Secondary Applied Voice transfers as MUS 102 Intermediate Voice Class MUS 29 Concert Choir transfers as MUS 170 Oratorio Choir MUS 3 Fundamentals of Music transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 30 Class Voice transfers as MUS 101 Beginning Voice Class MUS 31 College Choir transfers as MUS 170 Oratorio Choir MUS 32 Class Piano transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 32A Class Piano I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 32B Class Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 36 Instrumental Chamber Ensemble transfers as MUS 151 Chamber Ensemble - Strings MUS 37 Class Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 38 Beg Applied Music Training transfers as MUS 1B2 Applied Brass MUS 39 Applied Music I transfers as MUS 1S2 Applied Strings MUS 4 Music Theory I transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 41 Chamber Singers transfers as ECON 251 Principles MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUS 42 Wind Ensemble transfers as MUS 187 Wind Ensemble MUS 43 Jazz Improvisation & Theory transfers as MUS 191 Jazz Improvisation Workshop MUS 43A Jazz Improvisation & Theory I transfers as MUS 191 Jazz Improvisation Workshop MUS 44 Jazz Ensemble transfers as MUS 182 Jazz and Commercial Ensemble MUS 48 Marching Band transfers as MUS 297 Marching Band MUS 49 Percussion Ensemble transfers as MUS 157 Chamber Ensemble - Percussion MUS 5 Music Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 50 Master Chorale transfers as MUS 170 Oratorio Choir MUS 51 Men's Ensemble transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUS 54 Community Jazz Ensemble transfers as MUS 182 Jazz and Commercial Ensemble MUS 55 Community Concert Band transfers as MUS 142 Symphonic Band MUS 57 Gospel Singers transfers as MUS 248 Gospel Choir MUS 58 Gospel Choir transfers as MUS 249 Gospel Choir MUS 6 Music Theory III transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 68 Community Symphony transfers as MUS 272 Symphony Orchestra MUS 71 College Chorus transfers as MUS 140 University Choir MUS 82 Wind Symphony transfers as MUS 187 Wind Ensemble MUS 83 Advanced Chamber Choir transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUS 89 Music of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading Multicultural Americ transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 89H Honors Music of Multicultural transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 8A Intro to MIDI & Digital Audio transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) MUS 296 Intro to Music Technology MUS 8B Sequencing & Orch w/Digi Audio transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) Music Elective MUS P44 Jazz Lab Band transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab MUS 191 Jazz Improvisation Workshop OCE 1 OCE 1L Intro to Oceanography Intro to Oceanography LAB transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab PHI 10 Intro to Philosophy transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHI 10H Honors Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) Philosophy transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHI 20 Hist of West Philosophy I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German GE Philosophy PHI 21 Hist of West Philosophy II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German GE GE Philosophy PHO 12 Photojournalism transfers as GERM 202 Art Elective PHO 8 Intro to Photography transfers as ART 160 Photography I PHO 9 Intermediate German Photography transfers as ART 260 Photography II HEAL 100 PHP 35 Foundations for Fitness & Well transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education PHP 36 Wellness: Lifestyle Choices transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education PHP 4 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 PHP 42 Lifeguard & Water Safety Instu transfers as PE 113 PE 114 Lifeguard Training Water Safety Instr(WSI) Course PHP 43 Personal Training transfers as KIN 242 Fund Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness PHP 47 Hiking & Backpacking transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 PHP 8 Triathlon Techniques transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE HumanitiesFFL 118 Fitness for Life: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness Triathlon PHP A03 Adaptive PE for Students w/Phy transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning PHP A04 Adaptive Water Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio PHP A05 Songleading & Cheerleading transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini PHP A07 Badminton transfers as PE 101 Leisure Time Prep: Badminton PHP A09 Racquetball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition PHP A11 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHP A12 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques PHP A13 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 PHP A20 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 PHP A21 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 TennisPHP A28 Swimming, Beginning transfers as GE FFL 112 Fit for Life:Beg Swim & Cond PHP A29 Swimming, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A30 Swimming, Adv Skills & Conditi transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A31 Water Aerobics & Dep Water Exe transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A33 Track & Field Tech: Running Ev transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A34 Track & Field Tech: Field Even transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A36 Cross Country Skiing transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A46 Hatha Yoga, Beginning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A47 Hatha Yoga, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A57 Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A62 Flag Football transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A64 Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A67 Volleyball, Beginning transfers as PE 104 103 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 TennisVolleyball PHP A68 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time PrepGE GE Fitness for Life PHP A69 Volleyball, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A70 Water Polo Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A74 Hiking & Backpacking Activitie transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A75 Walking for Fitness transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Tennis KINE 142 Walking/Jogging PHP A77 Jogging for Fitness transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Walking/Jogging PHP A78 Long Distance Running transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A80 Triathlon Techniques transfers as GE FFL 118 Fitness for Life: Triathlon PHP A81 Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A82 Speed, Agility, & Quickness Tr transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A83 Kickboxing Aerobics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A85 Bicycling transfers as GE FFL 109 Fitness for Life:Cycling PHP A86 Step Aerobics transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHP A87 Step Aerobics, Intermediate transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A88 Step Aerobics, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A89 Body Sculpting transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP A90 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 TennisPHP A92 Weight Training, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th PHP A94 In Season Varsity Sport Xxxxxx transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Fitness for Life PHP A95 Varsity Sport Conditioning transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 Fitness for Life PHP V01 Cross Country Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 Fitness for Life PHP V02 Football Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts Fitness for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry Life PHP V04 Basketball Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations Fitness for Life PHP V05 Baseball Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra Fitness for Life PHP V06 Track & Field Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History Fitness for Life PHP V07 Golf Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation Fitness for Life PHP V08 Tennis Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation Fitness for Life PHP V09 Swimming & Diving Varsity Men transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano Fitness for Life PHP V10 Soccer Varsity Men transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V11 Pep Squad Varsity Men & Women transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V12 Cross Country Varsity Women transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V14 Track & Field Varsity Women transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V18 Tennis Varsity Women transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V19 Swim & Diving Varsity Women transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V20 Basketball Varsity Women transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V21 Volleyball Varsity Women transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V22 Fastpitch Varsity Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V23 Water Polo Varstiy Men transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V24 Water Polo Varsity Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHP V25 Soccer Varsity Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHY 10 PHY 11 Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography General Physics Physics Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro PHY 2A General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro PHY 2B General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I PHY 4A Mechanics transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II PHY 4B Electricity & Magnetism transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to PHY 4C PHY 4D Heat, Light, & Waves Modern Physics transfers as PHYC 263 Physics for Sci & Engineer III PHYS C56 Walking For Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life POL 1 American Politics transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POL 11 Political Scie Theory transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 POL 12 State & Local Politics transfers as POLI 220 State and Local Government POL 1H Honors American Institutions and Hist Politics transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POL 2 Comparative Government Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio POL 2H Honors Comparative Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIEngagement

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. BIOL 10 General Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BOT 1 General Botany transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BUAD 10 Introduction to Business transfers as XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship CHEM 115H 01A General Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 01B General Chem transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 02A Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) to Chem transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 02B Intro Org to Organic & Bio Chem: AH Maj Biochemistr transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors 10 CHEM 11 Chemistry fo Liberal Arts Lab Chemistry for Liberal Arts transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory CHEM 101 Fundamentals of Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 151 General 101 Chemistry I and Society CHEM 150H Gen 2A Intro to Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General 101 Chemistry I and Society CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 2B Intro to Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev Biochemistr transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child GE Natural Sciences CIS 2 Intro to Computer Science transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Busi App CMST 54 Small Group Communication transfers as GE GE Oral Communication CMST 60 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication ECE 1 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) ECON 1A Principles of Economics-Micro transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals ECON 251 Principles of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals Microeconomics ECON 101 Princ 1B Principles of Economics: -Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 01A College Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit 01B Literature and Composition transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French ENGL 10A World Literature (First Semto 1500) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 10B World Literature (Second Semafter 1500) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 11A Survey of American Literature transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 11B Survey of American Literature transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 13A Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL 13B Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGR 45 Properties of Materials transfers as ENGR 384 Mechanics of Materials ENVR 60 ENVR 61 Environmental Science Environmental Science Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory FREN 1 French 1 transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 2 French 2 transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 3 French 3 transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 4 French 4 transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II FSS 25 Nutrition transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition GEOG 104 World 01A Environmental Phys Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General 1 Physical Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 GERM 1 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 GERM 2 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 GERM 3 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 GERM 4 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 17A US History/Government transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 17B US History/Government transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas 2 World Civ to 1500 CE transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro 120 World Civilizations to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II1648

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H XXXX 3H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) to Logic-HONORS transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 PHIL 305 Critical Thinking & Civil Disc XXXX 5 Intro Org to Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy XXXX 5H Intro to Philosophy-HONORS transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy XXXX 8 Critical Thinking transfers as GE PHIL 305 Critical Thinking & Bio Chem: AH Maj Civil Disc PHIL 9 Critical Thinking & Logical Wr transfers as GE PHIL 305 Critical Thinking & Civil Disc PHIL 9H Critical Analysis/Writing-Hono transfers as GE PHIL 305 Critical Thinking & Civil Disc PHOT 10 Basic Digital & Film Photograp transfers as GE ART 160 Photography I PHSC 3 Energy Science transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: PHSC 7 PHSC 7L Physical Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Physical Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth PHSC 9 Physical Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa Natural Sciences PHYS 1 Physics transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro 2AG General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro 2BG General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of 4A Engineering Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of 4B Engineering Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction PHYS 4C Engineering Physics transfers as PHYC 263 Physics for Sci & Engineer III PHYS 6A General Physics with Calculus transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences PHYS 6B General Physics with Calculus transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences POLI 1 Intro to American Gov/Politics transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POLI 1H Intro American Gov/Poli Hnrs transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POLI 30 CA State and Local Gov transfers as POLI 220 State and Local Government XXXX 5 Political Scie Theory-Ancient to Co transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist POLI 7 Political Theory II-Early Mod- transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government POLI 160 Introduction to Politics POLI 9 International Relations transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 POLI 180 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement Relations PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 10 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences PSYC 14 Developmental Psychology transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II290 Human Growth and Development

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) ENG 15B Survey of American Literature transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj ENGL 254 American Lit Since 1865 ENG 17A Survey of English Literature transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENG 17B Survey of English Literature transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENG 1A Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading I transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit ENG 1B Principles of Composition II transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENG 21A World Literature: Ancient-17th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 21B World Literature: 17th Cent-Mo transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 23A African American Literature transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ENG 25 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History ENG 3 Creative Writing transfers as ENGL 215 Intro to Creative Writing ENV 120 Chemistry of Everday Life transfers as GE CINE 285 History GE Natural Sciences ENV 18 Intro to Ecology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences ENV 19 Marine Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences ENV 23 Environmental Geology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences FA 27 Intro to Fine Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts FN 50 Fund of Film FREN 101 Nutrition transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition FR 1 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FR 10 Interm Conversational French transfers as FREN 102 201 Intermediate French I FR 2 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 FR 3 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 FR 4 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GC 63 Intro to Screen Printing transfers as ART 111 Printmaking: Serigraph GEOG 101 1 Physical Geography transfers as PHYC 125 Earth Science Concepts & Appli GEOG 101L 1 GEOG 1L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 3 World Regional Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOG 3 HIST 4 World History to 1750 World Regional Geography transfers as HIST 201 World Civ & Geography to 1648 GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General 1 Intro To Physical Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 GEOL 20 Intro to Aging Earth Science transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 PHYC 125 Earth Science Concepts & Appli GEOL 20 Intro to Earth Science transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science GEOL 23 Environmental Geology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences GEOL 5 Marine Geology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences GER 1 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 GER 10 Intermed Conversational German transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GER 2 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 GER 3 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 GER 4 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. XXXX 101 N 161 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health Aging Growth and Development transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development HEBR 1 Elementary Hebrew transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I HEBR 2 Elementary Hebrew transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II HIST 135 Intro to American Studies transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life Humanities: History HIST 100 16 History of the US to 1876 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 17 History of the US since 1876 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 22 Basic U.S. History transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 27 Latin America: Pre-European transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 28 Latin America: 1800 to Present transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 4 World Hist History to 1500 1750 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 5 World History since 1500 from 1750 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World 62 European History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa 1650 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States 63 European History Since 1650 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 7 Soc & Econ Hist of US to 1877 1876 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States 70 History of Asia to 1800 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 71 History of Asia Since 1800 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 8 Soc & Econ Hist Since of US 1877 to transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas HLTH 1 Contemporary Health Issues transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HLTH 2 First Aid, CPR and AED transfers as KIN 220 Emerg Care and Clinical Skills HLTH 3 Women's Health Issues transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HORT 20 Intro to Horticulture Science transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences HUM 1 Intro to Humanities transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIHistory

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 111BF General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors II transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General 211AF Organic Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 211BF Organic Chem Chemistry II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 CHIN 101F Elementary Chinese (First Sem) Chinese-Mandarin I transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 CHIN 102F Elementary Chinese (Second Sem Chinese-Mandarin II transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications CHIN 203F Interm Chinese-Xxxxxxxx XXX transfers as BUSI 240 GE Chinese 3rd Quarter CHIN 204F Interm Chinese-Xxxxxxxx XX transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr CIS 111HF Honors Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 100F Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass 120F Intercultural Communication transfers as GE COMM 260 Intercultural Communication COMM 124F Small Group Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro 230 Small Group Communication COMM 135F Essentials of Argumentation transfers as COMM 340 Argumentation and Advocacy COMM 138F Forensics transfers as COMM 116 Intercollegiate Forensics CRTV 126AF World Cinema to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills 1945 transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro CINE 285 History of Film CRTV 126BF World Cinema 1946 to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre Present transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I CINE 285 History of Film ECON 101 Principles of Econ-Micro transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ 251 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics ECON 101F Principles of Econ-Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 101H Hon Principles of Econ-Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 102 Principles of Econ-Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ 102F Principles of Economics: Micro Econ-Macro transfers as GE ECON 251 250 Principles of Microeconomics Macroeconomics ECON 102H Hon Principles of Econ-Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading 100F College Writing transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit 100HF Honors College Writing transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab 101F Enhanced College Writing transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Writing 1 ENGL 102F Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th ENGL 102HF Honors Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENGL 103F Critical Reasoning and Writing transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 103HF Honors Crit Reasoning & Writin transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 104F Crit Thinking/Writng about Lit transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s ENGL 105F Intro to Creative Writing transfers as ENGL 215 Intro to Creative Writing ENGL 201F Intermediate College Writing transfers as GE GE HumanitiesWRIT 210 Writing 2: Humanities ENGL 211F British Literature LIT 260 English Lit to 1800 transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 ENGL 211HF Honors British Lit to 1800 transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Lit Literature to 1789 ENGL 212F British Literature since 1800 transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 ENGL 212HF Honors British Lit since 1800 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1600 1789 ENGL 221F American Lit to Civil War transfers as GE GE Humanities: ENGL 244 American Literature MATH 103 Statistics to 1865 ENGL 221HF Honors American Lit to the Civ transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction ENGL 244 American Literature to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II1865

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. BIOL 107 General Biology: Lec/Lab transfers as GE BIOL 151 General Biology I BIOL 115 Marine Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 200 Biological Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics BIOL 205 General Microbiology transfers as BIOL 220 General Microbiology BIOL 205 General Microbiology transfers as BIOL 240 Biology of Microorganisms BIOL 210A Intro to Biol. Sciences I transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society BIOL 210B Intro to the Biol. Sciences II transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 215 Introduction to Zoology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL 230 Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy BIOL 235 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology BIOL 250 Introduction to Botany transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BLAS 100 Intro to Black Studies transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence XXXX 104 Black Psychology transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence BLAS 106 Black Oral Expression/Interpre transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence XXXX 110 African American Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts BLAS 111 Cultural Influences on African transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts BLAS 116 Contemp Soc Prob/Black Perspec transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence XXXX 120 Black Music transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence BLAS 125 Dynamics/ Black Community transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence BLAS 130 The Black Family transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence BLAS 140A Hist of the US, Black perspect transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence BLAS 140B Hist of the US, Black Perspec transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence XXXX 145A Intro to African History transfers as GE GE Humanities: History BLAS 150 Black Women/Lit & Media transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence XXXX 155 Afro-American Literature transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence BLAS 165 Sexuality & the Black Culture transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence BLAS 175 Psycho-Hist of Racism/Sexism transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence BUSE 100 Intro to Business transfers as BUSI 110 Business and Entrepreneurship BUSE 140 Business Law & Legal Envir transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law BUSE 155 Managing the Small Business transfers as Business Management Elective CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) 100 CHEM 100L Fund of Chemistry Lab Fundamentals of Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic to Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as 111 CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic 111L Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Society Chemistry in Society Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology CHEM 130 CHEM 130L Intro to Organic/Bio Chem Intro/Org & Biol Chem Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 CHEM 123 GOB Chem for Health Sciences CHEM 152 CHEM 152L Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) General Chem Lab Intro to General Chemistry transfers as GE GERM CHEM 101 Elementary German Chemistry and Society Intro to Chemistry - Lab CHEM 200 CHEM 200L General Chemistry I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) Lab General Chemistry I Lecture transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German CHEM 151 General Chemistry I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese General Chemistry I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IILab

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj BIO 4 Human Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors BIO 5 General Botany transfers as GE CHEM 151 GE Natural Sciences BIO 50A BIO 50B Anatomy & Physiology I Anatomy & Physiology II transfers as BIOL 200 BIOL 210 Human Anatomy for Nursing Human Physiology for Nursing BIO 50A BIO 50B Anatomy & Physiology I Anatomy & Physiology II transfers as BIOL 250 BIOL 251 Human Anatomy Human Physiology BIO 55 Microbiology transfers as BIOL 220 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) Microbiology BIO 6 Intro to Zoology transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors GE Natural Sciences BIO 60 Intro to Molecular & Cell Biol transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) GE GE Natural Sciences BIO 61 Intro to Organismal & Pop Biol transfers as CHEM 152 General GE GE Natural Sciences BIO 7 Marine Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIO 8 Principles of Ecology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BUS 10 Intro to Business transfers as XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship BUS 10H Honors Intro to Business transfers as XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship BUS 18A Business Law I transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law CHE 12A Organic Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 CHE 12B Organic Chem Chemistry II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev CHE 1A General Chemistry I transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHE 1AH Honors General Chemistry I transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHE 1B General Chemistry II transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHE 1BH Honors General Chemistry II transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHE 2A Introductory Chemistry I transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Development CHNS Society CHE 2B Introductory Chemistry II transfers as GE CHEM 123 GOB Chem for Health Sciences CHE 3 Fundamentals of Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Elementary Chemistry and Society CHI 1 Mandarin Chinese (First Sem) 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 CHI 1B Mandarin Chinese 1B transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem I CHI 2 Chinese II transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications 11 Comp Arch & Org: Assembly transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys CS 360 Computer Architecture & Busi App Org CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys 17A Prog Con & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science Methodology II: Java C++ transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor CIS 1A Intro to Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of EconomicsCIS 5 CIS 5 Prog Con & Methodology I: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of EconomicsC++ Prog Con & Methodology I: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab C++ transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography CS 120 CS 120 ENGR 120 ENGR 120 Intro to Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I Intro to Computer Science I CIS 7 Discrete Structures transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab CS 160 ENGR 160 Discrete Structures Discrete Structures COM 1 Public Speaking transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) COMM 111 Public Communication COM 12 Intercultural Communication transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) COMM 260 Intercultural Communication COM 13 Gender & Communication transfers as COMM 325 Gender Communication COM 1H Honors Public Speaking transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST COMM 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIPublic Communication

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) ENGR 4 Engineering Materials transfers as ENGR 384 Mechanics of Materials FN 35 Nutrition & Health transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj PE 240 Health Education FN 40 Nutrition transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc UNRS 120 Fund. of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing Nutrition FREN 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary Beg French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary 2 High-Beg French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate 3 Intermed French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate 4 High-Intermed French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab 5 Environ Conditns transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 HIST 210 World Geography GEOG 9 Phys Geog: Land Formation transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General 1 Phys Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary GERM 1 Beg German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary GERM 2 High-Intermed German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate GERM 3 Intermed German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate GERM 4 High-Intermed German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist 1 Western Civilization to 1500 1648 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World 11 History of the US to 1865 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 12 History of the US since 1500 1865 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 12H Honors Hist of the US Since 18 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 2 Western Civilization from 1648 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 20 Comparative World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization Civs to 1600 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa 2X Soc Pol Hist US transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 3X Soc Pol Hist US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIHistory

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) PSYC 3H Honors Critical Think and Psyc transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE Psychology Elective PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 5 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H 5H Honors General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 7 Physiological Psychology transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSYC 8 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 9A Intro to Stats for Behavioral Science & Data Analysis transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 9B Research Methods Meth in Psychology Behavioral Sc transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati SCOM 1 Speech Communication transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych GE COMM 111 Public Communication SCOM 1L Speech Communication Lab transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC GE COMM 111 Public Communication SL/I 15 Beg American Sign Language transfers as GE ASL 101 American Sign Language I SL/I 16 Interm American Sign Language transfers as GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II SOCI 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOCI 101H Honors Introduction to Soc transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOCI 102 The Family transfers as SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems SOCI 104 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology SOCI 107 Issues of Race and Eth in US transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics Sociology Elective SOCI 109A Int to Stats & Dat Xxx for Behavioral Scie B S transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences SOCI 110 Introduction to Social Work transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction SOCW 250 Intro to Statistics SOC 145 Social Work SOCI 115 Sociology of the Family Death and Dying transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family Sociology Elective SPAN 101 Elem 1 Elementary Spanish First Semester I transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem 2 Elementary Spanish Second Semester II transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 3 Intermediate Spanish Third Semester I transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 4 Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester II transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPAN 5 Advanced Spanish I transfers as Spanish Elective SPAN 52B Spanish for Native Speakers transfers as SPAN 305 Spanish for Heritage Speakers SPCH 1 Effective Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPCH 25ABCD Forensic Team transfers as COMM 116 Intercollegiate Forensics SPCH 5 Mass Comm transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication THEA 103 Theatre Appreciation transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THEA 114 Fundamentals of Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals THTR 1 Theatre Appreciation transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THTR 14A Fundamentals of Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - A 1 A 1L Descriptive Astronomy Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab Descrptive Astronomy transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych ART 050 Hist of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE HumanitiesWest Art: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 AfricanPrehist-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts Midd transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the WestART 051 West Art Hist: PreRenaissance-Hi Con transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities Fine Arts ART 052 Hist of the WestArt: Renais Modern - Contemp transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Fine Arts ART 10 Introduction to Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies ART 150 Introduction to Art ART 2C History of Modern Art transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies Fine Arts BI 005 Molecular & Cellular Biology transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) Natural Sciences BI 006 Biology of Organisms transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem Natural Sciences BI 1A General Biology-Principles transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S Natural Sciences BI 1B General Biology-Zoology transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth Natural Sciences BI 1C General Biology-Botany transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness Natural Sciences BI 22 Human Anatomy transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy BI 23 Human Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology XX 4 BI 4L Elements of Biology Elements of Biology Laboratory transfers as GE BIOL 101 Biology and Society Fundamentals of Biology Lab XXXX 20A Business Law transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law CH 1A General Chemistry transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning Natural Sciences CH 1B General Chemistry transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio Natural Sciences CH 3 Introductory General Chemistry transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society ECON 1 Prin of Macroeconomics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2 Prin of Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENG 003A College Composition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENG 011B English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 ENG 10A American Lit: First Contact Th Literature I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American ENG 11A Survey of English Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit Old Eng transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit ENG 1B Composition and Literature transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods Studies in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IILiterature

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 MATH 010H Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 FirstStatistics-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics Honors transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts 012 Calculus for Business & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications Social transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra 019 Dicrete Mathematics transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 CS 160 ENGR 160 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Structures Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Structures MUSI 005 Fundamentals of Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to MUSI 005A Fundamentals of Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music Lecture transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World 120 Music MUS 117 Fundamentals MUSI 010 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation MUSI 017 Musics of the World transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 NS 015 Human Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab PE 005K Tai Chi: Beginning transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory Fitness for Life XXXX 101 Intro 001 Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro 002A General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro 002B General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I 004A Engineering Physics-Mechanics transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II 004B Engineering Physics-Electricit transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction PHYS 10 Intro to Political Scie Physics transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 001 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POLI 001H American Government-Honors transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POLI 002 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 PSY 001 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General PSY 007 Physiological Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSY 010 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 PSY 012 Human Growth and Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research PSY 015 Intro to Reserch Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati PSY 025 Intro Abnormal Psychology transfers as PSYC 405 360 Abnormal Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro 001 Introduction to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 SOCS 2 Social Problems Issues transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie SPA 001 First Semester Spanish transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPA 002 Second Semester Spanish transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPA 003 Third Semester Spanish transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPA 004 Fourth Semester Spanish transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 001 First Semester Spanish transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish 002 Second Semester Spanish transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish 003 Third Semester Spanish transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 004 Fourth Semester Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) CHIN 2 Elementary Chinese II transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CHIN 3 Intermediate Chinese I transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj Chinese 3rd Quarter CHIN 4 Intermediate Chinese II transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors Foreign Language 4th Qtr COM ST 1A Public Speaking transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry COMM 111 Public Communication CS 11 Fund of Computer Science transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DANC 040A Hatha Yoga I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors GE Fitness for Life DANC 040B Hatha Yoga II transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 040C Hatha Yoga III transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 040D Hatha Yoga IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 041A Pilates I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 041B Pilates II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 041C Pilates III transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc GE Fitness for Life DANC 041D Pilates IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DRAM 10 Theatre Appreciation transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 31 Principles of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 001A Princ of Econ: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 001B Principles of Economics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 003 Principles of Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 005 Principles of Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ENG 001A Written Communications transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENG 001B Written Communication transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENG 001D Critical Composition transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENG 030 Film as Literature transfers as GE ENGL 311 Film and Literature ENG 035 Chicano Literature transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ENG 042A Survey of American Lit I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 042B Survey of American Xxx XX transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 043C World Literature I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 043D World Literature II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 046A Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENG 046B Survey English Liter transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGR 4 Engineering Materials transfers as ENGR 384 Mechanics of Materials FCS 19 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) FCS 6 Nutrition transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT UNRS 120 Fundamentals Fund. of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film Human Nutrition FREN 101 001 Elementary French (First Sem) I transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 002 Elementary French (Second Sem) II transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 003 Intermediate French (Third Sem I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language FREN 004 Intermediate French II transfers as GE GE Foreign Language FREN 005 Advanced French transfers as GE GE Foreign Language FREN 1 Elementary French I transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 2 Elementary French II transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 3 Intermediate French I transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 4 Intermediate French (Fourth Se II transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L 1 Physical Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOG 10 World Regional Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 001A Physical Geography Geology w/lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science GEOL 001B Historical Geology w/Lab transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences GEOL 005 GEOL 005L Earth Science Earth Science Laboratory transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General 015A Environmental Geology General Geology w/Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 GE Natural Sciences GEOL 016A Oceanography w/Lab transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences GEOL 5A Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging w/Laboratory transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 GE GE Natural Sciences GERM 001 Elementary German (First Sem) I transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 GERM 002 Elementary German (Second Sem) II transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 GERM 003 Intermediate German (Third Sem I transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 GERM 004 Intermediate German II transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today GERM 1 Elementary German I transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL GE GERM 101 Principles of Elementary German I GERM 2 Elementary German II transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GERM 3 Intermediate German I transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GERM 4 Intermediate German II transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II GERM 51 Elem German transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GERM 53 Elem German transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GUID 11 New Student Orientation transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar H ED 1 Health Education transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness H S 19 Human Development transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development HIST 100 002A World Hist History to 1500 1600 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 002B World History since 1500 Since 1600 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 004A History of Western Civilizatio transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 004B History of Western Civilizatio transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 017A History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 the United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 017B History of the United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 030A African-American History of the Americas to 18 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas 030B African-American Histor transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American 37 California History transfers as GE GE Humanities: HIST 238 History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts of California HUM 3 Autobiography of Civilization transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi ITAL 001 Elementary Italian I transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I ITAL 002 Elementary Italian II transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II ITAL 101 Elementary 003 Intermediate Italian (First Sem) I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary 004 Intermediate Italian (Second Sem II transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd ITAL 1 Elementary Italian I transfers as XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I ITAL 2 Elementary Italian II transfers as XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II ITAL 3 Intermediate Italian I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem ITAL 4 Intermediate Italian II transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr JAPA 001 Elementary Japanese (First Sem) I transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem JAPA 002 Elementary Japanese (Second Sem) II transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 JAPA 003 Intermediate Japanese (Third S I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 JAPA 004 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth II transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness JAPA 1 Elementary Japanese I transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPA 2 Elementary Japanese II transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPA 3 Intermediate Japanese I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning Foreign Language JAPA 4 Intermediate Japanese II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature Foreign Language MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 017A Concepts & and Structures of Elem Mat transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 038A Precalculus I transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 039 Precalculus transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 1 Calculus W/Applications I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 10 Intro to Contemporary Mathemat transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 12 Intro to Probability & Stats transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 13 Survey of Calculus transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-2 Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX II transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math 20 Finite Mathematics transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 3 Vector Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations 30 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 31 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 36 Pre-Calculus transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 38B Precalculus II transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 4 Differential Equations transfers as MATH 270 Ordinary Differential Equation MATH 5 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IILiteracy

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H 1B General Chemistry II transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 2000 General Chemistry I transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 2100 General Chemistry transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 3A Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) to Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 3B Intro Org to Organic & Bio Chem: AH Maj Biochemistr transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: CSCI 1 Intro to Comp Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: BUSI 240 Intro to Information Systems CSCI 1001 Intro to Computer Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 BUSI 240 Intro to Information Systems ECE 1999 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking ECE 5 Human Development transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development ECON 1010 Principles of Macroeconomics transfers as COMM 200 Intro GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 1020 Principles of Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 1A Prin of Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 1B Prin. of Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 1001 College Composition transfers as GE GE Writing 1 ENGL 1501 Advanced Composition-Literatur transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENGL 1A College Composition transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 1B Adv Comp-Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENGL 2044 American Literature I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 2046 British Literature I transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills 1789 ENGL 2544 American Literature II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 2546 British Literature II transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGL 44A American Literature I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 44B American Literature II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 45 Afircan-American Literature transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ENGL 46A British Lit I transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL 46B British Lit II transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGL 47 Ethnic Lit in American transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ENGL 48 Native American Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence FCS 1011 Nutrition transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition FCS 11 Nutrition transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition FREN 1 Elementary French I transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 2 Elementary French II transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II GEOG 1 Physical Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOG 1110 Physical Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 1210 Physical Geology/Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science GEOL 16 Physical Geology/Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science GER 1 Beg German I transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GUID 1 Collegiate Orientation transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab GUID 1001 Collegiate Orientation transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of First-Year Seminar HEA 10 Health in Action transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness HEA 1010 Health In Action transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PE 240 Health Education HIST 100 World Hist 1004 Western Civilizations to 1500 1600 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History 1005 Western Civilizations since 1500 16 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 1010 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa 1450 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 1017 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 1018 United States Hist Since since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 1044 African-American History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 17A United States History of the Americas to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 17B United States History since 18 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 44 African American History transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American 4A Intro to Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 4B Intro to Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 9B World Civilizations Since 1450 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HUM 1 Intro to Humanities transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American HUM 1001 Introduction to Humanities transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro MATH 10 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 1010 Finite Mathematics transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 1050 Elementary Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to the Arts Statistics MATH 1100 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 1200 Pre-Calculus transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 1400 Calculus & Analytic Geometry I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 1500 Calculus & Analytic Geometry 2 transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 2 Elementary Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 2400 Calculus & Analytic Geometry 3 transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 25 Finite Mathematics transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 4 Pre-Calculus transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 5A Calculus & Analytic Geom I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 5B Calculus & Analytic Geom II transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 5C Calculus & Analytic Geom III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 6 Diff Equat & Xxx Xxxxxxx transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 1004 Fundamentals of Music transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 1035 Beginning Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 1131 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi MUS 1535 Intermediate Piano transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 1A Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 1B Music Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 1C Music Theory III transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 1D Music Theory IV transfers as MUS 222 Music Theory IV MUS 25A Beginning Voice transfers as MUS 101 Beginning Voice Class MUS 25B Beginning Voice transfers as MUS 102 Intermediate Voice Class MUS 26 Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 2A Ear Training I transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 2B Ear Training II transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 2C Ear Training III transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 2D Ear Training IV transfers as MUS 220 Practical Musicianship IV MUS 31 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities Fine Arts MUS 35A Beginning Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 35B Intermediate Piano transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 4 Fundamentals of the West: Renais Music transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals PE 35D Physical Fitness Lab transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian Fitness for Life PE 48A Vars Track (First SemCoed) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem Fitness for Life PE 6B Phy Fit Wt Train transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S Fitness for Life PEAC 25 Adv Bicycling Touring transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth Fitness for Life PEAC 26 Mountian Biking transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness for Life PEAC 30 Ski Racing Clinic transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAC 31 Competitive Skiing transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAC 35 Nordic Skiing transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAC 36 Snowboard Racing transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEFI 1 Water Excercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEFI 1001 Beginning Water Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEFI 1002 Beginning Circuit Weight Train transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PEFI 1006 Beginning Strength Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEFI 1008 Cardiorespiratory Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio PEFI 1025 Beginning Body Sculpting transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEFI 1026 Adaptive Physical Education transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEFI 1035 Physical Fitness Lab transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEFI 1039 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEFI 1044 Beginning Walking for Fitness transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Walking/Jogging PEFI 1045 Adaptive Aquatic Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 PEFI 2 Circuit Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga PEFI 25 Body Sculpting transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga PEFI 26 Adaptive Physical Education transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga PEFI 27 Adaptive Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W PEFI 28 Regulated Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W PEFI 35 Physical Fitness Lab transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced PEFI 44 Walking for Fitness transfers as GE FFL 108 Fit for Life: Walking/Jogging PEFI 45 Adaptive Aquatic Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th PEFI 6 Strength Training transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Fitness for Life PEFI 8 Cardiorespiratory Fitness transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 Fitness for Life PEMA 10 Varsity Track (Coed) transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 Fitness for Life PEMA 1006 Men's Varsity Basketball transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts Fitness for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry Life PEMA 1007 Men's Varsity Baseball transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations Fitness for Life PEMA 1008 Men's Varsity Football transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra Fitness for Life PEMA 1010 Varsity Track (Coed) transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History Fitness for Life PEMA 1011 Varsity Cross Country (Coed) transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation Fitness for Life PEMA 1014 Women's Varsity Basketball transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation Fitness for Life PEMA 1015 Women's Varsity Volleyball transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab Fitness for Life PEMA 1016 Women's Varsity Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEMA 11 Varsity Cross Country (coed) transfers as GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory Fitness for Life PEMA 14 Women's Varsity Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEMA 15 Women's Varsity Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEMA 16 Women's Varisty Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEMA 18 Women's Varisty Golf transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEMA 5 Varsity Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEMA 6 Men's Varsity Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEMA 7 Men's Varsity Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEMA 8 Men's Var Football transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life XXXX 101 1 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L PHIL 1001 Intro to Philosphy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSC 16 Intro to Physical Fitness Science/Lab transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IINatural Sciences

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. BIOL B18 Essentials of Human Anat & Phy transfers as BIOL 115 Anatomy & Physiology BIOL B20 Human Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL B32 Human Anatomy & Physiology I transfers as BIOL 230 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL B33 Human Anatomy & Physiology II transfers as GE BIOL 231 Human Anat & Physiology II BIOL B3A General Biology I transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL B3A BIOL B3B General Biology I General Biology II transfers as GE BIOL 151 BIOL 152 General Biology I General Biology II BIOL B3B General Biology II transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIOL B7 BIOL B7L Environmental Biology Environmental Biology Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory BSAD B1 Financial Accounting transfers as ACCT 120 Principles of Accounting I BSAD B18 Business Law transfers as BUSI 296 Business Law BSAD B2 Managerial Accounting transfers as ACCT 121 Principles of Accounting II BSAD B20 Introduction to Business transfers as XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship BSAD B40 Personal Finance transfers as XX XXXX 100 Personal Finance BSAD B43 Principles of Management transfers as GE MGMT 210 Principles of Management CHEM 115H Intro B11 Princ of Inorg, Org & Biochem transfers as GE CHEM 123 GOB Chem for Health Sciences CHEM B1A General Chemistry I transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM B1B Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) Chemistry & Chem Analysis transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM B2A Introductory General Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj B49 Applied Chemistry transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors CHST B30E Art of Latin America transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem IGE Humanities: Science Maj (Hon) Fine Arts CHST B33 History of Latin America transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem IIGE Humanities: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev History COMM B1 Public Speaking transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child COMM 111 Public Communication COMM B5 Argumentation & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development Debate transfers as COMM 302 Rhetorical Theory COMM B6 Intercultural Communication transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) COMM 260 Intercultural Communication COMM B8 Small Group Communication transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 COMM 230 Small Group Communication COMS B2 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Computer Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills CRPS B10 Plant Biology transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre Natural Sciences DANC B6BLB Beginning Ballet transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I GE Fitness for Life DANC B6JD Jazz Dance transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals GE GE Fitness for Life DANC B6MD Modern Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ECON 101 Princ B1 Principles of Economics: -Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON B2 Principles of Economics-Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 B1A Expository Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit ThinkB1AL Expository Comp w/Comp/Lit Supplemental transfers as GE GE Writing 1 ENGL B1B Intro to Types of Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History ENGL B20A Survey of World Literature transfers as GE CINE 285 History GE Humanities: Literature ENGL B21 African-American Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL B30A Survey of Film American Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL B30B Survey fo American Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL B5A Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL B5B Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGR B45 Properties of Materials transfers as ENGR 384 Mechanics of Materials ENGR B47 Intro to Engineering & Design transfers as GE ENGR 101 Intro to Engr & Computing ERSC B10 Intro to Earth Science transfers as PHYC 125 Earth Science Concepts & Appli ERSC B10 ERSC B10L Earth Science Lab Intro to Earth Science transfers as GE GE PHYC 130 Earth Science Earth Science Lab FREN 101 B1 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 B2 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 B3 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 B4 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 B1 GEOG 101L B1L Physical Elements of Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World B2 Human Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 B10 GEOL 101L General B10L Intro to Geology General Intro to Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GERM B1A GERM B1B Elementary German (First Sem) Elementary German transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 GERM B1AB Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GERM B2 Elementary German transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 B1 World Hist from Orgins to 1500 1600 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 B17A History of the United States transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST B17B History of United States, 1870 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST B2 Hist of the World History since Since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History B20A African-American Hist of US transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 B20B African-American Hist of US transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 103 Western B25 Intro to Women in American His transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST B4A European Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western B4B European Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History HLED B1 Principles of Africa Health Education transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 PE 240 Health Education JAPN B1 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem B2 Elementary Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S JRNL B1 Media & Society transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication JRNL B2 Beginning Reporting transfers as JOUR 210 Fndn of Media Report and Writ MATH B16 Liberal Arts Mathematics transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth Quantitative Literacy MATH B1A Pre-Calculus I transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH B1AL Precalculus I with Lab transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH B1B Pre-Calculus II transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH B2 Basic Functions & Calc for Bus transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH B22 Elem Probability & Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH B22L Elem Prob & Stats w/Lab transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH B23 Finite Mathematics transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Quantitative Literacy MATH B4A Math for Elementary Teaching I transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH B4B Math for Elem Teaching II transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH B6A Analytic Geometry & Calculus I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH B6B Analytic Geometry/Calculus II transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH B6C Calculus III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH B6D Ordinary Differential Equation transfers as MATH 270 Ordinary Differential Equation MATH B6E Elementary Linear Algebra transfers as MATH 290 Linear Algebra MEDS B35 Life Span Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development MUSC B10A Concert Band transfers as MUS 142 Symphonic Band MUSC B13A Jazz Ensemble transfers as MUS 182 Jazz and Commercial Ensemble MUSC B15A Ear Traning & Sight Singing transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUSC B15B Ear Training & Sight Singing transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUSC B17A Chamber Singers transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUSC B17B Chamber Singers transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUSC B17C Chamber Singers transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUSC B17D Chamber Singers transfers as MUS 281 Chamber Singers MUSC B2 Basic Elements of Music transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUSC B21A History of Music transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUSC B21B History of Music transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUSC B22 Music Appreciation transfers as GE MUS 250 Music and Civilization MUSC B24 Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUSC B4A Elementary Theory transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUSC B4B Elementary Theory transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUSC B5A Class Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUSC B5B Class Piano transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUSC B6A Class Voice transfers as MUS 101 Beginning Voice Class MUSC B6B Class Voice transfers as MUS 102 Intermediate Voice Class MUSC B9A Class Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods NURS B22 NURS B22 Pharmacology Pharmacology transfers as UNRS 113 UNRS 113 Pharmacology Pharmacology PHED B10 Intercollegiate Football transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B11 Intercollegiate Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B12 Intercollegiate Track & Field transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B13 Intercollegiate Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B14 Intercollegiate Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B16 Intercollegiate Golf transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B17 Intercollegiate Cross-Country transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B20 Intercollegiate Wrestling transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B22 Intercollegiate Women Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B23 Intercollegiate Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B24 Intercollegiate Golf for Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B25 Intercoll Women's Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B26 Intercoll Women's Track & Fiel transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B27 Intercoll Women's Cross-Countr transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B28 Intercoll Women's Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B29 Intercollegiate Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B2DWR Deep Water Running transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B2SB Beginning Swimming transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B2SSF Aquatics: Swim & Stay Fit transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B2WA Water Aerobics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B30 Dance & Cheer Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B32 Shape Up transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B33 Men's & Women's Intercoll Swim transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B34C Intercollegiate Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B34WT Intercollegiate Weight Trainin transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B39A Prevention & Care of Ath Injur transfers as KIN 366 Care/Preventn of Athl Injuries PHED B3ADF Adaptive PE, Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B3ADP Adaptive Phys Ed transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B3ADS Adaptive Phys Ed Swimming transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B3ADW Adaptive Phys Ed Wheelchair Sp transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B5WSB Team Act for Women-Adv Softbal transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B5WSC Team Act for Women-Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6BB Basketball transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHED B6BLB Beginning Ballet transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6CT Circuit Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHED B6DA Dance Aerobics transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHED B6FCX Fitness Center transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6HEX Health Exercises transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6HX Health Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6JD Jazz Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6KX Cardio Kickboxing Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6MD Modern Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHED B6PF Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning PHED B6PL Pilates transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio PHED B6PY Pilates/Yoga Mat Flow transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini PHED B6SC Soccer transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition PHED B6VI Intermediate Volleyball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 PHED B6WT Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning PHED B6Y Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga PHED B7B Adv Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga PHED B7FB Adv Football transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W PHED B7W Adv Wrestling transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W PHED B9S Adv Swimming transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced PHED B9T Adv Coed Activity/Tennis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th PHED B9TR Adv Track transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Fitness for Life XXXX B18 History of Ancient Philosophy transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Philosophy PHIL B6A Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L PHSC B12 Physical Fitness Science transfers as PHYC 115 Physical Science for Teachers PHSC B12 Physical Science transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life Natural Sciences PHYS 111 Intro B2A General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro B2B General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I B4A Mechanics & Wave Motion transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II B4B Heat, Electricity, & Magnetism transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 POLS B1 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 POLS B12 Contemp Issues in CA Governmen transfers as POLI 220 State and Local Government POLS B2 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 B1A General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General B1B Biological Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 PSYC B20 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIPsychology

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H CART 41 The Arts and Modern Man transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts CBIS 6A Intro Gen Chem: Allied H to IT Concepts & Applica transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CDEC 45 Child & Adolescent Development transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CDEC 45 CDEC 47M1 Child & Adolescent Development Human Development (HonAdult Year) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry PSYC 290 Human Growth and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj Development CDEC 47 Human Development transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General 12A Organic Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 12B Organic Chem II Chemistry transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev CHEM 1A General Chemistry transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 1B General Chemistry transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 2 Elementary Chemistry transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth CHEM 101 Chemistry and Development CHNS Society CHEM 3 Intro to Gen, Org, Bio Chem transfers as GE CHEM 123 GOB Chem for Health Sciences CHEM 3A Intro to Gen & Organic Chem transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 3B Intro to Gen & Organic Chem transfers as GE CHEM 123 GOB Chem for Health Sciences CHIN 1 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) 1 transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 CHIN 2 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications COMD 2A American Sign Language, Beg transfers as GE ASL 101 American Sign Language I COMD 2B American Sign Language, Beg transfers as GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II COMM 10 Elements of Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 10H Honors Elements of Public Spea transfers as GE GE Oral Communication COMM 25 Elements of Intercultural Comm transfers as GE COMM 260 Intercultural Communication COMM 30 Elements of Group Communicatio transfers as COMM 230 Small Group Communication COMM 31 Elements of Leadership Communi transfers as COMM 335 LDRS 335 Leadership Communication Leadership Communication COMM 60 Elements of Argumentation & De transfers as COMM 340 Argumentation and Advocacy COSA 50 Intro to IT Concepts & Applica transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll 1 Orientation College Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 DANC 10AB Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre Ballet transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting GE Fitness for Life DANC 11AB Intermediate Ballet transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 12A Pilates I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 12AD Conditioning for Dance-Pilates transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 12B Pilates 2 transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 14 Modern Dance I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 14AB Beg Modern Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 15 Modern Dance 2 transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 16 Modern Dance 3 transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 17 Modern Dance 4 transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 17AB Intermediate Modern Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 20 Jazz Dance I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 20AB Beginning Jazz Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 21 Jazz Dance 2 transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 21AB Intermediate Jazz Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 26 Ballet 1 transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 29 Ballet 4 transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 5 Tap Dance I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 5AB Beginning Tap transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 6 Tap Dance 2 transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 6AB Intermediate Tap Dance transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ECON 101 Princ of Economics: 1 Macro Economic Analysis transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ 1A Macro Economic Analysis transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics ECON 1AH Honors Macro Economic Analysis transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 1B Micro Economic Analysis transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 1BH Honors Micro Economic Analysis transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 1H Honors Macro Economic Analysis transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2 Micro Economic Analysis transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2H Honors Micro Ecnomic Analysis transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 1 Reading & Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think1H Honors Reading & Composition transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 2 Intro to Literature/Comp/Lit Compositio transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History ENGL 2H Honors Intro to Lit./Comp transfers as GE CINE 285 History ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENGL 32 Masterpieces of Film Asian Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ENGL 4 Critical Analysis of Literatur transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENGL 41 American Literature I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 42 American Literature II transfers as GE ENGL 244 American Literature to 1865 ENGL 44 Literature of Western World I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 44H Honors Lit of the Western Worl transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 45 Literature of Western World II transfers as GE ENGL 224 World Lit to the Renaissance ENGL 45H Honors Lit of the Western Worl transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 46 Survey of British Lit I transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL 47 Survey of British Lit II transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGL 4H Honors Critical Analysis Liter transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENGL 79 Literature of Diversity transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence FN 20 Nutrition and Life transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition FREN 101 1 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 1A FREN 1B Elem French 1A Elem French 1B transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French (Second Sem) I FREN 2 Elementary French transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 2A FREN 2B Elem French 2A Elem French 2B transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 3 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 4 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab GBUS 5 Intro to Business transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XX XXXX 110 Business and Entrepreneurship GEOG 104 40 World Regional Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L 1 General Physical Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging GEOL 1H Honors Gen Physical Geology transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 GE PHYC 130 Earth Science GEOL 2 General Geology: Physical transfers as PHYC 125 Earth Science Concepts & Appli GEOL 2 GEOL 2L Gen Geology: Physical Geol Lab General Geology: Physical transfers as GE GE PHYC 130 Earth Science Earth Science Lab GER 1 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 GER 1A GER 1B Elem German 1A Elem German 1B transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German (Second Sem) I GER 2 Elementary German transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 GER 2A GER 2B Elem German 2A Elem German 2B transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GER 3 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 GER 3H Honors Intermediate German transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GER 4 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today GER 4H Honors Intermediate German transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. GERM 202 Intermediate German II HIST 10 History of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 Early America transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations 151 US History to 1648 1877 HIST 101 World History since 1500 10H Honors Hist of Early America transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 151 US History to 1877 HIST 102 World 11 History of Modern America transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations 152 US History Since 1648 1877 HIST 103 11H Honors Hist of Modern America transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 1A History: Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 1AH Honors Hist of West Euro Civil transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 1B History: Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History 1BH Honors Hist of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 West Euro Civil transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist 121 World Civilizations Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II1648

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Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org PSY 161 C Prob & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Statis- Social Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts PSY 161HC Hon Prob & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Statis- Social Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 PSY 202 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati PSY 202 C Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 405 362 Research Methods in Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych PSY 221 The Brain and Behavior transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSY 221 C The Brain and Behavior transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSY 222 Abnormal Psychology transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSY 222 C Abnormal Psychology transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSY 251 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSY 251 C Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSY 255 C Psychology of Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 101H Honors Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 161 Probability & Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral 161 C Prob and Stats- Soc Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the 161HC Honors Prob & Stats- Soc Scien transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 275 Marriage and Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 101H Honors Elem Spanish First Semester I transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 102H Honors Elem Spanish Second Semester II transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester for Spanish Speakers transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 203 Intermediate Spanish III transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm 204 Intermediate Spanish 4th Semester IV transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPCH 100 Human Communication transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication THEA 100 Introduction to the Theater transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THEA 120 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry PEAC 026B Soccer II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness PEAC 027 Baseball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio PEAC 028 Softball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAC 029 Football transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAC 039E Adapted Swimming transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PEAC 039F Adapted Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio PEAC 101 Adapted Physical Education transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 XXXX 6 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness PHOTO 1A Introduction to Photography transfers as GE ART 160 Photography I PHOTO 1B Intermediate Photography transfers as ART 260 Photography II PHSC 10 Introduction to Physics transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life Natural Sciences PHYS 111 Intro 002A General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro 002B General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I 004A Principles pf Physics: Xxxxxxx transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 004C Principles of Physics II Physics: Electri transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 PHYS 010 Introduction to Political Scie Physics transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 GE GE Natural Sciences PLAN 14 Soil Science transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences POLS 001 American Govt & Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government POLS 002 Intro to Comparitive Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC POLS 1 Ameri Government/Ins transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government POLS 2 Intro to International Relatio Comparative Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General POLS 20 California State and Local Gov transfers as POLI 220 State and Local Government PSYCH 1 Introduction to Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 PSYCH 12 Intro to Probability & Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych PSYCH 2 Statistical Methods for Psyc transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal GE GE Quantitative Literacy PSYCH 3 Personal & Social Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE GE Social Sciences PSYCH 6 Lifespan Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology SL 001 Elem American Sign Language I transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC ASL 101 Intro to Sociology American Sign Language I SL 002 Elem American Sign Language II transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC ASL 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie American Sign Language II SL 003 Int American Sign Language I transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences GE Foreign Language SL 004 Int American Sign Language II transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIForeign Language

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE 115 CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 115L General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors Lab transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II - Lab CHEM 210 220 Organic Chem I Chemistry transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 221 Organic Chem II Chemistry transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS CHIN 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) I transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 CHIN 101B Chinese IB transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem I CHIN 102 Chinese II transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications CHIN 102B Elementary Chinese IIB transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CHIN 201 Chinese III transfers as GE Chinese 3rd Quarter CHIN 201B Chinese IIIB transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr CINE 103 History of Film 1945-Present transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to 100 Mass Communication Media in America transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COMM 104 Principles of Public Relations transfers as PUBR 250 Intro to Public Relations COUN 110 Coll College Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to CSCI 108 Survey of Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM Information Systems CSIT 105 Computer Concepts and Applicat transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals Information Systems ECON 101 Princ Principles of Economics: Macro Economics (Xxxxx transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ Principles of Economics: Economics (Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL ENG 100 English Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit ENG 203 Critical Thinking & Comp thr L transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 205 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History ENG 210 Survey of British Literature I transfers as GE CINE 285 History ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENG 211 Survey of Film British Literature I transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENG 220 Survey of World Literature I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 221 Survey of World Literature II transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENG 225 Literature of United States I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 226 Literature of the United State transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGR 245 Properites of Materials transfers as ENGR 284 Materials ES 100 ES 100L Earth Systems Laboratory The Earth as a System: Case St transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory FREN 101 French I transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) I FREN 101B French IB transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 French II transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) II FREN 102B French IIB transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem III transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se IV transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 100 GEOG 101L 100L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab Laboratory transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 103 World Regional Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 100 Basic Geology transfers as PHYC 125 Earth Science Concepts & Appli GEOL 101L General 100 GEOL 100L Basic Geology General Basic Geology Lab transfers as GE GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX Earth Science Lab GERM 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) I transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 GERM 101B German IB transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German (Second Sem) I GERM 102 German II transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN GERM 102B German IIB transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GERM 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem III transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN GERM 202 Intermediate German IV transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL HE 100 Health Education and Fitness transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HE 100L Health Performance Lab transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HE 165 Fundamentals of Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL HIST 101 Principles History of Health the United States transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 102 U.S. Since Reconstruction transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 105 History of Western Civilizatio transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World 106 History since 1500 of Western Civilizatio transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 107 World History to 1650 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 108 World History since 1650 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 140 History of Africa Americas through 18 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 141 History of the Americas since 1800 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas HUM 100 Intro to Humanities transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American HUM 101 Intro to Humanities transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to HUM 150 Humanities Through the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi ITAL 101 Italian I transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais XX XXXX 101 Modern Language I ITAL 102 Italian II transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History XX XXXX 102 Modern Language II ITAL 101 Elementary 201 Italian (First Sem) III transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st 3rd Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem JAPN 101 Japanese I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 101 Elem 101B Japanese (First Sem) IB transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) II transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S III transfers as GE GE Foreign Language Japanese 3rd Qtr Quarter JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth IV transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr JOUR 101 News Writing and Reporting transfers as JOUR 210 News Writing and Reporting JOUR 103 Feature Writing transfers as JOUR 210 News Writing and Reporting KINE 101L Physical Fitness 110 Beginning Badminton-Techniques transfers as PE 101 Leisure Time Prep: Badminton KINE 112 Yoga-Techniques & Analysis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning 114A Beginning Walkfit transfers as GE GE Fitness FFL 108 Fit for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life Life: Walking/Jogging KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Beginning Golf-Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning & An transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 117A Beg Golf, Intermediate -Techniques & Analysis transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 120 Beginning Surfing-Techniques & transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 125A Aerobic Fitness Training Modes transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 127 Aquatic Exercise transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 128A Wellness Modalities-Cardio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 129 Aerobics/Step-Techniques & Xxx transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion KINE 130 Individualized Fitness Exercis transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 135A Beginning Swimming transfers as GE FFL 112 Fit for Life:Beg Swim & Cond KINE 135B Intermediate Swimming transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 136 Intermediate Swimming-Techniqu transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 137A Beginning Water Polo transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 140 Beginning Tennis, Beginning -Techniques & transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate 140A Beg Tennis- Techniques & Analy transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 141 Intermediate Tennis-Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 142 Advanced Tennis-Techniques & A transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 150A Beginning Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga 150B Intermediate Weight Training-S transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 151 Intermediate Yoga Weight Training-T transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga 155B Intermediate Volleyball:Techni transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W 155C Advanced Volleyball:Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W 156 Intermediate Volleyball-Techni transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, 157 Advanced Volleyball-Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th KINE 166A Beginning Basketball transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to Fitness for Life KINE 168A Beginning Soccer transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 Fitness for Life KINE 170A Team Sports-Baseball Strategie transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 Fitness for Life KINE 181 Adaptive Aquatics transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature Fitness for Life KINE 182 Adaptive Weight Training transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 184 Adaptive Body Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 204A Off Season Sports Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 205A In Season Sports Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 229 Lifeguarding transfers as PE 113 Lifeguard Training KINE 231 Water Safety Instructions transfers as PE 114 Water Safety Instr(WSI) Course MATH 103 100 Exploring Mathematics transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 101 Quantitative Reasoning transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 105 Concepts of Elementary Math I transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 106 Concepts of Elementary Math II transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 110 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 115 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 120 Elementary Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 126 STEM Precalc I-College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry 127 STEM Precalc 2-Trig/AnalytcGeo transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 130 Calculus for Business & Social transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math Precalculus Mathematics transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 140 Calculus & with Analytic Geo I Geometr transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 141 Calculus & with Analytic Xxx XX Geometr transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete 146 Fortran-90 for Math and Scienc transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 200 Intro to Linear Algebra transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof 290 Linear Algebra MATH 260 205 Calculus & with Analytic Geo III Geometr transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 206 Calculus with Differential Equations Equ transfers as MATH 270 Ordinary Differential Equation MATH 245 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MICR 200 Fundamentals of Microbiology transfers as BIOL 220 General Microbiology MICR 200 Fundamentals of Microbiology transfers as BIOL 240 Biology of Microorganisms MUS 100 Music Appreciation transfers as GE MUS 250 Music and Civilization MUS 101 Survey of 20th Century Music transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 103 Fundamentals of Music transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 105 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 120 Music Theory I Fundamentals MUS 102 106 Music Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship 110 Music Skills I transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship 111 Music Skills II transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals 115 Basic Keyboard I transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 115 Intro to Music History 117 Basic Keyboard II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 119 Piano Skills I transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 130 Fundamental Vocal Skills transfers as MUS 101 Beginning Voice Class MUS 171 World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning 175 Begining Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory 198 Palomar Symphony Orchestra transfers as MUS 271 Symphony Orchestra MUS 210 Advanced Harmony transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship 215 Music Skills III transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I 216 Music Skills IV transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate 220 Practical Musicianship IV MUS 225 Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano Skills II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 165 Fundamentals of Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA OCN 100 OCN 100L Oceanography Lab Oceanography Lecture transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory OCN 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences PHIL 101 Knowledge and Reality transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy XXXX 111 Introduction to Philosophy transfers as GE GE Philosophy PHOT 100 Elementary Film & Darkroom Pho transfers as ART 160 Photography I PHOT 105 Intermed Black & White Photo transfers as ART 260 Photography II PHSC 100 PHSC 100L Intro to Oceanography Physical Science Physical Science Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX PHSC 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge PHSC 101L Prin of Physical Science Lab Principles of Physical Sci transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE PHYC 115 Physical Science for Teachers PHSC 101 PHSC 101L Prin of Physical Fitness Science Lab Principles of Physical Sci transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as Natural Sciences GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE Natural Sciences Laboratory PHYS 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro General Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro 121 General Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin 200 Fundamentals of Physics transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 201 Fundamentals of Physics transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 230 Principles of Physics transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 231 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC POSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction Intro to Politics PLSC 102 and American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government POSC 102 Intro U.S./Calif Governments transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC XX XXXX 150 American Government POSC 110 Intro to International Relatio World Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General 100 Intro to Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology 105 Marriage, Family & Intimate Re transfers as PSYC 320 Social 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science 105 Marriage, Family & Intimate Re transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development 110 Developmental Psyc- Child/Adul transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family 120 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 445 320 Social Psychology of the Family PSYC 125 Human Sexuality transfers as Psychology Elective PSYC 205 Statistics/Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 210 Physiological Psychology transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior PSYC 211 Cognitive Psychology transfers as PSYC 390 Cognition PSYC 225 Psyc of Abnormal Behavior transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 230 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 235 Prin of Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 100 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 105 Marriage, Family & Intimate Re transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SOC 105 Marriage, Family & Intimate Re transfers as SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems SOC 110 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 120 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie 120 Social Psychology transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics GE Social Sciences SOC 104H Stats for 165 Self & Society transfers as GE GE Social Sciences SOC 205 Statistics/Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family SPAN 101 Spanish I transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family GE SPAN 101 Elem Elementary Spanish First Semester I SPAN 101A SPAN 101B Spanish IA Spanish IB transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester II transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 102A SPAN 102B Spanish IIA Spanish IIB transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester III transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 201A SPAN 201B Spanish IIIA Spanish IIIB transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester IV transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPCH 100 Oral Communication transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication ZOO 100 General Zoology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences ZOO 101 ZOO 101L General Zoology (Laboratory) General Zoology (Lecture) transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory ZOO 145 ZOO 145L Intro to Anatomy & Phys Lab Intro to Anatomy & Physiology transfers as BIOL 115 Anatomy & Physiology ZOO 200 Anatomy transfers as BIOL 250 Human Anatomy ZOO 203 Physiology transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology ZOO 205 ZOO 205L Physiology Laboratory Physiology Lecture transfers as BIOL 251 Human Physiology Human Physiology Lab

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App Information Systems CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App Information Systems COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App Information Systems DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish III

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. BIO 2.1 Fund of Biology - Cell & Molec transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIO 2.2 Fund of Biology - Evol, Gen, Z transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIO 2.3 Fund of Biology - Bot & Ecol transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIO 25 Marine Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BIO 26 Biology of Marine Animals transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BMG 53 Oral Comm in Organizations transfers as GE GE Oral Communication BOTA 10 Plant Biology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences BOTA 60 Field Botany transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem12A Organic Chemistry transfers as CHEM 251 Organic Chemistry: Allied H (Hon) Theory I CHEM 12B Organic Chemsitry transfers as CHEM 252 Organic Chemistry: Theory II CHEM 1A General Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 1B General Chemistry transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 42 Introductory General Chemistry transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen 4A General Chem I: Science Majors w/ Quantitative transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen 4B General Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors w/ Quantitative transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen 60 Gen, Organic, Biological Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development CHEM 123 GOB Chem for Health Sciences CHEM 8 Intro Organic Chemistry transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 GE Natural Sciences CHIN 2 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) - Part 2 transfers as XX XXXX 101 GE GE Foreign Language CHIN 52 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem - Part 2 transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II GE GE Foreign Language CIS 100 5 Computer Applications Literacy transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Information Systems transfers as BUSI 240 COMM 1 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public GE Oral Communication COMM 220 10 Intro to Mass Comm Studies transfers as COMM 201 Intro to Communication Studies COMM 6 Interpersonal Communication transfers as GE GE Oral Communication COMM 200 Intro to Mass 7 Intercultural Comm transfers as GE COMM 260 Intercultural Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills 10 Student Success: First Year Ex transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to 5 Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor Literacy transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre Information Systems DANC 11.1 Ballet I transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting GE Fitness for Life DANC 11.2 Ballet II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 11.3 Ballet III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 11.4 Ballet IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 13.1 Jazz Dance I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 13.2 Jazz Dance II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 13.3 Jazz Dance III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 13.4 Jazz Dance IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 14.1 Lyrical Dance I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 14.2 Lyrical Dance II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 14.3 Lyrical Dance III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 14.4 Lyrical Dance IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 16.1 Modern Dance I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 16.2 Modern Dance II transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 16.3 Modern Dance III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 16.4 Modern Dance IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 18.1 Tap Dance I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 18.3 Tap Dance III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 21.1 Hip Hop Funk I transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 21.2 Hip Hop/Xxxx XX transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 21.3 Hip Hop Funk III transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life ECON 101 Princ 1 Principles of Economics: Macro Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ 1A Principles of Economics: Micro Econ transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 1B Principles of Econ transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2 Principles of Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 10 Intro to Lit & the Environment transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 1A Reading and Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit 1B Literature and Composition transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History ENGL 30.1 American Lit: Pre-Col to Civil transfers as GE CINE 285 History GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 30.2 American Lit from 1865 to Pres transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 31 African American Arts & Litera transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ENGL 33 Chicano/Chicana Arts & Litera transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ENGL 44.1 European Lit fronm the Ancient transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 44.2 European Lit from 17th C. to t transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGL 46.1 Survey of Film English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENGL 46.2 Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGL 9 Contemporary World Literature transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENGR 45 Properties of Materials transfers as ENGR 284 Materials FDNT 10 Elem Nutrition transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) 1 Elem French-Part 1 transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) 2 Elem French-Part 2 transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem 3 Intermed French-Part 1 transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se 4 Intermed French-Part 2 transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L 4 Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIGeography

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj DANC 040B Hatha Yoga II transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors Fitness for Life DANC 040C Hatha Yoga III transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) GE Fitness for Life DANC 040D Hatha Yoga IV transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem GE Fitness for Life DANC 041A Pilates I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 041B Pilates II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev GE GE Fitness for Life DANC 041C Pilates III transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc GE Fitness for Life DANC 041D Pilates IV transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life DRAM 10 Theatre Appreciation transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 31 Principles of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 001A Princ of Econ: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 001B Principles of Economics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 003 Principles of Microeconomics transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 005 Principles of Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ENG 001A Written Communications transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENG 001B Written Communication transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature ENG 001D Critical Composition transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENG 030 Film as Literature transfers as GE ENGL 311 Film and Literature ENG 035 Chicano Literature transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence ENG 042A Survey of American Lit I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 042B Survey of American Xxx XX transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 043C World Literature I transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 043D World Literature II transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature ENG 046A Survey of English Literature transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 ENG 046B Survey English Liter transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 ENGR 4 Engineering Materials transfers as ENGR 284 Materials FCS 19 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) FCS 6 Nutrition transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT UNRS 120 Fundamentals Fund. of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film Human Nutrition FREN 101 001 Elementary French (First Sem) I transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 002 Elementary French (Second Sem) II transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 003 Intermediate French (Third Sem I transfers as GE GE Foreign Language FREN 004 Intermediate French II transfers as GE GE Foreign Language FREN 005 Advanced French transfers as GE GE Foreign Language FREN 1 Elementary French I transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 2 Elementary French II transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 3 Intermediate French I transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish III

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Articulation Agreement

COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen Chem: Allied H (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 120B General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen 200 Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) Nursing transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 152 General 301A Organic Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic CHEM 325 Inorganic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic 461 Inorganic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication 334 Feature Article Writing transfers as COMM 200 440 Persuasion and Attitude Change COMM 361 Principles of Public Relations transfers as PUBR 250 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills Public Relations COMM 407 Communications Law transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java JOUR 305 Media Law and Ethics COMM 410 Principles of Comm Research transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor COMM 300 Research Methods in Comm ECON 201 Principles Microeconomics transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ 251 Principles of Economics: Macro Microeconomics ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/101 Beginning College Writing transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 200 Intro to Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History ENGL 316 Shakespeare transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) ENGL 377 Xxxxxxxxxxx ESE 100 Analytical College Writing transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) WRIT 110 Writing 1 FIN 320 Business Finance transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem FIN 320 Principles Corporate Finance FIN 340 Introduction to Investments transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se FIN 432 Investment Analysis FIN 350 Investment Principles transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II FIN 432 Investment Analysis FIN 461 Business Property & Liab Risk transfers as FIN 436 Financial Risk Management GEOG 100 Global Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOG GEOL 101L Physical Geography Geology Physical Geography Geology Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography GEOL 102 Earth & Astronomical Sci Teach transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab PHYC 125 Earth Science Concepts & Appli HCOM 100 Intro to Human Communication transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX 101 Intro to Aging transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) COMM 111 Public Communication HCOM 102 Public Speaking transfers as GE GERM COMM 111 Public Communication HESC 101 Elementary German I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) Personal Health transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 PE 240 Health Education HESC 350 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 110A World Hist Civ to 1500 16th Century transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 110B World History since 1500 Civ Since The 16C transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 170A United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 170B United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas 180 American Hist transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 408 History of the Americas California transfers as HIST 338 History of California HONR 101B Honors Oral Communication transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication HONR 201B U.S. Mid-19th Cent to Present transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American HONR 210A Honors World Civ to 1500 transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American HONR 210B Honors World Civ Since 15th Ce transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 ISDS 265 Intro to the Arts Info Systems & Apps transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L BUSI 240 Intro to Information Systems KNES 100 Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio KNES 110A Beginning Swimming transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 Golf, KNES 119A Beginning Golf transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate KNES 144 Aerobic Ex And Wgt Contrl transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight GE GE Fitness for Life KNES 146 Resistance Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/KNES 170 Interc Gymnastics-W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W KNES 172 Intercoll Sports: Cross Countr transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced KNES 179 Inter-Collegiate Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature KNES 191A Integ Hum Anat Physiol transfers as BIOL 230 Human Anatomy & Physiology I KNES 191B Integrated Human Anat & Phys B transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies BIOL 231 Human Anat & Physiology II KNES 200 Intro Athletic Training transfers as KIN 102 Foundations of Kinesiology KNES 210 Human Anatomy & Physiology transfers as BIOL 115 Anatomy & Physiology KNES 220A Integrated Human Anat & Phys transfers as BIOL 230 Human Anatomy & Physiology I KNES 220B Integrated Human Anat & Phys transfers as GE BIOL 231 Human Anat & Physiology II KNES 348 KNES 348L Physiology of Exercise Physiology of Exercise Lab transfers as KIN 363 Physiology of Exercise KNES 349 Meas/Stat Knes & Health transfers as PE 475 Tests & Meas in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th PE & Sports KNES 386 Movement and the Child transfers as KIN 290 Human Movement Science MATH 110 Liberal Arts Mathematics transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher Quantitative Literacy MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry 120 Intro to Probability & Statist transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 130 Short Course in Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 150 135 Business Calculus & Analytic Geo transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 150A Calculus I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 150B Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX II transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math MGMT 246 Business & Its Legal Environme transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus Business Management Elective MGMT 246 Business & Analytic Geo III Its Legal Environme transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations BUSI 296 Business Law MGMT 339 Prin & Management of Operation transfers as MGMT 210 Principles of Management MGMT 340 Organizational Behavior transfers as GE MGMT 448 Org & Admin Behavior MKTG 351 Principles of Marketing transfers as MKTG 260 Principles of Marketing MKTG 370 Buyer Behavior transfers as MKTG 362 Consumer Behavior MUS 100 Intro to Music transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 101 Mus Theory for Non-Mus Maj transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 101 Music Theory I 111A Diatonic Harmony transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II 111B Diatonic Harmony transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 121 Musicianship II Diatonic transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 182 Piano Class for Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano Majors transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II 192 Individual Instruction transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class 1S1 Applied Strings MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv 211 Chromatic Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship 251 Survey of Music Lit transfers as GE MUS 250 Music and Civilization MUS 282B Piano Class for Music Majors transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I 351B His+Lit of Mus transfers as Upper Division Elective MUS 361C Concert Band transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class 142 Symphonic Band MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II 361H Symphonic Band transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today 143 Symphonic Band MUS 362A Jazz Ensemble transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab MUS 183 Jazz and Commercial Ensemble MUS 362E Brass Ensemble transfers as MUS 153 Chamber Ensemble: Brass MUS 406A Maj Perf Ensemble/Symph Orch transfers as MUS 271 Symphony Orchestra MUS 433 Music in Early Childhood transfers as MUS 432 Music in the Elem Schools PERS 203 Intermediate Persian A transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory Foreign Language 3rd Qtr XXXX 101 100 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge Philosophy transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro 211 PHYS 211L Elementary Physics I Elementary Physics Lab transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I Physics for Life Science I Lab PHYS 112 Intro 212 PHYS 212L Elementary Physics II Elementary Physics Lab transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 Physics for Life Sci & Engineer I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to Politics PLSC 102 Lab POSC 100 American Institutions and Hist Government transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 Intro to International Relatio transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Intro Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors 110 Critical Think in Pyschology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 201 Intro Statistics in Psychology transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 305 Cognitive Psychology transfers as PSYC 390 Cognition PSYC 306 Biopsychology transfers as PSYC 470 Cognitive Neuroscience PSYC 331 Psychology of Personality transfers as PSYC 380 Psychology of Personality PSYC 341 Abnormal Psychology transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 351 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics PSYC 114 Abnormal Psych transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal 361 Developmental Psychology PSYC 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology 408 History of the Family Psychology transfers as PSYC 445 340 History of Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods 461 Psychological Testing & Assess transfers as PSYC 480 Psych Testing & Measurement PSYC 495 Field Placement in Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati 455 Field Experience RTVF 341 Film-TV Industry transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych CINE 295 Film and Television Business RTVF 350 Story Structure transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain CINE 274 THTR 274 Story and Behavior SOC Character Story and Character SOCI 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC 102 Social Problems transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 SOCI 303 Statistics for Behavioral Scie transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Social Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester Fundamental Spanish-A transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester Fundamental Spanish-B transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter Spanish Third Semester SPCH 100 Intro to Human Comm transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPCH 102 Public Speaking transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIGE COMM 111 Public Communication THTR 140 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals THTR 160 Acting for Non-Majors transfers as THTR 110 Introduction to Acting UNIV 100 Foundations College Success transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar

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COURSE TITLE GE COURSE TITLE. CHEM 115H Intro Gen ChemPHSCI 180 Conceptual Phys Sci: Allied H (Hon) A Hands transfers as GE CHEM 101 Chemistry and Society CHEM 116 Intro Org & Bio Chem: AH Maj transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences CHEM 150 Gen Chem I: PHYC 115 Physical Science Majors transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 150H Gen Chem I: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as GE CHEM 151 General Chemistry I CHEM 151 Gen Chem II: Science Majors transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 151H Gen Chem II: Science Maj (Hon) transfers as CHEM 152 General Chemistry II CHEM 210 Organic Chem I transfers as CHEM 251 CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry: Theory I Organic Chemistry - Lab CHEM 211 Organic Chem II transfers as CHEM 252 CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry: Theory II Organic Chemistry - Lab CHLD 113 Child & Adol Growth & Dev transfers as GE PSYC 345 Psyc of Child & Adolescent Dev CHLD 121 Human Development transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development CHNS 101 Elementary Chinese (First Sem) transfers as XX XXXX 101 Elementary Chinese I CHNS 102 Elementary Chinese (Second Sem transfers as XX XXXX 102 Elementary Chinese II CIS 100 Computer Applications transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App CIS 101 Fund Comp Info Systems transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App COMM 101 Public Speaking transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication COMM 220 Intro to Mass Communication transfers as COMM 200 Intro to Mass Communication COUN 110 Coll Success Skills transfers as GE GE 100 First-Year Seminar CS 112 Intro to Comp Science II: Java transfers as CS 125 ENGR 125 Intro to Computer Science II Intro to Computer Science II CSIT 120 Fundamentals of Computer Infor transfers as BUSI 240 Intro to Info Sys & Busi App DRAM 105 Intro to Theatre transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater DRAM 130 Acting I transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ECON 101 Princ of Economics: Macro transfers as GE ECON 250 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 102 Princ of Economics: Micro transfers as ECON 251 Principles of Microeconomics ENGL 100 Composition and Reading transfers as GE WRIT 110 Writing 1 ENGL 201 Crit Think/Comp/Lit transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature FILM 110 Film History transfers as GE CINE 285 History of Film FREN 101 Elementary French (First Sem) transfers as GE FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French (Second Sem) transfers as GE FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 201 Intermediate French (Third Sem transfers as FREN 201 Intermediate French I FREN 202 Intermediate French (Fourth Se transfers as FREN 202 Intermediate French II GEOG 101 GEOG 101L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory GEOG 104 World Geography transfers as HIST 210 World Geography GEOL 101 GEOL 101L General Geology General Geology Lab transfers as GE PHYC 130 Earth Science XXXX for Teachers PHYS 101 Intro to Aging Human Physiology transfers as PSYC 355 Psych of Adult Development GRMN 101 Elementary German (First Sem) BIOL 251 Human Physiology PHYS 102 Gen. Phys: Waves, Thrmody, Opt transfers as GE GERM 101 Elementary German Physics: Sci/Engineering I GRMN 102 Elementary German (Second Sem) Lab PHYS 103 Gen Phys: Elec, Mag, Mod Optic transfers as GE GERM 102 Elementary German PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II GRMN 201 Intermediate German (Third Sem transfers as GERM 201 Intermediate German I GRMN 202 Intermediate German transfers as GERM 202 Intermediate German II HEAL 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition HEAL 101 Principles of Health transfers as GE PE 240 Health Education HEAL 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life HIST 100 World Hist to 1500 transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 101 World History since 1500 transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 102 World History transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 103 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 120 World Civilizations to 1648 HIST 104 Western Civilization transfers as GE HIST 121 World Civilizations Since 1648 HIST 108 History of Africa transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 110 United States History to 1877 transfers as GE HIST 151 US History to 1877 HIST 111 United States Hist Since 1877 transfers as GE HIST 152 US History Since 1877 HIST 116 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 117 History of the Americas transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 145 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HIST 146 African-American transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 101 Intro to the Arts transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts HUMN 201 Humanities of the West: Pre-Hi transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 202 Humanities of the West: Renais transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 205 Women in West Art and Lit transfers as GE GE Intercultural Competence HUMN 250 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History HUMN 251 American Studies transfers as GE GE Humanities: History ITAL 101 Elementary Italian (First Sem) transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 1st Qtr ITAL 102 Elementary Italian (Second Sem transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 2nd Qtr JAPN 101 Elem Japanese (First Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 101 Elementary Japanese I JAPN 102 Elem Japanese (Second Sem) transfers as GE JAPA 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese (Third S transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 3rd Qtr JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese (Fourth transfers as GE GE Foreign Language 4th Qtr KINE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 111 Cardio Conditioning transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 112 Cardiorespiratory Stabilizatio transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 114 Cardiorespiratory Power Traini transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 117 Basketball Competition transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 120 GolfPHYS 142 Mechanics, Beginning transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf KINE 136 Tennis, Beginning transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis KINE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training KINE 150 Beginning Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 154 Intermediate Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 155 Advanced Yoga transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 171 Intercollegiate Basketball M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer M/W transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life KINE 236 Tennis, Advanced transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life LIT 120 Intro to Literature transfers as GE ENGL 111 Studies in Literature LIT 250 American Lit: First Contact Th transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 251 American Lit: Mid-1800s to transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 260 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 222 English Literature to 1789 LIT 261 English Lit transfers as GE ENGL 232 English Literature Since 1789 LIT 270 World Literature to 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature LIT 271 World Literature Since 1600 transfers as GE GE Humanities: Literature MATH 103 Statistics transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics MATH 105 Concepts Heat & Structures of Elem transfers as MATH 201 Math Concepts for Elem Teacher MATH 115 Calculus W/Applications transfers as MATH 151 Applied Calculus I MATH 125 College Algebra transfers as GE MATH 110 College Algebra MATH 130 Trigonometry transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 135 Pre-Calculus Math transfers as MATH 150 Precalculus MATH 150 Calculus & Analytic Geo I transfers as MATH 165 Calculus I MATH 155 Calculus & Analytic Xxx XX transfers as MATH 166 MATH 167 Calculus II Sequences and Series MATH 226 Discrete Math transfers as MATH 280 Discrete Mathematics and Proof MATH 260 Calculus & Analytic Geo III transfers as MATH 268 MATH 269 Multivariable Calculus Vector Calculus MATH 265 Differential Equations transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MATH 270 Linear Algebra transfers as GE GE Quantitative Literacy MUS 101 Music Theory I transfers as GE MUS 121 Music Theory I MUS 102 Theory II transfers as MUS 122 Music Theory II MUS 103 Musicianship transfers as MUS 133 Practical Musicianship I MUS 104 Inter. Musicianship transfers as MUS 134 Practical Musicianship II MUS 105 Music Fundamentals transfers as GE MUS 120 Music Fundamentals MUS 115 Intro to Music History transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 116 A Survey of World Music transfers as GE MUS 201 Introduction to World Music MUS 117 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 118 Music Appreciation transfers as GE GE Humanities: Fine Arts MUS 120 Beg Keyboard/Piano transfers as MUS 103 Beginning Piano Class MUS 121 Beg Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 104 Elementary Piano Class MUS 130 Beginning Guitar transfers as MUS 110 Elementary Guitar Methods MUS 201 Adv Theory transfers as MUS 221 Music Theory III MUS 203 Adv Musicianship transfers as MUS 217 Practical Musicianship III MUS 220 Intermediate Keyboard/Piano I transfers as MUS 105 Intermediate Piano Class MUS 221 Interm Keyboard/Piano II transfers as MUS 106 Advanced - Intermediate Piano NUTR 100 Nutrition Today transfers as UNRS 120 Fund. of Human Nutrition OCEA 101 OCEA 101L Intro Oceanography Intro to Oceanography Lab transfers as GE GE GE Natural Sciences GE Natural Sciences Laboratory XXXX 101 Intro to Philosophy: Knowledge transfers as GE PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy PHSE 101L Physical Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 111 Aerobics/Conditioning transfers as GE FFL 117 FFL: Cardio Strength Fusion PHSE 118 Basketball Techniques transfers as GE FFL 110 Fitness for Life:Basketball PHSE 120 Golf, Beg transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 121 Golf, Intermediate transfers as PE 102 Leisure Time Prep: Golf PHSE 136 Tennis, Beg transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 137 Tennis, Intermediate transfers as PE 104 Leisure Time Prep: Tennis PHSE 140 Volleyball transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 141 Volleyball, Intermediate transfers as PE 103 Leisure Time Prep: Volleyball PHSE 142 Weight Training transfers as GE FFL 116 Fit for Life: Weight Training PHSE 150 Life Fitness transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 171 Intercoll Basketball transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHSE 188 Intercollegiate Soccer, Women transfers as GE GE Fitness for Life PHYS 111 Intro Physics I Waves transfers as GE PHYC 151 Physics for Life Sciences I PHYS 112 Intro Physics II 143 Elec, Mag, Optics, Atom/Nuc St transfers as PHYC 152 Physics for Life Sciences II PHYS 151 Prin of 165 Intro to Physics I transfers as GE PHYC 161 151 Physics for Sci & Engineer Life Sciences I PHYS 152 Principles of Physics II PHYSO 101 Introductory Human Physiology transfers as PHYC 162 Physics for Sci & Engineer II PLSC BIOL 251 Human Physiology POLS 101 Introduction to Political Scie transfers as POLI 160 Introduction to American Politics PLSC 102 American Institutions and Hist transfers as XX XXXX 150 American Government PLSC 103 Comparative Government POLS 102 Constitution & Rights of Ameri transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PLSC 150 POLS 110 International Relations transfers as POLI 180 Intro to International Relatio Relations POLS 131 American Politial Thought transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement POLS 140 Comparative Politics transfers as GE GE Civic Know. & Engagement PSYC 101 General Psychology transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 101H General Psychology Honors transfers as GE PSYC 110 General Psychology PSYC 103 104 Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology PSYC 104 Stats for Behavioral Science Social Psychology transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics GE Social Sciences PSYC 114 105 Abnormal Psych Psychology transfers as PSYC 360 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 121 111 Psych of Gender transfers as Psychology Elective PSYC 141 Human Development Lifespan transfers as GE PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development PSYC 145 Psych/Sociology of SIGN 125 ASL: Beg. Comm w/ the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the Family PSYC 205 Research Methods in Psychology Deaf transfers as GE PSYC 362 Research Methods in Psychology PSYC 211 Learning & Behavior Modificati ASL 101 American Sign Language I SIGN 126 ASL: Int. Comm w/ the Deaf transfers as PSYC 405 Psychology of Learning PSYC 260 Physiological Psych transfers as PSYC 292 Intro to Brain and Behavior SOC GE ASL 102 American Sign Language II SOCI 101 Intro to Sociology transfers as GE SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology SOC SOCI 102 Social Problems in the US transfers as SOC 225 Contemporary Social Problems SOC 103 SOCI 105 Intro to Stats for Social Psychology transfers as PSYC 320 Social Psychology SOC 104 Statistics for Behavioral Scie & Be transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 104H Stats for Behavioral Sciences transfers as GE MATH 130 Introduction to Statistics SOC 145 Quantitative Literacy SOCI 125 Sociology of the Family transfers as PSYC 445 Psychology of the SOC 230 Comparative Family Systems SPAN 101 Elem Spanish First Semester 1 transfers as GE SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 102 Elem Spanish Second Semester 2 transfers as GE SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 201 Inter 104 Spanish Third Semester transfers as SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 202 Interm Spanish 4th Semester 4 transfers as SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish IIII SPCO 100 Fundamentals of Public Speakin transfers as GE COMM 111 Public Communication SPCO 102 Intro to Human Comm transfers as GE GE Oral Communication THET 100 Intro Theatre Arts transfers as GE THTR 115 Introduction to Theater THET 160 Fund. of Acting transfers as THTR 113 Acting Fundamentals ZOOL 101 General Zoology transfers as GE GE Natural Sciences

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