Credit Balance Account. Your credit balance account has been established to cover incidental charges on your account that are not covered by your subscription fee. For example, international calls, toll free charges, Directory Assistance calls and taxes related to these calls are automatically charged to your credit balance account. A certain credit limit will be set on your account based upon your service plan and credit history. When the balance of your credit account reaches the credit limit, your account will be unable to make additional calls until the balance is paid down. You can make payments to reduce your credit balance account at any time by contacting our Customer Care Department at 0- 000-000-0000 or by email to xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx0.xx. Any credit balance used as of your subscription renewal or monthly anniversary date will be charged to the credit card on file.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Voip Service Agreement
Credit Balance Account. Your credit balance account has been established to cover incidental charges on your account that are not covered by your subscription fee. For example, international calls, toll free charges, Directory Assistance calls and taxes related to these calls are automatically charged to your credit balance account. A certain credit limit will be set on your account based upon your service plan and credit history. When the balance of your credit account reaches the credit limit, your account will be unable to make additional calls until the balance is paid down. You can make payments to reduce your credit balance account at any time by contacting our Customer Care Department at 0- 0001-000866-0000 305-0407 or by email to Any credit balance used as of your subscription renewal or monthly anniversary date will be charged to the credit card on file.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Voip Service Agreement
Credit Balance Account. Your credit balance account has been established to cover incidental charges on your account that are not covered by your subscription fee. For example, international calls, toll free charges, Directory Assistance calls and taxes related to these calls are automatically charged to your credit balance account. A certain credit limit will be set on your account based upon your service plan and credit history. When the balance of your credit account reaches the credit limit, your account will be unable to make additional calls until the balance is paid down. You can make payments to reduce your credit balance account at any time by contacting our Customer Care Department at 0- 000-000-0000 8606106014 or by email to Any credit balance used as of your subscription renewal or monthly anniversary date will be charged to the credit card on file.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Voip Service Agreement
Credit Balance Account. Your credit balance account has been established to cover incidental charges on your account that are not covered by your subscription fee. For example, international calls, toll free charges, Directory Assistance calls and taxes related to these calls are automatically charged to your credit balance account. A certain credit limit will be set on your account based upon your service plan and credit history. When the balance of your credit account reaches the credit limit, your account will be unable to make additional calls until the balance is paid down. You can make payments to reduce your credit balance account at any time by contacting our Customer Care Department at 0- 000-000-0000 or by email to Any credit balance used as of your subscription renewal or monthly anniversary date will be charged to the credit card on file.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Voip Service Agreement
Credit Balance Account. Your credit balance account has been established to cover incidental charges on your account that are not covered by your subscription fee. For example, international calls, toll free charges, Directory Assistance calls and taxes related to these calls are automatically charged to your credit balance account. A certain credit limit will be set on your account based upon your service plan and credit history. When the balance of your credit account reaches the credit limit, your account will be unable to make additional calls until the balance is paid down. You can make payments to reduce your credit balance account at any time by contacting our Customer Care Department at 0- 0-000-000-0000 or by email to Any credit balance used as of your subscription renewal or monthly anniversary date will be charged to the credit card payment method on file.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Voip Service Agreement
Credit Balance Account. Your credit balance account has been established to cover incidental charges on your account that are not covered by your subscription fee. For example, international calls, toll free charges, Directory Assistance calls and taxes related to these calls are automatically charged to your credit balance account. A certain credit limit will be set on your account based upon your service plan and credit history. When the balance of your credit account reaches the credit limit, your account will be unable to make additional calls until the balance is paid down. You can make payments to reduce your credit balance account at any time by contacting our Customer Care Department at 0- 0-000-000-0000 or by email to Any credit balance used as of your subscription renewal or monthly anniversary date will be charged to the credit card on file.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Voip Service Agreement
Credit Balance Account. Your credit balance account has been established to cover incidental charges on your account that are not covered by your subscription fee. For example, international calls, toll free charges, Directory Assistance calls and taxes related to these calls are automatically charged to your credit balance account. A certain credit limit will be set on your account based upon your service plan and credit history. When the balance of your credit account reaches the credit limit, your account will be unable to make additional calls until the balance is paid down. You can make payments to reduce your credit balance account at any time by contacting our Customer Care Department at 0- 0001-000941-0000 306-2200 or by email to Any credit balance used as of your subscription renewal or monthly anniversary date will be charged to the credit card on file.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Voip Service Agreement
Credit Balance Account. Your credit balance account has been established to cover incidental charges on your account that are not covered by your subscription fee. For example, international calls, toll free charges, Directory Assistance calls and taxes related to these calls are automatically charged to your credit balance account. A certain credit limit will be set on your account based upon your service plan and credit history. When the balance of your credit account reaches the credit limit, your account will be unable to make additional calls until the balance is paid down. You can make payments to reduce your credit balance account at any time by contacting our Customer Care Department at 0- 0-000-000-0000 or by email to Any credit balance used as of your subscription renewal or monthly anniversary date will be charged to the credit card on file.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Voip Service Agreement
Credit Balance Account. Your credit balance account has been established to cover incidental charges on your account that are not covered by your subscription fee. For example, international calls, toll free charges, Directory Assistance calls and taxes related to these calls are automatically charged to your credit balance account. A certain credit limit will be set on your account based upon your service plan and credit history. When the balance of your credit account reaches the credit limit, your account will be unable to make additional calls until the balance is paid down. You can make payments to reduce your credit balance account at any time by contacting our Customer Care Department at 0- 0001-000888-0000 608-3060 or by email to Any credit balance used as of your subscription renewal or monthly anniversary date will be charged to the credit card payment method on file.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Voip Services Agreement
Credit Balance Account. Your credit balance account has been established to cover incidental charges on your account that are not covered by your subscription fee. For example, international calls, toll free charges, Directory Assistance calls and taxes related to these calls are automatically charged to your credit balance account. A certain credit limit will be set on your account based upon your service plan and credit history. When the balance of your credit account reaches the credit limit, your account will be unable to make additional calls until the balance is paid down. You can make payments to reduce your credit balance account at any time by contacting our Customer Care Department at 0- 000-000-0000 or by email to Any credit balance used as of your subscription renewal or monthly anniversary date will be charged to the credit card on file.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Voip Service Agreement