Description of Pond Project Sample Clauses

Description of Pond Project. 1. It is anticipated that the following improvements will be made for the Pond Project: excavation and grading of the pond to an average depth of 8 feet; installation of a trail to the pond, a parking lot, lights at the parking lot, natural landscaping around the pond; a pond aeration system; and control structures. The costs of these items will be allocated as outlined below.

Related to Description of Pond Project

  • DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT For the Company to be eligible to earn the Maximum Credit Amount, the Company will satisfy its obligations as reflected in the following representations, which the IEDC has relied upon: A. The Company will complete the Project at the Project Location. B. The Company represents that the number of permanent, Full-Time Employees (as defined in Indiana Code § 6–3.1–13–4) from whom Indiana state income tax withholdings are retained by the State of Indiana, employed as of the Commencement Date at the Project Location, is the Base Employment Number. C. The Project will result in the creation of New Employees (as defined in Indiana Code § 6- 3.1-13-6) at the Project Location of at least the Additional Jobs Commitment. D. The average of the hourly wages, before benefits, paid to New Employees at the Project Location, will at least equal the Average Wage Commitment. E. At the discretion of the IEDC, New Employees that are paid an average wage of less than the Minimum Wage Commitment may be excluded for the purpose of calculating the credit amount. F. The Project is anticipated to involve at least the Capital Investment Amount.

  • Description of Projects Services a. Project/Services to be performed by A-E shall consist of the work as specified herein and as required in Attachment A. If in the event Attachment A shall be in conflict with any provision of this Contract, the wording as set forth in Attachment A shall prevail. b. A-E shall be responsible for submitting all Projects/Services to County in a form which has been thoroughly reviewed and checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency by the registered professional named in Section 1.1.2 herein; and, any Projects/Services not meeting this requirement will be returned to A-E prior to review by County.


  • DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES In consideration of the performance of all the covenants and conditions herein, as of the effective date of residence, the BSC does hereby undertake to provide room or room and board service to Member as described below. This Contract does not guarantee specific apartment complexes, apartments, houses, rooms, room sizes, or roommates, and the BSC reserves the right to reassign members within the BSC, at any time during the term hereof, in order to make the most effective use of available space, or for any other reason to further the harmony, effectiveness or other organizational goals that the Board of Directors may from time to time determine. As such, Member may have exclusive or non-exclusive rights to use the apartment/bedroom they are assigned (depending on whether or not they are assigned a roommate(s)) and non-exclusive rights to use the common areas of the unit to which they are assigned.

  • DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY 13.1 The Property as referred to in the Proclamation of Sale shall be deemed to have been correctly and sufficiently described. 13.2 All intended bidders including the Purchaser shall be deemed to have sought independent legal advice, made necessary enquiries, searches and inspection of the Property and is satisfied with the identity, description, state and condition of the Property. 13.3 In the event of any error, misstatement, omission and/or misdescription of any kind relating to the Property in the Proclamation of Sale or any other documents, such error, misstatement, omission and/or misdescription shall not in any manner annul the sale, nor shall there be any adjustment of the Purchase Price nor shall compensation be allowed nor shall the Bank be open to any liability of any form. 13.4 If the land or floor area of the property is found to exceed that as described and additional payment is imposed for the excess area by the Developer and/or relevant authorities, then such additional payment shall be solely and absolutely borne and paid by the Purchaser 13.5 If the land or floor area of the property is found to be less that as described, any claim for the reduced area shall be undertaken solely by the Purchaser against the Developer and/or such party and neither the Assignee/ Bank , the Assignee/ Bank’s solicitors nor the Auctioneer shall in any way responsible or liable for such claim. The auction sale herein shall not be annulled and there shall not be any adjustment of the Purchase Price as a result of such shortfall in the area of the Property.

  • Project Description In two or three brief sentences, provide a concise description of your exhibition. Include the subject matter, type of objects to be included (paintings, sculpture, manuscripts, etc.), those responsible for organizing the exhibition, and catalogue author(s).

  • Description of Property A narrative description of the Real Estate, the improvements thereon and the tenants and Leases relating to such Real Estate.

  • System Description The wet detention basin is designed to trap 80% of sediment in runoff and maintain pre-development downstream peak flows. The basin has two forebays (smaller ponds) located at the low end of two grass xxxxxx. In addition to runoff conveyance, the grass xxxxxx also allow infiltration and filtering of pollutants, especially from smaller storms. The forebays are each 4 feet deep. They are connected to the main pool by 18 and 24-inch metal pipes that outlet onto a rock chute. The forebays will trap coarse sediments in runoff, such as road sands, thus reducing maintenance of the main basin. The main pool will trap the finer suspended sediment. To do this, the pond size, water level and outlet structures must be maintained as specified in this Agreement (see Figures 1, 2 and 3). The main basin receives runoff from a 67.1 acre drainage area (41.2 acres within the subdivision and 25.9 acres off-site drainage coming from the east). During high rainfall or snow melt events, the water level will temporarily rise and slowly drain down to the elevation of the control structure. The water level is controlled by a 12-inch concrete pipe extending through the berm in the northwest corner of the basin (see Figures 1 and 3). On the face of the 12-inch pipe, there is metal plate with a 3-inch drilled hole (orifice) with stone in front of it. This orifice controls the water level and causes the pond to temporarily rise during runoff events. Washed stone (1- 2” diameter) is placed in front of the orifice to prevent clogging. High flows may enter the grated concrete riser or flow over the rock lined emergency spillway. “As-built” construction drawings of the basin, showing actual dimensions, elevations, outlet structures, etc. will be recorded as an addendum(s) to this agreement within 60 days after [Municipality Name] accepts verification of construction from the project engineer.

  • Property Description The undersigned Xxxxxxxxx agrees to purchase from the undersigned owner (seller) through Ohio Real Estate Auctions, County, OH and known as

  • ITEM DESCRIPTION Equipment (include VIN, make, model, year, serial no., accessories, or other identifying features): 12. NO. OF OPERATORS PER SHIFT 13. HRLY/ DAILY/ MILEAGE SHIFT BASIS 14. SPECIAL 15. GUARANTEE (8 HOURS) Portable Toilet Rental – Serviced(Includes first day delivery/last day pickup and daily rental rate per unit) 1 $75 Daily Ea. Portable Toilet Rental – Unserviced(Rental only, no daily service call) 1 $45 Daily Ea. Accessible Portable Toilet Rental – Serviced(Includes first day delivery/last day pickup and daily rental rate per unit) 1 $95 Daily Ea. Accessible Portable Toilet Rental – Unserviced(Rental only, no daily service call) 1 $65 Daily Ea.