Durable rock definition

Durable rock means rock that:

Examples of Durable rock in a sentence

  • Terraces on the fill shall be graded with a 3- to 5- percent grade toward the fill and a 1- percent slope toward the rock core.(3) The drainage control system shall be capable of passing safely the runoff from a 100-year, 24-hour precipitation event, or larger event specified by the regulatory authority.(d) Durable rock fills.

  • Durable rock fills use end-dumping as a means of spoil placement.

  • Durable rock, (¼” to 3/8”) for the pervious concrete component, > 2.5 sp.

  • Durable rock is defined in Federal regulations at 30 CFR 816 / 817.73(b) as rock which does not slake in water and will not degrade to soil material.

  • Durable rock fills are not limited to steep slopes, but in practice have been the most common fill construction technique in steep slope areas.Surface coal mining activities other than excess spoil fills may also involve disturbance of stream channels.

  • Durable rock is determined by the slake durability index, as identified in the preamble to Section 715.15(b)(2)(iv).

  • Durable rock is fed to a primary gyratory crusher from haul trucks directly from the mine or rehandled from the oxide ROM piles (either from a front-end loader or haul trucks).

  • Durable rock or gravel with an upper size limit of ¾-inch (3/4 inch minus) with a high percentage crushed so the angular, rough sides will bind or lock together.

  • Durable rock underdrains and protective filters shall be constructed of nondegradable, non­ acid or non-toxic forming rock (i.e., natural sand and gravel, sandstone, limestone, or other durable rock) that will not slake in water and w ill be free of coal, clay and shale.

  • Durable rock has properties that cause the material to be hard and lasting.

Related to Durable rock

  • Durable medical equipment means equipment which:

  • durable medium means any instrument which enables the traveller or the trader to store information addressed personally to him in a way accessible for future reference for a period of time adequate for the purposes of the information and which allows the unchanged reproduction of the information stored;

  • Cannabis processing facility means a person that:

  • direct shipping ore means iron ore which has an average pure iron content of not less than sixty per cent (60%) which will not pass through a one half (½) inch mesh screen and which is sold without concentration or other beneficiation other than crushing and screening;

  • LOCKHEED MARTIN Procurement Representative means a person authorized by LOCKHEED MARTIN's cognizant procurement organization to administer and/or execute this Contract.

  • Clean coal technology demonstration project means a project using funds appropriated under the heading “Department of Energy—Clean Coal Technology,” up to a total amount of $2,500,000,000 for commercial demonstration of clean coal technology, or similar projects funded through appropriations for the Environmental Protection Agency. The federal contribution for a qualifying project shall be at least 20 percent of the total cost of the demonstration project.

  • Motorboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • commercial air transport means an aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, cargo, or mail for remuneration or hire.

  • Transportation Service Agreement means the contract between KUB and the Customer whereby KUB agrees to provide transportation gas service to the Customer.

  • Disposable respirator means a respirator for which maintenance is not intended and that is designed to be discarded after excessive breathing resistance, sorbent exhaustion, physical damage, or end-of-service-life renders it unsuitable for use. Examples of this type of respirator are a disposable half-mask respirator or a disposable escape-only self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).

  • Beer means any liquid capable of being used for beverage purposes made by the fermentation of an infusion in potable water of barley, malt, and hops, with or without unmalted grains or decorticated and degerminated grains or made by the fermentation of or by distillation of the fermented products of fruit, fruit extracts, or other agricultural products, containing more than one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume but not more than six and twenty-five hundredths percent of alcohol by volume.

  • NBOME means the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, an organization that prepares and administers qualifying examinations for osteopathic physicians.

  • the Academy means the school referred to in Article 4 and established by the Academy Trust;

  • Non-Participating Durable Medical Equipment Provider means a Durable Medical Equipment Provider who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • Public School Student Accessing Courses at a Distance means a student who is scheduled for a full course load through the District and attends all classes virtually.

  • Participating Durable Medical Equipment Provider means a Durable Medical Equipment Provider who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • LOCKHEED XXXXXX Procurement Representative means a person authorized by LOCKHEED XXXXXX'x cognizant procurement organization to administer and/or execute this Contract.

  • Spirits means any beverage which contains alcohol obtained by distillation mixed with drinkable water and other substances in solution, including, but not limited to, brandy, rum, whisky, and gin.

  • Merchant Shipping Notice means a Notice described as such, issued by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, and any reference to a particular Merchant Shipping Notice includes a reference to any such document amending or replacing that Notice which is considered by the Secretary of State to be relevant from time to time;

  • Clean coal SNG facility means a facility that uses a

  • Outboard motor means a detachable self-contained propulsion unit, excluding

  • Licensed site remediation professional means an individual who is licensed by the Site Remediation Professional Licensing Board pursuant to section 7 of P.L.2009, c.60 (C.58:10C-7) or the department pursuant to section 12 of P.L.2009, c.60 (C.58:10C-12).

  • Substance use disorder professional means a person

  • Transportation network company driver or “driver” means an

  • Double Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in two or more distinct phases that requires the product container be shaken before use to mix the phases, producing an emulsion.

  • Transportation project means any project that the department is authorized by law to undertake including but not limited to a highway, tollway, bridge, mass transit, intelligent transportation system, traffic management, traveler information services, or any other project for transportation purposes.