ER3M SPECIAL USE PERMITS. 6. Day care center or child care center for five (5) seven (7) or more children
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  • Building Permits All building permits required for the construction of the Improvements have been obtained prior to the commencement of the construction of the Improvements and copies of same will be delivered to Lessor.

  • PARKING PERMITS A. Must be obtained on the day of move in.

  • Applicable Permits Written confirmation that all Applicable Permits then required are in full force and effect including a list of such clearances.

  • LAWS, LICENSES, PERMITS AND REGULATIONS Contractor and County agree to comply with all State laws and regulations that pertain to construction, health and safety, labor, minimum wage, fair employment practice, equal opportunity, and all other matters applicable to Contractor and County, their sub-grantees, Contractors, or subcontractor, and their work. Contractor shall possess and maintain all necessary licenses, permits, certificates and credentials required by the laws of the United States, the State of California, County of Merced and all other appropriate governmental agencies, including any certification and credentials required by County. Failure to maintain the licenses, permits, certificates, and credentials shall be deemed a breach of this Agreement and constitutes grounds for the termination of this Agreement by County.

  • Building Permit As soon as the Final Interior Plans have been approved by Landlord and Tenant, Landlord shall apply for a building permit for the Interior Improvements, and shall diligently prosecute to completion such approval process.

  • Required Permits Unless otherwise stated in the RFP documents, all local, State or Federal permits which may be required to provide the services ensuing from award of this RFP, whether or not they are known to either CMHA or the proposers at the time of the proposal submittal deadline or the award, shall be the sole responsibility of the successful proposer and any costs submitted by the proposer shall reflect all costs required by the successful proposer to procure and provide such necessary permits.

  • COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, LICENSES, PERMITS, AND INSURANCE POLICIES A. For each Term of this Agreement, Concessionaire shall obtain, pay for, maintain, and comply with all licenses, permits, certifications, authorizations, approvals, or any other documents required by all applicable government agency having jurisdiction over the Concession Premises or the conduct of Concessionaire's operations thereon. Concessionaire shall provide Department with written evidence that such applicable licenses, permits, authorizations, or other required documents have been obtained prior to commencement of the activity or operation covered by the license, permit, authorization, or other documentation. No operation shall begin until Concessionaire has provided such written evidence to Department.

  • Surveys, Permits, and Regulations The Owner shall furnish all surveys unless otherwise specified. Permits and licenses of a temporary nature necessary for the prosecution of the Work shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor. Permits, licenses, and easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities shall be obtained and paid for by the Owner unless otherwise specified. The Contractor and its Subcontractors must pay any municipal or county occupational licenses, taxes, or fees, if any. The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations bearing on the conduct of the Work. If the Contractor observes that the drawings or specifications are at variance with any such laws, ordinances, rules or regulations, he shall promptly notify the Owner in writing, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the Contract for changes in the Work. If the Contractor performs any Work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules or regulations without such notice to the Owner, he shall bear all costs arising therefrom. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to impose design responsibility on the Contractor except as noted in the Contract Documents.

  • Business Licenses, Permits, and Certificates The Contractor represents and warrants that all employees and personnel associated shall comply with federal, state, and local laws requiring any required licenses, permits, and certificates necessary to perform the Services under this Agreement.

  • Supplemental Work Authorizations Before additional work may be performed or additional costs incurred, a change in a work authorization shall be enacted by a written supplemental work authorization in the form identified and attached hereto as Attachment D. Both parties must execute a supplemental work authorization within the period of performance specified in the work authorization. The State shall not be responsible for actions by the Engineer or any costs incurred by the Engineer relating to additional work not directly associated with the performance or prior to the execution of the work authorization. The Engineer shall allow adequate time for review and approval of the supplemental work authorization by the State prior to expiration of the work authorization. Any supplemental work authorization must be executed by both parties within the time period established in Article 2 of the contract, (Contract Period). Under no circumstances will a work authorization be allowed to extend beyond the contract's expiration date or will the total amount of funds exceed the maximum amount payable set forth in Article 3A of the contract (Compensation).

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