Evidence of Title and Title Examination Sample Clauses

Evidence of Title and Title Examination a. Within fifteen (15) days after the Effective Date, Seller, at Seller’s own expense, shall furnish the following to Buyer (collectively the “Title Evidence”):
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Evidence of Title and Title Examination. Buyer and Seller acknowledge that title to the Real Property will be transferred to Buyer at Closing. Title given will be marketable and insurable at regular rates by any reputable title insurance company selected by Buyer which is authorized to transact business in the State of Minnesota and subject to existing restrictions and easements of record or visible on the ground, ordinances, easements of roads, privileges and rights of public services and utility companies, if any, and all other exceptions listed on Exhibit D as “Permitted Exceptions”. If title to the Real Property is not, at Closing, insurable as herein set forth, Buyer shall notify Seller and Seller, at its option but is under no obligation to cure such defect, shall have an additional thirty (30) days to cure such defect. If Seller is unable or unwilling to cure such defect within such additional period, Buyer may elect, as its sole right and remedy, either (i) to take such title as Seller can convey, with abatement of the Purchase Price only to the extent of monetary liens of a fixed amount, or (ii) to receive on written demand the return of the Escrow and upon such repayment, this Agreement shall be and become null and void, neither party shall have any further rights or obligations hereunder, and all executed counterparts of this Agreement shall be returned to Seller for cancellation.

Related to Evidence of Title and Title Examination

  • Evidence of Title Evidence that title to a REO is held by the Trustee shall be submitted by the Servicer to the Master Servicer and, if applicable, to the Primary Mortgage Insurer and/or the Pool Insurer, within ten Business Days after marketable title to such REO has been acquired.

  • Title Examination Within thirty (30) days after Purchaser’s exercise of the Option, Purchaser shall have the right to obtain, at Purchaser’s expense, a current survey of the Property (the “Updated Survey”) and an ALTA Title Commitment for the Property from a title company acceptable to Purchaser (the “Title Company”), setting forth the status of title to the Property, and showing all liens, claims, encumbrances, reservations, restrictions and other matters, if any, relating to the Property (the “Title Commitment”), including legible copies of all encumbrances, restrictive covenants and other documents evidencing exceptions to said Title Commitment (the “Exception Documents”). If the Title Commitment and/or Updated Survey reveals any exception(s) to title to which Purchaser objects (a “Title Objection”) and is(are) not either (i) listed as title exceptions in the title insurance policy and/or survey obtained by Seller in connection with the closing of the Mezzanine Loan and/or (ii) permitted by this Agreement (collectively, the “Permitted Encumbrances”), Purchaser may notify Seller in writing that it would like Seller to cure or remove such Title Objections. Seller shall have the right, but not the obligation (except as set forth below), to remedy or cure any such Title Objection(s) during the twenty (20) day period following Seller’s receipt thereof (the “Cure Period”). Purchaser shall have the continuing right to have such title examination and Title Commitments updated from time to time, and to obtain updates to the Survey, and to give Seller written notice of any Title Objections appearing of record, or otherwise created, after the effective date of the initial Title Commitment and being revealed by any title examination, Survey or investigation of the Property, and Purchaser shall be entitled to object (in the same manner as set forth hereinabove) to matters shown by the updated Title Commitments or updated Survey or investigations. Seller shall have the right, but not the obligation (except as set forth below), to remedy those Title Objections identified by Purchaser to the satisfaction of Purchaser within twenty (20) days after Purchaser’s notice. If any of the Title Objections are not so cured or remedied, or provision satisfactory to Purchaser made therefor, prior to any closing date selected by Purchaser, then Purchaser, at its election, shall have the right and option to either: (a) accept title to the Property subject to said uncured Title Objections that Purchaser elects to accept, and any Title Objection accepted by Purchaser in writing shall become part of the Permitted Encumbrances; or (b) terminate this Agreement by written notice to Seller, in which event, immediately upon receipt of said notice, this Agreement shall terminate, be null and void and of no further force or effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller, at Seller’s sole cost and expense, shall be obligated to cure or remove at or before Closing all mortgages, deeds of trust, deeds to secure debt, judgments liens, mechanics and materialman’s liens, and other monetary liens against the Property, whether or not Purchaser objects thereto, and Purchaser shall credit the cost to cure, satisfy, release and remove such matters against the Purchase Price provided the same is actually paid by Purchaser or Title Company on Seller’s behalf. In addition, Seller shall not allow any easements, liens, leases, licenses, permits or other encumbrances to be placed on or granted with respect to the Property, nor shall Seller convey any rights in the Property, without the prior written consent of Purchaser, except to the extent expressly permitted, or consented to in writing by Purchaser under the Mezzanine Loan Documents. If any such prohibited easements, liens, leases, licenses, permits or other encumbrances arise after the Effective Date, notwithstanding any other term or provision of this Agreement to the contrary, Seller shall, at its sole cost and expense, cure, satisfy, release and remove such matters prior to Closing; provided, however, that any easements or encumbrances that are taken by eminent domain shall be governed by the terms of Section 5 immediately below.

  • Defense of Title Warrant and defend title to and ownership of the Pledged Collateral of such Pledgor at its own expense against the claims and demands of all other parties claiming an interest therein, keep the Pledged Collateral free from all Liens, except for Permitted Liens, and not sell, exchange, transfer, assign, lease or otherwise dispose of Pledged Collateral of such Pledgor or any interest therein, except as permitted under the Credit Agreement and the other Credit Documents.

  • Survey and Title Approval 8 4.1 Survey...........................................................8 4.2 Title............................................................8 4.3 Survey or Title Objections.......................................8

  • Title and Survey Matters Within fifteen (15) Business Days following the Effective Date, Sellers shall cause Escrow Agent (in its capacity as title company issuing the title policy described below, (“Title Company”)) to furnish to Buyer and Sellers title commitments (the “Title Commitments”) with respect to the Property together with copies of all instruments listed as exceptions to title. Within ten (10) Business Days following Buyer’s receipt of the Title Commitments, Buyer shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause a duly licensed Oklahoma surveyor to furnish to Buyer and Sxxxxxx XXXX/NSPS land title surveys of the Real Property (the “Surveys”). Buyer will have until the expiration of the Inspection Period to give written notice to Sellers specifying Buyer’s objections to the Title Commitment, title exceptions listed therein, and the Surveys (collectively, “Title Objections”), if any. If Buyer timely notifies Sellers in writing of the Title Objections, Sellers shall have five (5) business days after receipt of such notice (the “Title Cure Period”) to elect (but shall have no obligation whatsoever) to cure any Title Objection, and if so elected, shall either (a) satisfy the Title Objections at Sellers’ sole cost and expense and cause the Title Company to revise the Title Commitment to reflect such satisfaction, or (b) provide Buyer and the Title Company with satisfactory evidence that Sellers can and will cure such Title Objections prior to or at Closing; provided, however, Sellers shall be obligated to remove, pay and/or satisfy prior to or at Closing any monetary liens against the Property created or incurred by or through Sellers (each, a “Monetary Lien”). Failure by Sellers to timely respond in writing to any Title Objections shall be deemed Sellers’ decision not to cure any Title Objections. If Sellers elect not to satisfy any of the Title Objections within the Title Cure Period, Buyer shall have the option, exercisable within five (5) days after the expiration of the Title Cure Period, to either (i) waive the unsatisfied Title Objections, in which event the unsatisfied Title Objections will become Permitted Exceptions (hereinafter defined), or (ii) terminate this Agreement in which event the Deposit shall automatically be refunded and returned forthwith to Buyer and, except as expressly set forth herein, neither party shall have any further liability or obligation to the other hereunder. If Buyer fails to notify Sellers in writing within five (5) days after the expiration of the Title Cure Period that Buyer has elected to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 3.4, then Buyer shall be deemed to have waived all unsatisfied Title Objections. If, after the expiration of the Inspection Period, Title Company amends or adds any exception to the Title Commitments other than at the request of Buyer (including any liens against the Property for a liquidated amount that Sellers are not obligated hereunder to satisfy at Closing), the Title Company will notify Buyer and Sellers immediately. Within two (2) business days after Buyer receives notice from Title Company (and the Closing Date shall be extended if needed so that the Closing shall not occur prior to the end of such two (2) Business Day period), together with a copy of such intervening lien or matter, Buyer shall notify Sellers in writing of any objections thereto (a “Supplemental Title Objection”). If Buyer fails to notify Sellers of such Supplemental Title Objection within such two (2) Business Day period, Buyer shall be deemed to have waived any objection and approved all such exceptions. If the Supplemental Title Objection is material and adverse to the Property, is not caused by Buyer and Sellers do not agree to remove such matter (other than any Monetary Lien), then Buyer may within two (2) business days after the Supplemental Title Objection, terminate this Agreement in which event the Deposit shall automatically be refunded and returned forthwith to Buyer and, except as expressly set forth herein, neither party shall have any further liability or obligation to the other hereunder. If Sellers have not received written notice from Buyer that Buyer has elected to terminate this Agreement within such two (2) Business Day period of time, then Buyer shall be deemed to have waived any unsatisfied Supplemental Title Objection. “Permitted Exceptions” shall mean any title or survey item, other than Monetary Liens: (i) not raised as Title Objections by Buyer, or (ii) raised as Title Objections by Buyer but thereafter waived or deemed waived.

  • Defense of Title to Collateral Each Borrower shall at all times defend its title to Collateral and Agent’s Liens therein against all Persons, claims and demands whatsoever, except Permitted Liens.

  • Title and Survey Seller shall, at Seller's sole cost and expense, obtain and deliver to Purchaser for Purchaser's review a commitment for a standard owner's policy of title insurance along with a copy of each instrument listed as an exception thereon other than Seller's debt instruments (the "Title Commitment") on the Real Property issued by the Title Company. Seller has delivered to Purchaser a copy of the Existing Survey which Purchaser shall reimburse Seller for as provided in Section 4 hereof. During the Due Diligence Period, Seller shall obtain from the Title Company at Seller's sole cost and expense a survey endorsement and, if and to the extent available, contiguity, fairway and PUD endorsements. Purchaser may elect to receive an update to the Existing Survey (the "Updated Survey") by notifying Seller of such election in writing prior to November 6, 1997. If Purchaser so elects, Seller shall, at Purchaser's sole cost and expense, obtain and deliver to Purchaser for Purchaser's review the Updated Survey. Purchaser shall have until the later of November 6, 1997 and the date which is fifteen days after receipt of the Title Commitment and Existing Survey (such date being referred to as the "Title Review Date") for examination of Title Commitment and Existing Survey and the making of any objections thereto, said objections to be made in writing and delivered to Seller on or before the end of the Title Review Date. If Purchaser shall fail to make any objections on or before the Title Review Date, Purchaser shall be deemed to have accepted all exceptions to the Title Commitment shown on Schedule B, Section II, except for exceptions 1, 2, 3 and 4, and the form and substance of the Existing Survey and all matters shown thereon; all such exceptions and matters shall be included in the term "Permitted Exceptions" as used herein. In the event Purchaser elects to receive the Updated Survey, then Purchaser shall have until the Title Review Date for examination of the Updated Survey and the making of objections to matters shown thereon, such objections to be made in writing and delivered to Seller on or before the expiration of the Title Review Date. If Purchaser shall fail to make any such objections to the Updated Survey on or before such date, Purchaser shall be deemed to have accepted the form and substance of the Updated Survey and all matters shown thereon; all such exceptions and matters shall be included as Permitted Exceptions. If any objections to (i) the Title Commitment or Existing Survey or exceptions to title are made within the Title Review Period, or (ii) the Updated Survey are made before the date specified above, then Seller shall have the right, but not the obligation except as hereafter provided, to cure (by removal, endorsement or otherwise) such objections on or before the Closing Date in a manner reasonably acceptable to Purchaser. If the objections are not cured by Seller no later than five (5) days before the scheduled Closing Date, then Purchaser may as its only option, elect to either: (i) waive such objection and consummate the transaction contemplated by this Agreement; or (ii) terminate this Agreement, in which event the Xxxxxxx Money shall be returned to Purchaser and neither party shall have any further obligations to the other party except for the Surviving Obligations. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Seller shall be obligated to remove (or cause the Title Company to affirmatively insure over in a manner reasonably acceptable to Purchaser) (i) any deeds of trust, mortgages, and related loan documents securing any financing obtained by Seller, including, without limitation, the existing loan with Continental Bank, N.A. (the "Existing Loan"), (ii) any mechanic's or materialmen's liens relating to work done by or on behalf of Seller and (iii) any tax or judgment liens against Seller. Seller agrees to use best efforts to satisfy all of the requirements set forth in Schedule B - Section 1 of the Commitment at or prior to the Closing Date.

  • Passage of Title and Risk of Loss Legal title, equitable title and risk of loss with respect to the Acquired Assets will not pass to Buyer until the Acquired Assets are transferred at the Closing.

  • POLICY TITLE AND OWNERSHIP Title and ownership shall reside in the Bank for its use and for the use of the Insured all in accordance with this Agreement. The Bank alone may, to the extent of its interest, exercise the right to borrow or withdraw on the policy cash values. Where the Bank and the Insured (or assignee, with the consent of the Insured) mutually agree to exercise the right to increase the coverage under the subject Split Dollar policy, then, in such event, the rights, duties and benefits of the parties to such increased coverage shall continue to be subject to the terms of this Agreement.

  • Conveyance of Title At Closing, Seller shall convey and transfer to Buyer such title to the Property as will enable the Title Company to issue to Buyer, at Buyer's expense, an ALTA owner's policy of title insurance (the "Title Policy") covering the Property, in the full amount of the Purchase Price. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the Property shall be conveyed subject only to the following matters, which shall be deemed to be Permitted Exceptions:

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