Finance Charges A finance charge is the cost you pay for credit. We will charge Interest Charges and Fees to your account as described to you in your statements and other Truth in Lending Disclosures. The following describes how the finance charge will be calculated on the Account. You have a 25-day grace (no finance charge) period on your purchase balance and for new purchases if you paid the entire New Balance on your last statement by the end of the grace period. You also have a 25-day grace period for new purchases if you did not have a balance on your last statement. The grace period starts on the billing cycle closing date. If you do not pay the entire New Balance by the end of the grace period, a finance charge will be imposed on the unpaid balance from the first day of the next billing cycle and on new purchases from the date they are posted to your Account. There is no grace period for cash advances. A finance charge will be imposed on cash advances from the date the cash advance is posted to your Account. Balance transfers as permitted by Credit Union from time to time in Credit Union’s sole discretion will be treated as cash advances for the purpose of all finance charges and finance charge calculations. Finance charges on your Account are calculated by applying the applicable Monthly Periodic Rate to the average daily balances for purchases and cash advances. Separate average daily balances are calculated for purchases and cash advances. To get each average daily balance, the daily balances for purchases and cash advances for the billing cycle are added and the totals are divided by the number of days in the cycle. To get the daily balance for cash advances, new cash advances are added to the day’s beginning balance and payments and credits are subtracted. To get the daily balance for purchases, new purchases are added to the day’s beginning balance and payments and credits are subtracted; however, new purchases are not added if you paid the entire New Balance on your last statement by the end of the grace period or if you did not have a balance on your last statement. Fees and unpaid finance charges are not included in the calculation of the average daily balance. Finance charges will continue to accrue on your Account until what you owe under this Agreement is paid in full. Credit Union may offer balance transfer, introductory rate, or other special rate promotions for your Account from time to time in Credit Union’s sole discretion. The applicable Monthly Periodic Rate and ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE for any promotion and any promotion terms and conditions will be disclosed to before or at the time you make use of such promotion.