Exclusivity of Hematology Antigen Sets Sample Clauses

Exclusivity of Hematology Antigen Sets. During the Term of this Hematology Alliance Agreement and also, if any Hematology Commercial Option is exercised, the term of the applicable Hematology Commercial License Agreement, THP covenants that it will not: (a) grant a license to any Third Party to use the THP Technology and a Designated Hematology Antigen Set which is the subject of that Hematology Commercial License for the production of a polyclonal antibody product in any field of use; (b) grant a license to any Third Party to use an Exclusive Antigen in conjunction with the THP Technology for the production of a polyclonal antibody product for any Hematologic Use; (c) itself, or through an Affiliate, use the THP Technology and a Designated Antigen Set which is the subject of that Hematology Commercial License for the production of a polyclonal antibody product in any field of use; and (d) itself, or through an Affiliate, use an Exclusive Antigen in conjunction with the THP Technology for the production of a polyclonal antibody product for any Hematologic Use. “Exclusive Antigen” means a Hematology Antigen within a Designated Hematology Antigen Set which is the ** This redacted material has been omitted pursuant to a request for confidential treatment, and the material has been filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
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Related to Exclusivity of Hematology Antigen Sets

  • Commercialization License Subject to the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation Section 2.2 and Theravance's Co-Promotion rights in Section 5.3.2, Theravance hereby grants to GSK, and GSK accepts, an exclusive license under the Theravance Patents and Theravance Know-How to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale and import Alliance Products in the Territory.

  • Exclusivity of Services The Subadviser shall devote its best efforts and such time as it deems necessary to provide prompt and expert service to Client and the Fund. The services of Subadviser to be provided hereunder are not to be deemed exclusive and Subadviser shall be free to provide similar services for its own account and the accounts of other persons and to receive compensation for such services. Client acknowledges that Subadviser and its Affiliates and Subadviser's other clients may at any time, have, acquire, increase, decrease or dispose of positions in the same investments which are at the same time being held, acquired for or disposed of under this Agreement for the Fund. Subadviser shall have no obligation to acquire or dispose of a position in any investment pursuant to this Agreement simply because Subadviser, its directors, members, Affiliates or employees invest in such a position for its or their own accounts or for the account of another client.

  • Non-Exclusivity of Services The Manager is free to act for its own account and to provide investment management services to others. The Fund acknowledges that the Manager and its officers and employees, and the Manager's other funds, may at any time have, acquire, increase, decrease or dispose of positions in the same investments which are at the same time being held, acquired or disposed of under this Agreement for the Fund. Neither the Manager nor any of its officers or employees shall have any obligation to effect a transaction under this Agreement simply because such a transaction is effected for his or its own account or for the account of another fund. Fund agrees that the Manager may refrain from providing any advice or services concerning securities of companies for which any officers, directors, partners or employees of the Manager or any of the Manager's affiliates act as financial adviser, investment manager or in any capacity that the Manager deems confidential, unless the Manager determines in its sole discretion that it may appropriately do so. The Fund appreciates that, for good commercial and legal reasons, material nonpublic information which becomes available to affiliates of the Manager through these relationships cannot be passed on to Fund.

  • Services and Exclusivity of Services The Company and Executive ------------------------------------ recognize that the services to be rendered by Executive are of such a nature as to be peculiarly rendered by Executive, encompass the individual ability, managerial skills and business experience of Executive and cannot be measured exclusively in terms of hours or services rendered in any particular period. Executive agrees to devote Executive's full business time and to use Executive's best efforts, energy and ability exclusively toward advancing the business, affairs and interests of the Company, and matters related thereto.

  • Tests and Preclinical and Clinical Trials The preclinical studies and clinical trials conducted by or, to the Company’s knowledge, on behalf of the Company, that are described in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, as applicable, and are intended to be submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (the “FDA”) or other comparable government entities, were and, if still ongoing, are being conducted in all material respects in accordance with experimental protocols, procedures and controls pursuant to accepted professional scientific standards and all Authorizations and Applicable Laws, including, without limitation, current Good Clinical Practices and Good Laboratory Practices and any applicable rules and regulations of the jurisdiction in which such trials and studies are being conducted; the descriptions of the results of such studies and trials contained in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus are, to the Company’s knowledge, accurate and complete in all material respects and fairly present the data derived from such studies and trials; except to the extent disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, the Company is not aware of any studies or trials, the results of which the Company believes reasonably call into question the study or trial results described or referred to in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package and the Prospectus when viewed in the context in which such results are described and the clinical stage of development; and, except to the extent disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Pricing Disclosure Package or the Prospectus, the Company has not received any written notices or written correspondence from the FDA or any governmental entity requiring the termination or suspension of any preclinical studies or clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of the Company, other than ordinary course communications with respect to modifications in connection with the design and implementation of such trials, copies of which communications have been made available to you.

  • Commercialization Intrexon shall have the right to develop and Commercialize the Reverted Products itself or with one or more Third Parties, and shall have the right, without obligation to Fibrocell, to take any such actions in connection with such activities as Intrexon (or its designee), at its discretion, deems appropriate.

  • Clinical Trials The studies, tests and preclinical and clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of, or sponsored by, the Company, or in which the Company has participated, that are described in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or the Prospectus, or the results of which are referred to in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or the Prospectus, were and, if still pending, are being conducted in all material respects in accordance with protocols, procedures and controls pursuant to, where applicable, accepted professional and scientific standards for products or product candidates comparable to those being developed by the Company and all applicable statutes, rules and regulations of the FDA, the EMEA, Health Canada and other comparable drug and medical device (including diagnostic product) regulatory agencies outside of the United States to which they are subject; the descriptions of the results of such studies, tests and trials contained in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or the Prospectus do not contain any misstatement of a material fact or omit a material fact necessary to make such statements not misleading; the Company has no knowledge of any studies, tests or trials not described in the Disclosure Package and the Prospectus the results of which reasonably call into question in any material respect the results of the studies, tests and trials described in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package or Prospectus; and the Company has not received any notices or other correspondence from the FDA, EMEA, Health Canada or any other foreign, state or local governmental body exercising comparable authority or any Institutional Review Board or comparable authority requiring or threatening the termination, suspension or material modification of any studies, tests or preclinical or clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of, or sponsored by, the Company or in which the Company has participated, and, to the Company’s knowledge, there are no reasonable grounds for the same. Except as disclosed in the Registration Statement, the Time of Sale Disclosure Package and the Prospectus, there has not been any violation of law or regulation by the Company in its respective product development efforts, submissions or reports to any regulatory authority that could reasonably be expected to require investigation, corrective action or enforcement action.

  • Commercialization Efforts The RECIPIENT shall, including whether through its own efforts or the efforts of a licensee under a License Agreement allowed by the terms of this Attachment, use diligent and commercially reasonable efforts to commercialize at least one Commercial Product or Commercial Service or otherwise bring to practical application the Project Results in accordance with the commercial development plan submitted with the Application and including any changes to such commercial development plan in accordance with Section D3.01. For the avoidance of doubt, partnering or licensing activities shall be considered to be efforts to commercialize.

  • Clinical Studies The animal and other preclinical studies and clinical trials conducted by the Company or on behalf of the Company were, and, if still pending are, to the Company’s knowledge, being conducted in all material respects in compliance with all Applicable Laws and in accordance with experimental protocols, procedures and controls generally used by qualified experts in the preclinical study and clinical trials of new drugs and biologics as applied to comparable products to those being developed by the Company; the descriptions of the results of such preclinical studies and clinical trials contained in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus are accurate and complete in all material respects, and, except as set forth in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus, the Company has no knowledge of any other clinical trials or preclinical studies, the results of which reasonably call into question the clinical trial or preclinical study results described or referred to in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus when viewed in the context in which such results are described; and the Company has not received any written notices or correspondence from the FDA, the EMA, or any other domestic or foreign governmental agency requiring the termination, suspension or modification of any preclinical studies or clinical trials conducted by or on behalf of the Company that are described in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus or the results of which are referred to in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus.

  • Formation and Composition Within [ * ] after the Signing Date, the Parties shall establish a Joint Development Committee that shall oversee the Development and Manufacture (for Development) of Collaboration Products in Field in the Territory in accordance with the Development Plans for such Collaboration Products and to coordinate the Development and related Manufacturing activities of the Parties with respect to such Collaboration Products. Each Party shall initially appoint three (3) representatives to the JDC, each of whom will be an officer or employee of such Party and will have knowledge and expertise in the Development or Manufacture of products similar to the Collaboration Products and sufficient seniority within the applicable Party to make decisions arising within the scope of the JDC’s responsibilities. The JDC may change its size from time to time by mutual consent of its members. Each Party may replace its JDC representatives at any time upon written notice to the other Party. The JDC may invite non-members (including consultants and advisors of a Party who are under an obligation of confidentiality consistent with this Agreement) to participate in the discussions and meetings of the JDC, provided that such participants shall have no voting authority at the JDC. The JDC shall have a chairperson. Each Party shall have the right, on an alternating Calendar Year basis, to select from among its JDC representatives a representative to serve as the chairperson of the JDC during such Calendar Year. Such Party shall have the right during such Calendar Year to replace the chairperson of the JDC with one of its other JDC representatives. The initial chairperson shall be designated by [ * ]. The role of the chairperson shall be to convene and preside at meetings of the JDC, to prepare agendas (with due input from the other Party’s representatives), circulate agendas and to ensure the preparation of meeting minutes, but the chairperson shall have no additional powers or rights beyond those held by the other JDC representatives.

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