Family Information Form Sample Clauses

Family Information Form. Privacy Practices Notification (Part 1) and Family Information (Part 2)
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Related to Family Information Form

  • News/Information Release The Contractor agrees that it will not issue any news releases in connection with either the award of this Contract or any subsequent amendment of or effort under this Contract without first obtaining review and written approval of said news releases from the County through the County’s Project Manager.

  • Required Confidential Information Status Form CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT REQUESTS OF EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION 8 AND TIPS (ESC8) IS GOVERNED BY TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, CHAPTER 552 If you consider any portion of your proposal to be confidential information and not subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 552 Texas Gov’t Code or other law(s), you must attach a copy of all claimed confidential materials within your proposal and put this COMPLETED form as a cover sheet to said materials then scan, name “CONFIDENTIAL” and upload with your proposal submission. (You must include all the confidential information in the submitted proposal. The copy uploaded is to indicate which material in your proposal, if any, you deem confidential in the event the receives a Public Information Request.) ESC8 and TIPS will follow procedures of controlling statute(s) regarding any claim of confidentiality and shall not be liable for any release of information required by law. Upon your claim and your defense to the Office of Texas Attorney General is required to make the final determination whether the information submitted by you and held by ESC8 and TIPS is confidential and exempt from public disclosure. Tobii Dynavox LLC Name of company Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, President, North American Market Printed Name and Title of authorized company officer declaring below the confidential status of material 0000 Xxxxxxx Xx., Suite 400 Pittsburgh PA 15203 800-344-1778 Address City State ZIP Phone ALL VENDORS MUST COMPLETE THE ABOVE SECTION. I DO CLAIM parts of my proposal to be confidential and DO NOT desire to expressly waive a claim of confidentiality of all information contained within our response to the solicitation. The attached contains material from our proposal that I classify and deem confidential under Texas Gov't Code Sec. 552 or other law(s) and I invoke my statutory rights to confidential treatment of the enclosed materials. ATTACHED ARE COPIES OF PAGES OF CLAIMED CONFIDENTIAL MATERIAL FROM OUR PROPOSAL THAT WE DEEM TO BE NOT PUBLIC INFORMATION AND WILL DEFEND THAT CLAIM TO THE TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IF REQUESTED WHEN A PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUEST IS MADE FOR OUR PROPOSAL. Signature Date 2/3/2020 OR I DO NOT CLAIM any of my proposal to be confidential, complete the section below.

  • Release of Confidential Information No Party shall release or disclose Confidential Information to any other person, except to its Affiliates (limited by FERC Standards of Conduct requirements), subcontractors, employees, consultants, or to parties who may be considering providing financing to or equity participation with Developer, or to potential purchasers or assignees of a Party, on a need-to-know basis in connection with this Agreement, unless such person has first been advised of the confidentiality provisions of this Article 22 and has agreed to comply with such provisions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party providing Confidential Information to any person shall remain primarily responsible for any release of Confidential Information in contravention of this Article 22.

  • Eligibility Information Group shall provide timely and accurate eligibility information, including Medicare status, and identify all persons subject to the Medicare Secondary Payer statutes and regulations. Group acknowledges that BCN will rely upon the accuracy of all eligibility information Group provides, and Group shall indemnify and hold BCN harmless against any loss, claim or action, including costs, penalties and reasonable attorney fees, arising from the provision of inaccurate eligibility information.

  • PRIVACY INFORMATION Through Your Use of the Website and Services, You may provide Us with certain information. By using the Website or the Services, You authorize the Company to use Your information in the United States and any other country where We may operate.

  • E4 Confidential Information E4.1 Except to the extent set out in this clause or where disclosure is expressly permitted elsewhere in this Contract, each Party shall:

  • INITIAL INFORMATION § 1.1 This Agreement is based on the Initial Information set forth in this Section 1.1. (For each item in this section, insert the information or a statement such as “not applicable” or “unknown at time of execution.”)

  • Exclusions from Confidential Information Receiving Party's obligations under this Agreement do not extend to information that is: (a) publicly known at the time of disclosure or subsequently becomes publicly known through no fault of the Receiving Party; (b) discovered or created by the Receiving Party before disclosure by Disclosing Party; (c) learned by the Receiving Party through legitimate means other than from the Disclosing Party or Disclosing Party's representatives; or (d) is disclosed by Receiving Party with Disclosing Party's prior written approval.

  • Use of Confidential Information The parties agree that during the term of this Agreement and thereafter, Confidential Information is to be used solely in connection with satisfying their obligations pursuant to this Agreement, and that a party shall neither disclose Confidential Information to any third party, nor use Confidential Information for its own benefit, except as may be necessary to perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement or as expressly authorized in writing by the other party, as the case may be. Neither party shall disclose any Confidential Information to any other persons or entities, except on a “need to know” basis and then only: (i) to their own employees and Agents (as defined below); (ii) to their own accountants and legal representatives, provided that any such representatives shall be subject to subsection(iv) below; (iii) to their own affiliates, provided that such affiliates shall be restricted in use and redisclosure of the Confidential Information to the same extent as the parties hereto. “Agents”, for purposes of this Section, mean each of the parties’ advisors, directors, officers, employees, contractors, consultants affiliated entities (i.e., an entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with a party), or other agents. If and to the extent any Agent of the recipient receive Confidential Information, such recipient party shall be responsible for such Agent’s full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall be liable for any such Agent’s non-compliance.

  • Proprietary and Confidential Information The Distributor agrees on behalf of itself and its managers, officers, and employees to treat confidentially and as proprietary information of the Trust, all records and other information relative to the Trust and prior, present or potential shareholders of the Trust (and clients of said shareholders), and not to use such records and information for any purpose other than the performance of its responsibilities and duties hereunder, except (i) after prior notification to and approval in writing by the Trust, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld and may not be withheld where the Distributor may be exposed to civil or criminal contempt proceedings for failure to comply, (ii) when requested to divulge such information by duly constituted authorities, or (iii) when so requested by the Trust. Records and other information which have become known to the public through no wrongful act of the Distributor or any of its employees, agents or representatives, and information that was already in the possession of the Distributor prior to receipt thereof from the Trust or its agent, shall not be subject to this paragraph. Further, the Distributor will adhere to the privacy policies adopted by the Trust pursuant to Title V of the Gxxxx-Xxxxx-Xxxxxx Act, as may be modified from time to time. In this regard, the Distributor shall have in place and maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards reasonably designed to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of, and to prevent unauthorized access to or use of, records and information relating to the Trust and its shareholders.

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