Family Information Sample Clauses
Family Information. Family Information – Advice to support the safe and responsible use of digital technologies at home
Family Information. Mother Age Marital Status Education Occupation Place of Employment Phone Father Age Marital Status Education Occupation Place of Employment Phone Status of parental relationship (married, separated, divorced, never married), and custody arrangement if applicable? Siblings (Names and Ages) Who lives in the home with the child?
Family Information. Please notify the school office immediately of any changes to your family information and/or contact information. Please specify clearly the people who are allowed to pick up your child from school in an emergency, if you are not available or cannot be reached by phone.
Family Information. Use back of sheet as needed.
Family Information. Please identify the three most significant challenges currently facing your child/family:
Family Information. The Grantor is married to Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx and any reference to the Grantor's Wife shall be to her. The Grantor's Wife and the Grantor have the following children born before the date of this Trust Agreement: Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxx, Zuzu Xxxxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxxx.
Family Information. The Settlor is married to XXXXX XXXXXX, and any reference to the "Settlor's Wife" shall be to her. The Settlor's children are XXXXXX X. XXXXXX ("Xxxxxx"), XXXXXX X. XXXXXXX ("Xxxxxx") and XXXXXXX X. XXXXXX ("Xxxxxxx").
Family Information. Because of the time constraints on the women shoppers and sellers in the market, questions relating to personal information of the interviewees such as age and family size were not asked. The students interviewed by questionnaire were all females between the ages of 18 and 21. When asked which brand of fish sauce they most prefer, the majority of women answered “Chin Su.” They explained that although they may change brands periodically, they return to Chin Su because of its rich taste. The majority of fish sauce sellers and market customers explained that fish sauce is most often used for cooking and dipping, although choosing a high quality fish sauce, such as Chin Su, is more important for dipping than for cooking. The average consumption rate for the middle-class bracket was two liters per month. When buying fish sauce, the majority of women explained that they consider both taste and brand. As one woman explained, “it is important to consider taste, but brand is also important to guarantee food safety.” The cultural importance of fish sauce was most often related to its taste and traditional value. One seller explained the cultural importance and centrality of fish sauce in the Vietnamese diet by saying that “Americans feed their babies butter and milk. Vietnamese people feed their children fish sauce.” Many women also expressed that no kitchen is complete without fish sauce on the shelf. Another said that, “Vietnamese dishes are suitable for foods flavored with fish sauce, such as boiled vegetables.” Most women emphasized that fish sauce adds saltiness or sweetness when necessary and complements certain Vietnamese dishes. The majority of women interviewed in the markets and through the questionnaire also had memories of fish sauce consumption as children. In fact, the older sellers made note of the shift in fish sauce brand name popularity since market reform policy began in the 1980s: “…fish sauce companies before the shift to the market economy from central planning were controlled by the government and were much fewer in number. Families were more self-sufficient and made their own fish sauce. Now there is competition among fish sauce companies and they add preservatives too.” Although the production, consumption, and distribution surrounding fish sauce have shifted over time, the centrality it plays in the Vietnamese diet has not.
Family Information. Complete all fields in this section of the referral including:
Family Information. 2.1 Father / Guardian (If guardian, state relationship to learner) Mother / Guardian (If guardian, state relationship to learner) Title (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) Relationship to learner Surname First name Identity number / passport number (If passport, date of birth) Occupation Name of employer / Company Work address Residential address (including suburb) Postal address Postal Code Telephone number - Home Telephone number - Work Cell number E-mail address Fax number
2.2 Learner is living with : (Please mark applicable option) ⮚ Both parents ⮚ Father ⮚ Mother ⮚ Legal guardian
2.3 Learner’s current physical address: Postal code
2.4 Marital status of parents : (Please mark applicable option) ⮚ Married ⮚ Widow ⮚ Widower ⮚ Divorced ⮚ Single parent
2.5 Number of Children in the Family : Female Male Ages : Female Male