Financial service. The financial service will be provided free of charge by the Agent. Investors should inform themselves about the costs other financial institutions may charge for these transactions. In addition, the Bondholders, in exercising their right to demand early redemption of the Bonds in the event of a Change of Control (pursuant to Condition 5.6.3 (Optional Redemption upon a Change of Control)) or upon the occurrence of an Event of Default (pursuant to Condition 5.9) through a financial intermediary (other than the Agent), may incur additional fees and expenses charged by such financial intermediary.
Financial service. The financial service will be provided free of charge by the Agent. Investors should inform themselves about the costs other financial institutions may charge for these transactions.
Financial service. 4.5.1 Recommend a budget of income and expenditure to the trustees for the next financial year. This includes approval of the weekly maintenance contribution (WMC).