FISH AND WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVATION AREAS. Areas important for maintaining species and suitable habitats within their natural geographic distribution so that fragmented populations are not created.


  • Fish and Wildlife Service 2002c. Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) recovery goals: amendment and supplement to the Colorado Squawfish Recovery Plan.

  • Wildlife Do not feed any of the wildlife ever. Animals of any size are potentially dangerous. Feeding even small animals attracts predators. Supervise children at all times. Keep garage doors closed at all times except when entering or leaving the Rental Home.

  • Wetlands When disposing of excess, soil, or other construction materials on public or private property, Contractor shall not fill in or otherwise convert wetlands.

  • Waste and Nuisance (a) Tenant shall not commit or permit any waste, including waste as it is defined in the Waste Management Act, S.B.C. 1979 c.41, as amended from time to time, to be brought upon, kept, or used in or about the Premises, the Building, or the Project by Tenant, its agents, employees, contractors or invitees, without the prior written consent of Landlord. (b) Tenant shall not commit or permit any damage to the Premises, the Building, or the Project, including the Leasehold improvements and trade fixtures therein. (c) Tenant shall not commit or permit any nuisance in or around the Premises, the Building, or the Project or any use or manner of use causing annoyance to other persons. (d) Except only as may be otherwise permitted under Subsection 1.9(h) below, Tenant shall not use or permit to be used any part of the Premises, the Building, or the Project for any trade or business which is, in the reasonable opinion of Landlord, dangerous, noxious or offensive. (e) Except only as may be otherwise permitted under Subsection 1.9(h) below, Tenant shall not cause or suffer or permit any waste, oil or grease or any harmful, objectionable, dangerous, poisonous or explosive matter or substance to be discharged into the Premises, the Building, or the Project. (f) Tenant shall not place any objects on or otherwise howsoever obstruct the heating or air conditioning vents within the Premises or the Building. (g) Tenant shall keep the Premises free of debris, anything which could create a fire hazard (through undue load on electrical circuits or otherwise) or cause undue vibration, heat or noise. (h) Except as necessary to the ordinary operation of Tenant’s business conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, Tenant shall keep the Premises free of rodents, vermin and anything of a dangerous, noxious or offensive nature. Tenant shall at all times keep Landlord informed of the presence in the Premises of any rodents or vermin or anything of a dangerous, noxious or offensive nature necessary to the ordinary operation of Tenant’s business conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and Tenant shall ensure that they are at all times confined within the Premises, stored and used in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and do not cause any nuisance or annoyance to other persons.

  • Conservation Operations hereunder and production of unitized substances shall be conducted to provide for the most economical and efficient recovery of said substances without waste, as defined by or pursuant to State or Federal law or regulation.

  • Common Areas Tenant shall have the non-exclusive right to use in common with other tenants in the Project, and subject to the Rules and Regulations referred to in Article 5 of this Lease, those portions of the Project which are provided, from time to time, for use in common by Landlord, Tenant and any other tenants of the Project (such areas, together with such other portions of the Project designated by Landlord, in its discretion, including certain areas designated for the exclusive use of certain tenants, or to be shared by Landlord and certain tenants, are collectively referred to herein as the “Common Areas”). The Common Areas shall consist of the “Project Common Areas” and the “Building Common Areas.” The term “Project Common Areas,” as used in this Lease, shall mean the portion of the Project designated as such by Landlord or areas within the Project that the occupants of the Building are permitted to utilize pursuant to a recorded declaration and which areas shall be maintained in accordance with the declaration. The term “Building Common Areas,” as used in this Lease, shall mean the portions of the Common Areas located within the Building reasonably designated as such by Landlord. The manner in which the Common Areas are maintained and operated shall be at the reasonable discretion of Landlord and the use thereof shall be subject to the Rules and Regulations as Landlord may make from time to time. Landlord reserves the right to close temporarily, make alterations or additions to, or change the location of elements of the Project and the Common Areas, provided that, in connection therewith, Landlord shall perform such closures, alterations, additions or changes in a commercially reasonable manner and, in connection therewith, shall use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize any material interference with Tenant’s use of and access to the Premises.

  • Common Areas - Rules and Regulations Lessor or such other person(s) as Lessor may appoint shall have the exclusive control and management of the Common Areas and shall have the right, from time to time, to establish, modify, amend and enforce reasonable Rules and Regulations with respect thereto in accordance with Paragraph 40. Lessee agrees to abide by and conform to all such Rules and Regulations, and to cause its employees, suppliers, shippers, customers, contractors and invitees to so abide and conform. Lessor shall not be responsible to Lessee for the non-compliance with said rules and regulations by other lessees of the Industrial Center.

  • Smoke Free Environment The Lessor shall make all parts of the leased premise smoke-free. "

  • NOISE/WASTE The Tenant agrees not to commit waste on the premises, maintain, or permit to be maintained, a nuisance thereon, or use, or permit the premises to be used, in an unlawful manner. The Tenant further agrees to abide by any and all local, county, and State noise ordinances.

  • Groundwater Any water, except capillary moisture, beneath the land surface or beneath the bed of any stream, lake, reservoir or other body of surface water within the boundaries of this state, whatever may be the geologic formation or structure in which such water stands, flows, percolates, or otherwise moves.