Forfeiture of SD. The SD taken from a bidder shall be forfeited, including the interest, if any, in the following cases, namely: -
a. When any terms and condition of the rate contract is breached or cancelled
b. when the bidder does not accept any work order issued anytime during the period of rate contract
c. when the bidder fails to commence the supply of the goods or service or execute work issued under this rate contract
d. when the bidder does not deposit the requisite performance security within the period specified in the work order, issued under this rate contract
Forfeiture of SD. If the Successful Bidder fails to act according to the Tender conditions or withdraws the offer after their Tender has been accepted, their SD will be forfeited.
Forfeiture of SD. The SD taken from a bidder shall be forfeited, including the interest, if any, in the following cases, namely: - Rate Contract for Various Surveillance items to be deployed in the State of Rajasthan
a. When any terms and condition of the rate contract is breached or cancelled
b. when the bidder does not accept any work order issued anytime during the period of rate contract
c. when the bidder fails to commence the supply of the goods or service or execute work issued under this rate contract
d. when the bidder does not deposit the requisite performance security within the period specified in the work order, issued under this rate contract
Forfeiture of SD. The SD shall stand forfeited in favour of UCIL, without any further notice to the contractor in the following circumstances: o In case of any failure whatsoever on the part of the contractor at any time during performance of his part of the contract including the extended periods of contract, where notice is given and time for rectification allowed. o If the contractor indulges at any time in any subletting/ sub-contracting of any portion of the work without approval of UCIL.