FORM OF THE SHARES. Shares are registered until they are fully paid-up. After they are fully paid-up they are either registered or bearer shares as the shareholder decides. They are registered in accounts held by the company or by an authorised intermediary empowered in accordance with the legislative or regulatory provisions in force. Bond securities are either registered or bearer securities, as the bondholder decides. The company can demand disclosure of the information concerning the composition of its shareholding and the holding of its securities in accordance with the provisions of articles L 228-2 and following of the Commercial Code.
FORM OF THE SHARES. The Shares are nominative. Ownership of shares is demonstrated by their listing in the name of the owner or owners on the register maintained for this purpose by the Company in the manner dictated by law. Upon request, a certificate attesting to these shares will be supplied to the shareholder by the Company.
FORM OF THE SHARES. The Shares to be delivered upon the exercise of the Warrants shall be delivered by 18:00 hours on the Delivery Date in accordance with the delivery instructions set out in the Exercise Notice or, in the absence of such instructions, in registered form and recorded in the component of the Company's share register that is maintained in the United States with the Company's transfer agent and registrar in the United States.,.
FORM OF THE SHARES. The Shares to be delivered upon the exercise of the Warrants shall be delivered in dematerialised form in accordance with the delivery instructions set out in the Exercise Notice or, in the absence of such instructions, in registered form. In case of delivery in dematerialised form, it shall be sufficient that the relevant Demat006 Form shall have been duly and validly completed and submitted by the Company with Euroclear, in accordance with delivery instructions set out in the Exercise Notice, by 18:00 hours on the Delivery Date, for delivery of the relevant Shares. Due and valid completion and submission of the Demat006 Form in accordance with delivery instructions so given shall qualify as settlement of the delivery of the relevant Shares. The Company shall not be responsible for the subsequent actions of Euroclear required to credit the relevant Shares on the securities account(s) of the relevant Holder.
FORM OF THE SHARES. The shares are and will remain in registered form and the Company will keep a shareholders register to this effect. The Company may issue multiple registered share certificates.
FORM OF THE SHARES. The shares are equal and indivisible. The shares issued by the company are registered shares. A resolution of the General Meeting of shareholders may decide to transform some or all of the registered shares into bearer shares. Shares shall be recorded in the share register in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
FORM OF THE SHARES. The Shares are in registered form.