Future Product Opt-Out Sample Clauses

Future Product Opt-Out. If Momenta is Co-Funding any Product at the time the [***] for a [***] is [***], Momenta has the right[***], upon giving written notice to CSL within [***] after the [***] for such [***] is [***], to opt out of Co-Funding that Product and all future Products and future [***] Products. In such event, Momenta would continue to [***] to the [***] to [***] under this section. [***] that were [***] or [***] for [***] which it will no longer be Co-Funding (that is, excluding those which were incurred in respect of [***] which Momenta is continuing to Co-Fund) shall be [***] the [***] of [***] in such [***] on [***] until Momenta [***], in the form of [***], the relevant [***].
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Related to Future Product Opt-Out

  • New Products You agree to comply with NASD Notice to Members 5-26 recommending best practices for reviewing new products.

  • Combination Products If a LICENSED PRODUCT is sold to any third party in combination with other products, devices, components or materials that are capable of being sold separately and are not subject to royalties hereunder (“OTHER PRODUCTS,” with the combination of products being referred to as “COMBINATION PRODUCTS” and the Other Product and Licensed Product in such Combination Product being referred to as the “COMPONENTS”), the NET SALES of such LICENSED PRODUCT included in such COMBINATION PRODUCT shall be calculated by multiplying the NET SALES of the COMBINATION PRODUCT by the fraction A/(A+B), where A is the average NET SALES price of such LICENSED PRODUCT in the relevant country, as sold separately, and B is the total average NET SALES price of all OTHER PRODUCTS in the COMBINATION PRODUCT in the relevant country, as sold separately. If, in any country, any COMPONENT is not sold separately, NET SALES for royalty determination shall be determined by the formula [C / (C+D)], where C is the aggregate average fully absorbed cost of the Licensed Product components during the prior Royalty Period and D is the aggregate average fully absorbed cost of the other essential functional components during the prior Royalty Period, with such costs being determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. To the extent that any SUBLICENSE INCOME relates to a COMBINATION PRODUCT or is otherwise calculated based on the value of one or more licenses or intellectual property rights held by the COMPANY, an AFFILIATE or SUBLICENSEE, COMPANY shall determine in good faith and report to THE PARTIES the share of such payments reasonably attributable to COMPANY’s or such AFFILIATE’s sublicense of the rights granted hereunder, based upon their relative importance and proprietary protection, which portion shall be the SUBLICENSE INCOME. THE PARTIES shall have the right to dispute such sharing determination in accordance with the dispute provisions of the AGREEMENT.

  • Commercialization Intrexon shall have the right to develop and Commercialize the Reverted Products itself or with one or more Third Parties, and shall have the right, without obligation to Fibrocell, to take any such actions in connection with such activities as Intrexon (or its designee), at its discretion, deems appropriate.

  • Combination Product The term “

  • Commercialization Plans As soon as practicable after formation of the JCC (following Acucela’s exercise of an Opt-In Right under Section 3.1), the JCC shall prepare and approve the initial Commercialization Plan for Commercialization of the Licensed Product for the Initial Indication in the Initial Formulation (and, if applicable, any New Formulation or Other Indication Product) in the Territory. The Parties shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to ensure that such initial Commercialization Plan for Commercialization of the Licensed Product for the Initial Indication in the Initial Formulation is consistent with the general Commercialization Plan outline set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein (the “General Commercialization Plan Outline”). The JCC shall prepare and approve a separate Commercialization Plan for Commercialization of Licensed Product for the Initial Indication in the Initial Formulation in the Territory and for Commercialization of each Other Indication Product and New Formulation (if any) in the Territory, and shall update and amend each Commercialization Plan not less than annually or more frequently as needed to take into account changed circumstances or completion, commencement or cessation of Commercialization activities not contemplated by the then-current Commercialization Plan. Amendments and revisions to the Commercialization Plan shall be reviewed and discussed, in advance, by the JCC, and Otsuka agrees to consider proposals and suggestions made by Acucela regarding amendments and revisions to the Commercialization Plan. Any amendment or revision to the Commercialization Plan that provides for an increase or decrease in the number of FTEs for any Phase 3b Clinical Trials or Post-Approval Studies as compared to the previous version of the Commercialization Plan, or that provides for addition or discontinuation of tasks or activities as compared to the previous version of the Commercialization Plan, or that moves forward the timetable for activities reflected in the Commercialization Plan, shall provide for a reasonable ramp-up or wind-down period, as applicable, to accommodate a smooth and orderly transition of Commercialization activities to the amended or revised Commercialization Plan. Each Commercialization Plan shall identify the goals of Commercialization contemplated thereunder and shall address Commercialization (including Co-Promotion) activities related to the Licensed Product (including, if applicable, any Other Indication Product), including:

  • Licensed Product “Licensed Product” shall mean any article, composition, apparatus, substance, chemical material, method, process or service whose manufacture, use, or sale is covered or claimed by a Valid Claim within the Patent Rights. For clarity, a “Licensed Product” shall not include other product or material that (a) is used in combination with Licensed Product, and (b) does not constitute an article, composition, apparatus, substance, chemical material, method, process or service whose manufacture, use, or sale is covered or claimed by a Valid Claim within the Patent Rights.

  • Development and Commercialization Subject to Sections 4.6 and 4.7, Fibrocell shall be solely responsible for the development and Commercialization of Fibrocell Products and Improved Products. Fibrocell shall be responsible for all costs incurred in connection with the Fibroblast Program except that Intrexon shall be responsible for the following: (a) costs of establishing manufacturing capabilities and facilities in connection with Intrexon’s manufacturing obligation under Section 4.6 (provided, however, that Intrexon may include an allocable portion of such costs, through depreciation and amortization, when calculating the Fully Loaded Cost of manufacturing a Fibrocell Product, to the extent such allocation, depreciation, and amortization is permitted by US GAAP, it being recognized that the majority of non-facilities scale-up costs cannot be capitalized and amortized under US GAAP); (b) costs of basic research with respect to the Intrexon Channel Technology and Intrexon Materials (i.e., platform improvements) but, for clarity, excluding research described in Section 4.7 or research requested by the JSC for the development of a Fibrocell Product or an Improved Product (which research costs shall be reimbursed by Fibrocell); (c) [*****]; and (d) costs of filing, prosecution and maintenance of Intrexon Patents. The costs encompassed within subsection (a) above shall include the scale-up of Intrexon Materials and related active pharmaceutical ingredients for clinical trials and Commercialization of Fibrocell Products undertaken pursuant to Section 4.6, which shall be at Intrexon’s cost whether it elects to conduct such efforts internally or through Third Party contractors retained by either Intrexon or Fibrocell (with Intrexon’s consent).

  • Competing Products The provisions of Section 21 are set forth on attached Exhibit H and are incorporated in this Section 21 by this reference.

  • Commercialization License Subject to the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation Section 2.2 and Theravance's Co-Promotion rights in Section 5.3.2, Theravance hereby grants to GSK, and GSK accepts, an exclusive license under the Theravance Patents and Theravance Know-How to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale and import Alliance Products in the Territory.

  • Competitive Products Competitive Products" means products that serve the same function as, or that could be used to replace, products the Company provided to, offered to, or was in the process of developing for a present, former, or future possible customer/partner at any time during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the last day of Participant's employment (or at any time during Participant's employment if Participant was employed for less than 12 months), with which Participant had direct responsibility for the sale or development of such products or managing those persons responsible for the sale or development of such products.

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